Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello, I have been sorting through supplies looking for a greeting to stamp into the Thanksgiving cards. Also mined out a stack of things for Halloween cards. I might make some this year. Didn’t find anything exceptional for birthday cards which I need soon! 😄😃😄 Sorting through stuff is a lot of fun.

    I went back to the REI website and they have discontinued the product! I wonder if it cost too much to continue. They have tiny packs now for hiking, or first aid, etc. There are lots of links online with lists to download for a ‘bug out’ bag. Then you need to find the items to purchase.

    My friend who calls on Thursdays did not call today. That’s okay, I didn’t have lots of news anyway.

    I did hear from a friend who is cooking meals and delivering them to her daughter and son-in-law. They both have Covid and she called her mom and said this is A LOT worse than a cold. They are quite ill apparently. And yes, they have been double vaccinated and double boosted. She is worried about them. A mom thing. She wears a mask when leaving stuff on their doorstep.

    Our temperature today is in the high 80’s but wow, Saturday! Forecast 102 F???!!! Eeeeck.

    Anne, I wondered who would take the tomatoes since they are off your plate. Glad Michael can still eat them. That storm was something! I saw a video of those mammoth hailstones hitting a car. Oh my gosh.

    Jackie, did you change your mind and catch up on BBC?

    Sandy, woooo! Excitement. Great grandchild! Who is having the baby? Someone you will see often? A friend of mine has a number of great grandchildren now and most live in the same city as they do. They have the kids over regularly. They have a very good time with them.

    Partsy, I think I must have missed you again.

    Barbie, hope you are okay. Waiting for a doctor’s appointment can be a bit stressful. But you are a very calm and centered person.

    Be well everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    My grandson in Hawaii and his wife are having their first baby, a girl. I don't know how often I will see her but I hope to at least make one trip to meet her.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    PATSY, thank you for caring. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Patsy, once again your post wasn’t visible to me this afternoon. I am sorry to look as if I am ignoring you. ❤️❤️ Aha, a laundry basket, there’s an interesting container to use for your survival items. I hope the air gets better so you do not have to take more allergy pills. Please dogs run about with your hair on fire! That would be bad for your lungs.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    My grandson in Hawaii and his wife are having their first baby, a girl. I don't know how often I will see her but I hope to at least make one trip to meet her.

    Oh wonderful! Sorry they don’t live close to you at all but I am sure they will keep in touch. Hoping she is healthy and doing well. ❤️❤️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A sunny day with a breeze so very pleasant. We’ve walked on the moors and chatted to dog walkers and I’m now collecting gardening gloves, a fork, hammer and sun cream and will drive to Linda’s new garden to help with a project. First I will stop off at the allotment to collect a pot of lavender she inadvertently left behind because she can’t face going back again.

    Happy Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Old couches are gone, Rob and his friend took them out last night and the garbage took them this morning. Bryanna came and vacuumed all for me so all I have to do it dust and clean the glass table tops. The new couches should arrive around 3:00 and hopefully whatever has to be set up I can do easily. I am meeting friends for fish fry and entertainment they want us to hear tonight at the American Legion where I used to play bingo. Doing laundry now and then have to run to pick up Babe's pills and couple of groceries I forgot to buy.
    I thought I already mentioned my great granddaughter who is due in December. My daughter and her husband are over the moon in becoming grandparents. They in fact are leaving next week to spend 3 weeks in Hawaii and then returning for Christmas to meet their new granddaughter. This is my first great grandchild so I am of course very excited. The parents both had covid last month but are recovered now.

    Lots to do before the furniture arrives so have a good day and stay safe, now we have to worry about
    Monkey Pox. Just be cautious and don't have sex with strangers. hahahahahaha SORRY!!!!

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Sandy, you are such a great lover of grandchildren that this upcoming great grandchild will be one more happy event.

    :) I stay away from the news. Jake follows some, contributes to causes and candidates and respects my desire to stay away from it all. I wouldn't know about his contributions if it weren't that I reconcile the credit card statement and see the contributions.

    :) Smoke has not reached us yet from the fires in California but it has in the past so I monitor air quality for Jake's health.

    :)Anne, our tomato plant has started to produce tomatoes and they all go to me because Jake has to stay away from them.

    :)Lin, This is one of my favorite quotes about being thankful “Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.” I saw it in front of an office building years ago while driving to work during a particularly stress filled time of my life.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Good hot afternoon! I made a trip to the library this morning after looking after my vegetables. By the time I returned home it was getting hot once again. It is sales tax holiday weekend. Today through tomorrow evening. Only certain items are included and must retail under $100. I spent quite a bit of time looking for some replacement socks as well as undies. I found some and placed an order for them to pick up tomorrow morning. All pickup slots were full today and this evening. I also placed a small grocery order to pick up first thing tomorrow morning. I hope some things will be available.

    I am having some bad allergy moments. Sneezing, itchy eyes, bloody sore nose (sorry if that was gross). Maybe I should have ordered Kleenex. 😟

    Busy reading a book right now. I picked up several good books today but must finish the ones I am reading. They need to be returned soon.

    Our church is having movie night tonight outdoors. Yipes, really toasty! The first feature is still a secret. I can survive without knowing. 😁

    Barbie, excellent saying. Thanks for sharing.

    Sandy, I hope the furniture arrived on time and that you have a good time tonight.

    Jackie, did you and Linda get a lot accomplished today?

    Patsy, once again, I have refreshed and refreshed but don’t see a post from you. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Well, be safe everyone.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Love the quote BARBIE. I'm giving thanks at the moment for September slowly on its way. Its very hot here again and even worse for the next two days. I was very glad I baked the bacon and egg pie yesterday. Mike went home with a chunk for his lunch tomorrow at work.

    Do you remember little Amber who had all the teeth out? That little wee thing is sort of accident prone. Sandy went up north to visit her brother for10 days and poor Amber has come back with fleas. I am very glad Jilly Bean is protected with Advantage 11. Mike had been to visit and he was doing a bit of scratching but NOT flea bites thankfully. Good news for you girls who got vaccinated against shingles because his spots are not shingles after all but the same eczema that I have from the vaccination. Not as bad as me, but he isn't a happy camper and like me vows he will keep off vaccines from now on. I've had the eczema for 11 months and it isn't as bad as the early days, but I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever go away.

    So really another nothing much day because it is just too hot to get energetic.

    I bet you are really looking forward to the new furniture SANDY.

    I hope you didn't encounter the bald? nut case lurking behind a shed when you picked up Lindas lavender pot JACKIE.

    Our LIN will be inside as well sheltering from the heat. Too early for PATSYs post but I hope her, John and Katie are safe.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet ladies! Today is susposed quite mild with a nice breeze. So far so good! The coming weekend will be brutal. In the Portland area it is to be well over 100-102 is predicted! Good grief! I will be a puddle on the floor when this is over.

    John mowed and weed whacked for most of the day on Wednesday. Now he suited up for another big outdoor chore day. I get very anxious when I see this. He has some health issues like we all have. He knows it but is very successful in ignoring them. I will fuss and wring my hands until he starts putting away his tools.

    I know we are a little late in this but we will be watching the series, House of Cards. I know the sad tale of Kevin Spacy, but this story is written by pretty good screen writers. There are some other talented actors in the series so there is reason enough to give it a view. I can’t find a book that holds my interest these days. Will need to do some research and read a few samples.

    I now have sketched and written lots of pages in my sketch pad, I have Gessoed a piece of heavy rag paper. An now it begins…the labor pains before delivery. That is what it feels like to me. Except that the labor feels exquisite! I know! My visual description can be uncomfortable to read.

    Barbie: hang in there! I know that quote. Being a cockeyed optimist requires the knowledge of many quotes. Loved that one Barbie!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I guess I am back! And my post finally came back to life. I emailed everyone that I knew their addresses. Couldn’t bare to lose contact with you. Just so you know, I was a bit worried.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    A beautiful day and not too hot… yet! Early to the moors with George and Betty for a peaceful stroll and the air was clear enough to give me a good view of the south coast about 20 miles away. Hmm, those beaches will be packed and they are welcome! Gentle pottering in my garden will be all that’s required from me today.

    Anne, when I left home yesterday to stop off at the allotments to collect Linda’s lavender plants, I messaged her to say if I hadn’t arrived at her place by 10 to send a search party just in case Ted Bundy was lurking in the undergrowth!. As it turned out I was the only person so no sign of the completely bald Mr Nasty but I couldn’t find the plants on a neighbouring plot so came away empty handed. We took a flask of coffee and camping chairs to the new garden so relaxed and watched the little trains running across the countryside before getting on with the task in hand which was to remove at least 2 layers of ancient weed control that had seeded weeds growing through it. Hot work but we managed without falling into a precarious dip in the garden so Linda will be able to continue with plans to plant her fruit trees. My iPhone hadn’t charged overnight, probably due to Brady’s fur clogging up the point where the cable connects when he slept on it, so I couldn’t take a photo of that beautiful view to post but will next time.

    Patsy, I hadn’t realised we had lost you but welcome back anyway! 😍. I don’t know if you’re aware, House of Cards was originally a British thriller transmitted in 1990 that was incredibly popular because we were coming out of Maggie Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister so it was quite believable; probably even more so 30 years on!

    When it comes to climate change, I can’t see us ever putting things right sadly, but I do my best to look after every little creature that Mother Nature sends in my direction. You would all laugh if you witnessed my efforts to encourage bumble bees and butterflies to exit my greenhouse before they succumb to the heat!

    My morning is slipping by so I’ll change into my gardening gear of old jeans and t-shirt and go in search of a clematis I planted in the Spring that became hidden by foxgloves. No sign of rain in the forecasts and the country is facing more hosepipe bans but I don’t water flowerbeds or lawns with mine, just fill my watering cans.

    Happy Saturday. Hoping Sandy can now put her feet up with her new sofa and Lin managed to find all the supplies she was after.

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Just a quickie from me before I wilt away as the heat builds up. Today and tomorrow said to be just awful by our cheerful, likeable weather man. Its really to thank PATSY for her email and to say welcome back here
    So glad that JACKIE didn't run into the "bald baddy" on her trip to the allotment although I sort of feel he would come off worse in a word exchange with our Jackie. I'm sure Linda is very appreciative of your welcome help Jackie. Not many would give up their time to spend digging ingrown weeds.

    You are a friend in need, a true friend indeed.

    I can see SANDY and Babe stretched out on their new sofas watching TV, BARBIE slicing into her first tomato, and maybe LIN slicing one of hers as well.

    See you later gals as I get going before collapsing with heat stroke or whatever.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) I just spent 40 minutes on the phone with T Mobile trying to get Babe's phone on his own account. The wind up is that they reduced my bill by 20% for however long I stay with TMobile which reducing my bill by $30 or so. It also means Babe's phone is now only $20 a month instead of $50. The only difference is that it will be on my bill and not his own but I am fine with that. In lieu of all time wasted I don't have time to respond to everyone as I have to eat and get ready for family zoom call and then head to the pool. I am leaving you with a picture of my new couches which I love.
    BTW I did not meet my friends last night as I was exhausted from cleaning the house and putting things back after the couches were delivered and set up by the delivery men. I spent the night with my feet up on our new reclining couch and Babe and I love them.
    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. I picked up my order early this morning and darn, some items were unavailable but I did get my new socks (wahoo) and the coffee filters (almost out of those). Those were the pluses of the order. The downside in addition to the unavailable items were the bunch of organic bananas which are at least half rotten. They look like something sat on them. I am freezing anything salvageable. So if that’s the worst that happens, life is okay!

    It is 95 degrees F right now, expected high 100 degrees. I will be staying in until much later but I would like to get my mail.

    I cut another bunch of celery earlier. That was the third one I have cut, 3 left! I looked up some information on “cutting celery” and it is not regular celery. Several nurseries that sell the seed call it an herb. It is made to use for cooking. And you chop the ribs and the leaves to flavor soup. And you are suppose to harvest a few ribs at a time. So I did everything wrong but darn, it is tasty. Makes sense now, it is known for being more flavorful. Amazing what you can learn late in life. I have never seen this type of celery or the seed for it on sale anywhere here. Now I wish I had gotten information on the grower that sold the little starter plants. I would love to grow it again.

    I love putting on my gloves and digging out potatoes a few at a time. They are quite small but they are also very tasty. No complaints. Enjoying container gardening.

    I am working on birthday cards👍🏻👍🏻

    Sandy, love your furniture.

    Patsy, so glad you are back here. Look forward to seeing some of your work. I hope John is a bit cautious with his tasks.

    Anne, any changes going on next door?

    Jackie, I am so glad you did not have an encounter with that wretched man. And sorry Linda’s plants were missing but overall, just wonderful she is out of there. You are a wonderful friend. ❤️👍🏻👍🏻❤️

    Barbie, hope all is well with you and Jake and your household.

    Back to work.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! I am back…maybe…..for some reason I keep having problems with MFP app etc. only on MFP. So wonder what the problem is. Sun spots? Hot weekend. The kind that sucks up all energy and causes distress.

    Jackie: you are my hero. I often think of you and Anne when tempted to squish a bug or kill a spider. You both have helped me to become more appreciative of all creatures, even biting-stinging ones. I learn best by observing. I love heather, it brings visions of my grans linen cabinet filled with rarely used napkins and tablecloths. Always a little bag of heather tucked in the side.

    Anne: be careful with gardening in the heat. It ups the Blood pressure and can make you lightheaded and dizzy. Advice given to John but never heeded!

    Sandy: great comfy couches. You will both enjoy them. Your house is so nice and uncluttered. We seem to attract a lot of stuff. We have books,magazines, letters, cards, notes, glasses, sketch books and journals, pencils and pens of every color and size. And of course, there is my always present mug of coffee. I yearn to be uncluttered but I fear I will never get there. I will just enjoy looking at your wonderful room. Thanks for sharing.

    Lin: isn’t it true? The more time spent doing our projects, the more time we spend organizing our supplies. Also we love all our supplies. I have enough art supplies to last a lifetime and then some. I give a lot to the starving artist club, both used and new unopened. Another of my funny obsessions is freezing all manner of stuff but never using it.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. More beautiful sunshine and only 20C at the moment so more than bearable. We had a delightful walk although Betty kept holding back for some reason so rather than lose her round a bend I walked back and slipped on her lead. She seems fine now we’re home but I will check her nails today because there is one on a back foot that even her groomer with me holding her down, couldn’t snip shorter and it might be digging in. I might have to ask the vet to sedate her! 😏

    I achieved lots in my garden yesterday, uncovered a rather sad clematis that will have to be moved and cleared the last of my patch of Russian kale and gave it to the hens. Silly me, when refilling their water dispenser I pushed too hard on its rubber stopper and plop, it ended up inside the container with no way of retrieving it! EBay has hundreds for sale but I’ll have to make sure I order one that will remain in place with the weight of water sitting on it.

    Your sofas are magnificent Sandy and your lounge looks like a showroom! 😄
    You have more patience than me when it comes to phone suppliers but well done for finally getting yourself a good deal.

    I remember that Ontario heat Anne so don’t envy you. Definitely not gardening friendly so do stay indoors. Haha, a part of me wants to confront Mr Nasty, if only to ask him to return my stolen padlock so one day…!

    Lin, your celery sounds similar to a red variety I grew earlier this year. Fine for soups and stir fries but chewy raw. If I can find a Winter variety of seed potato I may well plant up a container for Christmas because although I don’t eat many, I’ve a feeling prices will shoot up now we are experiencing drought conditions. This was the view from the moors this morning. Our normally green fields are golden! To the left of the horizon you might make out a peninsular sitting out into the sea. That is Looe harbour.

    That’s a gorgeous tea set and goodness, a washstand jug and bowl included… All very cottagy!

    Patsy, occasionally I have to go through some sort of ritual to get on to MFP and it occurs in bursts, usually when I least expect it! Even using my bookmarked link doesn’t get me in so I’m convinced whatever tinkering went on a few months ago did more harm than good.
    As long as I can remember I’ve chatted to tiny insects and found them fascinating. Now this might sound crazy but

    whenever a fly buzzes into my garden room and seeks out my kitchen, I open the velux window in the ceiling and tell my annoying guest to get out now or you will die and every time they fly straight out and I’m convinced they understand! 🪰

    I’m losing sight of my typing again so will go before everything disappears.

    A happy and peaceful Sunday one and all.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    What lovely happy posts to greet me when I opened the lap top this morning. I so enjoyed everyones comments.

    Here we are still in this awful heatwave. Third day with one to go. I couldn't sleep last night despite the air conditioner so thought I had better say hello NOW in case I do a nod off this afternoon. Our problem is the humidity which makes the temperature feel much higher. No sea breezes to blow it away.

    Not much to report. Yesterday I looked at my poor young beets with their yellowing leaves in their big heavy containers and decided to slowly drag them across the "grass" and into the shade under the back window.. I'm glad I did. Peering out the window just now they are looking much happier and my back ache has gone, lol.

    Talking of back ache JACKIE, did you see that wonderful old lady of 93 strapped to the wing top of a plane for the 5th time. She does this for charity! What an inspiration and I think I am old! Not that I intend climbing onto the wing of a plane about to take off. There will always be an England as long as old ladies like that exist.
    I want to be there when you ask Baddy Baldy for your padlock back.

    PATSY, I can't kill the smallest of bugs except maybe ticks and fleas and the odd mosquito who must have hitch hiked with Harry to delight his new place. Every living thing is carefully covered with a jar and put back outside where it belongs. Have you ever sat on a warm summer day in a deckchair just watching the ants? They are so industrious and cooperative! If one finds some tasty morsel too big for it to take back to the nest two more will hurry over to help pull it home. Spiders can give you a nasty bite in Canada, but leave them alone and they are fascinating ridding your house of small invaders which I for one can't kill! They do the dirty work for me. I'm so glad you are back to your old arty self! and you do your bit for charity by donating unwanted supplies to starving artists.

    LIN, the bananas here are rotting fast as well. Must be our respective heat waves. Like you I'm chewing on celery sticks instead!

    Have you risen off those lovely new couches yet SANDY the great grandma to be?

    No BARBIE, but I bet she's munching on home grown tomatoes.

    Must away because Mike is coming over. He's treating me to Mexican tortillas or whatever they are called. They will suit heat thats in the 90s.

    Thanks for the lovely posts,
    Anne and the moulting Jilly the Beano.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JACKIE if you look on BBC you will find "Macro Photography: The hidden world of Garden Insects." I would love to post it here to show Patsy but I don't know how. Can you help? LIN as well because you are good with computers.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Rainy day here and I am going to a baby shower about an hour away this afternoon.
    Good day at pool yesterday and a relaxing night on my new couch.
    Nothing else exciting going on, mass coming on soon so have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Macro photography: The hidden world of garden insects
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh thanks LIN. We've just hit 90F but it feels much warmer according to the app. Feels 100F. You can say that again. I was out picking broccolini, phew!. Mikes just gone to get us the Mexican food for lunch. Far too hot to cook.
    My laptop is playing up.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! It is a hot miserably humid day. Things are to get cooler tomorrow but promises are often broken as we all know!

    I loved the video of all the scary little creatures in the garden. I may never feel comfortable with them but appreciate that they have a place on the planet. Thanks Anne, Lin and Jackie. We need people like you to keep us from destroying all creatures, great and small.

    Several news items are bringing hope here. New bill passed in senate with health care and other components that could make a wonderful difference. Just being me with my obsession for good

    The heat has caused me to shut down all activities. Chicken salad for dinner with citrus water. Pineapple slices for dessert.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    106 on the deck and 89 inside the living room. Ugly scene! Pray for rain and help for all creatures enduring this discomfort.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) more heat today, walking, working in the yard, doing laundry, picking tomatoes, riding my exercise bike, watching TV with Jake. Life is good
    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello, I attended online church this morning.

    Planted some seeds in the pot where I pulled onions yesterday. Paid bills, sent emails, signed a new lease for the farm 2023. I was preparing to water when I heard there were storms popping up. We had gotten none of the morning’s rains. But finally, we have gotten a bit of rain. The sound of thunder was a shock.

    We are told a cold front will be coming through and we should see moderate temperatures the next few days. That will be a relief.

    Hello everyone. More than enough heat to go around isn’t there.

    All best wishes.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Another perfect morning so far. Breakfast was skipped so I could get George and Betty out in cooler temperatures which meant arriving at our favourite car park just after 7am. I could see several cattle ambling along a path I planned to walk and was thinking of Plan B when David drove up with his pooch Harriet so we set off together along a track that leads to a quarry chatting all the way. The dogs had a wonderful time sniffing every blade of grass and I can tell George is now accepting David and Harriet as members of the pack because he walked beside them for quite a way. It was just beginning to get hot when we arrived back at the car park so time to take our pooches home! Both of mine are now snoozing in the shade while I sip coffee under my parasol.

    What a brilliant video of the Welsh photographer and his subjects Anne, thank you! He has so much enthusiasm for the weird and wonderful creatures I couldn’t help but smile. Your mention of watching ants reminded me of a tv series with Anthony Newley playing a character with an amazing imagination who had conversations in his head with everything from a dog to a dustbin and busy ants running about. I’ve found episode 1 on YouTube but haven’t yet watched to see what he chats to!

    Barbie, you had a similar day to me except my exercise bike remained parked in its corner and Jake wasn’t here to watch excerpts of the Commonwealth Games on tv!!

    Oh Patsy, that heat must be unbearable and I’m not sure I would even have energy to put chicken salad together! Do you get sea breezes near you to make a drive worthwhile?

    Everything is watered so my plan is to pick all the French beans for blanching and freezing then find a shady spot to cut timber to make the hens a new bus shelter, something like this.

    Perhaps another coffee first!
    Keep cool everyone and enjoy it while we can! 🥵

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning all. Well I for one will be glad to see the back of this heat. Today is day 4 and should be the last as it clears off to accompanying storms. I remember last spring dreading the summer!

    Mike came over and sorted my laptop out. It was quite funny actually. I mentioned to him that Mark hated my laptop and Mike said "oh he's no patience". It involved calling my provider and that took over half hour waiting on the phone. Armed with instructions the poor lad started to correct my problem - that didn't work. One hour later all was corrected but I had to smile because the job was accompanied by much naughty language, sort of Bl...y piece of S... etc. Talk about the kettle [Mike] calling the pot [Mark] black. Calm was returned but normally Mike doesn't swear which shows how frustrating modern technology is.

    Meanwhile I'm back on my ancient iPad for most things which I prefer but the problem is I haven't figured out how to get you Sneakers on it yet, so here I am on the maligned machine.

    Saturday saw a strange car roll up next door containing one man and one woman wearing a head scarf. They didn't linger but Sunday saw 7 cars roll up with an assortment of sexes trotting into Harry's old house. I noticed my last neighbours car among the other 6 but true to my word on not becoming the old lady peering between the blinds, nosey in other words, I closed them so haven't a clue who my new neighbours will be but strongly suspect more folks from Afghanistan. I watched Princess Di's old homestead on TV instead and must admit for a stately home it had a lovely homey feel about it and I wouldn't mind spending my latter days in one of the four posters.

    Finally, after a previous sleepless night Bean and I crawled into our humble double and slept soundly until now.

    So Sneakers I will toddle off for a shower and see what Monday brings apart from thunder claps.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Monday! :) After losing my mine trying to get Babe's phone over to a different carrier and T Mobile giving me a 20% discount on my bill to keep me guess what I get in email today? Yep, the unlocking code that I have been begging for. It came from T Mobile so they really were playing games with me to keep Babe's phone with them. I will keep it on my account because the 20% discount makes it the same as the other carrier would have been.
    Now on to get my one recliner fixed. It makes a clunking noise when going down and the place I bought it which is a discount furniture store has no service department to fix things. They would have wanted us to bring the couch back to their store and pick up a new one which would be impossible for us seniors. I luckily took out insurance on the couches and have notified them so they emailed me and asked me to call them with the claim which I will do sometime today. Do things every run smoothly??
    The baby shower was nice, so good seeing my nieces and as they pointed out I am now the Monarch of the family being the oldest and only one left of my side of the family.
    I have therapy this afternoon but nothing else so will play catch up on my computer and hopefully get on the bike once again. It is a gloomy day so a good day to stay in.

    Anne, it sounds to me like they are just selling and reselling for profit next door. But hopefully someone will stay long enough for you to become friends. I know how Michael feels when things go wrong, I would love to swear like a sailor but I do contain myself most of the time. lol

    Jackie, love that little shelter you are going to try and make and I bet the chickens will as well. I will watch your video when I have more time but I did love Anthony Newly.

    Lin, we had rain all day and all night with some leftovers for today but then cooling off. I can't wait to open windows and get some fresh air. Your cards on Instagram are just beautiful, thanks for sharing.

    Barbie, doing what you do and love best. <3

    Patsy, I had to tell my nieces and nephews I will not talk politics with you because they started by my nieces husband saying I could have worn my F Joe Biden tee shirt since people were so casual with their outfits at the shower. He is a nice guy and a good husband but his politics stink!! Just my opinion!!

    Time to eat and get that phone call done so I can be ready for my therapy. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time