Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello. I have decided to ditch the rest of my errands and stay home to get some laundry done. Then I hope to start cleaning out my gardening containers and start stacking them in the garage. Slow job so I want to work on it little by little.

    The weather today is going to feel summer like with a high around 80 degrees!

    Nothing of interest here. Laundry, reading books, sorting through card projects trying to decide which one to tackle next. Also need to stamp sentiments inside a number of cards. Must mail a birthday card soon or it will be late!

    Take care everyone. MFP is quite disappointing these days. Few posts show up and others do not appear for a day. So I am here, sorry if I seem to be ignoring your posts. 😢


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Chilly morning but like Lin going to get to the 70's. Rob and Lisa won their playoff game so tonight is the championship game. It's only a neighborhood group but they really enjoy playing. I took the kids to the park for a little while so they also got some exercise and all went to bed easy. I am going early today to take the kids to choir as Lisa won't have time and be ready for the game.
    Well, she really could but she likes to play her virtual reality to loosen up. I am kind of hoping she changes her mind as I really don't like driving her van which has the car seats. I will do what has to be done.

    Nothing else exciting going on here so have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Anne, that’s exactly where Bernie’s pension problems started. The original form didn’t arrive and he knew nothing about it until a reminder arrived. He completed it then contacted the pensions people via their website to check if his church pastor could sign to verify his identity. Time went by and he didn’t hear back so the pastor signed the form anyway and friends who were about to travel to England agreed to mail it once here in order to avoid postal strikes. Apparently their plans altered so they didn’t leave Spain and instead posted the form from there and unfortunately it missed the deadline! The strikes are causing lots of problems so the person he spoke to was sympathetic and I’m guessing Bernie isn’t the only pensioner finding himself without payments but he should get what he is owed by the end of this month.

    I’ve just watched an episode of Escape to the Country with a Canadian couple from Kitchener who found themselves surrounded by high rise buildings and oversized developments so wanted to move to Angelsey in Wales. When I first moved to Canada I stayed with relatives of a family friend in Kitchener and remember it as a friendly, quiet one street town so am sad to hear how much it’s changed. Progress!! The couple bought a 300 year old stone built mill in a tiny village and are preparing it for Christmas visitors from Canada!

    Ellen visited this morning for my pedicure and our usual catch up. Her granddaughter baby Ruby, who had such a dramatic start in life, has doubled in weight to 6 lbs and although it was anticipated she would remain in hospital for 6 months, has
    gone home and the family has settled down. When she left I took George and Betty for a long walk and because it was cool in the wind, George ran and ran. Both are now snoozing while I’m being lazy too and thinking it’s time to put the kettle on.

    Happy Tuesday. I hope you all enjoy better weather than me today! 🌬🌧
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) I am fortunate that I have had no problems with MFP. I log on every day as usual and when I post, it shows up. However, I rarely have anything to say so I read and enjoy.

    :) I found a wonderful new podcast with many episodes so I've been seeking opportunities to walk, work in the yard, or ride my exercise bike so I can listen. That keeps me off the computer.

    :) It's going to be in the 60's today so I'm back to wearing wool socks.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE, so glad Bernie got sorted out. Many years ago my friend Penny who passed a few years back had the same problem. Panic stations when she realized her British Pension wasn't arriving. I think you had to fill out the form every 5 years back then. With the exchange rate its hardly worth all the bother of filling out forms for me but as my sons tell me, every little helps and I did pay into the scheme for 13 years which resulted in about half the full pension being awarded. No increases ever. Hardly likely now, but if I did return to the UK I would have to make do with the amount I was awarded 22 years ago, but after 6 months and classed as a resident once more it would rise to the level all you Brits "enjoy". My Canadian OAS would then stop. Honest, it really makes it hard for us old agers to understand all the red tape! Just laughing at myself. A very old [Victorian] song popped into my head. Something about:

    Its the same the whole world over,
    Its the poor that gets the blame
    Its the rich that gets the pleasure
    Isn't it a blooming shame.

    Tell that to Ms Truss and her tax scheme. Lol.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Ah yes Anne, our latest PM who compares herself to Margaret Thatcher, the lady who wasn’t for turning!! 😁
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! After a cloudy day yesterday…..we have another one today. No rain thus far.

    We groomed Katie yesterday and John did a massive vacuum on the upper floor. He does things in a macho guy way. Wrestling heavy furniture and seemingly unaware of important dust and debris right in plain view. I will do a touch up while he does a couple of errands. I am suffering a bit of hay fever from the doggie dander. It always happens. But I have these special towelette’s that I use on Katie to clean her as we clip and brush and comb. Let me say, she hates grooming but loves the attention. It is a fight to the finish on toenails and front legs and her face.and ears. I am still tired!

    I have been having trouble with M.fP for weeks. I have even tried to find out how to start our own forum. It might not be too hard but would not be open to “all comers” so to speak. We would need to invite them. Just a passing idea.

    Jackie: dad had lists of superstitions concerning his garden. Some from the almanac and some from his Irish parents. Like he said, he planted in threes. One for the garden, one for the bugs and one for us. The garden plant was funny. He would throw some of his harvest out in the garden to plow under and he allowed bugs to eat some of the produce but not all before he encouraged them to leave. Of course the prettiest and best was for us and he saved the seeds. He talked to his plants constantly and sang to them as well. He was a great Irish tenor….of course! He made his own fertilizer and bug “discourager” out of non-toxic things. He was a petroleum engineer! Doesn’t quite fit, does it?

    Anne: maybe the email problem is me! I am resetting my iPad now. Hope that fixes our issue.

    Sandy: best of luck to Lisa and Rob on their game! Good luck to you for driving the Van! I can’t park or maneuver those big vans or RVs. If I have to parallel park I just can’t go there!

    Lin: elegant teapot. I was wondering, do you ever get a real card in the mail? Do people try to make cards to send to you? I’ll bet they find it hard to find anything as beautiful aS yours.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    The noisy wind woke me early this morning but so far, after breakfast and a couple of mugs of coffee, we still haven’t walked because with the gale came rain. My weather App is telling me it will clear by lunchtime so I’m not rushing to go anywhere! Meanwhile I completed an online questionnaire I received because I had a cancer diagnosis in the past 18 months. It seemed very basic to me and my result was that mentally and physically I sit in a category that non cancer sufferers are in so that’s positive. As Sandy says, one day at a time! 😁
    Perhaps I’ll follow Patsy’s example this morning and groom Betty and George. When I collected them from their stay with George’s groomer I was impressed with how tidy they looked, especially Betty whose moulting fur seemed to have been stripped away. Their grooming table is currently covered in ripening tomatoes but their numbers are declining so they can sit in a bowl in the kitchen and get gobbled up!

    No problems gaining entry into MFP today (so far) so I will pop back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Early morning comment. Bean and I went to bed. I was just falling asleep when she had me wide awake with loud barking. We sleep at the front of the house and our bedroom window is just above the new stairs. Someone was climbing the stairs and walking across the new balcony/deck. A trot around the deck and then they walked down the stairs and Bean and I went back to sleep. Nothing outside this morning, no leaflets in the old mailbox. [We have street boxes now.] I suspect it was our local professional handyman taking a peek at Marks excellent handiwork. Maybe worried about a rival in the trade? No problems there for him! We do have interesting folk living on our street.
    My weekly letter just arrived from Helen in Australia.
    Bye for now, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Back from Babe's appointment with his primary doctor. He is new and we both liked him a lot, he was very thorough and stopped a couple of meds that Babe didn't need.
    He will also send the results of blood work to Babe's cardiologist. Gave him the flu shot and said to wait six weeks before getting the Covid booster. I will follow that same advice.
    Bryanna is coming soon to do my hair so just wanted to check in and say hello.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good afternoon

    I have spent most of the day on the telephone. Not all with one person, various calls. Too much detail but several people have scary medical problems and seem to be having a difficult time getting appropriate medical care. Some things cannot wait, they are deadly. Very disappointed in how some people are treated.

    Meanwhile, we did get a bit of rain today and tomorrow high winds are expected and maybe frost by the weekend.

    I did get a half dozen vegetable pots put away for the winter. Lots left for another day!

    Sandy, it sounds as if Babe has a good doctor that is wonderful. I am dragging my feet on going for a flu shot. Hi Bryanna!

    Anne, hey, spooky to have someone walking around on your new deck. Eeeeck! Didn’t leave any bottles or socks behind right?

    Jackie, you have to work around the weather don’t you. I hope the day worked out the way you wanted.

    Patsy, one of my friends used to be a card maker, and I received great cards from her but she has retired. Another friend made a card for me once, it was cute and she did a nice job. I do receive very lovely cards, but from the store. I hope your weather stays relatively mild.

    Barbie, glad you have no issues with MFP!

    Diane, hi!

    Wishing the best to everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Anne, I too am a little concerned someone was walking on your deck when you were sleeping. I hope they weren’t looking for an open window. I do hope you told your boys. Maybe you need a door camera. Just worried about you.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello Sneakers. It’s a beautiful day and complete contrast to yesterday. First thing I drove into town to shop for groceries and with a discerning eye managed to halve my bill. From next Monday my usual route will be closed until Christmas while sewage pipes are laid along the road for new houses that are being constructed. It will cause chaos so I will probably head in the opposite direction to the town where my hairdresser works because I’m not patient at the best of times in traffic jams!
    After I had put the shopping away I took George and Betty to a favourite spot on the moors and the 3 of us ambled in the warm sunshine. Indian summer weather that I will never consider not PC Sandy! I stripped my bed yesterday so it could wash overnight on a cheaper tariff so that’s drying on the line and I will now consider shredding the nasty prickly hawthorn branches I pruned a couple of days ago.

    Anne, do you think perhaps a wildlife critter was investigating your new porch? I get a few deer and foxes investigating my garden at night that set George barking.

    A lovely pink flamingo 🦩 teapot Lin… very Tropical! I gather our latest Covid booster locally is Moderna not Pfizer and there doesn’t seem to be the usual scramble to get vaccinated but I’m still not considering it at the moment.

    Sandy, that new doctor of Babe’s sounds a great find. Feeling confident in medical aid is always a good start!

    Patsy, you are over the page I think so I’m scared to check your post. You are always so interesting and make me giggle! I did my best to trim George’s fringe that was falling in his eyes but what a battle! He’s becoming more stubborn, if that’s possible, as he gets older but does make me laugh.

    I must get started outdoors with my chores so wish everyone a happy and safe Thursday. I did pop back last night to read posts and will do the same later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. A rainy start to the day but warms up later in the afternoon. It was lovely and balmy yesterday and Mark was here painting window ledges and a new door for my garage which he is installing. I was out picking yet more tomatoes which are still ripening and cutting back dying foliage like the peonies and the phloxes etc. I can't keep up with Mark though so me and Jilly retired inside after a while, me with an achy back and Bean for a snooze. I'm going to be as snug as a bug in a rug if Mark continues with his home improvements. Between Corvid and Marks back the property did get neglected for 3 or 4 years.

    It was definitely a human on the new deck JACKIE unless foxes/coyotes have taken to wearing hob nailed boots. I'm not too worried about anyone breaking in SANDY. In the more than 30 years of living here it is a very safe neighbourhood and I've never heard of a burglary or break-in. Jilly Bean and I would make short work of an intruder anyway, she'd bite his ankles I'm sure to defend Annie and Annie would hit any emerging head through small windows with a cast iron frying pan.

    The dry wall was delivered along with the new garage door so I expect Mark will be working on the downstairs this winter.

    My groceries are back to delivery this morning. I've just realized its Thanksgiving on Monday and I didn't order anything special. Mind you it said on the news that turkeys are very expensive this year and most people seem to be serving more mundane meals. Happy turkeys - I hope !

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Me again. Excuse me please but I have to boast a little. My groceries just came and the delivery man was full of praise for my new deck and stairs calling it a wonderful job and actually asking who my contractor was. He also mentioned they'd missed my weekly order and now they know why!
    Sorry, I'm not usually given to boasting but Mark really does deserve praise.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and then some errands. I am trying to have all the groceries and things Babe needs while I am gone three days. I am sitting Saturday night so would like it all done before Sunday so I can pack in peace.

    Anne, boast all you want, I would too if my son was that handy. My SIL retired from his regular job and does handyman jobs that are very impressive. He does a lot of remodeling of bathrooms that turn out beautiful. It pays for their vacations and especially their trips to Hawaii to see their son.
    I didn't mean to imply you lived in an unsafe area but I just wanted your boys to be aware someone was on your deck. We love you and just want you safe and our world has been a little crazy lately.

    Jackie, glad your weather turned around and you are able to be outside. Yes, so far I am impressed with the doctors Babe has been seeing and hope one of them can help him with his dizziness. I did tell Babe that life is as happy as you make it and asked what he worries about. He actually has no worries so he is going to try and be more happy. I do understand he is still grieving over his son but he realizes his life is much more calm now and he should try to enjoy his remaining years.

    Time to eat and get ready for my day. Have a good one everyone.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again, my dears! We have a sunny mild fall day. And I am very excited that our daughter, Andrea will be coming over for cauliflower pizza tomorrow. John is already grumbling but I think I see a smile under all that gruff and fuss. As he has gotten older, he has become more like an old hermit. I will not allow that! To quote “I will emerge victorious,”

    Sandy: Our doctor of 30 years, is responsive when called upon. His diagnostic skills are spotty at best. We do better when we do our own research, then chatting with him about possible solutions. Not the best approach, to be sure. I would love to have medical assistance I had confidence in. But not to be at this point in time.

    Anne: building and construction can be more than just using a hammer. I believe, there are people who use lumber and building design with a true artistic eye. Whatever they do, there is a functional grace and quality in the project. Your son is one of those people. He has the soul of an artist. He inherited that from you.

    Jackie: John and I are doing okay but it is alarming to say the least, at the continued rise in prices of everything. It is obvious that in so many cases it is pure out and out greed. Not very humanitarian or even thought given to economic sustainability. We have started to cross various products off our list simply because of their bad corporate behavior. Do we sound absurd?

    Lin: do you still help out with your church service and various records? I have wondered how things are going to evolve regarding our churches? So many simply do not have the membership they used to have. Everyone is doing YouTube church services, still even after the pandemic is more under control. I still feel uncomfortable sitting right next to a person in church. I try to calm myself about that but I wonder about that awful virus all the time.

    Rewatching old movies now. We decided to watch #scary movies for the month of October. Fun! My favorite scary movie is “the shining!”
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello everyone.

    Jackie, very good shopping my friend! I know no way to cut my bill in half unless I only purchase half the items! 🤭 I was reading ways that people hope to cut their heating bill this winter—supposedly people who live in Yorkshire. I doubt that was true and many of the responses were just attempts to be amusing.

    Several suggestions were things we (young married and broke folks) tried when living in old drafty farmhouses. One was to put up film over the windows to try to compensate for the leakiness of the existing windows. Another thing was to put up blankets at the entrance to each room to keep drafts from traveling. We also had a draft stopper. That was something you put up against the door to keep the cold at bay. We also had a kerosene heater, not one on the list. Someone said they were going to put their cold weather sleeping bag in their bed and would then cover that with 3 blankets. Sounded interesting. In a particularly cold house, I wore a cap and heavy socks every night.

    I think my heating bills will remain high!

    Anne, well of course you should be proud of Mark. He has done a marvelous job on the house. It will be nice to see him if he works on drywall this winter. Will Mary Jo want to cook on Monday?? Any way to hint about that?

    Sandy, I hope all works out as you have planned and you will not be rushed to pack on Sunday. And hoping your luck will be good.

    Patsy, I cannot handle any horror movies. I just freak out and have nightmares. The only Halloween movies I have watched are Hocus Pocus and the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I like nice shows like Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin.

    Yes, I still am on a few committees at my church even though I am still not attending in person. They are pleased that I send a regular check. The attendance has been way down for years now and the bad thing is many people still consider themselves members of the church but do not attend in person or online AND they stopped all financial support at the beginning of the pandemic. Just scraping along.

    Take care everyone.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    When I was a child in Yorkshire we did all the things LIN mentions above. My dad actually wore a woolly hat to bed in the winter. The parents bedroom faced the North Sea and he said the wind was blowing straight from Siberia. Once when first married we visited and we were put in that bedroom. The bedroom was so cold we didn't get undressed when we went to bed. Honest, no kidding. My parents did all the tips LIN listed. I think Yorkshire is the coldest place on earth, even colder than Canada. Here we are SO spoilt with central heating unless the furnace breaks down. Of course I am remembering wartime Britain and maybe things are a little less chilly these days.

    I went out with Bean yesterday in such a happy mood and I came back totally depressed. We met Janice and Janice was in full swing with all the woes of the world on her mind. Everything from keeping us peasants down by the rich to how we will all be eating bugs for protein soon. She has become alarmingly thin and doesn't know why. I said maybe she worries too much about things she can't control! Anyway my low uplifted because whilst we talked a parcel arrived for me! It was a new iPad from Michael!! My old one can't get the Sneakers on it and thats why I have trouble with photos.

    The one good thing Janice said as she surveyed Marks handiwork was how she admired REAL men who could do carpentry instead of the milksops she encountered! Mark was up a ladder painting the window sills and surrounds so heard the praise. It amused him no end because unlike Michael he is small boned and slim, no Rambo he-man anyway!

    The iPad will be a godsend. God bless Michael and also Babe who bought SANDY a laptop I think.
    Mike says when he comes on Saturday he should be able to transfer stuff from my very old device.

    Off for a shower in a nice warm bathroom after the Yorkshire icebox of long ago. No shower then incidentally. Thanks for the memory Lin. I'm so grateful for todays warmth!

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    PATSY, I received your input. I think life will be easier with the new iPad and that means once Mike has fixed it I should be able to settle down and do some REAL work! So give me a couple of days because of Reno's and thanksgiving and elder sons visits etc and away we go!
    Carrying on with the theme above and old memories before Dad ripped it out after the war we had one of those old fashioned ranges in the kitchen. Mom had a gas stove but the old range was very good at baking bread in the oven next to the fire. Just wondered if anyone else had their school undies placed in a warm oven to be worn on the long trek to school, and of course the warmth had worn off by the time we went into assembly. AH memories are made of this.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Anne, nope, no old stove or warming undies in my youth but I remember having to wear snow pants under my school dress, snow boots, a hat that covered my ears, gloves/mittens and a winter scarf around my neck to walk 2 blocks to school. 🥶

    Once at school, it took quite a while to take all of the outer clothes off, hang them in the assigned place and switch over to inside shoes (they didn’t want the floors damaged or wet).

    Looking forward to getting the iPad set up I bet.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    There are indeed some very sad stories. One of my friends at my workplace was slightly older than me. Her Eastern European parents emigrated to one of Canada's prairie provinces and were very poor. As a child she had to walk a long way to school. She had to walk in normal everyday shoes because her parents couldn't afford winter boots. One year she suffered frostbite in her feet. By the time I knew her, close to retirement, she was wearing fur lined winter boots as soon as October came along, because with any hint of cold she still suffered dreadfully.
    I guess there are much colder places than Yorkshire but I've been lucky enough to avoid them in the winter.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! Laundry day. Later I am going for a mani/pedi/eyebrows for our trip. Chilly day so the heat is on. I got all my errands done yesterday so I am going to be good to go Monday morning. I did shop at a different grocery store and will never do it again as their prices were so much higher than Walmart. Some items were almost $2.00 more that Walmart so Babe and I figured I spent at least if not more than $20. Lesson learned and besides Walmart carries my groceries up the stairs for me.

    Anne, congratulations on the new IPad. Mine is a desktop which I prefer over a laptop but I don't know why, I am just used to it I guess. I walked to school when I was in grade school but only lived a block and a half away. I like Lin, did have snow pants, boots, gloves, hats and scarves. I think kids feel the cold less than we older people because I loved playing in the snow. This is a meme that shows how some parents went to school.

    Lin, I always had heat in my house growing up starting with a coal burning furnace which my mother shoveled coal into every morning. In later years it was converted to a gas furnace which made me happy my mom didn't have to shovel. These days you can control your furnace with your phone. lol Thanks for the good luck, it would be nice to have a big win!!

    Not sure where everyone else is this morning, but I hope you all have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member


    This is where I lived in the 1970's in the front upstairs apartment. The fireplaces were no longer functional and the apartment was heated with two small gas space heaters. It was cold especially near those tall windows. I wore a nightcap and footed pajamas when I slept. Now I am grateful on a daily basis for my furnace and heat pump and programmable thermostat.

    <3 Barbie

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It’s colder today and when we walked first thing I nearly froze because I wore a hoodie rather than coat. The sun was shining when we left home so I assumed it would be the same on the moors but no…! Linda picked me up at 10 to drive to a garden centre for one of our coffee mornings. Just as well I only eat a banana before walking because we eat far too much cake. I didn’t get home until after 2pm with a bag of shallots to plant in my veggie garden and a pretty pink and white cyclamen, oh yes, and a jar of Linda’s homemade Windfall marmalade! My plan was to cut the lawn at the top section of garden but by the time I had picked the last of my outdoor tomatoes rain had arrived.

    My family home was pretty cold when I was growing up since we had coal burning fires in each room, including bedrooms but I don’t remember it being a problem, just something we were used to! We kids were often told we sat too close to the fire and warned we would get chilblains. The Central heating I lived with in Toronto always gave me sinus problems and I seemed to be constantly catching colds because of the contrast with freezing outdoors!
    Since living in this cottage I’ve always used a draught excluder by the door into my garden room in cold weather, not because it’s draughty but as an energy saver.
    A fleece throw lays across the back of the sofa that occasionally gets placed across my knees, usually if it’s very late and the log burner has died down.

    I’m now going to make myself a cup of tea and settle down to watch our England ladies Football team play the USA!

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm having a hot chocolate because it is really cold here. We have a frost warning for this town tonight so I went out and picked the red tomatoes and brought in a plant I've potted but don't have much hope for.

    I think I will dig out the draft excluder Derek bought me when a little boy for the same reason as JACKIE. We only had one fire burning in the long ago house and it was in the large kitchen, it heated the water. The only time any other fire was lit was at Christmas or when in bed with the flu. Did you get red legs from sitting too close? I got the same dire warnings. The kitchen was big enough for armchairs and a kitchen table and chairs. There was a freezing "scullery" beyond that which housed the kitchen sink and was cold enough to preserve things just like a refrigerator. Then you went outside to go to the loo. My dad named that after a valley on the moon. Needless to say one didn't go to the loo too often, especially at night when to a 7 year old ghosties and goblins were everywhere!

    Marks been and gone. He was up his ladder peeling off the strips he had placed on the windows to protect the glass as he painted the frames. All just about done outside in the nick of time.!!!!

    What a pretty house BARBIE, but I can well imagine cold in the winter.

    I'm glad old memories came back with Thanksgiving arriving on Monday. A lot to be thankful for.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast day here. And a bit muggy. Not too bad really. Katie have been out numerous times to bring in sticks and leaves and a couple of small rocks. She is quite the nature girl.

    I am going to be having a low key day today because my night was rather sleepless. Neuropathy in the feet. Poo! But all is well today, I am so glad of that. We have a neighborhood barred owl. He makes late night visits and his hooty song is mystical really. I love it. I know he is hunting and some little creature will be his dinner. It is the cycle of life. But as John says, “Mr. Owl does not shop at Walmart. He has to gather his dinner where he can find it.”

    Reading the news is like reading a worldwide soap opera. I honestly believe we will be okay. Things are as one of our less lyrical presidents said, “things are more like they are now than they have ever been before!” Huh?

    I lived a good part of my childhood on a cattle ranch in east Texas. A huge old ranch house with all manner of people going in and out. Our weather could be cold at times but heat And dirt was our big concern. We did have fans. I think of it now as idelic. Animals, lots of cousins to play with, I went to Catholic school and that was part of our life. Keeping dirt out and maintaining the care and feeding of horses and cattle and assorted other animals was our largest concern. Cold weather only happened maybe a couple of weeks each winter. Other than that, just sweater-jacket weather. We had gas stoves in most rooms of the house. Kind of dangerous really. No pilot light. You turned on the gas and lighted it with a match. Instant warmth but dangerous if not attended to!

    Anne: I love my iPad. If it died, I would be out the door in a flash for another one!

    Sandy: hoHoHo! So true! Every kid has heard that from their parents. They used to walk to school in the snow barefooted, uphill both ways etc etc etc

    Lin: wow! Sounds like you lived in Alaska. Didn’t know the mid-west could get so cold.

    Jackie: I completely understand your feeling about central heating. I have constant allergies and sinus problems. We hate to turn on our furnace and resist it. We use our wood stove a lot in the winter. I have the same fleece throw to use on my knees or around my shoulders. John has a sweater he jumps into if the air feels chilly.

    Shhhhhhhhhhh…This is a secret…….I think Anne has a birthday coming up.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Enjoyed hearing stories about everyone many years ago. The ac still comes on occasionally, which is set at 76 right now. It is in the high 80s during the day, so I am still in my capris. However that will change to the low 80s this next week. Loving that our evening temps are dropping too, which means I have a good nights sleep again. Still sunny California assuming there isn't any burning fires; the close one is nearly out finally.

    I grew up in the city across the bay from San Francisco in a home that still stands and is 100 yrs old now. No ac there, but didn't need it and generally the furnace kept the house comfortable unless it was summer time. My bedroom was upstairs so it always seemed hot. Cool for us during the winter was in the 45-55 F range, so just a warm jacket was needed when I walked about 4 blocks to school. We were only allowed to wear dresses or skirts to school, plus we wore white saddle shoes daily and Mary Janes to church on Sunday. Clothes lines no one seemed to use.....Our electric washer and electric dryer must have been a rather new invention. The big freezer was placed in the same area. I was the eldest of 4 kids. Very contrary to my husbands up bringing in the mid west, which had snow and an outhouse too. Met him when he was on leave while in the Navy not far from San Francisco.

    An adventure I still recall and it has been a long time..... I was walked to school on my first day of kindergarten. Being the eldest there wasn't a sibling to join me. A block prior to school there was an intersection where 5 streets met. So when I came home by myself I got to that spot and of course choose the wrong street to walk down. I walked and walked, but nothing appeared to be familiar. It was the longest street ever. Finally my mother must of gotten concerned because she drove around looking for me. Suspect many people observed me thru their home window wondering where I lived. I have always been small for my age and the shortest in my class. I never made that mistake again. Another interesting thing.....I got on to a realtors website checking out the old houses for sale. Ones perspective as a child versus an adults ideas on sizes of homes and narrow streets sure change....

    New computers and a new I pads.....enjoy your new toys. Good luck Sandy at the casino.....

    Flu shot and Pfizer Covid injection done.....No reaction, but were done several weeks apart.

    Happy Thanksgiving this next week to my Canadian and British friends.....


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Wow Barbie, that’s an impressive property but I completely understand the issue of cold rooms. Many years ago I visited one of our stately homes in Cornwall called Pencarrow with a film crew from the tv company I worked for so got to see how the St Aubyn family lived behind closed doors. The beautiful high ceilinged, unheated rooms were closed off and they congregated round the big old range in the kitchen that never warmed up! How the other half lived… I was never impressed with our Aristocracy after that visit!

    It’s another beautiful sunny and mild day and we are home after a long walk across the moors. We met David with little Hattie and talked about all sorts as we strolled in the sunshine. He is hoping to travel to Penzance tomorrow which is at the western tip of Cornwall. He shares a large poly tunnel with a lady friend living down there who has told him he has about 1,000 wallflowers to collect! He has offered to give me a few so I’d better get weeding to make space!

    I’ll pop back later and catch up with everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'll be back later because Michael is coming over to set up the new iPad. We will be only having pizza for lunch so I can hopefully absorb what he shows me. Reading DIANES piece I realize my old house will be 100 years old next year. The only thing I know, apart from a few antiques, that is older than me!

    It was down to 39 F when we got up this morning. Porridge consuming weather.

    See ya,