Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Update: I am sitting after all. Rob's dad is in hospital and not doing well so they are going to visit him.
    He has an UTI and keeps pulling his IV's out and is agitated and confused. His wallet is also missing so hopefully Rob can find it and try to calm his father down. He needs a blood transfusion as he is still bleeding with the catheter. He is the father of my children so I still do care and will help in anyway I can.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Another day of wild weather but again I have managed to avoid getting wet. After walking I took George and Betty to the groomer’s home to see how they behaved and I have to say they were both very good. George even sat on the sofa next to her 91 year old mum accepting cuddles while Betty ran from room to room looking for food before settling next to George. Dear Ziggy has had another bad turn but doesn’t seem distressed or in pain so won’t be taken to a vet. There is an acre field on their land directly beyond their deck so they will have lots of space to run about.

    Lin, I don’t feel mint would be pleasant after a drying process because it would become brittle and turn to dust. When I was a child we had mint in vinegar with a sprinkle of sugar but even that was made with fresh leaves so in the winter months shop bought mint sauce was used. In my greenhouse is a bag containing drying Love in the Mist stalks with seed heads but that’s completely different!

    Sandy, if you pinch off the flowers on your mint it should last longer, otherwise its energy goes into that flower. Enjoy your day at home, especially as it is a lovely one so you can open windows. I can’t believe how quickly autumn has arrived here. I’ve kept the jacket on that I wore to walk down the garden to give the hens their corn. By the way, you asked about the granite rock I drove over when reversing. It was BIG but not too high which is why I didn’t see it in my side mirror!

    Oh dear, my cup of tea is ruined by milk that is turning but I don’t want to go back out to buy fresh as it’s nearly 6pm. Perhaps a glass of fruity cider instead!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Another update: :D Lisa parents told me they will stay and I don't have to come. Originally I was going to relieve Sue so she could go to book club but she had a change of heart. Babe was happy I am staying home. :D
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello, seems like a busy day.

    I had a small grocery order to pick up this morning. They were very early in putting my order together. Now if I could figure out when I can make my way over there without a fleet of school buses on the road and the crosswalk guards on duty. 👀 Wow, there are people out checking on hail damage and two centers have been set up for cars, trucks, campers. An added feature, now flatbed trucks full of shingles and the crews of guys in pickups are out setting up at various houses. Busy morning!

    Got my groceries, put them away and off out the library to pick up a book on hold and to return several checked out books. And of course, I just received a call that I have a book to pick up. ANOTHER book! 🙃

    This afternoon, I was notified that a paper cutter I had ordered was available for pickup at the store. No school buses or crosswalk guards out! 😂🤣😂 but there was a lot of traffic on the roads. I was tempted to stop at a small Target store on my way home but wow, the parking lot was full. Never mind. Another day.

    I was looking at my October card list. Oh my. I need to change gears. I called the church secretary and asked if there were any more events on the calendar. And yes, there is a baby shower on October 1st. Glad I called. I will start to organize for a card and some type of cash/gift card.

    Anne, again, thanks for the hints. I took my very dry mint, popped it in a brown bags crushed it and removed the stems. Now to try a bit in my infuser to see if it might make decent tea. If not, I will give up and buy some mint teabags. 😊 so more socks being lobbed at you? Any idea of what is really going with the house next door? High drama on your street!

    Jackie, did you get the boots you were talking about? Must not pass up a bargain, especially if your current shoes/boots are wearing out. My garden is definitely winding down. I am going to dig some potatoes tonight. Not lots but the tops are dead so going to see what I can find. One of my favorite chores.

    Barbie, I am sorry to hear your darling cat is having health problems. Poor Bernie. ❤️❤️ A shopping trip, kind of a nice event from time to time.

    Sandy, I know you miss the kids but you are in demand with Babe being happy that you are home. Are your grocery deliveries still working out with everything brought to your doorstep?

    Patsy, I am sorry John has tooth problems. Ouch! Does he have an appointment with the dentist? You are definitely quite creative with the garbage garden concept. Good luck, sweet potato vines are pretty. I hope they will thrive.

    Well, I need to get back to work. Be well everyone. FYI, some friends of mine drove an hour each way to get the new Covid vaccine today. They were thrilled.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi LIN, I guess you misunderstood my garbled earlier post on drying herbs. JACKIE put it right posting up above me, but I will also repeat. We dried sage, marjoram and thyme but we DIDN'T dry mint, we chopped the fresh leaves finely and added them to a little vinegar to spread on lamb chops or roast. You can buy jars from the stores in Canada.

    I'm trying to rescue my poor geraniums by planting them in pots to bring inside over the winter months. I'm hopeful because one specimen is flowering still. So no exotic avocado, sweet potato, etc planting indoors for me!

    Mark and Mary jo never made it to the Carolinas, too wet! Here in Canada, its too dry but good weather for sightseeing around Ontario. At the moment they are in Ottawa and they had lunch at that very posh famous hotel. Can't remember its name at the moment.

    I have no idea what's going on next door LIN but surmise the sale fell through. The new folk were supposed to move in on August 1st. The original buyers from Afghanistan are still turning up each evening, sometimes 9 cars are parked on the street, but nobody stays overnight. Its all very weird. I suspect they can't sell and some family member will eventually move in, but who knows.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) I have an appointment Friday with the next eye doctor to find out more about what's wrong with my left eye. Knowing what's not wrong is helpful but creates no solution and I can't get glasses with my new prescription until this other thing gets figured out. It doesn't hurt, still allows me to do my usual stuff and doesn't seem to be getting worse, it's just annoying
    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning all. I'm off to the eye doctor today BARBIE. Its my left eye as well. After the shingles it seemed to get worse and I'm deaf in the left ear from the shingles with some scarring on the left forehead. I will be thinking of you on Friday you can be sure.

    Its 7:15 am so no news at all at this time. I don't think eye glasses help with cataracts so don't expect to get any after the exam today. No big deal, I've managed without for 2-3 months since the wind blew my last pair off my forehead where they shouldn't have been and smashed them on the concrete drive. There's always a silver lining to any cloud which means just a small fee for the back of the eye exam which is a small relief after the vet bill lol.

    Bean by the way is back to her normal self. She is 6 years old but I know what its like as our beloved pets age. Thinking of Bernie as well with the vet visit next week.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited September 2022
    I’ve a quiet day at home after shopping for groceries early then taking George and Betty in the car to a field about a mile away so they could stretch their legs in long, wet grass. One other dog walker there throwing a ball with one of those plastic slingers which was fine until it sailed over George’s head and that sent the Labrador being walked in his direction which he didn’t approve of! We stopped to chat for 5 minutes standing in drizzle, then home to dry off and plan a couple of gentle chores. Torrential rain now which brings to mind the saying, be careful what you wish for because only last week I was hoping for enough to help my garden… now battered by wind and hefty showers.

    Anne, do you think perhaps your neighbours didn’t do a great job of covering up Harry’s crumbling house issues? The prospective buyers might have had the sense to hire a surveyor then changed their minds! Before my cataracts were removed I wore long distance and reading glasses with strong prescriptions and it was only when I was told nothing stronger would help so I would lose my driving license, I took a deep breath and opted for their removal. Since you don’t drive that’s not a problem and hopefully an eye test will give you an improvement with a new prescription.

    Lin, I haven’t been back for those walking shoes because after our visit to George’s groomer’s home I wanted to do a bit more painting in my kitchen. The store is only about 5 miles away but the torrential rain we are getting causes flooding off the fields either side which tend to sit higher than the roads. It can be like driving through a car wash!

    That’s a fabulous teapot and set. You have me thinking I will make tea properly this coming Winter when I’m home more, rather than dangling a teabag in a mug!

    Sandy, I think I posted yesterday as you told us about Rob’s dad being so unwell. He must feel horribly uncomfortable with that catheter and the bleeding so I do hope you hear some positive news today.

    Time for a snack lunch then hopefully get motivated!
    Stay safe everyone
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    There's one thing about using a teapot JACKIE, you save money! I have a small teapot for 2 and when I use a teabag it makes 1 and a half cuppa, or actually one mug and a half. Don't I sound cheap, but hey we are living in hard grocery times, lol.

    Michael has just posted me a BBC article that all the queens children are travelling to Balmoral because their mother is under medical supervision. It sounds terribly serious and really upsetting. I really like our Queen and pray she will recover.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Of course since the pool closed the weather has been beautiful. Meeting today and a couple of errands. Rob and Lisa said that his dad is very confused and disoriented but that seems to be common with older folks who get an UTI. They had to move him closer to nurses station as he kept ripping his IV out of his arm. Rob did find his dad's wallet, he was laying on top of it. He had a blood transfusion but he is still bleeding so they did an Ultrasound yesterday looking for either an infection or possible bladder cancer. No results as of yet. His roommate who doesn't drive is a saint of a man and probably took his bike to visit John and let Kristy know what was going on. He also told her the house smelled of urine and there was blood all over the bathroom. He was going to clean but Kristy told him she would arrange to have a cleaning lady come in and clean today which she did. I didn't get any update yet today so hopefully no news is good news. Not sure how this will all end but he definitely cannot live alone and his roommate works and is not a caretaker. In fact if they do get him in somewhere the roommate is interested in buying the trailer he lives in so we shall see.

    Jackie, what a beautiful picture, where is that? Maybe if you return the shoes for another size they will
    order you a new pair if out of stock at the same price. You can hope!!

    Anne, maybe you could just get a pair or two of glasses at your local store where they sell glasses. When do they think they can do the cataract surgery or is that off the table for good? I am thinking like Jackie that there are more repairs that need to be done at the buyers request or the sale fell through because of repairs. Maybe the crew is there fixing and painting or whatever. Glad Jilly is back to her young self.

    Barbie, I can imagine how frustrating it is to see a shadow all the time. Before my cataract surgery the floaters were annoying enough. I hope you get some answers and a quick cure for whatever it is.

    Lin, I am loving my groceries being brought into my condo it is so much easier and my back isn't suffering from all that carrying up the stairs. I had one substitution yesterday but everything else was in stock, so score!!! Babe is getting stronger everyday, he is up to 90 squats off the counter and walks around or rides the bike. He is determined to get his legs stronger and I am proud of him for that.

    Patsy, I had to cancel our vaccinations because the cardiologist office called and they had an opening for Friday so we took it. The neurologist recommended we see her since she is part of his hospital and she can review the tests he took there. We will still see his regular cardiologist but he doesn't have an appointment until next January. I will reschedule the booster shots.

    Have a good day and enjoy each day as today is the first day of the rest of your life.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dearest sneakers! Sunny and somewhat mild today. Bracing for the return to hot weather this weekend and next week.

    Just on the news about the passing of Queen Elizabeth. While I confess to being totally clueless about British royalty, I know that The Queen was respected and held in great esteem all around this planet. Few, if any, world leaders can even come close to that kind of devotion. I know Anne and Jackie are feeling the great loss. My sympathies, dear friends! In this crazy time, it is particularly devastating when we lose one of our stalwart standards of ethical behavior. At least that is my assment from afar. Thinking of you both.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    The Queen had a long life. What a long working life. Obviously not manual labor but all the stress and politics…..oh my! Well, I hope Charles turns out to be good at his job.

    Anne, I hope the eye appointment went well. You need some glasses so you can do more detailed paintings. 🤓

    Jackie, that lane is quite narrow! I would be in a fright to drive that. Yipes! I am glad George didn’t get in a fight with the dog who got too close. I know everyone was a bit agog with my project but I will say I had a nice cup of mint tea this morning. It is pretty good.

    Sandy, my gosh, Rob’s dad is very unwell. I know several people who have had very bad UTIs and were in the hospital with extremely high fever. They were disoriented and weak. It took quite a while to recover. But they did recover and got back to normal life. I hope they can help him. Congrats on Babe’s continued progress. Good for him!

    Patsy, did I miss you again? I think MFP is against me. 🥺 Hoping you are doing well and that your daughter is also healing up.

    Barbie, best wishes for your eye appointment tomorrow. ❤️🤞🏻❤️

    The roofing company stopped by today. The young gent wasn’t here long. He said there was some hail damage and that they would send me an estimate. I asked him if the damage was significant and could he estimate the percentage. He said no, it is hard to see on my color of shingle and they will not get into that. I will receive an estimate (which I assume will be for a full replacement) and it is up to the insurance company to decide how much they would pay. Color me uncomfortable with this process.

    Well, need to move along. Best wishes for everyone.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Our lovely queen is gone, long live Charles 111. I think he will be a good king.

    I received the bad news at the opticians. The eye drops didn't help!!! I have now lived through the reigns of George the 5th, Edward the eighth, George the 6th, Elizabeth the 2nd and now Charles the third.

    Yes, the cataracts are worse and the good optician is going to try and get me done as quickly as possible, but it could be months and months, so I've ordered new glasses because I will need them anyway being short sighted. They will help for now, and after the op the lenses can be replaced. Again I was shocked at my long time opticians appearance. Just like Doctor Tim he has really aged since the pandemic began. Black hair turned snow white and wearing glasses. I bet they saw a change in me as well!

    So sorry SANDY, and PATSY about your loved ones and hope things improve very quickly and good luck tomorrow BARBIE. Great LIN, the mint tea worked!

    JACKIE you are on the previous page. I remember you talking about your cataract surgery and how successful it was. I shall hang on to that!

    As for Harrys home built house I personally think it should be demolished and let's start again. To think Harry who was more or less supported by his wife walked away a millionaire!!!!! No ones seen him since he drove off clutching my bottle of Baileys!
    Ah well, such is life.

    Anne, still peering through fuzzy eye drops.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Oh dear, when I mentioned a couple of days ago how frail Queen Elizabeth appeared I really did imagine she would be with us for some time yet. I was 3 when she became our Queen so she has always been a part of my life and the one person in our country that remained constant with her dignity and sense of duty, something I’ve admired even though I’m not a royalist. Interesting times ahead for King Charles III and us, his subjects!

    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Phillip came to me today,
    and said it was time to go.
    I looked at him and smiled,
    as I whispered that "I know."

    I then turned and looked behind me,
    and seen I was asleep.
    All my Family were around me,
    and I could hear them weep.

    I gently touched each shoulder,
    with Phillip by my side.
    Then I turned away and walked,
    with My Angel guide.

    Phillip held my hand,
    as he lead the way,
    to a world where King's and Queens,
    are Monarch's every day.

    I was given a crown to wear
    or a Halo known by some.
    The difference is up here,
    they are worn by everyone.

    I felt a sense of peace,
    my reign had seen its end.
    70 years I had served my Country,
    as the peoples friend.

    Thank you for the years,
    for all your time and love.
    Now I am one of two again,
    in our Palace up above.

    - Poem borrowed from and written by unknown author
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    That is beautifully moving Sandy; thanks for sharing. Lovely to think they are together again because her inner smile left when Phillip died. ❤️
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh SANDY, you had me all tearful again! It's a happy thought to think Elizabeth and Philip are reunited once more. I suspected she would soon follow him, the love of her life. Thank you for sharing,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) A friend posted that poem on Facebook and I thought it was so moving I would share with all especially my English friends. It gave me comfort and I thought it would you.

    Laundry is going, weather is beautiful and we have an appointment at 4:00 with the cardiologist at the hospital that his neurologist is from. He does have his own cardiologist but that nuclear test is only done at this hospital so better their doctor reads it and explains the next steps.

    My kids dad is doing better and being very stubborn. They told him once they take the catheter out if he can pee on his own he can go home. If not then he stays in hospital. My daughter was adamant about him going to rehab but he said absolutely not he wants to go home first. She explained since he was in hospital over 3 days Medicare would pay for 30 days of rehab and he needs to get strong and if he goes home Medicare won't pay for him to go. The social worker doesn't think he can live alone and is going to try again to talk to him but knowing him he will refuse and go home and fall again. Now you know why we are not married anymore. Kids did the best they can so should have no regrets.

    Have a good day and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited September 2022
    Heavy showers continue which means I can’t get much done in the garden. This morning the Will Writer returned with my updated Will and Linda dropped in to act as witness to my signature and I feel comfortable about my decisions and beneficiaries. I just have to think seriously about what should happen to George and Betty should I die before them. Of course Linda stayed for coffee and cake for a couple of hours before we took a look at her bedraggled plants sitting outside and she has taken a few more home for some TLC. It’s nothing I’m doing wrong, just the amount of rain in the past week that’s left them waterlogged but once she can plant them in the ground I’m sure they will be revived. We went through what hens and tomatoes will need from her while I’m away but I’ll write a note anyway because she is still struggling after a bad fall nearly 2 months ago and not sleeping well so could, understandably, forget.
    The sun was shining when she left so I took the pooches up on the moors to stretch all our legs and enjoy the warmth and bright skies. Of course, it didn’t last long but we did at least get home before more rain arrived. I’ve watched Charles return to London and his first address to us all, enjoyed baked haddock with steamed veggies and will now probably relax and read for a while.

    Sandy, I do feel for your kids’ dad because I know I would be just as insistent about being in my own home. As you say, they’ve done all they can but there is only so much cotton wool a person can be wrapped in! Just my opinion!
    Those walking shoes were in a sale so no returns accepted but I now wonder why they were so cheap… perhaps not waterproof which would be a disaster on my doggy walks! That photo of a Cornish country lane was from a general collection online. They all look much the same!
    I did think of that lovely poem you posted when Charles ended his address to the nation by saying to his mother, May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

    Patsy, Thank you for your thoughtful post yesterday. Yes, it is a very sad time but protocol has already taken over so even Charles won’t be given time to grieve and the country must roll along on a wave of constitutional expectation because that’s what happened a thousand years ago so that no usurpa had a chance to jump in and take over!

    Anne, I’m sure your prescription glasses will help until you get an opportunity to lose those cataracts.p, then you will need sunglasses until you get used to the brightness you’ve been missing!

    Ooh Lin, I don’t like the sound of an estimate for work on your roof if more detail isn’t available. Will you seek another quote from a different roofer for a comparison? We women on our own have to be particularly careful!

    Take care everyone. I do hope Barbie you will finally find out why that shadow in your vision has appeared.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny today again, and it is starting to heat up again also. My thoughts and prayers remain constant for those suffering in California and the American west. Let’s hope the coming rain will be plentiful yet gentle.

    Wow, Sandy, that was a very moving and touching poem. Thank you for sharing it. As I have mentioned, I know so little about British royalty, but like everyone, I have an ongoing fascination with them all. The queen was such a standard barer for not only England but for our own rough and not totally civilized culture. Americans do not have that constant and admired head of state. We barely know how to eat with a knife and fork. My fondest memory of the queen was her video of her tea party with Paddington. She was dignified yet utterly charming.

    Tonight is the usual cauliflower pizza. It is our little family tradition. I am hoping to ease Andrea into a weekly visit on pizza night. We will see what develops.

    The effort to get more done continues. Also exercises. Can you believe all my fussing about chores undone? It mainly remains a case of inner angst. I have noticed that it is a common worry for us all. There is an inner urge to make a list and cross off these life chores one by one.

    Lin: I often play a game with myself concerning your teapots. If I had your teapot of the day, what kind of tea would I make? What would I have with it? Where would I halve my tea party? Of course I do this while I fold laundry or mop the kitchen floor etc etc.

    Sandy: there is some odd thing that seems to happen to guys when they get sick. They assume it is some horrible trick someone is trying to pull. John gets almost frantic to recover and he demands that he remain in control. I guess we understand but as you have also shown us, it is very difficult for some people to accept the fact that need medical assistance!

    Anne : we are waiting for the next installment on the saga of your neighbors, your own house remodel and of course…is Mike and that other Sandy an item now?

    Jackie: your country is going through enormous change now. The grief and mourning of losing your dearest Queen Elizabeth, your new PM, your new King Charles. That and the economic challenges we are all facing. Wish we were closer to share a cup of coffee or glass of something!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Not an item PATSY. They are just good friends. I am sure this is correct and we all need friends. Sandy is a good deal older than Michael, not that that matters.

    I've just watched our new Kings tribute to his mother. It was lovely. I've always liked [King] Charles. Hard for me not to like someone with a love of countryside and nature.

    It took ages for the drops the optician puts in your eyes to wear off, partly because I had a double dose for some reason. I groped my way to bed but woke up normal or what is normal for me these days.
    Just a busy day cleaning, baking bread and watching and reading the news. Oh and eating tomatoes! Help, come home soon Mark and Mary Jo to help me eat them.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello. I am bushed. It has been a day of groping through my roofing estimate (which did arrive via email today), a long talk with the insurance agent to try to understand all the nuances involved. Correspondence with the roofing company to ask for the photos which were not forwarded to me. Emails with the insurance agent. So now, the claim is filed, an adjuster will contact me in the next couple of weeks and we will see what happens next.

    I found all of this very exhausting as the uncertainty factor is high. Enough of this.

    Anne, so they will put you on the list for cataract removal even with what your doctor thought was too high blood pressure? Color me confused here as well. I just hope you get the treatment you need

    Sandy, well, I suspect I would want to go home as well. Guilty of the same obsession. Home!

    Jackie, oh, well sorry the shoes will likely not work out. I hope you find something durable and waterproof that fits well.

    Patsy, cauliflower pizza again. Enjoy!

    Barbie, home after your appointment, I hope all is well.

    I liked this. The Queen with some of her favorites, dogs, horses, and her beloved husband.

    And this is certainly true. Our world will be less colorful.

    Finally, another teapot.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hi LIN, they wouldn't let me have the cataract surgery 3 years ago because my blood pressure was too high. After trial and error my doctor finally found a pill I can take and my blood pressure is now normal, so the whole procedure starts over and I can have the surgery. Eventually! Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) My eye appointment today was just one more diagnostic procedure. The one where you sit with your chin on a ledge for five minutes, one eye covered, stare at a light and click every time you see a little light flash anywhere in the bowl around the light, then change eyes and do it again. The results will be sent to the doctor at the retina center.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hooray, finally we have a sunny day so after a quick cup of coffee I grabbed the pooches and drove to the top moor. Even the wind has dropped so our walk was delightful then, as we worked our way down the other side I saw David walking towards us and little Hattie excited to see our group. We chatted then he decided to turn and walk with me to the car park. We did mention the passing of our Queen who he apparently once met on the Sandringham estate when he and his friend were bird watching and the first warning she was close by was one Corgi dog after another coming through the shrubbery! They jumped to attention thinking they should bow but she told them “no fuss, no fuss”!
    Lots of pomp and ceremony this morning, all fascinating because we are seeing so much that used to be carried out behind closed doors. It’s a great reminder that our politicians have to proclaim their acceptance of our new king so aren’t as important as they pretend!

    I remember having my blood pressure checked just before my cataract removal when a large gentleman in the waiting room was sent out to sit quietly somewhere until his came down!

    That’s a sweet cartoon Lin, using the words the Queen spoke when she reassured us during the pandemic. Seeing all those coats reminds me that yesterday Linda was wondering what will happen to the hundreds of outfits worn over 70 years. Probably be placed in the royal archives for a few hundred years!

    Another trumpet fanfare from the balcony and lots of men wearing wigs! Time to watch.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning, the Ms are back to avoid the weekend traffic. The weather is glorious, that lovely mellow September no humidity warmth. I think they will enjoy their big garden! Mike meanwhile was given a pill by his doctor for his rash which causes drowsiness so he daren't drive over as he can't keep awake. I hope the Ms drop by to relieve me of some of these tomatoes.

    What a lovely memory your friend had JACKIE! I was too stunned to curtsy or whatever when Philip drove and stopped next to me and the little boys on that country road long ago. I remember a very sun tanned face smiling at us. During the Montreal olympics we spent a day in the Laurentians. We saw a whole bunch of royals entering a country church after presumably watching Princess Anne fall off her horse at the equestrian event, but they were too far off for us to recognize anyone. Or at least by the time we realized and had driven past.
    Life goes on,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) Of course now that the pool is closed the weather is beautiful!! No plans as of now but that could change with a text to babysit. Babe and I were very impressed with the new cardiologist, she explained everything in detail what the amyloidosis was that was found on the nuclear test. Babe really likes her so I really hope she can help him because some of this can be contributed to his dizziness. There is a pill to help that is in trial so very expensive meaning $225,000 a year which of course we can't afford, but she may be able to get it for him for free. Also another trial with an IV every three weeks that they would do in the comfort of his own home. All this could take a long time but in the meantime he is in no danger and she stopped one of his pills that can also cause dizziness. She talked to us for over an hour and we felt good when we left.

    Anne, sorry Mike is suffering from a rash, is it from is booster shot? I hope the M's are all rested now and will finish your downstairs before winter sets in. Love this weather as well!!!

    Jackie, I agree with Anne, what a wonderful memory for your friend. I have met some stars in my life and got their autographs but never royalty. I am glad you got some good weather and are able to work outside. When do you leave for your trip?

    Barbie, I have that test for my macular and hope you get some answers for your shadows. It seems to take forever these days to get a diagnosis that can help us.

    Lin, well as it turns out the social worker talked him into going to rehab as he really is too weak to go home. He was worried about the cost but was reassured Medicare would pay for the first 30 days.
    He can't count on his paying roommate to be a caretaker and he is not that young. It should all work out and the kids are happy. I loved both graphic and all the coats, she was a fashion icon.

    Patsy, yes men are stubborn, all of them. lol Babe is now listening to my advice as he is getting stronger and realizes I am right in trying to make him healthy. Much improvement since the first day.

    Time to eat and get ready for family zoom call. Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    So happy for Babe and of course you SANDY.
    More good news I've just seen on BBC News, Prince William and Prince Harry walking together with their wives greeting the crowds and viewing all the flowers. It would be wonderful if they can get over their grievances and become family again. It would help their father enormously in his new role. Out of so much sadness maybe a glimmer of happiness peeping through.

    I had that test as well BARBIE.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! We have a very orange smoky sky. It is dark and ominous! I fully Amit! It is extremely frightening! I am tracking the weather station on our radio. They give emergency notices when needed. My emergency bag is by the back door. The thought is that all this smoke is from the California-Oregon fire. The off shore storm and winds have pushed the smoke up our way. It feels like it is right in our neighborhood.

    John and I marvel at the way the passing of Queen Elizabeth has effected us here in the US. We normally only have a passing interest in the goings-on in England and Europe for that matter. But we are all affected by the loss. She was truly beloved by most of the planet.

    I am feeling this need to get going on my autumn decorating. I hope I can find a nice pot of bright yellow or even bronze mums for the table. I have changed the place mats to the fall leaf design ones. I even have one for Katie’s water bowl and kibble dish. She is very discerning! Oh my!

    Anne: you are indeed a real sweetheart. What a lovely thought about the two royal brothers setting aside grievances after the passing of their dear grandmother and queen. We all need to think like that. Maybe Mike has some allergies that causes those rashes. Damon gets stress rashes from time to time. Although he hasn’t had a rash in years now.

    Barbie: I have macular degeneration and the tests just drove me mad! Still going on. I seem to have it under control but it never gets better, only hope is that it doesn’t advance. Wishing you good luck and patience!

    Jackie: I have always loved those royal corgi dogs. What beautiful dogs. Sweet funny faces and I guess they are really big dogs with tiny short legs. We all know the queen was a good person. Anyone who loves animals can’t be otherwise!

    Lin: the queen in a rainbow of colors. I love colors as well. In fact, I have never met a color I didn’t like. I confess, beige confuses me. It feels like it is a color trying to make up its mind.

    Need to check on our wildfire situation.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Good afternoon. The home page with the newsfeed on MFP no longer has any place for me to post and I see no posts from my friends. There’s nothing but ads and links to articles. What the heck is going on now?

    We have a drippy wet kind of chilly day going on here. I am sure many people are very disappointed. The big football game between the 2 largest universities in the state is today. Talk about putting a damper on tailgating! 👀

    I have been doing laundry today and just finished for the day. Some items are still hanging on the little clothes line in the basement but that’s fine. I have several more Halloween cards to finish and then I will be moving on to a get well card and some birthday cards for October. Oh, and I need to stamp or write something in the baby shower card I made the other day.

    Barbie, I hope you get test results soon. ❤️❤️

    Anne and Jackie, my goodness, very interesting stories concerning the royals. Thanks for sharing. I’m the U.S., more people seem to be talking about term limits for politicians as well as age limits as so many of our National politicians are quite old. I assume that no changes will be made as too many of the people who would vote on this would be affected!

    Sandy, I am glad Babe continues to feel better and that he found a great doctor the other day. I knew if you got involved, he had the best chance possible! And very good news about the boys dad. Wahoo! Wow, good weather? Maybe we will have some of that again tomorrow or the next day. All of our pools are closed as well.

    Patsy, happy fall decorating. Of course Katie comes first. 🙃 A friend who lives close to Portland said today that the atmosphere looked quite odd from all the smoke from the huge fire. She was a bit frightened by the sight. And beige is totally calm and a color waiting to be something more. 😄

    Well, on to the cards again. Be safe everyone.

