Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello Sneakers -

    Finally, off to pick up my Rx. Just received a text that is ready for pickup. A tiny bit later than Friday at 4pm. 😉

    Barbie, I didn’t think you would quickly add to the household but I might have been wrong. Many people opt for a new household member quite quickly. Enjoy the weekend.

    Hi Anne, Jackie, Patsy, Sandy, Diane and all Sneakers.

    Hope all is well.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello everyone. We have a FROST warning tonight. Mark is working hard to get as much of the deck done as possible today because we are also predicted heavy rain tomorrow. I am so impressed with my youngest son. He was a chartered accountant until his back injury put paid to that. Despite still under physio he is a gifted carpenter. The deck he is building is a vast improvement on the old one which came with the house and looks a hundred times better and sturdier. And he and MJ have just arrived here again after having lunch. I am off to do a bit more weeding so hopefully I will be back tomorrow.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Whilst I was out gardening, our old neighbour Joe turned up. The new folks are having issues buying the house and can't move in until 10th October, IF the house is even sold.
    Loads of people in black at Marias house on the other side which makes me wonder if Tony has died.
    The good news, Derek my grandson is here helping his mom and dad Mark and MJ by banging nails into the planks.
    Jilly Bean is supervising and barking at passing dogs.
    All go!
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    And a third thing just happened. My old friend Flo phoned me all upset. Her son turned up at her place this morning and announced "No arguments, I've placed you in a home and you go on Monday". He has power of attorney. Her son and daughter were there clearing all her things out of her home as she talked to me. Apparently her daughter and son have been arguing for some time because the daughter didn't want her mom in a home.

    I'm so lucky, here's my family making life easier for me with all these renovations, hand rails. shallower stairs etc. Plus I've got my little girl Bean with me and I love Jilly Bean so much. I better go on a fitness campaign! although I can't see Mark and Michael shoving me off so easily.

    Anne. All my living friends are now in homes!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I’m home again! Yesterday’s journey from our holiday cottage to Pats home was long but as hard as we tried to avoid motorways and make it a leisurely one, we found we had no choice. The far end of Hadrians Wall was on our route then a few miles further south, the Angel of the North.

    We stopped for lunch just outside Wetherby, Anne’s country, where I enjoyed a Kentucky fried chicken meal for the first time in over 30 years! We made a point of getting this photo for Anne!

    Today I drove the final 150 miles from Pat’s home to mine, collecting some groceries and of course George and Betty. It took a while to unload my car and unpack but all done so tomorrow we can get back into our routine. Apparently George didn’t eat for the first few days with Debbie and Mike. It he has been making up for it tonight!

    Time for my bed. I think I’ll sleep well tonight.
    Jackie 😴
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    There is something crazy going on with my sense of time. The weather seems out of whack but it is really me that’s out of whack. It is quite warm today and I have to remind myself that it is really autumn. Not late summer.

    John is going on new meds for his arrhythmia. It is hard for John to even own up to getting old, much less having physical issues! But he is adjusting in his own way. That’s good.

    Our daughter, Andrea is looking forward to these weekly pizza dates with us. Should be fun. She and I will doubtless be doing girl things while the pizza cooks.

    Tomorrow is our shot day. Our pharmacist says to plan on a low key couple of days. I may stay in my pjs with my quilt near by. Ginger ale in the fridge and canned chicken soup. Does it sound like a silly way to veg out?

    Anne: I would also be very impressed with your sons and grandson. What a great family! I think they are all crazy in love their mom and grandmother. They want you happy and safe. As we all do, actually. Isn’t it just a heart breaker about you friend Flo? I think her family is concerned for her. Leaving your home and independence is horribly hurtful. It might be for the best, but what a devastating drama.

    Jackie: welcome home! Sounds like your little soldier missed you terribly. I’ll bet little Betty missed you as well. These extraordinary animals have a huge capacity for love and insecurity. I see how dear Katie reacts when only taken for a few minutes into the vets office. It takes hours to calm her. Down. The chicks survived okay?

    Lin: I loved the blue teaparty.

    Barbie: Bessie will need your full attention now. Thinking of you all.

    Doing my exercises, making salmon for dinner, it is quite muggy today. Feels like I am wading in wet warm mud! Yuck!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Patsy, The day after we got the shots for flu and Covid, Jake spent the day in bed and ate only Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup.

    :) Our big adventure today was going to the library to get a new book that was on hold (one copy for each of us), It's the new book by Richard Osmond call "The Bullet That Missed". It's the third in the series about a group of amateur sleuths that call themselves The Thursday Murder Club. They are all over 70 years old and live in a senior residence. When I heard that the new book was coming out, I requested that the library purchase it, so when they did, I became number one on the list to get it. Fortunately they bought several copies so Jake was able to get on the list to get his, too, as soon as it arrived.

    <3 Barbie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Today is another one of those days that just disappears and you don't quite know what you accomplished, but some how I managed to keep busy. Oh yes a trip to two grocery stores. Not very exciting, but I was able to get what I needed and also a cross rib roast for the same price of a chuck roast. A nice change along with a variety of veggies too. So ready for some fall meals !

    Barbie....I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I think you said he was 16 yrs old. Weow ! Loved seeing his photos as a kitten and later. He looks just like my kitty Mittens did, but he didn't last that long. That breed a kitty has been my favorite having owned 6 cats over time. No doubt your poodle will miss him, but will love all of the added attention you can give him now.

    Sandy....You are one very busy lady and I don't know where you get all of your stamina from. Just the younger kids would wear me out. Charley is so pretty now. Growing up quickly for sure. Glad you were able to enjoy your adult kids for a visit too. Thats always a treat !!

    Anne....When you mentioned previously about your next door neighbors moving all of this stuff out of the house it sounded like a fair size home. However I don't recall you saying there were many people living there. A thought crossed my mind. Maybe they fixed up homes and sold them storing a lot of things there to stage the homes on the market. Just a thought. However interesting that the new people haven't moved in yet or with the mortgage pmts going up with the interest rates increasing maybe they had to requalify for another loan. Time will tell in these trying times for all.

    Lin....busy as ever on your cards and so nice of you to send batches out for charity (?). Have you heard from the roofer yet ? I have been watching your weather and you sure have some bad storms in your state. Do stay safe...seasons are a changing.

    Patsy... Hope that you are recuperating from almost a bad fall. I keep on getting warned about that also, but it doesn't take much to radically change ones life with us being older now. Hope that your husband is doing better also and adjusting to his new meds. Glad you are working on getting the two injections that we are requested to get. It seems like you have problems up there getting them. Bet it is pretty up in your area now. Time to pull out the warmer clothes....

    Jackie...Welcome home. Loved that picture of you and your friend. It sounds like you had a fabulous get away enjoying all of the countryside and the castles too. Time to get ready for fall and your rain. Hearty meals too....Your animals no doubt were thrilled to see you come home. Love getting away, but so nice to have my own bed....LOL

    As for me....temps between mid 80s and 97 though it is finally cooling down. The fire I wrote about 38 miles away is still burning, but a lot is under control now thanks to some light rain for 3 days up in that area. We just got our appts for our two shots for next month. Glad to get that out of the way. I have been determined to try to increase my walking, but when I do it recreates foot problems. Decided it was time for some new walking shoes, plus inserts. Having difficult feet makes this a chore. Ordering them, trying them out in the house for several days and utilizing various shoe inserts. And if they don't work taking them back and starting all over again. No I am not having fun !! However fall is almost here and with any luck just maybe we will have some rain (though it often rains around us, but not over our house). I too watched most of the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II. It was very well done. Had my grandmother in mind during it all especially when the bagpipers played. She was born in England, but her family moved to Scotland when she was 6. She often remarked about a bagpiper that lived two houses away from her in the USA. He was a fireman, but often played his pipes for funerals when called upon. My childhood memories returning again.

    Sorry for the book here. I tend to get a bit wordy I know. I didn't want to miss anyone and hopefully I didn't. Everyone take care and I am thinking of all of you.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    IF I'm correct and I hope I am:

    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LIN. Hope you have a wonderful day relaxing, eating your favourite meals and generally relaxing.

    JACKIE, than you for the photo. My cousin Judith lives in Otley. She is my artist cousin who taught art in Turkey once upon a time! I Wish I had known you were passing by, Judith would have fed you and Pat! A big welcome home to you and the pets!

    Hope to get on again soon. Busy, busy day yesterday, exceptionally busy with Jilly still fast asleep.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Wishing you the best day ever doing all the things you enjoy. You are always so thoughtful about others, you deserve to be relaxing and thinking of yourself for once.
    Hugs from across the pond ❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member

    Have a wonderful day Lin, filled with love and happiness!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy birthday dearest Lin! The day cannot really begin without a teapot from Lin and one of her sweet posts. If I had your discipline, I would indeed be a vegan just like you. I hope you know that you are such a special person. Kindness and consideration are your hallmarks. You are one of those lovely people who connect with animals and people. Even at a distance, I think you connect and care for others. I am so grateful that you are there. H. B. Lin! And many more!
    Patsy☘️ & John & Katie (currently in trouble for barking non-stop for an hour this AM!)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    Lin :)Diane, I have bought shoes online for years. I buy the same size and style of the ones that are wearing out. That worked great til the shoes I wear for dog walking in cold wet weather were marked unavailable for months. I tried something different and they did fit and were too stiff so I sent them back (Amazon try before you buy) Then I tried some others from a different company and they fit and looked great and were about a fourth the cost of the ones I've been buying. Good luck to you on your shoe search.the

    :)Lin Happy Birthday 🎊🎉

    :) We had a visitor here today. We sat on the patio in the sun and talked for an hour

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Thank you dearest Sneakers for all of the lovely and thoughtful birthday wishes. They are much appreciated. ❤️❤️

    Watched online church this morning and this afternoon I stated making cards for my next donation to the great organization that receives handmade cards and distributes them.

    I am watching some old television programs and will go to bed earlier than usual. I have been staying up until around midnight. Projects tend to do that!

    Be safe everyone. Sending hugs.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Little chill in the air, had to put the heat on to take it out of the house. My son and his wife left yesterday and my daughter and her husband will leave this afternoon. They went to the rehab place to see her dad and bring some paperwork and stuff. I will take them to the airport around 4;00 for their 6:00 flight. They were leaving at 7am tomorrow but got an alert to change their flight for free because of hurricane Ian which worked out better for me.
    It was a great visit with family and we all had a great time. Now back to reality.

    Lin, I hope even though it was quiet you enjoyed your birthday. Did you have a little dessert with a candle? We should have had a zoom call and we could have all sung to you.

    Barbie, speaking of walking shoes reminded me that I have to order a new pair as the last time I walked I ended up with sore toes for a week. I do like sketchers but will have to try to find a comfortable pair for walking.

    Diane, I think the kiddos keep me going, since I don't have to lift any of them they are easier to take care of. I am busy so I do enjoy quiet days with nothing to do.

    Patsy, I hope you did okay with the shots and didn't have any reactions. I will have to make our appointments now that our company is leaving. I won't do both at the same time though, one at a time is enough for me.

    Jackie, welcome home, I hope you had a wonderful time and felt a little relaxed. I am sure all the pets were happy to see you including the chickens.

    Anne, I hope all is well with you and the weather hasn't knocked out your power or done any damage.
    Please check in with us if you can.

    Have a great day and stay healthy and happy.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello everyone. I’ve slotted back into a routine although I think George and Brady are still catching up. I was up at 4.30 this morning when George decided he needed to go outside and luckily the sound of him squeezing through the cat flap woke me because he can’t get back in without me opening the door. Brady is clingy which isn’t like him at all but Betty accepts whatever change occurs so long as she gets an occasional tummy rub!
    Our walk was a cold one with a howling wind so I needed to wear a hat, a new knitted one bought in a small shop we found on our travels in Northumberland where the lady who owned it sat knitting. It’s an Angora wool mix so warm. We chatted for some time and she gave me her Instagram name although I did explain I’m not sure how it works.
    I took Linda out for coffee and cake as thanks for looking after everything in my home last week and also gave her a couple of gifts including a pack of smoked kippers that I know she loves. We went to a coffee shop that sits beside a reservoir that, after our heatwave and drought, is only 25% full so the remains of farm buildings that disappeared under the water when it was created in the 1960’s are reappearing.
    This afternoon I’ve been climbing a ladder to cut back the top of a hedge but don’t worry, only a couple of rungs.

    Since returning home I’ve lit the wood burner in the evening because Autumn is definitely upon us! My energy supplier emailed to let me know the cost of electricity units is increasing next week so I’m getting into this habit of using the stored wood Linda gave me.

    Anne, visiting your artist cousin would definitely have been more fun than the Wetherby service area where we eat our Kentucky chicken meal. She sounds a very interesting lady.

    Rain coming in tomorrow so we will need to walk early before it arrives then I will probably finish painting the kitchen walls, a job started before my trip.
    Three reminders have arrived recently but I’m still considering the booster and will research more before deciding.

    Time for feet up.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Well, I'm still busy. Did a huge wash and Mark and Mary jo showed up to put plastic bags on the sticking up posts on the new deck because rain was forecast and they didn't want the posts to become sodden before the railing is installed on top. Opening the front door for them standing on the new deck I realized the way I've placed my desk and leather chair isn't good for opening because the door catches on the leather and I don't want it damaged. Once they were safely out the way I dismantled a bookcase and put it where my desk had been, the desk already having been dragged across the floor to the old bookcase site. I'm hoping they won't notice next time they are over because they treat me as though I'm fragile and I aint which means I periodically get told off when a moving spree overtakes me.
    Jilly took off for the back room but has now decided its safe to return to the comfort of the sofa. Me, I'm having a cup of tea, knowing the next time the grocery man shows up my leather chair won't get damaged.
    Won't be this week though because with no work due to rain and Mark at physio on Tuesday I will be shopping at the organic garage again. Mark doesn't want the delivery man falling off the edge whilst we have no railings. Its quite a drop! Roughly 5 ft and the deck is reached by 5 steps.
    Having written such a long saga all about me I will toddle off and feed the Bean. I've read you all though!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello friends. I have been putting around with containers on my deck today. Picking lettuce, green beans digging a few more potatoes and grabbing some cherry tomatoes. I have watered some of the containers as we have no rain expected in the next 7 days. Colder temperatures Wednesday, they are saying we will have to bring in frost sensitive plants.

    A friend from church called this afternoon to let me know what went on in the congregational meeting and potluck last evening. What a surprise, they turned the beginning of the get together into a wedding reception with speeches and toasts (no alcohol though). Then there were pictures and the wedding cake was served. All of this apparently from the outdoor wedding that was rained out before the reception got underway. Then there was other food and a business meeting. My friend took home cake and cupcakes. That made her happy.

    I have purchased some supplies to try to make something for the craft sale before the turkey dinner. Must get going on that no have no idea if it is something that I can do and if I can, what will it look like? I do not have high hopes!

    Well, busy days for everyone.

    Sandy, I have a friend who moved to Florida and this is her first major hurricane and she has to put up her storm shutters on her own. She’s not sure she knows how. She’s in Sarasota County and the rain was expected to start in the afternoon. Hope your family got their flight home with no trouble.

    Anne, busy family. Sorry the rain is stopping construction but happy to hear you will get a ride to your favorite store. That is good! Oh, you will have be in trouble if anyone notices you’ve moved your furniture.

    Jackie, everyone will get settled in again. Glad Betty doesn’t get upset with changes. Take care and we are watching! No more than a couple of rings of the ladder please.

    Barbie, Patsy, Diane….hello!

    Need to get my trash rounded up and out to the curb. It gets dark so early these days! I had been taking it out at 8 or 9pm. No more of that.

    Be safe everyone.


    A lady said this was an assortment of China from her family. Doesn’t the teapot seem tiny?

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello everyone. It’s a typical autumn morning but dry at the moment. George slipped out through the cat flap twice in the night which meant a disturbed sleep for me but I still got up early and took him with Betty to the moors for our walk. Naughty boy, he wolfed down cat food meant for Brady yesterday and I think it has upset his tummy!

    Unfortunately I forgot my new hat when we went out so my hair annoyingly blew in my face but both pooches enjoyed their run about. We crossed paths with a dog walker and his Alaskan Malamute and naturally got on to the subject of our new chancellor’s plans for our economy that are currently not going well. Whoever imagined our pound would only buy $1.07? Good news for me though was an email received from my electricity supplier today advising they will reduce my monthly payments from £104 to £35 because I have been economising and built up credit. I’m sure once it gets a lot colder it will go up but every little bit helps!
    My outdoor tomatoes are ripening so I’ve picked a few to place in the garden room until they are ready to eat. A pleasant surprise is more French beans that have grown and the plants are producing a fresh flush of flowers. We never managed a 2nd crop at the allotments so I’m chuffed! Beetroot and turnips slowly developing too.

    The promised rain hasn’t materialised but I will continue with my plans for housework, a touch of DIY on a wall and perhaps finish painting the kitchen. Another reminder text from my GP about receiving a booster just pinged on my phone but I’m a little concerned about what I’ve read on this Pfizer jab so will decline. A number of friends have tested positive with no symptoms and I like to think I’m a fit ol’ girl!

    Lin, that’s pretty blue and white china, especially the willow pattern. I’m guessing the teapot is designed for a single cup of tea although it’s deceptive because it’s sitting on a stack of saucers.

    George is barking at nothing but has reminded me I need to get on. Aah, and here comes the rain!

    Happy Tuesday. Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited September 2022
    JACKIE, boy - do I know the pound has slipped! with the exchange rate! Oh well, still glad I paid in, all those years ago! Its the pension I'm talking about.
    We've got typical October weather here as well with lots of rain. The holly bush is laden with red berries which I guess says it all according to my Dads long gone cronies.
    I'm slowly digging out my winter cardies etc and the heat is now coming on in the mornings. This doesn't usually happen until mid October. The good news is Jilly has finally stopped shedding fine black fur everywhere.
    More later hopefully,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    Hello, sunny and chilly this morning. I have been sweeping leaves from the sidewalk and edge of the garage and clipped a few hardy weeds! I will work on the deck again this afternoon and grab the last of the tomatoes and see what else I want to save from the cold tomorrow. I have several free programs today to watch online live. One starts in a few minutes, the other is this evening for at least an hour. It should be interesting.

    Jackie, ah George, eating the cat’s food. He has hurt his digestive system apparently. And he has definitely disrupted your sleep! I hope he’s better by this evening. Good for you on reducing the power bill, even temporary credits or reductions help. I am on budget billing but I still hold my breath when I open the bill each month. They have been telling me each month that I only have to pay a dollar- but I have paid the full monthly budgeted amount that they set and I still have an unpaid balance carrying forward. I have been whittling it down so it’s only a little over a hundred dollars. I see another budget billing increase coming my way next time they review my account. 👀 I didn’t cut back well enough.

    Anne, oh a holly bush. So beautiful! I have been reading scenarios related to the pound. No one seems to have a good idea of what will take place next. Some have said the bank will raise the interest rates like our Fed has been doing but how would that help the pound if shipping issues etc. have not been settled? Ah politics! Any deposits cheerfully accepted though right?

    I hope everyone is having a safe day!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) My company are all at home safe and sound. I will worry about my daughter with the hurricane coming to Florida and also Lisa's parents but pray they will all be safe. My daughter woke to a voice message from the rehab that her father was sundowning and confused and asking the nurse to call him a cab so he could meet some women and other things she didn't understand. She said sometimes talking to a family member can help orient the person and calm them down. He eventually went to sleep only to wake up at 5am and tried to get out of bed on his own and sliced his foot to the point of needing stitches. Very sad situation. Between having dialysis 5 days this week and PT and OT I hope he cooperates with the staff but the confusion is the worst. One Day at a Time.
    I am sitting later today for what might be the last day of volleyball unless they win then they play again tomorrow. Life is back to normal.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A bit chilly here as well. I am still recovering from sore arm and a bit achy muscles from our flu and booster shots. I was worried about doing both at once but it really hasn’t been a problem. If you are considering getting the booster, having a flu shot at the same time will not make the side effects too much worse, if at all. At least that has been our experience.

    Still trying to decide about John’s reluctance to get help with what is now a looming issue. Rains coming and our little road could get stopped up completely with downed trees and limbs. John is not able to manage a chain saw. As you can see I am walking about with a dilemma. How on earth can I deal with this? The overgrowth is quite a problem at this point. As we age our brain goes into a strange denial, men refuse to admit a loss of strength. Woman refuse to admit a loss of youth. Some woman still try to go about in high heels and bright red lipstick. Maybe not the best idea.

    Tonight is salmon and pasta with green peppers and onions. John likes this a lot and I will not nag that sweet old guy about our landscape issues. Must try to press on. Tomorrow is our day to chat with Damon. Working on the kid story again.

    Stay safe and healthy. The shot wasn’t too bad. 24 hours of naps and an aspirin.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :) The weather here is still pleasant during the day but colder in the morning requiring extra layers at dog walking time. In the afternoon we planted garlic and began work on preparing an area at the other end of the yard for planting sunflowers next year.

    :) We had a visit from a friend on Sunday but the friends who were supposed to come today cancelled so we had a lovely free afternoon.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Problems typing and posting so will try later. Meanwhile moving furniture… weird MFP!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Chilly out so heat is on, summer is gone but my hummingbird is still coming around. I don't want to take his feeder down until I know he has flown south.
    They won their volleyball game so I am going back tonight for another game. I think it determines who is in the playoffs but not sure.
    Noting else exciting going on except for my kids dad and his dementia. I do hope it is temporary because it is sad and confusing for his kids.

    Jackie, sorry you are having MFP problems, they really do have problems with this site.

    Barbie, we too are having warmer clothes type of weather but better than the hurricane going through Florida. Prayers for all of them.

    Patsy, I think I am going to wait for our shots until we see Babe's doctor on October 5th. Babe is hesitant and I am hoping the doctor will reassure him to get both shots.

    Lin, chilly in Iowa as well correct? Looks pretty with the sun shining but it is only 49 degrees here.
    Hope all is well with you and all your projects.

    Anne, has your weather calmed down? Are the M's back to finishing the deck?

    Hello to Diane.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,386 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello. Yes, sunny but chilly here as well but the temperature didn’t dip as low as forecast. I think it was only 40 degrees this morning not mid-thirties. I am starting to line up the items needed for an online card class. I thought it was weeks away but surprise, it is in early October. Also, surprised, the heating and cooling company called me to pay my annual maintenance bill over the phone and gave me an appointment before the end of October. That is quite early. It has been January or February the last couple of years before they got around to me. Also, I ordered a pair of heavier pants/slacks given winter will be coming and the ones I liked are in stock right now.

    Off to do some little house chores now.

    Be safe everyone.

    Jackie, yep, MFP, you never know what will happen! Or what won’t work.

    Sandy, happy babysitting.

    Barbie, wow, garlic planting. I have never planted any in the fall, always a spring thing around here. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because the winter temperatures here can be so severe?

    Patsy, hi! I try to plan but I have reached a point where I realize most things are out of my control and cannot be put under control by planning. I hope John is feeling better.

    I have 3 friends in Florida, they all live along the West Coast, Sarasota, Bradenton and North Port. All in Sarasota County. I have my eyes open and listening to updates. One friend had been posting updates on Facebook but she just said she would not be posting. They are on generator power now and they want to keep everything charged for as long as possible.

    Be safe.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Lin yes there are suggestions to plant garlic in the spring if you have severe winters. We rarely gets temps too much below freezing here
    <3 Barbie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    With the seasons changing for all of you I can see everyone is starting to get ready for the cooler weather. My day begins with opening up all of the screened windows to allow the wonderful fresh air inside. It may only be 65, but cooling it down without having to use the AC is where we are at right now. Once it reaches 80 inside we close up knowing the temps are still up to the low 90s. Recently we have been hearing about ac bills running as high as $450 a month. Not so anxious to receive our bill because I know with this record high month it will be higher than the usual $245. Fall can not get here soon enough !!

    Like many of you I too am working in the yard doing what our blow and mow gardener doesn't do though he is supposed too. Less work and I hear from neighbors the $$ are increasing. So I started pruning the hedges a little at a time. Next day I decided to clean out the agapanthus. Got half of them done getting some sap from the plants on my arms and a bit on my legs. Though I washed up well by last night I had developed a rash, which I assume is an allergic reaction to the plant. So now I have to get rid of that before I finish up the other two agapanthus. Hard to wear long sleeves and pants when it is 70+ degrees. Of course I am assuming we will get rain in Oct like we have in the past yrs though NOT the last few yrs. Like others we are praying for rain again.

    Patsy....Have you considered having a company come to give you an estimate to trim your trees by the drive way ? From our experiences at our last house the older the trees the more the limbs tend to break and your safety becomes a concern. Loved my trees at our last house, but after awhile the maintenance of them became too much for us and I don't care to ever rake leaves again.... Thinking
    of you....

    Sandy.....I know you have a daughter in Florida, but I don't recall where she lives. Hopefully she and her family are safely away from that storm. You got back home just in the nick of time. Feel for those poor people having to go thru that.

    Our son in Tennessee is moving into his home on Sat inspite of the rain that is due there on Sat. They have spent any free time painting the interior before making the actual move. Hopefully the 12 and 14 yr olds will be of some help as they try to get back to a normal life again. So glad I do not have to make a move again like that though they did want us to leave California to join them back there. Too much rain and humidity for us. Would much prefer their gas prices however ....

    Well hi to Lin, Anne, Barbie and Jackie too. Thinking of all of you as you prepare for the coming season.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning sneakers. I’m not sure how this post will progress because something is still interfering but I’ll keep going. Yesterday I managed to empty out my china cabinet and bookcase, swap them so the china and glasses are closer to the kitchen and books in the snug then put everything back. I’m delighted with the result so can get back to painting my kitchen, probably tomorrow as we have a forecast for heavy rain. Today I will shred the branches I removed from one of my hedges and use the mulch to cover a footpath.
    We had a bright but windy walk on the moors so the pooches are now snoozing while I sip coffee. My friend Pat I went on holiday with is back to work today. She works 2 days a week at a Waitrose supermarket, mostly till work, and is entitled to a 20% discount on food she buys as well as access to financial advice and, if needed, a solicitor. Although I wouldn’t want to be working now she enjoys the social aspect as well as the perks and I’ve suggested she tell them all about a massive climb she achieved to reach a section of Hadrians wall because after her stroke a few years ago she isn’t particularly fit so is proud to have reached the summit with me.

    I have seen some news about Hurricane Ian and the damage caused but guess we will all know more once daylight arrives. You must have been terribly worried Sandy so I do hope you have heard from your daughter and know everyone is safe. Another worry is your kids’ dad with his dementia. Could it be another UTI?

    Diane, I’m glad you reminded me about the dangers of touching Agapanthus because I’ve one growing in a pot that needs to be planted into the ground. I’ve definitely not got concerns about wearing long sleeves at the moment but don’t always wear gloves… definitely will for my job! Thankfully, a need for air conditioning is rare because everything is getting more expensive in Britain so I was amazed to hear on our news yesterday that the cost of food has gone up 10% this year. Where do they get their figures from because my grocery bills have increased by at least double that!

    Another pair of joyous teapots Lin that would look wonderful in my home! I’m hoping you have good news about your friends in Florida too.

    Garlic Barbie! That’s something I can usually grow over Winter so will be on the hunt.

    The days are a lot shorter now so I must get on. George made it through the night without slipping out so hopefully he’s on the mend. I gave both pooches a teaspoon of probiotic yogurt yesterday… might do the same today.

    Well, I’ve typed, now let’s see if it posts!
    Jackie 🥰