Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello, it is Monday for sure. We are finally getting some rain which is very good. I did a couple of errands this morning before the rain started. The temperature has been dropping all day but it hasn’t gotten too cold yet. I think we will be in the 50’s each day this week if the forecast is accurate.

    My friend’s grandson was in a 4-wheeler accident yesterday afternoon and was life flighted to the hospital. They have been assessing his condition and have said they believe he will live but it unlikely he will ever be able to walk again. He is in his 20’s and apparently will have an extremely tough road ahead. I talked to another friend a while ago and she said they had operated and will just be watching and waiting.

    She also updated me on another friend who had a major stroke and has been trying to recuperate but just got Covid and has been moved to a different hospital. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    And a third friend has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She moved away from this area to be near her daughter. Good decision as it turns out. She didn’t want to move but her daughter pushed hard for her to make the change.

    That is the end of news from my friends and it was shocking truth be told.

    From here, I just had my furnace serviced for winter and found out it must be replaced as it is leaking carbon monoxide. It won’t kill me but it is forcing a lot of heat to go out the exhaust rather than heating the house. Waiting for an estimate for the replacement. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Just got a call, another guy from the heating and cooling company has to come to look over my furnace and air conditioner before quoting a price. He thinks I will need an air conditioner too. And my zone system is not compatible with new furnace. Ouch.

    I am going to start stamping sentiments in my Thanksgiving cards. I have quite a few to stamp and lots of envelopes to address. Need to get started.

    Sandy, what fun!! Love those pictures.

    Anne, at least Boris didn’t bounce right back to his old job. Maybe he realized he wouldn’t last long this time either?

    Patsy, you got back in as well. Great. I hope you are able to return each day.

    Jackie, is your weather tolerable now? What are you growing in your greenhouse now?

    Barbie, oooh, a nice long nap. A favorite of mine!

    Be safe everyone.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Great pictures SANDY. Glad you had so much fun!!! Mary Jo is cutting my grass for the last time I guess this year and I've been cutting back Siberian Iris's. Not half the fun you had! I had to come in it was so hot in the garden and even in the house it is 75F. What a wonderful Indian summer we are having!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    This is becoming a habit… midnight and only just going to bed. Sunshine and showers today and very warm when the sun was out. First thing there was low mist hanging around but I still took George and Betty on the moors. Nobody about when we arrived and thinking the sun was about to burn through the murk, I took them quite high but then it suddenly became very thick so I wasn’t sure if I was walking in the right direction but the Waze app on my phone figured it out for me and directed me back to the car park! George’s groomer visited so he is once again neat and tidy. Not too short but also not long either as our weather remains mild.

    We have a new Prime Minister but lots of grumbling about the fact both he and our new Chancellor didn’t do well in their party’s election that gave us Truss but suddenly, without a democratic process, they are now in charge, running the country. The squabbling isn’t over yet!

    Great photos Sandy and what a laugh! You were obviously both having a wonderful time.

    Lin, what a horrid day with all that bad news. That old saying about problems arriving in threes runs true there. My greenhouse holds a window box container of winter lettuce and just a handful of semi green tomatoes but outside my late beetroot and turnips are coming on a treat and I also picked some French beans this evening.

    Anne, you will be snug as a bug this Winter after all the renovations. Enjoy your Indian summer while it lasts.

    It’s a relief Patsy got back to us and I know things still aren’t right with the site because I too sometimes find posts I’ve sent still sitting in the typing box the next day so for some reason it doesn’t clear. I have to tell you Patsy, George’s groomer feels Labradoodles are a big mistake because she says mixing the high intelligence of a Poodle with the craziness of a Labrador is asking for trouble!

    Off to bed!
    Jackie 🥰

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :) It has been chilly here. Not low temperatures but damp. This morning Jake built a fire in the woodstove. He didn't add to it during the day, but it was toasty for awhile.

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I was waiting for Katie to return after her late night visit to the back yard, so I gave sneakers a try and I got in again. I think there is more to this mfp episode than coincidence. It happens to too many people these days!

    Jackie: yes labradoodles are a true challenge. Not only that they are intelligent and kookie but they are cunning. They plot and plan and fuss and play tricks and invent games with rules. John and I are amateurs when dealing with her. Katie ALWAYS wins!

    Lin: I am very sorry about your friends bad luck. When that happens I feel so sad and inexplicably guilty. I should have done something…..what on earth could I have done? Maybe it is really that we wish we could help but can’t. You are a good friend and are always a very good listener.

    I hope I am able to return but our news isn’t all that wonderful . John has hurt his knee and is really suffering with arthritis. He even consented to getting help! I wish he didn’t need it but alas he does! However the help will relieve some pressure from that old sweetheart.

    Thinking of you all, hope to keep in touch……………
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    When I just logged in the first thing I realized was I had missed a lot of posts after SANDY'S hilarious photos.

    Awfully bad news about your friends LIN, and add to that bad news about important appliance replacement. I think Mark has paid out a fortune so far on this old house, but he isn't letting on to me how much. The latest here is the oak tree and her roots are in our pipes again so the plumber comes once more on Thursday. $600 each time, but she's a beautiful tree growing in Marias space on the other side of the fence. Then the furnace is to be serviced on Monday, cross fingers. THINKING OF YOU!

    PATSY is back along with me! Yeah!! Poor John though! I had to stop cutting back plants yesterday because my back was killing me so I really sympathize with him. I'll have another go today. The temp. was 75F but drops to 58F today. Still comfortable but with rain forecast for Wednesday.

    JACKIE, I have GREAT hopes for "young" Mr. Sunak and relieved Boris didnt make it however charismatic he is! and did you see the photograph of Whitby Abbey and the bat projection? Apparently a colony of real bats live there, but we never saw one whilst visiting, but then bats are nocturnal and I would imagine Whitby abbey is pretty spooky at night.

    The wood stove sounds lovely and toasty BARBIE! wish I had a wood stove just like you and Jackie.

    Hope to meet up with Patsy here again soon with no more ghostly disappearances.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hello. A cold and overcast day. I guess our warm weather is over.

    Anne, my gosh, another invasion of the tree roots! Darn! Yes indeed, there has been a lot of spending in money and time on the lovely old house. It is difficult to live through these things but everything will be so much better. I cannot imagine having everything in my house fixed.

    Patsy, I hope you are back again today! A friend of mine can only use the Internet either early in the morning or later in the evening. She can text all day though which I guess is good but it is not particularly handy to have such limitations on Internet usage. If she needs something during the day, she goes to the library.

    Barbie, my ex in-laws had a wood stove that heated most of their house. It was in the basement and the heat came up the stairway. An amazing amount of heat was produced by that stove.

    Jackie, a few nice things still being produced in your garden and greenhouse. Yippee! I think I will avoid answering the phone today. 😂🤣😂 enough bad news for a while.

    Actually I did some research and my furnace is 5 years younger than the tech said it was, there is still a warranty on the failing part and I did make a call today to ask the guy who is supposed to come out here tomorrow to try to find that part somewhere as I do not want to purchase a new furnace. He put his assistant on it but couldn’t guarantee I would get a callback today. The part may not be available which is somewhat horrible since I still have 5 years warranty on the furnace which is worthless if they cannot fix it due to lack of parts. Can you hear me growl?

    Sandy, hope you are having a good day. Has the weather turned to the downside for you too?

    Be safe!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited October 2022
    Good Afternoon! :) Busy today with Babe having an appointment this morning and another this afternoon. As soon as we get home I leave to sit. Lisa's new classroom is a mess according to her and she said my OCD would be really bad. She stays after school to try to organize everything because she likes everything in it's place so she asked me to take the kids to choir. Next week will be better for both Rob and me when she is all done and gets home on time. I have no time to chat so just checking in. It is chilly and rainy here but at least we are in the car. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    I’m going to post before midnight because I have an early hair appointment in the morning and of course will have to walk the pooches first. I timed this morning’s stroll between showers but soon after we got home torrential rain arrived and has been falling ever since! There went my plans in the garden! By mid afternoon my wood burner in the snug was roaring, the dogs and Brady snoozed while I watched the forming of yet another new government cabinet. At least the markets have settled down so ANNE, your British pension is safe again! As ever in these matters, only time will tell if our new PM will get us out of the mess but I did shout at him when he announced this afternoon that he had been elected to do just that… YOU WERE NOT ELECTED!! I see King Charles gave him a beaming smile rather than muttering oh dear, oh dear as he did with Liz Truss. 😁 I will now move on.

    Patsy, I’m sorry John is struggling and in pain. Arthritis is miserable and can be crippling so I do hope you can arrange help. Thank goodness we all seem to be back together again. Apparently WhatsApp wasn’t available in the UK today and no reasons given so it’s a reminder our modern world isn’t always as efficient as we would like.

    Lin, that’s a lovely picture of the pot pouring hot water on to a teabag. Reminds me I must stock up on PG Tips because tea along with pasta has the highest rate of price increase. 🥺

    We all seem to be slipping into Autumn so goodbye Summer.
    Jackie 🥰

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Anne, I meant to comment that I hadn’t seen Whitby Abbey lit up for the Frankenstein anniversary but looked it up when I read your post, thank you. Isn’t it amazing!


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! I am able to jump in again, hooray! Much rain and it is cold. Can’t seem to get going today. I keep wanting to curl up in front if the space heater.

    Tonight will be veggie soup, almond crackers and applesauce topped with a spoonful of Greek yoghurt on top. I know it may sound yucky but it is really quite good. If needed you can sweeten the yoghurt a bit.

    Very confused about mfp. What is the problem?

    We are now in the process of finding John a knee support brace, a cane, orthopedic specialist, and anything else to help him. No surgery! He says.

    I am Trying again to get some housekeeping help. Not easy these days. Everyone is madly hunting for employees. There is no shortages of jobs, just money shortages. Odd times here.

    Can you believe it is almost thanksgiving again? Hold on to your hat….Damon and I are in charge of the dinner. We decided this year to be international. John has requested we skip Turkey and all that goes with it. Damon and I suggested lasagna, garlic bread, ceaser salad and antipasto,
    Terramuso for dessert. How’s that for an odd thanksgiving dinner? Where is the pumpkin pie?

    Anne: when we spend a lot of money on the house, I always comfort myself by reminding myself that I am increasing the value of the house. These days, real estate is a great investment. Your home is now twice as valuable.

    Jackie: we are bracing for strange times ahead here after the current midterm elections. What ever goes on in UK we will top it in outrageous and strange outcomes. As actress Betty Davis said, “Buckle up, we are in for a bumpy ride ahead!” Or something to that affect.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    FINALLY, the outside jobs are done. All the deck building, door replacing, window painting etc etc. Even the stairs and hall are finished, wall painted, skirting boards fixed, hand rails installed, picture back up and I can shut the door to the most definitely "in an unholy mess" of a basement apartment. After making the stairs accident proof for me, poor Mary Jo accident. Going out the back door with a very heavy box of whatever she tripped on the door step and went down with quite a thud. Soon recovered though to play "chase the doggie" around the coffee table with the ever ready for her favourite game, Jilly the Beano. "Doesn't she wear you out?" asked MJ.

    I wanted to cut back more foliage but we are promised rain today although it is still 16C. Then, the weather man told us on TV last night gleefully, the temperature slides down to more normal. I know snow has fallen just north of us.

    One of Marias sons was over today mowing grass and doing odd jobs outside. No sign of Maria though.

    And thats my uninteresting news at the moment.
    PATSY, harvest festival wouldn't be harvest festival without Roast lamb, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes "or mashed with lots of butter", assorted veggies, gravy, followed by apple crumble and whipped cream! Tell Damon I'm horrified.....okay just kidding. Enjoy!

    Here, fireworks are being lit as our Indian neighbours up the street enjoy their Hindu festival. I bet they didn't have apple crumble with cream either!

    Good, happy wishes, to all,
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Bad news for Mike. His old car had the window smashed in overnight and only his sunglasses stolen. The only car attacked amongst much more expensive cars. He thinks the culprit is living in his condo because last night a man knocked on his door to try and get him to sign a petition to get rid of the present committee and he wouldn’t because he thinks they do a great job. The drive and garage are being repaired so everyone is parking at a local horse racing track opposite his home. He’s hoping surveillance cameras were in use. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) A cooler day today so heat is on. I finally have a day to myself and plan on doing nothing except maybe some updates on some paperwork. Today is Babe's son birthday, he would have been 58 so Cheryl and Marisa are picking him up to go to the cemetery this afternoon. Should I be offended they didn't ask me? I really don't want to go I just don't think it is my place and it should just be the three of them. I will welcome the time alone.

    Anne, I am so sorry about Mike's car but it does sound like it was the guy who knocked on his door and didn't like his response. So happy everything is done and that Mark and Mary Jo can now get some needed rest. Now tell me again, is the apartment downstairs done also or is that your storage space?
    For some reason I thought that was all being remodeled as well.

    Patsy, I think whatever food makes you happy on Thanksgiving is just fine. Cooking a big turkey with dressing and all the fixings is exhausting. I prefer to get a ready cooked meal and make it easy on everyone. Babe's daughter sent me a text that she is sending us a ham to use for whatever holiday we want. Problem is I don't like ham and tried to politely tell her to stop sending food as I have no more room. I think she stays up all night watching QVC and buys things to send to people whether they want it or not. I don't know why you are having MFP problems, all you can do is clear your cookies, sign out restart your device and try again. Maybe Damon can figure it out when he visits. I know the problems of men suffering whether physically or mentally. I must be honest and admit I didn't think it would be this hard.

    Jackie, politics, elections, government, I just can't stand it anymore. The commercials are forever and so many lies from all candidates. I will be glad when the election is over but not happy if the results bring more riots and turmoil. I keep looking at rescues just to see what is available but know it would be hard to have a dog here with all these stairs and winter coming. I love those little pocket puppies but they are for sale and not for adoption.

    Lin, wow, I would think if your furnace is still under warranty that even if they can't find that part they should replace it with another. What good is a warranty if it is not honored? Just venting but I do hope you can work this out. I have been helping Rob and hope by next week Lisa has her classroom in order and they can get on schedule without my help so often. I think everyone forgets I am 80. lol

    Barbie, I have had my fireplace on colder nights but it really doesn't throw off much heat, more for ambiance. I do love wood burning fireplaces but they are so messy.

    Time to throw some clothes on since they will be picking up Babe soon. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello. A sunny day, temperature in the mid-50s. A good day here.

    The guy from the heating and cooling place canceled his appointment for this afternoon’s BUT he talked to the repair manager and I did get a call. I got the age of the furnace and air conditioner straightened out, warranty confirmed and even better, they still make the part. Better still, there is one in the metro area that they are picking up today and should install it tomorrow. So a mighty bill bill for labor but no parts charge and waaaaay cheaper than a new furnace, air conditioner and zone system! I will admit to being shocked at the labor estimate. But prices surprise me most of the time.

    Second great thing, I needed to do something about the low tire pressure so I called Costco and did some begging for them to inflate the tires for me. They agreed. I jumped in the car and zipped right out there. A very nice guy got them all fixed up for me. No charge! Luckiest the low tire indicator worked as it is supposed to and went off after driving less than a mile. That hasn’t always been the case. One time I drove to the dealership to get air for my tires. They said all was well but the low pressure light wouldn’t go off. I made several trips out there and they had to actually reset it. So this has been a pretty good day. 😎

    Anne, glad the outdoor chores are finished in time for the cold weather. Sorry MJ took a fall but glad she got up and wasn’t hurt. Will they work on the apartment this winter, next spring, or not at all? Oh my, sorry Mike’s car was vandalized. Does he have comprehensive insurance to cover window damage? People!!

    Patsy, I hope you are able to find some assistance. It is difficult to do for sure. And then you hope they will be reliable. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, I hope you are not insulted with being left out. Kind of a touchy thing either way I guess. But enjoy your time at home. Tell Babe’s daughter that you are eating Kosher. 🤭 Is ham something Babe loves?

    Jackie, what a beautiful and spooky photo. I love the blue lighting. What did you have done at your hair appointment today?

    Be safe everyone.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    SANDY downstairs is being remodelled but Mark can now take his time over the winter.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Thank you Anne, my memory isn't what it used to be. :p
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Midnight!! My hair is tidy again thank goodness because in the damp, windy weather it was beginning to annoy me whipping round my face! After my appointment I shopped at a different supermarket to my usual favourite just to see if I was missing anything. The answer was a resounding NO because I spent a lot of money and seemed to have little to show for it. Tomorrow I have to wait in for delivery of the shelf unit I bought nearly 2 weeks ago on EBay because the tracking system isn’t being kept updated so no information is available. I just have to hope my online request to rebook delivery works.

    Now I’ve a low battery warning so will post and get to bed. Plenty of time to catch up properly tomorrow while I wait in.
    Jackie 🥰
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Yup, I’m not lost. Thought I’d drop in to catch up. Sandy, your slide pictures look so fun. Love them.

    We are just recovering from a big dump of snow after one of the warmest falls I can remember. I’m still doing my daily walk outside #walk365. It was a little difficult the first two days. I ended walking on the road instead of the snow sidewalks. Not too bad today.

    Our oldest granddaughter’s 22nd birthday was on Monday. How can that be.


    Ed and I are doing good. We are both concentrating on eating healthy. Ed works out almost everyday and my Apple Watch inspires me to walk every day and be active. I’ve been on maintenance with weightwatchers for two years.

    I’m going to read more to catch up.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    JERI. good to meet up again! You, Ed the grands, and your beautiful photographs!
    More later, Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :) Our woodstove is a lot of entertainment for Jake. I'd rather just turn the temp up on the thermostat but he likes creating and fussing with the fire and he spends a lot of time in the recliner next to the woodstove so he gets the greatest benefit.

    :) Jake saw the heart failure specialist yesterday and she said he is doing well. They can monitor his heart via his implanted defibrillator that sends data to them. Also he's lost weight and has a lot more energy. They changed some of his medications so we spent time changing the pills in the bags. I have pills organized for 2-3 weeks, so that's a lot of little bags.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hi Jeri! Good to hear from you.

    Lovely snowman although you might have wanted to wait a bit longer for that.

    Barbie, good news about Jake’s health. Wahoo! That is stupendous. Changing out things in bags of pills sounds a bit tedious. 😉

    The repairman just arrived to start on the furnace. Fingers crossed all goes well and he isn’t here more than 4 hours!

    Jackie, you are our night owl. Hoot-hoot! I hope your package arrives today. 🤞🏻

    Hello to Anne, Patsy, Sandy Diane and Jeri.

    Be safe.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Lovely welcome news for Jake BARBIE.

    We are waiting for the plumber to arrive soon to drag out the oak tree roots in the pipe. Marks doing a bit of work downstairs whilst we wait. Jilly's chicken is simmering on the stove and I've just put this weeks groceries away.

    So far all is positive,
    Ha, I think the plumber has arrived the way the Bean is barking.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Just got back from sitting while Rob took two of the three to the doctor. Charlie has allergies plus something else which Rob didn't get into and Robby has to have a sleep study since he doesn't sleep good. I had to get back for my grocery delivery which is supposed to arrive between 4 and 5. Going for dinner with Bryanna to meet her boyfriend but Babe is staying home, what else is new?

    Anne, good luck with the plumber and that Mark never quits does he? What a hard worker he is.

    Lin, great news on the furnace now I hope they don't over charge you in labor. Still better than a new furnace.

    Barbie, good news on Jake's appointment he is keeping himself healthy.

    I don't see anyone else and I have things to do before dinner so have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Thank you Anne and Lin for the welcome back. I love catching up with everyone.

    Lin - chinooking here today - warm winds from the west melting the snow. Should be nice for a couple of days but snow forecast for Halloween. Darn it.

    Barbie - great news about Jake 👍👍
    Anne - hope your plumber fixes all.
    Sandy - sounds like your Grands keep you busy. We love ours. All our grands are of school age except for Andrew who will be 3 in February. Enjoy your dinner with Bryanna.

    Had a nice walk around the neighbourhood today despite the wind. I like to walk as much as I can before we get more snow. I still go out every day but not as far when the sidewalks aren’t clear. #walk365

    Hope you all have a great evening.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hello early morning - good morning everyone. It was 3 degrees when Jilly and I crawled out of bed JERI so we will soon be joining you! We don't change the clocks until November 6th and I for one can hardly wait. I don't like tampering with the furnace, me being unlike Mark, a complete idiot when it comes to mechanical things, so here I am still in "summer time" clasping scalding tea and huddled in my dressing gown whilst the more sensible Jilly Bean has crawled into her dog bed and under her pink baby blanket.

    Yesterday morning was quite hectic with the plumber and his long snake and grocery arrival at the same time. Jilly didn't know whether to bark at the delivery man at the front door or the plumber at the back door. Much to-ing and fro-ing. Groceries checked and put away, the plumber happily driving off clutching his $600 we debated going out and raking a back garden full of leaves but a very cold wind blowing down from "up north" put paid to that idea. The squirrel agreed snug in her nest up in the problem oak tree, once the"snake" had stopped rattling things I guess.

    I have to stop being an old wimp, put on my snow boots and hopefully have a go this afternoon.

    Yes, Mark is a VERY hard worker SANDY, life was calmer when he wore his accountant suit and disappeared for the day. Huddled over a computer most of the time put paid to that and he took early retirement. He still suffers from his back and has Physio weekly but that doesn't stop him arriving here all gung ho armed with saws, hammers etc. That's why he is taking his time with his hobby. Stops after a 3 hour stint in the morning and a 2.hour stint in the afternoon. Mike and I are quite exhausted watching all this activity with Mike saying he hasn't inherited that family gene - thankfully! The good news is I get to see a LOT of Mark these days for which I am grateful with most family pushing up daisies and all friends residing in "long care". Maria's son is at her place every day winterizing. I do hope it isn't for selling the house though now Tony is gone.

    Well, tea drunk, I think a nice warm shower before the heat comes on.

    Hope today is quite lovely for all you dear friends,

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited October 2022
    It seems some of us were waiting for people to arrive yesterday but annoyingly my delivery didn’t turn up! To ensure I didn’t miss it, the pooches didn’t get a walk and by mid afternoon we were all grouchy but by then it was too dark, plus it was raining so first thing this morning we walked up to the top of the moors and spent an hour walking in mild sunshine. A card with message has been taped to my door asking that if my shelf unit should arrive while I’m not here to please place it in my garden. I’m not holding my breath!
    At least I caught up with housework while I waited so if it remains dry I will pick crabapples before the blackbirds eat them all, prune roses, sort through this year’s new strawberry runners and dig out the old plants then sort more wood for the stove. A coffee morning was planned with Linda but she phoned me yesterday to let me know she has caught a nasty gastric bug, probably from a friend she walked with on Wednesday who collapsed halfway feeling horribly sick. I was sympathetic but agreed I’d rather not see her just now!!

    Lin, my local owl does hoot, hoot when I take George and Betty out for their late garden visit! 🦉 The most recent Art Deco tea set is gorgeous, just my sort of design. No horrible surprises from your furnace engineer I hope.

    Did your plumber arrive Anne? What a per lava if those roots push their way in annually. My hairdresser told me about one of her clients that is similar age to you who asks her to buy items online for her because if she asks her daughter the response is ‘you don’t need that’. Tamsin says it’s not as if she is a hoarder but occasionally needs to restock items of makeup or maybe a pair of shoes. I mentioned you and your wonderful family that works hard to ensure your independence.

    Sandy, that’s wonderful that Bryanna wants you to meet her boyfriend but then you two are very close. Linda told me a funny story about her grandson who has just been offered a scholarship with our local football team Plymouth Argyle. He’s apparently a talented goalkeeper although very young (about 11), so when he had a first meeting with the coaching team and his dad couldn’t go with him because of work commitments, she took him instead. She said the coaches looked surprised when she walked in but Oliver didn’t introduce her so she asked him in a grandma way, ‘and who am I?’ and he looked at his feet and mumbled so she explained to them and it turned out they were all very friendly. She thinks it will take him years to get over the embarrassment!

    What a treat to hear from you Jeri but as I continue to enjoy warm weather I can only ask you keep your snow to yourself! 🫣. A long winter ahead for you unless it was a one off.

    Must get out and busy especially as I see clouds appearing. Have we lost Patsy again or did I miss a post?

    Happy Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My daughter texted me this morning and asked me to call her because she had news. It was shocking news as she told me my nephew came home yesterday to find his 61 year old wife on the floor dead. These two live in Colorado and are very active and healthy people. They hike, they bike, they exercise so it was totally unbelievable. Two days ago they were biking, they have a home gym and she worked from home. This is their second marriage and she has three grown married children who are flying in to help their step father with all the arrangements. My SIL, his mother said he is devastated.
    So enjoy each day because you never know what will happen the next.

    On a happier note, our dinner was wonderful though expensive but it was worth it. Spencer is a nice guy and I really liked him. He is adopted and his biological mother was from the Philippines. I drilled him and my granddaughter warned him so he was comfortable answering all my questions. I am adding a photo and before you comment, yes I know something is wrong with this picture, hair styles are on the wrong people. lol It's a faze they are going through and it doesn't bother me, we had our own fazes when I was young.

    Jackie, I don't think I ever heard you say you didn't walk with the pups. They must have been so confused. I do hope your package arrives today. Best to stay away from Linda, that bug could be serious.
    Yes, Bryanna and I are very close, she in fact introduced me to Spencer before even her mother or father.
    I practically raised her when she was young so we have always loved each other very much.

    Anne, 3 degrees and you didn't have heat on? I would have frozen. I agree you are lucky to see your boys so often especially Mark almost every day. Boys are special to moms for some reason. Don't get me wrong I love my daughter but my boys are momma boys and are proud of it. I know you don't want to get rid of that oak tree but wouldn't it be better financially?

    Jeri, good to hear from you but like Jackie you can keep your snow. Yes, those grandkids of mine keep me young. Now that mom is back to teaching I am sure I will be seeing more of them when Rob needs my help. Your Facebook pictures are beautiful. I give you so much credit for doing all that walking.

    Lin, hope your day is going well and the furnace is fixed without breaking the bank.

    Laundry is going and I have errands to run. One more week before all my family is together again and I am buying groceries they requested a little at a time.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi JACKIE, I posted just before you about the beautiful oak tree. Yes it is an annual thing, roots in the pipe, but SANDY it would cost the earth to have it cut down because its huge and where would the squirrel live and have her babies, lol. Luckily for me if not for Mark who pays the plumber, our town won't let us cut young trees down and the oak is only about 10 years old. Its name reflects our town as well. I believe the oak trees here were once cut down to supply the Royal Navy with ships. Maybe Captain Cook sailed to Australia in one of our oaks. Neat!
    Thats terrible news SANDY. I must admit I sometimes go to bed wondering if I will get up in the morning. So far so good as the above testifies. Its not so long ago I spent half my life at funerals and I finally threw out the black pants bought specially for them. Its a colour I never wear normally.
    Just wondering if I should go out and rake but feeling lazy after a morning washing and ironing.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! I was locked out fir a few days but today I got in but I need to help John with his knee braces. This Acl tear is a misery, for sure!

    Andrea has been a dear to help us. John doesn’t accept help easily. So it is a double struggle around here. As I have said many times, one fall can change your life forever!

    Lovely to be able to say hello and say I have missed you all terribly.