Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Rainy but warmer today. I have not accomplished much but I do more this afternoon.

    Katie has been out surveying her kingdom and has brought in several long blackberry vines to chew up on the living room carpet. As if things are not dirty enough. John decided he felt good enough to drive into the post office to see what has happened to our mail that isn’t being delivered. And a trip to the bank to get our new checks with new address. I tried to talk him out of these errands but I can see it was important that he remain somewhat mobile and involved. He has his cell phone and I am timing him. If he is gone too long I will send out a search party.

    I must get involved with some of my creative projects again. Micromanaging every little activity of John’s is not healthy for him or me. Sooooo here I go again. Christmas will be checks for our kids, even though Damon doesn’t need money. He can use it to add to his down payment fund for his new house. We are giving each other the chairlift for Christmas. I rather like that idea.

    Today is the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. I don’t remember dates very well, but I do remember that. I was sure the world was coming to an end. The nuns sent all the kids home early. Andrea came home wide-eyed and terrified. The TV was turned on non-stop for every gruesome detail. We lived through it and we will survive the pandemic and other calamities that are part of life. Just saying…..

    Tonight is stir fry veggies and salmon. Green grapes for dessert. Our thanksgiving will be Friday instead of Thursday. Damon is coming in then. He is in charge of part of the dinner. I am in charge of salad and dessert for our Friday thanksgiving. I know we are doing everything in an odd way. Wrong menu and on the wrong day. Yea hooray!
    Hello to all…Anne, Barbie, Diane, Jackie, Lin, Sandy, all other sneakers…

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening. More relatively warm weather as additional snow melted today. I gathered up some laundry today but decided to wait until tomorrow to toss it in the washer. I did get just a few groceries today as I will not be ordering or visiting a store until next week.

    I read a bit today and I will admit I did spend most of the day trolling the early sales as my inbox is full of ads. I tried to find a larger screen on an iPad for a decent price. I did a lot of hunting but didn’t find anything the 10” size seems to be marked down quite a bit but the Pro model with the 12.9” (I think that is right) are not that much on sale. I also have been looking through laptops. I am not finding anything I want to tackle there either and of course my printer is ancient. Best to not get started. 😁

    Everyone seems to be doing all right this week. And you’re right Jackie, I don’t want to hear about the mouse! I don’t know how you got any sleep with all of the bed buddies taking all the space. Congrats on getting the cylinder changed. Well done.

    Anne, are you getting the warmer weather?

    Sandy, glad you had a nice birthday party for Lisa.

    Patsy, I like your arrangement on gifting each other the chair lift. And of course, Katie has her supply of sticks right there at home.

    Diane, glad you got all of your cold weather clothing out. It does make for more comfortable living.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    The sun shining through bedroom curtains got me up in a rush…. Quick shower, skip breakfast and drive to the moors for some proper exercise. Haha, that was the plan but by the time I was back in my bedroom dressing, still in sunshine, I noticed torrential rain outside. The sun is so low on the horizon it’s hanging over the sea, not the moors. So porridge and summer fruits breakfast while I consider where to walk. Wherever I decide I will need to dress us all in waterproofs, sigh!! 🙄🫤

    Jackie 🥰

    P.S Lin, we are being advised to avoid Black Friday offers that more often than not aren’t the bargains they per port to be. The thought is, real bargains will be offered in December when retailers will need to offload excess stock. Just a thought, it could be the same in the States.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I emailed Jackie this morning to say I couldn’t join you all again. I’m trying again to see if this will work. Fingers crossed and here goes. If it works will be back later,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hi Anne, I just responded to your email but looks like you found your way back to us… hooray!

    We had a stimulating walk in a cold breeze but it didn’t rain and we even saw the sun during the hour we stayed out so it made up for a few days of short local strolls. Once home I made coffee and planned a grocery trip but before I went out received a phone call from my friend Brenda. We lived a couple of doors away so grew up together and kept in touch over 70 years but her devastating news is that she has recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia and it’s doubly frightening because her mother suffered with the same illness before passing away so she knows what to expect. My dad remained a friend and neighbour to her mum so would keep an eye on her until she became too unwell to remain living on her own. Brenda has a wonderful husband who has done his best to reassure her that he will be there for her. That’s my days! I drove into town with a heavy heart and that feeling remains. Almost dark outside so I will light the fire, make a cuppa and then watch Canada play in the World Cup.

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    It did indeed work Anne, so hope to hear from you later.

    Happy Wednesday!! <3 I had quite a night last night. Babe sat down to dinner and put his head down and then starting shaking and flailing his arms, I grabbed him as he was about to fall off his chair. I was screaming his name and trying to figure out how to call 911 when he came back. I wanted to go to ER but he refused. I do think it was a mild seizure and I don't know what to do. I sent a message to his neurologist asking for his opinion but will probably be a while before he reads it. Babe said he is fine that it is his dizziness making him to that but also said his bone spurs in his neck are hurting as well as body aches. I do hope he is not over medicated with the new meds from the psychiatric nurse Practitioner. I don't know how he will go to Cheryl and Marisa's for Thanksgiving and if he doesn't go I will probably not go to Rob and Lisa's. I don't want to take the chance of him having another episode.
    This ladies is not easy and there are days I regret my decision to let him move back in with me but I don't know what else he would have done. Again venting and appreciate you for listening.
    I also got a morning call from my own doctor's office who said my thyroid test results came back and I had to make an appointment with the doctor because I might have:
    Hashimoto's disease which is an autoimmune disorder. The immune system creates antibodies that attack thyroid cells as if they were bacteria, viruses or some other foreign body. The immune system wrongly enlists disease-fighting agents that damage cells and lead to cell death.
    She said it can be controlled with meds but wants the doctor to explain it to me. I of course googled it and it is not life threatening if treated. So now besides worrying about the colonoscopy I have to worry about my thyroid. Is this year almost over???

    I am fine ladies and no worries, just another hurdle of getting older. God willing I have many years left to enjoy life. Have a good day and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Mmm, gloom, despair and all that, lol. Canada lost its first match in the World Cup to Belgium.

    Meanwhile back IN Canada Bean took Mary Jo and me for a long walk in spring like weather. Having got used to snow flurries and ice I wore my winter boots and anorak which I didn’t need.

    Take care Sneakers when out in the big wide world. I was talking on the phone to Michael’s friend Sandy and she’s still getting over the three virus’s. She’s been very ill. She looks after three small grandchildren and I think that’s how she succumbed.

    Other than that Marks finally got all the dry wall installed again. So just the flooring and a paint job to have back home sweet home again although we will miss him once it’s all finished.

    Having nothing interesting to say, I’ll love you and leave you,
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙃
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I’ve just read SANDY and JACKIES posts above me. They weren’t there when I wrote my bit. Girls - what sad and awful news for you both. Sandy, there is good news about the thyroid disease. One of my old friends now in a nursing home has had it for years and years and takes the medication. You must be terribly worried about Babe and you also Jackie with your friend Brenda. I am truly sorry. The sad thing for us survivors into old age - we lose wonderful people along the way.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. I got my laundry finished today and it seems like the rest of my time was online shopping (and I did not purchase any electronics) for things I knew were really discounted as I use them regularly. And then it was the telephone. I spent in excess of 2 hours in one conversation and some of the discussion was church business, the rest was details of her life from the last month or so. Odd but pleasant.

    Later I spoke with a friend who had texted me a few days ago saying she had lost her voice. She could speak today but has been pretty much under the weather and found out Tuesday that she does have Covid. Her doctor said the entire community is teeming with Covid, flu, colds and other viruses. The hospital is filled I guess. This lady’s extended family had to cancel Thanksgiving dinner as the hosts were with her when she was exposed to Covid and they are afraid they may come down with it soon and don’t want anyone else exposed. She has had her shots but still felt quite ill, had a fever and slept pretty much continually for a day or so. She didn’t have the energy to do anything. Darn Covid.

    Anne, I am happy to hear you are receiving the nicer weather now. I hope it lasts for a while!

    Sandy, this year is getting close to being over but what a day you had! If you lived on the first floor, it would have been a good idea to get Babe to urgent care for a once over. That is a scary situation and those symptoms don’t sound trivial. Sorry about the thyroid disease but I believe it is treatable and I know you will take whatever is prescribed.

    Jackie, I am sorry to hear of your friend’s frightening illness. There’s nothing to be done but to live as best you can right? These unexpected turns in the wheel of life make me dizzy these days. Too much! ❤️

    Well, I need to move along. I am looking forward to the parade tomorrow and my friend reminded me that the dog show will be on later tomorrow. Yes!

    Take care.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Holidays always bring stress no matter how delightful they can be. We have a soggy thanksgiving but ski season will need to wait a few days. We have snow on the way in the high country.

    John is nursing his back, hip and it is a misery. Everyday it some interesting new malady. I am determined that we get him a through going over by someone other than our old doc…God
    love him! We will get him on a straight path or know the reason why.

    Our neighbor and a friend want to trim up our little road for a bit of extra cash. Good, I know they are good people and great neighbors.

    Seriously, the very thought of moving brings me to almost to tears. I am having great difficulty getting rid of a lot of our stuff that has value but I guess I will find places to donate instead. 50+ years of collecting and memorabilia. And we aren’t even moving…I don’t think…….

    Jackie: I don’t understand World Cup games. I grew up with football and basketball and playing jacks with a golf ball on the school sidewalk. A big game was when we played a neighboring town.

    Anne: every time I make it into MFP I am amazed and thrilled. I have no idea what happens when I just can’t find the right way into the sneakers.

    Lin: there are times when a vegan lifestyle sounds wonderful. Like now! No Turkey, pumpkin pie, scads of leftovers and the Turkey carcass, piles of dishes and pots and pans to wash. And so much more.

    Sandy: life has a way of knocking you back on your heels. This thing with John makes me try to appreciate every day, smile, hug, kiss, and pat on the hand. He isn’t the same but he is still here. I know I am not the same either. It is still fun to sit on the couch with a bowl of sinful ice cream or cookies and watch the ball game on thanksgiving afternoon. Enjoying life’s simple pleasures, thankfully!

    So to that end, my dearest friends, I am so very grateful you are there. I care so much for each of you. You have saved my life and gave me needed advice and exquisite friendship. Happy thanksgiving.
    Patsy, John and sweet Katie☘️🍗🥗🥧🥐🍷🏈
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Good morning. Strong winds and rain showers today so having finished my porridge I will get us dressed up for the worst it can throw at us but keep it local. My delivery of plastic sheeting should arrive today in a smaller van after last week’s driver of something ‘big’ decided he couldn’t drive down our track, nor apparently walk! I’ve said my piece, given them my mobile phone number, received an apology and will wait patiently! A few chores to be dealt with today and will also catch up properly with you all. Enjoy your celebrations. ❤️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member

    Just about to eat my porridge and then a quick dash to the shower because my delivery grocery man ALWAYS comes early, which probably means he won’t be early today. BIG news here for me, Jilly finally adjusted to the new hour today. Hope she keeps it up!

    Hope today is wonderful for everyone and especially so for friends south of the border.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    Anne, I thought Canada’s football team were talented and entertaining. If only they had been calmer around Belgium’s goal posts they would have easily won but they certainly gained lots of respect! You’ve gone through similar heartbreak as a good friend’s health declined into dementia and sadly, losing friends as we get older is a burden to bear. There but for the grace of God, right?

    Sandy, I’m sure you never imagined the stresses and strain of being Babe’s carer and the impact it would have on your life. I do hope you can visit with Rob and Lisa today as I know it’s where you love to be.

    Patsy, it does seem John requires a thorough investigation to get him back on the straight and narrow but I’m guessing your healthcare system is a minefield. Mine isn’t much better now it’s creaking at the seams but I do my best to keep moving and remain cheerful. Believe me Patsy, if I was faced with even a suggestion of having to move I would fall apart and I don’t have that much to box up! Try not to think too much about that scenario because someone out there must know the name of a vibrant, young doctor.

    Lin, apparently we too have a lot more cases of flu along with Covid and colds, probably because so many no longer wear masks in public places. Something we all have to live with now but thankfully my plastic sheeting was finally delivered this afternoon and if the forecast is correct, we just might have a dry day tomorrow so I can cover the hens’ chicken run to protect them and me from Avian flu. Gosh, so many changes in just a couple of years, including what’s happening in Ukraine. I’m about to research the best charity to donate money or warm blankets and clothing for the civilians since the evil one continues to destroy their infrastructure.

    My doggy walk was delayed by a thunderstorm then Betty said no thank you, she preferred to sleep in her bed next to the convector heater! George and I went off on a mission once rain stopped and almost made it home before the next downpour but he loves his towel rubdown so I’m sure he deliberately slowed down just to get wet!

    Time for my cup of afternoon tea! 🫖
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    The weather here is becoming very British! Earth warming? Two days in a row we have had real pea soupers. It reminded me so much of riding my bike to work when I still was at home in Yorkshire. And that’s maybe why my groceries not only came early but ultra early. I said to the man who staggered up the steps I was very glad I followed my instincts and didn’t wash my hair! He staggered because as well as the normal groceries I also ordered Quality Street and 3 boxes of European biscuits for various folk. The grocery bill was enough to turn one’s hair white! Everything put away before 8 am. Mark said it’s a good job Jilly is such an early riser! 5 am today.

    He also wants me to knit her a Team Canada dog coat JACKIE. I won’t bother because she won’t wear coats and the only time I knitted her a cute red coat she tore it to bits. When’s the next England match? I believe Canada play Croatia on Sunday. The beautiful game, in my humble opinion soccer sure beats ice hockey.

    I’ve lost so many to dementia JACKIE. Helen, David, FLo bless her, Roy had just started when the Corvid finished him off, the Afghan father when they lived next door and of course Maria’s Tony and that’s the tip of the iceberg. That’s why I was wondering if the modern way of eating is to blame. As long as I can I will carry on eating homemade as in good old fashioned Irish stew etc. I am going to make a chicken pot pie this coming weekend. Lots of chicken and veggies in a creamy sauce.

    This memo looks odd. Going to post and let’s see,
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    Oh, it turned out okay. The top seemed to be missing before posting. Lol.
    I’d just like to add something which has been troubling me for some time.. Here goes. When Ellen’s (I spelt her name wrong above) husband Bill was diagnosed with diabetes she ate exactly the same food as him and she got thinner and thinner. Finally she went to the doctor and told him she was eating exactly the same as Bill. The doctor was horrified and told her although she was feeding Bill correctly she must immediately return to eating normally as she did before his diagnosis. Mashed spuds, chips, cake, cookies, all the things Bill could no longer eat., I don’t know if this is useful information.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022

    I found this recipe and thought I would share it. You probably all have your own recipes (well those who make dog treats).


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday and/or Thanksgiving! :) I will be going to Rob and Lisa's and Babe will be going to Cheryl and Marisa's. He said it is sad that we won't be together and I said yes very sad. I understand why he wants to be with his granddaughter as I do my grandchildren but after being apart for ten years I thought he would want to spend his holidays with me. No worries I won't let it ruin my holiday with my family, they bring me the most joy.

    Have a wonderful day whatever you do and be grateful for all that we have including our friendships.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    LOVE the thanksgiving “card” LIN and there’s Jilly at the top! Must order a can of pumpkin to try out the treats. I have everything else!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Battery about to die so a quick note for Anne England v USA tomorrow 7pm GMT so 2 pm for you! Canada v Croatia Sunday 4pm GMT

    Jackie 🇨🇦 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Thank you for info JACKIE, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening. Many more texts today than I had anticipated and one long phone call from the friend who missed her friend’s funeral due to Covid. As she was recovering, she developed a sinus infection and is on some sort of antibiotic now. Anyway, we hadn’t spoken in quite a while so we had a very long conversation. She did tell me the hospice people do not think our mutual friend will live more than a month. How do they know these things.

    Well ladies, you know the schedule of the games. Well done. I did watch the dog show this afternoon. It was a very abbreviated version of the show but I did love seeing all the different classes and breeds of dogs. Such beautiful animals.

    I have 4 library books that are due soon and I tried to renew them online and all of them need to be returned as other patrons want the books. So, I will be burning my eyes out trying to get through at least 2 of them, ideally, 3. They are difficult to get back when you put your name back on the list. New and popular selections are always like that.

    Anne, good strategy to be ready much earlier than scheduled. My pickup orders at Whole Foods lately have been an hour to an hour and a half early! Yipes!! Happy little Jilly, settled in to the new time. And I don’t know how delicious those dog treats may be but that lady is a total dog lover so I thought she might have a very good recipe.

    Jackie, my gosh, will this rain continue all winter? Glad you finally got your plastic. So they need to use some smaller vehicles when delivering in your area for goodness sakes. Best wishes on getting the plastic installed soon.

    Sandy, how did the day go at your son and DIL’s house today? I saw lots of photos on Facebook today with happy families with lots of food on the table.

    Patsy, lots to accomplish but much progress made. 👍🏻👍🏻 Is Damon still visiting? Hello to you and John and Katie. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Barbie, I love you enjoyed your day. How’s the weather in your area now? I hope it warmed up a bit. Did that gentleman get the tar on your roof?

    Diane, did you talk with your kids today? Lots of special food cooked at your home today?

    Hope everyone is well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hooray, it’s a beautiful day and I’ve walked across the moors with George and Betty with only one detour when I noticed a particularly large cow/bull giving us a long stare. Even George decided not to stare back! When we returned to the car park there was a large friendly group of my dog walking pals, so about 8 of us and 12 dogs, all chatting and petting pooches while the Jack Russells amongst us chased each other in wide circles!
    Back home for late breakfast, a load of washing is hanging out to dry and I’m now going to take tools and materials to the chicken run and hopefully give the chooks more protection from the downpours.
    I will pop back to catch up properly once it’s all finished. Wish me luck and patience! 🙃😋

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I slept in today and the laundry is finally being done. I managed to put my balcony lights and wreath on balcony the other day so today I am putting up the inside decorations. I don't put many as hardly no one comes to visit us but it makes me feel good.
    Thanksgiving was wonderful with a delicious turkey dinner and a movie to follow. Babe enjoyed his time with Cheryl and Marisa so it was a good day for all.

    Once again time is getting away from me and I still have so much too do. Enjoy your day and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    This is weird, I can read everyone’s posts on my laptop, but can’t see them here on my iPad.
    I can’t reply on my laptop, but I can here on my iPad.
    So…..if I disappear again don’t send out a search party!

    0 - 0 for England versus America at the World Cup,

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Damon is on the way on this rainy cold day after the official thanksgiving. Really looking forward to seeing him again. I am feeling sort of inadequate to deal some of the issues regarding John but we are working as a family to formulate a plan of action. We can do this! Nothing is impossible if handled with a positive and creative attitude.

    Loved the thanksgiving day parade. My favorite although I think I am the only one here who likes it as much as I do. I love when Santa shows up…..I still believe in Santa.

    I have discovered the magic of the heated throw. Wow! Delicious warm red velvet cover with secret heating pad inside. I throw it over my shoulders and enjoy my first cup of coffee, while still in my pjs. Sweet indulgence.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening everyone. I am reading like a speed reader. 😅 I am enjoying these books. Yippee! I did a bit of ink blending today but also ruined a couple of ink pads. There’s dye ink, pigment ink, hybrid ink and something called Distress Ink. It has 2 products lines: Distress Ink and Distress Oxide Ink. Those come in many of the same colors, same square ink pads and I had several ink pads that seemed dry. Hunted up the reinkers for those colors and started squeezing ink on the pads. And yes, you are way ahead of me I am sure. Used the Oxide reinkers on the plain Distress Ink pads. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I guess luckily I use the Distress Oxide pads more often. Must read more carefully next time.

    Sandy, thanks for the lovely photos. How did you get the dog to be so well mannered for that photo? Excellent. Glad that you had a great day and Babe did as well. Also glad you got some rest!

    Jackie, yippee, some good weather and a nice dog walk. That is also very good news I hope the project with the plastic worked out.

    Anne, glad to see you. Did you watch the game today? Oh heard it was a 0 - 0 result!

    Patsy, wonderful to hear Damon is on his way! I loved the parade and the dog show. I thought that little French bulldog was adorable. That is kind of odd as I have not paid much attention to them before.

    Hello Barbie, Diane, Jeri, and other Sneakers who may have stopped by.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning all. I watched the game LIN and gnashed my teeth throughout. England ,,,,,,, stodgy. Not a good game to watch and I’ve seen better games when Derek was six years old and he joined a soccer group and he was HOPELESS. We enrolled him in ice hockey instead where he was hopeless as well, BUT he could beat all the kids when it came to art. To each his own.

    PATSY I want a throw just like yours!

    I’m managing to read you all on my laptop and here I am typing on my iPad BUT can you read me? Let me know please !
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :) I read in the paper that there would be a lighted tractor parade Saturday evening in town. My dog walking friend said that she and some friends planned to go. It reminded me of one I went to twenty years ago and remember fondly. At this point in my life I have no desire to drive anywhere in the evening and stand in the cold, so I looked on You Tube and found several lighted tractor parades to watch. They were delightful.

    :) I finally finished knitting the blanket for the great granddaughter who asked for one and her sister decided she would like one, too, so I started it this week. The first one in teal and black and the second will be pink and purple. They are not holiday gifts so I can send them whenever.

    :) We don't get cable TV so we weren't able to watch soccer or the parade or the dog show. I thought I would miss all that stuff, but I'm fine without it.

    :)Lin Thanks for asking about our roof. When the man from the roofing company climbed up on our roof a day after the storm, he pulled the branch out of the hole and put tar on it right away and was back down in minutes. We were very fortunate.

    :) Jake is building a fire in the woodstove. It will be a cozy day today.

    <3 Barbie