Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Watched the presidents speech yesterday and will say we DO live in interesting times! And scary also! Flying socks and angry demented neighbors! Stay safe and keep cautious!

    Overcast day and much cooler so far. It might heat up this afternoon if our clouds disappear. So I will do my exercises while it is still cool.

    I did have a chat with Damon about John’s declining cognitive situation. He is pretty sure there needs to be more stimulation. One of his sailing crew is a nurse practitioner. She is a good friend and they have a nice relationship. She suggested a few activities that would be engaging and fun. I guess we get into habits and our brain just digs deeper into the same neural pathways. New experiences and different kinds of stimulation is essential to build new neural paths and to maintain healthy cognition. Good information.

    Sandy: how wonderful for Babe to reconnect with his family. We have such a small family and even though I have one brother, I never see or hear from him. More as a obligation to my parents, I email and call on holidays and birthdays. The phone chats are short and I often feel I am just imposing on his time. Something tells me there is more going on that I am not aware of, so I blather cheerfully on!

    Jackie: oh I am so glad you have extra fuel for the winter. I cannot believe this crazy fuel and power situation will continue. Human beings are a strange lot. But we do figure out ways of dealing with difficulties. We are being hit with a lot at once. But we will overcome and survive. Hang in there, my friend.

    Anne: your neighbor sounds completely bonkers. Stay away from him. Who knows what he will start throwing at you next.

    Lin: the brown kettle-teapot was very appealing. My mom was the same about not growing indoor plants as well as John’s mom. They are messy. Water dripping and dirt and also little buggies and spiders hatching in the plant soil, etc. But we have already established that I am a total disorganized mess. I take very little notice of these annoying occurrences.
    Patsy☘️☕️🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶pizza night🍕🍕

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    Busy day today, so a quick hello before we get "dug in" clearing Mikes debris from an unhappy in the past marriage. Sad for him I think. Mark is realizing that an awful lot of the stuff downstairs is actually his. Opening cupboards reveal Demi johns and kit from his young wine making days. Old paint cans hidden behind furnaces etc. etc. We never had a basement in the UK of course, everything was stuck in the garden shed. Basements are great garbage collectors when you look beyond the living areas. A new start will be nice! A pair of crutches anyone?

    I'm not too worried about my missile sock throwing neighbour. Poor old chap really with his wife recovering from the stroke and his advancing years. With winter coming on it will be soon too cold for him to venture through the snow to the back fence and he will be wearing his socks if he has any left of course!

    Must get on. Its still hot and muggy here so I need to make a mushroom and parmesan quiche to have with salad and we will start off with pea soup to help Mike stagger up the stairs with containers full of books etc. Not to mention the old computers. At least three.

    Hey oh and off to work we go. Have a lovely stimulating day dear friends,

    PS. I'm listening to PATSY and her mention of bugs etc in indoor plants, which means I'm viewing my Avocado seed with some thought. Remember how my poinsettia plant grew and grew!!. However I am going to try and save a couple of the sad looking geraniums to bring indoors.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello, I hope everyone is doing well.

    Anne, my goodness, unearthing all sorts of long forgotten things from the basement. Please don’t hurt yourself. Getting rid of electronics here is a bit of a problem, I hope you have a simple way of jettisoning them. Paint cans! I kept my ld,paint cans so I had the names of all the paints that had been used in this house. Easier to find a paint can with the name of it than a note I left for myself somewhere 🤣😅🤣

    Thinking about the mint but haven’t cut any yet. It smells nice and it would rid my house of the smell of chives!

    Meanwhile, reading, checks, cards……

    We have had so much rain that all of my cherry tomatoes seem to have split. So this may be the next of the tomato season here.

    One of the National vendors of card making supplies has a special event each year. They call it Stamptember. And yes, an entire month of deals, special daily collaboration products revealed, prizes, loads of videos. I am tired already. The video premiers and daily product go on sale at Midnight! I can’t keep up the pace. 😄😁😄

    Kerry posted a photo of Harry, Paddy, Fergus and Archie or Henry. The extra two cuties are related to Kerry and Angela’s dogs. The rain has produced blooming heather apparently.


    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) Yea, I lost a pound which brings me to my goal plus a few ounces. It is sunny and pool weather but they keep saying rain but so far the sun is still out. I will see how it is after my family zoom call. If it rains Babe and I will continue to watch the new movie Elvis which is on HBO+. We started last night but it is a long movie so we went to bed and will finish today. I wasn't the biggest Elvis fan as a kid but I love his gospel music and love songs. He grew on me after he died which was way to young.

    Lin, when I moved in here in my laundry room there were paint cans and a sample of paints on wall telling you what room used that paint. I have since thrown them out as the paint was hard and taking up too much room. I doubt my cheap landlord will ever paint for me and I am not going to bare that expense. Heck, he didn't even paint when I moved in so why would he now. Beautiful dogs and pretty tea pot. Enjoy that Stamptember.

    Anne, what a job getting rid of all that stuff, I don't envy those boys. I have "stuff" in my garage but I think they kids will throw is all in the garbage as there in nothing worth saving. I brought in an Africa Violet that was dying on my balcony and am hoping to bring it back to life inside. Enjoy your day with the boys and MJ.

    Patsy, I am glad you talked to Damon and now he can also keep an eye on his dad. Babe doesn't seem to remember a lot but I think it is because he doesn't really listen when I tell him things. I have some relatives I haven't seen in years but I am grateful for Facebook for that reason. Not all are on it of course but you do hear about things in their lives from others.

    Jackie, oh my goodness I am glad you didn't damage your car with that boulder. How big was it? I am surprised you didn't get hung up on it. Reversing is not one of my favorite things in driving. lol I am glad your got your propane gas and hopefully won't worry about heat this winter.

    Time to get ready for call and then pool, last few days as it closes Tuesday. Have a great weekend, it is a holiday weekend here.

    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello, briefly Jilly was so exited to see Michael she jumped off the sofa and we feared she had broken her spindly left leg. The vet wasn't taking anybody else being very busy today but when Dr Warren realized it was me, a very long time customer of his dad and then him, he agreed to see her.

    The good news is she has only badly sprained it. Home with medication she is now fast asleep on the sofa which she isn't supposed to be on from now on [ha!] and happily unaware she cost her devoted slave $306, plus a bit.

    Cheers from Anne and her three legged expensive Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh! Poor little Jilly! Did she have to have her leg taped up for support? When our fur babies get hurt, I know it hurts us almost more. We are so worried about them. Wishing dear little Jilly a rapid recovery. I know it was expensive, but when it comes to our beloved fur family, if I needed to, we would spare no expense If we could. Anne, you are a devoted pet owner. As John says…really! Who owns who?
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    No tape PATSY but Dr Warren had to sort of twist it back. She's still walking with one paw held high but otherwise okay. Dr Warren was quite impressed with her. Apparently just a wee whimper when her leg was manipulated. I guess I can't complain because he trimmed her nails at no cost.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Just a quick word. The Bean has woken up seemingly back to normal. Yapping at other dogs walking past and eating her breakfast with all four legs planted on Mother Earth. She is worth the cost, my little Bean. I would sell the furniture if she needed treatment for costly medical bills. She has been a boon to me. A faithful little girl who tries so so hard to talk when we hold discussions. Honest!
    I'm not being a daft old woman when I write that.
    Anne, a very relieved Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) Gloomy day here, a good day to go to Rob and Lisa's and have our last get together with her parents for a few months as they are leaving for Florida next week. I will be treating them all to Outback for their send off. Babe is going even though he said he feels out of place, but he is not so it will be fine. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny so we are having a little party at the pool to end the season. Just my pool friends, we are bringing some snacks and drinks to share. Hopefully the weather co-operates.

    Anne, I am so sorry about poor Jilly, but glad to hear she is walking on all fours today. I couldn't even tell you the amount of money we have spent on our dogs, I think it would shock you. Two of them had to have legs amputated so that gives you an idea. Our pets are family and they get the same treatment as our children would. I believe she talks to you because Ewok sometimes talks back to me when I am disciplining him just like the grandkids sometimes do. lol

    Mass will be starting soon, so hello to all of you and I hope you have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello friends.

    Anne, what an anxiety laden incident. I am so happy to hear that Jilly is able to use all 4 legs again. Thank heavens. She is a darling and of course, bestest company for you! Everyone spends whatever is needed for their dogs, well, almost everyone I know.

    I was upstairs yesterday afternoon when the doorbell rang, then there was pounding on my door and then frantic doorbell ringing. I was highly irritated but went downstairs. The 3 girls from a nearby house were there with what appeared to be a babysitter. They had lost their drone and were sure it was in my backyard. I told them to go in through the side gate and look for it or I would open the gate for them. Off they tramped. I went out on my deck later and they were looking around and I said, it’s not up here. They finally left the backyard and one girl looked me in the eye and said I know it landed in the middle of your yard. So off they went, looking behind the fence, looking between my house and the next house down. They rousted the neighbor and they went out and looked in his yard and we all gazed in the tree. Finally they left and after I got my mail. I went out and walked around my backyard.

    I thought the drone was the size of the ones I see flying around our neighborhood, but I found it against the fence finally, it didn’t even fill the palm of my hand. Tiny! I walked it back to their house and rang their doorbell (once, although I wanted to hit it over and over). The babysitter said thanks and the girls ran off with the prize. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    That’s my story of interest for the day.

    Time to tune in for church. Have a good day everyone.

    Jilly, no more jumping please!

    Sandy, enjoy your family visit and Outback. I hope Babe enjoys himself. ❤️

    Overcast day here as well but at least it isn’t horribly hot.

    Be safe everyone.


    Yes, actually a teapot!

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Better than dirty old socks landing in your yard LIN. LOL. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast here as well. But blessedly cool. I think these clouds are to drift away on and then more heat. I can imagine how much fun it would be if we had a swimming pool but alas….we suffer in the heat and high humidity.

    John is suffering with a bit of allergies and dry irritated eyes. So my task for the day will be to dust with furniture polish and use the swiffers wherever I can. I have a long reach one that I can reach the ceiling, so I will try to swiffer along the ceiling and corners. What a boring chore but it must be done. I am going to try to get John to help me remove the lace curtains to wash. That will be a task in itself. He suddenly disappears when he sees me getting ready to ask for help with housework. Not his favorite thing to do.

    Damon is sailing again today. This time with a different crew. It is a bunch of architects that use Damon to animate huge projects like sports complexes or big huge buildings. They use virtual reality walk thru. Damon said they are a very rowdy bunch. They will have fun but as boat captain he can’t imbibe. It is the same a drinking and driving. A big NO-NO!

    John and I were remembering our dear adorable Mazzie. She jumped and galloped down stairs and twisted her leg. Our vet ex rayed and said he had to sedate her to manipulate it back in place. We do remember a huge vet bill. But like you Anne, Sandy and Jackie, do what needs to be done! We will find the money. Actually we sneakers are ALL animal lovers and know how important they are in any family. That would include chickens and bees (gasp) but not drones!

    Back to dusting the ceilings and windows and even the big leaves on the huge living room plant-tree. Do you suppose this was a trick to get me to deep clean the house? Hummmmmmm?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member

    :) My walking friend who got Covid on her cruise is feeling better, tested negative for many days and has quarantined for two weeks so we were able to walk today.

    :) Jake had a good report from the cancer doctor. No treatment needed. Recheck in three months

    :) All else is the same

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited September 2022
    Oh dear, already Monday morning (1.30am) because I fell asleep watching another boring Netflix programme. I must consider my options… is it worth the monthly subscription?
    Lots of rain so little dead heading achieved. Instead I scraped wallpaper off a section in the kitchen to check for dampness as it was on an outdoor wall and tomorrow might just give it fresh paint because it is, thank goodness, dry!

    Eyes drooping so will catch up properly tomorrow, having probably dreamed of dancing along the yellow brick road… fabulous teapot Lin!

    Jackie 💤💤💤💤
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning. Mike might turn up today to load his car with belongings again. You can actually see the carpet in the bedroom again!!!!!!!

    So, JACKIE and the U.K have a new lady prime minister. She's off to Balmoral to meet the queen. I don't envy her! Liz Truss I mean, not Queen Elizabeth.

    After all the searing heat its quite cool today. I counted 9 cars at Harrys old house last evening, things they are a-moving one might say. As I'm just about fed up of salad I'm going to cook the working lad a pork chop in a creamy oniony sauce.

    Cheers, Anne and her rubber bouncing ball of a recovered Jilly Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I couldn’t resist this cute pooch! Enjoy the day…


    Anne, underwhelmed would be my description of my response to our new Prime Minister! Hey ho. 🥱

    Thunderstorms and gales for me so I’m almost wishing the heat would return!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello, I didn’t find anything cute at all! Love the puppy. ❤️❤️

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm beginning to think the house next door hasn't been sold at all. Back to normal with old car on the drive and the trailer still there as well. Funny sort of day.
    Yes JACKIE, the puppy is much more appealing.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny day here and while it is warm, it is a lovely day. How I wish I could have a bbq with our kids here. Teasing and laughing and lots of music. It will be John and me. I will call Andrea and Damon. Damon might be going to a social event of some kind. I really don’t mind that at all. I love it when they are feeling happy and social. Until just recently , of course, we were all hiding in our respective hidie-holes. Now to see the light of day and high hopes for the new normal.

    In the entertainment news I read they have now cast the newest additions to the Crown series. I watched the earlier ones. Very well done and I could understand most of the characters. There were some with a lovely cultured sound but totally indecipherable for me. I could still figure out what was happening but it wasn’t easy! Will look forward to the nest additions!

    I will be signing up for the new vaccine shot. Wouldn’t it be great if they could (at last) cook up a vaccine that would keep this Covid virus away for at least a year at a time. I am lucky that the shots I have had caused no real side effects. Sore arm and fatigue. I can live with that. But if I had side effects like our dear Anne, I would forego the shots entirely.

    I am fixing John and I Me a Labor Day picnic to eat on our own deck. The town is full of people. I fear a new outbreak next week. Andrea went to Urgent Care and got a shot of antibiotics and a prescription for her leg ulcer. It was infected. Whew! That could have gone bad very quickly. I will see about dropping off a bowl of my sweet potato salad for Andrea and her family. I know it sounds weird but John and I love it with our sausage hot dogs. Odd sausage made mainly with veggie protein. I think even John likes them.

    Even though it is Labor day and an official holiday, I need to do a few chores. Laundry and clean at least one bathroom. Then picnic to some old happy music on my boom box. 70-80s Rock and roll.
    Al Green….what becomes of a broken heart?🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Just a teapot…

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) The sun never came out yesterday but we met at the pool fully dressed for our last get together with some food and drinks for a couple of hours. Today is sitting day so life is once again back to normal.
    My kids dad is back in the hospital because he was urinating blood which they now think is a UTI. My daughter is his POA and she is going to talk to social worker today and explain he cannot go home and live by himself any longer. Hopefully she gets the help to put him in rehab or a nursing home. He has fallen 3 or 4 times in the last month. This is going to be a hard road for my kids but I think they can handle it working together.

    Patsy, I will be waiting for the release of the Crown, interesting show but as Jackie said not all true.
    I hope you enjoyed your picnic on the deck, it sounds like fun. Thanks for reminding me Babe needs his second booster and I will also sign up for third booster. I look at them like flu shots so if it keeps me from getting too sick I am for it as I usually don't get side effects either.

    Anne, you have the strangest neighbors but it makes life interesting for you. Where is Mike putting all the stuff he is taking out? Does he have room for it all?

    I hope all are well and now that the weather is cooling down enjoying some open windows and fresh air.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny warm day here. In fact our hot weather is returning once again. But not like poor sad scorching California. That beautiful state is in trouble. My thoughts and prayers for the people and animals dealing with this climate change. We all are, actually!

    John has one of his ongoing tooth issues. Every tooth in his mouth has either a crown or root canal or implant. Poor baby, he is going through one of his phases where it seems like his entire body needs repairs. I do keep seeing this image of an old car going into the garage for an oil job and overhaul. As John says, they aren’t making any parts for a model this old. Ha! Has he not heard of Yankee ingenuity?

    Sandy: about the new booster. I understand it is a different formula from the other boosters. Talk to the doctor, it could be that Babe could skip the second booster and get just the newest booster. Damon’s sailing friend, who is a nurse practitioner, said she already has a full schedule of people wanting the new booster. She is in the process of “digesting all the parameters “ of the newest booster. I think we must be getting closer to that yearly Covid shot like the flu shot. We always get the flu shot because after getting the flu one winter, that taught us a really good lesson.

    Oh! another entry into the garbage garden…I cook sweet potato’s for Katie (and us) and I found one with a little bit of a sprouting so I put it in a pretty little flower pot with some water and a little plant food. It might make a pretty vine near my dungeon window.

    So to paraphrase….I have many chores before I sleep.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good evening! The torrential showers continue but I managed to find a half hour gap this morning to walk with George and Betty and stayed on low moors so it wasn’t too windy. First time since early Spring I wore my knitted head scarf that covers my ears and keeps my hair under control! George ran lots of zoomies which showed how frustrated he has been with our short walks in the rain since Saturday. On the way home I detoured to the farm supply store for a bag of corn for the hens and saw a pair of walking shoes at half price. Seemed prophetic because yesterday I discovered my favourite comfy pair had begun to split on the seams so out they went. These new ones looked too small in my size but I should have taken the time to try them on because I’m now thinking I might go back although at that price they will probably be gone! This afternoon I have been painting the kitchen walls with the occasional pause to keep an eye on our news. As annoying as Boris has been as Prime Minister, his farewell speech did make me laugh comparing himself to a booster rocket splashing down somewhere remote in the Pacific. Knowing Boris, he’ll be back!

    Sandy, you made me smile too when you referred to meeting your friends fully dressed! 😆😂. I do know what you mean but it read as a funny comment. No photo of my hens sitting in their shelter because they still stay away from it. Perhaps they don’t approve of the decor!

    A pretty teapot Lin and even prettier poodle.

    Pictures of the Queen today had observers commenting how frail she suddenly looks but remembering how much she sacrificed to do her duty, I think she should now be left alone to enjoy what time she has left. The Crown's certainly full of a lot of guesswork but I can’t wait to see what they make of Harry’s life choices!

    Anne, wasn’t Labour day crunch time for your neighbours to move out? Perhaps they were having a final clear out yesterday. 🤔

    Tomorrow I will take George and Betty to the groomer’s home to check if they get on with her little Ziggy, an ex drugs search dog who recently suffered a stroke but is doing remarkably well.

    I’ve feet up enjoying a choc ice.. no wonder my weight doesn’t go down!
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Patsy, you snuck in before me and I will be fascinated to hear what becomes of your sweet potato. I was tempted early summer to purchase sweet potato slips to grow but decided they were too expensive and definitely not garbage garden material!
    I read that many are deserting California because there seems no end to their dire drought conditions then Pakistan, with an area the size of Britain covered in water and a variety of crops have washed away. Our poor planet!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Good evening. I am streaming a card making video as I type this. We had a day of lovely temperatures with some overcast skies caused by smoke from the fires out West. Fall seems to be on the way. Birds and squirrels are eating my cherry tomatoes every day now. I hope they are enjoying them. I have been making cards all day today, again. 🙃 Should I just mention when I am not making cards?

    I finally gave in and called the company who replaced my roof some years ago. I trust them, they did good work and they know the characteristics of their shingles. They should have someone stop by to check my roof this week. I changed my mind as more and more neighbors have either posted that they were having their roof replaced or a little sign has popped up in the front yard with a contractor’s name.

    I tried to dry some mint today. It didn’t turn out to be lovely! ☹️

    I am glad we are all here and trying our best to live our best life possible each day.

    Wishing everyone well. Long distance hugs.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) We went out today for a rare shopping trip and bought soil for me to divide and replant my iris bulbs and for Jake to prepare the raised beds for planting garlic. We won't do that right away but wanted to buy the supplies before they are all gone.

    :'( Bernie, the cat continues to have more symptoms of old age. He has an appointment with the vet next week.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    A quick note from me, busy day. With the drying of herbs we picked bunches of sage, marjoram, thyme, tied the bunches with string, placed them in a brown paper bag with heads at the bottom and the stalks at the top and hung to dry in a cupboard. After some time we crumbled the dried leaves from the stalks whilst still in the bag to prevent mess before popping in jars. We didn't dry mint. It was chopped very finely and covered in brown vinegar to spoon on roast lamb or chops. I am allergic to vinegar but this is what I remember my Mom doing. Any help?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Thanks Anne…..I was hoping to make this a one day project. I used to hang bundles in my basement (when I lived in a different house). Meanwhile, I decimated most of the harvestable mint. 😂🤣😂

    I will think about where I might be able to hang some mint.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I didn't sit yesterday nor am I needed today because Lisa is under the weather and two of the kiddos have some congestion. I feel a little lost when I don't sit but also love being at home.
    Weather is beautiful, windows are open for some fresh air. The only thing on the agenda is paying estimated taxes for Babe, other than that nothing. Oh, and grocery delivery early afternoon.

    Anne and Lin, I have mint on my balcony but won't be drying it. It has flowers starting and I googled why and it said it is on it's way out for the season. Sad, summer is almost over, it went too fast.

    Barbie, good luck with Bernie next week, I am sure he feels very loved.

    Lin, did I miss something about your roof? Did the storm knock off some shingles?

    Jackie, good luck in exchanging the new shoes, I do hope they have your size. Yes, I guess it did sound weird saying we were fully dressed as opposed to naked. lol At least it made you laugh.

    Patsy, I will ask the pharmacist when we go Friday if Babe can just have the new booster. He didn't want to get another booster but I am insisting as he has an autoimmune disease. I just hope he doesn't have any side effects or he will be angry with me.

    Enjoy your day, I plan on doing the same.
    One Day at a Time