Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Will be back later, after my meeting, two banks and a flu shot. Grocery delivery between 4-5 today.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Another busy and pleasant day because the predicted rain arrived in the night so I woke up to see rolls of pink sea mist along the coast but I was high enough to be in sunshine. We enjoyed a walk on the moors then I drove to the next town, Bodmin, to shop for groceries. It was busy as more shoppers discover Aldi has sensible prices along with good quality food. Home in time for a toasted bagel lunch then I got my electric saw out and cut up a bag load of recycled wood for kindling before tidying a few pots in the greenhouse. It’s a mild evening so no fire needed, just a spinach and ricotta flatbread for my evening meal. The pets are fed so all is contentment. 😊🐶😺

    Time to eat then I’ll pop back to see what everyone is up to.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Not up to much here JACKIE, nothing exciting anyway. Thats because it rained all last night and hasn't dried up yet. Yesterday was pretty good though. Mark was here again, this time nailing a few roof tiles that had got sort of semi torn up in those winds we had a few weeks back. He finished painting the new garage door as well while I picked the last of the tomatoes. Then I pulled up the straggly plants. They were covered in very green tomatoes but were going yellowy leaved and with the promised rain I figured they would be horrid and slimy. Besides after a glorious warm two days the weather is getting a little chillier so not much ripening from now on
    Today was grocery delivery day and me back with my old delivery store. I did pick up a few ideas from the organic store and was delighted to find
    them on the delivery store listing as well. Dorset Cereal etc. I read that food prices have gone up by 8.5% in the USA and that seems to tally with here.
    If this keeps up My Fitness Pal will be out of business as we all slim down.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello, another blustery day. My last plants out on the deck could use a drink but I will wait until this evening and hope the wind will die down. 😄

    Working on laundry today and trying to come up with ideas for more November birthday cards. I finished one card this morning—a long way to go to finish them. These cards are for friends and each is made to try to suit them and their tastes and interests. If all else fail, paper with a flower and a happy birthday will have to do. 🤭

    Jackie, it sounds like a good and productive day. Aldi’s has the same reputation here. I prefer the sister store, Trader Joe’s but I do shop there once in a while. Aldi’s is a very popular store so attractive items are sold out in a heartbeat!

    Sandy, what a day. I hope you got everything accomplished and returned home in time for your grocery delivery. Be safe.

    Anne, aha, someone is finally moving in?! Wahoo. Looking for updates as they settle in. And I am not surprised that Jilly Bean is well known. She is a cute little character. A friend posted some photos and videos of a new rescue dog. This is her second adoption. She waited 3 weeks to make it public information. Looks like the two dogs are having great fun together. Running and playing tag until they collapse. Both of her dogs are little ones and of course, cute!

    Patsy, how did Katie’s appointment go yesterday? And are you feeling better? Hoping all of your family is feeling good.

    Barbie, Great that Jake got what he wanted for his birthday! We have recycle pickup once every 2 weeks and I often do not make the decision which boxes will be broken down and loaded into the cart. That is a lovely opportunity to get rid of lawn waste. We have to load it in special large brown paper bags and take it to the curb. Sticks and small branches have to be cut down to small sizes, bundled and tied with twine. Then you have to go to the store and buy stickers to attach to the bundle. Later this year the pickup of yard waste will cease until next spring.

    Diane, I hope you are well. Have you gotten any rain?

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited October 2022
    Happy Thursday! :) I did get everything done and groceries came on time with one substitution that I approved. Meeting was on grief as I told them my ex died and we had a mother that lost her 47 year old son to alcoholism last week. It was a good meeting with lots of support.

    I just want to say to Patsy that I had an UTI a few years ago that I thought I might die from. I was sick for at least two weeks or more. The pill they give you that turns your pee orange did not work and I projected vomit after eating. It was the worst illness I ever had and I feel for you. I know I said way to much but we are all adults and ladies so I hope you understand.

    Will be back in the morning because I want to post a little something about my ex on Facebook as I am feeling sentimental today. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

    P. S. Patsy mentioned that it would be nice to make this group private which is possible if you want it done. Anyone can see the group, but only members can see its content. People must apply or be invited to join. So let me know what you want me to do. We have a lot of members (225) that never post and I could delete them if that is another things you would like me to do.
    I am open to either way.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Whoopee, Series 3 of Happy Valley is on the way!

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Whoopee indeed JACKIE. Hope it makes it over the pond. Anne.
    Another whoopee! The folks in Newcastle must have got my form because my wee Br. Pension arrived. The Bean and I are very grateful. ❤️❤️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Big goings on in the British parliament and consequently my British pension increased a bit with the exchange rate. Third whoopee of the day!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Haha Anne, there was I for once glued to our news stream as Kwasi was sent packing while Liz did her best to justify remaining as our Prime Minister, when I noticed our pound had strengthened and immediately thought of my brother’s and your British pensions! At such times, the bigger picture becomes too big to contemplate so I’m just happy for friends and family to gain from the chaos! Meanwhile, I’m googling recipes for quince jelly and preparing a chicken and chorizo stew for my slow cook pot so the world is continuing to pass me by!

    Our long morning walk was followed by an even longer chat in the car park with a lady dog walker I see barely twice a year. She regaled me with her holiday in Dunoon stories while I told her about Northumberland castles and Hadrons wall!
    I was going to get some weeding done but it’s already gone 4pm so time to put the kettle on!

    I read that the AMC network will carry the 3rd series of Happy Valley in Canada and USA but can’t say I’ve heard of it before. I hope you can receive it. Lin won’t like this picture of James Norton from this series… he’s looking decidedly dark!

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Jackie, you are spot on. He does not look dishy at all!! ☹️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited October 2022
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started, catching up on my computer and then picking up my son from car dealer while they run a diagnostic test. He will come here for the time it takes and then I will drive him back. I can't wait to hug him because I am so proud of him for arranging all the last minute phone calls so all his siblings and a few others could say their goodbyes to his father. He has turned his life around for the last 15 years and I am one proud mom.

    Jackie, unfortunately I have never heard of Happy Valley and have so many shows recorded I will never catch up. I am sure it was wonderful trading stories about each other's trips and interesting as well. We also have an Aldi's but I rarely shop there, they never seem to have what I want. I do like Walmart especially with the delivery service who continues to bring it up my stairs.

    Anne, good for you with the increase, we too are supposed to get a hefty raise on our social security but we will see. Nosey me can't wait to hear about the new neighbors. I hope they are nice people and you become friends.

    Lin, we had that same wind yesterday and it was cold. My mum plant is ready to depart my balcony and head toward the garbage, it was pretty while it lasted. Good luck on your November cards.

    Patsy, my kid's dad and I were always cordial to each other with an occasional sarcastic remark thrown in once in a while. I never hated him, maybe once when he cheated me out of money with our divorce but I got over it. We both tried never to put each other down with the kids, they found out for themselves what kind of dad he was. He learned too late that is was important to spend time with them. They all loved him but it was too little too late.

    Barbie, I am glad Jake has a good birthday, sorry we didn't post here but does he still look at our posts?

    I had better throw some clothes on to pick up my son. This is my lazy day except for laundry and oh yes I have to stop at Target for my prescription and a few things I forgot at Walmart.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. Sunny and warm? We are returning to summer.

    Sandy: oh my! I guess i didn’t make myself clear. I was wondering if MFP was going to require us to pay a fee and join their premium membership or worse! Discontinue the forums. If that were to be the case, could we somehow start a forum on our own. As for me, I love the fact that some members come and go and come back again! If we can stay as we are, that would be perfect as far as I am concerned. I have to say the sneakers mean a lot to me. I love new friends and would not want to delete anyone. Sorry I didn’t make myself clear. You are a wonderful site monitor, and are always very helpful. Thank you!

    As you all can tell, I was very disappointed to find I could not see or respond to our sneakers. I have found a way to rejoin and also new password. So here I am again! I hope!

    Today is cauliflower pizza day. John is making a blitz to Costco. I am moping floors and scrubbing 2 bathrooms. I must say this about our trip to the vet clinic. Sadly that is the last time we go there. Our regular vet has adopted a new business model and it doesn’t work for us. He only does surgery now. Regular appointments are done by techs and any available vet of three. Only one of these is acceptable to Katie and us. The rest insist on a muzzle for the entire appointment and they take her away after placing her in the muzzle. It is terrifying for her. We said give her the yearly two shots and we are out of there. Forget any exam for wellness. Not a good experience. And worse it reinforces her fear of vets. Any real illness is going to be a problem going to a see a vet.

    It feels good to be able to see your posts and know you are all well and busy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    I really don't think MFP is going to make you go premium to use their site but I could be wrong. I am not sure if we can make a free blog without a domain name but I would have to research.
    If we email each other that could take time but would probably work. I like to use the diary and exercise on MFP to keep track of my calories. I am open to all suggestions.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Oh PATSY, I would remove Jilly Bean from your vet service as well! Poor Katie having a muzzle put on her! I don't think they'd have one small enough to fit Jilly.
    I'm so lucky. When I first landed in Ontario many years ago I found Dr. Warren and as time went by he retired and his son took over, a very nice man. He has 2 or 3 vets working for him, but Jilly and my past pets usually see/saw him or Dr Bird who is a lovely lady vet. They are very caring and I trusted them completely for all my past cats and dogs, and now Jilly. Their only fault if you can call it that these days is the fees! No worse than the other vets in this town though.
    Give Katie a hug from me and Jilly,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good evening. I cannot believe the day is gone once again. I made another birthday card today. A quite odd-looking thing but it was what I was thinking of. It’s for a friend who likes dandelions. The front of the card is deeply embossed with dead dandelions loosing seed. I coated it in gold stencil paste. When it dried I rubbed white ink over parts of it to look like perhaps snow is starting to coat them. Then I cut out an extremely intricate set of snowflakes and added them to the top and side of the card with a lot actually off the card to represent falling snow. I layered the card with several types of paper and then put a little happy birthday flag wish near the bottom. It will fit in
    Side a 5 x 7 light card base (for protection) and then in an envelope.

    I inked 4 copies of the pine layered stencil I used the other day. I love that stencil set a lot! Now I am trying to put together more black capped chickadees following the method apparently used by the manufacturer. We will see I guess.

    That sums up my entire day! 😄

    Sandy, it seems there are always things to pick up right? Hope that went well. And how did Babe get along while you were away?

    Patsy, I am sorry for the encounter at the vet’s office. Any other vets in the area you might try? Many people here use the emergency vet service and seem to be pleased with them. It is good to have a plan at least. I hope you have a good weekend.

    Jackie, sounds like a lovely conversation with the dog walker. Interesting to run into people you do not see often. What program did you watch this evening?

    Anne, I am also impatiently waiting for more info on the new neighbors.

    Barbie, hello. Hope you and Jake are well.

    Diane, sending best wishes to you as well.

    Talk at you tomorrow.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Anne, I trust you will be pampered today so no chores or cooking! You are surrounded by love, all due to your years of steadfast determination to protect and care for your family so nothing more than you deserve. Soak it all up!
    I delight in our friendship and send love and warm hugs across that chilly pond.❤️
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022

    Woooo-hoooooo! Celebrate dear Anne. You are a treasure! Enjoy your day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member

    I hope your day is as wonderful as you!! I am sure Jilly will give you extra kisses today along with Mike, Mark and Mary Jo. ❤️❤️❤️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Oh ladies thank you so much for your good and kind wishes. So lovely and I’m blushing. I had decided I was going to give no hints anywhere that my birthday was coming up but stay at 86! So much for that idea, even my first cousin twice removed remembered. I had no idea he even knew I had a birthday imminent having only met him two or three times because he lives in Milwaukee. His uncle, my dads cousin, tracked me down a few years back. I didn't know I had DNA over here until then. I had been told a great aunt had emigrated in the 1800s though.

    I have no idea who my new neighbours are. In a four bedroom house only one young woman appears to be living there so far. She drives off every morning and gets back at dusk except for Friday when Joe, the old neighbour showed up for ages. I hope she isn’t having problems already in the house that Harry built. With the weather cooling off and not much chance of a chat over the fence I think we might have to wait until spring before we know any more. Lol.

    Just popped in to say a big thank you, I am so lucky and having a wonderful day texting and phoning. Not much chance of doing the housework!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy birthday my dearest sneaker friend and writing partner! I like the advice given to me by a doctor I had when I was going through my bout with cancer. Age has nothing to do with the days you have been on the planet. Your age is determined by your health, mental and physical. Your attitudes and your abilities to communicate and show empathy. Toward that end, my dear friend you are still a young girl, romantic and fun-loving! How very lucky we are to have you as a sneaker. On your birthday… are OUR gift. Happy birthday dear Anne!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh PATSY, what lovely comments. I've had such a perfect day and I can't tell you how grateful I am for all the beautiful people in my life. Thank you ladies for making my [unwanted] 87th birthday one of the best ever.
    Mark and Mary jo have just left and I've been in contact one way or another with all the people I love. Thank you again everyone. I am extremely fortunate.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    <3:) Happy Birthday Anne. It sounds liked you had a very special day surrounded by those who love you 😍

    :) We had to change our groomer when they moved to busier location and added do it yourself dog washing. It was noisier and more impersonal and Bessie was scared. She is too heavy for us to lift into the tub. We called the mobile groomer we'd seen in the neighborhood and when she heard the story of Bessie's life she found a way to fit her in. It will be expensive but not even close to what we paid for years to groom two Standard Poodles.

    :) Jake decided that he didn't want to pay to have the car detailed so he did it himself over the last two days. His new healthy eating and new meds have made a big difference in his energy level

    :) I have only one section left to finish washing the fence. I will finish it tomorrow

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Thank you BARBIE and I've just realized Jake I believe is a Libra child as well. Belated happy birthday Jake.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Must share a teapot.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Cool but sunny day. Babe and I are going to go to an Italian Feast and The Songs of Sinatra with Cheryl, Marisa and Marisa's boyfriend this afternoon. It should be fun since we both loved Sinatra. Babe is nervous about going and has no idea why but that is how his anxiety works.
    The graveside service with my kids dad will be November 12. Since he is cremated there wasn't a big rush and they all had to coordinate the best time for all of them. My youngest son and his fiancé will stay in my guest room, my daughter and her husband with her aunt until my son leaves then they will come here for their last three days. My oldest son and his wife will stay in a hotel near me. It will be a busy week with people going in and out but should be fun except for the funeral. They will also be going to their dad's trailer to clean it out and do repairs to sell it. Their dad's roommate might be interested but he really has no money so the kids might finance it for him. One Day at a Time.

    Anne, I hope you had a perfect birthday filled with love and happiness.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A quiet day of walking and pottering before rain arrived. A small accident in my garden yesterday when I tipped myself over while trying to pull a weed up. It was silly and in the end, once I was back on my feet, I smiled about it but currently have a sore arm. Not bad enough to stop me gardening but certainly reminded me I’m not as agile as I once was!
    My tomato and pepper plants are done and being removed from the greenhouse because they are showing signs of blight and that’s as exciting as my day has been! 👩🏻‍🌾

    Midnight so off to bed.
    Jackie 🥱💤💤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening… was a typical day here….online church, talked to a friend on the phone and the remainder of the time was spent getting cards ready to send out locally. Get well and thinking of you cards. I have another box of cards ready to send to the card charity. I cooked some rice and a small batch of beans. And I pulled the remainder of the kohlrabi that were not growing well in their container on the deck. I am down to herbs, lettuce, and celery. And a few nasturtiums. Almost finished for the year.

    I hope everyone had a good day and is feeling good.


    Appropriate for the spooky season

    An extra teacup

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) Hooray, I finished washing the fence. My remaining yard chores for the end of the season will be easy and fun.

    :) There's a lot of smoke in the air from fires across the state. Jake has respiratory problems so it kept him inside. I walked by myself before sunrise, then walked at 9:30 with my Sunday walking friend, then walked again at six while on the phone with my friend from California who calls me every Sunday.

    <3 Barbie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Started my day off with us going for a 40 minute walk thru some of the neighborhood. Now that it has cooled to the mid 70s the plants in every ones garden seem much happier. Even have some pretty roses coming out again. Love this autumn weather. I think the hot summer temps are gone for the season. Yea !!

    Still trying to find a comfortable walking shoe plus a good insert for it. I have 3 different shoes with various inserts I am changing in and out in the house. One is a keeper, but not so sure about the other two pair. Why is this all so complicated these days ? Old feet I guess.....

    Anne... I would like to wish you a Belated Birthday. It sounds as if you had a fabulous day and you deserve it. Your house seems to be coming along well. Bet you will enjoy the enlarged deck. A new garage door too ? You have some wonderful sons for sure. With it getting colder up there stay warm.

    Patsy.....Todays veterinarians definitely are quite different than they have been. Our vet retired, so the 3 new ones take turns. We had been to our other one for 8 yrs and Jacque felt quite comfortable going there. Now they send a message saying "he is due for services." With all of his meds and seeing a heart specialist and his annual shots we keep track of also. They just want to nickel and dime you these days. After all a 13 yr old toy poodle isn't going to last forever. Thankfully we still have his same groomer all of these years. So as you can see no matter where you live we are all having similar problems.

    Jackie.... Sounds as if your weather is changing for you too. You took your trip just in time. Do be careful in your yard. I have to remind myself of that frequently. Drag my stool with me whenever I have to do some low pruning. My back lets me know when I have been doing too much.

    Lin.... You need to establish your own business. LinOz Cards You are getting so good at what you are doing now. You are definitely very talented and your work is appreciated by many. Getting book and puzzle time. Take care of yourself...

    Sandy...It sounds as if your family has done a great job in setting up their lodging for the funeral. So sorry to hear about this. Glad you got your trip away done when you did. Get some rest when you can.

    Barbie...You amaze me with all of the walking that you still do. If I had the pretty environment that you have up there I likely would walk more too. Hope that the smoke up your way subsides soon. I know where you are coming from with that. Warmer clothes time. Maybe time to knit a new hat ?

    Time to shut the computer down. You all take of yourselves.

    Thinking of everyone, Diane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Diane, I have a perfect neighborhood and perfect weather for walking year round. When I walk in the afternoon or early evening there are others out walking so I have opportunities to stop and speak to other people and pet some dogs. I, too, have to be careful with my back when working in the yard. We chose this house and neighborhood to minimize yard work so it's possible to get things taken care of with only an hour or so of work each day. I have had difficulty finding the right walking shoe. The ones I bought for years from New Balance are not available so I had to try another pair that are not as comfy. I won't know for awhile how well they do in the wet grass.

    <3 Barbie