Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Whoa Lin, what a horrible experience in the middle of the night. Unnerving to put it mildly but I hope that since he wasn’t targeting you as such, you feel more settled today. I’ve never been into Harry Potter, books or movies, so don’t know the actors. I watch a lot of interesting YouTube videos although have stopped following Dan Baker because I felt Victoria seemed fed up in their latest trip. He doesn’t mention working in England either so although I’m really pleased they reached safety, there isn’t anything interesting in recent videos. I was going to direct you towards the series 3 Happy Valley clips but you got there! It’s not so violent… yet! Fascinating how, after 3 episodes, storylines are merging.

    Anne, I’ve never felt like a Jacqueline so rarely use it. Even Jackie doesn’t seem to belong to me so I think mother should have insisted on Jane which she wanted to call me after reading Jane Eyre during pregnancy with me!

    Barbie, don’t you feel a sense of relief at getting home after a long day involving hospital appointments? Hopefully that’s it for a while.

    Betty just asked to go outside so I got to view a clear sky full of stars until the cold air hit me! I came in and left her to potter but the outer door to the garden room was left ajar so she could get in and bark at the internal door.

    It’s only 10 pm but I can see frost already twinkling in the grass. 🥶
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Ah, so I’m not alone JACKIE,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there, we have a light rain off and on. Cold however! I am snuggled in my sweater and under a throw while I plan dinner and text son and daughter. Tonight I will fix stirfry veggies with a couple o those huge mushrooms as a kind of meat substitute. I can hear John already fussing!

    I sincerely understand about reluctance to go to the doctor. Both John and I are going next week. John and I both take a low dose blood pressure pill. We have twice yearly blood draw to check out our “engines.” I take the bp pill because I am diabetic. I have good bp numbers but diabetics usually take a bp pill as a preventative. John has had insomnia his whole life and our doc only has morning appointments. This 9:00 am appointment will be a misery for him. But he will nap and it will mess up his days and nights for a couple of days. There are worse things than this, so I will not complain.

    We finished watching Yellowstone. Interesting series. Now we are rewatching Breaking Bad. A good series but the drug scene disturbs me, no end. Brian Cranston is quite good in this series. It is several years old but still relevant. I will check out Happy valley, sounds interesting.

    The rising sea level has caused some issues here. The plus tides are scary. Beach erosion and it has eaten up some land. Some places are not there anymore. The huge breakers are amazing and the power takes our breath away. This year several of our salmon species are being considered for endangered species status. That will take them off limits for fisheries. Big fuss going on now!

    Watched the blessing of the winter fleet on tv rather than stand in the rain. Always an emotional event. We have a fisher person memorial wall in black stone.. Our local Catholic church does the blessing and several families toss the flowers of remembrance.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) My mother named me Barbara but what she really wanted was a daughter named Barbie. I was a shy child who couldn't explain to the teacher each year to call me Barbie so endured Barbara which especially troublesome in high school where it seemed that there were four girls named Barbara in every class. That helped me feel even more invisible and less unique. My sister was named Heather and she hated her name because it was too unusual and easily rhymed with words that were used to tease her. I started to identify as Barbie after I retired but entirely too many people call me Barb. There is no winning in the name game.

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I must admit my real name is Patience Yvonne. A mouthful! As a chubby girl with curly dark hair and dark freckles across my nose, green eyes and always skinned knees and teeth that were too big for my face. My gran said we were black Irish. From when the Moors invaded Ireland. Fact? Maybe…maybe not. A pretty name but I was called Patsy for obvious reasons. However, for the book I wrote, “Women Of The Sea” and the political cartoons and my gallery shows I used Patience. I almost felt it is a secret identity.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    I do feel for you Barbie. These memories stay with us. I’m sure one of the reasons I developed a dislike for Jacqueline was my first week at school when we had to write our names on the blackboard and the teacher didn’t show any empathy when I was faced with the likes of Susan, Linda, Anne, Mary etc. in the class, every one much shorter than mine. I was told off for taking too long and being left handed but forced to write with my right obviously didn’t help either! Do I sound resentful?

    Sleet and hail falling out of a slate grey sky so none of us in a hurry to go out. Coffee finished and now porridge with stewed plums to enjoy!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Wow, so I’m really not alone in disliking my name as applied to me. Anne’s okay for princesses and Jesus’s grandmother - but me! No. To my family I’m mom but privately I think I’m a Jenny. Must ask the boys if they are happy with their names. I guess Mary Jo wasn’t happy with her real name either! Definite change there!
    We lived in an house named “St Anne’s” with a plaque over the front door which led the doctor who delivered me to ask “ “is the child named after the house, or the house named after the child”. Mmmm.

    Anne, the would be Jenny.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Jackie, My older step daughter from my first marriage is named Samantha. She hated that her name was so long and that it took so long to write so she went by Sam for a long time in school. Imagine my surprise when she named her daughter Savannah.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am going to sit for a short time today while Rob takes Charlie for her Covid booster and then to rehab.
    I am the odd ball out I guess, I like my name. My grandmother's name was Alexandra so my mother named me Sandra after her, my cousin born after me was named Alexis. I was called Sandra as a little girl but once I became a teenager I liked Sandy, only my father called me Sandra.
    I named my only daughter Kristy but have no idea why, I hope she likes it.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    I like my name too. Jeri is very unusual. But here’s the story. I was originally named Jerry but everyone was confused and thought I was a boy initially. Before starting school my parents officially changed my name to Jeri. I got a new birth certificate and my old one was kept as well. After I was old enough to go to bars (21 in those years) I gave my old birth certificate to my younger sister who was a 1 1/2 younger than me. Now Val could go out and have fun too. She surprised my Mom’s cousin that summer. Val was staying with them and they went out for supper. Val ordered a glass of wine with no problem.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    That story about your step daughter made me laugh Barbie. 😆

    Anne, my school friend Anne’s dad once told me she was apparently named after a hotel her parents stayed in for a holiday. Take from that what you will!

    Jeri, your story reminded me of my Latvian boyfriend in Canada whose name was Janis, pronounced Yani. Everyone called him Janice, a girls name which he hated, so he officially westernised it to John.

    It’s been another very cold day but again we managed a walk between hefty hail showers. I’ve made contact with a chimney sweep who will confirm at the weekend when he can visit, my new fan heater for the shower room has arrived that I might be able to install myself and Linda’s son phoned to offer to replace the old vanity unit. The new one has been sitting in my garage for a year! He will pop round when I let him know I’m home from my hair appointment tomorrow.

    My battery is dying so I’ll finish and get myself to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) According to my mother, they considered many names for me since I was born so soon after my father had served in the Coast Guard with honor during WWII. They wanted to honor the Coast Guard and suggested the names of two of his ships as names for me (Sagebrush and Petaluma) and then settled on Barbara ( apparently Santa Barbara is the patron saint of naval gunners ) and Campbell ( the ship where he received a Silver Star for bravery). Since Campbell soup was a big deal during my school years I often got called Campbell Soup. I love the stories of my name...just not the actual name.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good evening. What a lot of interesting stories regarding names! I really have nothing to add. I was not named after anyone. I received a very popular name of the times and I have never thought about what name I would prefer. I have had a lot of nicknames, selected by other people. I did keep my last name from my marriage as I do like that.

    Well, it rained, the wind blew and the precipitation has now changed over to snow as the temperature is 32 degrees. They still don’t seem to know how much snow we will receive, perhaps around 5 inches rather than 9 inches.

    I spent a good portion of the day working on the 3 birthday cards I need for February. Just about finished. And I have some paper out to try to do some stamping samples for St. Patrick’s Day. I hope something works early on. I always have problems with what green to use for St. Patrick’s Day cards. I swear they don’t provide a good option!

    I attended some online events today and also watched a summary of Happy Valley Episode 3.

    My eyes are tired and I think I will wind things up and maybe take a nap. 😄😄

    Be safe my friends.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    BARBIE, how interesting to read about your name history and your brave dad.
    I went back to my maiden name LIN, mainly because no one could have had a better dad than me or grandad and great grandad for that matter. I was blessed with them in my life.

    Just done my walking tour of the house and about to eat breakfast. Grocery day and since the grey bearded elderly gentleman who struggles up my new steps always arrives early and he probably will with freezing rain predicted I better get a-moving.


    PS. SANDY, my BP is now in the 130 range. I guess like my weight it varies all the time but I hope I can stay on the low dosage pill.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day then to rehab. Just hope it doesn't snow before I get home later.
    It was great seeing two of the three kiddos yesterday. Rob said Charlie was screaming before she got the shot and after she said it didn't even hurt. Anticipating something that didn't happen, don't we all do that??

    Anne, I will wait a few days before taking my blood pressure to see how the pill is working, yours sounds perfect. What is your second number? Supposedly we are to be 130/80 or lower to have a normal blood pressure.

    Lin, I hope we don't get your snow but it has to happen one of these days, this is a very mild winter for Chicago. As you see on Facebook I have all my names listed, maiden name, first marriage and second marriage. Just in case anyone from my past is looking for me. lol

    Jackie, I hope the heater is keeping you warm in the bathroom and your new vanity is installed. How is our little George doing?

    Barbie, interesting story but I am glad they settled for Barbara instead of Sagebrush or Petaluma.

    Jeri, you little devil you, giving your old birth certificate to your younger sister. My daughter was born December 30 and when she was of school age the cut off date was November 30. I felt she was ready for kindergarten so my MIL boyfriend got me a new fake birth certificate with her birthday being November 30 so she could go to school. Poor girl was confused when celebrating her birthday December 30.
    I was young and stupid but she was so ready for school.

    Patsy, hope all is well with you and John. I have a blood test and scan coming up and then back to the doctor with the results. I need to stay healthy to take care of Babe although I am hating all this driving.

    Have a good day my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Sandy, 138/80 this morning, Anne.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow, a sunny morning, but cold ! As everyone used to say….colder than a welldigger’s behind! An saying from the past. Worn out but still funny to me.

    Today is a busy day. I had to be up early to bathe, change my toe bandage, gather all the trash and reline the trash baskets, put on a load of laundry, cook Katie’s chicken and fix our cereal. There were a few other little chores as well. Right now I am snuggled up to a huge mug of coffee. I will begin again as soon as I finish this blessed coffee. I feel a bit of energy returning.

    My blood pressure is always low. I take the bp pill required for diabetics. In fact I need to keep track to make sure it doesn’t plummet. I have had that happen. Makes me dizzy and I feel like I am going to faint. I have to drink a big glass of water and eat some fruit and sit down for a while then some supported exercise. Something that I can do as I hang on to the exercise bar in the dungeon. Thank goodness this rarely happens.

    Damon is coming on Monday. He will take John to eye doctor as well as attend to some little repairs around the house. He said he wants to take these on. It pleases John and Damon wants to keep an eye on his dad. We still see that John has difficult days. At the end of the day, he cannot think. Reason and language is hard for him when he is tired. And he tires very easily. This is something we are not used to, John has always been a dynamo!

    Katie is in bad need of another grooming. I still have a couple of toenails to clip. We continue to use the peanut butter trick. She gets so busy licking Damon’s fingers she doesn’t bother much while I clip a couple of toenails. This works for a short time. Then the amazing super canine can spring into action and there is NO containing her. The grooming session is OVER!

    Still working on my valentines. I am only making 4 valentines but they are labor intensive. They are really tiny paintings. I am using the littlest brushes I can find. One only has about 10 super tine hairs. Details are needed in tiny paintings to make them interesting. I think Lin will know about this kind of thing.

    Sandy: we can’t get John interested in exercise or rehab sessions at all. We would arrange rehab a couple times a week. But John is worried about hurting himself.

    Anne: I picture you as an energetic red haired girl with a wicked smile and twinkle in her eyes. Saintly? Not so much, but a good heart and kind but adventurous nature. I don’t think you have time for a longer name! You have to bake and take care of you little genus puppy. A perfect name for you.

    Through the years here, I have gotten to know you and your personalities. I have gotten so used to you all and I have mental pictures of each of you. To me your names fit you all perfectly. You are all sweethearts!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    And you are a sweetheart as well dear PATSY. Me and the bean had a mainly quiet day. The excitement for her was a good bark at a different grocery delivery man who came VERY early and then when Mark showed up to do a bit more work on the basement dining room. It was a bedroom but as it is off the basement kitchen which has a pantry, it makes more sense being a dining room except I’ll probably never use it as it takes me all my time tottering up and down the stairs on laundry day.
    Bean has a game with Michael. She gets a milky bone from him and then drops it on his foot which is a signal for him to sit on the floor while she leans against him crunching it. Today she conned a milky bone from me and was hoping I’d play her game. “Forget that” said Anne, “if I get down to your level I’ll never get up again”.
    It’s quite an adventure isn’t it becoming ancient, not to mention challenging.

    So you can see nothing exciting in this neck of the woods. Too much excitement for SANDY and not enough for me on a horrid, dark and gloomy pouring with rain day.

    Night ladies, time to watch jeopardy and realize how dumb I am. The only things I usually get right are ancient history and Shakespeare. Forget American colleges and football!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good evening friends. The snow is done for now. Just under 5 inches apparently. Heavy, wet, snow with the last of it this morning drifting down in lovely single flakes….that was beautiful.

    Patsy, I am in awe of your work on the tiny valentines. I don’t own a brush that small and my eye sight is not good enough for the very small work. How marvelous of you to have taken on a project to make 4 of these tiny tiny beauties.

    Anne, your day sounds very nice as well. You cannot let that darling little Bean push you around. She gets to push your boys around, that’s enough.

    Sandy, I hope you made it home safely or better yet, maybe the snow missed you altogether.

    Hello Jackie, Barbie, Diane, Jeri and everyone!

    Be safe



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    Yesterday was busy what with walking, a trip to my hairdresser, grocery shopping on the way home then a delivery of logs and coal to be stored away. Linda’s son has done another disappearing act and I’m thinking this is sometimes the problem with friend’s family members offering to do work! If I don’t hear over the weekend I will go back to my original plan of hiring a handyman.

    It’s a lot warmer today so we had a lovely stroll this morning in the sunshine. Both pooches raced about, delighted to be off lead. Some of the sitting water is still frozen in places on the higher ground but I think it will soon melt.

    Sandy, I didn’t have a chance to fit the fan heater yesterday and today was hovering, waiting for a call from Linda’s son but am about to delve into the wall and plugs to check what’s needed. George is doing well and I would say about 95% so only an occasional wipe required! 🥴

    My blood pressure is generally normal but occasionally crashes so like Patsy I drink a large glass of water, sit somewhere and nibble a biscuit or piece of fruit. I’ve learnt to recognise the signs so get ahead of fainting!

    I shall search for my trusty screwdriver, switch off the mains and see what’s needed…. Possibly a professional electrician!

    Happy Friday. I will weigh myself on Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hooray, the disappearing Daniel has arrived and is in the middle of replacing the vanity unit! It means I can’t fiddle with electrics to fit the fan heater but one more day won’t make much of a difference. George is watching and learning how the plumbing works while Betty snoozes by the radiator!

    I finally managed to cancel my New York Times subscription by going into my PayPal account and stopping the monthly payments. I did receive a lot of emails from them that I ignored and they finally said goodbye so that’s a little more money for me to spend on more enjoyable pastimes.

    Another cold evening about to commence so I’ve lit the main fire and put the kettle on for cups of tea.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Busy day with sitting in the morning, then visiting Babe and then a charity bingo zoom event which I won a one card for the next event which I won't be going too but oh well.
    Just bought tickets to Disney on Ice for me, Lisa and Charlie. I love ice shows and especially since Charlie loves both Frozen and Encanto. It will be a girl's afternoon outing.
    Will be back in morning it is nearly 9pm and I would like to sit down and relax.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good evening. I have been trying to track down a package that was supposedly delivered to me by FedEx on Tuesday. As far as I can tell they delivered it to someone in Fullerton CA who signed for it. Hello, I live in Iowa! I sent a message to them tonight. I wonder if I will hear from them next week?

    Today I started working on 2 cards that were requested sort of last minute. A lady whose son is going to college out of state asked everyone in our church and all of her Facebook friends to send him a birthday card. Had to hurry up, it needs to be mailed tomorrow. I think she really wants this, I somewhat doubt her son will be impressed. 😄. I stopped making cards for him a few years ago because as a teenager, cards weren’t cool.

    Also I found out that a couple who are fostering a baby decided to have a birthday party for him. It is a private event but I was surprised since they do not share his photo publicly and they do not talk about the situation. I believe they want to adopt the baby but there is some type of protocol to follow. Anyone, it is his first birthday so I have put a cupcake with one candle on the front of the card. Making progress.

    The rest of my day was spent on those St. Patrick’s Day cards. Making progress.

    Jackie, I am glad that the gent showed up to work on replacing the vanity! And I hope it worked out well.

    Anne, who was at your house today? 😄

    I am not seeing any current posts, so I will sign off now. MFP must be hiding them from me.

    Be safe.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A frosty start but now a beautiful day. The vanity unit didn’t quite work out because the back panel on the new one is in a different place and blocks incoming water pipes. By the time Daniel worked out what was needed, and that required a drive to a plumbing supplies store, it was 4.30pm so the plan is for him to buy what’s needed this morning then return to finish. I have another vanity unit in the bedroom loo thank goodness. Nearly midday and no sign of him but I’m getting used to his time keeping!

    I’m hoping to spend a couple of hours in my garden and will pop back later. I rather like that chunky teapot/kettle LIN. Your friends certainly keep you busy with card making. 😁

    Happy Saturday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    A quiet day really at home. I actually wrote and sent a thank you card to my old friend Wendy, but not a quiet day on the phone. A day of receptionists phoning to change the coming weeks appointments - doctors unavailable, scam calls, and one call I didn’t like at all. Tell me dear friends, how do you deal with this problem, if of course you have this problem. I have this one woman who phones me every so often to “see how I’m doing”. I know she means well, but she constantly criticizes my family because they “don’t do enough” !! Well, as you all know, I have a super family and however much I defend my family it seems to be to no avail. The same topic occurs over and over. I’m trying very hard not to yell and tell her to get lost, not at my age with the Pearly Gates in sight, but it is frustrating. I answer the phone because my answering machine is pretty useless for hearing and I also answer the phone because of receptionist’s cancelling appointments etc.
    She really is toxic and I don’t want to be rude. I suppose the best course is to just ignore her rattling on about her belief that because we looked after our young, they must look after us now they are grown. I did bleat nobody asks to be born, lol. Why me? Maybe she thinks I’m lonely living alone and doesn’t know what else to talk about? Maybe SHE is lonely, who knows! I met her a few times socially in the past and she’s just retired, so maybe I should grin and bear it because she probably IS lonely.

    Sorry to go on so, but a peaceful solution would be appreciated. Maybe make a cuppa and resign myself to the odd “really,” and make an excuse every so often like I need to go to the bathroom. This I HAVE done.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Anne, In general I have cleared out all the toxic people in my life but the one exception was my cousin who in the years I talked to her went from cranky old woman in her own apartment to lonely confused old woman in a nursing home. In the last few years of her life I called her nearly every day and saw it as a kindness toward someone who needed it . Reframing it as what could I do for her instead of what could I do for me, helped. It also helped that I talked to her first on a cordless phone while staying busy with my chores, and later on a cell phone during my morning walk. I just listened and didn't defend or debate.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thanks BARBIE. I’m trying the listening and not defending or debating approach. My lady has a big family - 4 adult kids, but has problems with her children’s spouses. She is the controlling type. I had no problems until she retired.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Doing a couple of loads of laundry before our family zoom call and going to visit Babe. My son is coming to put together 4 dining room chairs I bought since Babe broke one of my chairs.
    I like the new ones better and hope they look good with my table.
    Cheryl invited me out tonight but I declined, not ready for social gatherings with her yet. I like to go to 4:30 mass on Saturday and then chill out at home.

    Anne, my blood pressure today was 121/76 so the pills are working and I am happy. I have voice on my phone that tells me who is calling before I answer so I can pick and choose who I talk too. I never pick up numbers I don't recognize as I feel if it's important that will leave a message.

    Barbie, you work your program well, I am still learning.

    Jackie, why is there always a snag when we are trying to improve something? I hope it all works out and expect to see pictures of the finished project.

    Lin, you reminded me that when I sold that phone on EBay and got swindled by the buyer I filed a complaint. I forgot all about it since they kept saying the returned phone was delivered which it was not.
    To my surprise months later Ebay informed me that they were refunding all my money since they found out the buyer was a fraud. Sometimes good things happen when you least expect them. No snow here yet, they say maybe tomorrow.

    Hello to Patsy, Jeri and Diane and whoever checks our posts. Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    I’ve settled in front of the fire in my dining room with a cup of tea. Daniel messaged he would be over after lunch and did arrive. Meanwhile I was washing all the windows, frames and sills in the garden room after the sun showed up every spec of dirt and with the outer door open, soon felt quite cold. He’s made a wonderful job of hiding the problems, first by creating a tiled plinth under the base to disguise the fact the new unit was slightly smaller and exposed a gap in the floor tiles then he cut into the wall tiles at the back to push the pipes into and out of the way. One photo for Sandy!

    Anne, a different situation but someone I worked with for a few years and occasionally met for lunch always had opinions I didn’t want to hear about everyone so did my best to steer the conversation away although did wonder what was said about me! When I retired she tended to suggest during phone calls what I should not be doing and who I should have nothing to do with, including family so I stopped calling her. In the past few weeks I received several emails from her address with the message please send me your phone number which I assumed was a scam so ignored then last week she phoned 3 times while I was walking the dogs so I didn’t answer, then on my landline when I got home. I was on my hands and knees on the kitchen floor preparing a wall to be painted so wasn’t best pleased so sounded short when I picked up and was immediately told off for not answering when I was on the moors! I wasn’t rude but monosyllabic until she paused then wished her happy new year and said I was busy, which I was! I sensed I won’t be hearing from her again but will let you know if I’m wrong! Controlling people rely on compliant responses and although it goes against my nature, as it would yours, there are times I feel a need to push back.

    Sandy, there was a story on our news recently about someone purchasing a phone on Amazon and when he opened the package found a pack of dog treats in it but because he had signed but not checked it in front of the courier they wouldn’t refund him. A tv consumer programme took up his cause then other people with a similar experience contacted them and because it was always dog treats it was assumed someone working at the warehouse swapped the contents. Naturally, Amazon didn’t like the publicity so immediately refunded everyone so the message was, if you buy something expensive open in front of the courier!

    Time to cook a meal and because I’m still warming up, I might cook pasta so there goes tomorrow’s weigh in!

    Hello to everyone still to arrive.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thanks Barbie, SANDY and JACKIE for tips on putting controllers in their place. Lots of tips for me to try out. My problem is I don’t go far these days, so I’m a sitting duck and I can’t plead sitting on the John ALL of the time. Lol.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR OF THE RABBIT starting tomorrow. I’m a pig (as the lose a pound a week post shows) and it’s supposed to be a good year for little piggies. I hope so after last year!!