Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Anne, best wishes at the doctor. Getting it over early would be my preference but so often I don't get a choice. My dreaded visit to the retina specialist is Wednesday and it's in the afternoon. It's expected to last two hours, they will be dilating my eyes so I'll need Jake to drive me over and pick me up. But in the immortal words of Charlie Brown "I just dread one day at a time."

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    After walking locally and hanging a load of washed laundry out to dry, Linda picked me up and we headed for a recycling centre that processes the garden waste collected by our council. Only about 12 miles down the motorway but we managed to get lost so ended up driving round a couple of roundabouts several times while we looked for the correct exit. We talk so much we don’t concentrate but in the end found the place and because Linda had phoned ahead a friendly, helpful member of staff was standing by to load as many 40 litre bags as we could take in the back of Linda’s vehicle. Next stop was to find fuel so more roundabouts negotiated on what were becoming busy roads as tourists arrive for the Bank holiday weekend. I made a pot of coffee when we got home and sat out on the deck for an hour, still chatting!
    It’s a beautiful day and I’m putting the final touches on the bus shelter between making a couple of phone calls. George is now booked in with the vet for his annual medical check and booster jab. Yesterday I received a text message from my GP Practice inviting me to make an appointment for a combined flu and Covid jab which sounds like a cocktail too far for me so for now, I’ll ignore it. Linda being the same age also received a text and isn’t sure if she wants the shot either although she did suffer quite badly when she caught the recent variant.

    Anne, I do hope your visit to your GP goes well and you get home feeling that relief that comes after successful medical examinations.

    Time to make a cup of tea and take it outside so I can sip and work in case rain returns tomorrow.
    I gather today is National banana split day as well as National kiss and make up day… take your pick! 😄😆

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi, well I bounced happily to the docs and trudged dejectedly home, because instead of the next visit in 6 months time, my BP hasn't gone down and he could double the dose after one week trial of me taking notes daily if it still hasn't gone down.

    I too was offered the flu and covid vaccines and turned the offer down. I explained I hadnt had flu since 1957 when I caught the Asian Flu and love nor money wouldn't have me taking another Pfizer vaccine after the past awful year. I explained me and the pup live in virtual isolation apart from family, so no argument from Doctor Tim who seems to be aging by the minute. Probably from having to deal with cussed old gals like me poor lad.

    Bean was ecstatic when we got back. I was with Mark. Mark proceeded to sweep up a ton of acorn shells from the oak tree where presumably Squirrel Nutkins and his mates had had a glorious feast. Then bless him he worked a little more on the stairwell.

    Off for lunch,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Anne, you are so creative! Love your poem!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. I have been working quite steadily on getting together enough cards to fill a box—USPS small flat rate. I picked one up this morning. I have been reading instructions and watching a video on what this card charity want including types of cards, size, how to include the envelope for each card, separating cards by type, filling out the submission form, then placing the card bundle in either tissue paper or bubble wrap. All done and ready to stand in line at the post office tomorrow. I have no idea how much it will cost to send this package. That may determine how often I send cards. This is apparently a massive operation. Quite interesting.

    Anne, I have no poetry whatsoever. 😉 I am sorry you visit with the doctor was not as happy as you had hoped. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, are you at least halfway through today’s medical procedure? Did you take something along with you to read?

    Barbie, not too far from your appointment now. Less than a week. Thank goodness Jake will give you a ride to and from your appointment. Still picking zucchini?

    Jackie, what a happy day, out with a friend, chatting away. Always better to find your way when you have someone else in the car. Even better than a GPS system. And coffee whe you got home. Perfect! Speaking of vaccinations, we are getting many reminders to catch-up on all our vaccinations. Pneumonia, shingles, DTaP, Covid, flu, polio, and so on. There seems to be no end!

    Patsy, I missed you today. 😉

    Wishing everyone the best possible.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) We are home early as they did not have to do a second hour of imaging as the first was good. Babe was relieved with that as he had to hold his arms above his head and it was painful for him. It is done and results should be ready tomorrow. I spent the time on my IPad so not too bad.
    Early tonight is our Jackbox tv game time. It is done through Discord and there are usually 6 or 7 of us playing. Good times with family.

    Lin, yes home safe and sound. It wasn't as bad as it sounded, time went pretty quick just people watching. lol I didn't realize you followed through with the donations of cards, you are a wonderful person especially with all the hard work in making them.

    Anne, sorry about your blood pressure but you don't want to have a stroke or heart attack so be a good girl and listen to your doctor. I am different as I will get another booster if required, I just don't want to take any chances and unlike you I had no reactions from any flu or vaccine shot. My blood pressure was a little high when I went to the doctor yesterday but she didn't mention it so neither did I. My thyroid numbers were up on my last physical but before she prescribes meds we are going to repeat the blood test in October. Is that all we elders do is go to doctors and talk about our health??? lol lol

    Jackie, are you saying they are going to combine the covid and flu shot? Not sure I like that but will definitely get both if another booster is available. I need to take Babe for his second booster as he never got one. Easy to do at our local Walgreens.

    Barbie, good luck at the eye doctor, hope all goes well.

    Patsy, am I missing your posts? Is everything ok?

    I am hoping to get on the bike as my weight is creeping up again. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there! Cloudy but I don’t smell rain or moisture in the air. It feels muggy. I wouldn't call this Indian summer by any means.

    I am convinced that certain people are born with that rhyming ability and it seems to come naturally to them. I think Anne is such a person. She can rhyme anything at any time! It certainly doesn’t come easily to me. I would struggle and ponder and I fear the result would just fall apart.

    I am dealing with a terrible fear and it concerns the worst kind of family talk. I see great gaps in John’s memory. I see him struggle to remember how to do the usual things of living. So far he is doing okay. Then there are times when he is back to his old self. The scary times alarm me. This isn’t just in the nature of a senior moment, it way scarier than that. Also his mom, sister and a brother had Alzheimer’s. I also see that the worst times are when he is tired. Isn’t that the same for all of us? When do I bring this up to Damon and or John? Am I the one seeing things that aren’t there? I guess I will wait until necessity demands it. Thanks for being my sounding board, dear sneakers.

    Anne: most of us take a BP pill. Maybe you can find a safe one for you. John and I take. Lacinipril. Forgive spelling but I will find it for you if you are interested.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hi PATSY, I take Perindopril half dose. After trial and error it seems to be the only thing that doesn't have a bad effect on my peculiar system. I have to take readings three times a day for a week [what a pain] and if I'm still above 140; Doctor Tim will double the dose. The good doctor also said if I don't get the readings down no cataract surgery for me, but as he said, there's a huge waiting list anyway, private OR health service. I hope the optician can help me out with new glasses but I have to wait two weeks to see HIM. These poor medics are terribly overworked it would seem. Ever since the wind blew my last pair off my nose to smash on the concrete drive I've managed without and thats a whole new experience! Jilly's become a seeing eye dog. So far, I'm coming home with the right dog on the leash!

    I hope you will forgive me for advice probably not wanted, but if it was ME with a concern about a loved one I would immediately voice my fears to my sons. A problem shared is a problem halved. Also, they can observe quietly on visits if anything doesn't seem quite right. Hopefully it will be just a memory lapse occasionally which we all seem to acquire as time trundles on.

    Mary jo and Mark showed up yesterday late afternoon before the rain started to relieve me of a TON of tomatoes. Thank goodness! If they had over ripened and dropped off their stalks I would have a garden full of tomato plants next year! Honest, I am not exaggerating! A ton of tomatoes by the way is a brown carrier bag full to the top. Guess what 3 people had for supper last evening. A prize of a bag of tomatoes if you guess right, lol. Some went to neighbours I believe, but Marie has gone AWOL since Tony was sent to hospital.

    Grocery day and seeing they make a habit of coming early I had better run and get showered.

    Blessings to you all, hugs from Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Beautiful day outside and the weekend looks like good pool weather. Laundry has been started and then therapy this afternoon followed by a meeting at my bank. Babe's 83rd birthday is next Wednesday so hopefully he is feeling good and can go out for dinner with me, Cheryl, Marisa and Bryanna. I just was texting with Cheryl only to find out she had foot surgery Wednesday and we forgot.
    I am so wrapped up in Babe's health I can't think straight anymore. She is fine and in a boot so I told her we will stop by this weekend. We will bring her flowers to make up for our ignorance.

    Anne, I had to do that for Babe and you are right it is a pain in the neck but necessary. My own blood pressure goes up and down but none of my doctors every discuss it with me. So many tomatoes or do you say tamatoes, again trying to be like the song, my humor is weird.

    Patsy, I have to agree with Anne, maybe mention it to Damon better to be safe than sorry. It could be memory lapse which I often have but at least it could ease your mind if you told your son.

    Hello to the rest of you lovely ladies but I must eat and get moving. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Blood Pressure readings. I give up. The doctor's machine says 158, my machine says 119, Mark has a go in case I'm doing it wrong, he gets 119 which is normal. He reads his own BP and its the usual on my machine. So whose machine is right? You would think the docs wouldn't you. Meanwhile I feel just fine, well if you chopped my head off I'd be perfect. Still groping along with the eyesight. Just met Marie as we collected our emptied garbage cans. She is in a terrible state. She is holed up in her house meeting no one. I don't know how to help her. The only thing I managed was a hug before she scampered back into hiding.

    I shall bury my nose into the Rumpole doings as it pours with rain on the tomatoes.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    PS. SANDY. Just read your email and passed the tests.. Short sighted or not, counting my blessings, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good afternoon. Celebrating! The first box of cards was mailed to the charity at the post office this morning. And I brought home another box to pack up for another day.

    I have been working on the wedding card that I need soon. Letting the ink dry before proceeding.

    I wish the best for all of us but you know, life does inflict some injuries on us as time passes. Many leave us less able than than earlier in our days. It is a bit frightening and truthfully, most of my friends will not discuss things that really bother them about getting older and discovering shrinking capabilities.

    I did talk to a friend yesterday and she said she truthfully cannot remember what day it is. She says she looks at the calendar over and over, sometimes 19 or 20 times a day but then something else will happen and she once again has no idea if it is Wednesday or Saturday. That’s a fright especially since she’s now afraid she will not get her bills paid on time. We haven’t received our property tax bills in this county and she says she will send them a check early next week as she is afraid to wait. She doesn’t know how much her taxes are and doesn’t have the payment certificate to send in. I said the taxes are not delinquent until September 30th but she says she cannot wait. She will forget to pay them.

    Her son spends days with her and takes her to all appointments and does her grocery shopping, picks up her prescriptions and does her laundry. Well, most everything but she won’t give up and ask for help with her bills. We all have our lines don’t we? Since the son is there so much, I sort of think he knowns she is having problems and is probably capable of jumping in if needed.

    Anne, I didn’t know they would not do cataract surgery if blood pressure is a tiny bit high. That’s something new to me. 😱 Is he giving you any credit for white coat hypertension? That is always going to cause a discrepancy between home and his office.

    Sandy, I hope all went well this afternoon. Kind of frightening to have a bank appointment. Well for me at least as I have no relationships with any of my bankers now. In fact, I do not have a specific banker at any bank. I sort of miss that. Felt better to call and have someone to ask for who knows who you are…..

    Patsy, tough things going on. Hugs. I don’t know how you can handle this without making John feel bad about his life. Maybe Damon would be better at discussing issues with him?

    Jackie, have you had a good day? So Boris spent time in Ukraine but does nothing for people in the U.K. I see many articles now about the forecast cost of power this winter in the U.K. I haven’t seen much about the U.S. but I doubt it will be better.

    I need to get back to work. Hugs to everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    😴 💤 💤

    Will catch up with you all tomorrow!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. It’s another beautiful day at home but I drove to the moors first thing to find them shrouded in thick mist. On the way back to the car park I met Heather walking Bella so we walked together and caught up on news. Breakfast and coffee on the deck so now I’m making plans to do some gentle gardening because most perennials require dead heading after suffering in our heatwave. It will probably take most of the day to clear the top beds but the good news is the hens now have a new bus shelter in the run, minus a sheet of protective plastic across its back to keep westerly rain showers off them. The old wood has been stacked ready to be cut up for firewood because I’ve a feeling our high energy bills are going to affect my usual routine.

    Yes Lin, Boris hides away in foreign parts while his political party takes months to decide who they want to run the country. The democratic thing to have done would have been a general election but hey, let’s not risk losing it for the sake of democracy! We are told energy price hikes are all about supply and demand but then the utility companies are making huge profits so really? You will guess my cynicism grows by the day!
    One box of cards on its way to the charity! How satisfying is that? Well done you.

    Patsy, it’s my firm belief lockdowns and isolation have left us all struggling mentally. When I enjoy a day of social get togetherness with friends and other dog walkers my whole outlook brightens and concentration returns but a few days on my own, as much as I enjoy my own company, create a brain fog so I lose keys, iPhone, even just made cups of tea so I do wonder if you are both missing the stimulation of conversation away from daily mundane things. I do agree with Anne that perhaps Damon could quietly observe John during his next visit and put your mind at rest.

    Anne, it does sound like the dreaded white coat syndrome again with your doctor finding you have high blood pressure. Does he sit you down quietly for 5 minutes beforehand then do 3 separate tests? My GP practice has a do-it-yourself blood pressure machine in their waiting room that we use before seeing a doctor. It’s printed out on a piece of paper and I always think nice thoughts and ensure I’m breathing gently then take the last of 3 that is always normal in to see the doc!
    Did you read yesterday on the BBC News app that classical music has the most calming effect on dogs of any treatment? I’m listening to a classical radio station most days now so we must be a chilled household! 😄

    Loved your email Sandy and have already passed on to Heather, walking Bella, the theory about remembering what we’ve forgotten being a good sign. She did laugh! I can also think of many friends to forward your email to!!

    My morning is getting away from me so I must get organised.
    Happy Saturday. Stay safe and well everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE. no, Doctor Tim doesn't sit me down quietly to take my blood pressure. Rather he hooks me up to a really ancient looking device the likes of which I have never seen before. I'm a bit worried about him. He seems to be worked off his feet. I'm worried about Maria next door as well. She's gone into isolation it would seem. She's the carer type and I think she is "lost" now she hasn't got Tony to take care of. I've got Michael over today but once he's gone I think I'll take some tomatoes over as an excuse just to make sure she is okay. He wants me to go to Niagara Falls with him and Sandy tomorrow. I've declined. These BP pills have me trotting to the bathroom on a regular basis, and the thought of all that water tumbling over a cliff makes me think "bathroom" right now! Oh and Its my "baby" Marks birthday today. Unbelievably he's 58! How could such a cherubic baby change into a hammer wielding middle aged man so quickly!

    Anne. "She who is no longer obeyed". sigh.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) It is supposed to get to 83 so I will be going to pool. After labor day it will be shut down for the winter so only two weeks left. Nothing else on the agenda today so a restful day. I am glad you all enjoyed the Food for Thought email I sent and hope I had the correct email for Patsy. I also passed the little test so feel good about that and accept I am forgetful sometimes.

    Anne, my blood pressure is always high at the doctor's office. I do ask to take it in both arms if too high.
    Even at home I get high readings and then they come way down, have no idea why.
    Poor Marie, I am sure she is lost without Tony but hope she gets to visit him. I hope you have seen the Falls before because you would be missing a beautiful site and a wonderful day with Michael.

    Jackie, you won't forget to take a picture of the bus stop will you? I agree the pandemic messed up a lot of people including my grandson. He is on medication now, but still has some bad days. Being with people is important at times otherwise loneliness sets in and makes us think too much. I think that is why I don't mind sitting, it keeps me busy and active. Well now so does Babe. lol

    Lin, I do feel for your friend Anne and hope her son is on top of things. It might be time for her to appoint a power of attorney for her finances although some elders feel like someone will steal their money. My son is my POA for everything from health to the executor of my trust. BTW, it was just a simple things with the bank. I guess they sent out thousands of letter asking people to update their trusts with the bank. I am my own Grantor it is just I have my trust put on all my documents including my checking and saving accounts.

    Patsy, hope all is well with you, I am missing you.

    Hello to Barbie and know you are enjoying your walks and bike.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh yes SANDY I've been to the falls MANY times because they are very close to us. I like them best in the dead of winter. Everything is coated in a thick layer of ice and the falls themselves become the snow queens palace with long columns of ice. Absolutely enchanting. When my great aunt Jane came to live in Canada [she had to return home to Yorkshire after 5 years because she suffered from hay fever on the farm her and her husband bought] she visited the Falls as well and its rather nice to think of her in her Victorian skirts viewing the falls when everything wasn't commercialized. Back in England they bought a village pub instead and when she died the family found she had lent loads of cash to local impoverished farmers. In her will she cancelled all debts. A remarkable and lovely lady my great aunt Jane. My mom was named after her.

    Mike came and went clutching tomatoes. Mike has decided the Falls will be too hot and crowded just before school resumes, so he and Sandy are having a barbecue instead with my tomatoes in the salad.

    My younger, much younger neighbours from across the road from me are back from England with very bad news. His Canadian parents AND her British parents have just started with Altzeimers disease. I am so sorry for them for they are a lovely couple in their 40s probably.
    We, my friends, are indeed fortunate.
    I noticed Maria had at last opened her curtains as we chatted. A good sign!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Today is a off and on kind of day. Awoke to bright warm sun and it is now totally overcast. Suspect that will change soon. Change…there it is again.

    Yesterday was a nice day and just the prescription that you all have talked about. Our daughter came over to see us. She sent a photo of her rapid Covid test that she took before jumping in the car. We had a girl day. I cut her hair and gave her a facial. She doesn’t do these things fir herself. Her son and hubby are a lot of work for her. We laughed and teased each other. John was like a bumble bee. He just buzzed in and out of my dungeon, watching the girl stuff going on. The socialization was wonderful fir all of us. I am sure you all are right. The isolation has caused brain fog. We need the “stimulation of socialization.” Thank you Sandy, Jackie, Lin and Anne. Your i encouragement means a lot.

    I will be in my dungeon for awhile today. I need to clean up at bit after the hair cutting and face scrubbing etc. the dungeon is my creative zone and as. Messy as it is, there are little things that make me happy in this space. A black crows feather, a piece of wood that has exquisite natural carving and coloring. Several rock paintings I have enjoyed doing, leaves, branches and twigs as well as several dried up mushrooms, seashells, a whole basket of sand dollars. The kind of things most organized people would see as interesting garbage and after a quick look, toss in the trash.

    I will chat with Damon about dearest John. There is medication available if we need it like
    after a stroke etc. for now I am following your good suggestions.

    Jackie: I saw in the news that your energy costs are to go up 80%. That is unsustainable for people. I wonder if you could retro fit your fireplace to provide not only heat but you could heat up a kettle of water for tea or simmer veggies for a comforting soup. Self sufficiency if the name of the game these days. Our wood stove can be used in that way. During our winter storms we often loose of power. The wood stove can easily heat a kettle of water and simmer a pot of beans or soup.

    Summer is disappearing but we have a very warm week coming up. Always subject to change!
    So grateful you all are there.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello friends. It is a planning, die cutting and reading day here. The neighborhood is having party later on and things are being set up. I have no interest in being out in the heat (90 degrees and muggy right now) with the likely onset of bug attacks as it gets later. Several communities are spraying for mosquitoes this week as West Nile virus has shown up in our area. We may have storms later as well. It is becoming overcast. Anyway, I am happy indoors with all of my interesting pastimes.

    Anne, I wouldn’t go anywhere (unless coerced) with Sandy in the car. She might get in a mood to tell you how to live!

    Sandy, a swimming pool day. Excellent. Everything will be closing up soon, actually many pools here are already down for the season as the young people who work as lifeguards are back in school.

    Jackie, it must be nice to run into friends to walk with from time to time! Yes, chicks bus shelter assembled. Wonderful. Good idea to keep the old wood. The neighbor across the street is the only one here who will fare well as the weather turns. He has a huge supply of firewood.

    Patsy, hello. Missing you. Hoping everyone is okay.

    Barbie, hello to you and your household. I thought I would have my first zucchini by now but I went out this morning and collected some cherry tomatoes, a few green beans and the first of my second crop of lettuce but the small zucchini had disappeared. What in heavens name?? No worries, I see several additional tiny ones have formed. 🙂 The bush version isn’t a very heavy producer but I will enjoy anything I harvest.

    Back to work. A pair of shoes was to be delivered today but they never showed up. I hope I find something in the package tracking to explain it.

    Be safe.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    LIN, thanks for the smile. You get it!!!! I'm trying hard to be saintly without much success I might add.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Lin, you’ve become English! 😆🤣

    Noticing the movie Father is now on Netflix, my evening has ended watching the amazing Anthony Hopkins in a heartbreaking story of confusion and pain. Very clever in that, like his character, I began to believe there was a conspiracy going on when in fact it was his mind being taken over by Altzeimers. He certainly deserved his Oscar!

    Both my wood burners have flat tops Patsy so I can utilise the heat to boil a kettle, and more! Also, I found a business selling the calor gas cylinder I was wanting as a spare, in case there is a shortage this Winter, and ordered it. A bit costly but I felt it worth while rather than run the risk of running out.
    Hang in there sweetheart; I’m sure John will be just fine. Wonderful to read your daughter visited for a girlie session.

    Nite, nite.
    Jackie 😴💤
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Anne, I wouldn’t go anywhere (unless coerced) with Sandy in the car. She might get in a mood to tell you how to live!

    Lin, at first I thought you were talking about me. 😂🤣😂🤣😂

    🤭😆 😂🤣

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Sunday. We managed to avoid visitors to our moors as we walked this morning but did stop to talk to a lady with her little Jack Russell as she tried to burn some of his energy off slinging a ball for him to retrieve. It is mild and overcast which suits me for getting more jobs completed outside… muck out the hen house, cut the grass that is making up for not growing during the extreme heat and cut and bag up the wood from the old shelter. Always plenty of weeding to do of course.

    I have completed a BBC cost of living calculator and being optimistic I will need to find another £50 a month, that’s if I buy no clothes, don’t drive long distances and don’t take any more holidays after Northumberland! May as well be in lockdown again but then I survived all that so what the heck! Yesterday afternoon I foraged blackberries and some apples that I’ve stewed to enjoy on my cereal and only had to go as far as our access track to pick those goodies. The veggie garden was going to be rested over Winter but instead I have brought on some turnip and beetroot seedlings and plan more kale.

    Onwards and upwards… I’ve put on my positive pants! 🙃

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning. Lovely COOL night for sleeping.
    OH DEAR, from now on IF I mention MIKE'S Sandy again she will be referred to as SF. or even maybe "she who must be obeyed". LOL.
    See you later. Up late.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    JACKIE, BBC News.....avocados growing in England because of the hot summer. Wow, I love avocados. I think I will grow a seed inside this winter and replant outside next summer. See what happens, because it sure has been tropical here.
    PS. Wouldn't you think with hotter summers the UK could get the Canadian type winter? That is more snow rather than frost. We of course are warming up as well, and thats what is predicted for us. Tropical summer type weather with slightly warmer and snowier winters,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) the sun is out and is beautiful but they are predicting some rain. If it holds off I will go to pool, if not will just have rest day and ride my bike. We are supposed to go visit Cheryl and Marisa but that isn't until dinner time. Marisa is policing a Shriners parade from 1-5. It is part of her program working with the police department to become a policewoman. It is volunteer I think but not sure.

    Anne, just made me laugh when Lin wrote that, forgetting for a minute Mike's friend is also Sandy.
    I am glad you had a cool night to sleep, I love them as well.

    Jackie, sounds like lots of outside work in your day, take some time for yourself. The cost of living is high all over but England is just ridiculous. I told Babe that I am spending double the amount of money on groceries since he moved in and now with the rent increase we might have to renegotiate. On the plus side I can ask him to pay for things with his credit card so all is good for now.

    Hello to the rest of the sneakers, hope all is going well. Enjoy your Sunday Funday.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne, I did try to start an avocado plant from a stone a few months ago but no luck and yet I remember my mum growing one in the corner of her kitchen back in the 70’s. Perhaps back then they were grown more naturally in New Zealand rather than under plastic in Europe! It will be great to think outside the box next year and grow exotic produce so we will have to set a competition for us Sneaker gardeners. The last time it snowed here was in early 2019 and that only lasted a day but having just seen news pictures of floods in Pakistan, I think I would rather deal with blizzards than torrential rain!
    Our Countryfile BBC programme is on at the moment and they are discussing changing crops to suit our extremes and sunflowers are replacing maize. As I’m weeding I can see I will have to introduce some tropical plants because Geraniums and even Dahlias have struggled. Latest advice is to plant new flowers in the Autumn rather than Spring so that’s more forward planning!

    Sandy, I have learned to pause between different chores and when it came to cutting my long, straggly lawns, I took lots of breaks so the wood didn’t get cut!
    This is the not quite finished bus shelter for the chooks. They won’t go near it at the moment but I’m sure they will soon get used to it. Betty meanwhile was queuing for that bus!
    Your Sunday sounds perfect, especially if you get to the pool. Enjoy your evening out too.

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Interesting JACKIE and my geraniums have struggled this year as well. In fact I was just thinking of going out and potting 2 or 3 in a large urn to bring indoors. I grew an avocado a few years ago from seed but never thought to put it outside. As you suggest we should all try something a little more exotic than the norm next summer. Yam, or water melons? Sunflowers? They help the birds.

    The monsoon floods in Pakistan are just awful. Water above the thatched roofs. It isn't mentioned but I read once that flooding brings out the snakes?
    Add to that lack of food and lack of clean drinking water, just horrifying. So far, we are truly blessed over in the western world.

    The Bean and I are having a quiet day. So nothing to report. The situation in Britain is much worse of course but much belt tightening in our household as well these days.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good afternoon. We were drenched in rain overnight and more this morning so the sump pump has been running in the basement. So thankful it works when needed (which this summer has not been often). The neighborhood party last night ran from a stated start time of 5pm and I heard the last people went home at 11:30 pm. I thought the thunder started up before then. Most people love to party. Lots of photos with groups of people all huddled together or arms around each other. Total attendance according to the hosts was 41. Hey, this street is only 2 blocks long, one family had Covid and stayed home, another household had the flu. In addition to me, I know at least two other houses where no one attended. Lots of photos posted on our Facebook page. Interesting.

    I watched Kerry out with Paddy and Harry this morning. He is quite unhappy with the number of people in the area who are parking their cars anywhere and everywhere. They are also camping in land posted as no camping or fires. And of course, all the campers start fires. He sounds quite irritated of the disregard, leaving trash behind, not fastening gates properly and walking through areas when sheep are grazing. People!

    Sandy, did you get rain this afternoon? I heard your probability of rain is higher this evening. I hope you got some pool time! And I never thought you would mistake Mike’s Sandy for you. 😁😁 I knew Anne wouldn’t be getting in the car with you anytime soon. I hope we have no need to speak of Canadian Sandy.

    Jackie, Love the new chick shelter even if it isn’t exactly 100% complete. My mom purchased an avocado from time to time and she always tried to grow a plant. It is not the type of location where a healthy bearing plant would work out but it might grow. She poked toothpicks in either side and suspended it partially in a glass of water until it developed a root system. We all have hobbies, one of hers was starting plants. Her mom, my grandmother, saved seeds from her garden, dried them and stored them until she started plants for the next spring. I think she could grow anything she would take an old cottage cheese container, a couple of scoops of garden dirt and she would plant a seed (or seeds). She had great success. There were few hybrid seeds at that time though. Best wishes on changing your regular gardening habits. We cannot grow anything outdoors with our horrible winter weather. I will be raising sprouts all winter. 🙂

    Anne, who’s visiting you today? And what are they harvesting from your garden? It was too wet today for me to hunt for anything. I would like a few green beans but actually I don’t think there are any. I am afraid the leaf lettuce is flattened in the mud of the container! I plan to cut another celery plant tomorrow. I have a bit left in the refrigerator. I won’t have any potatoes for winter for several reasons. First, I didn’t plant many and it was a cold wet spring so I planted them late and second, I keep EATING them! 😊

    Patsy, I didn’t see your post yesterday, bad MFP! I am happy that you visited with your daughter and had a good time. Just the right medicine! I hope you are having an excellent Sunday.

    Barbie, 🙋🏼‍♀️🌻🌻



    P.S. Now I want an avocado!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! :) More storms are coming today. Stormed while we were at Cheryl and Marisa's house but cleared up to drive home. It was a nice visit and we had pizza so I was surprised when the scale showed I lost a pound. Now can I hold that until next weigh in? I might order groceries today although I wonder if tomorrow would be better stocked after the weekend. Now that I think about it as I am writing next weekend is a holiday so probably the sooner the better.
    My son got hit by another car yesterday and I am so grateful he did not get hurt. Look at this damage.
    No matter how old our children are we always worry about them.

    Lin, we got rain last night, it was torrential but we were inside Cheryl's talking so didn't see much. I never got to the pool because I was on the phone with T Mobile again because they screwed up my bill.
    After three phone calls and asking to speak to the guy who originally gave me the discount he finally fixed it. ( I think) They are not going to charge me for Babe's phone which will save me $45 a month because he was wrong on the discount that wasn't allowed because I was on an over 55 year old plan that already had a discount. But because they messed it all up they are making it up to me so they don't lose me. If it is true and my bill is $45 less from now on I will be a happy camper.

    Anne, it must have been nice to have a quiet day with the bean. I do love the days I don't have anything to do and since tomorrow is my last therapy day I should have more. I won't be able to be a part of the gardening club since I have no where to plant but will be interesting to hear what you ladies plant.

    Jackie, love the bus shelter, they will love it once they try it. Throw some seed in there or don't chickens eat seed? I am a city girl and know nothing about animals or planting except for horses. We owned a boarding stable with my first husband and loved the horses even though I wasn't an excellent rider. Betty did look like she was ready to take a bus rather than walking. lol

    Patsy, have we lost you again? I am missing your posts.

    Barbie, hope all is well.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time