Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sitting later this afternoon for them to go to a dinner with speaker. Our family zoom call brought bad news as far as my children's father. My daughter talked to the doctor and he said he doubts he will leave the hospital, gives him maybe a year but thinks it will be more like months. His heart rate is low and he is late stage kidney failure. He is in light restraints because he is combative.
    Doesn't sound good and I asked Babe if he would mind if I went to see him and he agreed I should.
    He is the father of my children and we are still good friends. They did say he sleeps most of the day and gets agitated at night. Since I am going away this week I will wait until I get back. Hopefully Rob gets his car back today and he can go see him tomorrow.

    Will check in tomorrow since I would like to ride the bike before I go sit.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Patsy, Diane asked me to share this with you. Might help with clipping nails….


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Heavens, maybe I should try that!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I’m sure I would be smothered to death by my double trouble pooches if I tried the peanut butter cap trick!

    A bright full moon is lighting up my garden at midnight as I let George and Betty out for their last visit of the day. This afternoon my pack of shallots were planted once I tidied the raised beds and moved some heavy bags of recycled compost from the top area and I also dug up the outdoor tomato plants that were beginning to suffer from the effects of blight. Too much rain last week. Pots of herbs like Italian thyme and apple mint have been split so I can share with Linda and more rat poison distributed in strategic areas although I was pleased to see the station in the chicken run hadn’t been touched so assume they are not getting in that space. All in all a most relaxing day that finished with feet up in front of the wood burner when I dozed off watching YouTube videos!

    Another bright day forecast for tomorrow so I must get myself to bed so I’ll be full of energy for weeding beds.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good evening. It has been a day of struggle, false starts, and poorly done work!

    I have struggled with getting an Internet connection, battled a bot as I tried to report my problem and messed up some supplies while trying a new cutting plate. Sometimes when a day starts wrong, it’s best to try to avoid messing up other things. Just reading a book and having rice crackers with peanut butter to eat would have been safe.

    Oh and I did try to post something here early on but it was lost of course.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

    Hoping tomorrow is a better day.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Today is a better day. My Internet service is working well. 🥳🫶🏻🥳

    Church a bit later.

    Anne, did you ever read this magazine?

    Take care.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    A long time ago LINDA
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) A lazy Sunday for me except for packing which is going to be easy as we wear our matching shirts so a small suitcase is all that is needed. It is going to reach the 60's today so a nice day. While Babe watches football I will try and catch up on shows I have recorded once I pack. Making steaks for dinner because Babe will probably be eating Lean Cuisine for the next three days. Marisa is coming to visit him tomorrow so maybe they will order pizza. I hope Cheryl will invite him for dinner one night but we will see. He will be fine by himself and he is fine with that. It's my taking care of myself trip which we all need to do once in a while.

    I will try and check in daily if only to say hello. Have a good three days without me. lol

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Sandy, Have any of Babe's doctors suggested that he limit sodium in his diet? Your trip sounds like fun and you preparation for Babe very thorough.

    :) I washed a bit more of the fence and then took a long nap. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good evening. I have been deep in concentration over more card making. I finished two card fronts today and am looking over the list of cards needed in November. Lots of birthday cards!

    Sandy, have a safe trip! You have everything set up for Babe. I hope he does get some company while you are away.

    Anne, yes, I know that example was a quite old edition of the magazine although I had trouble reading the date on the front. 1956? Enjoy your holiday.

    Barbie, washing the fence sounds productive! Naps are good too.

    Patsy and Jackie, hello and hope all is well.

    See you tomorrow.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely day today. Sunny but mild. We are doing Sunday things. Taco bowls for dinner. Wonderful music….Sunday baroque. It is such happy music and certainly not boring.

    I have most of my pumpkins out and I have fall placemats on the dining table. Andrea came for pizza night and we had a great time visiting. I think it will be a regular thing now. I really took note of Anne’s lovely visits with Mike. What a wonderful tradition for the two of them. I have often thought how our grown children need us, but not in the way they used to. That’s all to the good.

    Time for my call to Damon. Dinner preps. Later, dear ones.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. We are continuing to enjoy some sunny and warm weather so yesterday was spent outdoors which meant I nodded off as soon as I relaxed in the evening, I’ve been watching a Netflix series about an Indian matchmaker doing her thing in modern times, sometimes in America but often in India and it’s fascinating to see the clash of modern ideas with traditional. The problem is, after a busy day I tend to fall asleep halfway through an episode then have to backtrack! That’s what was happening last night.
    This morning I took George and Betty for a long walk across the moors then stopped to talk to a dog walker that is dealing with mental health issues before coming home for breakfast and coffee. Later I will be visiting my friend Les who is now 97 and still living independently. A stop on the way at the farm supply store for chicken feed, fatty balls for the wild birds and more rat poison! Before that I must cut up some of the wood Linda passed on that is too long for my wood burner. Just a few more tomatoes to pick before clearing the pits from my greenhouse!

    Sandy, have fun with your friends. It sounds like you have done everything for Babe to keep him fed and entertained so now it’s a bit of Me time!

    Patsy, I’m delighted to read Andrea joined you and John for your pizza night.
    Lin, more cards… Your commitment is amazing! That’s such a pretty teapot, it reminds me of the sort of patterns that were about in the 50’s.

    Hello Anne, Barbie and Diane.
    Happy Monday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Morning, thanksgiving morning for us. It was a gorgeous day yesterday, the fall colours at their very best. Mike came over and after a lot of rather colourful words [which he didnt learn in Derbyshire!] appears to have finally sorted out my new iPad. It IS quicker and easier than my old 12 year old one, BUT what a lot of hunting for 12 year old passwords to transfer everything from old to new, hence the colourful language!

    Of course Mark and Mary jo appeared to finish installing the garage door, and then Mark cut back the old apple tree a bit which was growing over the roof gutters. THEN of course he had to hare up a ladder to CLEAN the gutters. I tell you I was exhausted just watching. I asked Mary jo if she was going home to cook a turkey, in fun of course, but my warped British humour is not always understood by my Portuguese DIL and she answered me very seriously that she wasn't!

    Finally darkness fell and everyone departed and I watched a programme about poor Anne Boleyn but happily fell asleep alongside my exhausted puppy and so I didn't get to see the poor girls inevitable end.

    Maybe a quiet day today, maybe.

    Hey SANDY have a lovely happy mini holiday with your pals.
    Happy card making LINDA.
    Happy walking on wind tossed moors JACKIE .
    Happy fence washing BARBIE.
    Happy visits with Damon and Andrea PATSY
    Happy whatever you are doing DIANE.
    In other words HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY even if you aren't here in Canada with me and mine.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    SANDY, BARBIE made a very good point above. Is Babe having too much salt in his meals? For instance restaurant and pre packaged meals are notorious for overdoing the salt to make things taste good.

    Mikes friend Sandys daughter and three grandchildren have all got Corvid caught at school they think........ Its back!
    Mike was over at Sandy's for a meal last evening. He was very tired this morning and I persuaded him to stay home and not visit us. Mark asked me over to join them for a thanksgiving dinner but I decided I need a quiet day at home for once as well.

    So my thanksgiving meal will be mashed potatoes, veggies and pan fried battered haddock. Not exactly Thanksgiving, but I will enjoy it.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good afternoon. I got in a crush this morning at my pharmacy. They were flooded with people wanting Covid and/or Flu shots. The flu shots are supposed to be walk-in but maybe they might want to change that policy. They were a bit frazzled and the computer didn’t stay connected so a long stay waiting my turn. Some changes since I was there last, they are back to cleaning down surfaces after customers use the credit card machines, there’s a separate container for used versus clean pens and everyone must wear a mask in order to receive a shot.

    So what do you think? Concern about flu? I didn’t ask. I was happy to have it over with.

    I returned some books to the library and have spent the afternoon looking for something appropriate to use for a birthday card for one of the November celebrations. She is a good friend with a quirky sense of humor but I haven’t found anything yet. The flu shot hit me while I was hunting. Argh, so incredibly tired now. I should have done my box crushing for the trash pickup, but I am too pooped to care now.

    Anne, your menu sounds fine to me. I hope you enjoy it. And rest up. Glad your iPad is all set now. Yes, passwords and logins, eeeck! I spent a few hours last night and this morning on updating some accounts and trying to check on things. Problems even when I swear I knew my password!

    Jackie, that looks like a fine bunch of tomatoes. Our season is definitely over and we would all be overjoyed to see so many to choose from. How was your visit with Les? Did you find all of the items you intended to purchase? I don’t remember you mentioning the need for rat poison until recently. Have I just missed that? I have lived here since the mid-90’s and last week was the first time I saw a mouse curled up in a pot on my deck! Not a pleasant sight. Yes, more cards. I have sort of made a pledge to myself to send cards to charity on a regular basis while not giving up on my usual cards. It requires much more productivity. 😉 But gosh golly, I have so many books to read.

    Sandy, I hope you are having a good time.

    Patsy, so happy to her that Andrea spent time at your home. Lovely! How is Damon?

    Barbie, are you stocked up on yarn for the winter months?

    Well, I think I need a tiny nap.

    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :)Lin your varied and many cards must be a challenge to keep supplies stocked. I make the same style and size blanket in the same two colors so it is simple to place a big order that will last for months. I had to place a special order when one of my great granddaughters asked for blanket in other colors. I'll use use the leftover yarn to knit hats.

    :) We used the cardboard boxes to take yard waste to the neighborhood yard waste collection. Jake cut up the boxes and put the clean parts in recycling and the strained parts in the garbage

    :) I got very tired for a full day after getting my flu and Covid shots the same day

    <3 Barbie

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. It is a cloudy day here and a bit chilly. As for me….I am feeling a bit rocky and under the weather. Very tired. Not sure why. I am going to take an aspirin and curl up under a quilt with a cup of camomile tea at my side. Not my fav. You know I would prefer coffee.

    It is always a fight to the finish to get Katie’s nails clipped but that video Diane and Lin shared was a “off the wall” idea that was brilliant in its own way. Distraction rather than force or annoyance. I may give it a try but maybe not quite the same way. Thank you dear ladies!

    Since it is so chilly out and I feel so exhausted for some reason, we will be having soup tonight. I have a container of veggie soup in the freezer. it is defrosting as we speak.

    Sacked up a bundle of clothes for Goodwill. I read that most of the clothing we donate is never bought or given away to the needy. It is turned into rags or burned. I wish I could locate a charity to aide devastated people in Florida. I am searching for that through our church but nothing comes up so far. More on that later.

    I confess I am a bit worried about this fatigue and achy feeling. Every time I feel the least bit wonky I fear Covid, even though I have all my shots and boosters. I really doubt I have any real problems. Just a bad night and or a cold.

    More scary movies tonight. John’s choice tonight. It will probably be Alien. It still ranks in there as a top scary movie!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Happy Tuesday. The morning is over already. I made a trip to Walmart for a few groceries and they had most of them but then I decided to make a trip to Trader Joe’s. It was my favorite place to shop until Covid. This was only my second trip to the store since things shutdown way back when. The earlier excursion was not great, loads of shoppers, I couldn’t find anything and I saw no reason to go back. Today was different and I enjoyed purchasing some of the cheaper products I bought a few years ago. I think I could save $ on groceries if this was my primary store again. We will see I guess.

    I need to have lunch and then do some more work on getting containers on my deck inside.

    I hope everyone is well. Maybe you’ve posted and I just cannot see them.

    Be safe.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited October 2022
    Just thought I'd poke my nose in before me and Bean go out in the garden to hunt for the last of the tomatoes and then maybe pull the plants up. We are having our Indian summer and it is 67 degrees. I wish you could see our towns abundance of trees. I have never seen them so colourful, the weather man said it is a combination of summer heat and drought and now warm days and cool nights.

    Because we didn't eat the lamb chops I'd bought for me and Michael yesterday I cooked them today with roast potatoes. Jilly ate one chop in double quick time! We have a couple of them left for tomorrow. SO GOOD. I hate eating meat normally but I think, like Jilly, I'm a carnivore deep down. Expensive, so only bought once or twice a year for thanksgiving or Easter Sunday.

    Apart from that not much going on, well Marks just turned up to do a bit more. What's new, except we will miss him when he's finished.

    The new folks haven't shown up next door even though they were supposed to have the keys this past weekend. Who did show up was one of the Afghan ladies to presumably feed the fish left by Harry in the small pond. I wonder if the new would be neighbours couldn't get a mortgage after all?

    Another sweet mystery of life!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Barbie, did you do anything special for Jake’s birthday yesterday. Sorry I missed it.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Another day almost over and my log burner is keeping me warm as I watch another England ladies football match. It’s been cooler but still gardening weather so after a gentle stroll first thing I continued weeding. So much to do because I couldn’t work outside during our heatwave.
    My visit with Les yesterday was enjoyable and I stayed for a couple of hours while George and Betty snoozed on a sofa. At one point George did wander out of the room and when I went to look for him, found he had got into Les’s bed and was lying between the pillows peering over the top of the duvet. He looked hilarious so because Les is blind I described the scene which made him laugh! His mobility is incredible for his age and memory much sharper than mine. I’ve promised to visit again in a couple of weeks because although he has 2 loving daughters, they both work so he spends a lot of time on his own.

    Patsy, I’m worried about you feeling so tired and hope today is a better one. Could it be a reaction to your vaccinations? I’m trying to remember if you had both at the same time.

    Still no sign of your new neighbours Anne. That is a mystery! I can imagine the beauty of your local trees. It was always my favourite season in Canada although sometimes too short.

    Lin, like you I’m starting to sort through outdoor pots ready to move some into the shelter of my greenhouse. There is a threat of cold weather and even snow next week although I’m hoping it stays in Scotland where it belongs! Another interesting ceramic teapot; I like it!

    I’m sure Sandy is having fun with friends and hope you are winning!

    Nearly time for bed so I’ll enjoy a Satsuma and maybe switch on my electric blanket!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A bright sunny day here. The nights have been very chilly and I suspect things will only get colder from a few months.

    In answer to your question about my vaccinations….yeah! I did get both ot once. And I did have more reaction although it was mainly fatigue and achy body. That was a couple of weeks ago. This ugly fatigue was due to a UTI. (Sorry TMI) on meds now, much to my displeasure. But it must be done. I also should drink a full half gallon of water per day. Yuck. I must put herb tea in at least some of that water. This really knocked me down. And it is no joke! Don’t fool around if you get it. It can be a killer.

    Katie goes to the vet tomorrow for her shots and physical. Always terrifying for her. I have to give her a tranquilizer beforehand. She is a sweet but crazy doggie.

    Today is Damon’s birthday. He hates to think how old he is. I do believe age is unreliable construct on who we are and how we are feeling and holding up. We are the same, usually, on our birthday as the day before, or even the week or month before. It is a day to remind other people of how glad they are that you are here.

    Time for meds and more water.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :):) Yesterday was the first day of the big yard waste gathering in our neighborhood (a 55+ manufactured home community). In April and October, they set aside a few days when we can bring our yard waste to a designated spot. Later they take it somewhere to be shredded or composted or something. . We put our yard waste in cardboard boxes (mostly from Chewy) and put the boxes in the back of our car, then go home and refill the boxes until it's finished. All the stuff has been in the back yard under a tarp for a few weeks or in boxes in the garage.

    :) Yesterday was Jake's birthday and one thing he wanted most was to get the yard waste out of the yard and garage so he could sweep the garage, rake the yard, and get the car detailed. The rest of his birthday was more relaxed with healthy food and TV watching. His daughter sent him a mushy card and a generous QFC gift card. He heard from his brother and some other friends so he enjoyed some phone time yesterday and this morning.

    :) In our modest priced neighborhood people frequently buy houses before they've sold their other one so often a house will sell and there will be no evidence of anyone moving in for weeks or months.

    :) I washed another section of the fence today. My next job will be sifting compost. Life is exciting here.

    <3 Barbie

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    BREAKING NEWS here, lol. I was watching the tv news which was mainly about cars crashing into each other or people yelling and screaming in various parts of the world when a large removal van rolled onto next doors drive. The van had painted on the side "Xis Long", followed by a long line of Chinese lettering and a car also drove up and the back view of a person with blue black hair emerged. Does this mean I have Chinese neighbours this time? If so I will have lived next door to most nationalities in the last 40 years. Not to mention within our family as well. Humans are all the same I find wherever they come from and Jilly agrees as she wags her tail or barks at anyone we encounter. The other day the fairly new lady priest of our local neighbourhood church stopped to ask me if I was JILLY BEANS owner. This dog knows more people than me and I guess Mike had told her Jilly's name. Anyway, back to the removal van and that's all I know because dusk arrived and I closed the curtains.
    Off for a shower but just wanted to let you good folks know I won't be bothering you any more after weeks of speculation! LOL.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! 😁 I am winning a little money but received bad news yesterday. My children’s father passed away. My son and his aunt were with him. My son asked everyone to call him and tell him he could let go including me. It was very emotional. He is at rest now and in peace.

    Will be heading home today after we stop for an early dinner.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Sad news indeed SANDY. Although very old I was also saddened by Angela Lansbury's passing just short by 5 days of her 97th birthday. So many people just recently it seems. Condolences sent to you and your children on the passing of their dad.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandy, sorry for your family’s loss. ❤️❤️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    Sandy, I’m sorry to read your children's’ father has passed but as you say, sad as the news must have been, he is at peace now. ❤️

    After my usual long walk this morning I phoned Linda to suggest coffee and her help to remove a couple of my pot bound plants from their containers, one a ginger and the other Agapanthus. It was a battle, especially the Agapanthus but after cutting round inside between edge and plant, we managed. Meanwhile George investigated a mole hill and in no time was covered in damp soil! As soon as Linda left he was showered and blasted with my hairdryer. Rain arrived soon after so not too much achieved!

    Finally Anne, your new neighbours might have arrived! Fingers crossed, they will be pleasant to live next door to.

    Lin, I forgot to answer your query about my distributing rat poison! Being a rural area with lots of dry stone walls, it’s something I have to live with but I do my best to keep numbers down so I don’t ever see them! Seems to work for me and the hens so the only sign they are about is the nibbled blocks!

    Do take care of yourself Patsy and keep drinking the water!

    Barbie, belated birthday wishes to Jake. Sounds like a perfect day for him!

    Grocery shopping planned for tomorrow and I still think I’ll drive to the next town rather than sit in traffic due to road closures locally.

    Low battery warning so I’ll sign off.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dear Sandy, so very sorry for your loss. I always thought is was remarkable that you remained friends with your children's father and your ex. It sounded like a complex situation. But when a person is suffering, passing brings peace.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good evening. I did a lot of running around today and when I finally got home my sinuses started screaming at me—they did not care for the wind.

    So tomorrow will be another day.

    Be safe.

