Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm absent because it is a "nothing day" as far as news goes. No activity at all next door or anywhere, very quiet.

    We didn't get out today because I've been waiting for a parcel. Its just been and the contents are fine. It was no problem staying in because it is again very hot.

    Mikes having to park his car a 15 minute walk away and that goes for everyone in his condo. The concrete driveway is being ripped up to replace with a new concrete drive leading into the underground garage. It will take 2 months to do this job and seeing it is still summer hot he's going to Quebec on Thursday for a week to see his father and avoid the walk I guess. Jilly and I will miss him but his father who is 86 needs a bit of help winterizing.

    I haven't heard of Babes condition either SANDY and will join LIN in looking it up. Isn't there an age limit on donating blood? I THINK there is here.

    So as you can see from the above, a very quiet day here. I'll toddle off and join PATSY in thinking salad. I've a honeydew melon to finish off.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :# My dental appointment for tomorrow morning got cancelled. The hygienist got a job elsewhere and they have to hire a new one. I was looking forward to getting it over and now I have to wait. I liked the woman who cleaned my teeth and will miss her.

    :) Jake had a burst of energy today and came outside to work in the yard with me after lunch instead of taking a nap. We don't do this often. We worked for about an hour. He put a chair in the shade so he could sit down from time to time.

    :) A neighbor came by and I offered her zucchini from my plant. The plant has produced a lot some I 'm glad to have friends to share it with.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Storms and intermittent internet problems yesterday but at least we received plenty of rain.
    Pooches walked and I’m now going to drive to the hospital in Plymouth for my 3 monthly cancer check. At least it wasn’t an eight month wait this time!
    Catch up when I’m back.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Mikes coming over for a short visit before he drives to Quebec. Back later, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Going back to hospital for blood work and drop off 24 hours of urine. Sorry!! lol
    Bryanna is coming to clean my house thank goodness and I got most of the groceries needed for my son, DIL and granddaughter who arrive tomorrow afternoon. I just have to find veggie or jalapeno cream cheese for my granddaughter.
    Another beautiful day here so no complaints on the weather even though the pool doesn't open until 4:00 during the week so I only go on weekends weather permitting.
    Still getting some pains in tummy but I think it is IBS but glad I scheduled a colonoscopy in November which is the earliest they could fit me in.
    Other than that no news, so hope all is well and you are all happy campers.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello. Errands of the day accomplished. Post office, stopped for gas only to discover my gift cards had no balance. They have a percentage fee each month that the card isn’t used. I had no idea. Oh well, this is the car that sips gas so filling up was less than $9. Stopped at Walgreens for a couple of things. They didn’t give me the $3 off on one item. This is not my day for good deals. 😁

    Have checked all my other gift cards now. I found a local grocery store has this same monthly fee for not using the gift card so that one is dead as well. Will be more careful in the future.

    My gift cards with Barnes & Noble, Cinemark, and Target are fine and don’t have that little nasty way to drain the $$ back to them.

    Sandy, more errands, yeah to Bryanna cleaning your house and I hope you find the needed grocery items. I get veggie cream cheese made from almond milk once in a while. It is pretty good. The brand is Kite Hill. (But expensive.)

    Jackie, I hope your appointment goes well and nothing alarming was found. Glad you received some rain but not glad that you had Internet issues.

    Anne, best wishes to Mike and his visit to Quebec.

    Barbie, I am sorry you lost your dental hygienist. I have had the same lady for years and I like her and feel that she does a great job. I hope they find someone that you will like as well who is very competent.

    Patsy, hot today? If you tops are comfy, the look is not so important, especially at home.

    Be safe everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Oh and Jackie, here’s the result of the latest Max event. What a total!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello Sneakers. My trip to Plymouth went well and the Dermatology department was quiet so it appears long waiting lists caused by lockdowns are being reduced. Just one question on a dark mole the nurse wanted checked so the consultant popped in to look and quickly gave it the all clear. On the way home I stopped at a Lidl store for a couple of food items and was amazed how low their stock was with gaps on most shelves but found everything I wanted. The heavy local showers are still popping up but I managed to work in my garden for a couple of hours this afternoon. Linda is dropping in for coffee tomorrow morning so I should whizz round with the vacuum cleaner but decided I should have time before she arrives. Many of her potted plants need dead heading but I’ve told her I don’t want to interfere so will hand her my secateurs so she can tidy them.

    Patsy, do thank Damon for his suggestion of a solar powered fan for my bedroom. I’ve already carried out some research because I have a radio in my greenhouse powered by its own panel that works extremely well so it could be a goer! I’ve a new toilet in my old airing cupboard that uses a macerator usually found on boats, so I’ll be dreaming I’m sailing the oceans soon!
    Our small country, surrounded by water, is way behind in positive ideas to utilise it so it doesn’t take much dry weather for our water tables to dry up and hosepipe bans to be brought in. Luckily, I do have an outdoor tap under my kitchen window that I use to fill watering cans when the butts run dry. A hose is connected so I can fill up in the garden and cut down on the distance to carry it and don’t think continuing to do so will break any rules. So many tomatoes I’m already planning tomato sauce recipes to freeze!

    Wow Lin, well done dear Max for continuing to raise money. Our regional air ambulance services rely on donations and have apparently increased the odds tenfold of surviving serious accidents in isolated locations. Such a special pooch!
    That’s quite a collection of Queen Victoria tea memorabilia with her somber features. I’m not sure I would want to live with her watching me!

    It’s becoming dark outside as the days get shorter so I had better pop out and close the greenhouse door and windows.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Michael came and Michael went and then Mark came, did a bit of work and Mark went. Michael wasn't having a good day, everything he tackled seemed to go wrong so I hope he's okay on his journey tomorrow.

    I have to ring up the eye clinic next week to make a new appointment for cataract removal. I was all set 3 years ago but couldn't have it done because my doctor said my BP was too high. Then of course lockdown occurred and I got the shingles plus, but blood pressure is now normal so I've just made an appointment to see him next week for more BP tablets and a letter stating I shouldn't be in danger of keeling over. Can't say I'm looking forward to this, but with the Bean to take care of plus I don't want to not be able to write or draw etc, it has to be done.

    Wonderful news for you JACKIE on your mole and it must have had you walking on air with clearance.

    I'm still managing to find most items I want at the groceries but like LIN you have to be careful of what you pick up. Bananas I've given up on for now. With the heat they go mushy very quickly.

    We were promised thunder showers but as before, all around us but not a drop of rain here.

    Hi to PATSY, SANDY and BARBIE.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dears! MFP seems quirky on my iPad today. Not sure why because other sites are working fine. Hot! Hot! Hot! 106 on deck. Katie has stopped eating. She wants ice. Don’t we all? Ice cube in her water dish and she fished that out and ate it! I make iced coffee. Cheerios and a banana for brunch. Dinner will be salmon sandwich with lots of lettuce. More cantaloupe for dessert.

    KD Lang singing “Crying”. Oh my my! She is a natural force. She doesn’t always choose the right songs to fit her amazing voice. She works best with bluesy sort of songs with slow dreamy lower base notes. My opinion only!

    Jackie: Damon uses his photovoltaic panel to power his computer, some lights, a radio, and some depth finder GPS stuff. He has 6 big boat batteries to move the boat through water and for maneuvering it into the slip. So I guess photovoltaic technology is used frequently on his boat. Good luck finding power that doesn’t increase your electric bill. Wind? Sun? Water? Great news on the dark mole…now called a a beauty spot

    Anne: isn’t it crazy how we miss those young men in our life? John and I don’t need constant attention but we need regular chats with our kids. Or Nice intelligent people with a sense of humor!
    I know the thought of cataract surgery is scary. But have no fear, my good friend. It is a snap! You just need to make sure you do all those eye drops. That is a bother but necessary. We will be here to hold your hand and cheer you on!

    Sandy: will your company stay with you and Babe in the condo? You will have a great time. Chats, games, photos!

    Barbie. Sounds like you have a wonderful yard and garden. Hope you can share a photo. Our yard is a scandal right now!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Sandy: will your company stay with you and Babe in the condo? You will have a great time. Chats, games, photos!

    Usually my son and his wife stay in my guest room but they are letting my granddaughter stay with us and they are getting a hotel nearby. Tomorrow is my DIL's birthday so the four of us and Bryanna will be going out for dinner. Babe is declining as he said it would be too long for him. We will come back here and play games, probably Settlers of Catan and have a fun time. Friday they are visiting with his dad in the afternoon as I have therapy and Friday night will have carry in from PF Changs, with more games. Saturday we will go to see the kiddos and have Portillos which is famous place for hot dogs and beef sandwiches in Chicago. I do hope Babe will come with us to see the kiddos.
    When we return home more games. As you can tell we are a big gaming family. In fact before we go to dinner tomorrow we will have a game hour on the computer with other members of my family. It is called
    Discord with Jackbox TV. Fun times.
    They leave Sunday but we might go to breakfast so Laurie can have her favorite gluten free pancakes at a restaurant near me.
    Babe said Sunday Marisa wants to visit with her boyfriend and her beagle so a busy weekend is in store.
    Not sure I will even have time for the pool.
    That's our itinerary for the weekend. Aren't you glad you asked??? lol lol

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sorry Sandy, I hope I didn’t sound nosey or intrusive. I apologize. I know you are very busy.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning one and all. For once my timing was perfect for our morning walk because I drove to an area on the moors close to home and as we climbed I could see dark rain clouds drifting towards us from the west. Home, hens and tomatoes fed then the rain started to fall so I will now vacuum up Betty’s fur balls that sit in corners before Linda arrives.

    Anne, my brother Bernie who lives in Spain is on a 4 year waiting list for cataract removal so is considering going private. As Patsy says, the procedure is a doddle and results fantastic once past the fiddle of eye drops but I was given a chart to tick off each time as I’m sure you will.

    Phew Sandy, all that food makes me feel more exhausted than the thought of fun with visiting family! Tell yourself the pool will still be there after they’ve left and have a wonderful time! 😎

    Patsy, when I visited Norway I was impressed with their solar battery technology that was used for large boats and small planes. They don’t use any of their offshore produced oil but instead sell it to finance their clean energy… doesn’t that say something about the rest of us!

    Time to vacuum.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Skipping meeting and doing laundry. Babe's doctor called this morning with results from his blood work and is requiring another test. A nuclear test of his heart called a PYP. It requires being given an injection at 11:15 am waiting until 12:30 when they will do imaging for an hour, then waiting another hour and another hour of imaging. Babe will hate the waiting but it has to be done.
    The neurologist wants me to call the cardiologist to let him know the numbers from the blood work as they were very high. According to the paperwork I got from Cheryl his next appointment with the cardiologist isn't until next year. I think Babe's heart is in worse condition than he knows but I try to keep him positive because he is always settles on the doom and gloom rather than the good.
    Bryanna on her way here to finish cleaning as she ran out of time yesterday. My son and family should be here around 3ish. Let the fun begin.

    Patsy dear Patsy, I was trying to be funny but guess it didn't come across that way. Never apologize to me, I love your sense of humor and good nature. You are a good friend and I would never want to offend you or any of the sneakers. And yes you will be seeing photos of our fun times. <3

    Jackie, yes, lots of food but I kind of watch my calories and if I gain there is always next week to start again. Life is too short as Anne always says, eat the good food, use the good china, you know the old saying. Enjoy your time with Linda.

    Time for breakfast. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Jackie, have a lovely day with Linda. Kerry filmed a morning walk and they are expecting drizzle all day in the Lake country. He said he would rather just get wet than sweat in his waterproof gear. 😄 decisions, decisions. Oh my, your brother has to wait that long? If he has the funds, perhaps he should consider paying for the surgery. Of course I have no idea how expensive things are in Spain.

    Sandy, have a lovely time with family. Sorry Babe needs additional tests. Interesting that a friend of mine had that same test. She was just telling me about it yesterday afternoon. They did some work up on her first, then injection, and the repeated sessions of laying on a very uncomfortable table. She said they made her keep her arms up over her head for much of it and actually forced them into place. She says all was well but I wonder if they told her daughter more than they told her. Anyway, gosh, that is a long time to get through that test. Time will tell.

    Patsy, hello!

    And hello to Barbie and Anne.

    It is laundry day here and back to die cutting. I had some cutting accomplished and then I used up most of the stack. 😄

    Be safe.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Linda visited for over 4 hours as we drank coffee and enjoyed a triple chocolate muffin each while exchanging extreme family stories and laughing about most of them! She headed home with a bag of tomatoes and a few of her plants like Dahlias, that don’t mind hot weather so will sit happily in her new garden area. A quick trip into town to stock up on pet food and because it’s now raining, I’m chilling and planning an evening meal. I need to pick a handful of mixed lettuce leaves but will get wet if I go out now!

    Sandy, I’m so sorry you have more worries about Babe’s health but hopefully the tests will guide his doctors towards treatment that will make a difference and help him feel more positive.

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another very warm day ahead! In truth, my dear sneakers, I really do not know how to deal with this heat anymore. To think! I was raised on a Texas cattle ranch and we didn’t have a/c for years. We had fans and umbrella on the tractor and in the barns. I remember we liked to sleep on a screened back porch. That was it! Today I would just curl up in a sweaty ball and croak. We have fans and a room a/c. Not terribly effective but it all helps. The insulated blinds are also very helpful. I am more and more committed to finding alternative power sources. Much research and education on this subject.

    Oh speaking of funny family stories, I do remember one very warm summer night I decided to sleep totally naked out on the screened back porch. Huge mistake! Woke up covered with chigger bites…head to toe. The next day was a birthday party for my cousin. I went to the party dressed in shorts and a loose tee shirt and polka-dotted with calamine lotion. Very attractive!!!!!!

    Today is gather up the trash for trash pickup tomorrow. I have a rather odd satisfaction when I can get rid of trash and junk. Today I will try to ditch a couple of out of date canned vegetables. I have no idea why I have these. John must have bought them when he was preparing for disaster of some sort.

    I seem to be having trouble with my iPad connection to mfp. So without further comment, I will chat with you later…
    Love you all like crazy….

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi fellow Sneakers. Mikes just made it to his Dads. He was delayed at the Quebec border for one hour because a huge truck had flipped over and it was carrying big bags of flour. Michael said it looked like a winter wonderland with work crews busy cleaning up the mess.

    Mike seems to lead the most exciting life of us all. Mark was here renovating, I was here cleaning and cooking, Jilly was here sleeping after her hectic day yesterday and Mike was covered in wind blown flour or at least the car was.

    I ordered the groceries for the period 10am to 12am and they turned up at a quarter to eight am. At least everything was very fresh! Delivered in one shot by a very strong, very tall and very nice lady!
    She must easily have been well over 6ft. It was a heavy load with things like Silks almond milk etc and she did it like I wrote in one fell swoop. I was very impressed.

    I was talking to a lady who has just had cataract surgery after over three years wait time with our health service. Like JACKIEs brother I've decided to go private! Terribly costly but I don't spend much on an exotic lifestyle and maybe I haven't GOT 4 years to wait!!!! Whatever it will leave a big hole in my meagre savings. The boys have been warned.
    Maybe I'll get to paint my masterpiece yet if all is successful, but don't hang onto your socks on that one.

    Well, now I know my eldest is safe and sound I think I will go and get me and Jilly's tea. Crumpets for me.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    PATSY you beat me to it posting. Just read you. Loved your bite story.
    When we first came over we were housed in a brand new apartment, so new that screens hadn't been installed at the windows. and we never had screens in the UK. So on a hot July night with no a/c Anne opened all the windows, and the next day the white walls were covered in mosquitoes and we were covered in bumps and bites. So started my hatred of the pesky things. We had all the booklets on Canada before we came, but not a mention of humid heat, mosquito nets at windows, and indeed the blood sucking little things themselves. We lived....and learned!
    Anne, your fellow sufferer.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    A warm and sunny day was forecast so I put a load of bedding in the washing machine to wash overnight and just as I clipped the last peg on the line to hang it all out this morning it began to rain! Too bad, I said to the clouds, I’m not taking it back in now and that was enough to scare them off!
    Our walk was longer than it should have been because I drove to our favourite area that we haven’t visited in over a week and George had to sniff every blade of grass! Betty stays on the lead now otherwise she stays so far back watching us walk away I have to retrieve her. Perhaps she is finding the walks a struggle because she is now fast asleep and does so at every opportunity.

    Lin, your post appeared after I had posted mine so I missed the pretty china and spoon. Kerry felt the same as I did when the first rain arrived after the heat. I stayed outside in a t-shirt gardening and didn’t mind getting soaked! Private surgery for cataract removal in England is between £2,000 and £3,500 but I think medical care in Spain is cheaper and just as good. I think my brother is waiting for their heatwave and wildfires to settle down.

    Anne, my Canadian friend Michael that lives near you in London, took early retirement from his job as a company rep for a lighting business because he saw one too many nasty accidents on the freeways involving large trucks. He said it was as if every incident was a warning!

    Patsy, your story involving Calamine lotion did make me laugh and just as Anne found on arrival in Canada, my first trip outside Toronto that happened to involve horse riding, was a huge learning experience about bites from every size of insect! This time of year, I only have to stand on the step late at night while George and Betty have a last garden trip, and I find myself scratching tiny bites because I forget the Avon Skin so Soft spray that sits on the garden room table!

    Don’t worry Sandy, I tell myself the same thing every time I tuck into any cake that comes with coffee mornings and when I visit Northumberland next month with my friend Pat, we will no doubt eat out for most meals!

    The sun is out so I will get on and hopefully finish constructing the frame for the hens’ bus shelter then pop to the builders supply store for tongue and grove timber to use as its roof.

    MFP is continuing to misbehave so I regularly click on Save Draft just in case but find it annoying when I can’t see what I’m typing. Coffee finished so I’ll wish everyone a wonderful and safe Friday.

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning/afternoon all. I baked this morning. So for lunch I had a left over mushroom and parmesan quiche slice and fried zucchini in butter and olive oil followed by a new recipe I tried. Over here Zucchini bread, but up North in Yorkshire we called it a fruit loaf. Sliced and buttered for teatime in the late afternoon. It was excellent and I will definitely bake it again.

    Dire warnings from Mark about not burning myself on the oven shelves. Well I know the eyesight isn't too good and I'm a bit doddery these days but honestly you'd think I was 90 instead of a young lady of 86!

    Off to get another THIN slice of fruit loaf. Diets don't trouble me anymore!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Friday! Laurie's birthday celebration was great, dinner was delicious and back home we played a game until 11pm.

    They went to visit my son's dad and I went to therapy. We are having carryout tonight and play more games. Hopefully Charlie's cold is better tomorrow so we can go visit them. KT has never met the two younger ones.

    I better jump in the shower and look decent for when they return. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. Nerves are frazzled. A huge storm went through and the hail was huge and it sounded like the windows were breaking and the thunks to the house were horrible. The streets flooded, the cars that were outdoors in the area have broken windows. I didn’t get any photos of the hail. It was building up on the roof across from me and in the grass. 3+ inches in size according to weather reports.

    My new and nicely growing zucchini plant doesn’t look so good now. 😢

    Sandy, lovely photos. Keep on enjoying the weekend. First photo I remember seeing of Bryanna’s super short hair. Wow!

    Anne, lots of baking and I am happy it turned out to be tasty. Excellent. Yes, don’t burn yourself. Haaaaaa. Had you heard that before? Oh I burn myself quite regularly when I am air frying something and have to pull out a little rack part of the way out of the oven and then stir things up. Ouch! Glad your son arrived in Quebec safely.

    Jackie, aha, onward to the countdown to your trip! Saw a photo of London recently and the person posting it said it was looking like autumn with many leaves changing color. And this morning Kerry said it was looking like autumn in his area with certain plants and shrubs turning colors and the seeds from others all gone. Yipes, I don’t want to think of autumn being so close.

    Patsy and Barbie, hello and best wishes.

    I think the rain has stopped for now so am going outside to see if anything is damaged. 👀

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


    This was a WOW for me.

    “ Dining room at Windsor castle, start of construction 1066 England”


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Me again. More storms have arrived, wind and driving rain…..flash flood warning issued for this area.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh LIN, I'm so worried about you. Is your area low lying? If you don't have problems with the internet please let us know you are safe.

    With giant hailstones becoming more common that can smash windows, one remembers those outside shutters from the past. Maybe they will make a come back.

    Finally after everyone around us getting rain but my area not a drop for weeks we had a wee rainfall this afternoon. I'm inundated with tomatoes from 4 plants. I hope MJ helps me out tomorrow! Everything is struggling but not the tomatoes.

    Yes LIN I burnt my arm a few weeks ago and Mark isn't letting me forget. I wouldn't have told him actually but it was bad enough to stick the biggest of band aids over it and of course he spotted it.

    Very hot today and again tomorrow, but then I guess Lins rain sweeps over because we are told thunder showers all day Sunday and Monday.

    Time for Jeopardy on the tv.

    Bye, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    The sun is out…..for the time being. 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    We had a cool start to our walk but I didn’t take us too far because Betty is still quiet and not keen to go. Kept on her lead she kept up while George rushed about chasing sheep poo! We were almost back to the car park when we saw David walking his Hattie/Harriet so continued on with them. I had a bag of tomatoes in my car to take to my friends Christine and Richard and should have offered them to him because it turned out they weren’t at home so I’ve left the bag sitting rather precariously on an outside windowsill.

    Well, began the post a couple of hours ago but was interrupted by phone calls and lunch. I need to water the tomatoes and try to complete the framework for the hen shelter because I managed to buy a laminated board for its roof and want to finally finish.

    I will be back!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I think we are to get Lins storm tomorrow. The Ms are coming over to finish the drywall on the stairs because apparently drywall doesn't like rain.
    Like Jackie I will be back later. I hope MJ takes some of the tomatoes home!
    So glad Lin came through the dreadful storm and hailstones unscathed.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello, it is overcast today and showers are expected from time to time. So happy, my zucchini plant has survived so far. A few bits of tomato plants were broken and parsley bits are on the deck. Overall, not bad. I don’t see any window problems and my generator has no hail dents. Many people lost their cars that were parked outside. A friend told me her friend had to have her car towed home. Undriveable.

    Some photos from yesterday


    Take care everyone. I plan to do a bit of cooking, cards of course, and I need to catchup on my reading.

    Be safe.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Oh, hummmm, a teapot is needed. Tea cozies today!
