Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    My day yesterday went awry because within 2 minutes of setting myself up to attach the plastic sheets over the chicken run clouds arrived and it began to rain. No mention in the forecast but it’s not unusual on our slip of land that points out into the Atlantic. My first thought what to get the washing in and hang it on an airier then back outside to stand in the rain and persevere regardless. It was fiddly tying wire through drilled holes on to the net roof but the 2 main sections are on and protecting them but the change to their outlook has them shouting ‘the sky is falling in’ like the Chicken Little fairy story as they hide away in their cosy house! At the end of the afternoon the rain stopped and I cut up a bag of firewood donated by Linda’s son and soon after she phoned to make a plan to meet next week and visit the Eden Project that has a Christmas Fayre. We agreed we wouldn’t be sitting on Santa’s knee or ice skating but the Christmas lights, seasonal food and drink as well as ethical gifts will keep us entertained I’m sure!

    Of course, it’s pouring with rain again today so Betty didn’t want to walk but George, decked in his raincoat trotted along the road with me through puddles and running water as I did my best to avoid getting splashed by cars that drove too fast and close to us. My good deed was to find a fallen branch to drag leaves away from a storm drain but I expect with the wind picking up, they will blow back. I had tried to phone David that I sometimes see walking because he said yesterday he has a tray of wallflowers for me but there was no answer, then halfway round the block he called back. I was passing a bus shelter so used its shelter and seat while we planned to meet once the weather calms down. Who knows when that might be!

    Anne, that football match was dire wasn’t it. I don’t remember England even trying to score a goal once so I sat mumbling at them to get a speed on, all to no avail! Canada will be far more exciting to watch tomorrow.

    Gorgeous photos Sandy. They are all growing up so fast, including Ewok!

    Fun and games with those inks Lin. Do you get in a mess? I know I would end up wearing a lot! 😄

    Enjoy Damon’s visit Patsy. There’s that saying, a problem shared is a problem halved and I’m sure that will work well for you and John.

    Happy Saturday everyone and hopefully drier than mine!
    The stove in the dining room is lit but struggling to glow with wind blowing down the chimney. I’ve finished off the soup made earlier in the week so time for a cup of tea!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited November 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) The sun is shining and it going to reach 50 again so a nice day for sitting later. Rob is taking Lisa out for an early dinner for her birthday, and she is also going to get the kids names tattooed somewhere on her body. I didn't ask where so will be surprised.
    I have groceries being delivered between 11 and 12 and then a family zoom call.
    I did get all my inside decorations done and although not many it does look like Christmas.

    Jackie, sorry about all the rain. I do hope the chickens learn to enjoy their new outside covering.
    I am not a soccer fan, but my son Rob loves it more than our football. He went to England once on business and fell in love with your country. Yes, Ewok is a big boy now and can be a good boy when the kids are harassing the poor guy. My son Brad and Gwen got a new 4 month old baby girl. w0b8edto416e.jpg

    Barbie, I am sure those ladies appreciate all the hard work involved in knitting a blanket. You are so kind to make them.

    Anne, I think it is very weird how your laptop and IPad are behaving but I am sure the boys or grandson can figure out what it wrong.

    Lin, I make a mess with any type of ink or paint, so I give you credit for knowing what you are doing. (Most of the time lol) I hope you managed to get your three books read. Lisa made strange noises to get Ewok to sit still, he listens to her more than anyone.

    Patsy, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinner with Damon. I forgot whether Andrea was coming also.
    I am sure it was a wonderful time, and you were all thankful to be together. It will also be nice to have Damon help with all the questions and answers in dealing with his father.

    I better shower early for grocery delivery. Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Just read JACKIE on the laptop. Dire is an understatement Jackie! I don’t expect Canada to do well, after all, it’s a relatively new sport over here although it is catching on.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ladies! We have partly cloudy right now but showers are planned this afternoon.

    Damon is here with an arm full of Alexa Dots. He brought one fir his sister, Andrea. These are to be used to keep us all in contact. Damon is nervous about John’s safety and mine. He wants another sort of emergency thing for us. Plus it does other cool stuff.

    Taking a page from beautiful Sandy here! Sandy is always up on all tech stuff. I am One step away from caveman-woman. I know that life can get very complicated when one is too engaged in technology, but it is fascinating and helpful at most times. I am trying to join the twenty first century a bit late. More on that later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening everyone. The temperature was in the 50’s today apparently this was our last nice day for a while. Rain expected tomorrow and colder temperatures next week. The meteorologist said get the winter coats and gloves ready (again).

    I finished all 3 books and started the 4th book. I think I will not have to wait that long to get this one if I want to finish it. The plot is not engaging so far so getting it back may not be necessary.

    Patsy, so you are all fixed up with monitoring now. I have one device upstairs and one downstairs. I do not have anyone to contact though. I like to get information and things like jokes and puns, just general entertainment.

    Anne, we can see your messages. Who played today? Is your laptop an Apple? If not maybe there’s a problem, iPad is iOS and maybe the laptop is Windows.

    Sandy, oh wow. Look at that darling puppy! Sooooo cute! I hope your groceries arrived and you got all of your ordered items. And as to my messes, it depends on what type of supplies I am using. 😉

    Jackie, oh my gosh, rain, rain, rain! I am with Betty, I would stay indoors.

    Barbie, a cozy fire sounds lovely. I am glad the gentleman fixed your roof immediately. Sorry I misunderstood. My handyman doesn’t do most things on the spot. He makes a list and comes back unless I have already told him what seems wrong and then sometimes he fixes things on the first trip. I am not used to someone acting so promptly. 👏🏻👏🏻

    Well, must move along. Sending everyone best wishes.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :)Patsy, Jake's daughter bought Alexa for him. He was uncertain about it but now Alexa seems like his best friend. He asks her about the weather forecast and the score of a game and she answers in such a friendly way. He doesn't use her for communicating with anyone but she is a font of information for him

    :)Lin, the roof guy was not a typical handyman. He owns the roofing company that installed our roof years ago. He came over that Sunday after a terrible windstorm Friday night and had apparently been trouble shooting many huge roof problems due to the storm. I'm sure he was delighted that ours could be fixed so easily since so many that he had seen would require a team of workers and a lot of material.

    :) There was a less severe windstorm last night that upset Bessie and she ended up first on the floor next to the bed and then in bed with me. She isn't a cuddler but likes her own space.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Oh Canada!. Anne. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Rainy day here but will still go to in person Mass. Ordered three items I forgot from Walmart at Target and will swing by there after church to pick them up in parking lot delivery. Will be eating broth and jello with clear liquids today and start my pills around 5:00 pm. 12 pills than 16 ounces of water, 30 minutes later another 16 ounces of water and once more 30 minutes later. Repeat the whole thing 8 hours before appointment about 11:00pm which means I get to sleep around 1:00am and be up by 5:00 for my 6:45 appointment. Will be happy when this is all over. Pray for good news.

    I use my Alexa to tell her to add items to my grocery list which goes to my phone. That way when I run out of something I just have to tell her and not worry about bringing a list that I usually forget. lol
    I also use her to shut my lights off and on instead of timers all over. I do have my family members on my call list so that if something happens I can call them and they can call 911.

    Have a great day and have some fun.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    What! Have some fun! After Canada got beaten by Croatia 4 - 1 !!! OH Canada indeed JACKIE. However they will improve with time and experience. Actually they did very well against such an experienced side as Croatia.
    I think England play Wales on Tuesday. Oh boy Anne, hide the cookies! I eat when I’m stressed, lol.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne, the Canada lads will have learnt a lot from that match and I thought they did very well. Just a couple of silly mistakes made the score look worse than it was. Yes, Tuesday is the next stressful day, including my 2nd attempt to visit my dentist.😧😲. I might just have to buy a Cornish pasty for my evening meal! 😁
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It has turned colder but most of the day was dry. I had a leisurely start then walked with George and Betty on the top moor before driving into town for pet supplies. I dropped off a bag of empty jars for Linda so she can make her wonderful marmalade and came away with a jar of rhubarb jam and a potted fern plant that will sit in my shower room. At last the roads are reopened so no detours and I was soon home.
    The hens were sitting on their swing and seemed happy to have more shelter now they realise the sky isn’t falling and I will hopefully finish that job tomorrow.

    A quiet afternoon watching World Cup football with a throw and Betty lying across my knees. Patsy’s heated over blanket sounds like an even better idea!
    I don’t think George would tolerate Alexa talking to me and even less to him!!

    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening. I tuned in on the morning church service and most of it was broadcast as it was the day for “Hanging of the Greens.” I sang along to each song as they were announced. All were very familiar and most only required one verse and chorus. It was quite nice. The people there in person were having a soup lunch with added dishes and desserts brought by members. So is that a half potluck? 😉

    Sandy, best wishes tomorrow. Who is driving you to and from your appointment? I hope all goes well and you are 100% okay.

    Jackie, I love it. You and Linda exchange a lot of items. That is wonderful. A potted fern sounds especially fine!

    Anne, so Canada is doing well now? I have no idea how the U.S. is getting along. I was pleased to note Qatar is out!!

    Patsy, I hope you have had an excellent weekend (or partial weekend) with Damon. Alexa always has a joke to tell. I ask for one often.

    Barbie, I don’t have many cable TV stations. Luckily the parade and the dog show were on plain old NBC (local station) on Thanksgiving. 🦮🐕‍🦺🦮

    I did make a mess today. Another ink pad went dry and surprise, the refill ink was blocked up as I hadn’t used it for a long time. Call me inky fingers for now 🤭

    Be safe everyone.



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    This day has disappeared quickly, but then it is wash day for me, I had a late start because I am wrapped up in a book and almost done with it. Not particularly a topic I would get a book on, but it had so many "Great reads" I decided why not and I am glad I got it. Shall have to look for another book by her again.

    Thanksgiving was a quiet day for us as we expected. Our son and dil did call us, so we got caught up on life in Tennessee. Our granddaughters aren't taking the move very well, but we are hoping in time they will adjust. About 4 in the afternoon our daughter sent us Thanksgiving photos of their day up in Chico having Thanksgiving with her extended in law family. They have been doing this for probably 18 yrs now. Year two was at our house and from then on they always gone north on this day. Not an easy day for us, but I still make an effort to cook our traditional Thanksgiving meal. The one plus....we have leftovers for 3 days, so minimal cooking :)

    Hopefully your test went smoothly for you Sandy. I endured it twice last year and ended up with a clean bill of health. Just wonder what my dr has up her sleeve this year. The joys of aging. And Anne I have been on thyroid meds since a teenager and I am still around taking my daily med. Had a recent dr tell me thyroid issues were common when you get older. Changed dr when he made that remark. Obviously he never read my chart. Instantly didn't have much faith in him.

    Glad everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Don't know about Jacque, our dog, eating pumpkin dog cookies. I tried to mix some pumpkin in his food and he wouldn't touch it though he does like sweet potatoes.

    I too watched the USA England World Soccer Game and thought I had seen youth soccer games that were a lot more thrilling. We changed to streaming on YouTube Tv, so we are getting a lot more than we used to on tv. We definitely will follow World Cup Soccer and delightfully our Sacramento Kings Basketball team is playing pretty good this year. Even watched a hockey game. Nice to get some sports on tv again, plus all of the British Channels. I am definitely going to have to check them out again.

    Stay dry as much as you can everyone. I see rain, snow and even some tornados in some ones future. Never a dull moment during this time of the year.

    Take care everyone,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Home from my procedure and all is well. Will get the results in a couple of days but the doctor said I had a couple of polyps but looked benign. I do have diverticulosis which happens when we get older, doesn't everything? A nap will be in my future as I only got about 3 hours of sleep. I am just glad that is over with and I asked if I should see him in 5 years and he said depending on your health. lol Not doing much of anything today and will take the advice of the doctor and just rest.

    Diane, sorry you had to do it twice, once every five years is enough for me. I am glad you still make your Thanksgiving special for you and your husband. It is so hard when the kids move away or are busy with the in-laws. The holidays never were the same after my divorce from my first husband. We had to share them and it made it sad. Before the divorce all holidays were at our house and we had the whole family.
    Even now with Babe back, it seems we will be spending holidays apart but at least I am used to that and spending holidays with Rob, Lisa and kids.

    Lin, I have a feeling you have a beautiful voice, am I correct? I hardly sing in church as I can't carry a tune so mostly just kind of whisper to myself. lol

    Jackie, glad the roads are open again and no more headaches with traffic.

    Anne, sorry about Canada but there's always next year. At least that's what they say about our Chicago Bear Football Team. They have 5 loses in a row. Nothing like the Bears of 1987!!

    I am going to try and eat something and pay some bills although I was told not to make any major decisions today so maybe will wait until tomorrow. Have a good one.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello Sneakers. I’m cooking my stir fry evening meal but wanted to let you know Anne has been shut out again. Let’s hope her boys can get her back with us because I’ve told her she will be missed. I’ll pop back when I’ve eaten and warmed my feet!!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    It’s been a quiet day as it continued to rain on and off. Walking with George and Betty we were confronted by 4 growling dogs running from a property and one, a Doberman, behaved in an aggressive way towards George and I’m sure if the owner had not run across the road to grab its collar, a nasty fight would have ensued. As that dog was pulled away a larger Boxer dog appeared, snarled at George but actually scared Betty so she slipped her collar. George meanwhile decided he had seen enough and turned on the Boxer! Nobody hurt in the end but I was cross!! Between showers I managed a few jobs in the garden until it became too cold so a fire was lit and cup of tea made. Out of the blue this evening my older brother John phoned sounding fed up and admitting he was depressed but I did manage to find out a lot more of what’s been happening with falls and hospital visits. He has been getting regular bad headaches and numbness in his fingers but little or no help from what is a new GP so I do understand why he feels low. He mentioned wanting a decent book to read so I’ve delved into Amazon and bought him a couple of British thrillers that have good reviews. Hopefully he will stay in touch because he told me he felt more cheerful having chatted about everything with me.

    Gone midnight and tomorrow morning I have my appointment with my dentist that got postponed by last week’s floods so I must get to bed. It’s quiet on here, unless posts aren’t showing themselves to me. That does happen occasionally. Always lovely to hear from Diane. If I see a decent British drama on tv I will let you know to watch out for it.
    Good to hear you got through your medical procedures yesterday Sandy and can now relax.

    Take care everyone. Hooray for living in the free West!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. I spent quite a bit of time today sorting through all of the shopping specials. I purchased a number of things from companies I normally do business with and the discounts were very to good to just a small amount. At least the amount saved in most cases covered the shipping if not more! I have been using the same foot cream product for decades and I got that on sale today. The price has gone up even more and I am afraid I will have to hunt for a new product. The amount in the tube also seems to be less although the label says it is the same weight.

    Anyway, I didn’t find any big items although I wasted a lot of time looking at iPads.

    I have a grocery order in for pick-up tomorrow morning. I hope the shelves are stocked up again.

    Sandy, I hope you are getting some rest and that you put off the check writing until tomorrow.

    Jackie, what a nasty incident with the dogs. I would be very upset with the loose dogs. I am glad no one was injured. Best wishes on your dentist’s appointment. I have my appointment next week. 😵‍💫

    Patsy and Anne, sorry we seem to be missing you today. And hi Barbie!

    Diane, a nice long catch up from you. Thanks! I have a friend trying YouTube TV but she also has logins from her son for several services including Netflix. My combo Internet/TV bill went up $11 this past month. Yipes. I am told that when we finally have Google installed in our area that we will have a lower priced and very fast Internet option.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Wet and chilly but the good news is that our neighbor and a logger friend cleared and cleaned up our drive and little road for us. I can not tell you what a relief that is for me. I have wrung my hands and fussed and worried for at least 3 -5 years about that little road. Then by magic and prayers answered that is fixed.

    Also our grandson is going to vacuum weekly for us. I can dust and mop with the swiffer but my arm isn’t strong enough to vacuum. I tried the snark and if did a great job but that problem with the weak muscles persist. I will keep hunting for housecleaning service like window washing and other things as the need arises. Damon set up Alexa with me and our daughter Andrea. He put one in the bathroom, my dungeon, the living room and kitchen. “She listens to everything now. Even in the bedroom!” Ooooooooops!

    Our doc is demanding to see us. He must feel neglected! More on that later. Hope that goes smoothly.

    I had a lovely thanksgiving. Loved visiting with our kids. A brief visit with the grandson. He is very thoughtful. He wants to help us all he can. We now have layers of support. Damon can see that John would be miserable anywhere else. We cannot move or downsize. We need to age in place. I can get rid of a lot of extra unused items that the family is not interested in. By unused, I mean stuff not used in years. Poshmark? eBay? Any other places you would suggest?

    Katie is a problem we still need to work out. She needs monthly head to toe grooming . She sort of allows me to do that. But getting her up on the grooming table is a chore. John normally would do that. Not any more. I sit to groom her at the grooming table. She resists anyone else lifting her. Hummmm…..this requires some thought. Every problem has a solution.

    I get into MFP by clicking on a tab. Or through google search and then mfp. It is often hit or miss. Or that site Sandy and Jackie mentioned in the past. I try it all until something might accidentally work!!!!! Good luck Anne. We all need to stick together.

    Hello Diane and Barbie, rest and recover Sandy, come back Anne, Lin, my friend I can match you with inky fingers, painty fingers-hands-clothes and shoes, Jackie, I have no patience with people who do not look after their unsocialized dogs. Get them trained or lose them. Some other more conscientious owners will do it instead.

    And now to begin using that swiffer!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning! Phew, finally some sunshine so I was off the moors for a long early walk before my drive to Plymouth. Fingers crossed, no sign of flooded roads this time. I should be home early afternoon which will give me a couple of hours outside to cut up wood and even finish the chicken run roof.

    Time to put fresh clothes on and a bit of make up… will my young dentist notice? Haha, I shouldn’t think so!
    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Good Morning! Bright and sunny day until the rain is due here on Thursday. Struggle with trying to stay warm with morning temps in the 36-42 range. Heat to 73 then the layers go on. Sure miss our fireplace from our last house .....

    Sandy...Glad you are on the mend after your medical test. When they did mine the first time the gastroenterologist couldn't complete the test requiring a second test by another gastro doc. My procedure had me drinking lots of water and few pills. After enduring that I waited for 3 wks before I agreed to go thru it all again. Talk about being water logged, but thankfully I got a clean bill of health.

    Jackie.... Being confronted by all those large dogs must of been awful. When they come from no where and you have a small dog never mind two of them panic must of set in. I totally understand how you feel. We once had a large German Shepherd, who was tied up break the rope and attempt to get at our dog. Thankfully my husband grabbed our dog (we were camping and going for a walk) and the other owner ran out of his trailer to get his dog. Frightened all of us. To this day he doesn't trust big dogs now and I always stay alert so I can cross the street to avoid them. Me being small doesn't help lol.

    Patsy....It sounds as if you and your family are doing a good job to get things under control. Next the fun part.....trips to the doctors appts, which you likely dread but are necessary. Thinking of you both.

    Lin....Glad you were able to take advantage of some of these Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, especially since you do so many crafts. Stay warm !! I believe you are in for a good storm this week. Time to enjoy doing some reading and maybe a puzzle or two.

    Hi Barbie !

    Need to run. Today I am on the hunt for a new pair of glasses. Already had my doctors appt, so now it is time to find some frames. Both my husband and I are getting new glasses for Christmas. After two years our eyes are changing, so it is a necessity.

    Have a good day everyone.....


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    A beautiful sunrise greeted me this morning, all pink and fluffy and although it was chilly we had a great walk on the moors. Hardly a soul around until we returned to the car park where it had become quite busy with visitors.
    It was an uneventful trip to my dentist in Plymouth and I wasn’t in the chair longer than 10 minutes for a couple of x-rays and check up. No problems found and I was back home in time for late lunch. I pottered, cut up more wood for the log burners but didn’t get round to finishing the roof on the chicken run. Never mind, we have more dry days to come and the hens are already enjoying the sheltered areas I have worked on.

    Patsy, I’m relieved for you and John that your kind neighbour cleared your drive and I expect it’s a treat to look out and no longer feel distress. Since Katie loves Damon so much do you think he might be able to trim her coat when needed?

    Diane, those 4 dogs running out to confront us were so quick I didn’t have time to be anything other than angry because as we walked towards the property I heard a lady say there are dogs coming to her friend when she saw us so I’m sure she anticipated a fight. George certainly won’t forget in a hurry so I’m happy we can enjoy dry climbs on the moors rather than local roads. Friends of mine had a horrible experience when their tiny terrier was attacked by a Rhodesian Ridgeback and nearly died. The vets bill was huge too!

    Past my bedtime. Tomorrow I’ve to drive to Plymouth again, this time for my 3 monthly cancer check that has turned into 5 or 6 months!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. Winter has returned. Freezing drizzle, a bit of snow and plummeting temperatures with strong cold wind. Argh! Cold weather and strong winds expected to continue for the rest of the week (if the forecast is accurate).

    My pickup grocery order was late today. I wanted to get my things before the drizzle started.

    Speaking of items, the card making items I ordered to do a project for the church are officially in limbo. I ordered before Thanksgiving and the order shipped but never got out of the state of Alabama. It was in a distribution center in Birmingham and tracking has lost it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I hope it resurfaces!

    And a package of envelopes I was hoping would arrive today also are delayed. This is an Amazon order and if the order is not found by December 1st, they will just cancel it. These self-seal envelopes have been difficult to find. Darn!

    Maybe I should stop checking on things!

    Jackie, a trip to Plymouth two days in a row. Wow! Be safe and I hope all goes well tomorrow. I heard the U.S. team is moving on to the next round. I was astonished.

    Sandy, did I miss you today?

    Diane, cold weather and lots of extra clothing that sounds like my plan! I hope you and your husband found some suitable glasses to order. There are so many to look through.

    Patsy, I am glad you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving ad especially happy you are receiving so much support from your family. Are you talking to Alexa? She tells some good jokes, updates weather forecasts, provides news headlines, and more. She is my companion.

    Be safe my friends.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited November 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) Did I not post yesterday? It was a busy day and I must have forgotten. Yesterday was my youngest son 50th birthday and today is Rob's 51st birthday. Rob had to take Charlie to the doctor for clearance to get her tonsils and adenoids out December 23 yesterday so I had to be there to get Max off the bus. I decided to stay and ran to the store to get an Angel Food Cake and Strawberries which is Rob's favorite. When Robby got home I got them all McDonald's which Rob was fine with. We were on a time crunch as once Lisa got home a little before 4 we sang and had cake before she had to take the kids to choir. Rob liked his present so it was a early happy birthday.
    This morning Rob asked if I could come for a couple of hours so he could go the gym and get some things done. I wasn't expecting to go today or I would have waited to celebrate today.
    And that is why I didn't post yesterday.

    Have a great day and keep warm, it is freezing here.
    One Day at a Time


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my! We had a few big flakes of snow but they quickly melted. Thank goodness. John had an emergency trip to doctors office and then X-ray. Back home to snow. That was tricky since he had to cross the lawn to get in the back door. Thankfully he made it and back into the house. He will get the report on the X-ray later in the week. To tell you the truth, it is scary to see how John’s health has declined lately. He needs diversion and positive activity, at the least.

    I am feeling rather decrepit myself these days so I think I will need to get busy snd do a bit of Christmas decor. Some Christmas music on Alexa and movies as well a bit of baking just for John. That will cheer him up and me too. I will order a big Christmas centerpiece to be delivered first week of December.

    I wonder if the South American girlfriend will show up soon. Damon keeps mentioning her….hummmmm I think he misses female companionship. He works pretty hard. I will not take bets on that. Actually I like her and we communicate somehow, even though she doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Spanish.

    Andrea sort of speaks Spanish. By the way she accompanied her dad to the doc and to get X-rays and prescriptions. My knee was very wobbly and the snow was a worry for John. He didn’t think he could cope with me and his painful back and hip. Too much at once, I fear. We were like a whole family of worry worts, wringing our hands over John. He is the old family lion with the sore paw.

    I think I will quickly order a whole family set of red and green teeshirts for Christmas. I can take lots of funny photos of the “Wubben elves.” Goofy I know, but that how I roll!
    All the snow is gone and it is warming up.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    One of those days for me when my plans to do so much around my trip to Plymouth were thwarted. My check up did go well and I got the all clear then on the way home shopped for a few groceries at a store I don’t often visit then remembered why that is so! Expensive and little choice.
    When I walked George and Betty I met Heather who had received results from a biopsy on a tumour removed from her bladder and it’s not good news. She was told it’s terminal but they want to try Radiotherapy and more surgery so I’ve told her she mustn’t hesitate to let me know if I can help, maybe act as her driver to appointments. Her main concern is what will now happen to dear Bella who recently went through losing Chrissie earlier this year but I did my best to sound positive telling her about another friend who was told her cancer was terminal about 10 years ago and she is still with us. I’m sure if we have to, our little group will find her a good home although it will be heartbreaking to start with.
    A load of laundry didn’t quite dry hanging outside so is now draped in my dining room and this afternoon I had fun not only stripping my bed but turning over the mattress that is extremely heavy so I have to lift one side, pull it towards me then balance it upright using a raised knee. Once I get it that far it’s a case of letting it fall across the bed with a loud crash and bang!!
    Close to midnight so I must get to bed. Tomorrow I will walk early with the pooches then Linda and I are off to visit a Christmas Fayre.

    A beautiful photo Sandy.

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello everyone. A cold day today but some good news on the weather forecast. Temperatures are expected to climb for several days which is fine with me! I spent a good portion of the day on the phone. Two very long calls. The first was with a former co-worker and we always have ‘stuff’ to talk over. She got some very good news while I was on the phone with her. Her DIL had gone for tests as she has a very aggressive cancer with dozens of tumors in her skull. The follow up imaging showed they have reduced in size by over 90%. She was just about dancing while we were talking. Her DIL wasn’t expected to live until Christmas but now her doctor is astonished. The treatments will continue!! what good news.

    The other call was from my friend whose husband is receiving cancer treatments and so far all is going well. However her son had to have cancer surgery on Monday. She is glad it is over and he seems to be doing okay. She had been dreading it so. She has pushed all of her health problems aside and hopes to get back to a doctor after the first of the year. Her family did gather for Thanksgiving so she had many stories about that day!

    And I started to receive some of my lovely discounted items. Wahoo! Such fun to open boxes and packages even when it is a box of envelopes or a package of almonds. 😉

    Jackie, what a day. I am sorry to hear about Heather’s health. Maybe things will turn around. We never know do we. Hey, tomorrow sounds like such fun. Hope you and Linda enjoy the day. And I am pleased you received all clear at your medical appointments👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻

    Sandy, a nice celebration with family and surprise, you got to go back today! How is Babe?

    Patsy, what a fright again today. Wishing John the best. Ha, the Wubben Elves! I love that. It will be fun. Good ideas! Get some Christmas cheer and atmosphere going. 🎅🏻🧑🏻‍🎄🎄⛄️🎼🎹🎶🎶

    Diane, Barbie, Anne, Jeri…..hello!

    Best wishes everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day. Sun is shining but it is only 20 degrees. Will make a grocery order when I get home for delivery tomorrow. I find that if I order at the end of the week things are more in stock. Nothing else exciting going on so I will just say have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good evening. It was a laundry day here. Finished a couple of loads and of course,my there is always more.

    I have spent some time playing with my December art/junk journal. Started looking at my Advent calendars. 😉

    Then several phone calls. One was fairly short as my friend had to get ready to go to a program at her church . The other call was much longer and quite interesting. Very newsy. I enjoyed that as well.

    Nothing else new here.

    Jackie, I hope you enjoyed the fairy today.

    I exchanged a few words with Anne today, electronically of course.

    Hello to Diane, Sandy, Patsy, Barbie, Jeri and all other Sneakers.

    Be well.


    Tea and treats.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good morning. A chilly but bright start so more laundry hanging out to dry. I’ve been working my way through bed sheets and covers off the spare bed that George decided was his earlier in the year but now he tends to clamber on to mine I will shut the door once everything is washed… one less job for through the Winter months!

    Yesterday was enjoyable but Linda hadn’t read the small print that stated the lights would we switched on in the evening of December 1st so we were too early with our 11am booking! I drove because her son’s car was a right off after he drove into that flood and he is using hers to get to work. Coffee and cake of course, then a mooch through the large gift shop that is full of local crafts and eco, recycled items. Expensive but I did buy a couple of Christmas gifts for friends and a book to send to brother John entitled The Great Explorers that tells stories of names I have to admit I never heard of. Who knew modern Iraq was co-founded a Gertrude Bell?
    On our way home we stopped at what was King Charles’s Duchy nursery and shop that I assume is now owned by William and had a giggle about finding ourselves surrounded by what we would refer to as monied gentry! We certainly couldn’t afford anything but had fun looking!
    Another detour to collect Linda’s grandson Oliver from school then finally home to George and Betty who must have had their legs crossed, but no mess found!
    I phoned David about his Wallflower seedlings and we’ve agreed to meet up next Monday in the usual car park so hopefully today I can get some gardening done to make room. We’ve now had 3 dry days in a row so it should be alright.

    Lin, there does seem to be an awful lot of cancer cases these days. Out of my group of about 8 dog walking friends, more than half have been diagnosed in the past few years but so far, everyone living with it rather than dying from it! I do love Willow pattern china. It was everywhere when I was growing up!

    Time to walk. I’ve had my breakfast and was waiting for any ice on the roads to have melted, if there was any!
    Have a safe and warm Friday.
    Jackie 🥰