Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    A beautiful morning in between hefty showers with bright rainbows. We’ve walked on the lower flat moors and after my coffee I will finally dig up up and sort strawberry plants. My Amazon order of a new wall socket and a couple of new plugs arrived but still no sign of the plastic sheets that should have originally arrived last Monday! I did receive one message to let me know delivery was delayed to between Tuesday to Thursday so hopefully they will get here today because they will act as extra roof on the chicken run.

    This morning I have sent a Jacqui Lawson card to Patsy to let her know we are all worried not hearing from her and asking if possible to contact one of us. I do hope they are alright and perhaps just busy with Damon’s visit.

    My crab apple jelly didn’t set in in the jars but Linda’s advice was to reheat then add lemon zest and juice and wow, that soon had it wobbling!

    Anne, your icicle decorations reminded me we used green crepe paper to make Christmas trees by rolling up then cutting vertically through the top to create thin strips that flopped over. Not much like a fir tree but we had fun!

    Sandy, I can imagine yesterday’s meeting was a treat to see your friends again. Occasionally we all need to quietly take stock and count our blessings. It never ceases to amaze me what was put in front of children to play with in the good old days!

    Lin, I’m sorry the news about your Mah Jongg friend was not good although Hospice care is usually wonderful and not necessarily final. As far as I’m aware our hospitals still insist on mask wearing and hand gel but I will see if that’s still the case in a couple of weeks when I have a follow up appointment. I gather some people are more susceptible than others to become reinfected which must be upsetting for your friend. Another great teapot that brings back lots of memories. 😁

    Coffee finished so I must get going. I will of course let you know if I hear from Patsy.
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I paused to clear dozens of Black Friday invitation emails and a cloud drifted over so now it’s raining! With Britain officially in recession I can’t imagine Black Friday tempting many to spend this year!
    Jackie 🫤
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    I too have been wondering about Patsy, but put it down to Damons visit. Thank you Jackie for sending the card.
    I must get cracking before Michael arrives. I'm hoping he will take me to the bank to withdraw for Christmas gifts. I usually buy something very small like a tin of cookies\chocs etc and stick cash on top these days because it is so difficult to get to the stores. I badly need a shower cap as well. I've been sticking a plastic bag on my head lately when I don't want to wash the locks. It sort of horrified him. I DO anchor it so it doesn't slide down and finish Annsie off, lol.

    No snow for us until about now, but I gather Buffalo across the lake from us got plastered.

    Ho Ho Ho, jingle bells and all that, hope today is pleasant.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited November 2022
    Happy Friday! :) Babe has an appointment with cardiologist this afternoon. Before dinner last night we said our prayer and when I looked up he looked like he spaced out, I called his name twice before he answered me. He said he got really dizzy and had the chills so I wanted him to go to ER but he wouldn't go. Today he is still dizzy and I am wondering if he is over medicated. I hope he can manage to get down the stairs so we can make the appointment because I think there is something going on. I will let you know.

    Ordered groceries from Walmart yesterday and no substitutions or missing items. I think shopping at the end of the week is when they fill the shelves for the weekend. The toy arrived from Walmart and today I will be returning it happily saving a lot of money.

    Still very cold here, winter has arrived. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Sandy, I know everyone is different but my 97 year old friend Les used to have similar health issues falling into black holes and had a pace maker fitted that immediately settled his heart rate into a healthy rhythm. Just a thought!

    Anne, after the operation to remove the cancerous growth on my arm I was advised to wrap my arm in either cling film or a carrier bag when I showered. It worked a treat so I think you are very inventive placing a bag on your head!

    I enjoyed the sunny afternoon digging up the strawberry plants and transporting heavy bags of horse manure and compost down my garden path to the raised beds. Everything is tidy and raked over ready for next Spring. I’m cross that my delivery didn’t arrive so I can’t protect my hens with a plastic roof and will message the eBay seller in the morning.

    No news from Patsy but I realise she is many hours behind me.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Hello! I am using our daughters iPad. Ours is in trouble… unwanted update in the night completely killed our iPads. Trying to reestablish and get Them started again. Aaaaagh!

    Stairlift guy came and we will be getting one. Expensive but a fall is even more expensive. A tree trimmer company is coming to clear up the drive way. Still can’t find housecleaning help but I can scuttle along and do most of it slowly but surely. Damon repaired bathroom faucet and replaced many burnt out light bulbs. He is demanding we get a personal emergency button for John. It calls either Damon or 911. Our daughter and grandson are the trash patrol. Taking trash cart to road and retrieving it. She is helping with grocery orders and wellness checks on us. I hate that we need this but the whole family is worried about John. Damon is setting up as many delivery companies as possible. Even Walgreens. We don’t want John driving if possible. But if he wants or needs something….hide the car keys!

    Damon is like Anne’s son Mike when it come to Katie. She adores him. Damon likes this big silly yellow dog very much. Our kids have saved us! I can handle a lot but not everything. I did miss chatting with you all very much. You sneakers are close dear friends and I missed our chats. You have listened to my rants and whines, and I do thank you for that!

    Hopefully our grandson can fix our iPads. What is the deal Apple? Your update killed our iPads!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful thanksgiving. We are still planning an Italian thanksgiving. Should be fun.
    much affection and grateful for your friendship,
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi PATSY. So THATS what happened to my iPad this morning. I was happily checking something out when Siri couldn't connect to the internet. Went into settings and saw two messages from Apple trying to sell me stuff I didn't want. Told them, [sort of], to get lost and decided Michael would sort it all out. However when I went back in out of curiosity about one hour later all was back to normal.

    This was just as well because I was running out of BP pills and needed his help in other matters than iPads. Called the pharmacy and got an Indian lady I could barely understand. Yes Michael could pick my new batch up That was because it was so freezing cold that Mike decided he could walk faster than me to the pharmacy at the end of the street without me and soon came back with......the wrong pills. Back the poor lad trotted and what she had done was send me the earliest pills I had at the experimental stage. Good job I checked! I really have a hard time understanding Indian accents, sigh. Anyway, I never got to the bank OR picked up a shower cap. Mikes just phoned and he bought me one on the way home. I wonder what his choice will be? Not that it matters as I hope no one will see me in the shower.

    So Patsy, Damon and Andrea and your grandson seem to have done a wonderful job getting you and John sorted out. I got told off by Mark who wanted to know why I needed real cash from the bank. I said, well I can't get to the stores easily anymore and I've family birthdays coming up plus Christmas so everyone will get cash this year, whereupon I was told off as in, "Mom you've got less money than all of us". To which I replied "and less time left to spend it"!!!!!! I am so grateful though for my two sons and lovely DIL but find at times I have finally reached my second childhood. Like Jackie I was super independent. Its hard surrendering the reins.

    Gosh haven't I twittered on when all I really wanted to say is: SO GLAD YOU AND JOHN ARE OKAY PATSY!
    Anne. Excuse ramble, Bean and I got up too early and I can feel a nap coming on.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Wonderful to hear from you Patsy. ❤️❤️ I hope all plans come together (everything sounds wonderful). I am so glad your loved ones are digging right in to get things straightened out. I am sorry about your iPad. Sometimes devices get too old to successfully update. I am kind of in that spot with my older electronics. IOS 16 is lurking and wants to be installed on my Apple devices but I have to say okay, I shut off the automatic updates. Well, I am rattling on and on, I am very happy to hear from you!

    Anne, I am sorry you didn’t get to do your errands. And I do hope whatever type of shower cap was purchased for you will be okay. I have lots of designs going through my head. Best wishes.

    Sandy, how did Babe’s appointment go this afternoon? It was very chilly here today but it should warm up some by Sunday afternoon. Same in Illinois?

    Jackie, you really got a lot of jobs cleared up. Ready to garden next year. I am sorry the plastic didn’t arrive. Quite frustrating isn’t it? Ah, lucky you, lots of Black Friday offers. Haaaa, same here.

    Be safe everyone. The friend with Covid is not posting on Facebook or sending texts. Oh tried to call another friend yesterday, no answer and not a peep from her today either and she is always posting photos of her cats and information on help needed for rescue animals and I have the feeling something is wrong. I hope she and her husband are okay.

    So please, stick around!


    Sweet teapot

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning! It’s so good to hear from you Patsy and even better to know the Cavalry has arrived to carry out repairs and generally organise the household so pressure is taken off you and John. Now all you need is what Anne and I refer to as a Mrs Mop!

    Anne, I see you in one of those marvellous 1960’s floral shower caps and now you’ve put the idea in my head I will search for one to pop on my head because I usually end up walking the pooches with damp, straggly ends which is not pleasant in cold weather.

    Lin, Talking of iPhones and pads, I’ve been trying to increase iCloud capacity because it’s apparently full but every time I click on the smallest option and agree to pay a tiny monthly amount PayPal insists on sending a text with security code but when I click on that in order to read it the iCloud disappears! I’m seriously thinking of returning to Analogue phone and laptop the next time I need to upgrade! A school friend had a large collection of Beatrix Potter china that she held on to for years and Peter Rabbit was her favourite. Have you seen the biographical movie Miss Potter that tells of her struggle to get her books printed? She was a strong minded and determined lady.

    It was cool this morning but with not the slightest hint of a breeze, so we had a lovely stroll in the sunshine and it was remarkably quiet and I didn’t bump into any of my dog walking friends. Breakfast was skipped until we got home and that was quite late because I had to drive into town to buy a pack of AA batteries after I discovered the hen house door opener had stopped working. A collection of spares couldn’t get it moving so there is probably a dud amongst them and it made sense to purchase new, especially with cold nights occurring more often. The roadworks in town are still causing havoc so the journey took twice as long as normal but George and Betty snoozed after their walk and I was the only one to get frustrated!

    Clouds have drifted over so I must wrap up and get some outdoor chores done.
    Happy Saturday everyone. Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    When we kept chickens they had an outside run but at night went into a large shed. Dad had to walk down the garden to lock them in each night. Actually the garden was great during the day but became a spooky place at night with trees casting shadows etc. and it didn't help that we had an outside toilet. A normal toilet but in its own little brick house. I think I did the 4 minute mile haring down to that lavatory past the spooky trees etc. I must have been 7 and dad christened it Laco Solus after a plain on the moon. He installed a hurricane lamp partly to stop it freezing up and a large mirror facing the bowl. I was terrified looking in that mirror and seeing a distorted yellowy reflection of me! However a visiting nurse asked if she could use our Laco Solus once and said she'd never been in an outside loo that was warm from the lamp and a mirror to help adjust your cap. Alas, the outside toilet went the way of the dodo with after war improvements when we used the smaller bedroom to install a nice new chilly bathroom. To be honest, I preferred the bath in front of the kitchen fire but that was before I was a teenager!
    Apparently I've a multi coloured shower cap coming JACKIE. Mike said little choice at the store but I'm glad it hasn't got printed yellow ducks. If you all aren't fastt asleep by now enjoy the weekend.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Count me in on how nice it is to hear from you Patsy and know that things should be better with your children and grandchildren at the helm. None of us want to become independent but we must admit at times we do need help with some things. I, for one cannot lift anything heavy and even though I have an Oreck light weight vacuum my rug is too thick and hurts my back. Thus I have Bryanna clean my house. Once she is established in a salon and works full time I will have to hire a cleaning lady but I am fine with that. At least we are still mobile and moving and grooving.

    Jackie, I assume you have done this from your IPhone correct?
    Open the Settings app
    Tap on your name
    Scroll down to iCloud
    Tap on Manage Storage
    Choose Change Storage Plan
    Select a new storage plan that best suits you
    I bought the 99 cents a month and it seems to be enough and I have loads of pictures on my phone.
    If I remember I transfer them to my computer but not too often.
    Babe does have AFib but goes to two different cardiologist and of yet haven't suggested a pacemaker.
    This immune disease is horrible but no one seems to be able to help him. The new cardiologist was going to put him on a trial but since we had to cancel we won't know anything until next month.

    Lin, I had to cancel his appointment because he was too dizzy to go down the stairs. I knew living on a second floor would be difficult for him but hopefully his dizziness gets better and next summer we will find a new place either to rent or buy.

    Anne, I have told my children that this year I will not be giving them cash for Christmas and next year not for birthdays either. I have nine grandchildren, 1 have a great granddaughter on the way and my son's finance has three young granddaughters which will be my step great grands and I will continue to give them present and/or cash.
    They all agreed that they have enough money and don't need mine and giving to the grandchildren is perfect. It will be hard for me to do because I love giving but every year they say stop so this year I am listening. (I hope)

    Paying bills, family zoom call and Church are on the agenda today. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Thank goodness! Our grandson fixed the iPads. I am so dependent on the iPad. When something goes haywire with it, I am totally distraught. I have an iPhone but it is still a mystery to me. I need to lean more about their features.

    It remains very chilly. I think rain is coming next week.

    My current job is to complete our mail change. We are changing to home delivery. We have dropped our P.O. Box after using it 30 years. It is like saying goodbye to an old friend. Then comes notifying all the companies and banks etc. John is totally crazed about this. One of the things about dementia, is the way little things become enormous and almost beyond dealing with. There are times when he is relaxed and back to his normal self. Then there are times when ……….

    Another challenge to devise ways to create an atmosphere that will accommodate happy times for us and the family. Getting older doesn’t mean we stop needing fun and laughter. I think I can do that. Being silly, telling jokes, playing games, listening to music, singing , flowers everywhere! That is my current plan.

    Anne: love the shower cap. Never wore one….but I can see they would be useful. I dive into the shower and suds up daily. Thus my hair is a constant wreck.

    Jackie: our chicken pen and hen house was not pretty but it served the purpose. A large fenced in area with a hen house and nest boxes for the ladies. They presented us with wonderful eggs most of the year. A few months of rest then in early spring boom! Lots of eggs. Oddly my grand had a radio in the henhouse. We listened to music when we gathered eggs and cleaned out the henhouse. Not my favorite but it was my weekly job. Like Anne’s father, we had to shew them into the hen house at night and let them out at daybreak. Thank goodness that was not my job. I am not a morning person. But I did have my favorite little feathered friends. A black and white hen who flew up on my shoulder whenever she saw me. Naturally her name was Penny.

    Lin: hope your friends are recovering. These viruses are mean and hang around for a long time. And yes! You are right my iPad is getting old. How can that be ? It seems I just bought it!

    Sandy: my advice to to start looking for that condo now. These places are hard to come by. Prices are coming down and it takes a long time to close and move. And it is a very pleasant thing to do on a Sunday afternoon…go through the realestate listings to see what’s available.

    Hello Barbie and Diane.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. Both of my friends emerged today. One just started to post but I have no idea what was going on. Still no cat pictures today. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    My friend with Covid apparently got up for a while today and I got a couple of messages.

    Sandy, I am sorry Babe wasn’t able to keep his appointment. It would be lovely to get back to ground level once again so I hope you will be able to find a property that will be suitable. My dad never got anything but drugs for his a fib. A friend had multiple ablations and somehow all straightened out and she is walking everyday now, miles and miles and miles.

    Patsy, I know, those devices get old at a faster rate these days! My newest device was purchased in 2019 for gosh sakes. I am glad your grandson got everything straightened out for you! Wonderful.

    Jackie, I have lost you on a prior page. Did you get a complaint registered regarding the missing plastic? Or did it show up? I received an order today and there are two items in it that I did not order. 👀. I hope to get the other items I ordered soon.

    Anne, interesting story about your outdoor facilities. I have only lived in houses with indoor plumbing. I used outdoor facilities when attending Girl Scout camp and Church camp and when tent camping. That is not much for a lifetime.

    Barbie, hi!

    Diane, hope all is well in your world.

    Take care everyone.


    I have no idea what type of biscuit or cracker that is, hope it didn’t make anyone hungry.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Looks like a McVitie digestive biscuit to me LIN. I have one each afternoon with my mid afternoon tea.
    My pet chicken was Monica Mary PATSY. As a chick dad thought her a cockerel and named her Montie after British General Montgomery but she proved him wrong and became Monica Mary.
    Just got up to snow and oatmeal. Bleary eyed so more later.
    Anne, Zzzzzzzzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Very cold but sunny day. A good day to stay in and just chill. Tomorrow is Lisa's 40th birthday and I am going to help Rob since the little ones are off from school. I am bringing some birthday decorations and will have the kiddos draw some pictures for mommy's birthday. Rob will get some balloons and a cake and we will decide what to eat once I am there. I bought her a funny sweatshirt and also will give her some cash. As mentioned this is the last year for presents for my adult children and their spouses.

    My baby will be 50 on the 29th and Rob will be 51 on the 30th. My daughter will be 58 December 30 and that will be the end of the gifts. Am I being mean or practical? Maybe I will continue with birthdays but not Christmas, that might make more sense. Sorry jabbering to myself. lol

    I am watching the 4th season of The Crown and although Jackie and Anne have told us there are many non truths I still enjoy the show. They have a new actress portraying the Queen and the actress portraying Princess Diana looks very much like her. I always loved Diana and felt she got a raw deal from Prince Charles. Please don't tell me she was not well liked because it would break my heart.

    On that note I will say have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Mike took one look at the weather and decided to stay home. I cooked breakfast sausages, fried onions, homemade gravy, mashed potato and veggies. Very tasty although I say it myself!

    Had a conversation with Bean. A bit one sided, but we've decided we are staying home as well.

    I believe Mark and Mary Jo are staying home.

    So, a lovely quiet Sunday with no hammering etc. I might watch a movie and cook muffins.

    Yes, off to cook muffins,
    Bye, Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It was a beautiful start to the day but once again, stormy clouds appeared over the horizon as we arrived to walk the moors. Almost made it round but got hit by heavy rain and hail that at one spot had me tucking Betty under a gorse bush for protection. Hail bounces off George’s coat but I could tell Betty was getting stung! It did brighten up later so I spent an hour in the greenhouse potting up two dozen strawberry plants. Since then I’ve set the fires and sipped cups of tea!

    When I first adopted hens, rescues from a battery farm, I was still working which often meant late shifts and in the winter months I slid down my garden to shut and secure the hen house door, then in the morning repeated the slide to open up. This was before the house and hens were placed in a fenced chicken run so Mr Fox was never far away. You can imagine my delight when I discovered battery operated door openers although it took me some weeks to trust it. The first one I bought wasn’t always reliable but these days plastic housing protects the inside and it means the chooks feel safe and warm once the door shuts. I would love to adopt a playmate for little Storm because she tends to be ignored by the bigger girls but think it too risky as bantams are known to fight.

    Sandy, thank you for running through the ICloud procedure. I do follow that but think PayPal security text messages get in the way when I choose to pay. I’m going to try going into my PayPal account to cancel the text confirmation just while I try one more time. I will not comment about Diana other than quote “Hell hath no fury etc….” and hopefully the series will show how we now know the BBC reporter who interviewed her for that infamous tv chat used forgery and deception to get her to open up. It’s a shame she didn’t live to know the truth. That sweatshirt for Lisa did make me giggle.

    Patsy, I’m guessing you have all sorts of fun ideas up your sleeve to maintain John’s sense of calm. Music, games and laughter are certainly the best way. Nothing like nostalgia to remind us of the good old days that are still with us going forward.

    I watched the Netflix movie The Wonder last night that was certainly different. Based in Ireland in the mid 19th century so all a bit dark and moody but I did enjoy it.

    A cosy Sunday for you Anne with bangers and mash… perfect. Yes, that’s certainly a McVities digestive but I’m naughty and buy the dark chocolate range.

    Lin, I have messaged the seller of the plastic sheets to let them know I’m still waiting for delivery. I kept it polite but did mention it has caused a delay in the job they are needed for. The company does have a good rating on eBay so if they did despatch last Monday as stated, the courier is to blame. That Tea Makes Everything Better cup appeals to me so I did a Google search and found it for sale on Amazon but I now have to be sensible because I have a kitchen cupboard full of cups and mugs!

    Oven on and ready for baked fish and sweet potato.

    Stay warm everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    I must say if nothing else I am learning a lot about English History. If the series is correct I now know about Edward the VIII and Mohamed Al-Fayed and how Diana met Dodi. I am only on episode 4 so at least it is holding my interest probably the same way JFK did with all his indiscretion's.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Good evening. We had a bit nicer weather today, sunshine and some snow melted. Yes! I watched online church, did some reading and worked on cards of course. Texted with several people and zip, the day is over. A friend was supposed to call me this afternoon but she did not. That happens a lot. She is always on overload.

    Sandy, it sounds as if you are enjoying that series. Does it wrap up this season? And I love that sweatshirt. Excellent find!

    Jackie and Anne, thanks for identifying the treat!

    Jackie, so good of you to stay civil with the seller. I hope everything gets settled soon. I think about your hens and hope they are safe and no Mr. Fox is lurking anywhere near your property.

    Patsy, I hope more progress is being made on improving your lives. Also, hope the changes with the Post Office go smoothly. I have been looking at iPads online since it is Black a Friday sale time. I saw several things I liked on the Target site but nothing on Walmart—almost everything they advertised was from resellers, not their merchandise, and the items were refurbished or rebuilt. No thank you.

    Anne, I hope you enjoyed making muffins!

    Well, there is a Charlie Brown retrospective of some sort on soon and I want to see if it is interesting.

    Take care everyone.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Good morning everyone. I've just eaten my oatmeal with a small handful of sultanas and a small handful of walnuts. Sometimes I chop up a banana to add instead of the S and Ws.

    Anyway it got me thinking about diet these days. I'm not talking about our little group but the general population. When Maria was still around I noticed her blue box was full of empty boxes for pizzas and other bought ready made meals. Delicious I know because I've occasionally bought them. But could it be that the Western world is eating too much of ready made food? We seem to be having such an increase in health problems. I found out recently that I am allergic to yeast. I'm okay with pastry if no yeast is added. Anyway I stopped eating bread about 6 weeks ago and haven't had an allergic reaction since. Bloating and severe cramps that really hurt.

    I really enjoyed the English bangers and mash etc yesterday with lovely mashed potatoes with added butter and milk. AND I get to eat leftovers today. Michael said he enjoyed his homemade fish and chips. I've tried bought shepherds pie but honestly it didn't taste half as good as my homemade. So I for one will be eating homemade stews, meat pies, fish cakes, well you name it from now on. I just wondered if it had crossed anyone else mind that todays woes could be related to the modern trend? And what manufacturers put in their food to make it delicious.

    JACKIE, I'm going to watch the Netflix movie you recommended. I started it last night and it does look rather dark and moody. Bean tends to sleep in the afternoon so it's a good time to view. I've noticed we seem to eat similarly but I can't find chocolate coated digestives over here, just the plain. Made in the UK as are Jacobs cream crackers, but I gather there is some trouble "at mill" as workers clamour for a better living wage. Two Jacobs are my morning snack!

    You will gather yesterday was pretty quiet which got the grey cells working about food and additives.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    Happy Monday! ❤️ Got to the kiddos house early to sit so Rob can get some work done. Need his help putting up my decorations but have time. Just checking in and saying good morning.

    One Day at A Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello, busy morning. Addressed a few more cards and made a trip to the post office. It is so nice the weather is warmer and sunny! A friend called and we had a long conversation about how her husband’s cancer treatment is going, her very close friend who she cancer treatment has not been successful, a disagreement with a fellow fitness class attendee last week, and then she got started on how I need to live my life rather than letting it pass me by. Today I couldn’t take it and told her she can do what is right for her and I will do what is right for me. I wasn’t complaining, whining or being sad about what I don’t have in my life. Hey, it worked, she got off my back! 😊

    I was just asked to take on a card project in partnership with another lady. It is for our church. I just sent back an email to ask for some more information. I would be glad to do something but I would rather split the project, half hers, half mine unless the numbers are crazy we will see. 👀

    I haven’t had breakfast yet so I guess I will make some brunch. Hee-hee!

    Anne, I think it goes beyond food, the water is not the same, all of our soaps and toiletries are full of chemicals, etc. I remember my mother-in-law complaining about pots and pans that would cause cancer (due to non-stick surfacing). Yep.

    Sandy, off you go. The kids will have fun with you there.

    Oh, and my friend who didn’t call yesterday afternoon, called last evening and got me up to date on all the details. She was often on the verge of tears. It is a rough time for the entire family.

    I think it is time for a cup of tea and a rummage through the refrigerator. I was going to make carrot and raisin salad. Might still do that.

    Be safe everyone.


    A pachyderm or elephant

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Boy JACKIE, that WAS one dark movie, but as you say I liked it as well. Sort of glad I'm not Irish and living in Victorian times though.

    Jilly the Beano is indeed fast asleep. I can't wait for LINs weather to drift over because its been jolly cold here. Oh and good for you Lin. Why do other people think they know us better than we know ourselves.

    Digestive biccy and cup of tea time,

    Cheerio, Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon. It is partly cloudy and chilly but that’s okay. Sweater weather.

    We continue to rearrange and re-rearrange our new situation. It is a work in progress. The mail (as you may have suspected) is not going smoothly. But it will eventually get sorted out. A change of address from P.O. Box to rural delivery is almost too much for our local post office to comprehend. Then there is the on-going effort to get John to a different doctor and a specialist. That will be a huge thing to accomplish. I would like it to happen.before it is a matter of extreme necessity. Whew! I hate sounding so controlling. We have the trash cart situation and Walmart orders under control. Still hunting housecleaning help. The tree trimmers are coming on the 30 th. I am going to need Damon’s help on arranging lawn care and maintenance. Damon has set up these things called dots that call him if there is a problem. He is trying to manage these aging parents and a very demanding job. As well as a odd romance in another continent.

    Sandy: the things that Damon set up are great maybe Babe could have one for emergency communication if he is alone. They are not expensive.

    Anne: my gran used to talk about the horrible things that happened in Ireland and how there was this migration to America. Things were better but not much! As a young Irish lass she married a rough German guy they moved to Texas and started a ranch. Hard work but my gran was a peach! Lovely long red hair just like Maureen O’Hara. She could sing and play piano and milk the cows.

    Lin: I have a friend who is like your friend. She knows how my life should go. She is so busy solving my problems she hasn’t worked on her own issues. I have to believe
    they mean well. It must be a coping measure when they feel overwhelmed. I think you handled things beautifully.

    Jackie: at this point you must be very glad you have your log burner. I still remember the wonderful aroma of beans slowly simmering on my grans wood stove. She also stirred up skillet cornbread to go with it. Right now our wood stove is more correctly a trash burner.

    Even though my knee might complain, I am off to try to vacuum part of the house. Little at a time but progress is key!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Rain, rain and more rain here in Britain. Hail beating against my window woke me about 6am and my day didn’t get much better. A short doggy walk round half the block because both George and Betty were unhappy wearing their rain coats and quickly decided to guide me back home. I did sympathise in my head to toe waterproofs that didn’t make walking particularly pleasant or easy splashing through running streams but I didn’t want to drive off to my dentist appointment without first giving them some exercise. Lots of problems on the roads with flooded sections slowing everything and then, about halfway to Plymouth, I found myself caught up in a long traffic jam and no sign of cars coming in the opposite direction so I tuned in to a local radio station and heard the road ahead was closed due to flooding so after phoning the dentist to explain why I wouldn’t be able to get to him,I managed a u-turn in the traffic and drove home. It did stop raining for about 15 minutes late afternoon so I chose the break to clean out the hen house so they are dry and cosy.

    Anne, I did wonder if the film was based on a true story because what with the potato famine, times were extremely dark in Ireland. Two previous movies I watched last week were modern but still dark in their own way so I had been looking for something uplifting… I got that one wrong! Dark chocolate digestives are my favourite teatime treat and the chocolate only coats one side so I feel I’m allowed.
    I’ve never really enjoyed processed food and maybe eat pizza twice a year. Everything else I cook from scratch because I like to know what I’m eating. Labelling of packaged food has improved over the years with a clear traffic light system on the front showing measurements of ingredients that can’t be missed and levels of salt, sugar and fats reduced through government legislation. I think losing Home Economics classes in schools was a big mistake because so many younger adults don’t know how to cook and Type 2 diabetes is on the increase amongst them.
    My gas cylinder for the cooker hob ran out as I cooked my supper this evening and the pouring rain put me off going out to change over to the full one but I managed a baked potato, baked beans, tomato and slice of Italian ham as an emergency meal. I do have an emergency kettle in a cupboard for just such nights so didn’t miss out on cups of tea%!

    I’ve moved myself up to my bed in order to avoid a late night chase between George and a mouse that Brady must have brought in earlier. It ran into the snug and under the tv stand so I knew it would be impossible for me to catch it so instead said bedtime to my sleeping pooches and they immediately got up and went to the door for their late night garden visit. A very quick visit because the rain is as heavy as ever.

    Patsy, you certainly don’t come across as controlling but I do understand that what you are now having to deal with in order to achieve calm and with it, comfort, is beyond difficult and hence stressful. You gave your kids life when you and John brought them into the world so they will definitely be relieved to be able to assist if you let them, and it seems you are, good girl!

    Quite right Lin, no one knows better than ourselves why we do what we do or how we choose to live. I’ve a friend whose life mission seems to be to tell everyone what they are doing wrong but if it’s aimed at me I say with a smile, it’s my business to do whatever I like!

    Little room for me but I’ll try to get some sleep!


    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    As our chilly evenings are setting in I am again learning how to dress. LOL Toasty feet no problem with some great slippers, but had to pull out my bulky zippered sweatshirt to put on over my top and comfy jeans. Legs cold now, so grab what is near by (my husbands robe) and I am finally warming up. 73 inside with 45 outside at 9 pm. Definitely at this age I am not fond of winter months though I do love our orange, red and gold trees right now. Nothing knew....I have been this way during winter for years.

    Our few packages seem to be behind on their arrival times. Instead of during the am we get them between 7 and 9 pm. Like others we want to grab them before its getting too dark since others on occasion come up missing in the neighborhood. With distances in involved and the ages of the grandkids now we are considering sending $$ off to the families so the adults can buy what they want and the kids can have money to find something they want. That is pretty much what everyone wants now. It is the birthday presents for our sil and our granddaughter both a few days before Christmas that has me wondering what to do. Already had 2 Nov birthdays and 2 Jan birthdays to come. It just seems more difficult getting things this year.

    Thinking back onto my family Christmas traditions as a child our tree usually came as a cut tree from the Boy Scouts of America lot where my Dad and brother volunteered yearly. 5 feet tall every yr placed on a box, which we decorated with the German glass ornaments, multi colored Christmas lights and depending on the year the colored paper rings which we assembled with white paste in school or popcorn which we strung to decorate the tree or later silver icesicles. We usually decorated the tree about the 15th of the month and it was down by New Years. Being the eldest of 4 kids another thing I recall was making some Christmas tree cookies using a Spritz cookie maker (German I believe). We had a black lady that would come to the house about one a week to help my mom with chores since she worked. One of her tasks one year was to help my sister and I make cookies using this. Once we got the hang of it it went well.....LOL 13 dozen cookies worth. We were just having too much fun. Needless to say that was the last time that was done.

    Patsy....glad to hear that you are getting some help from your family organizing your home to make things easier for you all. Plus getting some of those outside jobs done by others too. Hopefully you are able to keep warm enough during some of your chillier days. Stay dry, warm and safe in your little bungalow.

    Hello to Lin, Anne, Jackie, Barbie and Sandy. Thinking of everyone. Need to run,


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,294 Member
    edited November 2022
    Happy Tuesday! :D Heat wave going into the 50's. Sounds like a good day to cover my table and chairs on my balcony to get ready for the snow. I also want to go for a blood test to recheck my thyroid. The doctor gave me an order to go at my convenience by November 15, so I better get it done.
    Lisa was surprised with her decorations, dinner and gifts. Always love making people happy.
    I go for my colonoscopy next Monday and am already dreading the prep involved. At least the pills are better than the liquid although there is tons of water to be consumed. Will be glad when it is done.

    Diane, good to hear from you and sorry about your "cold" weather. Come to Chicago in January when the temps are below zero. Just kidding, I know when you live in a warm climate 45 degrees is very cold.
    As mentioned I send monetary gifts to my family except for the little ones. Lisa tells me what to buy and I order from Amazon. Robby this year wants a gift card for Roblex so his will be simple. Charlie and Max are done although hoping to catch a better price on Max's StarWar's figures. Scored with Charlie's as found it $40 cheaper with Walmart's Black Friday early days.

    Jackie, what an adorable picture of your sleeping fur babies. Did you manage to find room for you?
    I don't blame you for canceling the dentist, with your narrow roads I would be afraid to get caught in so much traffic. Your little cottage seems to be more like a little farm with so many chores from cleaning hen houses to changing tanks. You keep yourself busy and moving which is always a good thing.

    Patsy, not sure what Dots are unless you mean Amazon Alexa Dot. I do have Alexa but as far as I know you cannot call 911 with it only the people on your contact list. So if Babe were to fall he could tell Alexa to call Sandy and then I could call 911. I did the same for my SIL in Arizona so she feels safe and has someone to call if she falls.

    Anne, I never pay attention to people who tell me how to live my life after all it is my life.

    Lin, I am sure you handled that lady with grace, I don't think you have mean bone in your body.
    I hope the card project is something you can handle and enjoy.

    Time to get moving and grooving. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Another rainy day that just went on and on. A pedicure was booked for 11am so I didn’t walk with the pooches first thing because I didn’t want us to get soaked. Ellen arrived and we had a cheerful catch up while she pampered my feet and before she left I gave her a jar each of crab apple jelly, quince and apple jelly and the Dutch apricots in brandy as a thank you gift for Christmas. My next appointment isn’t until early January. Time then to walk and although it didn’t rain constantly it seemed to every time I slipped my hood off!
    It was definitely a stay at home day so I decided to make a batch of carrot and sweet potato soup and used the slow cooker because the gas cylinders were still waiting to be changed over. Well, that turned out to be a fun job in the rain because whoever delivered and installed the now empty cylinder had tightened the connector so tight I couldn’t undo it. Luckily I have my dad’s heavy hammer and 1940’s British steel spanner that I removed from his shed so attacked the bolt with a surge of adrenaline and managed to loosen it then attach the full one. So, my gas hob is up and running again and the electric energy guzzling kettle is back in its cupboard.

    Sandy, I woke up this morning with an aching back and hip so must have slept awkwardly but do remember George jumping on my moving feet and growling at some point in the night before he jumped off the bed and moved into the spare room! Brady obviously found the poor little mouse too but I won’t go into details!

    Bedtime for me but I will insist on my own space tonight and hopefully ease the aches. Nothing planned tomorrow which is just as well as the torrential rain will continue but at least the reservoirs should be filling up nicely.

    Jackie 🥰