Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    <3Patsy, I am so sorry to hear about John's troubles. Thinking good thoughts for both of you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Patsy, sending hugs and best wishes to you and especially to John. ❤️❤️

    Not an especially interesting day here. Cold and the wi tear coat is now out and being used.

    Be safe everyone.


    Really, this is said to be a teapot!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited November 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) Two sons and spouses left this morning, my daughter and her husband leave tomorrow. They are staying with her aunt but will be here later this afternoon to spend time with us and eat some of the leftover food that has been way too much. The funeral service was very nice and three of the children said something about their father that was very moving. My youngest put the box of ashes in the niche. There was tears and laughter and lots of hugs. We then went to a Lithuanian restaurant to honor his heritage and had lunch.
    This is me with my children:

    After we all went to my son's hotel to play games and have some more food.
    I already miss my two sons and feel a little weepy.
    I am going to noon mass in person today and then relaxing until my daughter comes after visiting her husbands childhood friend.
    Tomorrow I hope to catch up on sleep and then Bryanna is coming to do my hair.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    PATSY best wishes to you and John. Not an easy time for you two. You mentioned the purchase of a Shark vacuum I believe on the previous page. I can tell you I am delighted with my Shark, recommended by Jackie. It is very efficient and very easy to use. The canister is removable from the main vacuum so its easy to use on stairs etc and for removing spider webs and doggie hairs on the sofa. Mary Jo is quite impressed with it as well.
    We woke up to sleet but a watery sun is shining now at 36F. Quite a shock from our heatwave.
    Bean seems to have adapted to standard time and I am going to stick to standard time from now on for daily living. I can always check for appointment times on the iPad when spring arrives again.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello everyone. One of those weekends for me. I did visit friends and their crazy Labrador Bonny yesterday morning and that was very pleasant then it was home to get some gardening done. Before I got started I had messages about my brother John whose health has deteriorated to such an extent he really shouldn’t be left in his house alone. I’m suspicious he has either got alcohol hidden away somewhere or has persuaded someone to bring it in to him but also it may be his fall down stairs and bang on the head did more damage than the hospital discovered. His ex wife has made contact with me today because she holds joint Power of Attorney with my nephew and wants to do the right thing and although we didn’t get on when she was with John, we are both remaining civil!!

    It has been wonderfully warm today so I did at least manage to cut my grass as it continues to grow. That task usually stops in October but not this year! My little Squash that was developing nicely has been eaten by a mouse but the beetroot is looking healthy as are the lettuce plants in my greenhouse.
    I’ve washed jam jars and will sterilise them in the oven this evening before finishing the crab apple jelly process.

    Oh Patsy I do feel for you having such worries over John’s health. I know our respective health services are poles apart but I wonder why getting him a decent GP who’s interested in making him better is made so difficult. It’s the last thing you need at a time like this. Hopefully an adjustment in his levels of medication will help but also I’m betting Damon will be on it as soon as he arrives!

    That’s a wonderful photo to be cherished Sandy. You must feel so proud of them all but I understand why it’s an emotional time for you too. So many memories to go over in your mind. ❤️

    Cho-cho to the train teapot Lin!

    I shall throw an Avocado salad together, then try to make contact with my brother Bernie in Spain. I have sent him a text but it’s always better to talk over these family worries.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Again, not an extremely interesting day. Online church, addressing cards and paying bills and talked to a friend late this afternoon.

    Jackie, not a bit warm here today. My feet are freezing in my shoes and I am in a heated house!

    Sandy, love that picture. It is amazing that you are so small in comparison to not only your own children but also their partners.

    Anne, ack, sleet!! Nasty stuff. Would be happy to stay on standard time with you and Jilly!

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Everyone is gone and life goes back to normal(?). It was wonderful having them all here and spending time together. We all agree it has to be done more often.
    Bryanna is coming to do my hair today as she didn't have time last week. We are celebrating one of our friend's birthday Wednesday so I am happy to get it done.

    Lin, yes losing 2 1/2 inches didn't help with my height when I have giants for children including their spouses. They really have to bend over to hug me. lol

    Jackie, I am sorry to read about your brother's failing health. Alcoholism is such a horrible disease and I do hope he managed to stop with his health conditions but it didn't work with Babe's son. He fell so many times and hit his head so had many brain bleeds. I am sorry you have to go through this.
    I am going to frame that photo and I am better today but I feel I do have to grieve the good times we had together even though it ended in divorce.

    Patsy, I too, am sorry about what is going on with John. I do hope Damon can figure out what to do with his dad to help him feel better. Caretaking is hard and we are not spring chickens. Remember to take care of yourself first. Prayers will be said to help get you through this.

    Anne, oh we had some laughs with the stories everyone had about their dad or uncle. He did have a great sense of humor and that was one of the things that I loved about him. It was just sad to hear the kids say they wished he had been more a part of their lives and his grandchildren. I warned him once that if he didn't spend time with them they will have resentments and once they were grown it would be too late. As my daughter said maybe he learned from example and didn't have the love he required when he was young. Rob brought me to tears with his talk about his dad. He said the last 8 years his dad tried to be a part of his kids life and he is grateful that his children did know their grandpa. He said he is a better father and husband because he did the opposite of what his dad did and for that he loved him and will miss him. My daughter was not that kind but she was honest and my oldest son had a few funny stories and also almost broke down. My youngest had nothing to say as he had no good memories so he put the ashes in the niche.
    Probably more than you wanted to read but I am just being honest.

    Now that I vented all that and you probably went to sleep I will wish you a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    SANDY, I loved what you wrote about your childrens father. In a way I can relate. My ex never knew his father and I honestly think he hadn't a clue what a father can be. He told me once that never having known his own father [his mother left with the children when he was three] he tried to model himself on my dad. But my dad, having died a few years prior to our emigrating, he said he was reverting to his true self. So there's a conundrum isn't there, did I actually marry a man pretending to be my dad? Beats me. Mike keeps in touch with him [I think}. but he left early the last time he visited, taboo talk on why, and I'm afraid he is a subject we never talk about with Mark and Mary Jo anyway. Partly because he has never acknowledged his grandson Derek. And our Derek is such a lovely young man, he's really missed out on that one.

    Life goes on and it seems Maria has gone on. She's completely vanished out of all our lives. I had the weirdest thought, wouldn't it be a hoot if Joe and his Afghan clan bought next door! With four bedrooms, four bathrooms and an apartment in the basement with another bathroom it could accommodate them all!

    Winter has really arrived big time so suddenly. We are at zero and Mark said this morning when he arrived to do more work, there was ice on his home deck.

    Mike took time off from work to take his friends mom to the hospital. She is the lady who had the dreadful fall with breakages. Rob and his wife are in the Dominican Republic for a second honeymoon because the first, when they all got Corvid, was so disastrous. Mom had the accident two days before they left. He phoned Mike to remind him of the appointment yesterday! She's had a bad year because she was widowed earlier in the year but Rob and his wife live with her when they aren't having second honeymoons.

    So, lots going on around me but nothing of note in my life. Dig out those winter woollies girls. Thinking of you ALL.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :)I have dug out all my woolies, put flannel sheets on the bed, and Jake has brought in firewood so we are ready for the chill.

    :) No interesting news here. I think I have interesting news, then I realize that it's just because I'm reading good book, listening to a good book, listening to an interesting podcast, or watching a good show on TV. I am entertained all the time.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. The forecasters don’t seem to know if we will get freezing drizzle followed by snow or just snow so they brined the major roads today. I picked up a grocery order at Whole Foods. Then I tried to go to the post office and I was able to put my mail in a drop inside but the rest of the post office was closed with a sign saying “Closed Indefinitely.” That was a surprise. Then I stopped to fill my vehicle with gas and all the pump credit card readers were off line so I had to guess how much fuel my vehicle would need, prepay and then pump my gas. Any amount not used apparently gets credited back to your account. Interesting, I’ve never done that before. My GPS system stopped working. Hopefully it will be able to read the DVD next time I drive the car, yes, a DVD, it is an old system. One of the hubcaps on the car that was serviced most recently was not replaced properly. It was hanging off. I messed about with that until it sounded like it clicked in place.

    I ordered the rest of the groceries that were unavailable from a different store and those were delivered later this afternoon.

    I have put silicon spray on the bottom of my garage door, put the trash at the curb and I guess I am ready for the first snow (or ice).

    Jackie, I hope you were able to speak to your brother.

    Anne, your son is so kind to look after his friend’s mother. He makes the world a better place.

    Sandy, each child is entitled to their own impression of their dad. At least your family all gathered and people had an opportunity say what was in their heart. Rest up!

    Barbie, nothing is interesting here either. Just feel fortunate that this group will let me drone on about things.

    Well, be safe. Stay warm. I found my winter gloves this morning. Felt good! Now to decide what hat/cap I will wear this winter. Have a good evening.


    Lovely table setting.

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Good evening everyone....

    Finally got caught up on every ones messages. I have gone from one season to the next at least in your worlds. We are on about day 6 with temperatures in the 50s and down to about 36 at night. Our mountains actually got their first snow leaving behind enough for the slopes to open up for the first skiers. I am so envious !! We only had about 24 hrs of light off and on rain last week, which was very welcomed here. Plus we didn't have as bad of forest fires this past summer in our state. Thinks are sort of looking up.

    For those of you that have been suffering from Covid I sure hope that you are doing a lot better now. So far we have been lucky to avoid it. Caught up on boosters and flu shot as well hoping to not have to deal with these awful viruses.

    Patsy....Thinking of you having to deal with lifes changes these days with your husband. Both you and your husband seem to be having to deal with a lot right now. Very glad your kids and grandson are helping out when needed. Hoping both of you are able to pretty much stay on one floor now, but think having those stair moveable seats a great idea for you now. It is hard not to worry about our significant others and at times they can be grumpy.....I know. Thinking of you one day at a time.

    Sandy....Sorry to hear about the loss in your family. Pleased that your kids were able to come spend some time with you. It sounds as if the funeral was very nicely done by all. Kids living out of state is hard; I am also learning this too. Glad you are able to enjoy your young grandchildren !!

    Jackie, Lin, Barbie and Anne......rainy and possibly snowy cold weather. Brrrr Stay dry and warm. It is sounding like it isn't going to be an easy winter for all of you. Bundle up and be careful outside and inside too !!

    Changes in our family too. Our son and his family all made a move to Tennessee in May. They moved from their apt into their house the first week of Oct. Our granddaughters ages 12 and 14 are adjusting to their new school and the big changes in life especially with the weather. Our son is happy with is new job, but our dil is again looking to find something more to her liking in the work world. We really miss not seeing them. They have always lived about an half hour away or less. We will adjust, but never expected this to happen.

    Our daughter is in the midst of a big remodel in her older country home. Nothing ever turns out with remodels like you had hoped. Their family has grown to 3 dogs and 6 goats, plus 3 kids of which one is away at college, one is working his first job along with being a senior and the youngest 13 has just finished up her past several months as part of a Cheer/Dance program, which just came in 1st place in their competitive division. This is the 3rd yr in a row with again a 1st place team. We are so proud of her. Thankfully they are only half and hour away, but with the parents both working and a very active family we don't get to see them often. Love getting pictures anyway.

    And more recently we were visited by some old dear friends, who were our best man and maid of
    honor at our wedding back in 1970. Since they live out of state it is really special to see them. She has been my best friend since 2nd grade. She is visually blind now and has been for several years, but we don't let that get in the way. We all enjoyed going out to dinner together. As usual so much to talk about and every visit is extra special as we age now. Great times .....

    Time to put an end to this or I am going to have to have Patsy make a cover for this book..... Thinking of all of you.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Goodness, another howling storm last night to disturb my sleep but I woke up this morning to clear skies and sunshine. We only walked round the block after I stepped outside in a warm jacket but went back indoors to change into a lighter one because our mild temperatures continue. On our way along the road I saw Heather driving past and waved so she stopped. I haven’t seen her walking on the moors for a couple of months and have been worried about her. She told me she was diagnosed with bladder cancer which required surgery and most of the tumour was removed so now she must wait for an appointment at the end of the month to find out what treatment will be offered. I’ve told her I will happily keep her company on any visits to the hospital since I know the routine and meanwhile, she said she feels she must get on and enjoy each day so I will see her walking Bella on the moors again.

    Brother John’s ex messaged last night to let me know that he had a visit from Social Services yesterday and has arranged to up his care package to 4 visits a day so hopefully that will avoid more accidents or a stay in a nursing home. He loves to watch sport on tv and the Football World Cup begins next week so that is a Godsend! Meanwhile he still won’t answer the phone and rarely responds to text messages so I will resort to old fashioned posting of cards, that’s if our postal service staff aren’t on strike!

    The sky has darkened and heavy rain is back so it looks as if I’ll be inside this afternoon; might just finish painting my kitchen but also have to reheat the crab apple jelly that hasn’t set in the jars! I thought there would be enough natural pectins in the pips but apparently not.

    Another sparrow down the chimney!! George went to investigate a sound and when I opened the stove door it flew out, luckily into the garden room, so I opened the door to the garden and it’s gone. Dear George is still hunting for it! 😆😅

    Anne, I hope Maria makes contact once settled and let’s you know how she is. It would be sad to lose touch after so long so she could let you have a phone number at least.

    Reading your posts with mention of warm woolly jumpers, snow, ice, cold feet… I’m just glad we are already midway through November so when our cold weather arrives it will be a short Winter and in about 16 weeks I’ll be looking forward to Spring and planting veggie seeds! Meanwhile, another mug of hot coffee is called for and even a warm woolly because I can feel a cool draught now the sun has disappeared.

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    The Bean and I woke up to SNOW! After last weeks heatwave its finally caught up with us. The house is cozy though and I'm thinking of all the poor folk in Europe and the UK and counting my blessings. Praying also that the mild weather continues for Jackie and everyone else across the pond.

    Mikes friends mother after arrival at the hospital with him was told she needed surgery again so Mike at least got to work and picked her up at 8pm. Fortunately she has a friend staying with her until her family get back on Saturday, but the friend doesn't drive.

    Sympathy with Diane on the move of family. I would miss my small family terribly if they moved away. I hope Mark and Mary Jo are firmly planted but with Michael still working but layoffs imminent one never knows. Thats what brought us to Canada. RR went bankrupt at the time and with rumours spreading of layoffs, and foreign companies visiting with employment scouts, well the rest is history.

    Good news about your brother Jackie but not so good about Heather. I think Patsy's son arrives today so that will take a little of the worry off her shoulders. Sandy is still basking in the warmth of seeing her children and the rest of us are basking in the warmth of our fleecy clothes.

    Stay warm!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sandy is not basking in the company of her children, they have all gone home. I also woke up to a little snow with more to follow tomorrow. Winter has arrived and I am already looking to next Spring. Babe has a doctor's appointment later this morning and so far Rob hasn't asked for help today. Bryanna did my hair so I feel refreshed and tomorrow a nail appointment.
    Rob has ordered the turkey dinner for Thanksgiving which only I will be going as Babe is going to be with Cheryl and Marisa. He was conflicted because he wants to be with me but was worried they would get upset if he wasn't with them. I told him to be with them although I did tell them they were welcomed at Rob's. I think all holidays will be split just like when I was divorced from my first husband. Sad but the truth is Babe has never accepted my children or grandchildren as his own like I did Marisa.

    Anne, I so wish all my children lived near me, that would be a dream come true. As Diane said we adjust but it doesn't mean we don't miss them. You are so lucky to have both of your sons near you and come to see you weekly or more often. I know you are grateful. I am so sorry about Michael's friend's mother but you must be so proud of how he is taking care of her.

    Jackie, I am glad your brother is getting extra help and hope he gets stronger. I do wish he would answer his phone so you could hear his voice. What terrible news for Heather, I hope they got it all and she will fully recover after treatment. Can they not put a piece of mesh or screening on your chimney to your fireplace? Can the birds fly back up and get out or are they trapped once inside. Poor George is going to get tired of patrolling the fireplace.

    Diane, great to hear from you and as I said to Anne, we do adjust to our kids out of state but it is not easy. My granddaughter was in Poms in high school as well, I loved watching her.

    Lin, yes, they did speak from their heart and it was very moving. The lesson my children learned was to love your family deeply and tell them often something their father did not do.

    Time is getting away from me, so have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good afternoon. Yes, snow and slushy stuff which will likely freeze over night. More snow expected tomorrow. I thought it was supposed to melt, Oh my, my bad, I didn’t go out and shovel my driveway (soon to be my skating rink). I am glad I got the silicon spray on my garage door seal, so the door should still go up and down. I need to make a trip to the library but you know, if it doesn’t happen, I will adjust.

    This morning I got lots of bad health news from a friend. Our mutual friend, from our old Mah Jongg game, is experiencing many health problems now. The lasix isn’t helping her at all. Her legs and feet are so swollen, that the facility cannot got shoes on her feet or slippers. Just some kind of sock with non-skid things on the bottom. She has a cut that isn’t healing on her leg, she cannot walk and her memory and recognition of people seems to be gone. My friend says she has congestive heart failure but I haven’t heard they have her on oxygen. She will not cooperate with staff and unfortunately she is running out of money. Hope she will be approved for Medicaid.

    A call this afternoon from the friend whose husband has been trying to get treatment for a sarcoma. Apparently while they were trying to figure this out, the size of the growth has doubled. The surgeon wanted to do surgery immediately but the care team decided the radiation should still be done first. He had his first treatment today. Something like 4 or 5 weeks of M-F treatments. My friend is sick with fear. I do wish her sons and other family members would provide some support to her but they don’t seem to have an emphatic bone in their bodies.

    Diane, oh gosh, your weather sounds quite lovely to me. I got out my heavy heavy winter socks. That is helping my blocks of ice (aka feet) to feel better. 😉. How wonderful that you had a visit from such good friends. How enjoyable! I am sorry you are missing your family. Your daughter seems to have her hands full! Wow. Do you attend the youngest child’s activities? I hope you get lots of texts, emails, photos and video calls with the family.

    Jackie, I hope Heather does not need much additional treatment. So you will be seeing her now from time to time? Very nice of you to offer to accompany her to her appointment(s). Wow, your brother is getting visits 4 times a day! That sounds like terrific care. Maybe it isn’t as good as it sounds, I don’t know about the quality or the length of the visits. I hope it does the trick for him. But I am sorry you are not able to talk to him. I hope your mail service stays on track.

    Anne, ugh, snow for you too! Winter, winter, winter! 🥶🥶 I didn’t mind staying in today. I did a couple loads of laundry and now I have a nice pile of clean undies and towels. How is Jilly doing with getting on and off the bed?

    Sandy, wonderful! Bryanna got your hair done. I am sure that made you happy. I am sorry the family activities will be separate but I think you will have a great time with your family and all the kiddos! You and Babe get to spend a lot of time together so a day apart from time to time will work right?

    Be safe my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Laughing Barbie!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Me too!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    😆😂🤣 great idea Barbie!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Pooches have been walked and now off on what we call a dung run for Linda, no doubt followed by coffee and cake somewhere. Cloudy and threatening showers but as someone once said, we are not made of sugar! 😄
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm with you as well BARBIE! Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :) That sign was posted by the office manager in our manufactured home community. She has decorated the clubhouse for autumn and Thanksgiving so I understand that she thinks Christmas stuff is premature right now. My mother said that when she was a child, her parents put up the tree on Christmas Eve so compared to that, what happens these days is really premature.

    :) Bessie has been out for her business walk and has had breakfast and is no waiting patiently for our friend who won't arrive for about 30 minutes to go for her longer after breakfast walk.

    :) Jake is building a fire in the woodstove.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Yes, BARBIE, in the past we never decorated before one week before Christmas and actually, thats what I still do. Then we took everything down on 12th night which was the 5th January. I think that made the Christmas season so much more anticipated and special. Then of course we had Valentines day coming up and when in ones teens wondering if we would actually receive a card. Its a shame everything is so overdone and commercialized these days. Spoils it for the little kids.
    However, its starting to look like Christmas here! We had snow overnight and the street is a winter wonderland. "Stuff that" says Bean as she snuggles under her blankie and into hibernation.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) More snow expected today but that is not stopping us from celebrating a friend's birthday. First I am going for a manicure and doing a couple of errands. I brought the birthstone ring Babe gave me when we first started dating to the jeweler who fixes things at a reasonable price. One of the prongs broke and also I have earrings that were made from my sister's funeral flowers and the post broke so he is fixing that as well. Both are ready for a total of $45, so you can't beat his prices. Since his store is close to where we are having our late lunch I will pick those up today.

    When I was in the house I would start decorating after Thanksgiving as I decorated almost every room in the house except the bedrooms. Outside took me a long time and inside even longer. Now that I am in the condo, it takes about ten minutes to put up my ceramic tree from my mom and the inside hallway where I have a table that I change with the seasons.

    Haven't seen a post from Patsy, I do hope all is well with her and John. Wishing you all a great day, stay healthy, happy and wise.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. A long day. I have been waiting for 2 separate orders to be delivered today but one disappeared in another state and the other just showed up between 9:30 and 9:45 pm. I don’t like to leave orders on the porch so glad I can go to bed now.

    Nothing particularly interesting from here.

    But I couldn’t let a day go by without a teapot.

    Be safe everyone.


    Cat and mouse teapot
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello Sneakers. Yesterday the dung run went well although Linda was terribly stressed when she picked me up because she had already driven her son very early to his pick up point where he meets a colleague for work. Apparently the day before he had tried to drive his car through a flooding river ford and broke down in the middle. A passing van driver towed him out and got him home but his car engine is still too damp to start! It’s a horrible, narrow road where people drive too fast so no wonder Linda was stressed but I suggested we stop for our coffee and cake before collecting the bags of dung and 2 hours later she was feeling a lot better! We picked up the bags of dung that Richard had filled although we could hardly lift them they were so heavy, chatted to him, Christine and Bonny the Lab, then I was dropped off on the road to walk down the track and as I walked in to my cottage the heavens opened and that was it; rain for the afternoon!
    It’s still raining this morning so I haven’t yet walked George and Betty but once I have I will shop for a few fresh groceries and hope it brightens up so I can get myself back in my garden.

    Christmas Eve was when decorations were created and hung when I was a child. Do you remember those paper chains Anne that had a disgusting glue at one end to be licked? After a few years someone in the household decided a stamp sponge would be a better option to wet the ends! Back then Twelfth Night, the Eve of Epiphany was the celebration rather than Christ’s birth and if I’m not mistaken it wasn’t until Victorian times cards and small gifts were exchanged on Christmas Eve.

    Haha Lin, that teapot is so appropriate at the moment as Brady brings in a constant supply of mice for George to inspect!

    I do believe the rain has eased so I will go for walkies and might just leave the pooches in the car while I shop. Two deliveries expected today so although I’ve stuck a message for couriers on the door, I had better not be out too long!

    Enjoy your snow everyone and please don’t send it across the pond! 😱

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I was thinking about those paper chains yesterday. The fun of coordinating colours, but no wet sponge for me JACKIE. Then when done, stringing them from the centre ceiling light fixture across to the walls. AND feeling ever so proud. I also used to make icicles from strips of silver paper. You wound a long thin piece round and round and then you carefully placed a knitting needle point in to slowly and VERY carefully push the centre piece out thus creating a very long silver "icicle". The end had to be secured with a needle and cotton to hang up and avoid it unrolling and it then was hung on the tree or from the paper chains which must have looked like washday! What a great way to keep an active kid quiet for hours on those rainy days leading up to Christmas. And of course the joy of going to the woods and collecting berried holly. Happy memories indeed. Just remembered the "pond" under the tree! Dad provided a piece of glass to go under the tree which Anne surrounded with cotton wool snow and then spent hours drawing and colouring fir trees and figures to "skate" on the pond.Grocery delivery EARLY day. Must move!
    PS. Snow again.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :) We got our first holiday card yesterday. It was a Thanksgiving card and we have it displayed where we can see it and enjoy it.

    :)Lin That teapot is priceless.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Our dinner was fun and I won a little money so it was a good day. I am going to my meeting today and since I haven't been in two weeks I am looking forward to being there. My meetings keep me focused and serene. We didn't get all the snow that was forecasted which is good since I hate driving in snow.

    Barbie, I mailed out my Thanksgiving cards yesterday. I only mail to my family and four close friends including Joe. I don't receive many in return but I am okay with that.

    Anne, I remember those chains as well but we put icicles on one strand at a time. We had real trees when I was young but later my dad got a white flocked tree. I mostly remember a dining room full of toys for all the grandchildren. And my mothers home made dumplings that she made with the turkey.

    Jackie, that sounds scary that Linda's son got caught in flooding. That can be pretty dangerous. I am glad you were able to help distress her and enjoyed cake and coffee.

    Lin, I am sorry about your orders and hope they eventually arrive. I am waiting for one from Walmart to return as it went on sale for $60 cheaper for their black friday days. At least returns are easy at Walmart.

    Still no word from Patsy, has anyone heard from her?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. The orders have arrived. One is damaged so we will see what happens next. I contacted the seller, a third party vendor on Amazon.

    I did get to the post office this morning and got the rest of my Thanksgiving cards mailed as well as several birthday cards that needed special postage. Also made a stop at the library to pick up a book they were holding for me.

    Other exciting things, paid some online bills, logged into a bank account that had an important message for me to read. Change in terms. I remember when they sent letters with these things.

    I found out my Mah Jongg friend with failing health is being enrolled in Hospice care. Things can change quickly.

    Later I received a short note from another friend who had been visiting her neighbor in the hospital and thinks that may be where she got Covid again. She is really sick again. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I played with card supplies again today and made a couple of cards. Just fun! Oh need to buckle down and get to December birthday cards. Those are coming up quickly. Also need to start addressing envelopes for Christmas/Holiday cards as USPS said to mail no later than the 17th. I picked up some additional stamps I am all set.

    Sandy, I have been wondering about Patsy as well. I haven’t heard from her. Maybe Anne has?

    Barbie, wow, you’ve received a Thanksgiving card. That is nice. Not too many people send them! I love that teapot too, it is so cute.

    Anne, we made a few paper chains at school for decorations and we used white paste to fasten them. Not bad stuff. Of course, some children ate it! We didn’t have any at home. We put up decorations when my parents had time to do it. But usually after Thanksgiving as we had family over at our house most years and we had the fall/Thanksgiving decorations out. We had Pilgrims, Indian corn, turkeys, cornucopias, and fall leaves.

    Jackie, I hope you received your packages today. It was very good of you to know how to calm Linda down. Excellent! I hope you did get in some walkies and got your groceries. Some days that is a lot to accomplish.

    Be healthy everyone.


    The toaster teapot!