Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh Sandy, I am so sorry to hear Babe is I’ll. Horrible that he can’t find a hospital room. Take care of yourself dear. You can’t help Babe is you are Unwell. We are thinking of you both. All our love and wishes for a quick recovery.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Thinking of you Sandy and hoping today brings you both a much better day. Please take care of yourself and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Sandy—-Hoping things are going better by now. Hugs.



    (Off to the dentist….)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Thank you Jackie and Lin for the adorable cards, I love them. Babe finally got a room about 8pm last night. It was a long day in the cubicle in ER with nothing to sit on but a hard chair. After he was settled I came home and went to bed and got 9 hours of sleep and still feel tired. I will be going back this morning but then leaving a few hours to give Rob a break but will return to hospital after.
    Babe is doing okay just really tired and weak, he claims he only slept two hours last night but I have my doubts as he sleeps without realizing he is sleeping. I have to make it clear to the doctors that he can't come home until he can walk up my 14 stairs because there is no way I can help him. They said the pneumonia could be just from being older or it could also happen if you don't swallow right. He does have a hard time swallowing at times but he did have the symptoms of chills, shaking, shortness of breath, low energy, and extreme tiredness. Either way he is in the right place although it took to 9pm before they gave him his heart pills. It just amazes me how busy the ER is and how busy the hospital is.
    Stay well my friends, who knows what you can pick up in the hospital. I am being very cautious.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Poor Babe but thank goodness he finally got a room. Be sure to wear a mask when you visit, but I guess I don’t have to tell you that. Take care of yourself whilst Babe is being taken care of. Don’t spread yourself too thin. You could end up in the same place if you are also helping the younger folk out.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Sandy, so glad Babe got a room. Now to get busy feeling better. I trust they will do some swallow testing while he is there. Aspirating food or liquids can indeed result in pneumonia. My mom had that problem as she became increasing unwell.

    Take care of yourself. Please!

    Just got back from the dentist. I was the only person with a mask in the waiting room. 😷 No significant dental work needed. They do want me to start taking fluoride treatments. And no, I have no insurance for them and you cannot eat or drink much after the receiving the coating. At least not until evening. 🙃

    Take care everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :) This is my latest knitting project sent to great granddaughter in Ohio. Next project is a similar blanket for her sister. Each girl chose her own colors. It's the same pattern I use for Project Linus

    :)Sandy glad Babe got a room. Be sure to take care of yourself

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A chilly but sort of sunny day. Thin thin clouds keep it from being a blue sky. But on rain so far.

    I am not so sure I really like Walmart but as of now, when John and are sorting out John’s arthritis and osteoporosis meds etc. I think it best to stay close to home. No big tours through big box stores! I think John is getting better. He still refuses to do the stretches and exercises. But time might change his mind. These things as in the category of, one must decide how and if one recovers or at least gets better.

    I got out the Christmas placemats and I ordered the holiday centerpiece for the dining room table. I put new batteries in the fairy lights and ordered more. We will not be putting up the big tree this year. But I have a small tabletop tree I will get out. That and fairy lights everywhere will make things “merry and bright.” Maybe a poinsettia, I wish I had Anne’s ability to grow things. I still am amazed at the one she grew from a sprout to tree!

    Damon is coming again at the end of the week. He is also repairing a kitchen under counter lazy Susan. And laying down slip resistant mats for the front deck. I would not be able to find a more talented guy thanDamon. And he is so thoughtful. Our daughter and grandson have been devoted as well.

    My heart goes out to you Sandy and your dear Babe.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It’s been a sunny but extremely cold day and I’m sure the temperature didn’t rise above zero. A bowl of porridge got me round a long walk with my dog walking friend David after we met in our usual car park and he transferred a tray of well established Wallflowers and Sweet William into my boot. We talk about all sorts except politics, which is good, and I do believe George is finally getting used to Hattie! Betty seemed to go into shock when I first took her outside and she shivered and threw up so I put a warm doggy coat on her before putting her in my car. The coat worked and she happily walked for over an hour. When I got back home I prepared chicken casserole for the slow cooker but not much else. Housework awaits my attention but will have to wait because I have a hair appointment in the morning and will get some groceries before coming home.

    Sandy, goodness, what a long wait to get Babe settled but I’m glad you managed to get some sleep. Anne is right, you must look after yourself because if you wear yourself out you won’t be able to help anyone. I’m sure Rob will understand while Babe stays in hospital.

    That’s a beautiful blanket Barbie and your great granddaughter certainly looks delighted with it!

    Lin, I love that teapot Lin, in fact the whole room looks delightful.

    Time for my bed. 💤 💤💤
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Talked to Babe this morning and they sponge bathed him and have him sitting in chair, finally some progress. I will bring him his razor and a mirror to shave which he will fight me on but he is looking scraggily. I also have requested a swallow test since he chokes a lot when eating. I will be heading back to hospital later this morning. Thank you for all your kind wishes and support. I am taking care of myself but it is tiring just sitting in the hospital 8 hours. I think I will start walking the halls every hour just to keep moving.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good day….

    Sandy, glad to hear Babe is up in a chair. That is progress. And good for you on requesting a swallow test. I wonder if they would have done that without your request. Walking around a bit is probably a very good idea.

    Jackie, glad you got the plants yesterday. And have you had your hair appointment today?

    Barbie, I love that blanket. Gorgeous color.

    Patsy, it sounds as if Christmas decorating is in full swing now. Hoping that brings much happiness. 🎄⛄️🎄

    Anne, did I miss your post? Sorry if I did. Did you ever get the money you wanted?

    I am doing cards again today, and laundry and waiting for a package. I would like to go to the library but I may have to sign for the package. Weather is okay today but tomorrow wet and maybe freezing drizzle and/or snow. I would rather go to the library this afternoon but the delivery is scheduled between the hours of 1 - 5 pm.

    Yesterday the trip to the dentist was okay but when I got home it got a bit more hectic. I had a beeping garage door opener and a message on the wall unit to replace the battery. Okay, new to me. I texted the handyman and he said what are you talking about…..but said he would stop over. I didn’t have any type of manual for it and didn’t have a model number so I got online and found some models have battery back up and there was a short video on replacing the battery. He brought along his helper that works on some jobs, like replacing garage door openers. Finally found the right panel and got the old battery out. A trip to the battery store for me, conversation with guys there, $$ and then home again. They returned and replaced the battery just before dark. Good to go for a while. The old battery had manufactured 4-2014 on the decal. Online the info says the battery usually lasts 1 to 2 years. Hoping the new one lasts 8 years.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Sorry to be AWOL yesterday but the day went by in a haze and suddenly it was midnight. My hair appointment was for a tidy up but in our now freezing temperatures, it is feeling too short, especially round my neck! On my way home I topped my car up with fuel because my local garages are overpriced to the point of ripping customers off so now I wait until I’m in another town or Plymouth. I must say I’m amazed they continue to keep their prices high because I’ve noticed their forecourt is nearly always empty when I drive past so they have lost custom. The supermarket wasn’t too busy and I stocked up on a few items, including a bottle of Irish Cream liqueur for my Christmas treat. They have stopped selling outdoor reared chicken and pork, I’m guessing the price of feed from Ukraine has got too expensive, so I came away minus any meat which isn’t a problem because I will be making a pot of bean casserole at the weekend and always have fish in my freezer.

    It is bitterly cold by Cornish standards so later this morning I will take George and Betty to the local woods where it is sheltered and is on the way to the farm supplies store. The chooks will need their bin topped up soon and I also buy Brady’s boxes of Whiskas sachets and George’s raw meat blocks. Once I’m back home I’ll cut up another bag of wood for kindling and clear the area for another delivery of logs.
    I’ve ordered a pair of warm snow boots from Amazon that will arrive this afternoon, just in time because there’s a threat of snow tomorrow as warm Tropical rain arrives to hit our cold easterly blast!

    That’s a pretty tea set Lin and do I spy a wine glass in the mix? Your handyman is reliable isn’t he. I would have to wait weeks for anyone to turn up for a small job, if at all, which is why I delve into too many places that I probably shouldn’t. There are a couple of electrical problems here that I will have to find a new electrician for now Paul is home sick but I’ll wait for the New Year when things usually quieten down for tradesmen.

    Sandy, I do hope you won’t have to spend so many hours visiting Babe now he’s on the mend. Take care of yourself. ❤️

    Ok, it’s 10am and about 1 degree above freezing which is as warm as it will get today so I’ll get going.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Babe was sitting in chair when I got there yesterday, he is still weak and still didn't get much sleep so tired. His AFIB was acting up so they put him back on a medicine that another doctor took him off to get his heart rate normal. I just wish all the doctors would talk to each other and get the meds right, it frustrates me. The cardiologist came in and said Babe could be discharged in a couple of days but will go to a rehab facility to get stronger so he can get up the 14 stairs to our condo. That could be a couple of weeks or more. He is wanting to go to get stronger because he was doing ok at home but now can hardly stand. Today is a holy day in my religion so I will be going to mass at the hospital. They have mass every day at noon. I did talk to Babe this morning and he at least got some sleep. We will see what the day brings today.

    Sorry not to address you each separately but I only have a short amount of time in the morning before getting ready for hospital.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello. Well, the rain/sleet/snow has not arrived yet but it is gray, cold, and damp. The front will move in a bit later.

    I decided to do a few errands this morning. I stopped by the library and then the grocery store to get just a couple of things. When I went out I had a warning light for low air pressure in the rear passenger side tire. I went home, put my groceries away and was just going to drive over to the dealership to see if they could fill the tire and decide if there was a leak when the phone rang. My friend who calls on Thursday was on the line. I told her I was on my way out but I couldn’t get away for more than a half hour. By then I decided to get out my own equipment and try to re-inflate the tire and see what happens next. It takes a while to get everything organized. I inflated the tire and the light did not go off. I didn’t have a second gauge with me as the directions say to check with a second gauge to be sure. Anyway, if the weather is good, I will take a little drive tomorrow and see if the light goes off. Could be a slow leak I guess. I may end up at the dealership soon.

    Must get back to addressing Christmas cards. The out of state cards need to go in the mail, hopefully tomorrow.

    Sandy, you are on the run. I am sure Babe would rather go back to your apartment than a skilled nursing facility. I hope he gains some strength each day. Take care.

    Jackie, oh dear, a short haircut when the weather is cold. Maybe a nice warm scarf will help? And yes, I do believe there may be a wine glass in that photo. 🍷 I hope you were able to stock up on everything needed. I may be the only person on the planet who is glad to not watch the Harry and Mrs.documentary. And no plans to read his book. For people who wanted no dealing with the press and paparazzi, they are making their money in a way to provoke a lot of attention and criticism.

    Anne, Patsy, Barbie, Diane, and Jeri. Hello to you and hope all is well.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello, sorry I was awol yesterday but slightly under the weather. Nothing much going on here except Mark and Mary Jo popped by and she and I took the Bean for a sniff. It’s winter boot weather.

    It’s so good to read Babe is doing pretty well SANDY. The waiting lists here for beds when people show up in emergency is just as bad and I believe even worse in the UK. I think the pandemic did the poor medical staff in with either burn out or just leaving the profession.

    Yes, I got the cash LIN and I’ve virtually done all the little gift buying to attach the cash to. I will be joining you in ignoring the Harry/Meghan saga. It is rumoured they earned 100 million POUNDS. That should keep them going for some time in pizza dinners!

    Gorgeous blanket BARBIE. I’d love to snuggle in it on a chilly evening when the wind is rattling the wrong way. Is it knitted in a sort of moss stitch? Instead of purl one knit one, purl three, knit three in rows of four should I attempt to copy!

    You must wrap a long scarf twice around your neck JACKIE as you and the brave dogs scramble over the snow dotted moors! Plus a tuque pulled down to the eyebrows. Brrrrr, I get chilly just thinking about you three.

    And of course PATSY is on the previous page and I daren’t turn back, but I believe everything is looking better now as you organize Christmas..

    Well almost time to organize supper or teatime.

    Keep well everyone,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another winter day here. And believe me when I say, I know how busy life can be if one is the care giver in the household. I meet myself coming and going….John remains comfortable as long as he is on those pain meds. I worry so about them and side effects. But until John feels comfortable is doing so, he will not try to do without them.

    I have the little tree in place and fairy lights added where I want a bit more sparkle. I have ordered the centerpiece but it hasn’t arrived yet. Placemats are placed! I would love to add more decor but I would need to be moving stuff around. John gets nervous when I do that.

    Sandy: Usually the rehab facilities try very hard to create a nice holiday atmosphere. I used to volunteer doing one of my auntie goose story times for the facility here. I did a funny story they generally liked and handed out cookies after. Maybe Babe will not be downhearted if he has to be there at Christmas.

    Lin: I think there is a conspiracy among mechanical devices during cold weather. Or when you are most busy. They feel they must cause a problem. They will breakdown just because……..

    Jackie: I confess to having a curiosity about Harry and Meghan and their fussy documentary. It is like listening to gossip knowing a good deal of it is not true. As far as prices are concerned, we have a similar issue. We are a tourist area and beg for visitors. Yet when they come we rob them with overpriced gasoline and bad overpriced restaurant food. I am surprised they make the trip.

    Anne: we give cash at Christmas except for our red and green teeshirts. I love to have English crackers to pop at the end of the meal. I usually have to order them. They are fun and when the kids were little they were sooooo excited. They love wearing the crowns and fighting over the little gifts.

    Barbie: beautiful knitted blanket. Gorgeous little girl!

    Take care everyone,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It’s another freezing day so I haven’t rushed to drive anywhere. At least the sun is shining so I will be able to stack logs in the store in one go! The radio station I listen to has moved on to Christmas songs which has motivated me to write a few cards even though we have yet another day of strikes. I won’t post them until Monday otherwise they could get lost!

    I’ve cancelled my Netflix account because there is little of interest for me and their subscription fee increases each time they lose more viewers. As for the Meghan and Harry series, I wouldn’t have bothered anyway and I’m afraid so many inconsistencies with their past “truth” are being picked over by our media and nonsense about comparing Harry’s wife with his mother appears to suggest he has mental health issues, especially since the paparazzi photographers haven’t existed for years and Royals are left in peace. Good luck America, you are stuck with them now because they won’t dare to return to the multi cultural country they suggest is full of racists! 😆

    My snow boots arrived and I love them so will pop them on now and take George and Betty for a stroll. Perhaps pick up a Cornish pasty on our way home.

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing a couple of loads of laundry before heading to hospital. Talked to Babe, they gave him another IV drip of antibiotics and then another drip of AFib medication. I wish I could be there early for when the doctor comes in but it is along enough day from noon to 8. They are going to accept him at the place we wanted for rehab when he is ready so that is a good thing. I don't think I will have to be with him all day at rehab as he should be working on getting stronger. At the rate I am going I will never be ready for Christmas but at least I have the kiddos gifts. The others are checks so just a matter of getting my Christmas cards. One day at a time.

    Everyone seems to be doing well including John so I hope you all remain happy and healthy. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :) Today we are scheduled for a visit from the mobile dog groomer. Bessie was scared at the place we took her especially when she had to go by herself. We have high hopes for today.

    :)Anne, the blanket pattern is a simple basket weave with a garter stitch border all around. The pattern is knit 5 purl 5 for eight rows then change to purl 5 knit 5 for eight rows and so on. I experimented to find out the best size needle and the right number of stitches for the blanket size I wanted. I can send you more detailed instructions if you want to knit the blanket. What I like best about it is that it is almost identical on both sides--there isn't a right side and a wrong side.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello. I have spent the day (after taking my Christmas cards to the post office), doing research and trying to get my new electronics set-up. My case with the keyboard just arrived. It seems quite cheaply made. We will see if it will work. I did take some time to talk to a friend for quite a while this afternoon. Lovely conversation except for her problems with her sort of new phone. The company is sending her a new one. This will be the 3rd phone since she got it a few mo this ago. 😵‍💫

    Nice to hear from everyone. Need to press on and try to attach this case with the ‘magic’ keyboard. I hope it lives up to the advertising.

    Be safe and will be back tomorrow.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry it has taken so long to get back to everyone, but it is that busy time of year for me too. We struggled to put the tree up earlier in the week, but had problems with light strings not going on. After 3 hrs and getting nowhere we headed to bed. Seems it is the best time to think and my husband recalled he had a light string fixer he had purchased a few years back. 13 lights replaced within about an hour certainly simplified it all. Great little gadget !! Just for your information I saw a tree lot with 5 ft to 7 ft pruned noble fir trees shipped from Oregon. $74.25 plus tax per tree !! So glad we were able to fix our 4 yr old tree again.

    Sandy..... I am so sorry to hear about Babes hospital visit, but glad that he is starting to do a lot better now. At least he is at a place where doctors can make an effort to make him feel better. It seems these days patients spend 3 days in hospital and then they are sent to rehab, specially with the viruses, flu and covid filling up the beds again. I suspect they prefer you contact him via phone right now too rather than chancing you get sick also. Take care of yourself Sandy, eat some healthy meals and get your rest too. Thinking of you.

    Patsy.....Are you able to make some pots of soup, beans or maybe stew to last you a few days, so you don't have to cook as often ? I am hoping your husband will decide these are pretty tasty with our cold weather and give you a bit of rest too. Hoping you might be able to get a cat nap when your kids come to relieve you for a while. A day at a they say.

    Anne.....Sounds like all of your projects were finished just in the nick of time. So is your house toasty warm now ? Time to find a good book or maybe a few movies and a cozy blanket too. Snuggle time with your pup. Take care of yourself....

    Jackie.....All I can say is brrr.....Get your fire burning, but on some hot soup and a cup of tea, a blanket or two, plus snuggles from your animals. Enjoy your soccer games. Youth soccer was a big part of our lives for several years, so we do love watching it. Sorry the USA wasn't able to play in the World games for long. Now we are watching the Sacramento Kings Basketball games....This is the first year in a number of years where they are actually doing well. Nice to see something else on tv
    for a change. Stay warm...

    Jerry and I took our daughter and granddaughter out to breakfast this morning. Our granddaughter had just come home from college in Arizona, so it was great seeing her again. We got the news about her joining her other grandmother on a trip leaving for Melbourne, Australia tomorrow
    morning for 10 days. Our son in law has a aunt, cousins and nephews living there, so their family tends to head back or forth about every two years. MacKenzie was finally old enough to be asked to join her grandmother on a trip. This girl has her wings living in Arizonia and loves adventures. Hoping she doesn't decide to move there now. LOL I got my wings at 19 yrs old too and moved to Canada to join a friend that lived up there. My husband joined the military at 19, so when it is time to go there isn't much stopping us. Miss those days.....

    Anyway hello to Barbie and Lin,

    Take care everyone, Diane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :) Bessie had a successful time with the mobile groomer yesterday. We are happy and made another appointment for eight weeks from now. Then the winds came up and scared Bessie so she slept in bed with us for half the night.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another chilly day but other than getting in and out of the car I will be inside. I made an appointment for my covid booster shot at noon. With all the new variants they claim this one handles them all so I don't want to take any chances. Babe's AFib is still out of whack so he is on an IV drip for it until tomorrow and then they will start with a pill. Hopefully, Monday he is moved to rehab so they can start working on him to get stronger. There was mention that if his AFib doesn't go back to normal they will probably shock him. He has had that done before where they put him under and shock his heart to get it back in rhythm.
    I am still waiting to be a great grandma, Kameko went in the hospital yesterday morning because her water broke but she is still not in hard labor. They are in Hawaii so they were told they will check her cervix in the morning which should be around now. Hopefully she can deliver naturally and not by C Section.

    Diane, I am at the hospital with Babe from around noon to 8:00PM. He is allowed two people in his room and Bryanna came for a short time yesterday. My son might also come today. It is a long day but once he is in rehab they will keep him busy and I won't be with him all day, so I can get things done for Christmas.

    Time to eat and get ready for another day. Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Sorry I haven’t been around, Today we all watched Portugal on the World Cup and they lost to Morocco. So they are now out. This afternoon we all watched England beaten by France 2 - 1. England is now out and I won’t be watching so much any more which will make Jilly Bean very happy. It was the perfect day being horrible outside, but cozy inside. Had a glass of port wine to drown our sorrows which is unusual for me as I don’t particularly like booze.

    BARBIE, thank you for the lovely blanket instructions. I just need Mary Jo to go with me to the Wool Barn.
    I used to knit all the boys school uniform pullovers, plus for my Dad sometimes and of course myself. I’ve a drawerful of hand knits so sort of gave up knitting, but I don’t have a cozy blankie to curl up in which gave me incentive seeing your pretty grand daughter holding hers. Thanks so much.

    It’s all go for you SANDY! I do hope the little baby is now born and your granddaughter in law is sat up cuddling the wee one. You will want to go and visit.

    I’ll write more hopefully tomorrow. It’s been a long day and my eyes are on stalks after a day of tv.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good evening. My church is getting ready to go caroling soon. I spoke to a lady who is the keeper of all information this afternoon hoping to get a couple of mailing addresses. She was busy making cookies for tonight and had a pot of chili in a crockpot on keep warm. She said she would be in touch tomorrow after the morning service.

    I addressed a few additional cards and am iffy on the remainder. Missing addresses for the most part. Two members are currently in the hospital to the best of everyone’s knowledge but I doubt it. I wanted home addresses to send their cards there. I am guessing after a number of days in the hospital they have been moved on to a rehabilitation facility. No one seems to know.

    Anne, sorry that England lost. The talk here has been about the reporter who died. Quite shocking and very unusual for a relatively young man. Making a lovely warm blanket sounds like a wonderful and useful thing to do. Barbie’s blanket really is gorgeous.

    Diane, good job on beating those strings of lights. Yes!! Your granddaughter is off to Australia. Wow. Great trip for her but sorry you didn’t get the opportunity to spend more time with her.

    Sandy, I hope Babe will not need a procedure to reset his heart. And we are all excited for you—new baby in the family. I hope you receive photos and that your grandson’s wife did not require a C-section.

    Jackie, I haven’t found the FM station that usually plays Christmas music. Darn! Did you get the wood you were talking about? And has the cold diminished at all? We are a bit cold, still wet and damp but thankfully no snow here. That is very good for December in this area.

    Patsy, is Damon home this weekend? What tempting treats have you made? I hope all is on an even keel in your home. Best wishes.

    Take care my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Another bitterly cold day that started with snow and ice. The pets were happy to stay on my bed when I got up so I didn’t feel the need to walk them until there was a slight thaw and then we only went to the next village and back. My new snow boots kept my feet warm and are so comfortable and light I’m delighted with them. It was a good day for housework after which I caught up with brother Bernie who had been sitting in the beach cafe sipping coffee with friends. 21C and sunny in his area of Spain! Writing Christmas cards was my next task until I heard on the radio that the striking postmen are saying even if we post now, cards and packages probably won’t arrive until February so I’m wondering should I bother!
    I didn’t expect England to beat France in the World Cup so wasn’t too disappointed and will look forward to Morocco beating France in the semifinal because there is a lot of history between the 2 countries!

    Barbie, that’s great that Bessie’s groom went well. George’s mobile groomer has been a lifesaver because she is so patient putting up with his grumbles and I can sit in the truck and chat while she works, which seems to keep him calmer.

    Anne, condolences to MJ for Portugal losing. It seems to be an unusual tournament this time around with so many favourites getting knocked out. As for England, if that 2nd penalty had gone in I still wouldn’t have expected them to win the match.

    Always good to see you pop in Diane. Thank goodness for social media when families so easily move around the world these days. Many people on my paternal family’s side emigrated to Australia in late Victorian times and some weren’t heard from for years, and then only if they returned to England!

    Brady is already asleep on my bed and the pooches snoozing with me so once the fire dies down I will get some sleep myself.

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    Bessie with her red flower after her grooming
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hellos sneakers, our winter weather continues but we are okay. I really need to find a groomer like Barbie has. Katie is a full on PILL when being groomed.

    Damon found a great house in Seaside, OR but he may be too late in getting in on that. When a nice house comes on the market at a decent price it is a race to the finish. And he gets busy and has precious time to firm up his offer.

    We are trying to deal with our various health issues like everyone. I see when John is tired his mind stops working at all. When rested he is almost normal.

    I am trying to get interested in our college or our one pro basketball team here. Basketball needs a very good tv camera operator or else the game is very hard to follow for John.

    I am going to see about a visitor for John once or twice a week so I can spend that time inthe dungeon. A couple of free hours can make a huge difference for me. He is a love but he needs a lot of attention.

    Watched an interview on pbs with Dr. Faucet and he was warning about this winter and the flu. If you are so inclined, might be a good idea to get the flu shot. Our hospital is full again. Flu and Covid and other respiratory virus. Is this ever going away? Also lovely special on the National parks. I have visited many of them. I have my favorites. Grand Canyon is still at the top and Yellowstone. Arches in Utah was great fun.
    Must run, I hear something going on in the kitchen!!!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I’m hunched over a mug of hot coffee as I wait for the shower room temperature to rise above zero! It’s at the end of what was once the piggery so not well insulated in spite of my efforts getting a builder to line the walls a few years ago with a double layer of plasterboard. A fan heater is whirring quietly so another 10 minutes should get it warm enough. It seems our freeze will last another week at least!

    Lin, we posted at the same time last night. Yes, still freezing but I’m stocked up with logs and smokeless coal and thank goodness, I wrapped the one outside tap with protective bubble wrap last week so fingers crossed, all is good in this 200 year old property! There are several radio stations dedicated to Christmas music here but I’m not sure you can receive them. Try this…

    Time to shower!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) Well after 52 hours I am now a great grandma! My grandson Anthony and his wife Kameko from Hawaii became parents this morning. Mom is exhausted but so happy as is dad. All I know is she was 8 pounds but nothing else.
    My daughter and SIL are thrilled to be grandparents as they should be.

    Babe is finally making progress. His pneumonia is cleared up so no more IV. His AFIB is still acting up with his heart rate jumping around so will have IV until tomorrow then go on a pill. He walked down the hall with a walker and help of PT and they took him off of oxygen. He should be going to rehab tomorrow or Tuesday.

    I got my booster yesterday with no side effects, just a little sore arm. I will be going to Mass at my Church at noon and then head to hospital. I am hoping with Babe in rehab I can get my Christmas shopping done and mailed out. Time is moving fast.

    Lin, try iheart radio, 93.9 lite fm for Christmas music or just 93.9 lite fm on your radio.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time