Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello friends. A day of changes in the weather, sun, deep clouds, cold, windy, an afternoon warm-up. Nothing much new here. I hope everyone is well. Running out of battery power. Doesn’t seem to last long on this old iPad.

    Jackie, sorry you didn’t get to see all the faire had to offer. There’s always fine print right?


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Friday! :) Had an early morning appointment with doctor who is putting me on thyroid medicine for a month and then after the holidays stop the meds and see if eating Gluten free will work the same as meds. My blood pressure was high at 145/90 so she wants me to take it daily for the next six weeks until I see her again. Again, getting old is not for sissies.
    I had a long talk with Babe yesterday letting out my feeling for the last ten years and I feel much better.
    Holding things in is not good for your health and I think we came to an understanding. Praying things get a little better and that he will start to go out and mingle with people. I also asked for more money as everything is double what it used to be and I told him there is no place he could live for what he gives me extra. He agreed and even bought today's groceries so I can catch up from when my kids were here.

    Where oh where is our dear friend Anne, is she not able to get on again?

    Jackie, sorry you didn't see the tree lighting, was it possible to get a rain check for another time?
    Busy day for you but isn't that what keeps us moving?

    Lin, so many phone calls in your life, some good, some bad, some fun and happy. I personally hate talking on the phone and most of my family knows that so we do a lot of texting. I hope you are able to find a good deal for a new IPad and/or laptop. I think I mentioned when my son was here that I got a new desktop. Much better than the old one and faster.

    Missing Patsy as well or am I not seeing posts?

    Have a good day my friends, my groceries were delivered with one substitution that I approved and laundry is almost finished all before lunch.

    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    Incredibly, after rejoining my fitness pal home page with a new name, And an awful new name at that, I appear to be here again. Poor Mark stopped his hammering and sawing for a whole hour until he gave up and I tried from just gone now when I appear to be back. I really, really tried and I didn’t watch the World Cup. A real sacrifice. And what have I got to talk about after all that blood and sweat….nothing. This is because my nose has been glued to the tv watching English football. Jilly Bean is fed up with me although she does watch the ball bounce occasionally.

    The other day she sat in front of the tv watching a pack of wolves for a whole half hour which I thought amazing.

    Mary jo is doing her best to fatten me up for Christmas. She is an incredible cook and devises her own recipes. The other day I was sent a large piece of chocolate cake which was delicious but far too sweet. Today after suggesting she remove 1/3rd of the sugar I got the new modified version….just right. So maybe it’s just as well I am back counting calories with Ma Fitness!

    Reading back, rather a lot of sickness amongst us. I’m not the girl I was either. Deaf in one ear from the shingles and as blind as a bat but not as pretty. Oh well, worse things happen at sea as my mother used to say when I had a moan. Like the time I climbed the dead willow tree and was stung by a thousand angry wasps. The doctor wasn’t much more sympathetic in the good old days either. “Worse things happen at sea” he muttered dabbing me with some blue stuff. At least my memory is intact if only on that score.

    Now, aren’t you glad I’m back, lol.

    Anne, off to make a cup of tea.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold and wonder of wonders…we had snow and now we have little icy patches in the shade of trees and to side of the house and deck. Scary to go out on the deck. Even Katie is causious.

    Welcome back Anne. I am still mystified by the World Cup and soccer. Anyway it is great that so many people are enjoying the big contests. Katie isn’t interested in TV unless there are doggies.

    Today I am doing really fun stuff…cleaning bathrooms. But it is cauliflower pizza night. Dinner is planned. Really enjoying Alexa music. Damon got several of them for me. I have a disagreement with her about certain compilations and excerpts. But it is nice to have such a large play list.

    Sandy: it is a good idea to be open and transparent in any relationship. John and I have discussions even now. Never about money. We have never had that kind of relationship. However our son Damon had counciling during his marriage and the eventual divorce. Money was an issue for them. It can be toxic unless boundaries are set. Good that you two are working out issues. In truth, we all need each other……

    Jackie: we have Christmas fairs here too. Mainly for handmade gifts. It is fun and there is often a contest among the booths and crafts. A small cash prize is awarded at the end. A great place to buy small special gifts. Damon has bought me baskets and candles at the Christmas fair. Once John bought me a lovely handmade shawl that was hand spun and knitted out if lama hair-fur?it is very silky and beautiful.

    Lin: I am impressed by the large group of friends in your circle. That is wonderful. You are obviously a good friend and listener.
    No use putting it off any longer. I need to clean the bathrooms.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Ooh Anne, just for a moment I thought we had a new Sneaker…. Love your new name but perhaps I shouldn’t ask! 😆. The World Cup is fascinating this time around with so many surprises in who is getting through to the last 16. USA v Netherlands should be a good match and I think England will have to be careful on Sunday playing Senegal as there are a lot of unknowns with them.

    Sandy, I had assumed you and Babe had dealt with what happened the past 10 years but for sure, if that didn’t happen, you are right to let him know how you are feeling otherwise these things can eat away at us. ❤️

    Patsy, we now see a lot of Alpaca soft and warm wool knitted clothes from socks, scarves and gloves to seaters and shawls. I’m guessing it’s similar to Lama wool or perhaps same creature, different name? Sounds like Alexa has become a good friend! My cottage being small means I can play my CD collection or vinyl going back to early 60’s and hear it in any room!

    That’s a funny teapot Lin. I wonder who Maurice is? 😁

    We are all off to bed as gone midnight and our long morning walk is catching up with us. It was cold but beautiful in the sunshine so I took the longest circular route and although we didn’t meet humans or dogs there were plenty of sheep, cattle and ponies! Halfway round I heard the tinkle of a waterfall so stepped off the path to look into a collapsed mineshaft and goodness, it proved just how much rain we have endured recently because it looked more like a lake and those miners used to dig down hundreds of feet! George and Betty took refreshments before we moved on!

    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    Couldn’t resist checking if I’m still here and wonders, I still am with the dreadful new name which was JACKIE chosen out of sheer frustration! NO interesting history there alas! Lol. Sort of a play on burg as in love bug.
    LOVE the photo.and even more Betty and George the defender.
    We woke up a hour later than normal because it is a mucky murky day out there. Warm though at 9 degrees.

    All from me now that I’m still here and on planet earth. No cauliflower crust pizza for me PATSY. A big slice of normal pastry containing lovely chunks of pea meal bacon and eggs with accompanying veggies. Maybe I’ll get another slice of Mary Jo’s decadent chocolate cake if I’m REALLY in luck.

    Yours, Anne, the Love Bu (r) g. Wouldn’t you know! MFP let me in after messing around choosing daft names, lol. xxxxxxxxx❤️xxxxxxxx
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    PS. Mary Jo text me to let me know she was making her Christmas puds. However the machine changed it to Christmas PUSS. I text her back to ask if she was stewing their giant puss Hobbes because turkeys are so scarce this year. She was horrified and said a naughty word about machines and their spell checks.
    Oh ladies if I’m right be sure to watch. Even if the USA should lose I think you might enjoy. Nibbling on treats of course. Am I right about the time JACKIE?
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited December 2022
    Last word, promise !!! I’ve just read a piece entitled “The American Evolution”. Wouldn’t it be something if America won the World Cup! Last 16 countries now make it to the finals. The writer forecasts that soccer will now take off in the USA and join the rest of the world enjoying the “beautiful” game.
    Boring old Anne making up for four days absence. Lol.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good grief, I was catching up with Anne’s posts, came out of MFP to double check the time of kick off for USA and found myself locked out when trying to get back to our Sneakers! A bit of swearing helped and here I am logged in and yes Anne, the match starts at 3pm GMT.
    I’ve had a busy morning after walking in a freezing wind that required fleece hat and thermal gloves. George loved it of course and raced about but dear Betty looked a bit fed up, although she did run a couple of zoomies! The hen house is mucked out, I’ve wrapped an outside tap with bubble wrap and covered with a plastic box to avoid it freezing then after checking with Linda what she wants me to do with the last of her bedding plants that are still here (she had forgotten them!), I’ve sorted them into a tidy collection in a sheltered corner. We will make a plan to get them to hers, hopefully next week. A couple of Cumberland sausages with steamed veggies for lunch so I will now set the wood burners ready to light before the match begins.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    OH OH. !
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Cold here today but sun is shining. Zoom call with family and Church is on my schedule today, nothing exciting. I did turn on the World Cup game to check the score and it doesn't look good for the USA. Well, it is over and the USA lost, better luck next time.

    Anne, glad you are back and love the new name, you are indeed a lovebug. I just caught the tail end of the game and as noted we are out of it. I did the same as Mary Jo yesterday in texting my son and Lisa.
    I told them I was watching the show they recommended Dope Dick which was supposed to be Dope Sick.
    I didn't catch it and my son said ummmm you spelled it badly. I just laughed and said well maybe that would happen with Oxy.

    Jackie, a bit of swearing helps a lot when frustrated although just mild words please. lol Try to relax today and enjoy your day, you work so hard. That picture is beautiful, you take some great shots.

    Patsy, my advice to my children when getting married was to always have, love, affection and communication with each other but after ten years of being alone I finally had to get it all out.
    I think it will help us move forward at least I hope so.

    Lin, hope all is going well with you. You are always busy, like Jackie, so take some me time.

    Time to eat something and get ready for zoom call. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I love football because every child in the world can play it. You just need a ball. The net can be marked by piled stones as us kids found out in the war years. No expensive equipment or clothing required. I thought the USA did very well against such an experienced team as the Dutch. You girls can be proud of them. They are young so watch them in the future. Did anyone watch and sing the national anthem with them at the beginning.
    SANDY, Robby is very energetic and might do well if enrolled in a soccer team. Do they have childrens soccer teams in the states? Lots here. For girls as well of course.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello, I am addressing birthday cards at the moment. Finished stamping sentiments this morning and made sure they were dry before moving along to write in them. I am also unpacking a box with some of my recent bargains. I usually purchase one or two times a year from this company, so a discount makes me happy. Soup, ketchup, salsa, pasta sauce, salad dressing, a huge package of dried mushrooms and a couple of other things. Most everything except the mushrooms comes in glass jars well protected in bubble wrap and tape. It takes quite a while to free each jar. 😉

    I am going to make some lunch before getting back to work. Meanwhile, sorry for the U.S. team.

    And Anne, YES, soccer’s influence is huge! Some friends have several boys in the family and they play on several different teams and pretty much year-round. They are both quite good and are on travel teams playing at tournaments frequently. The oddest just graduated from high school and was the keeper on all the teams he played for. He is training to be a certified electrician and is not playing now. Another friend’s son is an adult, married, and has several children and has never stopped playing on various teams. It is a very big thing to those who like the sport. Of course, our version of football still garners more attention and money.

    Sandy, I did finally order an iPad, not exactly what I wanted but it will do and it was marked down $300 which caught my eye. Not in stock so it is being shipped to me. I will figure out what type of case I want after it arrives and after I get it set up and have AppleCare in place. And that should work and I will keep my eye out for a cheap laptop. My friend told me she has purchased two printers in just a couple of years. Purchased one recently and she said they are incredibly easy to set up now. Really. I am surprised, nothing involving Windows has ever been easy for me!

    Jackie, a busy day for you once again. I am glad you got out for a bit albeit in cold weather. It is cold here but we do NOT have a strong wind today. Oh, and that teapot was some sort of novelty teapot sold by a company called Tetley, just like the tea!

    Patsy, hope you are doing well. And also that you aren’t taking on huge tasks! But if you have ordered flowers or other decorations, that would be great!

    Barbie, good day.

    Diane, hope you are well.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I agree Anne, USA approached the match with a brave strategy to combat such a strong team and I thought it worked for much of the time. The next World Cup will be held on the American continent so I bet with home support for Canada, USA and Mexico they will all do better! Australia not doing so well against Argentina!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones, it is really damp and unpleasantly cold. I placed a Walmart order and I am fixing tuna sandwiches for dinner with baked sweet potato “fries.” John and Katie love them.

    John is still on pain pills. He was prescribed a nsaid a sort of fierce aspirin. They can be dangerous because of bleeding in the stomach. Woah! I don’t like that! But he has really been suffering.

    The little road and drive look great. Now we need the flower beds and decks clearned. The grand son has offered to vacuum weekly for awhile. What a champ. I can dust and mop with the swiffer. I seem to be an expert a cleaning toilets and sinks. So we will not disappear in a cloud of dust and
    dog hair.

    Yes, Sandy, I had to laugh at advice to your kids when getting married. John can give me a kiss while telling me something that makes me furious. He always says it is his self defense because he can still run faster than I can hobble. His communication style is to “duck and run!” That and he teases me constantly.

    Jackie and Anne: I am not sure soccer will ever take over American football. We seem to love and enjoy complication. Nothing is more dangerous and complicated than American football. It leaves the players scared for life with bad knees and serious brain damage. Damon played football in high school. He ended up with a compound fracture on the field . Two surgeries later, he was snowboarding and bunged up his knee on the other side. He has had mountain bicycle crashes and tennis elbow. Now as a middle-aged man he sails. He was caught in a sudden squall in the virgin islands and tossed overboard. Soccer would be tame in comparison. That’s why most sports terrifies me. I like tossing the tennis ball in the back yard for Katie!

    Back to the kitchen…
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Quick good morning. Michael should be over but I don’t think I will watch England versus Senegal today. Too traumatic. Senegal have nothing to lose but will become heroes in Africa if they win. Hope I can get to the bank instead in Mikes car.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Sunny but cold again. Today is a do nothing day except ride the bike and make dinner. I might watch Christmas movies all day but will see. Babe has a couple of doctor's appointments this week and not sure if Rob needs me so welcome the free day. Lisa's parents will be back Tuesday night so I will get some help until they go back to Florida. <3

    Anne, you really get into soccer don't you? Robby did play soccer before his diagnoses but the problem today is that he gets very upset if he loses. He has a hard time controlling his anger which is why they changed his meds again. I still blame the pandemic for some of his problems because he was so different before being isolated from school and his friends. All I can do is pray they find the right meds and hopefully he will outgrow the ADHD, he is such a loving boy.

    Patsy, it sounds to me you have a wonderful marriage with lots of laughter. It gets harder as we get older but that kind of love stays forever. Congratulations!!

    Lin, good for you on finding an I Pad on sale. I could use a new one but I use it so seldom that it wouldn't be worth the money. I did buy a new printer this year and it was easy to set up on my computer and my phone. I also got free ink for a year although I use very little.

    Jackie, I know, like Anne, you love soccer which is what you are probably doing right now. Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.

    Hello to Barbie and Diane.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello dear friends. Watched online church this morning and attended part of an online author’s party. I may go back a bit later as there are several more authors I would like to hear from. Fun!

    Sandy, I found a super cheap laptop on the Target site today. I wonder if this stuff is returnable if I do not like it? Should have checked. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Could not look at one at either of the stores near me because they were out of stock. I hope that is a good sign. 🤞🏻👀

    I received a phone call late yesterday afternoon. I was quite surprised! It was an older cousin who I regularly send cards to. Once a year she sends me a Christmas card with a note in it and doesn’t call. A big surprise. We chatted for quite a while and then we went our separate ways to make some eats.

    Sandy, a day off, hey, you deserve it. So if I get a new printer, I will be in touch when I need to set it up. 😅😂😅😂😅😂 no, that isn’t on my list right now. If my old one dies, then it will be at the top of my list.

    Anne, I hope you have been enjoying the World Cup matches today. I hope Michael is well and that you got a ride to the cash machine. Your banks aren’t open on Sunday right?

    Patsy, how were the tuna sandwiches and fries? I made a sandwich for lunch today. Gluten free vegan bread, a slice of vegan cheese, grated carrots and lettuce. Yummy. But no fries or chips. Darn! I hope your weather warms up soon.

    Jackie, I saw this photo of Christmas shopping in York. Looks crowded to me but maybe I am no longer used to crowds.


    Hello Barbie, Diane, Jeri and anyone who sits by!


    A watermelon teapot! Wow!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I need a cup of tea! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. Fans sing God save the King !!!
    Anne the lovebu(r)g.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    That was rather traumatic for the first 30 minutes! 🫣
    Hot chocolate for me! 🎶 🎼 🎵 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
    Jackie 🥰

    P.S. yes Lin, a watermelon teapot… who’d have thought it? 😆
    No face-masks in that photo so I wonder if it’s before Covid?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is cold and soggy out. Katie is in front of the dish space heater. She considers it her heater,

    I am Such a dunce when it comes to computers etc. I am fearless however. I often just jump in at make horrendous mistakes. Making my Walmart order almost took all day. Good grief I could have walked there and back by now.

    I am going to open two cans of soup fir dinner- I know disgusting! But I am tired today. I have veggie soup and I will cut up some chicken for John. He is a true corniviour. I always say something has to die for John to eat dinner! Bad boy!

    Must run. Damon is calling and Katie wants out and John is yelling about coffee and a cookie. And I want coffee and a cookie also!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Jackie, here is the entire post. Dated yesterday.

    “ Crazy in York today with the Christmas shoppers out in force. Hog roast queue hasn’t lowered in numbers since 1pm.”

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m back to reading you all on the laptop, but can only reply on the iPad. This is SO weird. If I disappear again you will know I didn’t have a heart attack during World Cup. Just technology! AND MFP no doubt.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    It’s a cold grey day so I didn’t rush to walk and stayed off the hills when we did go. Detoured into town for shampoo, conditioner and a long handled gas lighter for starting the fires in the log burners, then lunch. David phoned yesterday evening to move handing over his Wallflowers to tomorrow because he is apparently planting trees on his property today with help from a handyman. I didn’t mind because it gave me a leisurely start! More wood to be cut up and chopped then housework. That’ll keep me warm! Last week I received my first energy bill since prices went up and even with mild weather and log burners meaning little use, it increased about 50%. 😮. My account built up during the summer months when it now appears I was overcharged so I was asked to pay a token £1 this month which is fine by me.

    Lin, now I know a hog roast queue is there in York I understand the crowds! Actually the city is popular any time. 😁

    Anne, I learnt a new word today from “Up North”. It’s HOGAMADOG. You probably know, it’s one of those snowballs that gets rolled in snow until it becomes enormous! I can only use my iPad to view and type on MFP these days because it refuses to recognise my iPhone attempts at logging on.

    Time to get moving again. Happy and safe Monday To you all.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    GM. Spent the night in the ER. When we were going bed Babe said he was freezing, shaking and had pain in his right side. He was too weak to walk so I called 911. After tests and a cat scan they said he has pneumonia. It took forever to get it all done but they are admitting him. The doctor said his oxygen is low so they gave him an IV antibiotic. The beds in hospital are all full, there are 9 people ahead of him waiting for rooms. I left at 6:30 to get a few hours of sleep and will be going back soon. They have to get him strong enough to walk up my 14 stairs. He has had congestion but really hasn’t left the house to be near anyone. The nurse said elder people get pneumonia for no reason. He will be fine, so don’t worry, me not so sure! Lol

    After 3 hours of sleep I will be going back to hospital after coffee and breakfast.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    SANDY, what awful news for you! Poor Babe. It’s true, pneumonia can strike right out the blue. I had it once but I caught it from a friend I visited in our local hospital. You will be in my thoughts until all is well.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Thinking of you Sandy, and Babe of course. Hopefully the IV antibiotic will pick him up in no time and now he’s in the hospital perhaps they can give him a thorough check up.
    Battery dying.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Sandy, how frightening. Praying for Babe’s recovery and for you as you sit with him in the hospital. I hope he has a room by now.

    Just heard that locally the hospitals are packed and you can no longer go to Urgent Care in the satellite clinics without getting online to schedule an appointment. Really. When you are sick, will you remember your patient portal login and all necessary passwords to get an appointment? I wish they had enough staff to answer the phones!

    Be safe everyone. Best wishes.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Still no room!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    <3Sandy I am thinking healing thoughts for you and Babe <3