Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Plans changed as so often they do, this time because I received an email from eBay advising me I had won an oak antique display cabinet I left a bid on over the weekend. Only £20 and the seller was just 15 miles away and offered to deliver it and that meant contacting our local council to arrange a pick up of the old one. I can’t remember if I told you that when Dave the builder found an ancient log wedged over the window he removed it but left it, full of woodworms, lying in a corner so the wretched things attacked the pine cabinet. I sprayed it, then painted it but have never been happy with the results so away it will go on Wednesday. I paid the seller for his time and fuel and my new purchase is now sitting in my dining room.
    Earlier I did collect up lots of old plastic items to take to the tip while on the way to post a card and buy a few items of food. It always amazes me that my local taxes pay for the men working there to stand around, arms folded watching everyone climb steep steps to drop items into huge containers. I found the one for recycling plastics but was told to put everything on the footpath next to it because it was full but just as I was thinking what a treat, I don’t have to climb steep steps, another worker told me the pile I was building was too big for them to have to spend time putting in a new container so to put everything in the landfill container. I’m talking poultry dishes, a washing up bowl and some broken garden containers that he didn’t want to carry up steps later but I know if I had decided to throw it all in the landfill section I would have been fined! What is the point of recycling if this sort of attitude exists at the tip? Ok, rant over!
    Tomorrow I will think about cutting timber for the chooks’ bus stop shelter although I think it’s going to be hotter than today and increasing all week until we get close to 100F again. Hooray for my cool, stone cottage! 😋

    Time to cook.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello. The cold front finally passed through and it was very pleasant this morning. It is still only about 75 degrees. After picking my little harvest of cherry tomatoes, I hoofed it out of here and drove to Costco to fill my SUV with gas. Astounding!! Price today is $2.99 per gallon. So happy. Then I ordered my longed for cold brew coffee from Starbucks. Really, I have wanted some all summer and had plenty $$ on my card but didn’t want to waste the gas. Today, I had to drive by the store on my way home. It is delicious. 😀

    This afternoon I am taking my tiny car for trips to the post office and my credit union to cash a check. Also want to drive by my usual gas station to see what their gas price is now. The car could use some fuel too but it doesn’t need many gallons. Will decide later.

    Sandy, good grief, what a phone mess. I hope the person who made the assurances regarding the pricing was not fibbing. I don’t trust people these days. Well, not often. Glad you enjoyed the shower. Thanks for the compliment on my Instagram posts. I don’t have many people who follow me there and I wanted a place to add photos where they would be easy to find. And it is also easy to delete them, like my garden photos.

    Anne, okay, people moving in but you didn’t peek out the window. Maybe you could just take a look once in a while? And I do hope the heat wave breaks for you. It is wonderful when it does. Our temps are to be back up, although maybe not as high, later in the week. We expect that, it is when the State Fair begins. 😁

    Jackie, it sounds like a lovely morning and how nice that you were able to walk comfortably with David and Harriet. Oh, I love the chicken shelter design. I do not believe I ever saw that series with Anthony Newley. I will have to give it a look later on. Dan Baker posted on Instagram the other day. Seemed to be about a parade in Brighton showing support for Ukraine. My card maker friend, who is still in the country, posted on YouTube, very briefly. She is very depressed, her fancy camera for filming card making videos has broken and she hasn’t ordered a new one yet as it is quite expensive and she cannot use her left hand (her dominant hand) as it is too painful. She has it in some type of wrap and must have had her husband hold her phone to record the update.

    She was involved in many fund raising activities sponsored by companies and individuals but it seems these have all kind of disappeared. That must be very disappointing.

    Patsy, how are you today? That is just too warm! Cold showers? A block of ice and a fan? I am concerned…..

    Barbie, keeping on an even keel. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Try to be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear blessed cool breezes and cooler temps! From over 100 to 64 degrees in less than 24 hours. Seems impossible but indeed, it happened! We don’t fare very well in heat. Neither John nor I are meant to be desert people.

    I had one of my very bad sleepless nights. Not sure why but I suspect the heat. Although the bedroom was nice and cool. On the mend now, I have a lot to do tomorrow.

    Anne: hope your new neighbors are friendly. Our neighbors are real gems. Even though we rarely see them, they are there if needed. I don’t think it is so bad for you to keep an eye on the neighborhood. Where is the harm. John keeps an eye on construction etc. he says he has earned the right as the senior resident.

    Lin: you have an understanding nature. People bring their troubles to you knowing you don’t seem to judge or criticize.

    Jackie: wish you were closer. That is just the kind of construction John would get a lot of fun helping with. And he has all the tools necessary.

    Sandy: wow furniture insurance! Hope things get fixed ASAP. You seem to really enjoy those chairs. Probably will just need a screw or bolt.

    Off to bed
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    More later but just have to say after 4 days we too have dropped in temperature overnight. Close to 100 its predicted to be 74F today. Its still 80F in the house, but blessed relief.
    I'm joining you and John PATSY in hitching Katie and Jilly to a dog sled. Never could stand heat but these days its becoming unbearable.

    Anne, looking with longing at her winter anorak and big foot snow boots.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm back. Just have to tell you that Jilly has a more social life than me. I opened all the windows and I've got the temperature inside down to 79. I can't see the road below because the front windows are fairly high up. Someone must have been walking outside because Jilly Bean started barking her head off as usual with open windows. Back came a male voice saying "good morning Jilly". Shut her up temporarily until someone else walked past and joined in the barking. Another human male.

    Something else for you to ponder on although I'm sure you have better things to do! Four planters containing geraniums etc have been left at the house next door. They were sitting outside the garage door when I closed the blinds last evening. When I opened the blinds this morning they were sitting in a row on the front doorstep. Is someone on night shift inside maybe painting the walls? Only the old car still sitting on the drive this morning. No humans to be seen.

    At least it takes my mind off shells exploding around nuclear plants, ships and planes circling little Taiwan, Ex presidents homes raided by the FBI, and here at home, forest fires everywhere.

    "Its being so cheerful that keeps me going" as we used to say in the old country. lol.

    Take care everyone, Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) A beautiful day today, the windows are opened for some fresh air. Except for sitting for volleyball nothing going on today. I talked to All State about my recliner and now I am waiting for the approval which better happen or I am canceling the 3 year protection plan. I bought it incase we had a mechanical problem which is what we do have so they better honor it.
    My landlord texted me yesterday and said we should meet this week for the new lease. I asked how much he is raising me and he said his son is now handling things and he thought he said $1650. I responded with where is my 30 day notice and I think it should be $1600. He said we will talk.

    Anne, of course Jilly is popular, just look at her. Maybe the flowers are a house warming present from someone for the new owners. I do wish it was nice couple who become friends with you.

    Patsy, because of being electric recliners I thought it best to take the 3 year protection plan. Babe is not handy at all like John so we need all the help we can get. I just hope they can fix it because I am not even sure how I could return this one and replace it with a new one.

    Lin, I agree with you about the price being what he quoted me. The next bill is normal and then it will be prorated so we will see. If I have to I will quit T Mobile and look for a new company but I really do like them as far as pricing.

    Jackie, I am so glad everything worked out for you with EBay. I will never use them again since we got ripped off with Babe's phone and I still had to pay EBay nearly $50 for the transaction.

    Sorry my post sounds so grumpy, I really am in a good mood, just frustrated with most companies.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) I learn a lot from my friends and keep the lessons in the back of my head for when I need them. A long time friend who lives happily in an old house with income only from social security told me when faced with a possible expensive unexpected crisis, "Money isn't the game, It's just the way we keep score". Another friend said when her husband was seriously ill and the doctors were trying all sorts of procedures, "I'm so grateful that we have the money and insurance to cover it all".

    :) I have two signs on my refrigerator "We already have everything we need" and "Here's my secret--I don't mind what happens"
    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello friends. Another sunny but still cooler day. We are in the mid-70’s now and may get to about 85 degrees F. Amazing how cool that feels after 100 and of course, the humidity is lower.

    I did finish the errands yesterday afternoon and then had a long conversation with a friend who is beyond frustrated with the medical care (or lack thereof). Things are not the way they used to be and she problems getting doctors, appointments, routine tests, answers to her problems and symptoms. The most recent is a pile of cancelled tests, refusal to test her A1C as they have in the past. I think it was every 3 or 4 months and now they say testing will only be available 1 to 2 times a year. They also will not delve into her continuing high blood pressure problem which has her worried. The doctor she saw yesterday told her to wear compression socks and she should stop expecting so much medical care. She was heartbroken, feeling she is old and they just don’t want to spend the medical dollars on old people. That may be the case, I don’t know.

    Today has been laundry day for me. Also I am die cutting sentiments and backers for birthday cards. It takes so long as the die cut has lot of tiny little pieces that stay in the die when you remove the word and you cannot cut another one until the die is clean with all the bits of paper removed. Slow but the result is pleasing.

    Jackie, it seems likely those workers were looking after their own best interest, meaning the least work possible. Congratulations on the new (to you) display cabinet. Lovely! Your surroundings will be exactly what you want soon. Did you freeze some of your produce yesterday?

    Patsy, yippee! The cold front arrived to rescue you and John and Katie. Wonderful! I hope you accomplish the things on your schedule and that you get some needed rest tonight.

    Anne, I had to giggle that Jilly was called by name. 😂 maybe the new neighbors brought their geraniums and left them on the porch in the short-term? And yes, I would keep an eyeball on activities 👁! You have an alert dog on duty and if anything moves, Jilly knows.

    Barbie, I think I have a lot of problems with the second statement. There are many things that I feel invested in so I am troubled with some events.

    Sandy, I hope you do get service under the purchase protection agreement. And I also trust that the phone company will live up to the verbal agreement the representative made with you. As to your lease, best wishes. Trying to find a new place that you like with an acceptable rent, plus the cost of moving are big considerations. I will admit, I usually try to rent my farm for the best price possible. It is a big chunk of my annual income and I will do research and gather numbers and sweat over it each year. This year I just asked him to make an offer and I didn’t make any counter offer at all. I just said fine. I think I surprised myself. 😀

    Well, had better get back to the laundry.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Wow, a scorcher for this English rose that’s rapidly drooping! I drove George and Betty to the moors at 7am but it was already warm with little breeze so we only stayed about 40 minutes. Breakfast and coffee on the deck then I decided to tidy the footpath at the rear of my cottage before the sunshine worked its way round. That entailed strimming, raking and snipping ivy hanging over the wall but even with many glasses of water I was soon hot and bothered! A tiny lunch of crispbread with pate and homegrown tomato and cucumber then it was time to move an old table and cabinet outside, ready to be collected by the council tomorrow. The table was easy but I had to remove the glass doors on the cabinet because otherwise it was too heavy for me to handle but the screws came undone easily and with a bit of push and shove everything went out! My new “old” cabinet is now in place and I’ve gone through another traumatic shall I, shan’t I throw out some glasses and china because it is smaller. I’m left looking at a China coffee pot, a 1950’s fruit bowl and collection of kitchenware! 🤔

    Anne, I think anyone who likes potted plants has to be ok! Hopefully a man in the mix to clear your snow!

    Patsy, never mind share the task of building the hen shelter with John, I would happily sit, watch and chat while he worked out measurements, then wielded a saw and screwdriver before putting it together perfectly! It was too hot today to work in the sun which is why the other chores took over but I gather our hot weather may break on Sunday with thunderstorms so it would be nice to have it constructed by then.

    Last night I began to watch a BBC documentary about the importance of getting enough sleep and it seems I’m below the recommended 7-8 hours. Scientists can now tell from a blood test whether a person has slept well by observing genes because lack of sleep diminishes the immune system. Unfortunately, I fell asleep before the programme finished! 😴

    Sandy, my sofa is an electric recliner and if not put together perfectly straight, will clunk and click. Have you tried making slight adjustments? Just a thought. In the past I used EBay a lot, buying and selling, but heard too many stories of transactions going wrong so dropped out. If this seller didn’t live about 15 miles away I wouldn’t have bid and he admitted he was relieved I lived, as he put it, just round the corner!

    Lin, I looked at Dan’s Instagram and saw his pictures. Looks like a gay pride group which would make sense because Brighton is a city where over the years a large community has sprung up. I left a short happy birthday post.

    Time to prepare an evening meal and although after such a busy day I fancy a glass of wine, a cup of tea will do! Must get my dry laundry unpegged and in too.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh the flowers arrived over a year ago SANDY. It was their position change overnight which intrigued me. Who was prowling about whilst Bean and I slept? I'm beginning to wonder if the house was actually sold in the first place because all I've seen so far is middle eastern folk wandering about.

    Thankfully at my great age I won't be rushing out buying new sofas etc which is just as well as I'm also living on social security income. Me and the furniture are aging nicely together! You might say we are antiques. Jilly still has the whitest of teeth compared to other dogs and I think its the chicken I feed her on. We share the chicken because I buy the best quality for us both. She actually had a little broccoli and mashed potato the same as me today. So as long as I don't have to become frugal on food who cares if we are a little shabby.
    But I am so sorry that you are having to deal with what sounds like greedy landlords and faulty merchandise SANDY. Terribly frustrating and your life has quite turned upside down until everything settles into place. It will.

    Its much cooler today, not as cool as I would like but fall is just around the corner. Can't wait to get back into lovely cosy polo neck sweaters and comfy flannel shirts! They also hide scraggy necks and arms, another of life's blessings, lol.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy! A tiny bit muggy but not bad really. We might get a little rain….maybe!

    Hold on! Here is really upsetting news!!!!! I must give up coffee for a few days. My tummy is upset and I could be developing an ulcer. A condition that is not new to me. As you know I am a worry wart. 😫And I really have to watch out for acidic foods (my favorite, of course) howeveri am requesting a watermelon. That will satisfy my fruit cravings. Peppermint tea will never adequately substitute for coffee.😣

    Sandy: I guess trying to buy a condo now would be too expensive but have you thought of offering to buy the place you are in? It might not be perfect but it might work for a couple of years…

    Lin: with your attention to detail, I’ll bet you would be great in calligraphy. You could write any message you wanted and it would be beautiful and personal. Your cards sound fabulously special and they really are small works of art.

    Anne: Jilly is unique and she found just the right home. Katie is not overly friendly at all. She distrusts most strangers. Some she takes an instant dislike to. She stands between them and John and I and barks if they come close to us. She has huge perfect white teeth. They can be scary. For such a sweet gentle doggie with us, she is rather intimidating to strangers. We never taught her to be like that. She sort of come that way. I think Jilly came with her personality fully intact. I know Katie’s personality was fully formed from day one.

    Jackie: getting rid of some things you like but never use is very difficult. When I do that I go through a time wishing I hadn’t gotten rid of them. I love the way you constantly improve and change your garden and home. That is something I would love to do. However dear John considers these things very carefully. Change is very dangerous for him. 🤔

    Barbie: great life philosophy. You serve as inspiration and a mentor. I love the quotes.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    PATSY my problem is acidic foods as well, tomato avoidance etc, but I'm pretty sure peppermint tea is acidic so be careful!

    I've just gone back in time and realize I missed LIN and JACKIE. You weren't there when I previously posted. Loved your posts.

    Breaking news. The trailer is back with a 40ish man and a woman wearing a black head scarf and long head to toe black gown in this heat. Maybe she's a nun.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited August 2022
    Already lunchtime and apart from walking the pooches round the block before 7 am when the sun was rising, and shopping for a few essentials, I’ve done little except sip water and coffee. The breeze has left us so it’s rather stifling and that means no outdoor jobs although I have just finally picked as many French beans as I could find to blanch and freeze. Betty stayed inside but George followed me to my veggie plot but then sat in shade under a white Buddleia until I was done.

    Anne, finally movement next door. I expect you will soon discover who your new neighbours are. I think we all posted at the same time yesterday so I went back and checked too.

    Patsy, with gritted teeth I just placed a small teapot, jug and cup and saucer with “foreign” printed on the bottom in a bag to go out in the rubbish, then retrieved the saucer! The set has been in my life as long as I remember but I have to start somewhere! My garden is tiny compared to your homestead so John is allowed time to contemplate. It only takes one long blackberry straggler to cause havoc here, which reminds me, I will pick some fruit I’ve spotted in a hedge.

    That teapot is wonderfully colourful Lin although one that is asking to get chipped!

    Barbie, like Lin, I do care what happens although am well aware there’s little I can do about most things! Perhaps that’s as philosophical as your outlook. 😄

    I hope Sandy you are having a better day. So many changes in your life recently but you are far more patient than I would ever be!

    My cabinet and table have been collected by the bulky rubbish men without a knock at my door so another item ticked off my list. Lunch? Perhaps a crunchy apple and piece of Stilton.

    Happy and safe Wednesday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    My cabinet and table have been collected by the bulky rubbish men without a knock at my door so another item ticked off my list.

    That’s the rubbish that is bulky, not the men!! 😆🤣
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    jacAth3 wrote: »
    My cabinet and table have been collected by the bulky rubbish men without a knock at my door so another item ticked off my list.

    That’s the rubbish that is bulky, not the men!! 😆🤣


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another beautiful day that windows can be open. I have therapy and then going to sit for a couple of hours while Lisa goes to her room and fills out an application for a teaching position in her daughter's preschool. She needs peace and quiet to do that so I will keep the kids busy until she is done. Not sure how she can teach as the two little ones are only half days but I am sure she will work it out and hopefully without asking me. :p I think the landlord is coming tonight with his son to sign the lease. I doubt I will get my way but we don't want to move with rents sky high right now so will probably stay another year at least.

    Jackie, thanks for the chuckle although I did understand what you meant. lol I try to have patience but it is not always easy. I do think that the back of the recliner was put in wrong but I have no idea how to remove it and replace it again. I don't think I am strong enough. If all else fails my daughter and SIL are
    coming in September and he can fix anything.

    Anne, isn't that the outfit that Muslim women wear? They are probably friends or relatives of your former owners.

    Patsy, I wouldn't want to buy this place it needs too much work and it is on the second floor. If I every could talk Babe into buying something it would be a ranch type townhouse which are hard to find.

    Lin, you sound like a great landlady. It is hard to find a rental with all the amenities I have and want. So I am hoping the housing market will come down again and maybe I can talk Babe into buying something.

    Barbie, I live one day at a time, no use in worrying about the future when I don't have control.

    I better eat and get caught up before therapy. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Its getting hot again. Bean and I went to the mailbox earlier to find an envelope from the government. Always worry about government stuff. Anyway it was only to renew my health card. Good news for once, because I am OLD and don't need photo identification anymore I don't have to go to the Service Station for a renewal card. I can post the form instead and wait for a new card in the mail. Mark turned up to work on the basement but came with me and Bean to the mailbox to send it back. Another chore out the way. There's always something. So much for a peaceful, tranquil, old age.

    Did you save the saucer for Brady? JACKIE. Personally, I rather liked your bulky men comment, lol. "Happy" workers full of chips and beer sprang to mind. Although by what I'm reading in the news with electricity bills soaring no one will be bulky much longer. You must feel great squirrelling away logs and home grown beans. Congratulations sent.

    My Aussie cousin wrote and guess what she is allergic to tomatoes as well. Her mouth swells if she eats one. Seems to be a Gawan trait, thats Moms family, because I remember Mom being quite sick if she even looked at an orange and her sister, Helens mom was the same. Too acidic.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Ooops. Sorry.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    Yes. it is the dress of Muslim women SANDY. It was my naughty British sarcasm coming to the fore. You see Khalid explained to me that they were all christians when we first met. It didn't bother me one way or the other, but now more and more ladies are appearing in traditional muslim garb. So, are some of them christians but the others not? Hence my sarcastic Nun comment. I suspect he was testing my reaction to future neighbours. However when I showed no reaction at all either way I guess and only guess the true background is emerging. Very few women appeared at first and all in western dress.
    Who knows, Anne, who will probably don a head square herself once winter arrives.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited August 2022
    Hello, several false starts today. Apparently my Internet connection is not constant on today, more intermittent. I will need to water my containers this evening I probably should have done that this morning since it is getting near 90 degrees F. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Hope the mosquitos leave me alone. More tomatoes to pick this morning and just a few green beans. My second crop looks like it will be a failure. Some type of wasp has been landing on the leaves for weeks and I swear they are sucking the moisture out of them or something. All of those leaves are dead now and the emerging leaves are distorted. Overall, very damaged. A bit of second planting of lettuce has sprouted but it not growing quickly, again too hot I think. I do have enough tomatoes, celery, onions and potatoes. The herbs are in rough shape too. Poor things.

    Anne, I am glad the mail from the government was not unpleasant. It is nice to not have to go to a governmental office and wait in line. I don’t see any food sensitivities that run in either side of my family. Most everyone ate tomatoes and potatoes like crazy. I had one uncle who drank coffee and tea (with milk and sugar) all day long but hardly ate. He couldn’t tolerate onions or anything spicy. He ate meat, potatoes and green peas. Oh, and when he was at our house for lunch, he ate cheese sandwiches and plenty of cookies. 😀 Very limited number of foods. It is interesting you can identify family intolerances.

    Jackie, what lovely green beans. Very nice harvest. Oh my, I couldn’t give up very old things without lots of ruminating. Good job. And you are right, it would be easy to chip up that teapot and I am very good at that. I looked at Dan’s photos again. Yes, looks like a gay pride parade but it didn’t click with me when I just latched on to the support for Ukraine. Did you see the photo of the lady in traditional Ukrainian dress? I swear it is Victoria. But the photos aren’t great. Veronica’s account had other photos and a short video of people singing happy birthday to her. I assume they are doing well as they seem to have totally stopped fund raising.

    Patsy, I hope the weather is okay in your part of the U.S. And thanks for the suggestion but I have horrendous handwriting so I don’t think calligraphy is my calling. 😁

    Sandy, hope today AND this evening go well and you get a little bit lower rent if at all possible. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Barbie, good mid-week to you. Wishing everyone well.


    Hall teapot I believe.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay! Enough of this muggy warm weather! Come on rain and cool weather. I know some of you love the sunny warm weather and I do too…but only if the temp isn’t too high and there is a gentle sea breeze. Camelot! It is cloudy right now and I suspect a marine layer that will burn off soon.

    Sandy: my dad was a pretty good businessman. He always told me that one important lesson in life was that everything is negotiable. You never know unless you ask. Maybe your lease could be like that. You never know until you ask. I must say, Lisa is so very fortunate to have you as a mother in law. When I was a young mom and I had to grade papers write a report or thesis, I had to put the kids in a play pen right at my side, with mounds of toys and try to concentrate. Not easy but I am wired for sound. I always have music going. Lisa has a beautiful mother in law to entertain the kiddos while she does her important paperwork. The kiddos have a great grandmother to be with.

    Anne: wow! Big adventures ahead. What is going on next door? Very mysterious and interesting.
    I assume these are friendly people who are not upset by those who believe and live differently than they do. I took you advice on the peppermint tea. Thanks! Camomile tea now. Hope I can drink coffee soon.

    Jackie, beautiful green bean harvest. It will be hard to freeze them for later. I would be so tempted to eat them for dinner that very evening. Now as for the dishes you discarded, I am I,pressed. I cannot do that. I simply can not! I have proble discarding old worn out paintbrushes and dried up tubes of paint.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooops….I signed off too soon..

    Lin: I have read about these huge killer wasps that are showing up here. They are about three to four size larger than normal wasps and they kill bees etc. I wonder if you have a hive of them close by? We are to call the extension agent if we see one around here. Very concerning about some critter sucking the life out of your veggie plants.

    Barbie: hope you and Jake are well. We always love hearing from you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) It started drizzling just as I went out to work on my outdoor rock project so I came in and rode my exercise bike instead. The rain didn't last long but the ground is wet which would make the project very unpleasant. I watched "Queer Eye in Japan" and then a video of a couple hiking in the Catskills with their dog. Lots of interesting things to watch so I am never bored. I have a good cozy mystery audio book to listen to when I walk.

    :'( Bernie, the cat is showing some alarming signs of aging and we've considered taking him to the vet, but it's impossible to get him to take meds so if she prescribed something it would do no good. So we are taking it one day at a time.

    :) Jake is going through lots of old photos that he put away a few years ago so we've had some moments of great nostalgia. He will send most of them to his children. I have already scanned my old photos.

    <3 Barbie

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    After a good night sleeping on top of the duvet I was up at 6.30, dressed and on my way to the moors with George and Betty where a gentle breeze was blowing. I kept to a shorter route that took about half an hour, long enough for them to sniff the dry grass and do the necessary. I’m now showered and sitting on the deck sipping coffee thinking how I would love to adopt one of the thousands of beautiful Beagle pups rescued from appalling conditions in Virginia and about to be used for drug experiments. That sort of thing is banned in Europe now thank goodness.

    Anne, haha, I would love to share my saucer with Brady, the way my dear friend Mollie used to feed her Tizzy using the best bone china but it’s not big enough for my big boy’s meals!
    I agree, brown envelopes are the worst kind to receive although I’m hoping to receive some help from the government towards spiralling energy costs. Boris seems to be hiding in No.10 doing nothing until he is replaced so roll on next month!
    The uk finally took in a lot of Afghan refugees after abandoning them so we see more traditional Muslim women who wear a pretty Hijab. I have to say I think it more attractive than a pelmet skirt that barely covers the nether regions!! 🤭

    Lin, yes, I’m sure Victoria is in one of Dan’s photos. So long as they are ok because they did seem to quickly cut off communicating but perhaps social media got too much for them… it would me! Your extreme weather is unkind to your veggies so well done Mrs Gardener for growing as much as you do. 👩🏻‍🌾
    An interesting teapot!

    Sandy, I do hope your negotiations with your landlord went well. If not, perhaps Babe will consider buying a home that wouldn’t have to be large for just the two of you. Lisa is so lucky to have you close by to help out but my goodness, she will surely need to work out a schedule that doesn’t rely on you too much if she gets the teaching job. You are an angel that gives and gives but even angels need to rest their wings!

    Patsy, I’ve more fresh beans and peas to enjoy but the plants are starting to show signs of stress from heat and lack of rain so a small contingency plan is required, hence the freezer. Unused China items are currently being moved from one surface to the next because they no longer have a home so once I move something for the hundredth time I’m afraid the next stop has to be my dustbin because I know from experience I can’t give it away. Today, home owners want nothing but new!

    Barbie, dear Bernie has been with our group from the start so I’m naturally worried for him but feel you are doing the right thing. Thankfully, I find my vet practice has become more realistic about care for older pets so doesn’t push the idea of difficult to administer drugs or frightening procedures unless they feel it would save a life. Being at home with you and Jake and the love you give him is the best medicine.
    Sending you all hugs. ❤️

    Housework to be done so I’ll love you and leave you, also because the sun has crept under the parasol and is burning my feet! 🥵

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited August 2022
    Morning all, I see you are in for another heatwave JACKIE. I'm so thankful ours has moved sideways to the west so another blessed day of 26F at the peak.

    Your comments about todays homeowners made me smile. I offered my, to me, gorgeous dinner and tea set collected by me in part and the rest given to me on retirement, to my grandson when he and Bev moved into an apartment. Its British and is sort of arty with stylized thistles and harebells. With him being in the art world I thought he would love it, but no I ended up joining Mark and Mary jo in buying him what he wanted, a modern black set which cost half of my set. Go figure. The Ms have a beautiful home furnished sort of traditional modern and MJ was quite hurt when it was pronounced old fashioned by her offspring. And yes I agree, the long dress is far more attractive than a pelmet NOT covering chubby legs. My pet dislike over here is short tank tops exposing rolls of flesh hanging over short pelmets. But then I am old fashioned as well I guess, lol. I should dig out my long pretty skirt which I haven't worn for years and can't bear to throw away and join the gals next door!

    Jilly's water bowl by the way is a brown bowl with a sort of cut in black viking design on it bought from Hornsea Potteries, Yorkshire where my Great grandad and grandad once worked.

    My latest and last beets are almost ready. I have two large containers of them. The toms are still green but enormous and the broccoli almost finished. Mark was over yesterday picking up fallen apples and mowing the grass which didn't really need it but had a few long stalks here and there amongst the brown. The old apple tree is laden with fruit and wasps! Actually the wasps were after the fallen fruit.

    Well its grocery delivery day, full of goodies like a papaya, avocado, dates and figs etc to replace the acidic fruits. Bananas as well. Can't wait!

    Sorry by the way if I came over as racial, I really am not. For instance one of my cousins married a moslem chap and went to live in Turkey where she taught art and English. Back in Yorkshire now, widowed, she's married a Yorkshire lad and teaches art to seniors. one son remains in Turkey married to an Indian girl, one daughter is married to a Brazilian and one son is also in the art world, based in London I think. I must admit this cousin is sort of the interesting girl of our family, a very strikingly attractive personality. My Aussie cousin was brought up in Saudi Arabia because her dad was stationed out there as the captain of a merchant ship. The rest of us are pretty boring, a mixture of Scot, Irish, Norfolk, and Yorkshire, except of course we were anything but! Great parties in my youth held by my Moms side of the family. Dads very staid in comparison. Are you still with me or have I bored the pants off you.


    PS: Now showered I'm wearing the skirt. A bit tight in the waist but I can button it up still, lol.
    Now where's my old and new neighbours so me and Bean can prance past. All quiet there overnight.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    George and Betty have just enjoyed a cold shower! Both look refreshed while I’m frazzled after hanging through the shower door to wash them one at a time but its worth it just to sniff the aroma of their oatmeal shampoo.😋
    Yes Anne, slap bang in the middle of a heatwave and temperatures still climbing. Currently 32C but I see my friend Pat in Tewkesbury will be suffering 37c which is close to 100F. My housework is moving upstairs where I have to gather energy to strip the bedding to be washed overnight which is cheaper electricity. I’m already saving about £10 a month on my energy bill by being more aware of what I’m switching on and that’s after our first of many increases.

    I’m betting your grandson and partner will look back one day and regret not taking up your offer of the dinner service, probably when black goes out of fashion! Hornsea is still collectible which goes to show quality counts!

    Well, I can’t put my battle with the duvet off any longer so will leave my sweet smelling pooches snoozing in the snug and
    get to it.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Even here JACKIE I'm becoming quite frugal and not turning lights on until dusk. My kitchen is dark because Harry built his garage too close to my window, but that light is carefully turned off whenever I leave. Oh and I try to wash very early or after 7pm which is our cheaper rate time. Wartime training and rationing are coming in useful these days!

    The older gentleman has just brought the groceries again and Jilly Bean is making a new friend. I swear Jilly who has never looked in a mirror thinks she's a small dark human. Suspicious of all dogs, she adores people. The groceries look lovely and fresh, I hit gold when I found this store and delivery service.

    Hope you can keep cool today. If you are upstairs remember heat rises!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited August 2022
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and temps are still comfortable. The landlord came with his son and I lost the battle and my rent is up $250. I signed for a year and hopefully in that time I can talk Babe into buying something. One day at a time. I did ask for a new thermostat for my furnace and the son said it was already ordered. Now we will see how long it takes to get it installed.

    Anne, I always try to be frugal but with the cost of everything lately, that is hard to do. We are not rationed here with electricity they want all the money they can get. I am glad Jilly has a new friend with your delivery man, she probably misses the other guy who's name escapes me.

    Jackie, fresh smelling puppies is like fresh bathed babies, love it!! We have finally cooled down but our A/C is still running because of humidity. I had my mother's china and passed it on to my daughter so the sentiment is still with us. I doubt I have anything my children would want they all have beautiful things.
    I do have a portrait of myself pained when I was about 21. I don't think any of the kids want that either as it is quite big. My granddaughter mentioned once she would like it as she loves retro.

    Barbie, always hard when our fur babies start failing. Bernie is well loved by you and Jake and I know you both will make the right decision when the time is right.

    Patsy, I really don't mind helping Lisa and Rob, the kids bring me so much joy. I couldn't do it everyday but for now once or twice a week is fine. We went to the park yesterday so it was fun for them and easy for me. I do know they appreciate my help so it makes me feel good.

    Lin, I am sorry about the wasps eating your plants can you spray them with anything that is not dangerous for you? I have three plants on my balcony and my mint plant is growing like a tree. It smells wonderful but I don't use it for food although I think I could. I also have an African violet I bought from Max's fund raiser and a lavender plant. All are doing great with self watering containers but the mint requires the container to be filled every day, thirsty little bugger.

    Well time to eat and get ready for meeting. Picking up groceries after the meeting. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We were to have a nice mild day but something happened! It is 96 degrees on the deck and 77 inside. Not exactly comfortable. But tolerable.

    I have a lot of silly little tasks today. I will not through all,of them but I will give it a try. Laundry, gather trash for Friday trash pickup, clean out fridge, continue a bit more straightening in dungeon etc etc etc.

    Later my dear friends,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) Today we had our home grown zucchini as part of lunch and I've been eating a few cherry tomatoes every day for a week.