Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm with you as well BARBIE! Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) That sign was posted by the office manager in our manufactured home community. She has decorated the clubhouse for autumn and Thanksgiving so I understand that she thinks Christmas stuff is premature right now. My mother said that when she was a child, her parents put up the tree on Christmas Eve so compared to that, what happens these days is really premature.

    :) Bessie has been out for her business walk and has had breakfast and is no waiting patiently for our friend who won't arrive for about 30 minutes to go for her longer after breakfast walk.

    :) Jake is building a fire in the woodstove.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Yes, BARBIE, in the past we never decorated before one week before Christmas and actually, thats what I still do. Then we took everything down on 12th night which was the 5th January. I think that made the Christmas season so much more anticipated and special. Then of course we had Valentines day coming up and when in ones teens wondering if we would actually receive a card. Its a shame everything is so overdone and commercialized these days. Spoils it for the little kids.
    However, its starting to look like Christmas here! We had snow overnight and the street is a winter wonderland. "Stuff that" says Bean as she snuggles under her blankie and into hibernation.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) More snow expected today but that is not stopping us from celebrating a friend's birthday. First I am going for a manicure and doing a couple of errands. I brought the birthstone ring Babe gave me when we first started dating to the jeweler who fixes things at a reasonable price. One of the prongs broke and also I have earrings that were made from my sister's funeral flowers and the post broke so he is fixing that as well. Both are ready for a total of $45, so you can't beat his prices. Since his store is close to where we are having our late lunch I will pick those up today.

    When I was in the house I would start decorating after Thanksgiving as I decorated almost every room in the house except the bedrooms. Outside took me a long time and inside even longer. Now that I am in the condo, it takes about ten minutes to put up my ceramic tree from my mom and the inside hallway where I have a table that I change with the seasons.

    Haven't seen a post from Patsy, I do hope all is well with her and John. Wishing you all a great day, stay healthy, happy and wise.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. A long day. I have been waiting for 2 separate orders to be delivered today but one disappeared in another state and the other just showed up between 9:30 and 9:45 pm. I don’t like to leave orders on the porch so glad I can go to bed now.

    Nothing particularly interesting from here.

    But I couldn’t let a day go by without a teapot.

    Be safe everyone.


    Cat and mouse teapot
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    Hello Sneakers. Yesterday the dung run went well although Linda was terribly stressed when she picked me up because she had already driven her son very early to his pick up point where he meets a colleague for work. Apparently the day before he had tried to drive his car through a flooding river ford and broke down in the middle. A passing van driver towed him out and got him home but his car engine is still too damp to start! It’s a horrible, narrow road where people drive too fast so no wonder Linda was stressed but I suggested we stop for our coffee and cake before collecting the bags of dung and 2 hours later she was feeling a lot better! We picked up the bags of dung that Richard had filled although we could hardly lift them they were so heavy, chatted to him, Christine and Bonny the Lab, then I was dropped off on the road to walk down the track and as I walked in to my cottage the heavens opened and that was it; rain for the afternoon!
    It’s still raining this morning so I haven’t yet walked George and Betty but once I have I will shop for a few fresh groceries and hope it brightens up so I can get myself back in my garden.

    Christmas Eve was when decorations were created and hung when I was a child. Do you remember those paper chains Anne that had a disgusting glue at one end to be licked? After a few years someone in the household decided a stamp sponge would be a better option to wet the ends! Back then Twelfth Night, the Eve of Epiphany was the celebration rather than Christ’s birth and if I’m not mistaken it wasn’t until Victorian times cards and small gifts were exchanged on Christmas Eve.

    Haha Lin, that teapot is so appropriate at the moment as Brady brings in a constant supply of mice for George to inspect!

    I do believe the rain has eased so I will go for walkies and might just leave the pooches in the car while I shop. Two deliveries expected today so although I’ve stuck a message for couriers on the door, I had better not be out too long!

    Enjoy your snow everyone and please don’t send it across the pond! 😱

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I was thinking about those paper chains yesterday. The fun of coordinating colours, but no wet sponge for me JACKIE. Then when done, stringing them from the centre ceiling light fixture across to the walls. AND feeling ever so proud. I also used to make icicles from strips of silver paper. You wound a long thin piece round and round and then you carefully placed a knitting needle point in to slowly and VERY carefully push the centre piece out thus creating a very long silver "icicle". The end had to be secured with a needle and cotton to hang up and avoid it unrolling and it then was hung on the tree or from the paper chains which must have looked like washday! What a great way to keep an active kid quiet for hours on those rainy days leading up to Christmas. And of course the joy of going to the woods and collecting berried holly. Happy memories indeed. Just remembered the "pond" under the tree! Dad provided a piece of glass to go under the tree which Anne surrounded with cotton wool snow and then spent hours drawing and colouring fir trees and figures to "skate" on the pond.Grocery delivery EARLY day. Must move!
    PS. Snow again.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) We got our first holiday card yesterday. It was a Thanksgiving card and we have it displayed where we can see it and enjoy it.

    :)Lin That teapot is priceless.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Our dinner was fun and I won a little money so it was a good day. I am going to my meeting today and since I haven't been in two weeks I am looking forward to being there. My meetings keep me focused and serene. We didn't get all the snow that was forecasted which is good since I hate driving in snow.

    Barbie, I mailed out my Thanksgiving cards yesterday. I only mail to my family and four close friends including Joe. I don't receive many in return but I am okay with that.

    Anne, I remember those chains as well but we put icicles on one strand at a time. We had real trees when I was young but later my dad got a white flocked tree. I mostly remember a dining room full of toys for all the grandchildren. And my mothers home made dumplings that she made with the turkey.

    Jackie, that sounds scary that Linda's son got caught in flooding. That can be pretty dangerous. I am glad you were able to help distress her and enjoyed cake and coffee.

    Lin, I am sorry about your orders and hope they eventually arrive. I am waiting for one from Walmart to return as it went on sale for $60 cheaper for their black friday days. At least returns are easy at Walmart.

    Still no word from Patsy, has anyone heard from her?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello. The orders have arrived. One is damaged so we will see what happens next. I contacted the seller, a third party vendor on Amazon.

    I did get to the post office this morning and got the rest of my Thanksgiving cards mailed as well as several birthday cards that needed special postage. Also made a stop at the library to pick up a book they were holding for me.

    Other exciting things, paid some online bills, logged into a bank account that had an important message for me to read. Change in terms. I remember when they sent letters with these things.

    I found out my Mah Jongg friend with failing health is being enrolled in Hospice care. Things can change quickly.

    Later I received a short note from another friend who had been visiting her neighbor in the hospital and thinks that may be where she got Covid again. She is really sick again. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I played with card supplies again today and made a couple of cards. Just fun! Oh need to buckle down and get to December birthday cards. Those are coming up quickly. Also need to start addressing envelopes for Christmas/Holiday cards as USPS said to mail no later than the 17th. I picked up some additional stamps I am all set.

    Sandy, I have been wondering about Patsy as well. I haven’t heard from her. Maybe Anne has?

    Barbie, wow, you’ve received a Thanksgiving card. That is nice. Not too many people send them! I love that teapot too, it is so cute.

    Anne, we made a few paper chains at school for decorations and we used white paste to fasten them. Not bad stuff. Of course, some children ate it! We didn’t have any at home. We put up decorations when my parents had time to do it. But usually after Thanksgiving as we had family over at our house most years and we had the fall/Thanksgiving decorations out. We had Pilgrims, Indian corn, turkeys, cornucopias, and fall leaves.

    Jackie, I hope you received your packages today. It was very good of you to know how to calm Linda down. Excellent! I hope you did get in some walkies and got your groceries. Some days that is a lot to accomplish.

    Be healthy everyone.


    The toaster teapot!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    A beautiful morning in between hefty showers with bright rainbows. We’ve walked on the lower flat moors and after my coffee I will finally dig up up and sort strawberry plants. My Amazon order of a new wall socket and a couple of new plugs arrived but still no sign of the plastic sheets that should have originally arrived last Monday! I did receive one message to let me know delivery was delayed to between Tuesday to Thursday so hopefully they will get here today because they will act as extra roof on the chicken run.

    This morning I have sent a Jacqui Lawson card to Patsy to let her know we are all worried not hearing from her and asking if possible to contact one of us. I do hope they are alright and perhaps just busy with Damon’s visit.

    My crab apple jelly didn’t set in in the jars but Linda’s advice was to reheat then add lemon zest and juice and wow, that soon had it wobbling!

    Anne, your icicle decorations reminded me we used green crepe paper to make Christmas trees by rolling up then cutting vertically through the top to create thin strips that flopped over. Not much like a fir tree but we had fun!

    Sandy, I can imagine yesterday’s meeting was a treat to see your friends again. Occasionally we all need to quietly take stock and count our blessings. It never ceases to amaze me what was put in front of children to play with in the good old days!

    Lin, I’m sorry the news about your Mah Jongg friend was not good although Hospice care is usually wonderful and not necessarily final. As far as I’m aware our hospitals still insist on mask wearing and hand gel but I will see if that’s still the case in a couple of weeks when I have a follow up appointment. I gather some people are more susceptible than others to become reinfected which must be upsetting for your friend. Another great teapot that brings back lots of memories. 😁

    Coffee finished so I must get going. I will of course let you know if I hear from Patsy.
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    I paused to clear dozens of Black Friday invitation emails and a cloud drifted over so now it’s raining! With Britain officially in recession I can’t imagine Black Friday tempting many to spend this year!
    Jackie 🫤
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited November 2022
    I too have been wondering about Patsy, but put it down to Damons visit. Thank you Jackie for sending the card.
    I must get cracking before Michael arrives. I'm hoping he will take me to the bank to withdraw for Christmas gifts. I usually buy something very small like a tin of cookies\chocs etc and stick cash on top these days because it is so difficult to get to the stores. I badly need a shower cap as well. I've been sticking a plastic bag on my head lately when I don't want to wash the locks. It sort of horrified him. I DO anchor it so it doesn't slide down and finish Annsie off, lol.

    No snow for us until about now, but I gather Buffalo across the lake from us got plastered.

    Ho Ho Ho, jingle bells and all that, hope today is pleasant.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    edited November 2022
    Happy Friday! :) Babe has an appointment with cardiologist this afternoon. Before dinner last night we said our prayer and when I looked up he looked like he spaced out, I called his name twice before he answered me. He said he got really dizzy and had the chills so I wanted him to go to ER but he wouldn't go. Today he is still dizzy and I am wondering if he is over medicated. I hope he can manage to get down the stairs so we can make the appointment because I think there is something going on. I will let you know.

    Ordered groceries from Walmart yesterday and no substitutions or missing items. I think shopping at the end of the week is when they fill the shelves for the weekend. The toy arrived from Walmart and today I will be returning it happily saving a lot of money.

    Still very cold here, winter has arrived. Have a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    Sandy, I know everyone is different but my 97 year old friend Les used to have similar health issues falling into black holes and had a pace maker fitted that immediately settled his heart rate into a healthy rhythm. Just a thought!

    Anne, after the operation to remove the cancerous growth on my arm I was advised to wrap my arm in either cling film or a carrier bag when I showered. It worked a treat so I think you are very inventive placing a bag on your head!

    I enjoyed the sunny afternoon digging up the strawberry plants and transporting heavy bags of horse manure and compost down my garden path to the raised beds. Everything is tidy and raked over ready for next Spring. I’m cross that my delivery didn’t arrive so I can’t protect my hens with a plastic roof and will message the eBay seller in the morning.

    No news from Patsy but I realise she is many hours behind me.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Hello! I am using our daughters iPad. Ours is in trouble… unwanted update in the night completely killed our iPads. Trying to reestablish and get Them started again. Aaaaagh!

    Stairlift guy came and we will be getting one. Expensive but a fall is even more expensive. A tree trimmer company is coming to clear up the drive way. Still can’t find housecleaning help but I can scuttle along and do most of it slowly but surely. Damon repaired bathroom faucet and replaced many burnt out light bulbs. He is demanding we get a personal emergency button for John. It calls either Damon or 911. Our daughter and grandson are the trash patrol. Taking trash cart to road and retrieving it. She is helping with grocery orders and wellness checks on us. I hate that we need this but the whole family is worried about John. Damon is setting up as many delivery companies as possible. Even Walgreens. We don’t want John driving if possible. But if he wants or needs something….hide the car keys!

    Damon is like Anne’s son Mike when it come to Katie. She adores him. Damon likes this big silly yellow dog very much. Our kids have saved us! I can handle a lot but not everything. I did miss chatting with you all very much. You sneakers are close dear friends and I missed our chats. You have listened to my rants and whines, and I do thank you for that!

    Hopefully our grandson can fix our iPads. What is the deal Apple? Your update killed our iPads!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful thanksgiving. We are still planning an Italian thanksgiving. Should be fun.
    much affection and grateful for your friendship,
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Hi PATSY. So THATS what happened to my iPad this morning. I was happily checking something out when Siri couldn't connect to the internet. Went into settings and saw two messages from Apple trying to sell me stuff I didn't want. Told them, [sort of], to get lost and decided Michael would sort it all out. However when I went back in out of curiosity about one hour later all was back to normal.

    This was just as well because I was running out of BP pills and needed his help in other matters than iPads. Called the pharmacy and got an Indian lady I could barely understand. Yes Michael could pick my new batch up That was because it was so freezing cold that Mike decided he could walk faster than me to the pharmacy at the end of the street without me and soon came back with......the wrong pills. Back the poor lad trotted and what she had done was send me the earliest pills I had at the experimental stage. Good job I checked! I really have a hard time understanding Indian accents, sigh. Anyway, I never got to the bank OR picked up a shower cap. Mikes just phoned and he bought me one on the way home. I wonder what his choice will be? Not that it matters as I hope no one will see me in the shower.

    So Patsy, Damon and Andrea and your grandson seem to have done a wonderful job getting you and John sorted out. I got told off by Mark who wanted to know why I needed real cash from the bank. I said, well I can't get to the stores easily anymore and I've family birthdays coming up plus Christmas so everyone will get cash this year, whereupon I was told off as in, "Mom you've got less money than all of us". To which I replied "and less time left to spend it"!!!!!! I am so grateful though for my two sons and lovely DIL but find at times I have finally reached my second childhood. Like Jackie I was super independent. Its hard surrendering the reins.

    Gosh haven't I twittered on when all I really wanted to say is: SO GLAD YOU AND JOHN ARE OKAY PATSY!
    Anne. Excuse ramble, Bean and I got up too early and I can feel a nap coming on.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    edited November 2022
    Wonderful to hear from you Patsy. ❤️❤️ I hope all plans come together (everything sounds wonderful). I am so glad your loved ones are digging right in to get things straightened out. I am sorry about your iPad. Sometimes devices get too old to successfully update. I am kind of in that spot with my older electronics. IOS 16 is lurking and wants to be installed on my Apple devices but I have to say okay, I shut off the automatic updates. Well, I am rattling on and on, I am very happy to hear from you!

    Anne, I am sorry you didn’t get to do your errands. And I do hope whatever type of shower cap was purchased for you will be okay. I have lots of designs going through my head. Best wishes.

    Sandy, how did Babe’s appointment go this afternoon? It was very chilly here today but it should warm up some by Sunday afternoon. Same in Illinois?

    Jackie, you really got a lot of jobs cleared up. Ready to garden next year. I am sorry the plastic didn’t arrive. Quite frustrating isn’t it? Ah, lucky you, lots of Black Friday offers. Haaaa, same here.

    Be safe everyone. The friend with Covid is not posting on Facebook or sending texts. Oh tried to call another friend yesterday, no answer and not a peep from her today either and she is always posting photos of her cats and information on help needed for rescue animals and I have the feeling something is wrong. I hope she and her husband are okay.

    So please, stick around!


    Sweet teapot

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,714 Member
    Good morning! It’s so good to hear from you Patsy and even better to know the Cavalry has arrived to carry out repairs and generally organise the household so pressure is taken off you and John. Now all you need is what Anne and I refer to as a Mrs Mop!

    Anne, I see you in one of those marvellous 1960’s floral shower caps and now you’ve put the idea in my head I will search for one to pop on my head because I usually end up walking the pooches with damp, straggly ends which is not pleasant in cold weather.

    Lin, Talking of iPhones and pads, I’ve been trying to increase iCloud capacity because it’s apparently full but every time I click on the smallest option and agree to pay a tiny monthly amount PayPal insists on sending a text with security code but when I click on that in order to read it the iCloud disappears! I’m seriously thinking of returning to Analogue phone and laptop the next time I need to upgrade! A school friend had a large collection of Beatrix Potter china that she held on to for years and Peter Rabbit was her favourite. Have you seen the biographical movie Miss Potter that tells of her struggle to get her books printed? She was a strong minded and determined lady.

    It was cool this morning but with not the slightest hint of a breeze, so we had a lovely stroll in the sunshine and it was remarkably quiet and I didn’t bump into any of my dog walking friends. Breakfast was skipped until we got home and that was quite late because I had to drive into town to buy a pack of AA batteries after I discovered the hen house door opener had stopped working. A collection of spares couldn’t get it moving so there is probably a dud amongst them and it made sense to purchase new, especially with cold nights occurring more often. The roadworks in town are still causing havoc so the journey took twice as long as normal but George and Betty snoozed after their walk and I was the only one to get frustrated!

    Clouds have drifted over so I must wrap up and get some outdoor chores done.
    Happy Saturday everyone. Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰