Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I was up at 5 am to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral. It was wonderful - absolutely perfect and well done. I liked the last part the best. Lovely family service at the St Georges Chapel, Windsor. And wasn't it wonderful to see her two corgis on the castle steps as she was driven past and her pony. All those perfect soldiers and sailors [3000] marching in unison, but alas, they couldn't put our lovely queen together again.

    She would have been very proud of the Prince and Princess of Wales two eldest but very young beautifully mannered children.

    King Charles already looks a little different I thought.

    Oh well, time to move on and do something like put lunch together,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day everyone! Another mild sunny day here. I wonder when our rainy season will start? I both look forward to the cool weather and at the same time I dread the long dark season.

    Both John and I are set for our bivalent booster on Friday. It ways a tussle getting the appointments straightened out. The software for the appointment reservations was a mess! It refused to make a reservation for more than one person at any email address. John and I use the same address. So after many moments of hair pulling, I just called and made the appointment by phone. As I have said many times, technology is great until it isn’t!

    Just between you and me….it is shocking when our old loves seem to loose some of their confidence. That is one thing John has always had plenty of, until recently. Aging is an interesting dance of emotions, physical changes and mortality. Watching part of the funeral, I was struck by the thought that this was more than a funeral. It was the passing of a way of life. I hope we can take some of the life lessons of duty and responsibility that she embodied.

    Anne: I agree with your thoughts on the funeral for the queen. King Charles has big shoes to fill but he also had the good fortune of learning from an excellent example. I also felt your sincere feeling of loss. You must feel a sense of patriotic pride in the way England shows the world how to express love and gratitude and sincere loss and dignity for an extraordinary Queen.

    Sandy: you are a true blessing for Babe. Words cannot express how wonderfully thoughtful I think you have been. And to top it all, you seem to be enjoying it. That is the key, isn’t it? Do nice things for nice people and you will feel nice. Good lessons for us all.

    Barbie: so happy you had little to no reactions to the shots. We have generally felt very fatigued and took long naps. It was still worth it to get the shots. We have not had Covid or any variants so far. It will be great to escape Covid and variants. I know there will always be a virus out there trying to cause us trouble.

    Hello to Jackie, Lin, and Diane. Wishing you well and hope to hear from you soon.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Just me popping in again. Apart from the corgis and the pony did anyone else notice that the Princes wives were wearing jewelry given to them by the Queen? Kate was wearing a beautiful choker necklace and Harry's missus was sporting pearl earrings given to her by the queen on the day she married Harry. All sorts of little touches such as the floral wreath with its floral messages. Rosemary for remembrance, myrtle which was in the queens wedding bouquet etc. "The Lords my Shepherd" was a favourite hymn of her majesty. All sorts of little things someone had put a lot of thought into.
    You won't agree with me girls, but I think the USA and the UK would have been awesome together if history hadn't taken a different course.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited September 2022
    Here I am after an extremely emotional day! Considering the short notice, the organisers of today’s funeral created an amazing event. The silent, respectful crowds and the toll of the one bell every minute soon had me and Pat in tears but so proud of our service men and women and the Royals marching as one to the cathedral. We thought Charles looked so sad and when, in Windsor St George’s chapel, the crown, sceptre and orb were removed from the coffin and he placed the flag over one end, we were off again although the lone piper slowly marching through the far door was the most moving. We think Charles’s hair has turned white in the past couple of days and his tearful face as he watched the coffin slowly sink had the whole Nation wanting to comfort him. Yes, we feel proud to have shown just how much our Queen was loved but can’t quite believe she’s gone.

    PATSY, your wonderful words brought tears to our eyes, thank you. ❤️

    ANNE, the Queen planned the funeral herself, chose the hymns and said she didn’t want it to be longer than an hour and bore the people! Weren’t the Canadian Mounties at the head of the parade gorgeous. Apparently the horses were sent to England from Regina 4 years ago to retire but brought out for such a special occasion and the Queen wanted them to be at the front because she had visited Canada more than any other country.

    Yesterday, we walked round Alnwick but most of it was closed. The castle is imposing but then we are discovering the county is steeped in a violent history, hence so many castles!

    Tomorrow we head north to Lindisfarne, more castles and fresh air. It’s colder than Cornwall but we’ve brought warm coats!

    Keep safe dear friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited September 2022
    Oh Jackie you brought tears to my eyes. It was indeed a beautiful funeral.

    And here I came on to say the only thing good about football in the evening is that I retreat to my bedroom to ride the bike and watch my own shows! 😂😂😂
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello, what a mournful day. I seemed on the edge of tears many times. I won’t say more. Your comments far exceeded anything I could add.

    Tomorrow is another day.

    I did have several long phone calls with friends today. That was a plus.

    The weather is quite hot again—-like the middle of summer.

    Do take care dear friends.


    Poor Charlotte

    with a snack

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE, you said exactly what I wanted to say. I was so proud of Great Britain, and yes, me who hardly ever cries, did, and especially when the first hymn was the one I chose for my parents goodbyes, "The day thou gavest Lord is ended". I too noticed King Charles hair seemed to have turned white overnight.

    I think you will enjoy Northumberland despite the cold. Its the county between Yorkshire and Scotland of course hence its violent past and home of the Percy's. The history is fantastic if you like history as much as I do. I found out that my mothers maiden name was from a clan that made armour for Robert the Bruce and of course fought alongside him as well. I'm considering buying a tartan for Mark who doesn't go in for the past but having looked up the family tartan and prices it won't be a kilt - more likely a tie! My Auntie Alice spent a lot of time and energy looking up our past but abruptly stopped. We never found out why and she said it was boring but could it have been sheep stealing like my Mom wondered? Best not to delve more deeply methinks.

    Whatever, enjoy and know I wish I was with you and Pat.

    By the way Guy Fawkes who was born in York conspired with Thomas Percy [if memory serves me right] among others to blow up king and parliament. Fascinating stuff but probably boring as hell to everyone but me, lol.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello friends. Wow, what a hot day! Right now, 95 degrees F. Indoors is feeling quite nice.

    I had a little grocery order to pick up this morning. I got there and a co structure crew was hammering out all the concrete in the pickup area. 😉 Got as close as I could and texted info on where I was parked. They brought out my order and the little bags were very light. Drove home and found out there was a reason for the lightness. Haaaaa.

    I out the things away and headed off to the pharmacy. They were quite busy with people receiving vaccinations. I was required to stay for a while so I looked through the reorganized gluten free section of the store. I found some vegan cheese I have been looking for, every store I tried has been sold out. If I go back tomorrow I will be able to purchase it for 10% off. We will see!

    MFP must be playing games with me again. Anne, I do see your morning post, but that is all. Quite unusual.

    I hope everyone is well and safe.

    Back to doing some stamping.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :'( We have an appointment tomorrow morning to say good by to Bernie the cat. It will be sad day for all of us. He is clearly failing and it's rime 😿😢
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is a very warm day here. Finally after having the health dept. cancel the booster clinic because they ran out of vaccine, we have appointments at Walgreens. Getting the flu shot at the same time.

    Barbie: so sorry about Bernie the cat. I well remember the devastating sadness we go through when we have to say goodbye to a beloved fur family member. There is no words or solace possible. Only a bit of time can help. You know you will always miss him. No other cat can take his place. But the only thing that will help is to remember how much he was loved. What a loving home you provided for him. We are thinking of you and Jake. We know this hurts. I wish I could make it better.

    I had to change passwords. Something must be going on. A data breach? What? I am not computer savvy so these things are a mystery to me.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Good Evening! I am sitting in the hallway waiting for the kiddos to go to sleep. I had a busy day trying to be ready for my visitors. Big Walmart delivery, then went to bank, Target and Jewel for items out of stock at Walmart. It stormed here for a short time but they are playing volleyball in wet sand. Yuck!!

    I am sorry about Bernie Barbie and Jake. You will be together again when you cross the rainbow bridge.

    Hard doing this on my phone so will be back in the morning.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Problems reaching you all yesterday but that could be the poor Wi-Fi in the area. We had a lovely day, visited Lindisfarne then followed the coastal route to Bamburgh Castle before enjoying fish and chips in a lovely seaside town called Seahouses.

    The sun is out this morning so we plan to ignore Putin’s threats and travel to Hadrians Wall on the border with Scotland.

    I’ll catch up properly this evening… hopefully. Time for a shower!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Dear Barbie and Jake, I’m thinking of you both today as you look after Bernie on his final journey in this life. If he could, he would thank you for the wonderful life you have shared together but also for helping him today move on to the next.
    I’m sending an English rose that I saw on a pretty cottage garden yesterday, with love. ❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Barbie, sorry to hear the sad news about Bernie. Sending all best wishes to you and Jake. ❤️❤️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Very sad news this morning BARBIE and JAKE. Thinking of you both as you mourn the passing of your little pet and friend.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Thoughts and Prayers for Barbie and Jake. We all know how you feel and the sadness that follows.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Can’t think of anything else but what Barbie and Jake are feeling. No matter how much you try, no matter how practical you attempt to be, how much strength you pull together to see this through, the truth is that these fur family members were an essential part of our life. Saying goodbye hurts both physically and emotionally. When I went through this, I hugged John and our other fur family desperately. We all went through an intense grieving period. I still miss them all. Every magnificent creature that has shared our life. Reaching out through the miles, Barbie and Jake, thinking of you all.
    Patsy☘️ And John and Katie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    <3 Thank all for your words of love and comfort about Bernie. We didn't go one day too soon or one day too late. We were with him along with the vet who has known him since he was a kitten

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Sweet, sweet Bernie. Always loved, never forgotten. :'(<3

    Family is here and had our first game night.

    And check out these pictures for Charlies picture day. Love them.

    Have a wonderul day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A lovely cool fall day here. I am hoping for a successful day of chores and time in the dungeon for a couple weird sewing projects. I have a couple of shirts that fit comfy, no wear but I have spotted them with paint. I am now attaching an embroidery decoration so that I don’t look like such a mess. I always think I can do things involving paint, glue, bleach, etc and not get it on me……WRONG!

    As you know, I am sort of hapless when it comes to computers etc. but honestly, it is almost impossible for me to figure out what is going on with mfp. Nothing seems the same and it is often just by chance that I get in and get to read your posts. I guess I need a college class on how to navigate the internet and use my iPad. Although! I never have a problem with any other site….

    I have naturally twisted my hip and ankle when almost falling. Didn’t fall but did a weird oooooopsie and crenked my hip and ankle. And dear John said, “Well, Mrs. Wubben! Get over it because on Sunday you are hobbling to Walgreens for your shots!” He sounds pretty tough but he isn’t. He will try to push and shove me using all his skinny little strength. If I fell on him I would squash him like a bug!

    Sandy: what a jolly group. Looks like you are all having fun. We like to play poker. I never learned that Texas gambling game that was so popular a few years ago. We use poker chips and at the end the winner gets some funny prize we buy for the evening. Oh my! Charlie is a little beauty!

    She looks like she loves to dance. Maybe ballet and tap dance lessons would be fun for her. I had some ballet (even in rough and tough Texas had a dance teacher) I loved it but I was and still am, on -beyond -clumsy.

    Barbie: Bernie was a beautiful cat. He was quite special. I remember a photo of him on your bed curled next to your big poodle (Sasha?). It was so sweet. Good memories and he will always be missed and loved and never forgotten!

    Hello to everyone! Lin, Jackie, Anne, Diane and all sneakers. The weekend is almost here.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello everyone. The other day at about this time it was 96 degrees. Today it is 66 degrees. Much more comfortable.

    Barbie, thanks for posting photos of darling Bernie. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, wonderful photos. Your family does have such fun playing games! Did Babe take the picture? Charlie is absolutely beautiful. ❤️❤️

    Patsy, oh darn, such pain can come from a twisting injury. I hope it feels much better by Sunday—shot day. I had an okay pair of slacks and really paid no attention when doing some chores and oh my gosh, I splashed a bit of bleach on them. Argh. Ate the color away. I tried to fill in the spot with a permanent marker but that didn’t last long. Permanent, right. Bleach is mightier than the marker.

    Hello Anne, Jackie, and Diane and any other Sneakers stopping by.

    Be safe.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Here we are strolling along Emperor Hadrians wall although we didn’t go far! We’ve enjoyed our time here but think we’ve seen enough castles to see us through the rest of our lives! This afternoon we found a cute smoke house and spent a small fortune on kippers to take home and enjoy for breakfast next week. That’s it really, another long drive but we hope we can take a scenic route.

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello everyone. Loved all the photos.
    I had trouble getting in again but think I've made it!

    Things are all go here as the Ms try to get the deck finished before the bad weather sets in. Its going to be really nice, in fact by the time they finish I should be living in a very small but very nice house.

    It was only 41 degrees outside when Jilly and I got up, but Mark took out the air conditioner yesterday
    and what a difference, with no furnace heat switched on, the house was 71 degrees inside overnight. Actually the drop in temperature was quite a shock. On Wednesday it was humid and hot in the high eighties but down to 60 on Thursday and looks like it will continue that way with the hurricane looming on the east coast.

    Loads to do today, so lets see if I am still with you all,

    Wonders. I am still with you!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Busy, busy, busy. Love having the kids here but mornings are hectic but wonderful.
    We went to dinner last night and played more games. Today they are again going to hospital because their father will be transferred to a new rehab location. They are going to his trailer to see what is what with his stuff and if he doesn't come back how much they have to deal with. They will also take their dad's roommate out for lunch as he has been a saint in helping with the cat and other things.
    Tonight Lisa and they boys are coming for tacos so it will be another hectic night.
    Babe bought me a new desktop computer and my son is in he middle of setting things up. I am on it now and it is so quiet compared to my over ten year old computer. But with Windows 11 things are different to my old Windows 10. I am sure I will love it once I get used to it.

    Doing laundry while they are gone and ordered the groceries for delivery for the tacos. My daughter is paying and making the dinner tonight as Laurie did Wednesday. Love that idea. lol

    Have a good day and keep staying safe. I would post a picture but I can't find them on this new computer.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dears! We have a cloudy day and still fairly mild. Not sure what will come out of these clouds rain? Maybe?

    The day is speeding by and I am trying to cross off a few things from my to-do list. Rather poor showing thus far!

    This is cauliflower pizza night. However our daughter can’t come because her dog is I’ll, recovering from an ear operation. Good grief! Meds and vet visits are far more expensive than for people. I know we have insurance and Medicare. But still…..

    I am still doing my little creative things in the dungeon. It is important to me and if not now…when? The answer is….it must be now!!!!!!! Worked a bit on the children's story that Anne and I are collaborating on. Ordered my iron on decals for my shirts. Trying to figure out how to make an iPod of favorite music. That is susposed to be very easy. Ah-hemmmmmmm. Excuse me! Then why can’t I get it work?

    I see everyone is busy and life is full of things going on and choices to make. My heart goes out to Barbie and Jake. Thinking of you both.

    Hello dear sneakers….all of you!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) I got my new glasses yesterday. They do nothing for the shadow at the top in my left eye but everything else is clear. The shadow won't go away but also shouldn't get worse. I feel grateful since I have been the driver for my friend who goes for macular degeneration treatments that she describes as injections of jalapeno juice.

    :'( It is very quiet here without Bernie 😿😢

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Good evening, it seems I have been scurrying about trying to get some things accomplished and oh my, not so much was finished today. I got my Rx ordered and I was supposed to pick up my refill this afternoon but I never received a text saying it was ready. Maybe tomorrow?

    It was a cold and wet day and I made a trip to the library this morning but never got back out to get my mail. I hope I didn’t receive anything that was not waterproof! 😄

    Barbie, sorry the house is so quiet without Bernie. You and Jake have each other and maybe some day you may want to add another pet to your household. Maybe.

    Sandy, wow, a new computer! Wahoo! Nice to have family to set it up. Do you and Babe have to take turns using the computer? Hope you are having a fun evening. Happy no-cooking supper for you!

    Patsy, it is rewarding to play with projects and materials. Even when you don’t feel you’ve accomplished much in a day.

    Anne, wow, I hope we get to see a photo of your new deck/steps when it is finished. Your son is quite skilled at construction. I am in awe.

    Jackie, lovely photo! I hope you do find a scenic route home.

    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Lin, No new pets any time soon. Bessie needs the time to be the "only" and get all the attention.

    :)Sandy, new computer, wow. After the steep learning curve you will be delighted.

    :)Patsy, projects with the computer (and the ipod) are always frustrating....good luck

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) Busy days with lots fun. They are at rehab center now visiting their dad and when they come home we will be going to see kiddos. They were here yesterday which made for a very hectic time but still enjoyable. Babe will be staying home as this is all to much activity for him besides his granddaughter is going to Homecoming dance and might want to come here to take a picture with him.
    I am sure there will be more games tonight which is what my family likes to do.

    Have a great day and once they leave I will post more.
    One Day at a Time