Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello. I am not sure how the day became so busy while I stayed at home. 🙃

    Long, and I mean long conversations with a number of people and emails with another friend.

    The happiest news was the emails. A friend was letting me know that her daughter had her baby 3 weeks early. The baby was only home for a day when she had to go back to the hospital for those special light treatments. And a bit scarier, her daughter had to go back for blood transfusions and a surgical procedure. But she is doing better now as well. But the biggest thrill for her was a secret that her daughter and SIL kept, they gave the baby her middle name. She was excited by that. I answered her as I had no idea her new granddaughter had arrived!

    The hours long call was with my friend who cannot get the medical profession to pay attention to her or her husband. He still does not have a pathologist report for the biopsy taken 3 weeks ago which his doctor thought was a sarcoma. She has received no help for the ankle tear, the fractured arm which is healing bent up or her blood pressure which sky rockets out of the blue. She pushed to get a referral to an oncologist for her husband but the oncologist will not make an appointment for him until the pathologist has submitted his report. Her son, who lives in California, pushes her to call people every day to get these tests results. The doctor’s office says the lab isn’t finished testing. I said maybe he should do the calling for his dad. Meanwhile, her husband is just being calm and says you cannot make things happen.

    Clearly my friend is living on the edge, I am so afraid she will make herself sick.

    Finally, a friend called and we had a number of things to chat about including her upcoming birthday. She has nothing planned but I wonder if her niece will suggest something. She seems to look after my friend quite well.

    Oh, and last night, a friend told me that she and her family are moving out of town onto a little acreage in November. She is quite excited about finally getting out of town. I hope all goes well for them. They have a lot to do over the next few weeks

    Patsy, good to hear from you. Sorry John is hurting. ❤️❤️

    Jeri, good for you to walk even in the cold. Excellent.

    Sandy, love the photo. Cute couple!

    Jackie, I hope you received your order.

    Anne, I have said it before, Mark is a handyman treasure! So happy he continues to work on the house.

    Having problems. Going to try to post. The keyboard is going nuts.

    Be safe everyone.


    Halloween giggle

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good morning. A wet and windy start so George has gone back to bed but Betty is in the naughty corner because she did a poo on the carpet in the snug while I was in the shower! Next week, November 4th is her 8th birthday and she’s been with us 4 years so I know I have to accept she will never quite be housebound although when I’m close by she does bark to let me know she needs to go out. I can’t say I wasn’t warned this might happen during the shelter’s house check.

    Yesterday afternoon I did prune the roses and cut up more wood for the fire but then became distracted by a Hawthorn hedge that I had almost finished cutting back earlier in the week. Vicious thorns but wearing thick gardening gloves, that job is completed. The crab apples will be a long job but if it stops raining I will pick them today.
    The package didn’t arrive so on Monday I will start making phone calls. Of course I had to trawl the internet to find a phone number for the local depot but I’m all set!

    That’s a great photo Sandy and I do remember when I was Bryanna’s age most boys had long hair while us girls copied model Twiggy’s style so I think Spencer looks very handsome!

    Battery about to die so I’ll plug in and return later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It's going to warm up to 65 today so a beautiful day. Zoom call with family at 12;30 and catching up on computer and bike before Mass. I almost forgot about Halloween gifts for the little ones but Lisa told me what to get boys, I just need to find something for Charlie. That's about it for my day except for making dinner of course.

    Babie.... <3 right back at you.

    Jackie, some dogs are harder than others, it took almost a year for Daisy to be fully housebroken. Betty came from a shelter so she deserves a break for her occasional accidents. Sorry your package did not arrive and hoping it shows up today or Monday.

    Lin, I say that to Babe everyday, where is the time going? The days seem to be moving faster and faster as we get older and older. Sorry about your friend's granddaughter but happy it had a happy ending.
    May I ask what state your other friend lives? It sounds like a horrible experience and how can it take so long for a biopsy? Babe had his results within a week from his dermatologist. I don't blame her for being so upset, the medical field is letting her down big time. All kinds of news for you, you have many friends which is a good thing.

    Patsy, I do presume John has been to the doctor for his ACL tear right? Did they suggest surgery at all?
    I am glad Andrea is stepping up to help you. Life can be hard at times but we almost always pull through.

    True Anne, we should all be grateful we wake up every morning to a new day. You never know what will happen and that's why I live my life one day at a time. It will be interesting to hear what the autopsy will say. I can imagine the expense of taking down a big oak so forget I even asked. My son had to pay a fortune to remove trees that were damaged during a storm.

    Hello to Diane and Jeri, hope all is well.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hi JACKIE, just a comment on Betty who is in the dog house. We have loads of foxes and coyotes around here and many is the cat who get eaten by them. Jilly is cat size so I can't let her out at night without me in attendance. The dark mornings are our problem. Jilly wakes me up quite early wanting to pee. For me to totter through the house, down the stairs and then struggling into shoes and a coat is nigh impossible, so we have an early morning pee pad near the back door. Sometimes paper [getting expensive] and sometimes 1 of our cloth washable ones. With her happy and me happy having also visited the bathroom we totter back to bed to sleep another hour. Would this help with Betty and her occasional lapses, especially if they occur early in the morning?

    It was 0 this morning so I was darn grateful for the pad today I can tell you! [Jilly as well I bet] However just like SANDYs weather we are gradually warming up again starting today.

    LINS news of her friend is so sad. I think the problem's probably the same as here and also in the UK apparently. A big shortage of medical staff. A big shortage of hospital beds etc. Between the European war and the Pandemic causing food and fuel shortages what an unholy mess. Some dreadful stories of hardship, and yet, looking back it was just as bad in the nineteen forties. I think despite the creaky knees etc I am living the best time of my life. Now if only family, old friends and all the pets could reappear!

    Anne [ maybe they will, lol. It being halloween!]
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello Everyone

    Yesterday was one of those busy busy days. Out to lunch with a cousin I haven’t seen in a long time, then Ed needed to go to Walmart and then rushed home for a Zoom meeting. Whew. Plus I made a walking commitment and I needed to walk for a total of 1 hr 25 minutes. I did it. Hurray. This is the site. Most I’m not interested in but the Walking one was good.

    Sandy I didn’t get a chance to tell you how much I liked the picture you posted. ❤️ And thank you, I enjoy photography but have got away from it a bit — just joined a photo of the day change that I am enjoying. Don’t know if I’ll have time to keep it up or not.

    The photo a day focuses on a new word every day. There is a group on Facebook FMS Photo A Day where I’ve been posting. Today’s word was fresh. This was my picture from Pike’s Market in Seattle


    Lin - walking is my passion. Sounds like your day was really busy.

    Anne - sounds cold there too. Brrr

    Oops time is getting away on me. Have a great day everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne, thank you, if only Betty was that trainable but like this morning, she sneaks off when least expected. Both she and George went into the garden as soon as I got up and did a pee, then I went to shower. It was during that time she snuck into the snug and that seems to be the pattern. Before I go out without them I always send them into the garden but when she was first adopted it was a regular occurrence as she would do it in the spare bedroom but it is rare these days. I always know because she looks guilty so knows she has done wrong! She gets lots of praise when she asks to go out and on our walks but sadly, her formative years, when she didn’t have to think about it, just go on the spot, have stayed with her so I think, as Sandy says, I’m going to have to live with her occasional etiquette slips!

    I’ve picked a large bowlful of crab apples to make jelly but as we are supposed to get thunder storms tomorrow, I’ll save that job until then. I’m going to search Netflix for a decent movie instead.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good evening. I have spent the day digging out specific colors of Distress Oxide inks as I want to try some ink blending. I finally found what I was looking for but lost my motivation for today. Ink blending another day. I have been die cutting instead. Lots more to do but I stopped to say hello and I want to do some reading.

    Jackie, I am sorry Betty has some problems from her early years. Some habits cannot be undone. So crab apple jelly tomorrow? Sounds yummy! Did you find a movie or a documentary to watch this evening?

    Jeri, love that photo. You have an interesting life. Glad you found several interesting programs online. Love today’s photo.

    Sandy sorry about the sudden death in your family. Very upsetting for everyone who knows them. 😢 My friend lives in this area. We are short on doctors, nurses, getting appointments, especially with specialists, requires a long wait. The last time she called, the person who answered said they have more testing to do but no explanation on why more than one test is needed. One of our two health systems has been held for a ransom for weeks. The records, prescription drug system, employee payrolls etc., all affected or unavailable. I don know if that has anything to do with this but overall, it doesn’t help. People are angry about their prescriptions, employees are saying they are not getting all of their pay.

    Anne, cold cold cold. Time to snuggle in and stay warm. And I think we are in quite the mess these days. Just have to hold on and hope things change for the better.

    Patsy, thinking of you and John. I assume the healing for that tear will be a slow process. I hope he has ways to alleviate the discomfort.

    Barbie, hello.

    Diane, how are you?

    I am off to make a cup of hot tea. Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    A Cardew teapot

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Thick fog outside. I can't see the houses across from me and the street isn't that wide. I must warn Michael. Maybe he shouldn't drive over today.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Our clocks went back last night but I didn’t gain an extra hour sleep because Betty woke me about 4am being horribly sick on the end of my bed. By the time I stripped the duvet cover and a throw off she had made a worse mess in the doorway, then in the spare room where poor George had been snoozing, and also downstairs in my snug!! Hot, soapy water, a scrubbing brush, paper towels, poo bags and disinfectant all required while Betty sat in the garden room, then I left her there and went back to bed!! She seems alright now but I withheld her breakfast until after our walk. It was very windy on the moors and as we turned to head back to the car a thunderstorm rumbled overhead that had me picking up speed and when it crashed about a mile away even George decided he had sniffed enough blades of grass!

    The heavens opened just as I closed my car door! I drove into town to buy a new watch because my old Timex gave up the ghost yesterday, and am now about to muck out the hen house… exciting times! 🙃

    Lin, last night I watched a charming episode of the BBC series The Repair Shop filmed last year where items belonging to the then Prince Charles were repaired. We saw workshops he set up in Scotland to give young people the chance of an apprenticeship in a variety of crafts and later he arrived at the Repair Shop to see the amazing work that had been carried out by a couple on the team on a clock and vase. Well worth the watch if you can view the series.

    Lunch finished and I see more stormy clouds rolling in my direction so I’ll get moving.
    Stay safe and warm everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Chilly morning with temps rising but with some rain. A good day to stay in and binge watch all the shows I am so far behind. Meeting friends for a late lunch tomorrow, they need my help with their cell phones. Some how our group text messed up their phones and I am the tech person. lol
    I hope I can fix them since I started the group text. :o

    Jackie, poor Betty, she didn't mean to have an accident yesterday her tummy is messed up. I do hope she feels better later and can again eat healthy food. I can imagine the mess and how tired you must be I myself would have the dry heaves cleaning that mess but that is just me with bodily functions. lol

    Anne, I hope your fog went away so Michael can visit but nothing worse than driving in fog.

    Lin, yes, a lot of medical people left after the pandemic, there are shortages everywhere. It takes months sometimes to get into a new doctor. Even with my colonoscopy I was hoping for an appointment in July and have to wait until November. I do feel for your friend waiting for results, it is a sad situation.

    Jeri, those daily challenges can be hard at times especially when they ask you to challenge ten more people. You are doing great on your walking challenge so keep up the good work. Glad to hear you are maintaining, I wish I could say that. lol The weight just goes up and down but never stays in one place.

    Hello to Patsy and Barbie and anyone else who I missed.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good afternoon. We did not set our clocks back an hour last night. We have to wait a while but I have an old clock that is programmed for the spring ahead and the fall back, it cannot be changed, but it is still running on the old rules. It fell back last night. 🤭 Now on one side of my bedroom it is 8:30am for example and on the other side it is 7:30 am. I guess I will just ask Alexa what time it is if I want to know.

    Temps in the high 50’s today. Even though it is overcast, the weather forecast I heard says no rain expected until Friday.

    I watched online church this morning. I wish they would have included some of the music. It was just the sermon and he didn’t sing it.

    Working on using the cutting plate to cut out, hopefully, 30 or 35 card fronts. It would go very quickly if I didn’t have to use the pick to remove all the little card pieces that are stuck on the cover plate. Got to keep it clean or the little bits will not cut out.

    Did I mention my friend’s husband had a big retirement celebration put on by his employer at the reception room in our Botanical Center and Gardens last Friday night? His daughter posted a few photos on Facebook. I only saw them because she tagged her dad in the post and I am a friend of his. Looks like a great party. No one took any pictures, that were posted that is, of the whole family, or he and his wife. Well, it was nice to see he received such accolades.

    Jackie, oh my gosh, what a terrible way to start the day for both you and Betty. I hope that doesn’t happen again. I wonder what she got into? I hope she is not ill. I haven’t heard of that TV show, and I will say I do not find much British programming. I will hunt! I dropped my Acorn subscription so it is even more difficult. I cannot read any articles from the Guardian now, it says I must pay for them. I didn’t know they put up a pay wall in the U.S.

    Sandy, enjoy your day today and my gosh, you have a big chore tomorrow to try to help everyone with their phones. ☹️

    Anne, is it still foggy? And did Michael show up?

    Hello to Jeri, Barbie, Patsy, Diane and any other Sneakers who stop by.

    Be safe.


    Frothy teapot


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Hi gang! It’s not raining so I’m in my garden.

    Happy Halloween. Will catch up later.
    Jackie 👻🎃👀🧙🏻‍♀️🧟‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Its all go here! Hectic but good morning. Mark and the furnace guy are about to arrive and then Michael has to go to his bank here to redo his mortgage. He'll have time to eat with me and Jilly before heading for work with frozen [at the moment] leftovers in the fridge.
    Jilly will probably have a heart attack she will be so happy to see so many people.
    And she's in training. My bed is so high she can't leap onto it or leap off. Takes me all my time these days. Anyway I've brought upstairs one of the Ercol armchairs to put next to the bed and we had our first bout of her learning to jump on it rather than being picked up by me. I think and hope she will soon get the hang of it because she is so intelligent and of course a treat helps!
    Oh golly, here's the furnace guy, no Mark and Jilly is having a heart attack.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    What a darling owl costume


    I cannot believe it may get to 70 degrees today. Extremely unusual weather for this area.

    Be safe.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm boiling hot because the furnace man turned the heat up to 80 before starting whatever furnace men do. Mark arrived and Jilly actually conned the furnace guy to play her favourite game, "chase me round the coffee table". I'm exhausted already and its only 10:30.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Halloween! >:) Meeting some friends for lunch. Will try to get back later.

    Enjoy your spooky day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    A windy walk so I took a different route that was relatively sheltered and both pooches loved it because there were lots of new smells to sniff. On the way back to the car park I met Brian with his Westie Duke and because we hadn’t seen each other for a couple of months, had a long catch up. George soon got bored and wandered off then Duke did the same so when it was time to move on we both had to call to persuade them to come back! I stopped at the village post office to mail a get well card to my brother John and for some milk then, smelling warm pasties as I walked in, decided one would make a perfect lunch! It’s still very mild and dry so I spent the afternoon in my garden. It’s raining now but that’s fine because with the clocks going back, it was suddenly dark by 5pm. 🫣

    Anne, my bed is higher than usual and I’ve noticed both my short legged pooches are beginning to clamber up rather than jump so I think your idea of a chair close by is a great one. Do let us know if Jilly gets it… I’m not sure Betty would work it out!

    Lin, I loved yesterday’s frog! 🐸. It would make me smile every day if it lived with me. When Mr T was your President I subscribed to the New York Times which was silly of me really because I could read daily articles for free. I’m now finding unsubscribing fiddly because they hide instructions about how to go about it! As for what Betty might have eaten to make her stomach empty, I’ve a good idea but won’t go into the gory details! 🤢

    Sandy, you are probably lunching as I type and I hope you are having fun.

    Oh Patsy, we are lost without you! Poor John must hate struggling but will hopefully be kind to himself and patient because it’s not an injury to be rushed.

    The wind is picking up and rain pouring so I’ll snuggle down with a cup of fruit tea. The research scientists that run the Covid programme I contribute to have begun a new one covering fasting and eating certain times of day. It will run for 3 weeks and my first week is to log my normal routine which basically is eating whenever it suits me. By week 3 I will be asked to only eat within a narrow window to see what effect if any it has on my mood and energy levels. It’s already got me thinking, hence fruit tea rather than my PG Tips!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022

    I have been working on die cuts today and also worked on a card. Sent the first November birthday day and returned books to the library.

    Jackie, you are very cooperative with these government studies. Good for you. Someone needs to participate! I am still doing the vaccine reactions studies as well as completing a survey every couple of weeks to let them know if I have contracted Covid. I hope Betty is feeling okay now and thanks for not mentioning what she got into that started this. Eeeeck. And interesting, I cannot get any free articles from the New York Times. None at all without a free 3 day pass from the library. And you can not get rid of them?? Yipes. Oh and I checked on the TV show. With a paid subscription to the Roku channel I could view it but I think I will pass.

    Anne, I hope Jilly is learning to utilize the chair to get up and down. What a day. I hope all turned out well with your furnace. I think they have to test if the unit can raise the temperature by a certain number of degrees in a specified time frame. Makes the house darn warm!

    Sandy, did you get everyone’s phone straightened out? And did you enjoy lunch?

    Hope everyone else is okay.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    We survived Halloween last night with curtains drawn and doors locked and barred. Not so much because I'm cheap but because I had no candies to give the revellers. Not much going on outside though. The odd door slam and the odd bark from my watchdog. Our TV weatherman appeared on TV wearing a most realistic wolfs head and hairy "paws" whilst his constant companion Storm, the weather dog wore a tuxedo as he hunted for treats lurking on the weather map of Canada.

    Actually, old misery that I am, I much prefer today, All Saints Day, when anything mildewey crawls back from whence it came.

    Because of the energy situation in Britain and people suffering from the cold because many can't afford to heat their homes I saw a lovely idea. One lady with a small shop is asking people to donate any coats they don't need, such as children out grown coats. These she puts on a rack outside her store and anyone can take one free of any charge.
    No questions asked. One chap on disabilities is wearing two at the same time in his apartment and doesn't intend turning the heat on all through the winter.

    Jilly's training is a work in progress. We have got as far as jumping ONTO the bed but she is wary of jumping out of it onto the armchair. We will get there. Its quite comical. She sits on the bed peering at the chair with her head one side and obviously wondering what all the fuss is about. So far I've plonked her onto it and its up to her to get down and rush to the pee pad at the back door.

    Mike said his highlight of the day was eating leftovers with me and the Bean before he rushed back to work. I'm praying his car survived the halloween night at the race track where its parked with everyone else's because of the repairs at the condo. That should be all finished by the 4th and the car will be parked at home again.

    Off for a shower, open the curtains and see if we have another dense fog.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Phew, lucky me, George and Betty! I held off walking until 10 when the rain eased and we had a lovely stroll to the next village. The sun came out which made it even more pleasant then, back home I picked up a pair of secateurs and clipped a few wayward brambles hanging over the footpath from nasty neighbour’s drive then visited the hens and topped up their feed. It began to rain as George and I wandered up the garden path and just in time we returned to the garden room as torrential rain and hail crashed down! The sun is out again now but I think it will be showers for the rest of the day so plan to test the diversion into town and some grocery shopping. I will definitely need to wear my Be Patient hat!! 😠😡

    It remains incredibly mild in Cornwall so here we are, November 1st and still no daytime heating required. I do possess too many cardigans and fleece jackets that have collected in my wardrobe over the years so along with my wood burners, will be toasty warm. Linda’s son who has passed on so many bags of off cuts has decided to install a wood burner in the family home which is apparently what hundreds of people are doing so I must order a fresh load of logs from my farmer friend before the price goes up!

    Time to grit my teeth and drive into town.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good afternoon. A very warm day- around 75 degrees. Wow! I did some laundry this morning, wrote a few emails and then received an email from a bank where I have an account. It will be deactivated if I don’t make a deposit or something. So I have been trying to hook an external account to this institution so I can deposit or withdraw without driving around to a couple of banks. Step #1 accomplished. Test deposits in 2 or 3 days. Then I have to find the instructions to return the money. Should then get a confirmation that the account is added and then I can initiate a transfer which will take a few days the first time. They sure are cautious. Oh what fun…..😉

    Jackie, did you make a successful trip? And did your package ever surface? Good idea to order more wood as your extra supply has dried up (darn it).

    Anne, Jilly is making progress. That is good, smart girl. We used to do a coat, glove, and winter cap drive each year where I worked. Good response on small stuff like mittens and hats. Not so good with coats. I hope the local store has great success.

    Back to work. Hoping everyone is well. I am so sorry Patsy hasn’t been able to get to the group.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello!!!!!! I rejoined once again and this time I actually got in! I have repeatedly done this! I hope this time things are back on track. Because I have really missed you all. I think I have rejoined at least 4-5 times. Whew!

    Our big news is that the chair lift company is finally coming in a couple of weeks. It will help both John and me. I have to say, Anne, you are amazing. Carting your laundry upstairs and down. I would have fallen flat my face several times. We never get little trick or treaters. I would probably love it. Back when the kids were young, we used to make up little treat bags with candy and a home made popcorn ball wrapped in orange cellophane. The kids and I loved doing this. We also had Halloween parties- kids and adults- playing games and we had chili dogs to eat for a supper. Great fun! It was a family tradition.

    Since John’s ACL will take a few months to heal (hopefully) we will use this time to set up a few support systems. I hate that it took a painful accident for this to happen but it did. He has a brace but it is still very painful. Now comes stretches and strength exercises lots on unpleasant words. Will be happening, I fear!

    Sorry if I sound so down but I really am not. I am lucky to have Andrea and Damon willing and actually demanding to help.

    Jackie: we use our wood stove for burning trash as will as wood. Cardboard and some paper that can’t be recycled etc. all giving out wonderful heat to the entire house. Katie loves to sleep in front it when we have a fire going.

    Lin: banking is the bane of our life. It is the same here. If we don’t deposit or withdraw on an account, they will start taking it. No! Great job on settling up this complicated arrangement. I will need to think about that.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Busy day, will be back in the morning.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi PATSY, I'm so glad you are back! I was getting rather worried about you. The chair lift sounds a great idea, we've only got as far as installing hand rails.
    I've got my own system for laundry day. Most of the time I can still manage stairs and basket but on heavy duty wash days I simply chuck the lot down the stairs, totter down clinging to hand rail, pick up and totter off to the laundry/furnace room. Its Ok coming back up because its either two separate loads in the washer, or one load because I dry some things upstairs in my big bathroom. Anyway wash day means 3 trips going down and three trips back up. Great exercise!
    Aint old age fun as we find new ways to do things.
    Jilly is on her third day of training to jump on and off the armchair. Some progress. Okay going to bed but in the morning she views my coaxing her to leap on the chair suspiciously. HOWEVER today, although she still wouldn't jump onto the chair she sat on the bed wagging her tail. I think she is beginning to think its some weird game Anne has devised.
    Hi everybody. Not much going on yesterday. It WAS 72F, a first for November. I made chicken and veggie stew with dumplings which I enjoyed but a little too wintry for a warm summer day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Wahoo! Happy to have Patsy back! Very good news that the chair lift company will be out to look over your house relatively soon. 👍🏻👍🏻 Poor John, a lot of work ahead with that ACL injury. Way back when, over the course of several years, 2 different ladies I worked with ruptured/tore an ACL. Both recovered well in time. But each did have to have reattachment surgery when the swelling went down. Different days, different treatments. But again, they healed up well. I have been following the travels of one of those ladies the last couple of weeks as they are in the Southwest. Trampling and walking all day.

    We have another good weather day in store. Colder temperatures coming soon and perhaps up to 2” of rain by Friday. We can use it.

    I need to run. I just realized I need to get another birthday card in the mailbox. Just need to write a note and find a stamp!

    Be well everyone.

    Jilly, keep working on the new game Anne has devised. 😉


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Busy day yesterday starting with Mass at noon for All Saints Day. Then I went to kiddos and took two of them to choir practice. I am not sure where the day went but it flew by. Monday was fun and got a little one on one time with one of my friends. Today was going to be a rest day but Cheryl texted to see if Babe and I wanted to pick her up to go to All Souls Day Mass tonight where they honor the people from the parish who died this year. They like family members there to hand them a candle in honor of their deceased family member and after Mass they go outside for a vigil.
    Babe has a slight cold and doesn't feel well so he doesn't want to go. Cheryl can't drive because of foot surgery and her daughter is busy so she wanted us to pick her up. I do not want to go without Babe so I hope she understands. To be honest I am still a little uncomfortable with her do to past circumstances.
    It is going to be a beautiful day and we should be able to sit on the balcony which we both miss.

    Anne good luck with training Jilly, she will get it she is a smart girl. Patsy happy to hear about the chair lift but sorry John is in pain. Would he consider the surgery? Lin I went to the dollar tree and bought all my November cards so my cards are not as pretty as yours. I did fix the girls phones so they are happy. Jackie glad to hear Betty is better and I don't care to hear what she go into either.

    Hello to everyone else I missed, time to eat breakfast. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Windy, windy but I managed an enjoyable early walk on the moors with George and Betty by staying on lower paths. As we got back to the car park I noticed David had parked next to me but although I scanned the hills, I couldn’t see him with Hattie so left without our usual catch up.
    Yesterday’s shopping trip wasn’t as difficult as I had feared and I even managed to miss crowds on the roads and in the store so it seems the middle of the day is the quietist (Thinks, bear that in mind in future! 😉)
    Later this morning Linda picked me up and we visited her new garden where she now has her shed from the allotment that her son had dismantled and reconstructed for her. He hadn’t fitted the guttering so I agreed to help because I had put one on a shed in my garden about 20 years ago. She had bought cake earlier and I made a flask of fresh coffee so we sat in the shed making a plan before starting. Lots of measuring, drilling and clipping together while trying hard not to slip on the uneven muddy ground. Lots of laughter of course and in the end I have to say we did a professional job! Just in time because as we packed up to leave, light rain we had worked in became heavy so now I’m home, feet up with my afternoon cuppa. The wind is howling, the sky dark and rain hammering down and it’s not even 5pm!

    Welcome back Patsy. ❤️ Like you, I collect the cardboard and any rubbish papers that show my name and address to burn in the stove. Just like ANNE, I throw laundry destined for the washing machine down my stairs and when carrying back, all washed and fresh, I place the wash basket on one step at a time in front as I step up.

    Oh-oh, battery dying! Back later.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Yes I do that as well JACKIE, put the basket on the stairs in front of me as I follow it up. Great minds. etc etc. AND battery dying here the same, lol. Bye.