Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold and very rainy here. There was even a clap of thunder to excite Katie. I guess I have to concede to a sweater over my shirt now. It must be almost thanksgiving.

    Damon is going to come when the stairlift guy is here. John is very emotional about this. Yet he agrees that the stairs are daunting and he stumbles on them regularly. John has always been clumsy and has a poor sense of space. That is why he measures almost every thing. With Damon here, they can talk to the stairlift guy in “construction talk.” It will also be when we celebrate John’s birthday. Another emotional time for him. He hates birthdays but gets upset if we don’t make a big fuss about them. I guess I am the same.

    My connection with mfp is somewhat iffy. I might get in or maybe not. But at least part of the time I can join you. It is quite funny. I have a mental picture of each of you. When I read your posts I can almost see you chatting with me….me with a mug if coffee and some of you with a mug of tea. There are a couple of hard core coffee drinkers among us, I know.

    Since I am an armchair politician, I am glued to the npr and tv news. Exciting times we live in. I would never have guessed we would be thought of as a very violent country, but we are. A couple of writers in my writers forum remarked that they couldn’t visit. USA is a scary violent country! They are from Ireland!

    Today I am doing housework and a bit of laundry. Making a chicken cassarole for dinner. John is limping around painfully but still refusing the notion of surgery. PT starts next week but he is to do stretches now.

    Hello and must say I have missed everyone! You sneakers are part of my family. I really believe that!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    A cheerful start to my day because it’s sunny and mild, nothing like the forecast, so off we went for a walk high on the moors. Off the beaten track I found a car key fob someone must have accidentally lost out of a pocket so on my way home, stopped at the Post Office to ask if they could hold it since they would be first port of call for its owner to check if it had been left with them. Their immediate response was to check if it was for a Ford Kia, which it was, then excitement as she said it belonged to Louisa and rushed to the back of the shop. I’ve no idea who Louisa is but said I was glad it had a home! Home again and picking up a few pots blown over by yesterday’s wild wind when George ran to my side gate barking as, hooray, my missing shelf unit was being delivered and lifted into the garden! So a rewarding morning and the sun is still shining so I will clear the tomato plants from the greenhouse and see if I’ve enough green tomatoes to make a jar of chutney.

    Patsy, a stairlift is an ideal investment to maintain independence. I’m betting in no time John will be using it with relief and you of course will find the fun side! As for politics, as much as I say I want to avoid news, I can’t help but have an opinion so have a daily check on the horrors around the world as well as our current British mess! Your turn next year!! 🫣

    Sandy, I think if Babe didn’t want to go to Mass last night you had no reason to attend… too much water under the bridge! Me being opinionated again! 🤪

    A creepy teapot Lin but interesting!

    I’m looking forward to reading that Jilly has mastered her step down chair Anne!

    Something happened to my iPad overnight because I had to work my way into our Sneakers forum via a back door and now can’t log into the App I use to log my eating routine. Grrr Gremlins!! 👀👀

    Happy Thursday. I’ll be back!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm sitting here viewing ghostly misty trees barely seen through the fog and just eaten my homemade porridge with a handful of sultanas, a handful of walnuts, a hint of salt and a teaspoon of sugar and also reading everyones posts.

    I think Johns dilemma affected me the most PATSY. How to deal with advancing years and the frustration of achy knees, deafness [me in the left ear from the shingles] and all the other horrible things that come to haunt us. In my observation of very old family members etc the ones who make it into extreme old age seem to be the ones with a cheerful attitude to life and who make fun of their disabilities and adapt.

    That got me thinking about all the stages and the disadvantages of each one. My dad in the war years as an air warden once dug a 90 year old man out of an outhouse that had been bombed. He grinned at my dad and said "90 years old and I'm as strong as a horse". He was holding the lavatory chain and meant HE'D pulled the roof down rather than the bomb. So here goes with a few advantages of old age.

    ..I'm sat here in my comfy socks and old pants and very grateful I'm not in the fog on a 3/4 hour drive to work wearing the horrible panty hose and 3 inch high heeled shoes.
    ..I'm deaf in one ear, so what! I don't hear a thing all night if I lay on my good one.
    ..Its just as easy to chuck the washing down the stairs and leisurely follow it.
    ..I can amble along vacuum cleaning rather than my once frantic dash around the house.
    ..I have been known to leave a burner on, but haven't burnt the house down so far, and its lovely and cosy in the kitchen for a while before it dawns on me.
    AND a grouse, why oh why are the instructions on cans and packages SO small or printed in red which make them difficult to read without a magnifying glass! I haven't poisoned anyone so far.
    Are you still with me? If so.. have a lovely day
    Anne, waiting for grocery delivery.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Who came as I was typing. Thats the delivery man who is quite elderly himself. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Going to wait for Max's bus while Rob takes Charlie to the ENT to see if her tonsils have to come out. I will be missing my meeting again but he needs me.
    Anne, love all your examples of aging and agree with all of them except for laundry, I am lucky enough to have my washer and dryer in my unit, so no stairs.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I was thinking, anybody else got ideas about ways of adapting to old age? Mind you, you all appear to be a lot younger than Methuselah here. Its useful to say interestedly "Mmmm" when ones offspring [mumbles] something totally unintelligible. Mind you one can get caught out when asked for an opinion. "you didn't hear me did you" sort of thing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening. Another day gone! Didn’t get much accomplished either. Seems to be a frequent refrain!

    The dealership picked up my car much later than anticipated. Then it was a flurry of texts, telephone calls, signing up for notifications, verbally authorizing the service on my car, then also electronically verifying it. Three phone calls later I was told the car would be returned in the next 4 hours. I had to be home so they could hand over the key. I placed a little order with Walgreen’s trying to utilize the senior discount and several electronic coupons. Of course, the needed items for the coupons weren’t all available.

    I did get the electronic transfer between banks authorized. Yipppee! The first transfer is in process.

    A friend (and her husband) lost their dear old rescue cat today. They are heartbroken. I spent part of the afternoon making a card for them. Hope to mail it tomorrow. We have a forecast filled with rain, maybe 3 inches. I cannot believe it, we haven’t had much rain lately. We might even have some snow…..

    Anne, I have no adaptive ideas. I live in a 2-story house with a basement. Most of my laundry comes from the 2nd floor and the washing machine is in the basement. I have a Cathedral ceiling so I toss my laundry over the railing and it lands on the sofa of the first floor. Then I put it in my trolley and take it to the basement. Having groceries and other items delivered is helpful of course. I have had several grab rails installed in my bathrooms. I don’t have any of the big issues figured out. I hope options appear when something is needed.

    Sandy, does Charlie need to have her tonsils removed?

    Jackie, how wonderful that you found the key fob and left it in just the right spot. That person must have been so happy. So glad your long lost package arrived! Wahoo!!

    Patsy, I was thinking of you today as I had a phone conversation with a friend who thrives on politics and gets pretty angry at many things she hears. Politics has been her favorite topic during all the time ai have known her.

    Everyone, please be well.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Busy day yesterday. Still in Indian summer so a lot of leaf raking, foliage cutting back etc. Mark did a bit more in the basement and Mary Jo turned up to help me with Jilly walking and gardening.

    I went back to Standard time this morning. It already feels more natural being in tune with the animal kingdom. I hate summer time to be honest and whatever the explanation is for it, I personally believe it was created so that the rich after spending all day making money could relax in their swimming pools in the evening with an extra hour of daylight. Another sign of old age, cynicism?

    Mark had his tonsils out at the age of 4 SANDY. Big problems for him before removal, never looked back after. The rest of us have still got our tonsils, which can't be said of all of our teeth! Mind you, the sons have excellent teeth with barely a filling between them.

    Another glorious day ahead before LINs weather catches up with us.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is a jolly 7:40 am and I have yet to close my eyes. I am so worried about John. I know we will find a solution to his various complaints but when it is your life mate, it truly is happening to the other person as well. He needs a few adjustments , different meds and different doctor-s.

    As far as adjusting to old age, well if I had my way, I would seriously downsize. Sell this place and either sellmor throw away or give away most of this stuff. Move into a much smaller one story house with little to no lawn, a patch of flowers and a fenced in area for Katie. Maybe a patio or deck for morning coffee or summer lunches. However, John sees things differently. The drama would be too much for him. He is a delicate lad!

    Anne: there are little stairs that you push up to the bed for your doggie to walk on and off the bed with ease. They are available from most pet supply companies and also Amazon. There is also even little ramps for them. John built one for our old doggies to get into the car. We still have it but so far Katie doesn’t need it. I have used it to slide huge flower pots up and down steps.

    Yes, politics is fascinating and the nature of our three pronged government is really brilliant but it is always being tested. It has its roots in the Magna Carta. I love reading about governments. It is fascinating and frustrating.

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks PATSY, but I'm afraid the carpeted ramp I was given for Jilly is in the garage. She, absolutely, positively refuses to use it. Maybe I will give it another go.
    This house is like the Tardis from Dr. Who. It looks tiny on the outside but actually much bigger on the inside. Thats because it's narrow as viewed from the front but long in depth. Otherwise it is pretty much like you describe as your dream home. It will be lovely when Mark finally finishes and drives the last nail in. Thats if I'm still around!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started, grocery order was placed yesterday for afternoon delivery today. I think I will have all the items requested for my children next week. It will be the first time they are all together in about 5 years. Too bed it is their dad's funeral bringing them together but it will make me happy. Rob is having a tough two weeks since Lisa started working. Either one or two kids and sometimes all three have been home from school with coughs. The school doesn't want them in class with a cough so it has been very hectic for him. He is trying so hard and he is doing a good job but he is worn out. He took a sick day today since two of the three are home again. I did compliment him but I do worry about too much stress with him being bi-polar. I am so happy he works his AA program because that keeps him centered. We mothers will worry about our children no matter how old they are.

    Patsy, I know what you mean when you say it is happening to the other person but first and foremost you have to take care of yourself. We have no control over anyone else so just try to let it in God's Hands. That doesn't mean don't care about him and finding the right doctors would be great. I too, keep asking Babe why we don't buy a little ranch townhouse with a little back yard so we could then maybe get a little dog. Renting is such a waste of money especially when you have a jerk for a landlord. Let's both hope we can change their minds and let us live in peace in our final years.

    Anne, Charlie is four and they are removing her tonsils and adenoids in December.
    Now that I am an elder and not that far behind you young lady I can add:
    I also hate the small print that I have to use my cell flashlight to read and even sometimes the magnifier on my phone.
    I hate the pill bottle tops that are impossible to open but now have learned to turn upside down to make it easier.
    I hate all bottle caps that are also impossible to open unless I use my rubber top opener.
    I don't mind cooking but hate cleaning up.
    I could on and on but then you would think I am a cantankerous old woman and I am not.
    I love life and I like being happy it's the privilege of being old.
    BTW, I love day light saving time because I hate when it gets dark at 4:00. You are a morning person I am a night person so we can agree to disagree. Love you! <3

    Lin, wow, what a great dealership to pick up your car. I hope it's just a regular check up or oil change.
    Glad you got your bank information taken care of and sorry about your friend's cat.
    Yes, Charlie gets her tonsils out in December because they have met their deductible for the year which is atrocious and it starts again in January.

    Jackie, I did not go with Cheryl and as you said too much water under the bridge. I bet that lady was so happy you found her fob, I know I would be. You are such a kind person always thinking of others.

    Time to eat and change laundry loads. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    Great hates SANDY. Me too. When are manufacturers going to realize we are an aging population who've still got our "marbles" and aging produces long sight rather than short sightedness. Another one, milk carton caps hard to open and then when you do manage to get the cap open you are confronted with a plastic thingy which you are supposed to hook your finger into and pull! Mary Jo shares your feelings about standard time with her being a night owl as well, lol.

    PATSY, I brought the donated ramp in after cleaning it outside only to find its defective in the carpet. Holey, which Jill could catch her long claws in. Must try and persuade Mike a trip to the pet store is called for tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. It might work.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It was a chilly start to my day but sunny so another trip across the moors called for. I’m doing my best to get any Landry washed overnight on a cheaper tariff and luckily the forecast was correct and I washed a load of bedding which was ready to hang out before our walk. George was having such an enjoyable time he didn’t want to come home so I had to put his lead on and be firm! It’s Betty’s 8th birthday today so she’s had a few extra treats. It means she has been with me 4 years and I do wonder where that time went! I was feeling energetic this afternoon for some reason so managed to move heavy bags of compost closer to the veggie raised beds ready to spread and cut the grass that had grown far too long in the mild, wet weather. The blades had to be kept high because it was soo wet so I was left feeling it was flattened rather than cut so might well spring back up overnight!

    There are loud fireworks being set off in the village making George very clingy while Betty isn’t at all bothered. Tomorrow, November 5th is Guy Fawkes night but some are starting early, perhaps because we expect rain by morning. George is now on my lap staring at me as if to say give me a cuddle which of course I am!

    I do possess one of those magical jar openers since I became aware my hands aren’t as strong as they used to be
    and then my new staircase has a handrail that the old one didn’t but generally I continue to pretend I’m still 21 which is probably why I find myself tipping headlong into flower beds!! When I worked in the community I became aware of several seniors who felt they should have downsized when they were younger but had got to a point where it seemed too big an effort in their 80’s. It is a dilemma because while I feel fine and healthy, I do know things will be different in another 10 years but I love my cottage and garden. Completely understand John wanting to stay PATSY but feel for you even more because you shouldn’t be having sleepless nights.

    Here we go again, my post is getting squeezed up in the box so I can’t see what I’m typing. Will post and hopefully drop back later.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi, I've got one of those jar openers JACKIE and they ARE magical. Like you I felt energetic today and because it was so warm and summery I was out in the garden cutting back the last of the foliage. Mark and Mary Jo turned up and she raked leaves again, we have an AWFUL lot of trees around us, whilst Mark was in the double garage collecting all the unwantables from his projects, tying them up with string for garbage collection and then would you believe, vacuuming the garage! I've never seen anyone vacuuming a garage before but it was to collect up all the dust and sawdust. He's got an industrial vacuum.
    Mary Jo took Bean for a walk and was enraptured with this neighbourhood. She lives in a posh house but you never see a soul out and about, here, everyone seems to have a dog or are into walking and running, or cycling and everyone is so friendly. Rare to pass a person who doesn't say "good day" etc. This has got me wondering. I wonder if they will sell up eventually and retire in this old comfy house close to the lake and the pretty town centre? I shan't voice this guess of mine, don't want to tempt fate!
    But if I'm right it would be perfect for them with the new deck, hand rails and renovations and a much, much smaller garden. Guess I'll never know darn it.
    Tomorrow is summer again but also with a warning of high winds which will shake the leaves stacked out front.
    Wash day as well because like Jackie I'm taking advantage of the cheaper rate.
    I was feeling very healthy until the Corvid kicked in and the vaccinations did me in. I'm more like my old self these days but I had 2 years of ill health before I gradually became me again. The eczema if that is what it was, more like the nerves damaged actually, is almost gone. Just the odd itch now.
    I say this, not to moan but to reassure you all that the late eighties aren't half bad if we can dodge virus's and vaccinations.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Here’s my favorite opener. I am on my second one now. The first one lasted two years with pretty heavy use.


    Sorry everyone, I ended up with some extended conversations again today. And I needed to prep for an online class tomorrow. Ready now.

    Anne, my dad asked me a couple times a week if I would move into his house after he died. It got kind of spooky with the repetition. I always said no. Telling the truth isn’t always the best thing to do I guess. So you may not know but it is wise to get the house fixed up making it more livable for you now, and later they could move in or sell. So no way to predict the future but you do have a lovely place to live. And Jilly is happy as well.

    Sandy, I am sorry your son is stressed but with Lisa going back to work, some extra work was going to fall on his shoulders. But as you said, he has his program to help carry him through. Yes, I love the dealership’s concierge service and I was happy I didn’t need new brakes. I hope Babe is feeling better.

    One of my long calls today was my friend who is stuck at home now as she can no longer drive or get out of her house without help actually. She has Covid now. First time since this all started. Her son and daughter in law both got Covid and kept coming to her house as she needs assistance each day. She is very unhappy that she is unable to get out to do a few things. Her son will take her to doctor’s appointments and brings her groceries but any added extras drives him over the edge and she has to be quiet as she is afraid he will walk out and not help her. Life can be sad.

    Jackie, I wish we had a lower utility rate but we do not. Same price 24 hours a day. Good job on saving a bit of money there.

    Patsy, getting down to the last few days before this contentious election. How many weeks do you think it will take to decide the outcome of the house and senate seats? I heard some people believe there will be run-off elections in some states.

    Well my other long telephone call was my friend whose husband has been waiting for weeks for biopsy results. It has all come together now and he does have a sarcoma (cancer) deep in his shoulder apparently and has appointments scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday. Monday is the surgical team, and Tuesday is the radiology folks. My friend feels so much better that this thing will be treated and they can get started. He is only worried about when he can go back to work.

    Well, off I go. I will check in at some point tomorrow.

    Looking forward to changing the clocks back on Sunday!



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited November 2022
    I woke up with an aching back after lifting the heavy compost bags so hope you didn’t overdo things as well ANNE. A couple of painkillers and hot shower have helped but before that, I was standing in my dining room sipping coffee when both George and I heard a rustling sound in the fireplace. Looking closer, ( over George’s head!) I saw a small bird standing on the grate in the front of the stove, looking through the glass in the door, opening it’s little beak as if crying out “Help”. I didn’t want it flying round the room so placed a laundry basket in front and carefully opened the door but although it flew into it, it quickly dropped through a tiny gap and hid behind the stove! Wood stacked to one side had to be removed and luckily I could then place a cupped hand round it and carry it out into the rain, still in my dressing gown! It was a pretty Dunnock so I placed it in a hedge and watched it hop into the centre and hopefully it has learnt a lesson and won’t take shelter in the chimney cowling again! George is still sniffing in corners and under furniture convinced it’s still in the room!

    Lin, I checked the link for the jar opener that initially sent me to a Spanish sale but clicking on English showed not currently available. In the recesses of my brain I remember something similar was available back in the 90’s.
    Reading about your housebound friend reminds me how lucky we are to have access to social care in England although it does have its faults. I’m also aware I’ve been lucky to get treatment quickly for my cancer diagnosis but that’s more to do with where I live as city dwellers are in long queues.

    Anne, your home is a good future investment for Mark and MJ but of course they would prefer to have you living there forever if that was possible. Should they move in one day, you will just have to do as my ghost Violet does and pop in occasionally to say hello and spook any pets they might have! 👻
    I swept up a stack of leaves that had been sitting over the drain that runs the length of my back wall but could see a lot more sitting on my neighbours ground so expect it will blow across and fill the drain again!

    It doesn’t look like the rain is going to stop so I will take Betty and George round the block. He is still staring at the wood burner as if something might jump out at any minute! 😆

    Sandy, I thought of your son last night when watching a news story about a man who had been travelling miles on a bike for charity and when asked if he would do it again said no as he now had an 18 month child. The tv presenter laughed and said welcome to fatherhood because that’s now your life for the next 20 years! 😆

    Stay safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    Morning all!
    JACKIE, after rescuing numerous birds and one squirrel we had steel netting placed over all outlets. Big enough to let air or smoke out, but small enough to stop small creatures falling down. Don't you just love nature at times.
    Mmm. I wouldn't mind being a ghost!

    I do believe the lady who's moved in next door has her family with her at last. One truck appeared overnight and a very pretty teenage girl so far.

    After being left with one pre teen and one teenager, plus a full time demanding job, plus housework, cooking, washing, still to do and 3 years only in Canada so still trying to understand language [Quebec] and new rules, welcome to the club SANDYs son, lol. I survived and he will as well Sandy. At least he has their mother to take over in the evening.

    The Bean and I changed clocks yesterday so I would be adapted by Sunday, my day off. We went to bed at the new time, but Jilly woke up at the old time wanting to pee. I lifted her down and she trotted off to the pee pad near the back door. I wanted to go back to bed but she refused wanting her breakfast. Finally I went back without her to sleep another hour and when I woke up I was greeted with licks and happy leaping up and down and she finally got her breakfast. Hope she's learnt for tomorrow!!!!!! Tough love?

    The whole gang will be here today so better get moving,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We have Lin's winds gusting at 40 mph along with some rain showers. In other words a miserable day but will probably still go to mass at 4:30. I am either going to make chili or stew since it is the perfect day for comfort food. Family zoom call at 12:30 but that is about all for my day. Babe is talking about possibly buying something when my lease is up. That would be a dream come true.

    Anne, we turn out clocks back tonight so I wonder if I will sleep to my regular time or wake up and hour earlier. Jilly's tummy didn't know the difference she knew when she was hungry. lol I think this group does its best to keep moving. We all have our setbacks but for golden seniors we do a good job. I know Rob will do a great job once the routine is managed but it is hard when they are all home and he works from home. He really is a hands on dad and for that I am very proud.

    Jackie, we once had a bird in our hanging fireplace and when I opened the damper he flew around my basement until he finally found the back door. Another time we had a bird stuck in between the paneling and the wall, how he got there we don't know but we rescued him and let him loose. George is doing a good job of protecting you from things large and small. lol Rob almost didn't get married because he wasn't sure he waned any more children as he had a grown daughter. Her parents had already booked the hall when he broke the engagement but realized later how much he loved her. He was lucky she took him back and another hall was booked for their reception. Now three children later he is a wonderful dad and a great husband. They really are perfect for each other.

    Lin, this is my bottle opener:
    I might have to look into the other kind on Amazon. I think I bought my adult children one of those for Christmas one year. I am glad to read your friend's husband finally got his results and they can move forward. As far as being stuck in the house I am not sure what I will do if and when I can't drive, it's a scary thought as Babe can't drive. I am dreading the election results and pray we don't have more riots no matter who wins.

    Patsy, I do hope all is well with you and John and you got some sleep last night.

    Have a good safe day and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi all,

    Sitting upstairs vegging out. Ed came down with COVID on Tuesday and me on Thursday. Both have reasonably mild symptoms Ed blowing his nose a lot and me fatigue and sore legs.

    Ed reached the 5 day point so can go out with a mask. Monday is my freedom day.

    We’ve had lots of snow and I became the snow shoveler on Tuesday as Ed was sick. We have a corner lot and I had to go out 2 times. Lots of calories burned that day.

    Hope everyone is great.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Jeri, you and Ed have caught Corvid! Oh no! Here's hoping you both recover quickly!

    Sandy, just want to say Rob is a marvel. I know my two sons at their age couldn't take care of three lively youngsters. Rob will be okay once the routine becomes normal. He must have had quite a shock to the nervous system though. Babe thinking of buying a place? Wonderful news. Will it be a house or a condo? Be sure its close to a mall for when the day arrives that you can no longer drive although of course grocery delivery etc is becoming the normal. Condos are great for snow clearing, gardening etc but there's maintenance fees and sometimes noisy neighbours. Quite a decision to make in your future. All the best for Rob and especially you and Babe.

    Michael arrived but he stayed only a short while. Ross his best friend from boyhood suddenly died when they were both 48; 13 years ago. He is the godfather of Ross's and Monica's only child. Anyway Mike will soon lose them because they are joining family in BC. He's going over for a farewell dinner with them tonight. So sad for Michael.

    And to top it all off, Rob his present close friend, mother has had a dreadful accident. She tripped and fell in the street breaking her arm. but her poor face took the brunt of the fall and the photos are just too awful. The poor lady's face is one huge bruise with accompanying cuts. I guess she will use a walker from now on. She was widowed earlier this year as well.

    Sorry about this memo, but girls please, please be careful both in the house and in the street.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello, probably a short note again. I lost a few hours of sleep last night due to coughing and a mild bloody nose. I had plans to get up early and do some chores before the online class started. Didn’t work out. Anyway, class is over, my head has been pounding all day and my sinuses are in some sort of snit. I think I will try to take a nap before this headache gets totally out of control.

    Jeri, I am sorry you and Ed have Covid. I pray it is over quickly and you will not have a rebound of symptoms. Wow, you had to shovel snow while you have Covid? You are so strong! Cute pictures. What costume is the little one wearing? I don’t recognize it but it looks nice and warm.

    Sandy, we got so much rain my sump pump ran a lot today. But now it is over and the sun came out. Also, it didn’t get down to freezing, just the high 30’s. No SNOW! Yes!! I hope you and Babe find a condo/townhouse/or a single family house to purchase. We are told home prices will continue to decline given the high interest rates. You have quite a few months left on your lease right?

    Jackie, I had a bird in my fireplace once. It got loose in the house and there was lots of chasing before I trapped it in a towel. Lots of feathers were lost unfortunately. The handyman fixed something on the roof and no more birds got in. Take care of your back!

    Anne, Michael is not having a great day. So sorry. 🥺

    Patsy, hello. How are you and John getting along?

    Well, the pounding head feels like it may explode. Time to stop looking at this screen.

    Be safe everyone.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :'( Our power went out about 9PM last night along with 50+ mph wind that blew down limbs and branches. Bessie was distraught and couldn't find a safe place to sleep until the wind stopped. The utility company said power probably wouldn't be restored until tomorrow. I took my usual pre dawn walk and saw the mess on all the streets in the neighborhood. At daylight a bunch of people on our street came out and started cleanup efforts. Park management will do a lot of cleanup. One neighbor got on our roof to check for branches and damage. There's some damage on the roof and Jake called the company who put the roof on and someone will be out tomorrow to look at it. Just as Jake was starting to cook supper in pan on top of the woodstove, the power came on. We are delighted :)

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The wind has calmed down and the sun is shining. I had three items to pick up at Walmart Curbside but they substituted the hairspray I wanted for something else so I will not accept that.
    My chili came out delicious and today I am making beef stew. I am going to help Rob tomorrow because all three kids are off from school so Babe will have his choice of leftovers. Bryanna is also coming to clean my house and color and trim my hair tomorrow so I will have food if she is hungry.

    Barbie, sorry to hear about the storm knocking out your power and downing some tree limbs. At least you and Jake are safe but poor Bessie. I hope she is more relaxed today.

    Lin, sorry about your sinus's and hope they clear up soon. My lease isn't up until next August but it's nice to know that if we find something we like he is willing to buy. I really think he wants a first floor unit or ranch townhouse so we can get a little dog. I would be open to that as well.

    Anne, so sorry about Michael's friend who died so young. Change is always hard but we adapt. Bad fall for his other friend's mother may I ask how old she is? Thank you for words of encouragement for Rob.
    I also think once the routine is made things will be much easier for all of them. I would love to find a ranch townhouse with a small backyard maintained by the home owners association. I have plenty of time so I just keep looking to see what is available.

    Jeri, sorry to read about you and Ed having Covid. I hope it is a mild case like mine which only lasted about a day or two. Thank goodness for the vaccines or it could have been worse. It looks to me like your granddaughter was an ice cream cone, am I correct?

    Jackie, I meant to tell you that I also get that problem with the words being hidden but found that if I
    click on my last sentence it opens up again. Make sense?

    Have a good day everyone going to eat and pick up my order.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    This is the tree that got knocked down by the storm Friday night. It pulled the whole tree roots and all out of the ground. It's in the big field behind our house where I walk Bessie

    :)Sandy Finding a house for you and Babe and a small dog Soundstage great

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Oh Barbie! Big field of tree debris. Sorry your house was damaged! Who is responsible for cleaning up the tree? Have the roofers been out to inspect the damage? I hope everything goes back to (nearly) normal soon.

    Sandy, nice to do some comfort food cooking with leftovers. That will make many people smile. I hear that home prices are falling but unless people have an urgent reason to sell, many are pulling their properties off the market. It may take quite a bit of time to find what you are searching for. Good luck. Another busy week ahead!

    Well, my head feels better today but I got up in a hurry this morning when I received 4 text messages almost simultaneously saying my identity had been compromised. Really, that gets your attention. So I spent a few hours until church talking to the identity theft folks and trying to resolve any problems. Ha, I didn’t have 4 notices, I had 14 notices added late in October but they hadn’t contacted me. So I was told this was for the most part old information on dark web activities that they found as they add more search parameters. I read each notice, changed appropriate passwords, double checked accounts and stopped sweating.

    Now all that remains is the money transfer. The money never arrived in my account. It is taking forever. I may end up making more phone calls next week.

    I hope everyone else is a-okay.

    See you soon.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well! We have a bit of blue sky but we are predicted to have rain and wind starting anytime now. Thank goodness for this break in rain.

    Hello dear ones! I am fast on the track to get our support team operating. I have our grandson helping with lifting and small tasks that might require a ladder…replacing light bulbs and hauling trash cart down the little road for county trash pickup. Our trash service is minimal at best. No recycle service. We have to do that ourselves. Need windows washed. Etc etc etc.

    John fell again last night. It makes me crazy with worry. I am going to insist we start PT right away. His muscles are weak and he has balance problems. I am living with a crazy 80+ year old delinquent, He doesn’t mind and doesn’t do as he is told. But he is funny and tells naughty jokes. He says it is a family trait, Katie doesn’t obey either!

    Anne: people in general are living longer. You will enjoy that lovely little home for years to come. And Mark and Mary Jo will also enjoy visiting you in that pretty little house. Jilly is telling you to get a lower bed. Or put a pee-pee pad closer. There is always an answer. The little stairs that pet stores carry might work for her.

    Oooooops must run ! My chicken needs to be taken out if the oven. Back later!
    Happy Sunday and the end of daylight savings.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It’s turned colder overnight which was a shock when I took the pooches on the moors this morning so woolly head scarf and fleece jacket were definitely needed. It was sunny but I could see stormy clouds in the distance that were gradually drifting in our direction and that kept me walking quickly! I stopped off at the farm shop for milk and eggs because my hens still aren’t laying! The rest of my day was taken up with housework, washing down the shower room and hoovering upstairs then, before I knew it, it was evening and dark.
    Nothing fell down the chimney today thank goodness but George is still investigating the fireplace regularly just in case.
    Previous cowls had wire netting over the gaps to keep birds out but the special one that the blacksmith Robbie fitted when he relined the chimney last year doesn’t. He did warn me it might happen but because any wind that comes over the hills behind the property drops down, stopping the chimney drawing smoke up, he recommended it as it has a very narrow gap below its cap. Hopefully when the fire is lit the smok will put off any bird thinking of perching on the edge.

    Patsy, it’s wonderful to read you are receiving so much help from family but for sure, John needs to start PT as soon as possible. Just gently to start. Both my brothers struggle with mobility these days but will they help themselves with a few stretches? NO!

    Barbie, That’s quite a mess your high winds made of the tree and it’s huge root system so good no one was hurt. You have reminded me I must buy a kettle to place on the top of my wood burner because we are being threatened with blackouts this winter due to lack of gas to fire the power stations.

    Jeri, I’m sorry you and Ed are both dealing with Covid but it does appear symptoms are mild so perhaps take a positive from it as it will be out of the way by the time you are in the midst of severe Winter weather.

    Lin, what a scary time you had with those security alerts. That would give me a headache too! I have no idea about the
    so-called dark web and hopefully will never have to! I loved the pretty strawberry design teapot and the elephant is charming.

    I think Betty wants to go to bed because she keeps picking up her favourite bunny toy and walking round the room. It is nearly midnight so she’s got the right idea.

    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I woke up full of the joys of spring but that has plummeted to ground level. I spoke to my lovely neighbour Maria today because I haven't seen her for weeks and she's not living in the house although her sons are there every day fixing all the damage that poor Tony caused before he died in September. In a nutshell, the house goes up for sale today. She is planning to move in with her sister where she is right now or move in with one of her boys and their families. She said she is losing her memory and is terrified she is joining Tony in his affliction. Of course it could be stress related instead. I am awfully sad she is leaving, a great neighbour and lovely gentle friend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,168 Member
    :) The good news here is that the roofer came over after lunch, climbed up on the roof, pulled out the branch, and declared the damage minimal and fixable with a bit of tar. Then he said "no charge" and invited Jake to visit his shop and see his operation. The big tree is in the big greenspace/drain field behind the house. One of the charms of the neighborhood is that there are trails and greenspaces for walking but we don't have to maintain them.

    >:) /The power went off briefly yesterday afternoon but came back right after Jake built a fire in the woodstove.

    <3 Barbie

    :) It drizzled for the entire after breakfast walk but Bessie and I had jackets that kept us dry.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! 😁 I am already sitting to give Rob a break! He is in his office working. Robby is in school but kids have two days off for some school reason. Not sure how long I will be here but Bryanna is coming later to clean my house and do my hair.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time