Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Diane, I have also been hunting for shoes that make my feet happy. I rotate from pair to pair, that seems to be the best I can do. I have on a pair today that just about hit the trash as they are pretty worn out. 😉 Happy walking!

    Barbie, you do have a wonderful place to live. Congratulations on finishing the fence cleaning project.

    Meanwhile, it is quite cold here this morning. I am grateful to have a house, creature comforts and many interests.

    Be safe everyone.


    An old photo from PG Tips


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    A lovely sunny day, mild too so after our walk on the moors and some housework, I’ve been weeding… again! My new colony of bees is thriving because this weather gives them extended time to stock up their winter stores so one day this week I will climb into my bee suit and make sure they don’t need my help.

    This afternoon I phoned the vet to check if Betty’s dietary food I ordered had arrived which it has, but I then decided I wasn’t in the mood for road diversions and long delays so instead will grit my teeth and drive to town after tomorrow’s morning walk. Little else happening and I am once again avoiding our news outlets while chaos continues within our government. There is nothing democratic about the current events but then I look at China and Russia and our problems seem minuscule in comparison.

    It seems tonight will remain mild so not even a log fire needed. Halfway through October this is amazing!

    Hooray for PG tips Lin!

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm not sure if I've been terribly busy or just getting slower. I know the days are moving at an alarming rate.

    I had lots of visitors over the weekend which was wonderful but not exactly newsworthy. Jill and I met a pretty young woman who walks a dog named Camilla. Jilly's not too sure about Camilla who is at the bouncy stage of life. Puppyhood.

    Today is a rain day so we are housebound. Mark painted a few house windows yesterday just in the nick of time.

    Apart from that nothing really so I will away.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Had a morning dermatology appointment for Babe which was all good news so he doesn't have to go back until next July when I also go. We went to a speakeasy kind of restaurant yesterday with a singer who sang the songs of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and others of thar era. It was fun and even though it wore Babe out he enjoyed it as well being with Cheryl, Marisa and her boyfriend.
    Caught up on getting my birthday cards done for delivery, ordered some supplements, made another appointment for Babe with throat doctor and got what I needed together for a Real ID. Now I just have to make an appointment with the DMV. Tomorrow morning we are meeting to take our friend out for breakfast on her real birthday. It will be near a jewelry repair shop that I use so I have a couple of items that need repair including a birthstone ring Babe gave me when we were dating and an earring made from my sister's funeral flowers. Knowing those ladies though they will probably want to stop and gamble. I will play that by ear, since I also want to go to confession since I don't have to sit tomorrow and my church only has confessions on Tuesdays. Of course I have no sins, I am perfect. hahahahaha

    That's it for me. Time to ride the bike after all this extra food I am eating. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast day to day a just a little chilly. But a good mug of steaming coffee put me “to rights,” as my gran used to say.

    I contacted MFP about my issues. They responded with an email that was almost laughable! Lots of techno talk using terms I have no clue about what they are talking about. My MFP app does not work and getting in to the sneakers is a miracle. I never know if I can open the magic door or not! Here I am today. And I am good to know you are all well and healthy. Yes! I also deal with “old feet.” I am also on the hunt for good comfy shoes. So is John. The never ending challenge!

    We might be experiencing an exciting new family event! In the near future, Damon might move here. He will buy or have a house built. He says it is clear we need an advocate. I am really nervous about decisions regarding house repairs and John trusts Damon to help in this regard. He would not live with us but in the same town. He would be minutes away. He could help with medical emergencies. My dear John is feeling a little unhinged these days. There is a good roomy marina here if Damon wanted to sail his boat and dock it here. He works from a home studio, he is an animator for movies and TV. As he said, he can live anywhere. Both John and I are so relieved that he is thinking of this. I often feel like I am out in the middle of the ocean in a leaky lifeboat.
    Silly , I know! We all feel that way from time to time.

    Jackie: you must take care my friend! The fall you experienced sounded like you didn’t suffer major damage but it can serve as a wake up call. Be careful!, don’t work past being really tired, in order to complete a task. It will wait for you. That is John’s challenge. He can’t let himself admit….”I am tired, I will finish this tomorrow.” I am a total goof off. Takes me forever to do anything. I am inefficient and easily distracted.

    Diane: always a delight to hear from you. Your little doggie sounds like he has some real medical issues. Our Katie us a labradoodle. So she is part poodle. She is smart, not in the least social. She is convinced she is a person….don’t all family dogs feel like that?

    Sandy: you have your hands full. We are thinking of you. An emotional family time can be exhausting.

    Lin: I agree about your amazing talent. But I would say unless you need extra money, making your hobby or special interest a business can really steal the joy. I still have uncomfortable feelings when I see or chat with the gallery owner I used to work with. She has sold her gallery and I refused to sign up with the new owner.

    I see a bit of blue sky!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    PATSY, super news. I've always wondered if Damon might move to the same town as you and John.
    You would have a situation a bit like me. Mark is in the same town and Mike is about 45 minutes away. I text them every morning so they know I am still upright. Works a treat and I know Jilly wouldn't be by herself for long if something went wrong.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    I agree with you that LIN should continue with her talented hobby as such. All the joy disappears when one is under pressure.

    Wish I could see a bit of blue sky! What a rainy, murky day!

    Anne. Teatime!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Chilly today with possible snow flurries. We will be indoors for our friend's birthday breakfast so we will be warm. I hope to get all those errands done but we will see if I am coerced into some gambling. lol

    Have a good day and keep warm.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good darn cold morning. Overnight low 21 I believe. Broke a record set in 1972. I brought in some plants and covered my herbs. Time to go out and see how they are doing…..

    Staying at home today, just little household tasks on my schedule.

    Be safe everyone.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Yes, it was pretty nippy here as well early this morning. However, we are promised our Indian summer in a few days. I dug out my heavy polo neck sweater so feel pretty cosy.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A chilly night but the most frightening thing is that there was a wildfire near a lake here in our county. We awoke to sprinkles of ash on our deck. I have a lot of asthma yesterday and last night. We are having very poor air quality here in Oregon at the moment. Scary and very concerning. We have abundant wildlife here as well as a resident herd of Roosevelt elk in the forested area. They are protected and are not afraid of people or pets! They often get into trouble stomping through peoples yards and gardens. I have seen them near the road and it seems to be a herd of about 200 ar least. We have Many many deer and birds and small animals. Fire of any size is a disaster. So how did this fire get started? I am guessing campers or a homeless camp. So very sad!

    I still have difficulty logging in on MFP. It is a surprise when I try and I actually get in. HELLO! I am thinking of you all and hope you are well and safe.

    I am dealing with a few personal issues like dear John’s mobility and memory problems. Damon will be coming soon to assess the situation as best he can. I feel sure there is help for John but he has to admit he might need medical help. Not easy for a fierce independent guy.

    I am mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors with one of those swiffer things. Hummmmm I wish they really did a good job! However! They did okay certainly not perfect or even good. My opinion.

    Making Italian chicken tonight. Pasta, onion, olives, mushrooms, capers and chicken. The calories aren’t too bad with just a small helping of pasta. Grapes for dessert.

    Exercise and a bit of time in the dungeon working on the kid stories! I love writing these little stories. But it does take time. Time well spent, in my opinion!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lin: once you posted a photo of the wheeled cart you use to haul things around. It had a telescoping handle and a plastic basket for anything to be carried. I ordered the wrong thing from Amazon. I wonder if you still have that photo? I need to do a REDO.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    So you are all getting colder weather while in England the temperature is rising! Apparently the air is rushing up from Africa of all places so our Indian summer continues. Usually we are feeling a chill wind from Russia and Scandinavia by now but as we know, nothing is normal any more when it comes to climate so today it was around 20C (68F).

    George had one of his strange off days yesterday. Have I mentioned before how he will occasionally appear in fear of food so his head goes down and he refuses to even look at his bowl I place down for him? Instead he creeps away as if scared it will attack him! Even favourite small treats were refused so for 24 hours he eat nothing but did sleep on the end of my bed and finally this morning was back to his usual cheerful self.
    We lost the sunshine today but still enjoyed a long stroll on the moors before driving to town. I decided to take a longer detour, about 4 extra miles, which meant no delays or heavy traffic, collected Betty’s special kibble then it was on to a pet store to stock up on George’s raw frozen packs of chicken and lamb. The drive home was remarkably easy so perhaps the extra miles hadn’t been necessary, then after a light snack for lunch, you guessed it, more weeding! I’m pleased the area I’ve cleared didn’t take as long as I’d anticipated so hopefully by the end of this week I will feel in total charge, apart from the wild bottom!!
    It’s midnight and I can hear the wind outside which could mean the arrival of thunderstorms tonight so I’m switching off at the plugs anything that might blow!

    Patsy, I’m worrying about you and John if a wildfire has started up close to home. Is that packed bag still in a handy place by the door? Please don’t hesitate if you feel you should all leave. The affects of these climatic events on wildlife is devastating and therefore heartbreaking and I read the other day that worldwide, the wildlife population has declined by 69% since 1970.
    Damon moving to live close by sounds like a great plan and will hopefully give John some peace of mind to feel he can let go just a smidgeon of that independent streak! Being an independent person, I do empathise!

    That’s a pretty, regal teapot Lin… big enough for several cups!

    Enjoy those birthday celebrations Sandy. Snow!! I do hope not. 🫣

    Time for bed. Hopefully a quiet night without thunder!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Patsy, this is the product (available on Amazon). Reisenthel trolley

    Let me know if that is not enough information.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I've just had a chat with another octogenarian. You see, when I mail my order in I usually get an eMail back confirming all is well. Yesterday I didn't. I've lost a lot of things since Mike transferred my laptop accounts to the iPad. Anyway I was a bit worried it hadn't gone through so I called their office. A very nice lady with a very old voice confirmed it HAS gone through for tomorrow delivery. We got talking and she's still working at 84. I mentioned my years and said I thought we were both doing very well and she agreed. By this point she was calling me dear and I was calling her love. Wish she lived close by. We are very thin on the ground us octogenarians!
    My cousin phoned and apparently there is no fall as such in Australia, just gum trees who remain green.
    I love fall both here and as I remember it in England when we used to take the small boys looking for conkers fallen from the chestnut trees.
    I'm in the middle of cooking and just stopped to make a mid morning coffee, SO........
    See you,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello, very cold overnight but warmer weather is on the way. I am crushing boxes today as I do not want to miss next week’s pickup and the furnace service people will be here about then as well. Must make sure the service tech can get to the furnace.🤭

    A friend called this morning and she is fit to be tied. Her husband’s biopsy results still have not been returned. She says it has been 3 weeks and the surgeon had said he thought it is a sarcoma. That seems like a long time. I am afraid she is getting going to have a stroke. I can understand her frustration.

    Health care? Hummmmmm.

    Anne, next time you take a break, do you have any idea what city/town is in this photo? It was just posted as Yorkshire……🧐 It is beautiful! Or maybe Jackie??


    Patsy, I hope Damon can purchase a home near you. Faster than building!

    Jackie, our traffic is becoming heavier. The early morning news has gone back to broadcasting traffic jams and problems starting shortly after 5am and continues through the end their broadcast. Lots more slowdowns—like the old Monday through Friday rush hours prior to Covid! And these are not construction related. I am glad you were able to pick up the needed items yesterday. How are the bees doing by the way? Time for the bee suit to come out? Oh dear George, I hope you are well.

    Sandy, hello!

    Barbie ❤️

    And I need to get back to work. Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    No storms in the night that I was aware of and I’m sure George would have let me know if there was. A miserable morning of wind and rain so I didn’t rush to go out which meant just a short round the block stroll at midday. After lunch I prepared a bean casserole for the slow cooker then finally scooped the cooked quince and apple into a mesh bag to drip slowly into a bowl overnight.

    My nephew messaged to let me know my brother John is in hospital after falling down stairs at home. Sadly alcohol dependency has taken its toll mentally and physically so I wasn’t surprised to get the news. He has apparently cracked his skull and ribs so will have to wear a back brace for a few months once home but that won’t happen until results of an MRI scan. Meanwhile his carer is taking him anything he needs. He lives about 200 miles from me and generally doesn’t answer his phone when I call so I’ll send a get well card and hope it gets through our constant mail strikes!

    Anne, yes our trees are turning gold and Amber while conkers, hazelnuts and acorns cover the ground. Thankfully neither of my pooches show interest in eating them!

    Lin, you just snuck in ahead of me! That village photo could be anywhere as we have Clovelly in Cornwall.

    Back in the 70’s a wonderful commercial for Hovis bread was on tv that pretended to be in a Yorkshire but was actually filmed in Dorset. If you search YouTube for it you will see it is similar to your picture but I’m guessing you won’t understand the voiceover! Anne will probably know the real Yorkshire village!!

    Oops, another government Minister just bit the dust!!

    Time to cook something for my evening meal because the bean casserole needs another hour at least!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited October 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) A do nothing day which I love. I do have to pay some bills but I don't have to leave the house for a change. I did manage to get all my errands done and it was a pretty long wait at the DMV but still met up with my friends and gambled for about an hour. I won a little so score.
    I am trying to make plans with Lisa and kids to go to the pumpkin farm but she is going to Ohio this weekend to see her grandma. Next weekend is the last before Halloween so we are hoping to go either Saturday or Sunday. I prefer to go early on Saturday or on Sunday as I want to start going to 4:30 mass on Saturday in person. I have missed going and receiving communion.
    We are supposed to have a beautiful weekend and Babe and I are hoping we can sit on the balcony for at least one of those days, we really miss doing that.
    Lisa got the teaching job where she wanted and signs the contract Thursday. We presume she will start work on Monday and Rob and I will figure out what day or days he needs me to help him so he can go into his office in the city at least once a week. Lisa will have school hours but it is an half hour drive from their house. The little ones are only in school half a day so Rob will be responsible until Lisa gets home and on those days I am needed I will get there around 10:30 or 11:00 so I am there for their buses.
    Keeping busy keeps me going and I hope to be around for a long time, God willing.

    By the way a while back I think Patsy said something about reducing Babe's salt however the doctor said with his autoimmune disease he should increase his salt as much as possible. Just an FYI.

    Also want to say I hope Damon moves closer to Patsy and John as well. I wish all my kids lived close to me but they do have their own lives.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I haven't a clue where that village is LIN but then all villages in the UK are beautiful to me.

    I've just watched the last episode in Cranford on PBS. Cranford was my favourite book when young and the series is exactly as I imagined. Had me watery eyed that last episode. I just love happy endings.

    Glad George is feeling more like George again.
    Everyone seems very happy even if the Indian summer hasn't arrived yet.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Lin, check images of Haworth in Yorkshire, the Home of the Bronte sisters.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Oh Jackie, that looks like the place!! Stupendous!

    I have been watching the Hovis bread commercial, the remastered commercial, and then switched over to the Two Ronnies 1978 take on the vintage advert. Laughing….now stuck on watching old short clips of the Two Ronnies.

    I can understand some of the dialogue in the old commercial but didn’t copy it down. So the child is delivering bread to the last customer at the top of that long hill but I couldn’t catch his name. Then the boy zooms down the hill to the baker who has the kettle on and hot slices (?) of Hovis bread. Full of wheat germ….

    Loved it. Thanks. I am not getting much done since I got hooked on these old YouTube videos. 🤭

    Lin ❤️❤️
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast day and cool. Thank goodness rain is on the way. Our wildfire isn’t huge but big enough to be a problem. It is near a local lake….Fishhook lake. I can’t even find it on the map. that’s too bad! But it is contained and in the mop up stage. However it was about 2000 acres as I remember from the news. We got smoke and ash and I got asthma!

    Hoping to talk to Damon today. He is working on a big video special effect for a gigantic rock group opening in Los Vegas. I am so old and out of touch, I have never heard of this band and I can’t even remember the name! The deadline is of course, NOT negotiable! If he is under the gun, I will not be able to chat with him at all. We have much to discuss. Changes are hard and exciting at the same time. If we stay here, I will insist on a stair chair installation. It is too risky as things are now.
    John stumbles constantly. Arthritis and osteoporosis! But all in all, we manage nicely.

    Our fall colors are very muted. We have some color but the hemlock variety around here stays green and the leaves just fall off. The vine maples turn as lovely orange-yellow. Our fall wet weather is to start his weekend.

    Still having trouble getting into MFP. My app doesn’t work anymore. Tried fix they suggested but it made no difference.

    Lin: thank you so much for the info on the cart. I am placing an order today. I love the teapots. My kind of teapot. I have several hand thrown pottery teapots from potter friends. They weigh a ton! I of course never use them. But they are art pieces….made by friends.

    Jackie: Katie has the occasionally odd behavior that our vet called, The flakies. She acts like she is terrified of us and shys away from us. He said just act like you don’t notice and try to remain calm around her. Don’t overreact. She will get over it in a day or so. She does. Thank you for thinking of us. Yes, we have our emergency suitcase at the back door. John trips over it several times a day. But it will remain there until the rains come. It is lovely that sneaker friends keep track of us.

    Sandy: I do marvel at all the activity in your life. Lisa is going to be quite stressed with three youngsters, a job and commute plus the usual home responsibilities. Wonderful that you can help.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Ah! Home of the Brontes.

    Mark and Mary Jo are here. I’ve got a jar of her delicious chutney made from our tomatoes. I know I’m old now, Mark is fixing me a short banister on the wall next to the 4 stairs going down to the back door and before you turn right at the small hall to go down the 8 stairs to the basement which has a banister.
    We went to the mail box and we three (jilly as well) got soaked with rain on the way back.

    The weekend is promised to be warm. Goodbye anorak which I wore today.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) It feels like fall here. Our maple in the front yard has turned a beautiful yellow and when the storm comes this weekend, I'm sure most of the leaves will blow all over. My yard work is finished except to wait until the sunflowers go to seed, then pull them up and harvest the seeds to plant next year. Jake plans to take in the hoses and cover the faucets.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Mike tried to email me and I didn't get it.
    Grocery delivery tried to email me and I didn't get it
    Yet I received Helens email from Australia.
    What a mess. Michael will try and sort it out at the weekend.
    I sort of wish he hadn't bought me a new iPad! between you and me.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Lin, did you find the Two Ronnies skit about four candles/fork handles in the hardware store? Everyone over 40 still laughs and quotes it if ever the subject of buying candles comes up… classic!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Jackie, I just found that and I have seen it once before, a long time ago. The thing is I had no idea what the last item was, so I didn’t get the final joke. They are so funny! I like these little 5 to 8 minute bits. 🤭

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Sandy, I'm glad to hear that sodium is OK for Babe. Often it's the first thing that doctors suggest limiting.. When I saw Lean Cuisine and pizza on his list of what to eat while you were gone, it worried me.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Currently, treatment for pure autonomic failure focuses on managing symptoms. There is no proven therapy to reverse the underlying neurodegenerative process. Various types of therapies can improve dizziness or lightheadedness, including medications, compression stockings, and consuming extra salt and fluids.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Golly, I thought salt was probably the culprit as well SANDY. Lean Cuisine and Pizza worried me as well.

    I'm still not getting emails so if anyone happened to send me one you will know why I haven't replied!
    Its grocery delivery day and I never got the confirmation email. Cross fingers! So here I am getting into the Sneakers for once but unable to communicate with the rest of the world, ironic!
