Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    My Internet (and cable TV) have been off more than on since mid-morning. It seems to be working now so HELLO!

    Hope to catch up tomorrow.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Another early walk for us this morning as the sun rose with enough of a breeze to get George running zoomies. Breakfast and coffee on the deck before watering everything in the greenhouse and a few pots outside. Linda’s flower pots are still tucked in a corner and so far I only seem to have lost one…. not sure what those dead leaves once were! 🤭
    I did try to prune an area next to the hen house but soon wilted and headed for the cool of my cottage. The pot of green paint used in my dining room has been brought in from the garage because there are marks close to the floor that I think Brady made when batting a poor mouse about.🙀 I also want to colour wash the top of a pine unit I sit the stereo system and WiFi router on. Set my mind and it will only take 10 minutes plus prep time then I can move on to giving my tiny kitchen a fresh coat of paint and after that my bedroom…… 😐😑

    Ooh Sandy, that’s a big increase and I’m sorry but lots can happen in a year so as you say, one day at a time!
    I forgot to weigh myself this morning but will hopefully log a loss tomorrow 🤞🏻😜

    Anne, you’re so right, rationing and “make do and mend” was instilled in me after the war too so I know I’ll be fine. So many of younger generations don’t even know how to cook to save money and that’s not their fault. A pound of carrots and an onion is all I need for a wholesome lunch… A different time and different education!

    Patsy, that’s my sort of day too once I get going. Lots of tasks I used to carry out without even thinking now look at me with a confrontational face!

    Hello Lin, sorry you lost your internet. I remember when you were always having such problems so hopefully just one day of interruptions is bearable. Pretty teapot and cup but I think the owner is cheating putting them together! 😆

    Happy Friday everyone. The window is crushing my typed words again! 😡
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I won't linger because an interesting day is in store for me and Jilly. The drywall is to be delivered this morning. Mark will be here supervising, Jilly will be excitedly yapping at first, but Mike won't be here. I told him he'd have to park on the front and he decided to go into work. Coming over tomorrow instead.

    Mark and Mary jo came over last evening to put out for the "bulky" garbage men my old wrapped in plastic double bed mattress. Seems a shame because its in perfect condition but I'm more than happy with the mattress I bought in the spring. We hung on to the old, just in case. The tomatoes are in a jungly state, but MJ cutting her way through foliage emerged with a handful of cherry tomatoes. She's in awe how large my normal tomatoes are. Loads of clusters. She said her three plants have only produced 6 green tomatoes so far. I don't know what it is but this soil must be full of good things that plants love, including weeds. We took the Bean for a walk so she was more than happy. I think she is in for a huge happy surprise soon.

    Which means I better toddle off.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Windows are open and it is beautiful. Landlord came with his son and put in a new thermostat so now I have to find touch up paint to fix the wall because new one is smaller than old one.
    I have an eye appointment this afternoon and since they are going to dilate my eyes I asked my friend and her husband to pick me up from eye doctor and they suggested lunch until my eyes are clear enough to drive home. My last visit was horrible driving home even with sunglasses so I am grateful for good friends.

    Anne, exciting day for you, soon you will have your lower level back. How great that Mark is that handy to be able to do this on his own with MJ's help. Jilly will be getting extra walks today so she will be just as excited as you.

    Jackie, yes rents have gotten out of control here as well as interest rates so best to wait until things calm down again. Maybe his son will be better at getting things done when called. By right they should be painting this place since I have lived here over 4 years but of course they won't. Where is Judge Judy when I need her. lol

    Lin, I am sorry I didn't see your message to let the others know you couldn't get on MFP yesterday. It was a busy day including game night with my family two hours earlier than I expected. I am glad you made it back and will pay more attention to my messages from now on.

    Hello to those I missed and have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. It is Friday already! We started out overcast this morning and I was hopeful for a shower but all hope is now dashed. Darn. I did water all the containers this morning and then ran over to the library to return some books. Would you believe I received an automated call from the library about an hour after I got home and yes of course, they have materials on hold for me to pick up. 😁 Well, next week!

    I am doing die cuts for ‘hello’ cards and plan to cut quite a few of these for future use. 👍🏻😁👍🏻

    Things are looking like fall is on the way. Some trees are either losing leaves or have yellowed leaves. I have dying tomato plants, flowers, green beans, etc. And all were watered so I don’t know what exactly is going on. I thought I might mix up a bit of liquid fertilizer in water and pour it on some of the plants I would like to save but I really don’t know if it would help. One of my tomato plants looked quite good yesterday but this morning it is definitely yellowing. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I have gotten quite a few text messages this morning from a friend who is at the State Fair today with her husband. They went separate ways for a while she is sending me pictures of quilts, he is looking at classic cars. The quilts are quite good. In addition to State Fair, there is a weekend sweet corn festival which is well attended. Actually crazy numbers of people go for the fresh corn. There is a pool party after church on Sunday with lots of urging to show up.

    Sandy, I wish you could have gotten a better deal on rent but you are settled for another year. That is good. Now, have you heard about fixing your furniture problem? I hope your eye appointment goes well and you get home safely.

    Anne, a busy day for you and Jilly. I wish my container garden was still a jungle. Apparently you have 2 green thumbs! Mine is a dying jungle. 😂 I have enjoyed it though. Can Mark do any of the work now or is his back still out of commission?

    Barbie, wahoo, zucchini and cherry tomato time! Wonderful. Long may they produce.

    Patsy, more heat. Oh my gosh. I saw a video of a gent who wanted to do something to cool off, he was hot, his dog was hot. He purchased an air conditioner unit that stays on the floor and you put some plastic (I think) flexible ductwork out a window. He said it work well. It’s on wheels and just needs a standard electric plug-in. Places like Home Depot and Lowe’s apparently sell them. I am sure John knows all about them.

    Jackie, a lovely early walk but now oh so hot. Do take care my friend. I heard the cost of power in the U.K. Next year could eat up 2 months wages? Could that be true? Oh, today is Max’s birthday and they are holding a special walk (today or tomorrow) to raise money for the helicopter ambulance service. Kerry had bilateral injections in his back not that long ago. I wonder if he will be able to do the walk?

    Here is the delivery of treats for the event!


    I received this cartoon in my email this morning. Problem is I don’t recognize the people so do not get it at all. Is it funny if you know the parties involved? It looks like everyone will crash into the ground so the safety net isn’t going to help.


    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Lin, I’m guessing that cartoon is typical British humour looking at the mess we are in because both candidates hoping to be our next Prime Minister when Boris finally leaves, are not offering any realistic policies to ease us out of our head fall into recession. Our energy suppliers are earning billions for their shareholders by increasing their prices in spite of the struggle most are having to find ways to pay and politicians don’t seem concerned as they concentrate on defeating each other. I’ve no idea what Boris is doing, certainly not running the country!

    I LOVE the cat teapot! 😆🤣
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Thought I'd give you a smile. Along comes Mark and Mary jo. Mary jo goes to Jilly's toy box and finds Jilly's favourite toy a purple rubber bone known as baby bone. Mary jo throws it and Jilly gallops after it and brings it back, Mary jo throws it again, and off goes Jilly to bring it back. Mary jo throws it a third time and Jilly retrieves it, jumps onto the sofa and buries it under the cushions and then sits on the cushions. It was so comical to watch, sort of like "stop mucking about with my favourite toy."

    The drywall appeared only to find two pieces badly damaged. The driver a morose youth took them back to base. Mark galloped off to Home Depot to complain and they agreed to not have him pay for delivery. 2 hours later the replacements arrived with the same morose youth.

    Mary jo did quite a bit of weeding and cutting back foliage whilst her spouse was over at HD complaining. I am very grateful for that because it is horribly hot and humid again. She went home with a pile of cherry tomatoes.

    When Mark got back he had to park under the tree at my front to allow for the returning truck access to my drive. This earned him a filthy scowl from one of the afghan ladies because he beat her to the spot. I guess she doesn't know its his house he's parking in front of.

    Interesting day all around and I'm off to get my tea.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Lin, I meant to ask if you use feed diluted in the water you give your veggies? It seems they are lacking nutrients that I feed mine every few days, especially in hot, dry weather.
    Although designed for tomato feed, most of the potted veggies I grow get the same and it seems to work. The seaweed extract is recommended for anything in the ground.

    We were walking by 6.30 then on the way home I left a small bag of cucumber, tomatoes and a pepper on Linda’s doorstep. When I parked by my garage to let George and Betty out the biting dog rushed up to me so I videoed it’s behaviour and me telling it firmly to go away! No sign of the neighbour of course but more evidence for me to use should I want to!

    A slight haze seems to be keeping the temperature down around 27C although it’s only 9.30 so time to get hot yet! George was sensible and slept in the cool snug last night but Betty doesn’t seem to have such instincts and stayed in my bedroom. I may even follow George tonight if it remains uncomfortable.

    Nothing much planned today other than to pick the remaining peas and perhaps drill holes in the wood I managed to measure and cut yesterday in a shady spot ready to put the hens’ bus shelter together. Another cup of coffee first. 😉

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. It seems to be another day of dropped Internet service. I neglected to say, the problems don’t seem to be just mine, this neighborhood is having issues. When I can get there, I check, and often someone will have posted—anyone else having problems with Internet today? Misery does love company.

    Jackie, I was just going to try that again. I had given all of the containers some organic fertilizer spikes which is enough for the summer and my new potting soil also has organic fertilizer mixed in. I thought perhaps too much watering had diluted the effect so I tried just that on a couple of containers with no apparent difference. I am without other ideas so will start up adding fertilizer again. I did a bit this morning. Thanks for the reminder. I must do more. And thanks for the added info on the cartoon. If I recognized the characters involved in the upcoming leadership change, it would have made more sense. Should have guessed, meanwhile Boris has gone walkabout….!

    Argh the aggressive dog again!?! Something must be done to contain that animal. No bite this time though right?

    Lucky Linda! A bag of freshly picked vegetables. 👍🏻👍🏻

    So take care and I trust that dog will not cross your path again.

    My day! Anyone else?

    Life is a puzzle

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne has found herself locked out again. A busy day planned for her so she’s not sure when she will find time to do battle with MFP!

    Lin, my lemon tree leaves started to turn yellow and drop off earlier in the year and a Google search led me to it needing feed. Worked a treat!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) Cool day here at 73 degrees F so not sure if I will go to the pool or not although the sun looks tempting even if it comes and goes. Had a wonderful time with my friends yesterday and my eyes were perfect for driving after a nice lunch and a little gambling. (I won)
    Family zoom call and later steak dinners on the grill. Babe's daughter sent him steaks and au gratin potatoes for an early birthday present. (Aug 31) So will decide about pool after the call.

    Jackie, thank you for letting us know about Anne, I do hope she manages to get back on sooner than later. So the dog was off leash again and on your property? What is wrong with that lady?

    Lin, sorry about your internet, I am pretty lucky with steady service. I at first didn't get the joke either but makes sense now that Jackie explained it. Still waiting for an answer from insurance about the couch, they sure do take their time in helping but have no problem in getting the money the same day as purchased.

    Anne, cute story about Jilly and MJ, he said enough is enough I am tired. Sorry about the bad drywall but happy Mark got it straightened out. Hope you get back on soon.

    Patsy, have I missed your post?

    Have a great Saturday everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Well I'm back, but only thanks to Michael who can solve things in a jiffy it would seem.
    Won't linger though because now he's gone the Ms will soon arrive to start drywalling. Mark redid the stairwell ceiling yesterday.

    A very sad call from my neighbour Maria. Tony has been carted off to hospital - permanently
    until they find a place for him in a home. She couldn't get him out of bed etc and he needs spoon feeding. Very sad situation.

    I seem to get thrown off MFP every two months.
    Many thanks to Jackie for letting you know I was a goner again.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy day and a bit cooler. Thank you, God! We seem to need a few things from Costco, so that will require a quick shopping trip. Not my favorite thing to do on a Saturday but I confess to being annoyed when low on essential things like laundry detergent etc.

    We are continuing to enjoy House of Cards series. I am again saddened that I see what an amazing talent Kevin Spacy is. Yet his compulsions has effectively ended his career. He is a mental case I guess. Lots of other talented actors in the series. The storyline comes straight from the news, takes my breath away at times.

    I know this will convince you (as if you hadn’t already) that I am a total basket case. There are times when I think I actually hear my plants call for water and plant food. I don’t have many plants any more. I usually keep them for years and years. They get huge and after a while they sadly pass on.

    Our son, Damon has been friends and sailing crew member with an ER nurse for a couple of years. Since he broke off with his long time South American girlfriend he has been spending more time with the ER nurse. I sense romance. But as a mom, I want him to have a committed relationship so he can build a stable life. John tells me that Damon is an adult guy who gets to design his own life. Well! I guess John might be right. Drat!

    Anne: Katie has baskets and baskets of toys. She has her favorites also. We are not to touch them or try to put them away until after her bedtime. She barks loudly when we try to put them away prematurely. Can you believe it…there are people who don’t believe animals have evolved and can show so much communication, affection, playfulness and humor.

    Jackie: are you really a lefty? I am left dominant but do a lot with my right. I have wondered about the strange woman with the unsociable dog. Do you think she is mean to her animals? Abused animals are often like abused people. They only have fear and anger as a way to react to anything. That situation is a hard one. I might want to help but it could turn ugly quickly. People who try to help could end up being labeled the villains.

    Lin: I see you love cartoons. Don’t we all? Here is a strange factoid. John has a since of humor that reminds me of a 10 year old boy. He laughs out loud at bathroom humor! My brother could never understand cartoons. We had to painfully explain them. Wasn’t it Woody Allen who said humor was tragedy plus time. I will look up that quote. I don’t think I have it quite right.

    My Costco list is ready✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️mask and handbag and car keys…….
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Me again…it was Mark Twain who said that about comedy. (Humor)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) yesterday was our bi-monthly trip to Costco. They open at 9:30 but actually raise the doors about 9:15 so we arrive in the parking lot by nine and are standing at the door when it opens. We zip through the store with our list and are back at the car at 9:35 with all the things we needed. We buy only what it on our list.

    :) My Sunday walking friend is still in Alaska so I have the morning to some needed chores and yard work. It will be a glorious time.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Just finished watching Mass and waiting to see if sun comes out. Our pool is open during the week at 4:00 now because of lifeguards going back to school so I only have weekends to try and finish the summer before labor day. It is cloudy now and forecast is for clouds all day so we will see.
    Babe has an autoimmune test in the morning so won't be on until later in the day. I also have an appointment to donate blood in the afternoon so busy day tomorrow.

    Barbie, you are quick shoppers, it takes me forever if I go into the store which is why I prefer ordering online and picking them up in my trunk. Enjoy your yard work.

    Patsy, I didn't realize Damon broke it off with his South American girlfriend. Romance might be in the air with the ER nurse or maybe not, we have no control over our boys. lol My single son has been with his girlfriend 13 years and has finally proposed after they bought the house. Who knows how long it will be before they get married if at all. Different times.

    Anne, sorry about Tony, he seems to be failing fast. I hope Marie is okay, being a caretaker is so hard.

    Good morning to everyone else. Have a pleasant day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    We, the Bean and I, are having a quiet day for once, unless the Ms turn up again. It seems weird having a quiet day after all the activity going on next door. Yesterday droves of people showed up with lots going on. Grass mowing, garden furniture being driven off, etc. Today just the old car and trailer still on the drive.

    After Michael left to go to Ambers 4th birthday party [Ambers the little dog with no teeth and has had an accident prone life in her 4 years so deserved a bit of spoiling. I sent a packet of Dog Joys which she and Bean love] the Ms turned up and proceeded to install the dry wall in the little entrance hall and down the stairs to the basement. All done and I'm very impressed with Mary jo who did the drilling of holes for the screws. They've decided to finish the hall and stair well first for which I am profoundly grateful. Next to choose a paint colour but it won't be any shade of green because Mark has a deep aversion to green walls for some reason. I don't care what they choose really because I like all colours. Don't want white walls though! I would like it done before the winter sets in.
    They can take their time renovating the apartment
    all winter.

    MJ took off with all my ripe cherry tomatoes and I think I will toddle off and take a look at the garden.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Sweltering heat close to 100F and with no air conditioning it’s pretty uncomfortable. A very short walk this morning with George and Betty then it has been a case of keeping still so I was happy when friend Pat called me on WhatsApp because it was a good excuse to sit quietly and chat. I’ve just watered my greenhouse plants for the 2nd time today because Patsy, they were calling out to me, and am now exhausted! An easy Linguine with king prawns in a lobster crème fraiche and white wine sauce to eat this evening. Now I know it would be wonderful to tell you it is my recipe that I’m starting from scratch but in truth it is a Microwave frozen meal although all ingredients are organic, sustainably sourced. My blood sugars are all over the place what with lack of sleep in the heat and early starts in order to walk before it gets too hot. Roll on thunderstorms Tuesday if they reach us… hope I don’t regret that wish!
    Lupin, one of Chrissie’s hens I adopted has sadly succumbed to the heat and I found her dead in a corner of the hen house. She was a big girl so the extra weight may have brought on a heart attack as it does look as if she went quickly.

    Patsy, sadly, after 18 years experience of the neighbour with the dogs, it is apparent she has no sense of community. This is her 3rd dog and in each case the animal quickly becomes feral, left to run in the communal parking area, chase anything that moves and generally be a nuisance. I’ve done my best to deal with her politely, even during early years when she and her now ex constantly parked their vehicles in front of my garage but now find it best to ignore her otherwise risk an almighty tantrum! If we were sitting over coffee I could bore you with a dozen stories about her awful, just as rude relatives or drug dealers hanging around the entrance to my property doing phone business! I’m afraid I couldn’t make it up!
    At least the dog didn’t bite this time!

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh JACKIE, sympathy sent all round. Can you buy window a/c in the UK? Maybe buy one this winter before the rush because it doesn't look as if the next summer will be any better.

    I'm surprised I haven't got a bald dog. Jilly is losing fur by the handfuls. Her fur ruff inherited from her Pomeranian dad is almost gone. And people are getting quite belligerent in some cases. Mikes friend Sandy just called me on the phone and was very argumentative. She argued about everything that was mentioned including telling me polio is now all over the British Isles. I believe so far its contained in London? Anyway, I made an excuse and would she excuse me. Mike had told me she is getting very argumentative and I guess we can blame it on the heat.

    Hope the wind sends the rain sooner than Tuesday.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne, does Sandy get her nonsense information from Facebook? If you feel inclined, let her know samples taken from sewers in London showed up tiny hints of polio that more than likely came from live vaccinations that aren’t used anymore so probably been in the water for years. I read the same results were recently found in samples from sewers in New York but as far as I’m aware no children have been infected but vaccination boosters are being offered to any up to 9 years old as a safety precaution.
    Air conditioning is a luxury I can’t afford what with energy prices going up and up so I’m learning to drawer the curtains and keep out of the sun. Never mind, there’s a possibility of rain in the early hours so we should cool down soon, then I’ll be complaining about that!

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! The weather has been crazy worldwide. It is to be that way now, I guess. We are sunny and warm. Tolerable. In the low 80s. Still humid and slightly uncomfortable.

    I have a chicken enchiladas for dinner. Sliced nectarines for dessert. Spicy dinner but not too bad.

    I spent what seems like hours ordering personal garments. It takes forever to page through the Amazon offerings. But I got it done and ordered. Now if it comes and it fits!!! We will consider it a WIN.

    Damon’s South American girlfriend’s story is a heartbreaker. She is Columbian. She looks after aging parents and aging aunt. Damon cannot make a living in Columbia. She can’t leave her parents because politically things are very bad there. So after a lot of tears and heartfelt decisions, they decided to part. The stuff of movies and novels!
    Must look after the enchilada.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    July news article excerpt:

    “ NEW YORK (AP) — An unvaccinated young adult from New York recently contracted polio, the first U.S. case in nearly a decade, health officials said this week.

    Officials said the patient, who lives in Rockland County, had developed paralysis. The person developed symptoms a month ago and did not recently travel outside the country, county health officials said.

    It appears the patient had a vaccine-derived strain of the virus, perhaps from someone who got live vaccine — available in other countries, but not the U.S. — and spread it, officials said.”

    And on that note, hello! I watched church online this morning and somehow got wrapped up in putting cards together. I have been cutting and pasting and playing with arrangements of things ever since. Sometimes, it just eats up so much time, it is hard to believe it is evening now. I did just water my plants. There is a small chance of rain Monday and Tuesday. But it looks like we won’t get much of anything. It was overcast most of the day, keeping the temperature down.

    Anne, I am sorry you were abused on the telephone. That was quite unkind of her. We have road rage and now telephone rage. I wonder what put her on your tail? You have been so kind to her and her doggie. Harumph. Another reason to let the phone ring. 🙁

    Jackie, oh my gosh, really hot! Even with air conditioning here, the upstairs can get stuffy. I hope you find a place to get some rest tonight. So hot! 🤞🏻 that all of your growing things survive this bout of exceptionally hot weather.

    Patsy, wow, I do empathize with you. I am always trying to find something online and it takes a lot of time and my gosh, my eyes are worn out after reading all of the descriptions and details. I hope you get what you want and that the fit is okay. Yipes, Costco on Saturday? Brave souls. I also was unaware that Damon and the lady from South America had called a halt to their relationship. I see they both have things that keep them in their respective locations.

    Barbie, you do have a very streamlined process to attack shopping at Costco. I have waited in line longer than what you described for shopping and checking out.

    Sandy, best wishes tomorrow with the Babe’s test and wow, donating blood in the afternoon. You will be a busy gal.

    Well, be safe everyone. Another week on the horizon.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks for the info JACKIE and LIN, duly passed onto Michel. She really was in a most odd mood, Mikes friend. Another thing was I remarked that beautiful green UK was turning brown and she said the UK isn't considered a green country, Canada is a green country. Plus Downton Abbey and the cast are for real Much more on vaccines and health I Just finally had to shut her up, politely of course.

    Other than that Sunday became pretty hot in the afternoon, but all in all a pleasant day.

    Wash day so I guess, and hopefully, another quiet day for us two gals. Thats me and Bean of course!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello sneakers. It’s slightly cooler today but apart from about a minute’s worth of large rain drops as a thunderstorm rumbled across the moors behind me, nothing to help our green and pleasant land! Oh dear Anne, that was a grumpy Sandy you had to deal with and definitely sounds like my ex gardener Sue who believes everything she reads on Facebook and has to tell me it’s a fact. Like you, I refuse to discuss any of it!
    My friend Christine that lives on the moors just phoned and they have done better than me with about 2 minutes of heavy rain while thunder is now rumbling constantly. The pooches aren’t too concerned which is good and I’m drilling holes in the hen bus shelter timber ready to put together. I’ve also picked more beans and tomatoes so a gentle afternoon.
    An email arrived today from my water supplier to advise me a hosepipe ban will begin next Tuesday but it won’t affect me since I only use watering cans in my garden. Quite a few shrubs are showing signs of distress but hopefully rain forecast for tomorrow will rescue them.

    Cup of tea for me then back to constructing the shelter.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. I ran some errands this morning. All done for today. There are some promises of rain later today and overnight. I would love to receive some rain. So far, I have seen a few drops land on my deck. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    A friend called this morning and settled in for a long conversation but her son from California called and she dropped me to talk to him. Fine with me! I am trying to finalize an order to pick up tomorrow from Walmart. I have a time reserved.

    Jackie, I will be in trouble if we are not allowed to use a hose. I will be carrying a lot of water from inside my house. I would hope they would tell folks to shut off the lawn irrigation systems before taking water from fruits, veggies and flowers (flowers are bee food after all). You are set though. Excellent. Best wishes on completing the chicks shelter. 🙌🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙌🏻

    Anne, could you ask Michael not to mention anything to Sandy about what you’ve read or discussed with him? Keep her off your heels!

    Back to today’s tasks. Allergies are bad today. Ack…..

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    In casual discussion about you all to John and Damon, I was alarmed at the global warming. Damon said that a photovoltaic panel work for Jackie. On the sail boat they often used one when they sailed in the tropics. It will power a fan during the dayIight easily. people who live and travel in a RV use them constantly for many things. Damon said his panel was stored under a bed when not in use. So it wasn’t huge I guess. We are thinking of adding a new kind that fits in windows as a sort of see through blind. We must all think of ways to adjust and deal with this. Science will help us if we use our heads.

    I ordered 5 tee shirt tunics to wear everyday around the house. Nothing very fashionable but cotton and loose and comfortable as I do my housework. The order came and all is as ordered. However these shirts are plain and bland even through they are different colors. I will not be wearing them too many places!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) Our Costco is less busy than many. We shop the instant they open the doors on Saturday morning. We shop with a list and know where to find the items. We bought chicken, fish, TP, hand soap, and Metamucil. We get everything else we need through ordering online either with curbside pickup at QFC or from Amazon. Other times we get other stuff at Costco but always the same way

    :) Temperatures here have staying below 80 during the day and dropping to below 60 overnight. Our heatpump cools the house at night for comfortable sleeping

    :) My dog waking friend is back walking with us in the morning

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sorry I didn't check in with you yesterday but after we got home from Babe's tests I went to donate blood but unfortunately couldn't as my blood count was too low. 12.1 on my right hand and 10.1 on my left. This is the third time I was too low so I am going to stop giving blood even though she said my A+ blood is rarer than the average 0+. I did the best I could for the last couple of years but age is catching up with me.
    Babe's test showed that his disease is a little worse but not life threatening. The doctor did a genetic test and also wants more blood work along with a 24 hour urine test. That will be done today and brought back tomorrow and then he will get the blood tests. The doctor also wants some other kind of genetic test where they take a piece of flesh from your belly, that will be set up later. Babe is of course disappointed because he was hoping for a cure but there is none. He is to keep taking the pills prescribed for dizziness and if he feels he wants to change he will get a new prescription but it might not be covered by insurance.
    I feel bad for Babe to know that he has to live with the dizziness for the rest of his life but thank goodness some days are better than others. If you want to read about his illness it is called Pure Autonomic Failure.
    After I couldn't give blood I went to Walmart to return and item and buy a few groceries. I suddenly starting getting pains in my tummy and couldn't wait to get home. They were pretty severe and I was worried about a bowel obstruction but in the end decided it was gas from being messed up by getting up early for the test and threw my schedule off. Sorry if TMI but I feel better today even though I didn't sleep well.
    I have therapy this afternoon and then sitting tonight so parents can play two games of volleyball.
    My son, his wife and daughter are coming in Thursday-Sunday so will be doing some grocery shopping and cleaning tomorrow.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello! We had almost an inch of rain. It has been a very long time since we received that much at once. Today has been a day of changing conditions, cloudy, foggy, sunny but still nice temperatures around 80 degrees. So nice to have a break from horrid heat and continual watering. I picked up some groceries this morning at Walmart and they have a new, to me, procedure. I indicated no substitutes on my order but they went ahead and found substitutes for a number of things and gave me about 15 minutes to reject them or they would be included on my order. I didn’t get a text notification so it was by accident I found it and had a few minutes left. Phewwww.

    I have been paying bills online, balanced my checkbook and have been trying to update virus detection on my laptop. That is not working which seems like a bad sign.

    I have a few cards to finish today. Will take them to the post office tomorrow. I hunted for baby formula online yesterday to use as a gift and wow, the stuff is ridiculous to find and the number of variations are nuts! I finally gave up and switched over to a gift card. 😂

    Sandy, I will have to look up that condition. I have never heard of it. Apparently his doctor is doing everything possible to help him. And sorry you weren’t able to donate blood but it is a good thing they were checking before just allowing the donation. Have you mentioned this to your doctor?

    I don’t know what is going on with MFP today. I see no other posts.

    See you later.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another very warm day here. Nothing like our super hot scorcher earlier. But it is still dry and we are holding our breath on the wildfire watch. We are under an extreme fire danger notice. The crazy thing is that we are at least 20 degrees cooler than the rest of Oregon. So of course everyone wants to come here to the coast to vacation before school starts. They want to camp out and have campfires. You can see where this is going……aaaaaaaaaaargh!

    Since it is so warm and muggy, I guess I will whip up another dinner salad for tonight. Cantaloupe slices for dessert. The real trick is John’s appetite for his beloved protein. I am thinking chicken salad.

    Our lifestyle has affected dear Katie. That sweet furry kid is getting fat (gasp) I feed her too much and she is a chow hound! So more ball games in the early morning and maybe evening if I can get my schedule organized. Less treats. We are entirely too inactive. All of us here.

    I have a huge box of stuff for goodwill and I hope to drop that off in the next day or so. I fear I have only just scratched the surface on that effort. Next I want to drop off some books and videos to the senior center. Must call and see if that is wanted. If not these will also go to goodwill.

    Jackie: I had no idea you had a water shortage. Since we live at a similar latitude, I guess that is next for us as well. So far , it is the heat and warnings of wildfires. That’s enough but who knows what is next? Your harvests sound wonderful. For such a small garden, you have an amazing variety and huge production. Do you water everything with a watering can? Many trips in and out of the house carrying a watering can!

    Sandy: I have such empathy for poor Babe! I am often lightheaded because of a couple of meds I must take. They don’t always effect me but when I get dizzy and lightheaded, it terrifies me. I am so worried about falling. I am forbidden to walk around without a cane. Damon bought me a snazzy red walker he insists I keep nearby to use when I feel dizzy. I hate using it but I would hate to fall. It is my emergency vehicle.

    Barbie: our Costco is the only one around. It is literally across the street from Walmart. People, including us, go from one store to the other. One store has better produce and variety than the other. But each has a good reason to go there! I do browse and I am tempted by new things being featured. The nectarines from Costco were great as an example. John is not very adventurous when it comes to food. I buy new options and then he really likes that. Costco for two can be wasteful if we don’t watch out.

    Helloooooo to all the sneakers! Anne, Lin and the rest of our absent but not forgotten sneakers.