Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE Truss the brief has resigned. WOW!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    JillyBurg7 wrote: »
    JACKIE Truss the brief has resigned. WOW!


    Yes Anne and left us in even more of a pickle! Thankfully the sun is shining, it’s incredibly warm and I’m out to do some gardening while the vultures circle Downing Street. Happy days!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Chilly but warming up for my meeting. I agree with how you feel about salt, but the neurologist also said to increase his salt. It seems to be working his dizziness isn't as bad as it used to be with the occasional flareup.

    Jackie, big news with the prime minister resignation. I agree if it's out of our control nothing we can do about it so might as well do what you love best.

    Anne, sorry about your email but I am sure Mike should be able to fix it. I know nothing about Bell so I am of no assistance. My daughter had to fix my email because I use Outlook for my three different email addresses and wanted them all in one place. If your friendly grocery lady is correct your groceries should arrive safe and sound.

    Hello to the rest of the sneakers but Thursdays are short mornings. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Yes, my new friend was correct. The groceries arrived.
    Mark is here fixing my toilet. He had to go and buy new fixtures because everything in this house is so old except Jilly.
    Just got to get the email fixed tomorrow and away we go.
    No peace for the wicked as they say,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Overcast and rain expected, we need it badly. Our fire in the forested area that is only a few miles from us, keeps flaring up. It is in a very dense forest area with very steep ravines and cliff areas. Very hard to fight that wildfire. It is strongly suspected that it was started by people at a campground shooting fireworks! Can’t say enough nasty words about that.

    John decided to ride his exercise bike waaaaaay too long and hard and consequently super stressed his knee. Now it is wrapped and he had to ice it and keep it elevated. I tell ya!!! Sometimes I am convinced he never developed past teenagerhood. He is a great guy. But as the saying goes…he ain’t easy!

    When John developed an occasional heart arrthrymia, we had to pay very close attention to electrolytes balance. Salt was part if that. We need a balance to keep things operational, I guess. John declares every morning he has to glue himself together and some mornings it takes more glue than others. True story there.

    This is trash gathering day. I love the feeling of discarding trash. It is liberating. That must be an American problem. We waste too much. We throw useful things away because we get tired of it.
    And we tend to buy too much.

    Anne: your email issue explains why I have not heard from you on our children's story. I wondered? I love the iPad but mine isn’t a brand new version. I also dread getting new devices. The learning curve, for me, is immense. But the I love these things once I get the hang of it.

    Jackie: there are times when I would love the idea of electing a party instead of a person. In our case that would be very risky. We have a lot nutty people running for office right now. I do think letting your representative know how you feel and what’s not working. Not sure how things work in England but here, if public officials get a lot of public comment, they pay attention. That means their re-election is in trouble.

    Sandy: so glad you are there to help Babe with his health issues. There are times it take two people to stay upright.

    Barbie: hello! Is rain heading your way too?

    Lin: my wheeled cart should be here soon. It will be quite funny. Me dragging the cart and Katie following the cart and Katie dragging one of her big stuffed animal friends, and John following both of us giving us advice and warning me about falling!

    Take care, one and all.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    jacAth3 wrote: »
    JillyBurg7 wrote: »
    JACKIE Truss the brief has resigned. WOW!


    Yes Anne and left us in even more of a pickle! Thankfully the sun is shining, it’s incredibly warm and I’m out to do some gardening while the vultures circle Downing Street. Happy days!


    Shortest tenure in the history of that office! Well, that was worth all the fighting and debate right? 44 days! Now will she hang around and wait for someone new to be appointed before she leaves? Or is she packing now? Some news guy here said maybe Boris will put his hand in the air again. Oh my!

    Politics are all too crazy to follow. Yipes. I hope someone more competent will be the next Prime Minister.

    Busy day. A trip to the library, a long telephone call with a friend. Although she was not in a particularly good mood. I had a bit more online banking to do and I have an item I would like to send back. I corresponded with them and they are a bit rigid in their rules. Even though I kept most of my order, I am required to use the same box they used to mail to me. I have everything prepared and will take it to the post office tomorrow. If the postage is high, it will not be worth sending back. Did a little bit of vegetable container cleanup, getting down to the last of them.

    Worked on another card. It didn’t turn out to be exactly what I wanted but I still think it’s cute. And while I was at it, I boxed up another card donation. These cards had more layers and not as many would fit into the box.

    Anne, I hope your email is straightened out soon. And glad you got your grocery order.

    Patsy, I have a vision of all of you trailing along. Cute❤️❤️ I hope John’s knee is healed soon.

    Jackie, it is much warmer here now. Very good news. No rain however, bad news. It may get up to around 80 degrees with the potential for storms by Sunday. Oh yeah, severe weather watches coming back.

    Sandy, Thursdays are busy days for you. Congratulations to Lisa on getting the job she wanted. It sounds as if the family schedule may be a bit hectic going forward. Best wishes to Babe. I am glad he is doing better. ❤️❤️

    Barbie, hello. ❤️

    Diane, a long distance hello to you as well. ❤️

    Be safe everyone.


    A witchy teapot!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    edited October 2022
    :) Yes, we had a bit of rain today. It felt cold and damp all day even though the temperature was all that low. I did all my walking but wore leggings under my jeans this morning for the first time this season and a warmer jacket with scarf and hat for my walk in the afternoon.

    :) You can take the boy out of junior high, but you can't take junior high out of the boy.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning all. Ive woken up all bushy tailed and rarin' to go. Not so Bean. She ate her brekkie and went back to bed.

    The new "works" in the toilet work a dream, thank you Mark! However the bidet [yes I have a very old bidet] is leaking a little now. I expect to see Mark later! but not Michael because he has to work today. So another day of a wonky iPad. What would we do without these little things to keep us busy!

    There IS good news about the present British politics. The comedians will have a field day! I thought the remark about poor Liz not surviving as long as a head of lettuce rather cruel. AND Boris might return! That would liven things up further. He IS likeable and has more charisma than Liz.
    All things pass and all will be back to normal by the new year. In the meantime no-one in their right minds can call Canadian politics exciting which is why we all have our noses glued to the BBC.

    So, I guess the day will bring Mark and his bidet repairing tools which Jilly Bean will find exciting. I think I'm the only person in Canada who owns a never used bidet. The bathroom would be cavernous without it.

    Read everybody's posts and forest fires etc seem under control. Now if we can all survive the day without tripping up it should be a lovely warming up a bit day here at least.

    Cuppa tea awaits.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Just checked, It’s 32 F here right now. Anne,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited October 2022
    Happy Friday! :) Cool this morning but getting up to 70 today. Lisa is not going to Ohio after all this weekend as Charlie has strep throat. She said she will not be contagious by Sunday so we made plans to take kiddos to pumpkin farm on Sunday, weather will be in lower 70's, so should be a nice day. Doing laundry and then going to get my teeth cleaned this afternoon. Will stop at store for a couple of things I forgot on my grocery order yesterday plus they were out of stock on one of my items.
    My friend's granddaughter had her baby a month early and the baby boy has to stay in hospital until he can feed himself. Her granddaughter is beyond upset as is my friend. This is the first great grandbaby and he weighed in at 5 1/2 pounds. She said her granddaughter hasn't been able to hold him yet so you can imagine how she feels.

    Anne, my ex SIL has a bidet in her bathroom and whenever I am there I have to use it at least once. I hope Mark finds the leak and you should go ahead and use it, feels good. lol

    Barbie, that time of year when layers are starting to be added. I have been in a sweatshirt this last week.
    Changed my summer clothes out for winter clothes so of course now we will get Indian summer.

    Lin, I do hate when we have to pay for shipping on returned items which is why I buy most of my stuff on Amazon. Sometimes the shipping is more than the product.

    Patsy, I am trying to help Babe get stronger but today he is filled with anxiety so I am making him an appointment with a psychiatrist. He has never talked to anyone about his son's death or for that matter his first wife's death. He keeps everything inside and I think talking will help him. We will see.

    Hello to Jackie and anyone else reading our posts. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good morning. I did my errands this morning and am home again. It is already 55 degrees! Feels so much better out there. I hope everyone has a good day.

    Sandy, yippee, it always feels good to have your teeth cleaned. Happy shopping and a trip to the pumpkin patch on your docket for Sunday. Maybe Babe would benefit from some type of Grief Share group. And maybe you could go with him to make him more comfortable. You cannot get an appointment with a counselor or psychiatrist here without a long wait here.

    Anne, more repairs on the house. It will soon be like brand new. What happy days for little Jilly with all of the activity involving her favorite people.

    Oh, and I didn’t send back the item. The postage was too high. I had to use their box and insure the contents. A relatively small and light item stuck in a box. Ridiculous. I will try to be more careful when I shop with merchants who have expensive returns!

    Well, time to get moving.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    SANDY, Michael was 3.5 lbs at birth [2 months early] and I brought him home when he reached 5 lbs. [5 weeks in an incubator] Up to then I never got to hold him. It was scary because we had to move 200 miles away once I brought him home and I was an only child without any clues about looking after a prem baby with projectile vomiting. I didn't know a soul in the new village but somehow we survived and he's now 61.
    We send good wishes to your friend because it IS frightening.
    Oh, before we left home for the new unknown he was baptized at 5 lbs and the vicar/priest said he had never held such a tiny baby. He was baptized on Remembrance day [11th November] specially. You should see him today at almost 6ft! and most definitely a good deal more than 3.5 lbs.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Well, after yesterday’s warm sunshine it’s done nothing but rain today. George and Betty didn’t want to go for a walk but I took them to the next village and back in half an hour then got myself ready to pick Linda up for one of our coffee mornings. We went to a small restaurant on the moors where they sell delicious cake so we bought 2 different varieties then cut them in half to share! Low clouds drifted over, then torrential rain hammered on the roof but it was cosy and busy with customers enjoying cooked English breakfasts. Of course our political mess was discussed at some point and we are both of the view that toxic infighting is more important to our government than dealing with cost of living increases and interest rates that will probably mean some people losing their homes. If school children behaved the way our politicians do these days they would be sent home! Yes, Boris has rushed back from yet another holiday to check if he could become our Prime Minister again and it seems his lies about all those parties he attended during lockdown when families couldn’t visit dying loved ones in care homes and hospitals will conveniently be forgotten. LIN, Liz Truss remains prime minister until Monday week when we find out who takes over, not that I expect anything constructive to be done about the chaos she has created! You can probably tell I’m not impressed with any of them!

    Moving on, another postal strike has delayed delivery of an oak shelf unit I bought on Ebay last week and each time I check tracking, the date moves on, currently next Friday. Also Vitamin D tablets, not that there’s any rush, and bedding for the hen house, although I’ve enough for one more muck out!

    Yesterday I was looking to buy more recycled plastic clothes pegs but was put off because postage was the same price as the item and they weren’t cheap. With the death of our Queen coins and postage stamps are being redesigned to show the King’s head and we’ve been given until end January to use any old design we have stored. Mine will probably go on Christmas cards.

    Tomorrow morning I’ve a zoom meeting booked with my Canadian friends in London, Ontario which should be fun. Another plan is to pick the crab apples and make jelly for small Christmas gifts before blackbirds eat them all.

    Sandy, do you have access to bereavement counselling that Babe could attend? Our GP’s offer such a service using trained people. Many years ago I attended a training course and took on several clients on a voluntary basis until life got too busy. It's a gentle way to encourage struggling bereaved people to work through their emotions.

    Bedtime for me and the furries.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    I did get an appointment with a nurse practitioner who counsels so will try her first. I think you might be right as far as a bereavement counselor so if she can't help them maybe she can refer us to a bereavement councilor. I am trying my best to get him the help he needs but without living with him for ten years it isn't as easy as I would like. I love you ladies for your support and thank you always for your advice.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Is it possible JACKIE that the recent events in British politics have been a carefully planned ruse to get Boris back as Prime Minister? Call me suspicious but take the only candidate to throw in a leadership bid so far. If she drops out the votes she has collected will have been saved from any other hopeful and maybe go to B instead. Sounds far fetched but I wonder.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne, I don’t think anything is far fetched at the moment but I’m sure you are right, Penny Mordaunt may well hold the winning card if her supporters follow her example and vote for Boris because sunak is not popular amongst his colleagues. The vast majority of the population want a General Election but no chance of that! Meanwhile our media is following Boris’s arrival in the Uk like he’s royalty. Short memories!!

    A mixed up morning because it turned out my Canadian friends booked the wrong time for our Zoom meeting. When I couldn’t connect with them I checked their message again and saw the times were 11am England, 4pm Canada so the time difference is back to front! I will check at 4pm my time and hopefully we will get to chat.
    I had delayed a dog walk because it was raining earlier but we’ve now had a fun circular run on the moors and I’m waiting for a courier delivery. I don’t know which order it is but at least one is on the way.

    Sandy, I can appreciate the difficulty getting anything organised to help Babe so well done, you are a star to persevere. Sounds like you are definitely going in the right direction. ❤️

    Hooray, my delivery was the hen house bedding so one down and two to go!

    A few chores around the house as the rain has returned and it looks bleak out there. At least it remains mild so no heating required.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It's going to be a beautiful day reaching 79 degrees F. After my family zoom call Babe and I will walk outside before I go to Mass in person later this afternoon. He doesn't feel up to it so I will go by myself. He is still very down he explains it as having a dark cloud over his head. I really hope he opens up at his appointment and let's it all out instead of keeping everything inside. He is not suicidal but can't seem to control his anxiety. Things will get better, I will leave it in God's Hands.

    Jackie, politics seem to be crazy all over the world, it was so much easier when I was young. Parties did tear each other apart they just went on with their lives until the next election. I miss those days.
    I do hope you can connect with your Canadian friends and enjoy your time with them.

    Anne, anything is possible, but we will just have to wait and see. Look at our past president who has numerous law suits against him and possible criminal acts and is still talking about running again in 2024 and choosing a running mate who is crazier than a doorknob. What is going on?

    Time to eat and get ready for zoom call. Have a wonderful day and i hope the sun is shining over you.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Michaels been and Michaels gone but before he left he met my new neighbour. She is called Sarah, is possibly Iranian, has a dog and a cat and her family will be joining her later.
    So now we know! Anybody with a dog and a cat are okay in my books, lol.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Midnight and bedtime. My zoom meeting finally happened and we had lots of laughs, especially about our politics but are going to set up a joint FaceTime account for future chats when we can talk longer because we only get 20 minutes with zoom. I also spoke to my brother Bernie to update him on John’s fall down stairs, then old school friend Anne with an ‘E’ who is spitting tacks over the return of Boris! 😖. It was a crazy day when I didn’t seem to have a moment to even finish a cup of tea but never mind, more rain tomorrow so I will be home and able to catch up on the mundane chores.

    Sandy, my friends and I often refer in disbelief to what’s going on with your past President and the possibility of a return. It would turn our domestic shenanigans into a storm in a teacup in comparison! The world is definitely going bonkers!

    Wow Anne, possibly a Persian neighbour and animal lover too, how wonderful. Iranian culture, art and it’s people are fascinating if the current leadership can be ignored! Hopefully things will soon change for the better, especially for their women.

    Nite, nite.
    Jackie 😴 💤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Just spent the day doing one little thing after another which in total, doesn’t add up to much. I am reading several books which need to be returned to the library as they cannot be renewed. And of course, cards!

    Political problems just about everywhere in the world now. It is difficult to try to keep it all straight.

    I did place two small grocery orders as I received an electronic coupon for $10 off on 2 orders. I jumped on it. Got a few items from 2 stores. So happy to get that lovely discount!

    Well, had best run along. A friend is texting with me and I took a break. 🤭

    See you tomorrow and I am sorry Patsy cannot seem to get back to this group.

    Be safe everyone.


    Cute teapot
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    My turn to have trouble posting. I’m not sure this will work.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    It did indeed work Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Just dropped in to say good morning. Leaving for pumpkin farm at ten so no time.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A busy Sunday with tidying, more phone calls and grooming both pooches. Lots of rain until the last hour when skies have cleared and it remains mild. My Canadian friends told me the Fall colours there are the most beautiful they’ve ever known and yesterday they were continuing to enjoy warm weather. It seemed to take an age to clear the mess in my kitchen after the quince and apple jelly was made, in fact one saucepan is still soaking!

    Good news from my nephew this morning that his dad is feeling better with just a stiff neck and hopes to be out of hospital soon. A new bed is being set up downstairs and one of those electric mobility chairs so he can enjoy his tv sport viewing in comfort. Sven admitted he had been playing with it! John was very lucky not to have broken his neck and I just hope he has learnt a lesson… he is a very stubborn man!!

    I’m sorry Patsy and Anne are having problems gaining entry to MFP. My friends and I struggle to sort out an internet group chat that isn’t Facebook so I’m afraid I’m no help with suggestions.

    Back to tidying before a cup of tea. Enjoy your day, whoever gets in!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hi 😎

    Another abnormally warm day, some sun, some clouds and the winds are picking up. Perhaps the forecast for rain overnight and tomorrow will be accurate.

    I watched online church this morning and now am addressing cards. I need to finish the insides of the Halloween cards. I hadn’t decided what I wanted to do but I am set now. Stamping and cutting out bats!

    Sandy, I hope you have a good time at the pumpkin patch. 🍁🎃🍁

    Jackie, so good to hear your brother will be getting out of the hospital soon. I hope his chair is not broken from overuse when he gets home. 😉 The jelly is lovely and I adore your kitchen tiles and the little decoration on the wall. Enjoy your evening! I am going to watch the next episode of Magpie Murders this evening. I watched the first episode a couple of days ago in the PBS app. The leaves here have also been quite lovely. We are told it is because of the drought which seems odd to me. Shouldn’t the leaves just have fallen off?

    Anne and Patsy, I hope you find your way back. I have several methods to get to the Sneakers group depending on which device ai use usually something comes through for me unless they are doing maintenance or upgrades.

    I have a few friends with a group chat on Facebook Messenger but lately no one wants to chat. People just post something once in a while.

    Barbie, hello! When you said you had rain, I was so amazed! But we may get our turn soon.

    Back to work. I hope everyone is safe.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Well much to my surprise I'm back. How odd. I tried on and off during the day and just now I was suddenly let back in.

    I can't tell you enough how beautiful our fall is this year and we are enjoying an Indian summer as well. It is really beautiful with a blue blue sky and we have been told the same LIN. Dry summer, warm days and cool nights equals glorious colours. Alas the oak tree has almost dropped her leaves. she is always the first. We are to enjoy a few more days of this and Mark has almost repaired the basement window.

    I've been outside cutting back the foliage of michaelmas daisies, phlox, peonies etc and just thought I'd give the Sneakers another go and much to my surprise, here I am!

    I'm not sure if my new neighbour IS Iranian but she IS very pretty. I had two Persian friends at work, both lady engineers. Yashmin whose husband decided to return to Iran with her and their two little girls, and Goli. She sadly died far too young.

    So, we are all busy, busy here before the weather changes. In fact I think I will pop outside again and cut back the hostas who are sprawled all over the place.

    Not much news but it's good to be back with you ladies.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :) The rain here was mild and brief. Now it is damp and chilly even in the house. I have resisted turning the thermostat up in the interest of energy conservation, so I've been wearing my hat and scarf and fingerless gloves to stay warmer. My afternoon included a 90 minute nap.

    :) I am reading a book that's so good I hate to put it down. It's called "Killers of a Certain Age".

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Our rain arrived. It is quite chilly out as well. Katie has been out at least 20 times this morning. I have to towel her off…which she loves and I suspect that might be the reason for the frequent trips outside.

    I continue to have great difficulty with MFP. It was a real surprise this afternoon when I could actually log in! I will try again to contact their support dept. their app is almost unworkable.

    Now this is odd….the above was part of a post I toyed earlier. Now I was able to login and there was part of my post.

    We are hobbling around here. I think we need to up our exercise and even maybe PT. I actually creak and crack when I walk. Now that’s interesting. Glad to be with you again. Although I can’t say I have much in the way of entertaining news. I am looking forward to Bullet Train and the new Avatar movie when it comes out. Damon said some of the animators showed him a bit way earlier on the “qt” and he said it was a real stunner! So we will all be looking forward to that.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Our last summery day and I expect Mark and Mary Jo will arrive armed with paint brush and also tools to just finish off a bit of the new deck. Mark is a perfectionist I've discovered. It all looks lovely to me.

    Me, cooking chicken thighs at the moment but hope to get out as well later to slaughter more of the yellowing flower leaves. We've already got a big pile of tree leaves at the front in case the giant vacuum cleaner trundles by to scoop them all up. Just the oak tree so far, not the huge maple at the back.

    People down the road are busy decorating for the upcoming Halloween. Not my favourite festival since that youth jumped from the side of the door in his Dracula costume and nearly scared the living daylights out of me. "Scared you" he said gleefully as he toddled off to scare some other poor old dear and tossing his Snicker paper as he went.

    Other than that, a pleasant mellow autumn day and me still bemused that I got back on Sneakers so easily and right out of the blue. Was it your doing SANDY?

    So..... the old country has got its first and youngest Asian prime minister. Sign of the changing times.
    The opposition are clamouring for a general election so I wonder if Mr Sunak will last beyond Halloween.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Had a great time at the pumpkin farm and even went down the big slide. I am sharing pictures because they are too funny. I was supposed to wait for Lisa's friend and we were going to slide down together possibly holding hands. Once I finally got on the burlap bag I lost control and started sliding. I couldn't stop laughing and Colleen slid into me. I was not hurt but it was hysterical!!
    Sorry they are so big but wanted to give you a laugh.

    Nothing going on today and it's another beautiful day so I think Babe and I will be sitting on balcony later. Have a great day and keep laughing and no Anne I had nothing to do with you getting on but will be happy to take the credit. lol

    One Day at a Time