Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Lin. I have an Omron pedometer that was expensive when I bought it in 2010 and may not be available anymore. I also count steps on the Samsung Health app on my android phone. I carry my phone in my pocket all the time so it works well for me. I balked at the fitbit because I don't like anything on my wrist

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello sneakers. It continues to be freezing outside so there’s still lots of ice to slip on if not careful. This morning’s walk was round the block only because George’s groomer was booked for midday and I wanted to brush out any debris from his coat that he tends to pick up. I stayed in the grooming truck while he was trimmed and we caught up with our news. The shining sun brought the temperature up slightly but not enough to want to be outside so we kept our coats buttoned up. Lunch afterwards was a bacon sandwich with HP Brown sauce (Anne’s favourite!), fires were lit as the sun went down, I hung a string of lights around the ceiling beams then finally got to sit down with my afternoon cuppa!

    I love today’s tea set Lin, especially reminds me of Brady’s present deposited under the dining table earlier!!

    Gosh, it’s now past midnight so I need to get us all to bed. I will catch up properly in the morning while sipping coffee but hopefully not waiting for it to stop snowing. I’ve just let the dogs into the garden and brrrr!! 🥶

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Brrrrrrrrrr cold and that damp sort that chills to the bone! No sweater, jacket or coat is enough.

    I have been having fun listening to music on Alexa. Katie, however, barks at her when she talks to us. Not sure why but she doesn’t do that when we watch tv or listen to the radio or stero.

    We are planning a low key Christmas. Damon is coming and we will see Andrea and grandson. Our SIL feels very uncomfortable out of his house. He is doing okay. The injury from his fall has mostly healed but that lost part of his brain seems lost forever. There are very simple tasks that he. Can’t do. But in general, he is doing fine and made a remarkable recovery.

    Back to our Christmas, I decorated but not quite as much as I used to do. I will do a bit of cooking and I will bake a pie. Damon and I are planning the dinner. It will not be Turkey! We are considering Italian again! We all enjoyed it at thanksgiving. Our wonderful neighbor who is a longshoreman, loves to fish etc. he went crabbing and shared some of his catch with us. Fresh crab….what a treat., but messy to get the crab meat out of those crab legs and claws.

    I will give our mailman a little Christmas cash in an envelope, so this year, all gifts except for my gifts to John will be checks or cash. I hate doing it that way, but totally clueless about their needs or desires. As my dad used to say, it always fits and the color looks good on them.

    I will say, if we had little kids in the family, I would love to be with them at Christmas. That said, I do not think I could ever be away from John on Christmas, if I had a choice. I had told him many times, he is on the list of naughty little boys….

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Oh my goodness. Such a beautiful little girl and her fingers are straight and long already. Maybe she will be a pianist. Life is nothing but possibilities right now. ❤️❤️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Here I am, still covered in layers because the promised warmer temperatures haven’t arrived yet. George asked to go out about 5am when I noticed the ground was covered in thick ice so decided there and then our doggy walk wouldn’t be happening later. Lots of problems on our roads with accidents and breakdowns which means delays, then the strikes continue, but I did receive a package delivered by the postman which was a pleasant surprise! I’ve made a pot of soup, cut up more kindling and sent a few emails but that’s about all today.

    Lin, I did notice Dan Baker was back on YouTube and have arrived In Kyiv today so I hope they will be safe because the city is being targeted with drones. They look happy to be back in their apartment though!

    Anne, did you see pictures of the Royals arriving for the Christmas concert at Westminster Abbey? They are continuing the late Queen’s funny habit of sending subtle messages by wearing certain clothes or jewellery. The women turned up in matching burgundy outfits and William and George in matching suits. There’s a lot of beige and white too which all relates to Megan’s comment that that’s all she wore because she wasn’t allowed to wear the same colour as other royals! It struck me as funny. 😁
    A friend was telling me she went to a Christmas lunch last week and because she can’t eat cream, the lady serving the desserts agreed to take a spoonful of custard off the trifle and put it on her Christmas pudding! Cream doesn’t like me so I keep an emergency tin of Ambrosia custard in my store cupboard.

    That’s a beautiful photo of little Aloha Sandy and Lin’s right about her fingers; she will be playing the piano by the time she’s 2. 😁
    The neighbour with the out of control dog has been trouble since she moved in nearly 20 years ago

    Bedtime and the forecast promises heavy rain tonight so that will be interesting.
    Jackie 👍✊👱‍♀️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Jackie, I follow an artist in Cornwall. Here’s her post from this morning.

    Bitterly Cold
    Never in all the years we have we lived in this house , when opening the shutters in the morning have we had frost inside the windows ! Thankgoodness for this beauty which we are lighting first thing . Too cold to have been in my workshop which has limited heating. And to top it all I have the North Cornwall current hacking cough ........



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello all. Chilly here. I finally went out for the mail and I started coughing as soon as I hit the cold, cold air. Ick.

    Here’s a teapot.


    Be safe everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Jackie and Anne,
    Have you ever see the TV series the Time Master? My son and his wife had me watch a few early episodes and I have to admit I liked it, British humor is funny.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) Going to noon mass today but checking in to say hi. Kids Christmas Recital was really cute, always makes me tear up. After mass I have a couple of errands to run before visiting Babe. I am bringing him McDonald's as he is tired of the food there. I asked the nurse if he could have it and she said he is on low sodium but what I don't see is none of my business. I will just do this once to cheer him up because at home he was not on low sodium in fact the neurologist wanted him to add extra salt for his dizziness so who knows who to listen too.

    I asked Babe if he wanted to buy me a new monitor for my computer for Christmas and he said yes.
    My son picked it out and installed it for me. It is pretty cool as it curves and is a little bigger than my last one.

    Babe is doing well except for dizziness but they are going to try compression socks and a waist binder when he does therapy. I tell him to wear compression socks at home but he keeps saying they don't work. They actually do help keep blood flowing from your feet to your heart, I wear them myself in the winter.

    Still not sure if Babe will be home for Christmas, I think he is leaning toward staying there until after.
    He is just not social and feels awkward with people. He has always been like that so that is nothing new.
    It will work out if he stays I will visit him before our festivities on Christmas Eve and after Christmas breakfast with the kiddos I will spend the rest of the day with him and bring him presents.

    I better eat and get moving. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good evening. When I let the pooches out last thing the ground was frosty and sky clear but around 5 am I was woken by wind and rain so didn’t rush to get out of bed, especially as it was still very cold. The sky has been dark all day and the rain torrential but by lunchtime I decided I must walk George and Betty so wrapped them in their raincoats and took them round the block. The roads are flooding because melting snow and ice is making things worse, so at times we were splashing through rivers of water. A test for my new boots that they finally failed but then I don’t think any shoe was designed for those conditions. My denim jeans got soaked through but my knees were so cold I wasn’t aware of how wet I was until we got home. Everything is now drip drying on an airier in my dining room and boots are perched on the hearth.
    Time for homemade soup and a sandwich then enjoy a zoom meeting between friends in Canada, Bernie in Spain, friend in Gloucestershire and myself. We had a few hiccups at the start but a few tweaks from Canada’s end helped us join up. I am reminded I should be renewing my passport because it expired in the first couple of months of lockdown and at the time didn’t bother with it because I guessed right that the situation would drag on. My Canadian friends tell me people there needing to renew are sometimes only receiving the new one on the morning of departure and I don’t think I would cope well with that sort of stress.

    Lin, I can believe your art friends would be frozen on the north coast. When the renovations were completed here I looked into shutters for my windows but because they would need to be bespoke and therefore expensive, I didn’t take it further. Looks like I avoided frost on the inside of my windows and thick curtains do a good enough job. I don’t think I would have survived without my wood burner and stove so understand her love of hers.
    That’s a funny teapot that seems to show an Irish dancer doing a jig!

    Anne, is your fire installed? I missed the final of the World Cup as I wasn’t interested in who won but have just seen in the news Argentina beat France so that’s good! I heard earlier that Gareth Southgate has decided to stay on as England manager so roll on the next round of international matches. I hated the surgical stockings I had to wear after my hip replacements but understood their importance… for about 3 weeks anyway!

    Sandy, you are probably right to let Babe stay at the facility over Christmas if that’s what he wants because you don’t want your Christmas to be up in the air. At least you can then plan your days knowing he is safe among medical staff. I don’t know Time Master. Is it an old series or something new? Sometimes titles are changed when sold internationally.

    Must get myself an evening meal. Not sure what but possibly smoked, baked haddock with cous cous.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello all. I am just recovering from watching the final of the World Cup. I didn’t intend watching. But put it on as sort of background and it turned out to be the most exciting football match I have ever seen. WOW.

    Michael came yesterday and installed my Christmas gift. It took him 2.5 hours and he did a super job. I’m sat here basking in flames roaring up the “chimney”. It’s quite a big piece of furniture but it tones with my other stuff and needless to say I love it. Very realistic AND with a wide enough mantel for my table lamp and two brass candlesticks which once belonged to my dad. Actually I could put my ceramic church and English cottages up there as well, plus. But won’t overdo things.

    I didn’t see the royals in their burgundy outfits plus beige and white JACKIE but I would have seen the funny side as well. I DID read you are warming up tonight, and LIN I always drew pictures in the frost on the windows when I was a kid. Actually I found the British Isles to be much colder than here. I think probably the damp which makes lovely frost.

    You won’t believe me SANDY but when the little one was born I immediately thought her name! Honest I did. It just came into my head. Aloha AND it means the same as my name, “grace”. Hey, I’m not clairvoyant so it could be that’s the only word I know in Hawaiian. Lol.

    PATSY busy doing what she loves best. Making the house festive and welcoming for her family. And hi BARBIE and everyone else popping in.

    Time for a cup of tea,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Anne, I think you must be clairvoyant! Love it!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Roads were icy this morning for my morning walk at 6 so I walked mostly on the gravel along the edge. It was still icy at 9:30 when I walked with my friend so we walked single file on the gravel. Later it snowed so when I walked at 6 PM while on the phone with my California friend, the roads weren't icy and the walk was easy.

    :)Sandy, lovely baby. I agree that Babe will do best staying where he is for Christmas. He'll be safe and cared for and his day will be predictable instead of filled with other people and surprises.

    :) We had a fire in the woodstove all day Jake wanted to have a holiday meal this week so we went to the drive through at Taco Time and got our favourite salads to eat at home. It was a perfect meal.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello. I watched church online this morning and also did a bit of bathroom cleaning and floor sweeping. I worked on cards this afternoon. These will be donated. I made some progress on them. Then I did some online banking and calculating $$ as more expenses may be on the way. I watched the children’s program at church this evening. It was sweet. Baby Jesus was a very young baby of a church member. Born in November actually.

    We have snow, wind and much colder temperatures on the way. Snow tomorrow. I am not sure when it will start but I would like to get a few groceries and I have called in for a refill on my prescription which will not be ready before 2pm tomorrow afternoon (at the soonest).

    Getting down to the last days before celebrations. Some friends of mine have already arrived at Disney World. That is where they are spending Christmas they love the lights and the parade so much.

    Anne, enjoying the lovely toasty fireplace. Lovely and glad Michael got it all set up. Does Jilly like to cuddle up in front of it?

    Jackie, I hope it does warm up in your part of the world. You’ve had more than enough inclement weather. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, your last few days were quite action packed. I am happy you were able to spend time with your son and DIL. And hope your DIL is feeling all right.

    Patsy, how are the holiday preparations coming along now? Are you watching Christmas movies? Listening to holiday music? I found the 24 hour a day Christmas music station. I have it on any time I am in the car. I am enjoying the station so much.

    Well, be safe everyone. Best wishes.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    SANDY, I’m so glad you believed me! That was my first thought and I followed it up thinking and they will shorten it to Laya or Layla as she grows. Don’t say a word, let’s see if that happens. I do have my moments in predicting the odd thing but I’ve always considered it picking up signs rather than clairvoyancy, lol.
    I think Babe is in the best place right now.

    Just having my porridge with a sprinkling of raisins and walnut pieces. We are predicted snow in the next hour. Has your “heat wave” arrived JACKIE? We have a chance of a white Christmas. Mixed emotions on that one.

    More later, enjoy your day ladies,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    PS. With this mix-up between the laptop and the iPad I appear to be turning up in the oddest spaces. Yes, see earlier, lol I DID respond JACKIE, LOVE the fireplace if you can’t find!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The sun is shining but it is very cold. Babe has therapy on and off until 3:00 so I can get my presents wrapped before visiting him. Tomorrow I am going to dinner with my friends to celebrate Christmas. I bought the three of them scarves with their first name stitched on them, I even bought one for myself. Before the dinner I am going to get my nails done, they look horrible. Wednesday the social worker wants me at Babe's therapy, I think so I know what to do at home but not sure. I will sit for the kiddos around 4:00 so Rob can go to gym. Thursday my meeting with a little Christmas party before we start, I am bringing meatballs. Friday Charlie gets her tonsils and adenoids out and Saturday Christmas Eve will be going to mass and then to Lisa's parents house, I will be bringing bar b q ribs for an appetizer. Sunday Christmas day, breakfast with the kiddos and to open grandparents gifts. In the afternoon I will spend the rest of Christmas with Babe and bring him some presents from me, his daughter and my son and his wife. Monday Babe should come home if all goes well. That is my week in a nutshell, I hope yours is not as busy as mine.

    Anne, can you take a picture of your fireplace so we can enjoy it with you?

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello. Cold, bits of snow early this afternoon. It stopped but is forecast to start up this evening. So an interesting weather week here. I have my groceries and my prescription refill. Fingers crossed that the repairman will find the washer can be fixed. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, what a week you have in store. Every minute seemingly booked. 👍🏻❤️👍🏻

    Anne, yes, I would like to see your fireplace but if a photo won’t work for you, I will continue to imagine it.

    Jackie, did I miss your post? Hope all is well. Hello to Betty and George.

    Barbie, I hope your walks go well and no more slippery streets are in store this week.

    Patsy, hoping you and John are doing okay. Miss you.

    Hello to Diane and Jeri. 🎄⛄️⛄️🎄

    Time to take out the trash and walk to the mailbox.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Phew Anne, yes the heatwave has certainly arrived along with my favourite torrential rain! Annoyingly, the new granite lintels over the dining room and snug windows are leaking so I’m having to keep towels under them to mop up the drips. The builder has been messaged and will visit after Christmas… hopefully!
    I have an image in my head of your fireplace, only because a friend bought one a few years ago. Hers is a 1930’s Art Deco style.

    I drove to local fields to walk George and Betty so of course we got wet but they enjoyed themselves even if I didn’t! It seemed a good idea to visit the supermarket to stock up early but it appeared everyone else thought the same so it was manic. I managed to spend a fortune but shouldn’t have to return until the new year.

    A busy week for you Sandy but most activities sound fun.

    Good luck with your repairman Lin and maybe stay home, out of the cold air and snow. A gorgeous Santa teapot although it strikes me it could be precarious when full and prone to tipping!

    Midnight so time for bed. My washing machine is set to run overnight because we just might enjoy a sunny, dry day tomorrow.
    Nite, nite
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A cold day here and a storm is expected. I am hoping Damon can get back at Christmas but we are flexible. We have celebrated Christmas and other holidays at our own date instead of when the rest of the country celebrated. 25th 26th, 27th ? When ever the roads are passible

    I am as decorated as I will be this year. Not as much as I would like but acceptable. Our grandson came and whizzed around with the vacuum. I don’t see this as ever being his higher calling. He mainly gets the walkways between furniture. It catches Katie’s debris from her her trips in and out. I am grateful for that. But I still need a person to come help with monthly deeper cleaning. Still hunting for that special person.

    I have been listening to Christmas Choral music for days. When Handle’s Messiah comes on I have this urge to stand…..Alexa has it all and we have one in the kitchen, Irving room, dungeon and bathroom. Damon set item up for us because he was concerned we might have an

    As fun as it would be to party and dance and enjoy the jolly holiday, I do look forward to and treasure my time with our little family gatherings. We tell stories, joke, laugh and tease each other. Damon, Andrea and I also enjoy a glass or two of Christmas cheer. Since we are giving checks this year again, opening gifts will not happen. I have a few practical things for John. He will fuss about them but give me that wink that says he likes them and loves me.

    We will call a few friends and the few remaining family members still upright and on the planet.

    That’s our big plans. Nothing as stimulating as amazing Sandy’s schedule but that is our style. John is a stay at home kind of guy, like Babe. He isn’t awkward with people but feels more comfortable in his own home with close friends and family.

    And now this news! Dear friends! I have told you many times. I don’t have many close friends any more. My family has almost disappeared. My affection for all of you is real and brings me close to tears at times. You all mean the world to me. How can it be? I have never seen you or met you but you hold a big spot in my heart. Merry Christmas and happy new year! If you don’t celebrate Christmas, accept my friendship and affection all year long.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    So here I am on the iPad trying to remember what you all said on the laptop! This is either very good for the little grey cells or extremely bad for the little grey cells. Probably the latter at my advanced years.

    First the fireplace. Well it isn’t Art Deco. More a box shape with a dark oak finish. This is because Mike bought me it because it is also a tv stand. However, it can’t be used as such because my tv, phone, and the internet are all using one plug and to add another might cause me and Jilly to reach heaven or the other place sooner than we would like. BUT I love it actress from the sofa with its now wide mantel with dads heavy brass candlesticks gleaming away now that I’ve stopped being lazy and cleaned and polished them. The horse brasses from the old country are down the side, also gleaming. Industrious Annsie! I wish I could photo it because much to my surprise I really, really love it. I did wonder when it was still in the cardboard box, me and Michael having different tastes. Spot on, Mike! Very cozy in the 4 o’clock gloom.

    I’m beginning to wonder about Christmas here though. Dire warnings on my iPad weather. A huge storm is coming on Friday evening, carrying on into Saturday. It comes with warnings about power outages. Goodbye fireplace if that’s the case and we are asked to stock up on candles, torches, and WATER. This might suit Santa no end, but the rest us us? Uh uh. We are asked to cut down on travel those of us who have a wee dog rather than Rudolph in the back yard. Which reminds me I found Jilly with a large lump of white foam stuck on her nose from the packing. Naturally I had to sing “Jilly the white nosed doggie,”

    So, reading all your plans for a lovely Christmas there is a good chance apparently that me and the Bean the wonder dog could be sat alone in candle light eating canned meat just like dear old Scrooge.

    Will let you all know what transpires. The weather men have been known to be wrong!

    Lovely thoughts from our PATSY which are copied by me. Hope the drips have stopped JACKIE. I wish I could send the slow but meticulous Mark over to fix. His backs still hurting by the way from helping Mike haul the box in. Mike after assembling the fireplace carried on to Costcos to shop for his friend Sandy in another town because she has got the nose drips from looking after her grandkids. Hope you are on the mend dear LIN and SANDY can slow down a bit. I feel quite breathless Sandy, you really are a marvel!

    Anne, off for a showe. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲☃️☃️☃️🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Much to mine and everyone’s relief, the sun is shining and it’s about 10C so the pooches were walked across the top of the moors for over an hour then on the way home, I stopped at my friends Christine and Richard for coffee and a slice of homemade Victoria sponge. Their son was out walking Bonny the crazy Labrador but I did get to cuddle Bobby the cat that Christine adopted when we worked together. He was a rescue really because a neighbours dog had killed his siblings at his previous home so she stepped in and insisted she take him home.
    I’ve mucked out the hens, hung laundry out to at least start to dry and checked my cuttings and bedding plants in the greenhouse didn’t succumb to the cold. So far so good. I even picked a handful of tomatoes that have miraculously ripened.
    I’ve a couple more local Christmas cards to deliver and will do that tomorrow. Barney the gardener who was planning to cut a few of my hedges on Thursday has moved the appointment to Friday so I’ll see if Linda has time to go out for a coffee Thursday. Then it will be a peaceful weekend.

    I’ve stood staring at the outside granite wall trying to see where rainwater is coming in but 200 year old render must be porous so it’s not obvious. I’m sure Mark would know immediately ANNE but it’s just a little too far for him to travel. Lovely thought though! My Canadian friends living in London told me they anticipated bad weather over Christmas and are travelling a couple of hours away to stay with family. They used to stop off in St Catherine’s on the way but that person passed away earlier in the year. Make sure you’ve got something warming to drink in case you can’t get out. Yesterday I bought a bottle of Italian Amaretto that’s delicious poured over ice and warms the cockles!

    Patsy, you and the rest of our group are like family to me so take it as read I worry when anyone doesn’t check in or does but reports accidents, illnesses or are even just down in the dumps. Your Christmas sounds perfect to me and I know you and John will have a wonderful time with immediate family.

    Hello to everyone else. I’ve paused my chores to type and post but must now do a few more before the sun goes down. Winter Solstice tomorrow then hooray, the days get longer!

    Keep warm and safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Tuesday! :) Plans might change for Christmas Day. Babe might be able to be released on Christmas Day so I will not go to breakfast with the kiddos if so. They can open my presents on Christmas Eve at Lisa's parents. I am trying to be nice even though I am a little miffed about it. Texting with Cheryl, Babe's DIL, she said Babe told her that he could be released before Christmas but didn't want to be, so she was upset I didn't tell her that. She made plans to go to her sister's house which she really doesn't want to do because they were apart for the ten years Babe and I were apart do to her sister wanting Christmas Eve at her house and Phil and Cheryl didn't like that plan. Long story but ridiculous reason to not speak to your sister for ten years. She said if she had known Babe could have come to her house and I explained he didn't want to go anywhere and preferred to stay in rehab. Then she said they could have come and sat with him here while I went to Lisa's parents house saying they would rather have spent Christmas with Babe and making me feel guilty. Then proceeded to say please keep us in mind when you want to see your family and he doesn't want to go we would be happy to spend time with him. Like I don't. I told her they could come anytime but again she said we didn't know, we thought he was not able to come home for the holiday. Again with the digs.
    I was very upset with the whole conversation because she never calls him, she doesn't come to visit and she never even offered for him to live with her when the house was sold. I let it all go and even made amends to her but she is a very difficult person who holds grudges forever. Thank goodness I have Al Anon.
    So when visiting Babe I asked the nurse if he could be released on Christmas Day. She said yes and probably late morning so he could have the day at home. So I texted Cheryl and said there is a possibility he can be released Christmas Day so if you want to come here to celebrate with him you are welcome.
    I could cook some chicken wings and french fries. Her response was I made a dinner reservation for her and Marisa but can cancel if they are definitely releasing him. Marisa won't eat that with her diet so if nothing else we can stop by and visit. I offered to make chicken breasts or the ham Babe's daughter sent,but she said Marisa won't eat ham but the chicken breasts would work but if it's too much they can come after their dinner. Ugh!!
    So I go to Babe's therapy tomorrow and will talk to the staff about releasing him Sunday for Christmas.
    If they agree then I will offer to make chicken breasts and whatever else they want or they can just come after their dinner which would be nice for the two of them. Talk about stress.
    I am going for our Christmas dinner with friends today and did ask her to ask Marisa to visit her grandpa today so they are both going and bringing him dinner and I am grateful for that

    Sorry to vent all this to you, but although I vented to my sponsor I shared with you because I trust you and feel we are friends who can share anything. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    Temps below freezing. Here I am coming home from my two hour walk before sunrise this morning

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Holy moly Barbie! That picture of you in the snow gives me the chills from here! Hope you are warm and the doggie is warm as well.

    A cold storm is headed here soon. Damon is headed here if roads are clear. If not ????
    We are set to have a comfy Christmas regardless. I think the kids are set as well. We hope to see them but phones and zoom will keep us together.

    Sandy: calm down sweetheart! All is well! Babe is coming home. Your family loves you dearly and no matter where the children open their gifts, they will always know their beautiful grandmother Sandy loves them. From where I stand, I think no matter where and with who, your Christmas will be lovely. Family, good food, games, good times. Maybe you can teach us all how to do a sneaker zoom call in the next year. Wouldn’t that be delicious?

    Acorn squash, salmon, broccoli with lemon/caper sauce for dinner. Green grapes for dessert.
    Be of good cheer, dear friends!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good evening. Sort of an exciting day for me. A friend called and we had a very nice talk. Later the repair person arrived and looked my washer over. He explained what was going on and even took a photo of the problem area he was discussing. Very nice of him to do that as I wasn’t able to see the area in question. Anyway, the washer is done for and again, he didn’t want me to use it as water was starting to seep under my dryer and he said the dryer is in good shape and should last quite a while.

    I paid the fee and got back to my chores hoping the person who discusses options and places orders for customers would call me. I was about to give up hope for the day when the phone rang and it was her. A long sales discussion ensued although I knew what I wanted when she called I dutifully listened to everything and asked a couple of questions so she would know I listened.

    I am on the delivery schedule for tomorrow. Now if the snow will hold off to the end of the day, I should have a new washer installed and the old one hauled away. I am sorry to see my old (formerly) dependable Maytag leave but am happy I will be able to wash clothes without dread.

    This evening was an online class and now that is all for me today.

    Barbie, I love the picture of you returning home. Yes, you have snow❄️❄️❄️❄️ and it looks beautiful. Is the snow over for you for a while? I hope you and Jake stay safe and warm. All best wishes.

    Patsy, I also like to hear from everyone here and am a bit worried if someone doesn’t show up for a while and equally concerned if someone is unwell. It is nice to have friends, even those you have never seen in person. Caring is caring, in person or from a distance I guess. I hope the storm doesn’t cause too much disruption for you. We have been told to stock up on water and food in case the power goes off. I am really hoping it stays on. The grocery stores are being picked clean of essentials I’ve heard. 🙃

    Sandy, my goodness what a conundrum. It seems folks are being a bit difficult and honestly it seems there are some resentments simmering below the surface. You are getting stuck in the middle. Best wishes on finding a peaceful resolution to holidays. They are difficult for many people and many families. Hope you enjoy some of the events in the upcoming week.

    Anne, likewise, I hope your power stays on and you stay safe. I will definitely be on my own but I have books to read and I am making cards to send away to the organization I am supporting. I should have a little box filled by Christmas. Then I just need to get to the post office when the weather improves to get them in the mail. My friends think they will stay home on their own for Christmas as well. They had the grand daughters over to make cookies and the next day both kids tested positive for Covid (probably exposed at school). My friends are hoping they will not get sick but don’t want to be exposed again as they don’t know if everyone in that household has Covid now. Another friend came to our area from Wisconsin and promptly got ill. It took 5 days to get in to be tested. They found out she had the flu but by then it was too late for any treatment. I have forgotten the name, Tamiflu? You and Jilly stay warm and enjoy that fireplace.

    Jackie, I am glad to hear you finally received some sunshine. Hoping you see lots more sunshine and how wonderful that you have some tomatoes! Did your laundry dry? Enjoy your time with Linda if you are able to get together. Did you see Kerry, Angela and the doggies spearheaded enough fund raising activities to purchase another vehicle for the emergency service? How amazing!

    Well, must run along. Hello to Diane and Jeri!

    Be well everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    What a beautiful Christmas teapot LIN and I must thank you for all the beautiful teapots you have shared with us. There’s quite a few I would like to own! How wonderful that you’ve treated yourself to a new washing machine for the holidays. Carefree washing for Lin. Judging by the weather report it will be a quiet Christmas for me (and Bean). And that’s not a bad thing. Cuddled up on the sofa with the Bean, the “fire” glowing, the snow falling outside, the “children” safe in their homes and not driving on the slippery roads will make a quiet change from the usual hectic run around. Time will tell I guess. It’s minus 5 centigrade today.

    PATSY the same for you and John if the weather is bad although Andrea lives close by and it looks as if Damon will arrive to make your Christmas Day happy and complete.

    Gorgeous photo BARBIE! Snow isn’t all bad after all. Did Jake take the photo? You live in a beautiful spot, no wonder you are such a tranquil, contented lady.

    Oh SANDY, vent all you want with us. Life can be very frustrating at times and so can people! This is where a small dog comes in useful to cuddle up to and let the rest of the world go by.

    JACKIE, did you dry out!!! I suspect you will enjoy Christmas Day with your small dogs, one small cat and maybe if you are lucky one small mouse to chase and put outside! Brady is sure to bring you a Christmas gift! I can see you in the fire lit glow sipping you amaretto with one hand hovering over the chocolate box. Me too !!!

    God bless us, every one,
    Anne. 🌲🌲☃️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) Well, we had quite a night last night. Dinner was great, the present exchange was wonderful, such beautiful gifts and then on to a little gambling. I was winning but then lost a little before we were ready to leave. My friend Patti was going to drive my other friend home because she realized I am always the driver and wanted me to be able to just go straight home early. Her roommate doesn't gamble so she didn't go with us but she did give me a beautiful comforter set that she no longer wanted so we took it from Patti's car to put in my SUV and as I was hand closing the back I accidently hit Patti in the head. Her head was bleeding profusely so we went to urgent care and they sent us to the ER at the hospital where she got a staple in her head. There was so much blood we couldn't believe it but they said head wounds are the worse. I felt so bad but Skippy and I stayed with her the whole time, they also gave her a tetanus shot so she is good for ten years. After taking her back to her car where she said she was fine to drive home since it was so close and then taking Skippy home and getting her into her garage elevator with her gifts and walker I finally got home a little after one am. You can't say my life is boring, there is a new adventure every day. lol
    Today I go to therapy with Babe from 1-2 and then go sit at 3:30. I am speaking at my meeting tomorrow so I have to prepare a talk which I have started. We are meeting a half hour early to share some Christmas food each one is bringing in so it should be fun.
    Babe is having a bad time with his blood pressure as it dips down during therapy as much as 70/40. With this autoimmune disease the neurologist says to use extra salt but the cardiologist says to be low sodium so it is hard to know what to do. Once home I will call both doctors to get their opinions.
    We are expecting a big snow storm with blizzard like conditions and winds 50 miles per hour with windchills minus 50 degrees. There is even a special report on TV right now from the city of Chicago preparing for the storm. Yikes.

    Time to eat and get ready for the day. Keep warm, keep safe and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Today turned out better than the forecast so once again I enjoyed a long dog walk. Just as we set off from the car park I heard Brian shouting for his dog Duke who never wanders away from him so I walked over to where he was and realised he was very cross indeed. It turned out new people to the village were walking 4 dogs, one of which was in season so Duke couldn’t ignore that! Trouble was it was a large Labrador mix and Duke is a Westie so it was never going to happen! They were quite a distance away and I didn’t think Brian, who now walks with a stick, should have to walk across rough ground so suggested he take shelter from the wind under an old engine house and I go over to collect Duke. The people were standing watching the dogs dance about so I told them they should have walked towards Brian so he could catch Duke but the response was a mumble so I hooked him on to Betty’s lead and took him away. Another local was talking to Brian when I got back and said she thinks they are Italian so perhaps don’t speak English although I’m not sure that’s an excuse! I managed to persuade Brian not to smack Duke then finally got on with my walk!
    I phoned Linda to say I would be passing and could drop off a couple of bags of horse manure I picked up yesterday from Richard and Christine so on my travels delivering Christmas cards, I stopped for coffee while we made plans for one of our coffee and cake outings in the morning. 95 year old Les was on my list but when I got there I found him dog sitting his daughter’s pooches so didn’t stay long because they don’t stop barking! The last few items of shopping and now home sipping tea!

    Lin, that’s a shame your man couldn’t repair your washer but at least you will have a new one you can trust not to flood the floor. Most of my laundry dried but I do still have pairs of thermal tights and a thick nightie hanging on the airier next to the heater while Betty snores underneath in her cosy bed!

    Barbie, that’s an amazing photo of you trudging through the snow! I could immediately hear the song Walking in the Air from The Snowman movie!

    Sandy, I do get where you are coming from but please don’t let anything spoil your Christmas. I’ll say again, you are a better person than me! Your life has changed a lot since Babe came to live with you, probably more than you thought it would, so perhaps to avoid more misunderstandings that upset you, a conversation for everyone to clear the air is possible in the New Year? ❤️

    Anne, I’m already looking through lists of movies available to watch over Christmas. Now I no longer have Netflix I’m back to BBC and ITV films that are less dark and violent. I know you will be alright if snowed in until family can visit, especially now you have your wonderful glowing fire, but I hope everyone can meet, even for a short while. Jilly will love all the attention!

    You are organised and all set to enjoy your Christmas Patsy. In the past, I’ve shared Christmas celebrations in the middle of summer because it was the only time everyone could get together and it was just as much fun, if not more so.

    Time to prepare my evening meal of smoked gammon, a green salad, coleslaw and a jacket potato.

    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰