Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Busy morning and finally got a chance to post. The kids are out and about so I will take a shower and get ready for our visit with the kiddos. Babe said he is going so hopefully he doesn't change his mind. We played dominoes last night, I was second from last. Not sure what tonight's game is but we will play something when we get home. They leave tomorrow and it has been a great visit. Always love being with family.

    Lin, I am so sorry about all that hail but really happy that you are okay and nothing was damaged. Having a garage is one of the things I am grateful just for reasons like hail. We had some rain but no storms. My lavender plant hit the dust but my mint plant is still going strong as well as the African Violet. Seems to be helping keeping the bees away from my humming bird feeder. Good luck with the cards today.

    Anne, I hope you can post some pictures when the M's are done with your apartment. Will you be taking in a boarder??? lol just kidding. Any news on new owners next door?

    Jackie, poor Betty seems to be slowing down, how old is she again? George will be a firecracker forever.

    Patsy and Barbie, hope all is well with you.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    The Ms came and did a bit more renovating, and no SANDY I won't be taking in boarders!

    I'm having a bit of fun with Mark. He says he will not paint the walls any shade of green, so of course I'm coming up with the most unfashionable colours I can think of. He says he will surprise me, oh boy! I think that will mean almond or light taupe, fitting colours for a chartered accountant.

    Mary jo went home with a pile of cherry tomatoes, about $12 worth if store bought organic. I had my own broccoli and beetroot towards my lunch. The garden is beginning to pay up with the huge green tomatoes just turning colour.

    Now the big news......DRUM ROLL.

    6 cars or more have shown up at Harrys old house. Loads of men hauling furniture out and onto the parked trailer. I guess before the rains come tomorrow. Moving day? I daren't stare. I wish I lived across the road opposite. lol. Mary Jo laid some mulch down the side of our house to stop all the weeds. I'm glad she did it this morning! I wouldn't like us to be called nosy, lol!

    Will keep you posted on who shows up next,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there! High thin clouds today and it has provided a cooler day thus far. Whew! I am really glad to hear that dear Lin is safe and things are undamaged for the most part at her house. Storms show no mercy. They rain down and damage nice people along with not so nice.

    We are looking at another whole week of near or at 90 degrees. I feel so sluggish and cranky when I am hot. I feel sorry for John who has to live with me. In this kind of humid heat, we really feel our age and maybe even older, if that is possible.

    Sandy: I am thinking of following your good example and challenging John to a game. Cards or I like that dominos idea. I am terrible at chess but I might even give that a go. We are depending too much on TV and movies. Totally passive…doesn’t even require much thought at all.

    Lin: I know you are keeping tuned to the weather, so I think you have an emergency plan. I remember you said you have a basement to go in case of tornadoes, hail and rain is another matter. After much consideration, I know you have determined where your home safety zone is. Take care my dear friend.

    Jackie: I understand your concern about sweet Betty. I wonder if a doggie vitamin would be beneficial? Also doggies get diabetes and there is meds for them. I worry about our Katie all the time and I constantly watch her demeanor and vitality. Stay safe my friend. I am so glad you have a productive garden to give you safe veggies.

    Anne: I am constantly amazed at your ability to climb up and down stairs with laundry. You are a true force of nature. Not many people can do that, you know!

    Here I go…over the hill and on a roll!
    Patsy☘️🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶if you ever need a pal, I’m your gal…..

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday afternoon went pear shaped after an unpleasant blood sugar level crash that left me without any energy. The weather wasn’t great either so once again the frame for the hen shelter didn’t get constructed. It’s been lightly raining this morning and because Betty didn’t want to walk, George and I strolled round the block. It’s his 10th birthday today so I will sneak a special treat to him later!

    Sandy and Patsy, Betty will be 8 in November which certainly isn’t old for a pug cross but who knows what effect 4 years of constantly producing puppies in appalling conditions and with little food, will have had on her health. She has been on a special diet since her first visit to my vet because she was underweight and the concern was her digestive system wouldn’t cope with regular dog food and she could also pile on weight too quickly. It costs a small fortune and turned her into a poo machine but it does work.
    I am keeping a close eye on her and yesterday managed, after a major battle, to clip just one claw that was curling into a pad but I think I might have to ask the vet to sedate her to trim the rest because it is a distressing procedure for both of us!
    George’s groomer is visiting tomorrow but she tried, with my help, to clip them the last time she was here without success!

    Lin, thank goodness you are alright and safe after that extreme storm you experienced! Catching up with book reading was a great plan. I’m sure every household possessed a Coronation teapot in the fifties; ours certainly did. The tea cosy collection is adorable. I tried my hand at knitting once but only managed a 4’ long scarf that I think is still hidden away in drawer.

    Anne, perhaps if you find yourself living with off-white or magnolia walls you can paint a couple of colourful pictures to hang… a post cataract removal project! How exciting, the new neighbours might finally be moving in! Six cars! That could either mean a big family or one that can’t afford a removal company! Fingers crossed you won’t be hammered by giant hail stones if Lin’s storm does arrive, although that will be a good excuse to peek out your window in a certain direction! 👀👀

    I have found a recipe for tomato chutney and have all the required ingredients except red wine vinegar so I’ll go on the hunt in the morning.

    Time to brew a fresh pot of coffee and wait for the rain to go away.
    Wishing my friends a safe, relaxed Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Quick good morning after a violent storm overnight. It is still raining. The Afghans were moving OUT JACKIE. Before the storm struck I guess. The cars increased in number with a truck adding to our parking lot of a street. Talk about "do it yourself"! Cushions stuffed in cars, wardrobes disappearing on the back of trucks etc. The trailer remains so still more to go I guess. I think the new folk will arrive on September 5th which is our long weekend.

    I suspect Bettys problem is her claws Jackie. I say this because Jilly has to go to the vet every two months for a professional job. They are very thick and curl inwards and I know she is ready for another visit when she starts sitting down on walks.
    I hope I'm right because Betty is a lovely little dog who deserves a long, happy, healthy life.

    Yes I've already thought which pictures to hang on almond walls! Mark certainly doesn't take after Mom or HIS son for being labelled "arty". But then Mom and grandson aren't exactly great at wielding hammers. To each his own!

    Today is wash the sheets and clothes day!

    Must get a-moving.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :'( My Sunday walking friend came home
    yesterday from her Alaska cruise not feeling well and tested positive for Covid so we didn't walk today. She is scheduled for cataract surgery on Tuesday with me as her ride. Looks like that won't be happening

    :) Weather here has been cool and pleasant

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) My company has gone home and I am now doing the guest bedroom laundry for the next guest. We had a great time by Rob and Lisa, eating pizza, playing games and just having fun.
    We ended their trip today with over a 2 1/2 mile walk through our local forest preserve. Over 10,000 steps so far today so feeling good. Another busy week coming up and they are coming to fix my reclining couch tomorrow. Tuesday, nail and dinner with my girlfriends. Wednesday I have a therapy appointment I have to change as I already have a doctor's appointment with a new gynie and sitting for volleyball. Thursday a nuclear heart test from the neurologist which takes about 4 hours so no meeting.
    Friday therapy. Whew I am tired already.

    Anne, interesting scenario going on next door to you, sort of like a soap opera. You could always paint a mural on the new walls if you can do it without falling down that is. Glad your storms are over and hoped it cooled down for you.

    Jackie, interesting description of you with low blood sugar, you turned pear shape? Trying to visualize that but having trouble. lol Betty has been through a lot, so let her beat to her own drum. Maybe those nails hurt when she walks so having her sedated sounds like a plan.

    Patsy, my family does enjoy their games, me included. Rob and Lisa have so much fun with their virtual reality sets I am tempted to get one. They do lots of exercise things and games as well.

    Lin, hope all is well with you, I might have missed your post.

    Time for a light lunch. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello. Picked veggies again this morning. Did more die cuts and then watched church online. I am working on a wedding card design but I cannot find out what colors they are using. The last few wedding cards, I have made little butterflies in their preferred colors. I went back to hunt for the wedding shower photos and harumph, my friend had removed them from the event page and they are also missing from her personal Facebook photos. I did find a few photos from another lady and the only color I noticed was a teal/turquoise used in the decorations and for the punch. I am not sure I can find a color like that one. I might just use silver, black, and white. I have some time and need to order a gift card for them. Need to make final decisions on who will receive the different birthday cards I have made. I left one person off my list. Oops!

    I did finish one book and started on another. Of course I received a phone call and I have more books to pick up at the library.

    Sandy, glad you had a lovely weekend. But wow, what a busy week on the way! I hope all goes well with the medical appointments this week and that the repairs are successful on your furniture. Hope Babe is doing okay. Are you still receiving visits from hummingbirds? I haven’t seen any for a few days but I did roust out a beautiful dragonfly yesterday morning. It was resting on a tomato plant. 😉

    Barbie, oh, that is sad that your neighbor contracted Covid while on a cruise. Oh, yes, she will need to reschedule. That can be difficult and the wait long. I hope she is not seriously ill.

    Anne, so you had a bad storm last night? No damage though right? Aha, moving out and when you have lots of family, no need to pay a moving service I guess. We are standing by for additional updates.

    Jackie, did the weather lighten up? Kerry posted a video from the afternoon hours and the sun was out. I hope the same weather arrived for you. Poor Betty, I hope you can get her nails all trimmed up. Walking is nasty when any part of a foot or leg is causing pain. At least I can report that to be true in my experience. I am sure dogs are tougher than me but still would limp or stop walking.

    Patsy, ugh, hot weather specter again next week. I think the temps will increase for us as well but the cold front that went through with that storm really knocked down the temperature here. Highs in the high 70’s and low 80’s. Tolerable.

    Be safe everyone.


    A teacup collection


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Still raining Lin but gently so no flash floods!
    We are home from a wet local walk and waiting for George’s groomer to arrive. Betty volunteered to come with us this morning so I won’t rush to take her to the vet but ask the groomer to just look at her claws and advise if more needs to be done. This afternoon I will visit the supermarket to buy garlic and vinegar for the tomato chutney and some brandy and apricots for a fancy fruit compote… thinking Christmas presents already!

    Happy Monday. Will check back later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member

    I am spending my morning trying to hunt down some information connected to my church duties. After lunch I need to make a trip to the library, gather up my trash to take to the curb this evening, do a load of laundry and do some sorting through to find where I will find the $$ for my property taxes. Think I will finish everything?🤣😂🤣

    Jackie, glad there are no flash floods. Aha, thinking of Christmas gifts. Excellent idea! What did the groomer think of Betty’s tootsies? Hope a trip to the vet isn’t necessary. Enjoy your evening.

    Sandy, hope the day is going well.

    Anne, more moving out next door again today?

    Patsy, hello and all the best to you and John and Katie.

    Barbie, is your friend with Covid feeling at all better? Not that you will spend time with her, just hoping her symptoms are mild.

    Thinking of everyone…!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Wasted a whole morning trying to set up delivery from Walmart. I made an order and then asked for delivery and was asked if I wanted one month or a year prescription. Since I am not sure if they will bring it upstairs to my condo I opted for a month to test them. Then I made a phone call to see if they would indeed bring it up and was informed I should get the inhome service for an additional $7 a month. I get a free trial for a month but once I checked out I only saw the delivery to home so cancelled the order and reordered, I did that two or three times so I am sure they think I am a looney.
    I finally gave up and just chose the delivery and hope it is the inhome delivery. If I like the service I will get the yearly subscription because if they carry the groceries up the stairs it will be worth it to me.

    The furniture guy is coming to repair the couch today and of course the noise is getting better so he will also think I am a looney. (maybe I am) I think Jackie is right in that it just needs to be adjusted but I have no arm or hand strength and I don't want to break it. Will let you know what he says and/or does.

    It is already the middle of the afternoon and I still have bills to pay so I will be back in the morning.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It rained on and off for the rest of the day but it was still productive. Debbie Woof Woof arrived wearing a mask and snuffling behind it. She and her husband contracted Covid about 3 weeks ago and although now testing negative, she still feels unwell and exhausted whereas hubby had 3 days of what she called man flu then felt fine. Her real concern was for her 91 year old mum who lives next door because they couldn’t invite her in to eat with them which is the normal routine. George behaved while his coat was trimmed then it was Betty’s turn! She panicked as soon as she saw the nail clippers and there was no holding her still so Debbie tried her nail grinder and amazingly, Betty immediately relaxed and even wagged her tail while I cuddled her. So no trip to the vet needed thank goodness and I sent Debbie away with a large bag of my tomatoes that were going to be turned into chutney so a pause on that plan while more ripen on the vine.
    Instead of the supermarket I later visited a DIY store for a couple of things.

    Sandy, I do hope your sofa repair man has solved the creaking problem so you can properly enjoy the beautiful piece of furniture and not feel like a looney! When we were first faced with lockdown I tried ordering groceries online and found it stressful, then the pick up I had arranged was another worry so I can appreciate how you easily spent so much time on yours this morning.

    Ooh Lin, those church duties are back in your life are they? The pandemic got in the way didn’t it. Does it feel strange to be involved again or perhaps more like the past 2 years didn’t happen?

    Only a pedicure planned for tomorrow morning so I will wait to take the pooches out once that’s done and my tootsies are feeling wonderful! I’m now going to make a hot drink then aim for an early night for once! 😴

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Monday dear sneakers! We have sun and a slightly too warm day. Tolerable but wishing for a cool breeze.

    Wash is on the go, I have done a small straighten up effort in the dungeon. More needs to be done. But the danger is that being around my creative engine…(art junk and computer, writing paper etc) starts my juices going. Oh I guess that is my road to happiness. A clean organized home is a fantasy I dream of but I know I will never see.

    Lin: I do remember my gran, and my parents as well, having very complicated tax prep. It is the facts of life of property ownership.

    Sandy: I am in your court, my friend! John on the other hand…well, you have all heard me expound of the complexity John’s logic! We try to do it all but we simply are not able to do it all!
    Good idea, $7 is nothing compared to a possible fall or twisted ankle etc.

    Dryer is calling me, back later.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Lovely to read you girls. Michael is back safely in the old car with new tires which handled the thunderstorms and rain which have left us and are heading to the eastern townships in Quebec where his poppa lives.

    My cataract surgery is going to be a long drawn out affair which if I'm honest thrills me to death. The clinic where I had to cancel the surgery because Doctor Tim was horrified at the state of my BP [news to me, I felt fine] remember me from 2.5 years ago, [I think I must have an eccentric personality] but I have to go and see my eye doctor first to make sure I really still need cataract surgery. After breaking both pairs of glasses I've managed with my "seeing eye" dog for 2 months. Well he's so inundated with work the eye doctor can't see me until mid September unless there's a cancelation.
    If my elation at this news makes me seem a big chicken well what can I say except "cluck cluck".

    SANDY, I pay for grocery delivery fees with a year subscription. This means I only pay for about 3 months and the 9 months left cost me nothing. The delivery men climb the outside rickety wooden steps to my front door, ask if I'd like it carried to the back kitchen and when I say no just drop a large cardboard box inside. I go backwards and forwards with a bag of flour, a bag of spuds etc a few times which is very good arm exercise. They are immensely strong, the delivery men and one lady. Mostly charming and cheerful to boot.
    I hope you've got the noisy furniture sorted out.

    JACKIE. super news about little Betty and I hope the problem is sorted out. I will have to look into nail grinders? Never heard of them!

    LIN, going back to all those duties at church? I imagine you have been very much missed.

    Hi BARBIE and PATSY. Hope you are okay Patsy.

    Good wishes to all from Anne and of course Jilly Bean.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    And PATSY popped in whilst I was posting. Hi Patsy. My mom used to say surveying her somewhat messy home [Dad bringing eggs in to hatch near the ancient old fashioned fireplace with an oven at the side etc] I digress, Mom used to say, "well this will be still here when I am gone", and guess what, the old victorian house IS still there looking as untidy as ever when you google earth.
    But, I had a super childhood in the old untidy house. The joy of seeing baby ducklings, chicks etc when one came downstairs for breakfast at the kitchen table I still possess, well, much better than a home you can hardly breathe in, in case you disturb something. Enjoy your creative genius love, thats what you will be remembered for! And anyway the photos you post show a lovely home full of flowers and one sweet dog.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    I loved the delivery service so will get the yearly prescription without the InHome. InHome they need a key code or they install some device so they can get in. They will even put refrigerator stuff away. I don’t really need that just up the stairs and put inside my door. The delivery guy I had was fantastic and brought all the groceries upstairs and put them in my doorway. I did add a big tip but it was so worth it. My back doesn’t hurt from lugging up groceries.
    And the furniture guy came and if course noise was hardly noticeable. He did tighten something and said it takes time for it to settle in but if a problem they will come back.

    So a good day all in all.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Great News on the delivery service SANDY. We aren't allowed to tip so check that out. I think it is just considered a normal job. Not like when a pizza is delivered etc.

    Oh JACKIE, I've just read about a terrible shooting in Liverpool. Gun crimes rising in the UK! Unbelievable! Welcome to Toronto and the USA. Plus, 1300 migrants mainly young men crossed the channel in small boats yesterday. Poor old country! How does one deal with so many people arriving daily to such a tiny Island with compassion? I'm glad I'm not your new prime minister as D day approaches.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) I texted with my friend who got Covid on her cruise. She is not feeling too bad but had to cancel her upcoming cataract surgery that was planned for today and and about ten days later. They won't take her until it has been a month since she tests positive.

    :) We are happy with curbside pickup of groceries because it gives Jake somewhere to go and someone to talk to every Sunday morning. Otherwise, I'd be thrilled with delivery service instead.

    :) Jake has been great about picking zucchini and tomatoes. Nearly all have been delightfully small and we've found neighbors to take the extras off our hands. We ended up with one large one but I am happy slicing and steaming them for meals for me.

    :) Some trees had to be cut down across the field from us so we walked over and watched and visited with some neighbors and their dogs while the operation was going on. Most of the trees in our neighborhood are more than 100 feel tall and old and when the experts say they need to come down, management takes care of it so we don't have a falling tree disaster.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    Its the opposite problem here BARBIE. Maria couldn't get the oak tree which grew from a sapling cut down. The town wouldn't allow it. I'm happy actually because its a gorgeous tree now but its roots do grow in our sewage pipes which means of course poor Mark has to pay for a "snake" and plumber every year or so. So of course every so often somebody gets a tree crashing onto their car or roof and even themselves with fatal results. There's a huge maple at the back of me which I view nervously every time the wind starts a-blowing

    My tomatoes are big and huge and turning pink. Then of course the cherry tomatoes are turning red all the time. Mary Jo doesn't think we will have to buy seeds next year because they will seed themselves. The best tomatoes I grew in the past seeded themselves in the compost heap.

    For all you gals dreading winter, the migratory swallows and martins are gathering in the marshes at Long Point the bird and butterfly sanctuary on Lake Eerie and feeding on an abundance of insects. I've been there in the past. Fascinating place if you love birds and can put up with mosquitoes.

    Have a super day on the few remaining days of summer.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon little girls! Overcast today and cooler. Katie and I are hanging out drinking coffee and contemplating what our next task should be. Laundry is loaded and on the go, Katie’s chicken is poaching on low heat, dishes are nearly through their dry cycle, brown rice is ready for tonight’s menu of fish taco bowl. That has been my day so far.

    I am wearing one of my new “everyday” shirts. It has a woven in design but of course the sleeves are too long. Remember that I am closely related to a troll. Short and strange shape…Rather round with very short legs. I am an example of God’s sense of humor. Any way, now I just roll them up but I am thinking of whacking them off at the elbow. All the new shirts (5) have the same issue. Then I would have another unfinished task. I would need to hem all the sleeves on the sewing machine. Must think about this over more coffee. I wish I had a chocolate cookie to help me decide.

    Ordered the whole series of Homeland. Not sure if this was a good idea but maybe it will be diverting after a day of chores. Entertainment is very important since we don’t socialize as much as we used to. It is important especially for John. But we all need to reach out to friends and family. Since the pandemic, I think John and I have forgotten how to do that.

    I am going to set up a Walmart and Fred Meyer grocery curbside account. We are really behind the time on this. I think it is past time to do this. John has fallen twice in the past month. Each time he only suffered bruises and a couple of weeks of sore painful muscles. Do you hear my worry and concern? Yep! Anything else I can do to minimize the risk. I realize this isn’t doing much but it is my excessive worry. He makes multiple trips in and out of the house carrying groceries etc. I ordered a rolling cart that Lin suggested once. He might use it…..or not.

    Love you all and hold you firmly in my heart!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I've been raiding my two bookcases of very old novels etc. Would you believe I am now reading "The Best of Rumple" by John Mortimer and thoroughly enjoying the humour. One of my best friends at work, Vivienne, used to support PBS. She ordered a tee shirt with "She who must be obeyed" written on it, and as she was a rather formidable British widow, wore it at work and used it to terrorize the motley group of various nationals she was the secretary to. She was my "cultured" friend who I used to go to the ballet, opera, and Stratfords Shakespeare theatre with. Miss her an awful lot. Flo is still with us, but no longer my hiking, climbing mountains. and lets swim across Lake Superior friend. Age has caught up with the pair of us and I've just found out that another friend Evelyn who read ones fortune and played with tarot cards is suddenly gone. Maybe I shouldn't read dear old Rumple after all !

    Just been to look at the rapidly reddening huge tomatoes. Mary jo, HELP! Broccolini everywhere and the beets have grown huge with the recent rain we had. Talk about feast or famine. Maybe I should set up a roadside stall at the weekend and make some money! Can't off load on Marie who's disappeared since Tony was hauled off to hospital. Mike should be over on Friday, mmm, and maybe Doctor Tim who I see on Thursday? Nope, he's a gardener at weekends.

    Wish you all lived closer, Anne.🍅
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Tuesday Afternoon! :) I had quite a morning when Babe woke me up calling my name from the bathroom. I walked into blood all over the floor. His toe was bleeding but he has no idea why and with the blood thinners it wouldn't stop. I finally got it wrapped and for now it looks like it has stopped. There was blood on my sheet and thank goodness for a water proof mattress cover. Bathroom is clean as are the sheet and mattress cover and I am exhausted. I had to cancel dinner with my friends I can't take the chance it will bleed again and he won't be able to stop it. I did go for my mani/pedi only because I needed a break. Stopped at Walmart for the stuff they were out of yesterday and they must have stocked today as I got it all and more.
    I really am not going back to Walmart in store again, first of all I hate shopping, second of all they remodeled the store and I can't find anything. It was so nice yesterday having them shop and carry everything up. Now I think it is time to put my feet up on the recliner and take a nap if I can.

    Have a great day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Good evening. It has been an odd day. I had lots of errands planned. My first stop was to pick up a cold coffee but I started feeling ill so I came home after getting the coffee. Thought everything was okay so I zipped out again and realized when the door shut that I had left my key inside. Decided to call for a locksmith as the wait could be quite long. I got a call back that it would be at least 45 minutes so went on to the bank to close out my account. Had a revelation, dumped my purse and found the little coin purse that had a house key. Called back to cancel, the locksmith. I was charged $30 for requesting service. Gave up my credit card information and zipped off with my cashier’s check to deposit it in a different bank. That took a while and then headed home and thank heavens, the key did work. But I received a call from a very angry lady from the scheduling company and had to tell her what they charged me and hastened to tell her I had already received notification of the charge in my account. Woooo! Angry person. I was going to make lunch but I didn’t feel like eating so on to the next errand. I had to go to the car dealership as my car unlocking mechanism in the key wasn’t working. The battery place will not touch those as too difficult. So, stood in line at the parts window. The guy fixed it, I paid and thanked him and then off down the road to pick up a few groceries at the store. I do like getting my own things and no extra charges for delivery and tips. Then home to tote up the $$ I had moved and to pay some bills.

    Seems things were just not functioning anywhere near normal. Another day that it would have been good to stay in bed.

    The handyman got here last evening to save me from a damaged screw in my license plate. I had removed 3 of 4 screws to affix my new plates on the little car when of course the 4th one was stuck tight. He worked with it a while and finally got it loose and put the front plate on the car. He also changed a lightbulb for me in the garage door opener. I don’t care for ladders and have problems opening the plastic housing where the light goes. We looked over other things he plans to do before winter.

    Roofing companies and tree trimmers are working in this neighborhood and pretty much everywhere I went today. Several people on this block are having their roofs replaced.

    Sandy, oh my goodness, what a day! Does Babe have some kind of emergency button to push that will contact people and/or 911 if he needs help? Get some rest and I am glad that the delivery service worked for you. Good way to protect your back. ❤️

    Anne, I have some DVDs of Rumple of the Bailey with Leo McKern. Like them a lot. And I love that phrase—she who must be obeyed. I would adore having a t-shirt that says that. 😉

    Barbie, oh how lovely, nice sized zucchini and tomatoes. Just right! I think I may have some zucchini starting up. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Great that you visited with some neighbors.

    Patsy, I would just roll up the sleeves. You might want them longer at some point when it is cold. I have the opposite problem, all sleeves and pant legs are too short for me. We are all exceptional. Good for you in setting up some accounts with grocery stores. I pay for a monthly subscription to Instacart as I can then order groceries from so many places and have them delivered for a small fee plus a discretionary tip. Sometimes I order things to pickup at the curb at Walmart or Target or Whole Foods outside of that subscription. No tips are allowed on these orders. Walgreens will deliver or let me pickup and they are also on Instacart. It is a mix of things and options that is working for me. If I don’t feel well or don’t want to mix with people, it is great to have a delivery option. I do love my little wheeled cart and get lots of use from it.

    Jackie, I am happy that Betty settled down and was able to get her nails trimmed.

    And my church duties never stopped at all but they were simmering at a very low level. Things just picked up a notch this week!

    Well, be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Gone midnight and I’m sitting in bed with Betty and George catching up with everyone’s posts. I enjoyed my relaxing pedicure while listening to Ellen’s latest drama, this time after a phone call from her son last weekend asking if she could travel right away to Oxford, which is a couple of hundred miles, because his 33 weeks pregnant wife was in hospital after a scan showed their baby had some sort of rupture that pushed its intestines into its chest cavity. Wow, what a story but in spite of doctors warnings that baby probably wouldn’t survive, she was delivered by C-section, operated on 5 days later and tiny Ruby is now doing remarkably well. So then the decision was made by her son to give up their rented house in Cornwall and find a new home in Oxford which they did and Ellen gathered nieces and nephews together to pack up their furniture and hire a truck to drive it to the new house, unpack and furnish the new home, all this in the middle of our heatwave, then Ellen drove home to Cornwall because Australian relatives were arriving for a visit. She showed me some beautiful photos of Ruby that she receives each morning and in today’s Ruby had the biggest smile!

    Yes Anne, ghastly news here as our country gets taken over by criminal gangs while politicians do nothing. One of the main reasons so many of us voted to leave the EU was because Albania was going to join and that would mean a mass migration from that country across open borders to the UK but instead they are now queuing up on French beaches to catch a boat and arriving anyway! Our home grown gangsters are mostly mindless teenagers who have no concept of the pain they inflict on innocent families and it’s all very depressing.

    Patsy, I followed the Homeland series from the start and loved it. One series towards the end lost its way but I stuck with it because I felt the scriptwriters appeared to be psychic to weave the storylines before actual events took place… spooky!

    Both dogs snoring so lights out!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh my. LIN and JACKIES posts have left me breathless! I'm running late, so hopefully more later as the day progresses. I wrote a long expected letter to Helen in Australia but somehow it didn't take and I had to rewrite, hence me running late.
    Bye, Anne the somewhat frazzled.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Good morning. I was able to tune in to a farm related meeting this morning at no cost. A farm management company put it on and didn’t really do a continual commercial. That was nice although some additional real numbers would have been nice. I grabbed shots of some of the slides. Wow, look at the drought slide! I didn’t realize how extensive Texas and California drought has spread.


    Meanwhile, we had a very gentle shower move through this morning. The weather guy said it would likely dissipate before arriving here. And nope, I didn’t water my containers this morning. 😁 they look happy now.

    The last 2 August birthday cards should be mailed tomorrow. Cutting it close! 😂😅😂

    Of course, more cards on the horizon, more library books to read and I did fish out the Rumpole DVDs. I hope to cut and clean some parsley soon and dry it in my countertop oven. Soon!

    Be safe everyone.


    A paper creation!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Our August bank holiday is this coming weekend so I decided to pop to the supermarket first thing to stock up so I don’t have to battle anywhere later in the week. It was warm and muggy so we didn’t walk too far after that trip, then rain arrived so apart from painting a wood preserver on to what will be the roof of the hens’ bus shelter I haven’t achieved much. My plan to order a 2nd gas cylinder for my stove hob hit a brick wall because suppliers now won’t sell a full one unless there is an empty one to take back. Apparently there’s a National shortage due to the lockdowns. I will have to continue with just the one I’ve got and hope we don’t run out of gas this Winter!

    Lin, you posted about the same time as me last night so I didn’t catch up with your news until this morning. I was just reading about the drought in Texas on the BBC App followed by a video of a flash flood in Dallas so they are getting everything thrown at them. There’s also some amazing photos of areas in China along the drought hit Yangtze River.

    My cheese and red onion pasty is ready to eat so I’ll pause and return later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Went to therapy this morning which I think will be over next week, then to the gynie and now getting ready to sit for volleyball. Doctor said everything looks good and in place so come back in a year or two. These doctors are so young I feel like I am talking to my granddaughters.
    Babe's foot is fine so no worries there. We go tomorrow for the nuclear test which will take about 4 hours total so will post once we are home. I think I will pack a lunch and some treats as we have an hour wait between imaging. Friday therapy and an appointment with my bank to review my trust papers. Not sure why because they have a copy and nothing has changed.
    I did stop in Walmart to return and item I bought yesterday and also because I was charged twice for plums even though I self checked.

    Jackie, I can't wait to see the hen's bus shelter, will they be taking many trips? I don't think anyone has more crime than Chicago, everyday there is another shooting or shootings. I really would like to see some good news once in a while because it is very depressing. I am so happy to hear that baby Ruby is doing good and will survive, at least that is good news.

    Lin, how lucky you are to have a handyman, I wish I had one for things I just can't do like put up my new reflector on my ceiling vent to stop the A/C from blowing directly on me. I am just too short so I have to wait for Bryanna or Rob to do it for me. I did manage to do the kitchen one by standing on my printer desk. Yes, I was careful.

    Jilly, Jilly quite silly, how does your garden grow??? Sorry Anne, couldn't think of anything to rhyme with
    Anne. You sure do have a green thumb with your abundance of veggies. I miss doing the things I did when young, like playing tennis, bowling and skiing. I am afraid now that I would fall and break a hip.

    Barbie, I do like curbside pickup except for carrying them up 14 stairs. I will try this for a while and see if it works out and saves my back from lifting. Sad about the trees but sometimes necessary. My son who moved to Ohio this year had a bad storm and a tree fell on his roof. He ended up taking all the trees out so it wouldn't happen again.

    Patsy, I agree with Lin, just roll them up, I like that look. We went on to the Sopranos after Monk but watch a movie first and then an episode of the Sopranos. There are some shows I like that Babe does not so I usually watch those when I ride the bike.

    Well almost time to go. Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Sandy, I can’t wait to see the hen shelter finished and set up for them either! It seems to be taking forever although I can blame the interruption of constant rain showers on the delay. I’ve set the coming weekend as my goal because I will need to take the old one apart and level and rake the ground because the chooks love to have dust baths under the roof. Haha, no trips planned for them but instead they behave like the local kids who use bus shelters to meet up and sit in while they watch buses drive past! Chicago is a stunning looking city to me but I suppose like all urban areas, it’s going to have a dark underbelly. Most of our violence revolves around drug dealers harming each other so nobody cares until innocent people get caught in the crossfire.

    That’s an unusual tea set Lin, that looks like it’s made of fabric. I thought I was all set to make tomato chutney this afternoon, having bought garlic and red wine vinegar at the supermarket but realised as I got the ingredients out on to the kitchen counter, I had forgotten to buy brown sugar! I did buy a bottle of brandy and apricots to be soaked, ready for the Danish preserve Christmas gifts.

    My eyes are closing so time for bed after I load the washing machine… we have been promised a dry day tomorrow!

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Anne, Anne, like a gardening man
    How does your garden grow.
    with toms bright red, and beets in a bed,
    And great big weeds in a row. SANDY.

    Okay, okay sorry! but I've just got up and its early because I have to go to the doctors early. I do not like going to the doctors early or late although early has its advantages by getting the ordeal over with quicker. So glad you and Babe are doing good. By the way just like the vets, has anyone noticed that as doctors cure one thing they usually manage to find another thing to "cure".

    So BARBIE, have you had your dreaded visit yet?

    I just roll sleeves up PATSY unless its terribly hot and then the older gear comes out.

    I think your chicks are terribly lucky to have a bus shelter to congregate in JACKIE. No chance of the feathered girls packing their suitcases and leaving home. It was chicken heaven when they found you!

    LIN, our highly productive and artistic friend! You accomplish so much! I'm lost in admiration and envy. The days just aren't long enough I find as we age. The only thing I seem to be good at these days is sitting on my rear end, tickling Beans tummy and reading about the likes of Rumple who I also admire immensely, or at least John Mortimer and his sense of humour. I'd like a "she who must be obeyed" tee shirt as well to don for doctor visits.
    Don't get overloaded with church duties !!!! A tee shirt might come in useful there!

    Well I must get scrubbed up and look shiny eyed and nimble for the doctor so he doesn't get ideas about walking sticks or worse, senior homes.
