Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Your comment about Christmas in the summer Jackie reminded me of one memorable day in the old country. I’d travelled to see Mom in March I think. Anyway Roy (who was a super cook) and his wife, my cousin Val invited me and Mom for a turkey and stuffing etc dinner seeing I had missed Christmas dinner with them.. Rather full because of christmas pud for dessert we went off for an afternoon trip in Val’s car only to get back to find Roy cooking a lamb roast for supper because I would be missing Easter. Traditional simmel .cake for dessert! Those were the days! Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member

    :) "There is no bad weather, only the wrong clothing". The temperature here has now dropped to 21 which is nothing like what Tracey has in Alberta but is cold for us. I have lots of layers of excellent clothing and boots with YakTrax for traction in the snow. I was toasty warm walking for two hours this morning before dawn and an hour at noon. In the house I wear layers including a wool sweater , two wool scarves, and two knitted hats. I have a wool crocheted blanket for my lap when I sit down. Bessie has a jacket and she doesn't stay out any less in the cold than in warmer weather. Before we moved here, I spent two weeks up here at the end of December so I knew about how cold and dark it would be and loved the idea. I don't think we'll ever move again, but if we did, we would go farther north into Canada.

    :) We decided not to shovel the driveway so Jake drove the car out to the street and then back into the garage to make some flat spots to allow pulling the garbage and recycling cans to the curb for pick up today. The roads were plowed early yesterday morning and even with overnight snow, there are in good condition.

    :) We usually pick up groceries on Sunday morning but the store will be closed so we have to remember to schedule it for Saturday morning instead.

    :)Lin, I'm sorry to hear of the demise of your washer and glad you will have a new one soon. I say kind things to my washer and dryer every day because they are the only appliances that haven't had to be replaced since we moved here.

    :)Sandy You are certainly being pulled in every direction by your family and Babe's family. You are doing an excellent job of navigating the confusion.

    :) I am a fan of "A Christmas Carol" Yesterday I listened to it as an audio book and today I watched "Rich Little's A Christmas Carol" on You Tube. It was great fun.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello. What a day! Storm warnings everywhere, businesses closing early today, church cancelled for tonight, businesses and schools already cancelled for tomorrow. They are forecasting a horrendous storm here for Thursday and Friday and into Saturday. They have some term for it that I cannot remember but they keep saying the worst storm of its kind in 60 years. I also do not understand exactly what we have in store.

    I have been grinding my teeth today. They did get here quite early to install the new washer and we got all settled up, they left, and I thought ah, how wonderful. Then I went downstairs to straighten up a bit. They had set the washer to run a cycle before they left. They didn’t stay for the cycle and didn’t cancel it. So I got to the basement AND THERE WAS WATER ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!

    I called Roto-Rooter to try to get on their list for the afternoon and I called the company who sold me the washer. The woman who answered was not very nice and said that is your problem, we don’t do plumbing calls.

    I used some liquid Drano and put hot water down my kitchen drain. Luckily, eventually, the guy called and said he was turning into my driveway. He got out the snake, we figured out how to fill the washer and cancel when it started to agitate and then get it to drain. Trust me, it is not obvious. Anyway, he used the snake and found a tiny bit of a clog eventually. This washer uses a lot of water, particularly on the final rinse and apparently the drain wasn’t up to the heavier volume.

    So tomorrow, I will try doing an actual load of laundry. I was tied in a knot all day and now am ready for some hot tea and something kind to my stomach for my evening meal. So for tomorrow, 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, what an evening! I hope you do not have any additional excitement of that kind for a long time! Best wishes for your speech at tomorrow’s meeting.

    Jackie, my gosh, people with dogs can be somewhat nuts! Bringing out a dog in season in an area they don’t even know?? Wonderful of you to help sort it out. Goodness! I am starting to think Dan Baker is somewhat crazy to put himself and his wife back in harm’s way. I have no idea what is so essential but I hope it is, they get everything sorted and then are able to get back to England.

    Anne, 🤞🏻for you and Jilly that the power stays on. Enjoy whatever shows and videos you decide to watch.

    Patsy, all best wishes to you as well. Has stormy weather descended on you today? By the way, I agree with you, celebrating doesn’t have the be done on a particular day. Whenever you can get together is best!

    Barbie, have you received even more snow?

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❄️❄️❄️❄️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meatballs are in the crock pot and ready to go. Now I just hope the snow holds off until I get back home. I will visit Babe when I get home and bring him a few meatballs for a change of pace. The social worker will talk with me then to talk about his discharge on Christmas Day. Charlie gets her tonsils out tomorrow, keep her in your prayers please.

    I feel like I am so busy lately and can't wait until I get to stay home and do nothing. I am looking forward to Christmas Eve though, it is always great to be with family and watch the kids open their presents. We will all go to 4:00 Mass and then go to Lisa's parents house. I will drop off my crockpot full of ribs before Mass so they are ready to eat when we get home. (appetizer)

    We are expecting a blizzard this afternoon through Saturday morning and might get as much as 9 inches of snow. I hope not because I hate driving in snow even though I have 4 wheel drive. I did tell Lisa's mom that if she wanted me to relieve her tomorrow while Charlie is in hospital I would. She didn't seem like she needed me so we will see. She is more organized then me because if I was having 13 or more people Christmas Eve I would be a wreck. lol

    Have a good day and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A Weather Bomb Lin and our Uk weather forecast actually started with yours this evening. What’s on its way looks horrendous so please everyone, stay home and take care of yourselves. Minus 50’s is Arctic nd not worth the risk of getting stuck somewhere.

    My morning was fun when, after walking George and Betty round the block,Lin picked me up and we went to a garden centre for coffee and cake. We chatted for a couple of hours before wandering around looking at the decorations and musical puppets. Singing reindeer were recorded on much phone but I don’t seem able to include the video so you will just have to believe me when I say they were wonderfully entertaining. This afternoon I carried out some housework, set the fires, then relaxed.
    Tomorrow Barney should be here to cut back some hedges and then I can truly relax.

    Anne, that sounded like a great trip back to the old country! Good memories! I see Canada will be hit by that same Cyclone so do stay safe, wrap yourself and Jilly in blankets and maybe sip a little sherry or two!

    Lin, watching a recent video Dan put on YouTube I thought Victoria didn’t seem pleased with being In Kyiv and was very quiet but today’s is more relaxed even if Vodka is Dan’s main concern… to keep warm of course! It’s interesting to see how the city continues to operate in spite of the drones and the government seems to give each area at least a daily small window of heat and light.

    Have fun Sandy but keep an eye on your weather.

    I’m watching a recent version of Dr Doolittle that’s very amusing and has some amazing special effects.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good super cold evening. I trudged out earlier to the mailbox and back. Good grief, I thought my face was going to freeze even though I was holding a scarf up over part of it. If I do not have any important mail tomorrow, I doubt I will go tomorrow evening. 🥶

    I chased down a copy of my invoice for the washer, found the manual online, read a book, filled out the paperwork to send a box of cards after Christmas. I read one of the library books and considered calling a friend but decided nope.

    Yes, I did do one load of laundry. No leaks today. 😅 yippee! I have another load lined up for tomorrow.

    Alexa played Christmas music for me today because the Amazon Music app is now ridiculous. I wanted to play the tracks from an entire album—they shuffle everything and throw in all sorts of stuff in the same genre but NOT what I wanted to hear. And you cannot turn it in off (unshuffle).

    I could only listen in Apple Music if I downloaded what I wanted to play. I don’t have lots of extra storage room so that didn’t seem feasible. So it’s me and Alexa trying to work something out.

    The lady from my Mah Jongg group who was in hospice care passed away last night. A mutual friend let me know and said she’d let me know more when she finds out. Ummmmm, I don’t plan on going to her funeral.

    Well, the wind chill temperature is currently -30 degrees F and dropping. Tomorrow, more of the same. I wonder if my vehicles will start after this extreme temperature moderates?

    Sandy, we did not get as much snow as the forecast predicted but with the wind and the cold, it is insufferable and the number of accidents has been large and they are still asking people to stay off the roads. Terrible to be out there if you have an accident. So take care and I hope you got home safely.

    Jackie, I agree, Victoria seems very reticent to appear in the videos or to say much of anything. She never was as outgoing as Dan though. I don’t blame her, life on display is not for everyone. I am not finding the narrative very interesting overall. Oh, your morning sounds like it was so much fun! Wahoo! I would love to see the singing reindeer, sorry you cannot share the video.

    Well, everyone, please take care.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    Oh boy, we have been hit by the same super storm hitting the USA. I didn’t put the recycle bins out last evening because of dire warnings of tremendous winds and freezing rain. I’m glad I didn’t! It was freezing rain before nine am and Michael set off for work. By nine everything changed, the freezing rain became driving snow. One or two people had put their blue bins out and these where now barrelling down the road spilling trash everywhere. I text Mike and he drove home before it got worse. It did. Apparently 27 foot high waves in the Great Lakes. So far there are 120,000 power outages in Quebec with Ontario not far behind which had me cooking lunch early in case we are hit next. I can always warm up if the power stays on. The only real worry I have is the huge old maple tree at the back. If she comes down and she comes down in my direction, she could come through my back window. Merry Christmas everyone, lol.

    Mark and Mary jo turned up last evening with my Christmas gift and to go home with theirs from me. JUST in case everything is called off with weather warnings for Christmas Eve.

    I think Babe is in the right place SANDY and best wishes for Charlie’s swift recovery. Mark at four years old was in the hospital for two days, but once home he made a swift recovery if that eases your mind.

    Everyone else at home and sitting this “bomb” out dig out the Christmas chocolates and a stiff drink.

    And JACKIE, I hope it doesn’t cross the Atlantic in time for New Year’s Eve.


    PS, no sign of the garbage truck and some brave souls are out picking up trash rather than the flowers that bloom in the spring.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    I made a post on my computer but my internet went out because of weather. I did save it so will post if I get internet again. I can’t access my documents from my phone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    I am back online!
    Happy Friday! :) Baby, it's cold outside!! Minus 6 with a real feel of minus 22. I don't even want to go outside but I will visit Babe later this afternoon after he is done with therapy and I am done with laundry.
    Charlie is in the hospital now very loopy from the relaxing drug waiting to go to operating room. Praying it is easy for her and she can enjoy her Christmas pain free.
    Tomorrow I will warm up the ready made bbq ribs I am bringing for Christmas Eve at Lisa's parents. Will go early to drop off the crockpot before we go to church. I am looking forward to a wonderful evening with family.
    My daughter and her husband arrived in Hawaii to meet their new granddaughter. They were sent "rules" the night before and were so upset that if they didn't pay $1800 for plane tickets they would have cancelled. They are not allowed to kiss the baby, breathe in baby's face, touch the baby's face, do not wake her if asleep, do not expect to hold baby all the time and avoid touching her hands as she puts them in her mouth. There was a to do list as well. My daughter is heartbroken, how can you not kiss a newborn baby cheek when you are the grandmother?
    Kameko is nursing and wakes her every three hours to eat. something I have never done since I had C Sections and needed rest.
    They are young parents and probably read all the "baby" books. Wait until they have two or three they will change their minds. We used to joke when I was a young mother that the Dr. Spock book was used for spanking, not reading. (just kidding of course)

    I am ready for Christmas Eve and for Babe to come home Christmas Day. Cheryl and Marisa will visit after their early dinner and I will have some snacks. Maybe I will buy a veggie platter today so they have some healthy snacks as well.

    Enjoy your day, I hope it is warmer where you live because this is just ridiculous.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Brrrrr. Still plenty crazy outside here as well. They took us out of the blizzard status—moved it up one county but still winter weather alert or something (and stay off the roads). Meanwhile, the wind gusts are pretty strong and visibility drops significantly even in town. Maybe tomorrow we will get above zero again. 👀

    Sandy, I hope Charlie is doing well and will be home this evening. They don’t keep kids overnight now do they? Unless there s a problem? And maybe due to the trifecta of viruses, the new parents are being very cautious. RSV is horrible and something a tiny one certainly wants to avoid. I am sure it will be difficult for your daughter and SIL but they will do it and the baby will be fine.

    Anne, oh my goodness, what a storm! Very wise of you to keep the bins away from the crazy wind. Now have you opened your gift from Mark and Mary Jo? Or are you waiting? I have been opening an Advent Calendar day by day. Two more little envelopes to open. I almost opened them today, just because. 😉

    Jackie, so now all is revealed so to speak? The Bakers were in Kiev to finish the paperwork for purchasing their apartment. Surprised they are certain they will spend the summer in Kiev. Any good weather for you? That would be a nice gift!

    Patsy, how are you doing? A friend in Portland told me this morning they were getting ice pellets and it has been quite cold recently. But she also said they expect to be around 50 degrees soon. Wow! Sounds lovely to me.

    Barbie, I didn’t see your post u til this morning when I tracked back. I see you are a fan of “A Christmas Carol”. Do you have any other holiday favorites? Stay safe. Hello and best wishes to You and Jake and Bessie. Would you ever consider moving? I was surprised to hear you would go further North. I don’t know where I would go.

    Diane, hello and hope you have a special time planned for the holidays.

    Take care everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Lin we won't move again, I was just emphasizing the point that we liked being this far north. Our weathering is much milder than yours and cold and snow don't last long. It is warming up and will be above freezing for at lea a week starting this morning

    :)Sandy I know you will be careful as you are pulled in so many directions with family events

    :)Anne what a storm. Will you have room on your bins for use for another week?

    :)Jackie in all the years I've watched "A Christmas Carol " I realize that my vision of London has always been that cold setting. Isn't it it warmer and wetter where you are?

    :) I am grateful for all your friendship

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Roads are icy and almost impassable here. Even the big heavy trash trucks could get around. No matter! Just want everyone safe and warm.

    Damon will be stuck at home alone but we will defer Christmas until he can get here. Daughter Andrea has her famous seafood chowder ready for their Christmas dinner. I old her not to get on the roads to bring us some of that wonderful chowder. We will dream of it while we have baked chicken dinner with veggies and apple pie. We all adjust easily here.

    I must do something about deck. Throw salt from a s.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Not sure where the rest of my post disappeared to….but I am here. Power outages, icy roads and slick decks and scary walks. We will delay Christmas for a couple of days until we can all get together. Take great care everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »

    Sandy, thanks but I purchased a Speed Queen washer thank heavens.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Patsy, stay safe!!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello, just popping in before I go for my shower. What a night - the wind howled with loud bangs every so often. Good news though for me, it blew all the snow off my drive and apart from a bit on the deck, no shovelling. It’s minus 14 centigrade and it will carry on snowing until Christmas Day. A white Christmas for sure. Loads of accidents on the roads, but the maple tree remains upright and the little squirrel is snug in her nest in the oak tree I presume. How did she manage to build such a sturdy leafy home? The blizzard is classed as the worst here for thirty odd years and is now barrelling across Quebec. The funny thing is by new year the temperature will rise to the plus centigrades.

    Gosh Sandy, I’m surprised the new parents are even allowing the grandparents to visit a new born after being in the confined quarters of a plane in the middle of flu season! Not to mention all the other air borne stuff.

    Hope all you friends survived and are warm and cozy.
    Happy Christmas Eve,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    LIN. Excitement! I’ve lived in Canada all these years and never had frost inside the windows, but when I opened the back “cold” room blinds just now I’ve got gorgeous frosty ferns all over them. Wish I knew how to photo and transfer.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    LIN. Excitement! I’ve lived in Canada all these years and never had frost inside the windows, but when I opened the back “cold” room blinds just now I’ve got gorgeous frosty ferns all over them. Wish I knew how to photo and transfer.

    Oh, beautiful I am certain but a sign it is really cold. Can you use the camera on you iPad to take a photo? Backlight with sunshine?

    Lin ❄️❄️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Tried LIN, but no. The photo is on my photo album though. It’s 10 Fahrenheit right now so we are warming up! Thats minus 12 centigrade feeling like minus 23. Nippy. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member

    Happy Christmas Eve! :) Busy day ahead but wanted to wish you all a Happy Christmas Eve. I have to get the ribs in the crock pot, zoom call at 12:30 with some of the kids, maybe a quick visit with Babe and then drop the ribs off at Lisa's parents house before we all go to Church. After that let the celebrations begin.
    Charlie did well with surgery but they can't find any children's liquid Tylenol or Ibuprofen. I will check my Walmart when I leave but put in an order to Walgreens they accepted and then emailed it was out of stock. It is all over the news that children's medicine can't be found.

    Jackie and Lin, thank you for the beautiful cards.

    Must run time is getting short.

    Merry Christmas
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    I was relieved to see you, my friends in North America are surviving the storms and remaining cheerful. When I heard the centre was over Buffalo earlier in the day, I thought of you Anne because that’s not too far away. It’s more rain for me and the pooches which meant getting caught in a downpour soon after we set off on our walk. We all got soaked and on the way home I had to stop at Richard and Christine’s again to give them a card Les asked me to deliver but I didn’t stay because George and Betty were still wet after a towel down and I didn’t want them to get cold. I’ve enjoyed a quiet day at home and mid afternoon Jill arrived with a box of homemade cakes. George was so excited to see her and we once again promised we would arrange to walk together one day although she has adopted a puppy that is a handful and terrifies Scruff so I’m not sure George would want to walk with her! We’ll see!

    Barbie, I think most of Charles Dickens stories were dramatised by him to appear bleak because he was a man who felt strongly about social injustices. The movies made from the stories offered visual atmospheres to match but then London was a smokey, dirty place with coal fires and cold winds from the east. Where I am in Cornwall, surrounded by water, it is generally a few degrees warmer and on rare occasions Tropical weather systems move up from the Azores. I’m sure Anne will tell you that movies of Brontë Sisters novels also have cold, miserable scenes on the blustery Yorkshire moors! It was cold in Cornwall last week but still quite a bit milder than the rest of the country!

    I’m watching carols from Kings and also Royal Carols at Westminster Abbey so flicking back and forth. A beautiful childrens choir from a Ukrainian school here in England brought tears to my eyes, missing their fathers who were not allowed to leave but instead had to stay to fight.

    Sandy, with all the new childrens infections appearing we too are running out of basic medications and antibiotics. It’s a shame the scientists didn’t see this coming! I do hope pain relief can be found for Charlie but anyway, she will just have to eat lots of ice cream!

    Stay safe everyone and please don’t take risks.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good afternoon. We have some sunshine this afternoon and the temperature has climbed above zero! Wahoo! Last night it was horrible out there, the house rocked in the howling wind. Honestly I thought the weatherman had said it wouldn’t be as severe as the prior night but it was worse from what I could tell. The closed roads are opening up again. I think I-35 was the first to open mid-morning. It is so difficult for people to travel for any purpose.

    Well, I don’t have a Christmas Eve greeting but I do like this!


    Anne, is the photo of your frosty window on the device you use to post messages here? Well, probably not an immediate need. I hope your power stays on and you stay safe. Hello to Jilly!

    Jackie, well, wet is not particularly comfortable but a bit more comfortable than slippery or snow bound. Maybe. Be safe, warm and comfortable. A friend was texting me and we both watched “White Christmas” on AMC this morning/early afternoon. That movie has such gorgeous color.

    Sandy, off enjoying the holiday. So I am waving at you in case you stop by. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Patsy, Barbie, Diane, Jeri. Best wishes to you as well.

    Lin ⛄️

    Such a gorgeous teapot

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE DEAR FRIENDS. The happiest day of the year when all the dear old pensioners where having their Christmas cheer. (Naughty Anne, naughty poem). But seriously I just love Christmas Eve and we’ve got snow outside, bonus, but the wind is getting up again, not so bonus although it could help the reindeer if it’s blowing behind them. I peeked at my present LIN. It’s a very nice warm woolly winter jacket in shades of camel and white. Plus peach marmalades. We weren’t supposed to be buying gifts this year! Oh well! I gave cash taped on Christmas goodies so expect to be told off tomorrow! Jilly received herring doggy chews.
    So me and the Bean are settling on the sofa with the fire on and the wind howling outside. Perfect!
    Merry Christmas and “God bless us every one” to quote Tiny Tim.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    God B,ess Us All indded, finally have WiFi after a crazy icy cold storm, delayed Christmas for us. Damon is coming on Christmas Day. Andrea and grandson will show up as well. We will enjoy a small family group with some treats. THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS WILL BE A OUR FAMILY DINNER.

    I see I have lovely e-cards from Lin and Jackie but can’t see them yet. Our WiFi is cranky!
    stay safe and warm my dearest sneakers. We will do the same.
    I love and treasure each and everyone of you,
    Patsy☘️, John and Katie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Christmas Day and surprise, surprise, it’s raining! George, Betty and Brady enjoyed an early treat and breakfast, took one look outside, then headed back to bed! I’m sipping coffee and Google searching a slow cooker recipe for pork medallions (with apples or Balsamic vinegar?) and once that’s prepared will walk the pooches whether they want to or not! Then it will be a moment in history as King Charles gives his first Christmas message at 3pm.

    Fabulous teapot Lin. 😁

    I’m sending warm hugs and love across the pond that might just melt that ice and snow! 🌨❄️⛄️
    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    MERRY. CHRISTMAS MORN. Jilly Bean woke me up at 5am for an early morning dash, came back to bed and woke me up at 6:30 with an eyelid Christmas kiss! We’ve just had breakfast and it’s a balmy minus -6 C. A take it easy morning with Michael driving down at 2pm to pick me and Jilly up to spend the rest of the day with Mark, Mary Jo, Derek, Bev and Hobbes the giant cat. I shall take it easy when it comes to Christmas dinner and just have a tablespoon of rich Christmas pudding and NO very rich cream filled trifle after last years late night fiasco, lol.
    Have a lovely day whatever you are doing be it Christmas or Yule tide pagan full of cheer and roaring fires and of course a kiss under the mistletoe.
    Anne and Jilly the Beano. xxxxxx.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) We are so fortunate here. Two days ago it was fourteen degrees with many inches of snow. This morning it is 44 degrees and the snow is nearly gone. I set my boots with YakTrax aside and returned to regular winter walking shoes I'll walk by myself this morning before dawn and then with my Sunday walking friend at 9:30. I finished listening to "A Christmas Carol" and am now listening to "A Child's Christmas in Wales". I hope you will all be safe today.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Lovely day, working on birthday cards, watching interesting programs and talking to friends on the phone. I have been watching Mary Berry on PBS and earlier watched the King’s speech.

    Methinks we are getting some light snow now but not a lot is forecast to accumulate.

    Nothing else of note.

    I hope everyone has had a lovely day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022

    Had a wonderful time at Lisa's parents house with wonderful family and friends. Picked Babe up this morning and later Cheryl and Marisa came by and stayed for a nice visit. Marisa and I were doing Survivor puzzles which were hard. Had lots of laughs and too many snacks.
    Going to sit down and watch It's a Wonderful Life now and if time a Christmas Story.

    I hope your Christmas was wonderful and everyone is ready for the new year!

    One Day at a Time