Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Jackie, speaking of utility bills, there was a story on this evening’s news. Apparently a number of the specialized batteries used in the water meter reader went bad during the pandemic. A large number of people are now having to catch up on real bills as the prior bills for a year or more have been estimated. The guy they interviewed has a monthly bill of over $3,000. His usual bill has been less than $200. He was shocked. He took it quite well and said, at least I can pay it. And he recommended everyone read power and water bills closely!

    Have a good night’s rest.


    P.S. 🙃😉 a happy surprise would be nice wouldn’t it??
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Lin, you are right and my daughter also explained that to me about the power of attorney only if he was unable to make his own decisions. Luckily he agreed he needs skilled nursing care as he knows he can't get up the stairs and knows I would not be able to care for him. There is no mention of discharge yet so until then he will remain in hospital. He still feels awful being week and out of breath. One Day at a Time.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A grey but mild start so I skipped breakfast to take George and Betty to the moors. I found a car parked badly across my garage and knew it to be the usual culprits but as I unlocked the door and pulled it up, my not so pleasant neighbour opened her entrance door and out rushed her aggressive dog. George and Betty were hooked on my side gate and even with my back to the dog, knew it was heading in my direction before George once again intervened. Screaming from my neighbour but I kept calm and ignored the kerfuffle until she had grabbed her dog, then turned and glared at her. Her visitor who had parked badly drove away and I collected my hero George with Betty and off we went to the moors. My New Year’s resolution is to not get drawn in to conflicts with people who are never going to change because a good friend I’ve known for over 40 years reminded me recently that I have enjoyed an interesting life, travelled and worked in amazing places so one parking area is nothing of importance. She’s right of course!
    It was blowing a hooley and as the only other dog walker brave enough to be there returned from his walk he told me he had struggled to stay upright on the top area I normally walk across so I took his advice and kept to a lower section, still very windy but not dangerously so.

    After some housework pushing my Shark around to collect Betty’s fur balls, I’m going to visit my friend Les. I had hoped to go yesterday but he was dog sitting his daughter’s Jack Russell and Chihuahua, both of whom don’t stop barking at visitors!

    Happy Wednesday everyone. Positive thoughts! 🤗
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning everybody! JACKIE you are so right in your new year resolution not to get drawn into conflicts with unchangeable people. That goes for me as well and my other resolution is to walk 3000 steps every morning after a drink of water and before breakfast. So far so good! Like you, I too have had a most interesting life not originally of my own choosing, but in the end thoroughly enjoyable. My personal motto is “Be IN the world, but not OF it.”
    After a balmy but very rainy few days temps are about to plunge. From wellies to snow boots.
    All for now because the shower calls,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Quite right Anne!

    What day is it?” asked Pooh.
    “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
    “My favorite day,” said Pooh.”
    ― A.A. Milne

    Off to visit with Les.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am going to do the errands I have to do no matter how long it takes me. I need gas, have to go to the bank for Babe to deposit a check then go to Macy's to return the coat I bought that is too small. Will look at others to try on to see if I find one I like. I am also calling my doctor because she had me keep a daily blood pressure reading for a month and my blood pressure is too high. I know I am under stress but I really don't want a stroke or worse, so hopefully she can put me on a pill.
    I went on a zoom meeting last night since I am not going in person tomorrow. I know I am fine but will wait another week. I asked Lisa to ask her parents how they feel about being with me for Max's birthday because I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable around me.
    Cheryl recommended a skilled nursing facility that her mother and brother in law have gone and Babe liked that choice. In fact as I was typing the social worker called and I asked her to find out if they have private rooms and if so that is where he will go. It looks more like a hotel than a nursing facility which he will like better and hopefully stay until he is strong enough. One Day at a Time.

    Jackie, I just saw that cartoon on Facebook and love it. I like your new resolution and think we should all be kind even though sometimes it is really hard. I admit I lose my patience with Babe when he raises his voice and shouldn't because I know he just wants to get home but I don't think he realizes how hard this is on me as well. It would also help if the sun came out instead of all the gloomy days we are having.

    Anne, wow, 3000 steps is a lot before breakfast, good for you. Your dinner sounds like it was a big success I am happy for you.

    Lin, they cannot make you go to rehab, you could have the choice of home care but the nurse was telling Babe and I there was a patient that said they were leaving without being discharge by the doctor and if that happens insurance will not cover your hospital stay. So once the doctor discharges, you have options but things are so different now than when we were younger, mostly because of no help.

    Patsy, I am glad John is having some good days. Take all the good you can get because the hard days are hard. I am so glad your children are there to help you, that means a lot.

    Barbie, Diane, Jeri and anyone else I missed, I read your posts and glad you are still with us.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    A nice day here in Calgary. Fairly warm and sunny. Today is the day our housekeeper comes. (Every 2 weeks). Of course, I straightened up before she came. LOL. But mostly I appreciate the dusting, vacuuming, appliance cleaning and cupboard wipe downs. The house always feels nice when she leaves.

    I started physio and acupuncture for my back. Using a heating pad and doing my stretches. I don't know why I have to force myself to do stretches, but I do.

    I grinned when I read about being an early bird. I used to be one. Up very early and enjoy the quiet of the day before it started with a nice cup of coffee. However since retirement, Ed seems to want to sleep in and that has worn off on me too. But as a result we don't go to bed until 11:30 - 12 pm.

    Anne - that is a great goal. I'm usually looking at the clock at 9 am and then getting in a 20 to 30 minute walk. These day's with my sore back I have to watch myself so 20 minutes is often the case. I'm still striving for my 10,000 steps a day. But with my back, I have missed a couple. But my word for 2023 is DETERMINATION.

    Jackie - your walks on the moors sound so good. Ed and I did a bus trip to Scotland 4 years ago and I loved it.

    Lin - nice to hear you are still doing your card designs. A good hobby and you are obviously very creative.

    Patsy - I agree about 2022 but I'm almost cautious about hoping 2023 is too good. I've been disappointed the last two years for sure. But I feel comfortable visiting family again. Hurray and we hope to go to Nova Scotia this fall. That's where my husband grew up.

    Sandy - Things sounded a bit more positive for you in your last post.Definitely go get your blood pressure checked. You need to look after yourself first.

    Hope you all had a great day. It's one step at a time, isn't it.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Annoying and unsolvable computer problems today. I expect to be busy for the foreseeable future trying to figure out what to do. My main, used for most accounts, email address has totally stopped working for incoming and outgoing mail in the Apple mail app. I can still use a bit of it through a web browser on the company’s secure server. I have decided I need to start cleaning out all the emails and folders on that account and start converting all of my hundreds of accounts away from that address but the only thing that seems to be reliable is my old AOL and I am afraid at about the time I move everything, that will shut down. Anyway, all of my accounts from Social Security to credit card accounts to banking are all contacting me through this now barely functioning email. I will be busy I guess.

    Jeri, I am sorry that you are having problems with your back. Please take care. A friend of mine walked every day for lots of miles and kept pushing harder and recently sustained a bad leg injury and is now unable to walk. It may be weeks before she will be able to walk again. She is a bit heartbroken because she didn’t get that far over 2,022 miles for this year when she had to stop.

    Sandy, did you get all of your errands taken care of today? We had a bit of snow here today as the temperature dropped. Morning rush hour was a slow crawling event as the wet roads froze overnight and they hadn’t put out any salt. I was happy to stay home.

    Jackie, yes, today is my favorite day. Love that! How was Les? And good for George, an excellent defender.

    Anne, same here, time to suit up for the cold weather. Argh!

    I hope everyone is having a safe and healthy evening!




  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Lots of high wind today so Bessie has spent most of the day under the dining room table next to my chair.

    :)Lin, have you ever used gmail? We have had good luck with it for years.

    :)Jeri, I have trouble getting in stretches. I do lots of other stuff but not the stretches.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello all. I’ve just done my morning walk about for half hour and my joints are all unknotted.

    So after breakfast JACKIE I glanced at the BBCs news and see a certain man is airing the family’s dirty linen yet again. Oh dear, not much family loyalty there and I expect the next chapter will be a divorce in the offing. Oh no! If that happens books with more words than War and Peace from the couple in our future “literary” choice at the library.

    I’m wondering, and hoping, Maria has come home! The house looked so forlorn without her. Her car has been on the drive overnight for two nights and when I closed my blinds last evening I noticed the light was on in the room she keeps her washer and drier. I’m hoping she just needed time to adjust to life without Tony and is back for good. I really like her, she is a really nice person.

    Oh LIN I do sympathize because as you know I have my own problems with computers. They are a blessing in disguise. They allow us to communicate and then drive us up the wall when we can’t for some unknown reason. Some days I wish they had never been invented and yet when all is smooth sailing I can “talk” to my cousin, my boys and our little group so easily. Good luck anyway.

    Poor Bessie confined to under the table living BARBIE.

    My youngest son has been having physio for his back for over two years now JERI. He’s changed their mattress three or four times and had to take early retirement because he couldn’t sit huddled over a computer all day. I sincerely hope the treatment works for you. Backache is miserable. He is renovating the basement but can only manage about one hour before he has to give up for the day. At least the walls are finished! Just the floor to be relaid, painting, and then I can have a decent furnished apartment downstairs again. Not that it worries me, I’m comfy upstairs and at least the stairs and hall are done, plus the deck. I’m still trying to show the photo.

    Grocery delivery day, must scoot.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Sorry, I thought I managed a photo of the deck and got a huge photo of me instead, eliminated I hope.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    GM. Just woke up, thought it was 8:30 not 9:30. Called Babe he said his breathing was bad during night and fast response came in and upped his oxygen from 3 to he thinks 8, but I think 6. Took an x-ray and are giving him lasix again to remove fluid. Having angiogram this afternoon. Needless to say won’t be going to meeting.
    Prayers needed.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandy, sorry for this news regarding Babe. Prayers sent. 🙏🏻❤️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Ditto from me, Anne. So sorry.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    Last night I set my washing machine to start a cycle to wash my bedding because the forecast was for a dry morning but guess what? Damp laundry hanging in my dining room! I walked with George and Betty on the moors anyway and bumped into another walker called Janet I hadn’t seen for months so we stopped to talk until I noticed Betty was shivering so insisted I walk on. Janet has taken my mobile number and we’ll meet up for coffee one day.

    Sandy, you are in my thoughts. ❤️

    Anne, yes the silly boy has now written a book of nonsense to follow on from his Netflix series full of much the same. His family won’t respond, quite rightly but we the public are getting sick of his whinging. One news presenter started his show saying William has won the Knock Down Ginger award for 2023 which made me laugh but more serious is his description of what his attitude was towards those he was apparently killing in Afghanistan which has now increased security risks not only for him but all Royals. A retired General has said he’s appalled that Harry is telling lies about his training before deployment so one wonders how many more untruths are being told!
    I do hope Maria is back too because I know how much you loved to chat with her. It brightens the day doesn’t it.

    Ooh, a new series of a dog adoption programme about to start… don’t want to miss it so hello to everyone. Lovely to see Jeri drop in.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another drippy here. And chilly as well! Had a very sleepless night. Not sure why, I was just in comfy and thought's just kept running through my rattled brain.

    To day is trash day. I finally have all the Christmas debris discarded. It is so much fun putting it up and so sad taking it down. Ribbons, wrapping paper, dried evergreens and holly and other holiday plant material is now in the trash. I put up too much each year. But I do love it all!

    Valentine’s Day next. Maybe I can be sensible this year. But don’t count on it. I was thinking again of giving the family long sleeve tee shirts with hearts on the front. Small hearts for those macho guys in the family. It might be funny to give the guys b,ack shirts with a small red heart on the pocket. I have so much fun thinking these things out, I often wonder if the receivers get even half the fun I do?

    Stretches for me start before my foot hits the floor each morning. My doc suggested it. He mainly is a grouch and is heading for retirement but a change is daunting for John….who also has a mixed opinion of our doc. Further news about John. It appears that his issue might very well be a kind of odd stroke that caused dementia-like symptoms. He is making new neural pathways and his thinking is pretty good now. Memory is spotty but it always was! He walks okay but slow and sometimes he sort of shuffles along. This is good news! He is healing! He will be back to his stubborn, obcessive sweet adorable self very soon. Actually he is almost there.

    Veggie soup and multi-grain cheese toast for dinner

    I am a hopelessly curious about Harry and Meghan. What is their issue? What do you susposed

    they assumed would be the reaction to their tell all interviews, docudramas and books?
    Hummmmmm a silly time waster even thinking about it!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    I spent a very blah day. I broke a tooth just before Christmas and had a temporary cap out on. My dentist was going on vacation and not coming back til mid January. Part of the cap broke at Christmas and has been driving me crazy. My tongue getting cut and very sore. Yesterday I made appointment to get my tooth fixed by another dentist filling in for him. Good thing because I lost the whole temporary cap this morning. I am terrified of going to dentist. Don’t know why. Dentist eventually fixed my tooth while I sat there stressed to the max. He asked as I was leaving if I had any other plans - I said I was going home to cry and that is how I felt. Freezing finally out, feel much better.

    Sandy - prayers for you and Babe. Hope the situation improves soon. Hugs.

    Jackie - it’s good to get your comments on the whole matter going on. Nice to get a perspective from your side of the pond.

    Patsy - glad to hear the news about John. I’m curious about Harry and Meagan too.

    Have a good evening. Big hugs.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Cold, wet and damp again today. We may get some sunshine tomorrow which would be nice. I have been working on computer related things today. Little by little things will be straightened up. I read for a while (love the book I am reading.)

    Jeri, I can understand the tension of going to a substitute dentist for a procedure. I am glad it is over and hope you are feeling okay now.

    Jackie, did your laundry ever get dry? My grandmother had to do laundry on a schedule (she was employed to do the laundry of a local doctor when they used actual sheets on the tables and the doctors wore white coats). Rain or shine and she did not have a clothes dryer. She had nails hammered in the walls of the main floor of her house and would put up a clothes line all around the house and drape things over the lines. I kind of enjoyed zooming around the house ducking the clean laundry. 😁

    Patsy, good for you! All decorations cleaned up. Wonderful! And already dreaming of Valentines Day. I spent some time sorting through papers, stamps and dies this afternoon. I haven’t come up with a design. To be continued!

    Sandy, any progress with the results of Babe’s tests? I am concerned for your well-being. This seems like a lot of stress.

    Anne, I hard bits and pieces of the Royal Soap Opera today. Any possibility Harry will stop whining soon? I am incredibly tired and disgusted with the continued moans. Have you actually seen your neighbor Maria? Could another family member be at the house packing some things up? And there was no photo from you. Darn!

    Battery is running down…..

    Be well everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday :) The angiogram was a simple fast test that they were measuring for fluid. The doctor called and told me that they will continue with diuretics to reduce fluid and he and the kidney doctor will work together. They will confer about the numbers and then I hope they let us know. In talking to the nurse when I left last night she said with heart failure and it's a word she hates because it doesn't mean your heart failed but that is isn't beating properly. With that and the pneumonia and the amyloidosis the fluid can be coming from anywhere. Their concern is to get his breathing regulated which they are giving him steroids. I asked if he would go to skilled nursing from the hospital and she said yes and when I asked for how long she said usually for every day in the hospital it is 2 or 3 days in rehab which he is at 10 so probably for a month or longer. If this is true he will not be happy but it's probably the only way he will get stronger.
    So I am only going for a couple of hours today as it is Max's birthday and Lisa went back to work today.
    Rob wants to put together some big terrain vehicle they bought for him so they can give it to him when Lisa comes home. He wants me to distract Max from going into basement. I think they really want to distract me from going to the hospital so much. Either way it is fine and I will be happy to see the kiddos again.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A cold rainy day today. Very wintery North Oregon coast. Listening ago a nice Mozart piece. Dry relaxing. But Iredell to get going. I many more little chores.

    Tonight is cauliflower pizza is always vegetarian, which is nice. Pretty low cal and no complaints from John. Even better!

    We are watching the series Yellowstone. Brutal at times, but beautiful scenery and the ranch is so gorgeous. I can say, the ranch I grew up in was not that beautiful. Our ranch house was a huge old place that was full of People, very functional. Lots of laughing, radio was on at all times, the coffee pot was always perking. I had lots of cousins that were constantly with us. We also had a few milk cows so we had a milk room that was spotless and smelted like milk and tide soap. Happy memories.

    Sandy: I understand wanting someone to help with Babe’s medical needs. John would not have flourished in a nursing facility. So we made do with various home nursing visits and some PT as well as frequent doctor visits and tests. Actually it has worked out nicely. He is greatly improved, we see our kids and Grandson very often. Little by little John is returning to doing little tasks that make him feel more independent. Like giving Katie fresh water twice a day! (.?) I mention this because some people need to be home for their health to prosper. I hope Babe can take advantage of the skilled staff at the nursing facility.

    Lin: I have always enjoyed making family parties. Nothing too over the top. I used to have a Valentine party with a Valentine box like when I was a little girl in school. I had valentines for everyone and a small gift. You know I had fun picking out the gifts and making funny valentines. So my goal is to try for something like that. John will be pleased. And I think our family will enjoy it as well. I was thinking of pizza with mushrooms placed in a heart shape, with cherry compote as a dessert. And valentines!

    Hello to all sneakers, Anne, Jackie, Barbie, Diane all of you sweethearts!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Not the best day. George has been unwell and our walk on the moors rapidly came to an end when he got into a mess with a runny tummy. I’ll spare you the details of trying to clean him enough to get him back into the car and home, then more washing and wiping!
    It’s rained most of the day and we are now experiencing power cuts because the wind is howling outside so I assume tree branches causing damage. Midnight so I’ll go to bed and hope things calm down.
    Hello all and goodnight.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello, another day evaporated! I am trying each day to unsubscribe from a few of the organizations that send me emails regularly. These are not spam but things I have signed up for over the years and never stopped reading them! It is time. Making a bit of progress each day. I have been looking through my email folders too. I found out my stress less recliner, which is looking a bit shopworn, is almost 10 years old. I went online to see the new styles, costs, and availability. Wow! None are available locally until mid-June, if you order and pay today. Interesting.

    I got a bit of a shock today. I had talked to my banker and I decided where I wanted to plunk some of my money and she said she would send me the paperwork associated with the moves. Well, that has not shown up but surprise, all the money has been moved exactly as we discussed! So happy to have someone who always gets it right!

    It was time to cook some more beans. And tomorrow I will start some more sprouts. My kind of cooking. 😂

    Also tried a few more dies for the needed Valentines cards but once again, nothing clicked. I will keep at it. Tomorrow. ❤️❤️

    Patsy, I love to hear about your past on the farm and all of your family celebrations. Your family is extremely lucky to have such a caring and creative person planning their fun. 🥳

    Sandy, I am glad you are not living at the hospital. And I hope you kept Max away from the big surprise.

    Hello everyone, Barbie, Jackie, Anne, Diane, Jeri. I haven’t seen any other posts. Hope everyone is well.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi all, I didn’t make it yesterday because I was writing to my few remaining cousins. One of my 3 NY resolutions. The other two I’ve managed to keep so far! One being my tour of the house 3000 morning steps. I finally took the courage to leap on the scales. Oh my I was very naughty over Christmas, the result being I’ve written on the Sneaker “lose a pound a week” post now I’ve found it again, but I’m wondering if it’s still being used. Anyway I’m aiming to lose “half a pound a week”. Slow but steady being the aim before my next visit to Doctor Tim.

    Sorry for poor George but especially for you JACKIE! The Bean was under the weather yesterday as well. Michael showed up and I made a huge shepherds pie with chicken rather than beef which I don’t like. I’ve enough left for two meals now I’m cutting back!

    LIN, you are off to a good start in 2023. AND your bank lady as well.
    AND things are looking up for SANDY and PATSY.

    I am very hopeful this will turn out to be a good year for us all, cross fingers.

    All for now. Maria’s vanished again after spending two nights in her house. The government are taxing empty house owners to deter foreigners that just buy as an investment when we have a lack of houses crisis here. I would love her to come back for good but I’m wondering if she has the tax in mind instead and will remain in the end with her sister. Sad.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello Sneakers. The power cuts continued during the night and I know that because each time power was established the toilet machinator in my bedroom loo switched itself on with a loud grumble! When I got up it was off again so I checked the website of the power supply engineers which advised it should be on by 1030! Thankfully they fixed the problem just after 9am and so far, so good!
    George is very quiet but I took him with Betty round the block while it was dry and he’s now back in my bed, snuggled up on a blanket. No more mess so I will feed him this evening and keep fingers crossed.

    I see we posted at the same time yesterday Lin. In answer to your previous enquiry, my laundry took over 24 hours to dry and air but with stove lit, it’s smelling fresh! We had aureus hanging from the kitchen ceiling when I was growing up and I know they are back in fashion because a friend who is having a new kitchen installed is excited about fitting one! Beautiful teapots, especially the apple with its blossom. Matches my apple sauce ceramic pot!

    Anne, my healthy eating resolution ended yesterday when I enjoyed a large slab of cake with my cuppa and a glass of wine in the evening. Blame it on the miserable day! I’ll happily join you on the pound a week page and will weigh myself in the morning. I think I will be horrified! It’s a shame our government doesn’t tax empty properties because we have a similar problem. I’m sorry you didn’t get to say hello to Maria but perhaps she will pop back occasionally to keep an eye on her home.

    I need to light the wood burner because it’s pouring outside again so the air will soon become damp.
    Perhaps scrambled eggs on toast with eggs I bought at the supermarket this week. My chooks live their covered run but haven’t laid an egg in about 4 months!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It was great seeing the kiddos and their parents, I really missed them. Rob got the vehicle put together but I left before they showed it to Max. I thought that should be a family thing with just them since we are celebrating tomorrow. When I called Babe he said the lung doctor said the heart doctor said the fluid isn't a heart problem so they are back to treating pneumonia. I am never sure if Babe hears what the doctors tell him so I have to ask the nurse when I go today. He did say they started him on breathing treatment with some kind of machine that pours oxygen into his lungs.
    I am going to stay home for our family zoon call then go to hospital but leave early so I can go to 4:30 Mass. I am not sure if I will go at all tomorrow seeing as the party starts at 3:00. I might just want to take the morning for myself. Selfish??

    Jackie, glad George is a little better and hopefully he can keep his food down. I haven't posted on pound a week club but started today thanks to Anne. I too, indulge in a glass of wine once home from the hospital just to sit and relax. Sorry about your power and hope it stays on, it must be annoying to hear your loo (love that word) go off and on.

    Anne, thanks for the reminder of the pound a week club. I don't think we lose a pound a week, should I change it to a different name? I am sorry you lost one of your best friends now that Marie is staying with her sister. Perhaps a new friend with the people in Harry's old house?

    Lin, I am trying to cut my hours at the hospital but then guilt kicks in. It is hard just sitting there for hours especially on my back. I am glad your banker was able to help you and get done what you wanted done.

    Hello to everyone else, time to eat before the zoom call. Have a nice day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello, taking a break from cutting and stamping little bears. Hopefully for my Valentines. You can tuck a little heart in between their tiny arms. We will see. It feels a bit like progress. 👍🏻👍🏻 Time will tell as I get more accomplished. Oh and I finished reading the murder mystery I had been slowly reading.

    Sandy, how nice that you did see family yesterday. It sounds like you have had another busy day. What time is the party tomorrow? I hope you have a wonderful time!

    Jackie, hoping George is feeling better. Poor little guy. 🥺 I am so sorry you are having power outages. So when the power comes on after an outage does that cause any problems with appliances or systems. Lots of things to reboot or update? A friend who is an electrician told me the most potential damage comes from brownouts and here in the states apparently some of our utilities don’t keep the grid in a steady state. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Glad the laundry finally dried!

    Anne, what a nice routine you have set up for yourself! Well done. Does Jilly sleep while you walk? Or does she trot along with you? Maria may show up again. I hope so.

    Hello Patsy, Diane, Jeri, Barbie and any other Sneakers who may have stopped by.

    Take care everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    When your dog is sick, it knocks you back on your heels. We all know this. They are so sweet and defenseless. Quiet and looking to us for help. And we are trying everything we know to help. Jackie, we all are praying dear George is feeling better soon.

    When Katie sick, I always wonder if I did something…inadvertently of course. It just upsets me so. I think John feels just as bad only he yells and demands answers, except we aren’t sure who has the answers.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    Out came my scales this morning and of course they upset me by telling me I have gained nearly half a stone (7lbs) since I last weighed myself. Ignorance was bliss for a couple of months but now I must recognise I’m not comfortable nor am I happy with the look of my expanded waistband. This morning I’ve prepared a chicken casserole that will go nicely with steamed vegetables later today and now all the chocolates, cheese and wine are gone, there are no temptations! Since we have a weekly log of our weight I will begin next week and compare with today.

    The weather continues to be unsettled with regular hefty rain showers but I managed to find a gap to walk George and Betty a short distance. Poor George was slow and when he did his business I could tell he was struggling, then he literally screamed and I saw blood in his poo so have kept the bag to show the vet tomorrow. I’m hoping it’s nothing more than a sign of haemorrhoids caused by him straining on Friday but you are right Patsy, I’m worrying I somehow caused it when cleaning the area. Sorry, TMI!!

    I’ve phoned David to tell him his Wallflowers are now planted and also see how his hospital appointment on Friday went. He will have an MRI scan to see if changes have occurred in an area of his back they are keeping an eye on so they are being thorough and he’s doing his best to remain positive.

    Lin, luckily not much was plugged in during the power cuts and because I can’t get on with my Apple computer it is currently hidden away in a dark cupboard. I’m planning to search for a Windows laptop that I’m sure I will get on with. It was just a matter of resetting clocks on heaters and the oven and trying to retune my so-called Smart tv that in fact gets horribly confused by power cuts. I still haven’t regained all channels but they are not important to me. An orange teapot! Is that the set do you think or might a tomato or lemon be out there? 😁

    No Sandy, you are the least selfish person I know so please give yourself a break. ❤️

    Time to do something constructive although I’m not sure what. Tonight we have the 2nd episode of Happy Valley so I’ll be watching it instead of a certain prince’s tacky whinging!

    Happy Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Oh JACKIE, I’m so sorry for poor little George. I hope he is on the mend. Jilly gets a bit constipated occasionally and my trick is the give her a very small piece of RAW chicken and that gets things moving smoothly again.

    Sympathy sent for the weight gain. I didn’t mention what I had gained but it was 5 lbs. So far I’m still sticking to my walk around and two other new year resolutions.

    Mike is supposed to be coming over for lunch so I’ve made carrot, onion and tarragon soup to go with a vegetarian pizza. Oh he’s just phoned to say he’s on his way.

    I got an email from my cousin Judith in Otley. Yorkshire. She’s in her late 70s and has a very lively cocker spaniel puppy. She thought her and her husband were too old but caved in because Eric wanted the puppy so much. I don’t think she realized how old I am with Jilly the Bean! A bit of bad news though for her, Heart problems but she’s learning to ignore it now she’s not worrying about keeling over. That was my third NY resolution - keep contact with my remaining five first cousins now we are all long in the tooth with me leading the pack.

    Here’s a photo of Hobbes the giant Puss. It’s me practising actually so maybe I can start showing the deck etc.