Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. I have been struggling to find grocery selections and a suitable pick up time. Walmart is almost out of things and the only time today is 8pm. Nope. Tomorrow, there was a time but I doubt the items I want will last that long. I finally placed a pick up order with Whole Foods but they are out of a number of my preferred items. I need to go to the library tomorrow and may try a stop at a different grocery store.

    Sandy, oh my gosh, your son’s car is really smashed! I am glad he is not injured. Yipes!! We had rain again this morning but this time, more ominous thunder than actual rain. There were some nasty storms roaming about the area but none hit here. But no hunting on the deck for container green beans again today! 😊 What a nuisance this phone plan has been. It sounds like you have won. You are tenacious.

    I won’t be planting much again next year. Just containers of things I like I tried mini watermelons and winter squash last year, this year sweet corn and celery. Oh and the ill fated runner bean. We will see what happens. I know you have extremely limited space but maybe one flower or herb pot?

    Jackie, happy bank holiday. Hope all is well.

    Anne, a day on your own. That doesn’t happen often. Hello to you and Jilly!

    Patsy, I hope you are well. I haven’t found any recent post from you. ❤️

    Barbie, happy Monday. 😊🌻🌻


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Another hot day for us, hot enough to find Bean and I staying indoors. Me doing the weekly wash, Bean snoozing.

    Its our Long Weekend coming up as well and thanks for the tip. I'll put in an order tomorrow for Thursday delivery.

    So glad your son wasn't hurt SANDY. The drivers here are horrendous with accidents increasing this year by 22% from last year. I worry about my lot on the roads.

    Mike didn't go to Niagara Falls after all, partly because of the above and partly because of the teens being out in force before school starts next week after the weekend. He went mattress hunting instead with no success. Apparently his 10 year old mattress has become lumpy and uncomfortable.

    One terrible accident on a country road here. 6 young people killed when they ignored a "Road Closed" sign with barriers and drove onto it and straight into a huge hole being dug out. It was a short cut back road to a casino. I can't imagine how their parents must be feeling. 4 boys and 2 girls.

    Another quiet day for me. I think Patsy is okay LIN, her creative juices have emerged again.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Helloooooooo! I seem to be having the oddest problem with mfp. Or my iPad has a case of the flu! Or something. I try getting into mfp and I get a blank white screen with the work community at the top and that’s all. Right now I am here. Wonder what the problem is?

    Hot muggy week ahead. But I have ice for iced coffee and tea. We will be eating sandwiches and salads with melon for dessert. Our fans will be on high and our little room a/c will be working full time. We will be slightly uncomfortable but we will be fine. Katie has a special place she has established as her personal area. Near the little a/c but not blowing on her directly.

    Andrea wants to set up a weekly visit day. She will come for lunch and we will review my writing projects, or sew,or she will critique my pandemic drawings and graphics. She is a harsh critic but interesting take on my projects. John is no help at all. He try’s to be always super supportive.(Bless his sweet heart!) Damon is extremely supportive but decisive without much discussion. I realize that is the nature of his business. “Yeah! That’s what I want! Or nope! Hate it!”

    Sandy: that car accident was a true miracle. It looks like it crushed the drivers side of the car. Yet your son was unhurt. Send many prayers of thankfulness. I know it would have been better if it had not happened at all. Yet accidents happen! Your son walked away a very lucky young man.

    Jackie: I am the worlds worst gardener but I think it will be fun to plant one of my grans “garbage gardens.” She did that kind of funny thing like stick any seed into a pot to see if it will grow. Sometimes they did…but certainly not always. I will keep you posted.

    Lin: John and I laugh at our grocery lists. The truly needed items we usually find but we get the strangest collection of food. We often say..we have no standards. Puns intended!

    Anne: I understand your sons reluctance to travel this time of the year. Our town is full of teenagers and they have a desire for uproarious activity. That leads to disaster at times and frequent annoying events. Mattress purchases is another mystery. Why do they cost so much? It is just a wooden box with a bunch of foam rubber and or fiberfill. Yet they cost around $1,000. What? Seriously!

    Iced coffee, a load of laundry, wash and chop lettuce for salad tonight, clean bathrooms and then into my dungeon for music and fun!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Gone midnight again because I fell asleep watching goodness knows what… it was that interesting! It was my favourite sort of warm, sunny day with an early walk, tomato chutney made in spite of the mess chopping fresh tommies creates, shifting heavy compost bags down my garden to spread on the veggie plot and planting the turnips, along with a line of carrot seeds. Beetroot tomorrow. Brady was wormed because he was looking thin and constantly asking for food, then he spent the rest of the day asleep on the garden swing seat, no doubt feeling the effects!

    I will catch up properly tomorrow.
    Jackie 🥰

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A sunny, warm day, not too hot and we are just back from a cheerful walk across the moors with Heather and Bella together with her friend Sheila with dog Cindy. Bella stayed on her lead because yesterday she did another disappearing act that had everyone looking for her but finally she was spotted in the car park, sitting by Heather’s vehicle! At least she now knows where her permanent home is!
    Coffee is on the go while I confirm in my head what is on my list of to-do’s. At some point I will need to sit quietly and make a final decision about who or what gets left a legacy in my Will because I have an appointment in the morning, at home, to discuss with a solicitor. She sounded very friendly on the phone so it won’t take long.

    Patsy, I’m loving the idea of garbage gardening. Many years ago I ended up with about 50 tomato plants seeded in a plastic cup from a few squeezed out of an Italian tomato, that sat on top of a heated radiator to aid germination. So impressed they grew, I hated to throw any away! Weekly visits from Andrea sounds a great idea and will give her a break too.

    Lin, sadly, our urban friends have no idea how to respect our beautiful countryside or how their lack of thought impacts on so much. My regular dog walking friends all sigh when the next school break or bank holiday appears on the horizon because with visitors comes rubbish strewn everywhere. It’s one of the reasons I hold no hopes of our oceans ever becoming free of plastic. Watermelons are apparently being considered by a few of our farmers who now find their crops
    struggle in the drought conditions.

    Sandy, what a mess that driver made of your son’s car. Thank goodness he wasn’t hurt although I imagine he was not happy. Yes, my chooks are thrown a handful of mixed corn every afternoon and also have a feeder of special pellets to pick at during the day. Yesterday afternoon they came away from the opposite corner they had been hiding in and gave the shelter some long looks so I’m sure one will soon be brave enough to perch, probably little Storm, then encourage her friends to join her.

    The last time I was in Canada and visited Niagara I was amazed how commercial it’s become with that huge Casino planted there. Rather takes away from the whole idea of viewing one of Natures amazing spectacles!

    Time to get on. Happy Tuesday everyone. Stay safe.
    The box I’m typing in is squeezing lettering out so there might be typos but you’ll know what I mean! 😄
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    HELLO ladies, and please don't read the following if you don't want your Tuesday spoilt! Just me getting something off my chest.

    Agree with your comments about the Niagara Falls JACKIE, and add my own horror at a poor police horse dying amongst a horde of ridiculous, screeching, garishly dressed humans leaping up and down causing the poor thing to have a heart attack. Animals shouldn't be used to control these garbage causing events [the Caribbean carnival] and what on earth was a 9 month pregnant woman doing there giving birth in the midst of the motley crowd and having to be attended to by ambulance and crew. If I sound like a miserable old woman to some then I am. What on earth is happening in the world which seems to be ruled by a bunch of immature, knife wielding morons. Phew, got that off my chest!
    Another thing that struck me was the large number of scantily dressed women with pounds of rolling, wobbly flesh who are obviously not suffering from a food shortage.

    Its a rainy day here so I've got nothing better to do than read the news. Sorry ladies, I hope I haven't spoilt my caring friends day!

    There's not much I can do! I can't control the Pakistan floods, stop the Russians and Ukrainians from blowing each other up. control the crowds storming the palace in the Middle East, and on and on, so instead I will concentrate on my garden, get back into my writing and art, fill my day with the decent, caring people I know and cherish, and let the poor old weary world carry on rotating.

    If I'm not thrown out for breaking the sneaker rules hugs are sent from Anne and her Bean.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Tuesday! :) Picking up a fruit arrangement for the therapists today as it is my last day. I been going to them for different therapy for years and they really help me so it is just a token of gratitude.
    After that will be home waiting for my very large grocery order delivery before sitting. Hoping this person brings it up the stairs like the other did or no tip.

    Anne, no worries about getting kicked off MFP, you didn't say anything we probably all agree with. How awful that a horse died due to a heart attack from obnoxious people. And yes I sometimes wonder if some people don't look in the mirror when getting dressed. I understand it is good to love your own body and don't care what other people think but there is a limit when it is a bit much. And common sense says if you are going to deliver any day maybe stay close to home? I try not to judge people but sometimes it is hard when they act like morons. You are absolutely right as far as we can't control people or things so we must let it go and just take care of ourselves.

    Jackie, when the little chickens start hanging in the bus depot please take a picture, it will be adorable.
    I don't think it is only young people who make a mess of our world there are plenty of adults who don't care about our environment at all. A lot don't even believe in Global warming. All we can do is hope that someday people will wake up and smell the coffee.

    Patsy, how wonderful Andrea wants a weekly visit with her parents. I think that will help all of you with some socialism. We all need each other to keep from isolation. I so agree on the price of a mattress, I would love to get one of those 360 beds that moves with your movement but not for $3000 or more.

    Lin, your postings of your beautiful cards on Instagram are amazing, one card is prettier than the next.
    I can see why you take such pride in making them.

    Barbie, soon is your appointment?

    Have a good day and stay healthy and happy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. Yippeee! I picked green beans this morning. Wahoo! Not lots but I will definitely enjoy eating them. 😊

    I made my trip to the library and decided either I will not get more groceries or I will wait until tomorrow and try the store with the Wednesday 10% discount (if they still have it). Meanwhile, I will be——guess——cutting die cuts again this afternoon. 😂🤣😂

    Sandy, it is nice of you to like my posts and to leave comments. I am not like most of the folks who post cards or journals on Instagram. Majority are bloggers or on creative teams so are making a living with paper crafting. I want to try to keep track of cards I made (and odds and ends of my childhood and what I am growing on my deck). 100% amateur having a good time. Nicer place than Facebook…. Best wishes on your last appointment today and in getting your grocery order brought to your door.

    Anne, I had noticed the Notting Hill Carnival was taking place this year after a 2 year break. I am guessing everyone that likes that type of thing were just full of pent up craziness and it did all come out this year I heard a man was stabbed and died. Horrible! And some arrests as well (to be expected I guess). The darling horse was a 14 year old gelding that was well loved and apparently has made many appearances in these events. Most people love horses. I am so sorry for the commotion that brought on heart failure. 🥺

    Jackie, soon you will lure the girls to their new lovely space. 😉 What a lovely walk today! Heather and Bella are a pair now. Marvelous. Some people anywhere and everywhere don’t really pay attention to the surroundings. When we have trick or treat kids, the next day there are candy wrappers and junk in the yards to clean up. Presumably most kids are with adults…..hummmm, enough said. Our library has a sign up, which I may have mentioned, children are allowed in the library ONLY with an adult that stays with them. I am guessing the library became a place to let children run wild while the adults disappeared. Well, the holiday is over right? Do you have one this weekend as well as we do?

    Patsy, I had cold coffee today. Thinking of you. I have been making extra pour over coffee and I put it in a glass container in the refrigerator until the next morning. It is yummy! 🙂 I do not thrive on criticism. I crumple in a ball of despair. Most criticism I have received though is not constructive or helpful. I need to live in a cloud of happily making messes!

    Barbie, your appointment is tomorrow correct? I hope all goes well. ❤️

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wooooooo a hot one today! So here we go again. Katie is already feeling it. She came to me for her morning “love” and after I patted and scratched her ears and neck, she collapsed in a heap on her tuffet. It is in line with a fan promoting air movement inside.

    Tonight will be shrimp salad. Fruit plate for dessert, melon, grapes, pineapple. Just a little bit of each. John isn’t fond of pineapple but will tolerate melon and he loves grapes. I love all fruit. I am not picky at all.

    Heartbreaking about the horse with heart failure. I try not to get too critical about young merrymakers on holiday before school starts. I remember a time in my youth, I did some pretty silly things. I don’t remember cleaning up after…maybe we didn’t? There is a thing called group think. Rightly should be called lack of thinking. I distinctly remember dressing up in scantly garb, dancing and singing and drinking a disgusting punch made with cheap vodka and coolade. We called it purple passion. I am sure i was a complete moron. My excuse…I was young and had little sense! I did eventually grow up. I began to recognize universal truths. I however, was too scared to risk anything when I was pregnant. Delivering on a street corner was a terrifying thought.

    My first effort for my garbage garden will be the cantaloupe seeds. I have washed off the seeds and they are drying on a paper towel. They might turn into a beautiful railing vine on my kitchen counter. Maybe……..we will see.

    Summertime and the livin is easy🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) Yes, my appointment with the retina specialist is tomorrow at 1:30. The appointment will take about two hours so since Jake has an appointment with the chiropractor at 3:20, I worked it out for my dog walking friend to pick me up at the end of the appointment.

    :) It has been hot here. There is no natural gas here so our heat and cooling is all electric. We have a furnace and heat pump that seem to do well and keep expenses fairly low.

    :) Jake saw the cancer doctor today to go over his latest blood test results. He is still doing OK, so no treatment coming up. He'll do the blood test again in three months. That was very good news.

    :) On Friday Jake saw a member of the cardiology team . They lowered one of his meds and stopped another one and he has been feeling more energetic.

    :) If it weren't for medical news, we'd have no news at all.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Quite a busy morning for me starting with a walk on the moors, then after I whizzed round with the vacuum cleaner, the Will Writer arrived for our appointment. A very pleasant woman who made light of the work, aided by my lists I had put together yesterday. She will return Friday week with the updated Will for me to sign. I think I will suggest Linda pops in as witness then we have an excuse to go and have coffee and cake somewhere.
    Anne, you must take up your thought of getting your paint brushes out again because as she got up to leave she commented on your wonderful painting hanging on my wall and said how much she loved it so of course, I told her all about you and your talent.
    George has had his annual health check with a Scottish vet whose accent almost defeated me! I didn’t ask but am guessing she is from the Isles. George is very healthy and has also lost a little weight which gave me what we call brownie points. Not so good was the sign of something George rolled in this morning, stuck on his fur just where the needle needed to go in!

    Anne, Long gone are the days horses can be safely used as crowd control in Britain because there is now little respect for the police, some of it of their own making, and horses are an easy target. From what I saw of the Notting hill Carnival, it was crazy to allow so many people to move in to narrow Victorian streets because a panic would have caused a stampede. It’s a shame because the Carnival was once colourful and friendly but these days it invites trouble… drugs, drunks and street gangs. The sensible people of London don’t go near it! Like Patsy, if I look back I can remember being young an invincible, or so I thought!
    No more Bank holidays Lin… thank goodness!

    My observation about the mess left lying around by visitors during school holidays did mean the adults who arrive with their children! On the whole, kids follow their parents’ example as in learned behaviour so I wouldn’t blame them.
    We are expecting the weather to turn Autumnal by the weekend so the chooks will need their bus shelter!

    Wow Patsy, Cantaloupe seeds sound extremely exotic, how exciting! Let me see what fruit I can find at the supermarket tomorrow to harvest seeds from. Let the competition begin! 🥭🍑🥝🍉🍋

    Time to dead head more plants while the sun shines. My garden has enticed a pretty Hummingbird hawk moth to flit from flower to flower for a couple of days so I will see if it is still enjoying the nectar.

    Happy days!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi everyone. I was out weeding until it got too hot
    for me and the Bean and Mark showed up with some sanding device which had poor Bean scuttling inside. She's now sat next to me on the sofa, watching the door firmly shut against debris floating into my upstairs spring clean of yesterday.
    I managed to pick more broccoli and tomatoes before we came inside towards lunch.

    AND I teased Mark by saying I might paint the stairwell walls whilst he reddens on the Carolina beach. Of course he nearly had a duck fit at this bit of news! My humour isn't always appreciated.

    I'm sorry for my rant of yesterday but oh ladies I DO miss the UK of my 37 years spent there. It appears to have all gone! As in the Norman Conquest the North Yorkshire moors MIGHT be the last to go under this wave of immigration and changing cultures. Only me and the sheep and the curlew wanting to return there it would seem. We only had two stabbings at our caribean friendly get together.
    And meanwhile here loads of people sent to hospital with what appeared to be food poisoning from eating chicken in a Chinese restaurant. Turns out it was ACONITE poisoning which is a toxic plant that resembles ginger. Nobody died but one or two remain in the Intensive care.

    Thanks JACKIE, my paining wasn't very good, just a fun thing. BUT, I do intend on having another go once the garden is put to bed for winter sleepover.

    Best wishes and thoughts sent to BARBIE and yes you are not alone thinking "if it wasn't for medics we wouldn't have any news at all! Looking out for your post when you return home.

    LIN and PATSY and SANDY you are on a previous page so I'm scared of losing the above by turning back.
    Just have a lovely day friends and lets ignore the racists and haters of this age. Maybe, just maybe, if ignored they will scuttle back into the holes they belong.

    Virtual hugs sent to everyone,
    Anne and of course Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Wednesday! :) Today is Babe's 83rd birthday!! We will be celebrating by going to dinner with Cheryl, Marisa and Bryanna. Things are going much better and his bad dizzy spells seem to be better. I am still doing my own things so we are adjusting. Life is good.

    Anne, I do my best to ignore the haters and racists by detaching from them. Unfortunately some are family members but it is too hard to be with those who insist on talking crap and won't just agree to disagree. I can just see you on the ladder paintbrush in hand with paint dripping on poor Jilly. I think if our kids knew what we do some times out of their view they would go into shock! lol

    Jackie, I not only have a will but a book that explains all my wishes for my funeral. I do some changes now and then but initial them and explain to my son what I want done. I know his wife will make sure all my requests are made. I had to google hummingbird hawk moth as I have never heard of them. Quite amazing and beautiful. I searched google to see how long my hummingbird will stay and it said September or October and then they fly to Mexico or South America. It said to leave my feeder up until I no longer see them for two weeks. I will miss my buddy who visits daily and sometimes stops in mid air to check me out. <3

    Barbie, good luck at the doctor today, praying all goes well. Did I miss a post about Jake and cancer?
    Prayers for both of you that all news is good news.

    Patsy, you were and are a free spirit. I did some pretty wild things in my youth as well and still get a little silly once in a while with friends. My mind wants to party but my body feels different. lol

    Lin, hmmm, iced coffee, I don't think so although I used to love the mocha iced coffee from Starbucks.
    I know longer get coffee from them because of cost and calories. I can only drink coffee in the morning and never after noon or I won't sleep at night even with decaf.

    Bryanna coming to trim my hair and buzz Babe's so I better eat some breakfast. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Mark is back with Mary Jo in tow. The dear girl found me a lovely straw hat with an adjustable inside strap. I'm sat here wearing it looking like one of those old age prospectors back in the Australian bush. Shades of "waltzing Matilda". Too bad we are into September tomorrow with less need for it, but.....God willing, next year!

    I think they are about to put the primer on the basement stairwell walls. The big renovation will take longer but it will be lovely to be able to open the back door and no view of the inner bones of the walls.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BABE. Hey Babe I was already 4 when you were born.

    Can't say I was a fun party girl. Probably would have been if I'd had any cash in the UK in the 50s, but mainly because I had a very strict Dad and had to be in the house by 10 each evening. Until I married, can you believe! Once I ventured into The Admiral Hawk pub with my girl friends so I would have been over 18. One patron spotted me and yelled across the smoke filled fumes "Hey Anne B, I'm going to tell your dad you are in a pub." Well he didn't but I spent an uncomfortable month until I felt safe again.

    I had much more fun once free of the ex. Flo still talks about when I danced on the table in a Florida hotel! Joining the drama group helped in freeing the inner Anne.

    Well it aint over until the fat lady sings! Still time to shock the kids.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is to be warm but not too bad. We will see. Our weather man is a flirt! He winks and offers nice warm late summer day………

    John is going to Costco for a few supplies. I am trying to clean a few cobwebs from the window screens, if you could see that production you would keel over in laughter. I am not exactly steady on my feet. I do tottle along and sit if I feel dizzy or lightheaded. I have a long handled brush that I used for many things. It takes me forever to do anything. I am sitting on a patio chair with my brush sweeping cobwebs from the screens. They will return by tomorrow but I might get ahead of them. If I keep going, one of us will give up…me or Mrs. Spider?

    More on the town festivals. Labor Day here in our town has quite a history. This town was originally settled by Finnish immigrants. A very stoic culture. It is interesting how to this day they are reluctant to show too much emotion or affection. But they are feeling it way down deep inside. Yet I have heard in Finland they areincredibly friendly and hospitable. There are several festivals here. Lots of people come from all over to join in. The one scandalous gathering is the annual Fisher-Poets gathering. Drunken Fishermen and women recite questionable poetry, some original, some not. The debouchery each year is legdandry. I’m sure there is a google entry.

    Barbie: good luck tomorrow. I feel certain you will be fine. There is good medicine these days.

    Anne: I totally agree with Jackie. Don’t wait! Start getting out your paints and sketch pad. Don’t waste another minute, you have many paintings left there inside you.

    Sandy: please convey our best wishes to Babe on his birthday today. What a lovely party. Dinner with a bevy of pretty ladies. My personal belief is that we should take every opportunity to share good times with people we care about.

    Jackie: I am getting together a large flower pot as my garbage garden. I will plant a collection of volunteer seeds and we will see what shows up. Is that fun or what…….

    And now into the dungeon. Working on a kiddie story. Still hoping Anne will be tempted to jump in with me.

    As an interesting aside we have noticed a different philosophy in English vs American children s literature. Do you agree?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Me again….
    Lin: will you be joining the garbage garden competition? You really can grow anything. Remember that old joke about some gardener who left a broom out and by morning it had taken root? That could be you!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    The sunshine highlighted grubby facials and gutters on my garden room so out came the extendable mop for my first job of the afternoon but soon as I finished the window cleaner arrived who could have done the job for me. I didn’t have enough cash to pay him but he was happy I pay doubled on his next visit. I did send him away with a bag of tomatoes!
    Late beetroot and a Squash plant added to my Winter garden and Winter lettuce plugs ordered.
    Tonight I watched the movie Black ‘47, a story of revenge around British rule during the great Irish famine. I did think of you Patsy with your Irish heritage and wondered if it was a film you and John would watch. Perhaps too upsetting? Definitely not an era for English to be proud of. Then there is my first sign of Autumn, an enormous spider that has snuck in through an open window and looks poised to jump from its corner on to my head any time I pass by!
    Happy birthday Babe. Have a fun evening.
    Sandy, same as you I have a few notes for the executors of my Will but my main concern is my pets… of course!
    I would love Hummingbirds in my garden but can imagine Brady would love them even more. My little Hawk moth is still zipping about, too quick for any cat to catch!

    Jackie 💤💤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello, I spent an inordinate amount of time on the phone today. I hadn’t spoken to one of those friends in over a year and we had lots to catch up on. One huge item—a new grand daughter is expected around the first of November. The daughter is called a geriatric mother by her doctor as she is over 40. My friend was giggling about that. My friend has Graves’ disease and she was getting me up to date on her symptoms, medications and generally how she is feeling. Quite well actually. Nice conversation about her flower beds and watering system, bike riding with her husband, and her purging of most of her card making materials. If she does not make Christmas cards this year, she has decided to jettison everything.

    The second call was a horrendous discussion of my friend’s recent health problems. Ultimately, there is no definitive diagnosis of all her problems but so far they have found pneumonia and she couldn’t tolerate the medication they gave her so she is now on a Z-pack. She spent a day in the hospital emergency care area receiving fluids as she was so dehydrated and medication for unending nausea. She is still feeling horrible and no doctor has told her to make a follow up appointment. This was a very disturbing call.

    Other than that, I picked lettuce and tomatoes today, and finished a card prototype. If it hangs together, I will make some more of them for people who like secular holiday cards.

    I am way behind in today’s posts.

    Barbie, I hope your appointment went well.

    Patsy, Anne, and Jackie, I may plant something odd next spring but am passing on garbage planting this winter. If I get an avocado, I will try to sprout that seed.

    Sandy, happy birthday to Babe and I hope you enjoy dinner this evening! All trimmed up now? Bryanna does a nice job.

    Back later perhaps.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello everyone. Yesterday was a nice day, a good day for me. For a start I finally felt like the old me and actually; after forever of disturbed or sleepless nights; I slept well. I think the Bean did! I try to go to bed without her but its hopeless. However fast asleep she is when I leave her on the sofa, she soon joins me.

    I hope we hear from BARBIE today and I hope all went well.

    Mark and MJ arrived with a huge pot of primer and put the first coat on the basement stairwell. I do hope he didn't take me seriously when I said teasingly I would paint it whilst they were on their vacation! Surely not! Its so high I don't want Mark doing it and an impossible task for me !!!!!

    I found out yesterday by chance that one of our family names on my mothers side is Irish as well as Scottish. I knew the Irish and the Scots intermarried so who knows! My Dads side is definitely part Scottish. My three great uncles served in Scottish regiments and wore the kilt in the Great War which finished them off alas. The rest of us are Anglo Saxon. We are all such a mixed bag!
    So - my talented grandson Derek is part Portuguese, part English, part Scottish, and part maybe Irish, oh and there's a bit of Romany Gipsy in there from way back. My very much loved "English" mother in law had a romany pre marriage surname. I would never go in for ancestry tracing, who knows what might surface!!!!

    So the spiders are out there looking for winter head quarters JACKIE! I'm not sure if the spiders should watch out for PATSY, or Patsy should watch out for the spiders. LIN, not such a good day on the phone with your friend although you enjoyed the fruits of your labour, and SANDY out for dinner on Babes 83rd. Lucky Babe! How many 83 year olds get to go out with the girls!

    Its grocery day. Lucky Jilly the Bean, and especially with Mark and Mary jo coming over to do some more work. I bet they collapse on that South Carolina beach next week. Peace here for me as well. MJ tends to be a bit of a slave driver. One feels one has to join in, as in weeding etc. Lol. I've an eye appointment next week and yet more telling off no doubt for not going earlier. The dentist had a go at me. These professionals don't seem to get it that in ones eighties a person can have problems getting on buses or have a year of ill health. Sadly their time will come no doubt.

    Well I'm off to shower whilst the sun shines and I feel full of the joys of spring.

    Enjoy the 1st of lovely September, michaelmas daisies and chrysanthemums.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and a stop at Home Depot for filters for my furnace. Dinner was great last night, Babe really was happy and had fun. He admits getting out is nice so hopefully we will start going for lunch or dinner and Church one again.
    Bryanna, me, Babe, Marisa, Marisa's boyfriend and Cheryl her mother.

    I am running late as usual so I hope to get back later. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Hello one and all. Heavy rain on the way some time tomorrow so I’m doing my best to get as much completed outdoors as possible because knowing our weather, it might continue until Christmas!
    As you can see, I managed to snap the Hummingbird hawk moth!
    The giant spider has gone from its corner but where to? 🫣

    Sandy, you have been the best tonic for Babe and I’m sure the whole family can see it. A lovely photo to add to your collection!

    Anne, I have no doubt if we carried out a DNA test we would be amazed at the mix of nationalities. Best not look!

    My little weather forecaster Brady just came in to show me his wet back and let me know rain has arrived!

    Happy days!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    The Ms have just left for lunch. They will be back. Mark has issued an ultimatum. I'm not sure how Patsy would deal with this one. You see after Mikes marriage went plonkers he came to live with me for 2 years. When he bought the condo he took all his furniture but left behind old computers, photo albums, old dishes, irons, crock pots, you name it. Mark wants to strip ALL the floors downstairs of carpets etc. for a wooden floor. So Mike is to be told to get all of his stuff out whilst the Ms are on vacation. I've been trying for 5 years since he left to no avail. ! I've been told to get rid of my old stuff as well. Not much actually, but what do I do with my 25 year old Dell computer and printer which is in top condition BUT I can't get the internet on it. I use it to write my stories and print cards etc. I am allowed to keep my artificial Christmas tree and ornaments. I'm not sure if Mark wants the Ercol furniture out or not JACKIE.

    I must admit I will be glad to see the back of all Devins [Mikes 31 yr old son] keepsakes from when he was a baby/schoolboy drawing pictures in copious notebooks. Devin isn't an artist like Derek so no big loss to the art world!

    Whatever. I seem to be in for a total new house by the time these two are done. Thats if I live long enough!!!!!

    Jilly is fast asleep in the short time before they return. She was terrified of the huge commercial vacuum cleaner little short MJ was hauling about and disappeared into "our" bedroom for a while.They'd been sanding the new walls hence the vacuum cleaner.

    I'm sure life would be more peaceful in an old folks home but I DO like living here.

    Love the little moth Jackie. I fear my pet spiders have been sucked up in MJ's infernal machine Patsy.

    SANDY you ARE a real tonic for Babe. Nice photo of you all. LIN, aren't you glad you don't have a Mark and Mary Jo to to sort you out! I feel I've acquired two new parents and remember my own "the house will be still here when we are gone" parents with affection. I can't imagine these two having eggs hatching near the fireplace in the winter! Even if it was war time.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: how wonderful. Exciting times at your house. If it were me, I would talk to Mike and have him organize a few of his friends to come help him haul most of the sad old unusable stuff to the dump. The normal thing is to provide beer and pizza to the helpers. Since it is summer, they can sit out in your back yard and eat the pizza and enjoy a couple of”cold ones” after their hard work. Damon and his sailing crew do that after a boat clean up.

    It is warm and a bit uncomfortable. But tolerable. The news here is that Andrea is having trouble again with diabetic ulcers. This time on her leg. She is zooming off to the doc for her to examine the wound and possible antibiotics. I am of course very worried about her.

    Damon is very busy but he is very good about keeping us in mind. He is concerned about John’s caratract procedure. If it needs to be done, DO IT! He is set to come any time. He only sails on weekends.
    Later…I want to check on Andrea,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) The visit to the retina specialist yesterday took a long time and lots of tests and was someone inconclusive. The tests ruled out macular degeneration, glaucoma, optic nerve problem, retina tear, and detached retina but didn't explain the the shadow I see at the top of my left eye (sort of like the shading on the windshield of cars) so I've been referred for a vision field test to another specialist.

    :) My tomato plant has been so busy that I've had tomatoes to give to several neighbors and still have enough for me to snack on all day. Jake just brought in four more zucchini. We'll have zucchini with salmon burgers tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hi, I had trouble getting here today after lunch when I wanted to post. Finally, found a way to get here and just a quick update. I did some reading this morning as I thought my friend who usually calls on Thursday would be calling and didn’t want to get deep into a project. But as it turned out, she did not call. I picked green beans, tomatoes, parsley and dug a few potatoes today. Oh and I started with harvesting another lovely celery plant. Sad there are only 2 remaining. Got it cleaned and put in the refrigerator. Then washed up and trimmed the parsley which I put in the little countertop oven on dehydrate. I had tomato toast for lunch. Yum! Green beans and tiny potatoes tonight. It is drizzling tonight so I didn’t water my plants. If it isn’t raining tomorrow, I will pick some lettuce and cut chives to dehydrate. Anyone ever dehydrate mint?

    Anne, goodness, you are smack dab in the middle of Mike and Mark! I am sorry. Stuff, stuff, stuff. It causes so many problems. I hope you will be able to keep your furniture. The house belongs to Mark right? I guess he icould be called—-he who must be obeyed ?? I hope it all turns out well.

    Jackie, I adore the hummingbird moth. Oooh! I have a little hummingbird that still stops by almost every day. They are so incredibly cute.

    Sandy, what a lovely gathering. Babe looks so happy. Wonderful!! I am glad he is feeling better. ❤️👍🏻👍🏻

    Patsy, I am sorry that your daughter is having problems again. I hope it is treated soon and that she will heal.

    Barbie, I hope you are well.

    Be safe.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    QUICKIE LATE NEWS. I'm sure you all want to know this! Mary jo was in the garden picking tomatoes [what else!] when a pair of socks sailed past her. This will be the 6th or 7th pair, losing track. It seems to be the 86 year old Newfie who lives at the back of me. His wife has had a stroke and of course I am wondering now if he's got a problem as well. I ended up retrieving them and chucking them back over the fence. In the past the couples family in Newfoundland sent them mussels and oysters in the days when they didn't seem to have any sort of unusual behaviour problems BUT I used to find the shells in my garden next to the dividing fence. Weird, or is it me who's weird?

    The Ms finished the primer painting and presented me with three paint charts all in taupe ranging from very light to very dark. I've chosen the taupe which is third on the chart, so its still light and should go well with Marks dark wood stairs. So a break for now as they toddle off on their trip.

    Anne...........PS. I get to keep the Ercol furniture.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started but nothing until Babe's niece comes to visit this afternoon. Several of his nieces and nephews are asking if they can come see him as none of them saw him during the last few years as his son didn't really welcome anyone into his home. Cheryl was kind of surprised I stayed in contact with everyone as she said no one reached out to her. Of course Facebook helps me keep in touch with those I choose to friend. His two nephews and their wives are coming later in the month so I am glad he will reconnect with them. I think it helps him feel not so isolated and is good for his spirits.

    Anne, I will like the taupe color but I am pretty simple when it comes to decorating. Well at least you found out the culprit for the socks but why on earth is he tossing them over your fence? Strange. Shells also? It sounds like they think your place is a good place to put their garbage. Very strange.
    I hope the M's enjoy their vacation, with all the work they have done it is well deserved.

    Lin, soon the outside gardens will be no more until next year, do you grow inside in the winter??
    My mint is still doing okay on my balcony but I only use it for decoration. What do you do with it when you dehydrate it? Can you tell I am no gardener?

    Barbie, I am sorry you didn't get any answers can I presume it isn't cataracts? I do hope the new specialist will help you, it sounds like it could be very annoying. What about Jake how did his blood work go?

    Patsy, sorry Andrea is having problems with ulcers and hope they can heal them quickly. Have you talked to either child about your concern with John?

    Jackie, you must be busy this morning so will catch up with you later.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited September 2022
    A most enjoyable day. Muggy, even first thing so I kept to a local round the block walk with George and Betty then it was time to empty the boot of my car so I could put the back seat down and place a waterproof cover down because I was to pick Linda up and drive to my friends Richard and Christine to collect lots of bags of horse manure for her new garden. We had just finished loading, parked on their narrow drive, when they drove in so I had to reverse up to the house and I was so aware I didn’t want to hit their five bar gate on the left, I drove over a large boulder on my side that I couldn’t see in my side mirror. What a terrible noise so Linda was convinced I had ripped the side of my car away but once I drove off the boulder and took a look there was no damage but the side mirror had flipped back and made the grinding sound! We did laugh because Christine admitted she had said to Richard it’s ok, Jackie knows how to reverse! On the way home we stopped at the Post Office on the moor for coffee and cake on what was probably the last of our sunny summer days because it’s now late afternoon and the heavens have opened. George has been grumbling and the bees in my hive were very busy and noisy an hour ago, both being an indication of thunderstorms on their way.

    Oh Anne, the flying pair of socks did make me laugh although you have to wonder what your neighbour is thinking.
    So you weren’t wrong about the colour taupe? It should look great with the wooden stairs and floors and hopefully Mike will greet the opportunity to clear unwanted items with enthusiasm. The items I recently struggled emotionally to take to the tip are already forgotten so I’m sure when I clear the spare bedroom drawers of what we refer to as tut (English slang for unwanted rubbish!) I won’t hesitate. Have you explained that Ercol furniture is incredibly collectible? Well done if you did!

    Barbie, great news that so many conditions were proven not to be a problem and hopefully the next tests will find an answer.

    Sandy, I see you have popped in above me so I’ll read your post… hmm, I’m not too surprised Babe’s nieces and nephews didn’t reach out to Cheryl while his son was alive because although an illness, alcoholism is still very difficult to be around. No surprises at all that all your family love you and keep in touch! ❤️

    Lin, your latest kettle gave me a big smile because it would be perfect sat on top of my wood burner and the latest gem from our Boris, bearing in mind millions of families will struggle this Winter to pay massive energy bills, is his suggestion that since old kettles use more energy, we should all consider investing £10 in a new one to get us through the hard times. Hysterical laughter and disbelief around the country!
    All my herbs are eaten as fresh leaves and if added to a cooked dish, they go in at the end so I’ve never tried drying them, except bay leaves that is. Our relatively mild climate allows most to continue growing through the winter months so preserving them isn’t necessary. Thinking about it, my 2 bay trees offer an endless supply too because they are evergreen so no need to dry!

    Patsy, oh dear, another worry with Andrea’s leg ulcer but sounds as if she isn’t wasting time getting GP help. Cataract removal is a scary thought but wow, such improvements, although I appreciate it’s a decision only the person requiring the procedure can make.

    Hooray, a knock on my door and a cheerful courier had my propane gas cylinder I purchased from a company the other side of the country standing next to him. The fun part was trying to cut it out of its sturdy cardboard box then rolling it ever so carefully up a step and round the corner! Adrenaline helped because I didn’t want to be out in the rain!

    Time to prepare chicken salad for the evening meal then feed my menagerie. I might just pour a glass of Portuguese white wine since it’s Friday! There are a couple of interesting gardening tv programmes on BBC this evening, mostly covering veggie growing so I will take note and pass on any ideas for our competition.

    Jackie ⛈🌩⛈

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello, laundry is chugging away, ready to pay bills later. I am dragging my feet, big checks are always a bit scary! I finished reading a book in a series I like—there are always dogs involved one way or another. Also have another book I am eager to read. 🙂

    We had about an inch of rain overnight. All my containers are quite wet this morning. No need to drag the hose around! 🙌🏻

    Sandy, I only drink plain coffee and tea. Cold brewed, nitro, hot coffee—all black. And I like my tea plain as well, iced or hot or warm, no sugar, lemon or milk. But I was just thinking when my tummy is off, I wonder if some dried mint leaves in an infuser (homemade mint tea) would be helpful. But I have never dried any mint before. I do not keep any plants indoors over the winter. All I grow in the cold months are jars of sprouts. Delicious!

    How nice that Babe will see family who had to stay away for years. His life has taken a turn for the better.

    Anne, really tossing socks over a fence? That is pretty nuts! Trash, yeah, I am sure people do that but items of clothing? Bonkers! You have *interesting* neighbors. Glad you picked out a nice color of paint and that you are keeping your furniture.

    Barbie, I did not see your post last evening. I am sorry the problem was not diagnosed but I hope the upcoming test will reveal what is going on. ❤️❤️

    Hello Jackie and Patsy.

    The dryer has summoned me!



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    Just to answer a question about the neighbour in the back and in the next street. First I do think its age related, the tossing the socks over the fence, BUT I do wonder about something else. I won't go into it here, but years ago I saved "Dave" and his son big time from a misdemeanour involving a security camera installed on the house being built next door to me. Today, Marias house. Anyway to cut a long story short instead of being grateful to my warning I was ignored from then on. Has the old chap gone back in time and this is why I am being bombarded with dirty old socks? Beats me.

    Mark and Mary Jo just popped by before their trip. I shall really miss them and Bean definitely will.
