Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Congratulations Sandy! Thanks for the pictures. The new mom needs to get some rest now. 52 hours is monstrously long!

    Jackie, oh my goodness. So glad you are stocked up. Brrrrrr. Thanks for the hints (both you and Sandy). Am singing my own a Christmas carols when the spirit moves me. 🎶🎶🎶🎶

    Patsy, I hope you can find a groomer for dearest Katie. It would be so helpful. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Barbie, look at the picture of dear Bessie. ❤️❤️

    I watched church online today. We had some committee business this afternoon and it is settled now. I worked on a journal page and cut some pieces to make some cards tomorrow.

    Texted with a friend for a while and read a bit of a book. Now I am re-watching episodes of “All Creatures…” lovely show.

    Best wishes my friends.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    We woke up to a winter wonderland. So beautiful with snow coating the trees. I decided a good day to remain at home and get things done. I did the weekly wash and I did the weekly iron. Then I cleaned the place and cooked lunch. After that I wrapped Christmas presents, put up the Christmas wreath and a few decorations and finally exhausted I joined Jilly Bean on the sofa with an aching back and the hopes of a snooze at which point Mark and Mary Jo turned up. Mark cleared the snow on the drive and I cleared the snow on the deck whilst Mary Jo took a very happy Bean for a snow sniff. At this point I can’t wait to climb into bed!

    SANDY, what a beautiful baby! Happy congratulations great grandma. Add to that, a vast improvement for Babe. Super day for you.

    And there’s sweet Bessie with her red flower.

    Did the shower room finally warm up JACKIE as you join us in freezing temperatures. At least our LIN is enjoying a snow free day!

    PATSY, keeping my fingers crossed for Damon and the house he fancies. Is Seaside a town close to you?

    So, nothing exciting here. Work isn’t exciting! Mikes on vacation next week so maybe things will liven up. He didn’t come over today as planned because it was snowing quite heavily.

    Goodnight friends. Jackie will be cuddled up in bed already with her furry family,
    Anne. Zzzzzzzzzzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022

    Just a little better picture of my great granddaughter with no name. lol
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    And I was woken up with an eyelid kiss! Some day my prince will come, lol, but at the moment just Jilly Bean saying “wake up Anne, I want to pee pee”. Ah, the joys of being a dog owner.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :)Sandy, congrats on the new baby. Thanks for sharing photos.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    The freeze continues and this morning the butane gas for my hob was frozen so I had to dig out my emergency electric kettle! The gas cylinder is positioned on the north east corner of the property and doesn’t see sunshine this time of year but by midday it was flowing again and I’ve since used an old canvas bag to cover it up so hopefully no problems tomorrow. Anne, my shower room is currently warmed with a halogen heater that is connected to an extension lead that runs under the door! It is cosy if left to run for 20 minutes before I shower. My friends just down the road from you in London sent me a photo taken early yesterday of the snow that had settled outside. It looks cold but pretty.

    We haven’t walked today because there are sheets of ice everywhere so not worth the risk of slipping. Another trug of cut and chopped kindling has been filled and I’m about to light fires in both downstairs rooms. Meanwhile panel heaters keep the temperature around 18C. Linda phoned to see how I was getting on and told me she had turned her car round outside her property to face the main road because she needed to buy milk and thought a gentle rolling start would get her going but her son arrived to question what she was up to so she has to do without milk! Funny how role reversals take place as mothers and their kids get to a certain age! I also had a long chat with my friend Pat in Gloucestershire and she is getting a lot of snow but luckily doesn’t have to go out until Thursday so it seems we are all staying home.

    Congratulations Sandy on the arrival of another cute member of your family. She is adorable! ❤️ Sounds as if things are looking up for Babe too and you must be so relieved. I’m sure you will be able to relax once he’s in Rehab.

    Lin, you are keeping yourself busy! That’s an unusual teapot and I quite like the pattern.

    Ok, time to light fires and warm my feet because I’ve realised I haven’t put the draught excluder across the bottom of the door!

    Hello to everyone. Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Sheets are in the wash soon to go in dryer and I will have a fresh laundered bed to sleep in tonight. Bryanna is coming to clean the house today and hopefully Babe will go to rehab. I did manage to order some gifts for all the animals in my family from Amazon so that is done. I also ordered a layette for the new baby and will have a blanket made with her name which by the way is Aloha, which means love and compassion and middle name Maluhia which means serenity. I will call her Lola. lol
    Besides the name, it will have birthdate, time, weight and length. I bought them for all the young grandchildren and I love them.
    I went to the Dollar Store for cards and things after the hospital but ran out of time since they were closing. I will try to get back tonight so I can get the cards and checks in the mail. I am sitting Wednesday for a couple of hours so Rob can go to gym and my son and his wife will arrive later in the afternoon. They are taking me out for dinner since I am tired of hospital food.
    The kiddos have a Christmas recital on Saturday and I have dinner with friends next week. Christmas Eve will be at Lisa's parents house and I am bringing ribs and wine. Christmas is coming too fast but I have faith in myself I will get it all done.

    Time to eat and get ready for another exciting day. ;) Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello, another gray day. Something is headed our way….maybe a bit of ice and rain but definitely very strong winds. No nice days forecast for the remainder of the week.

    I took a few more cards to the post office, wrote a long email to a friend. I owed her one! Had lunch and then tried to get more things set up on the Windows laptop. Absolutely frustrating. I got one of my email addresses working. Not much progress!

    Anne, what a busy day you had. Did you get some rest today?

    Sandy, another wonderful photo and now the dear little one has a name! And you are busy indeed. Always getting something accomplished. How is Babe now? Has his AFib straightened out?

    Jackie, you have lots of ways to cope with issues around the house. I don’t have an electric kettle but if we have power, the microwave would work. I have no alternate heat source and I am in awe of your stoves and supply of wood.

    Barbie, hi!

    Patsy, I am excited to hear if Damon got an offer in on that house. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Hoping it is a great old day for you and the family.

    Take care everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Babe is the rehab facility as of yesterday afternoon. It looks like a nice place and the staff was very good. I just talked to him after he just got back from therapy. He said it is hard but he really wants to get stronger so I hope he works hard. Visiting hours are shorter than the hospital from 1-7 so my days will be shorter visiting. I won't go until around 2 today because he has therapy until 1:30. They get three hours of therapy daily, not continuous. They said he could be in there 10-14 days or longer depending on how well he does. I just want him to be able to go up and down the stairs and take care of himself. At the end of therapy they have me come in to learn about caretaking and if I will need help or not. One day at a time.

    I hope to get my cards and checks out today or tomorrow. I went and bought the rest of my cards last night so I am ready to go. I have groceries coming early this afternoon so should be stocked up for when my son and his wife come tomorrow. She was rear ended yesterday and although not hurt she thinks her car is totaled. I told her to go to doctor to make sure she is okay but don't know if she will listen. My son wanted to cancel but she said she waits too long to get an appointment with her migraine doctor in Chicago.

    I have been reading all the posts but just don't have time to respond to all of them, I hope you understand. Have a great day and keep staying healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Under the weather today. Darn sinuses. May be back later.

    Be safe everyone.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    Another night of freezing temperatures but the cover I placed on the gas cylinder worked and I was relieved to see the flames light up under my kettle first thing. I waited until about 1030 before attempting to go anywhere with George and Betty and spent time writing a few extra cards and a couple of emails. There was still a sheet of ice across the front of my garage so I walked very carefully to open the door and reverse out. Once out on to the road most ice had disappeared so I decided to drive up on to the moor to use the post office rather than go into town. Yesterday was the official last day for mailing 2nd class rate and talking to the post mistress, she said even 1st class might not get through by Christmas but I bit the bullet and sent all cards and gifts at the higher rate.
    The car park at the top of the moor had a covering of compacted ice but once I walked the dogs on to a grassy area it felt safer and my new boots crunched through the frozen ground. George was in his element racing, bouncing and chasing invisible rabbits and even Betty seemed to enjoy herself so I climbed to the top before finding a snowy path back down the other side. After staying in all day yesterday it was exactly what the three of us needed!
    The window cleaner turned up mid afternoon and when I stepped outside to pay him, I told him I thought he was a brave man! He was thorough but I could tell he wanted to finish and go home because he said my property was the last of the day and his hands were frozen.. After that I lit fires in both rooms and relaxed before preparing an
    evening meal.

    Sandy, that’s excellent news about Babe’s progress and also that you don’t have to spend all day visiting. I do hope he can improve enough to get back to your apartment. It sounds like a lucky escape for your DIL because those rear end smacks can easily cause a whiplash and that’s the last thing she wants alongside her migraines.

    Lin, I’m so sorry you are not feeling well. Did you eat something that caused a reaction or do these attacks come out of the blue? Take care and maybe get back under the covers.

    I’m watching a BBC series called Between the Covers where book reviews are discussed amongst a group of celebrities. I must make a note of some titles that sound very interesting.

    I hope Anne and Patsy are ok and everyone else who occasionally drops in.
    Another log on the fire before bedtime! I can hear the wind outside picking up and we should get snow overnight so we might have another stay at home day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Although the snow was still on the ground today was beautiful and if one didn’t venture outside, it looked like spring had arrived…..through the window pane.

    Michael showed up because he is on vacation this week before he lost the week in the new year when his firm starts vacations again.

    So really, just a very pleasant day with us watching Croatia being thumped by Argentina. Argentina go on to the final against who? Game still to be played. We had ham, veggies and a plateful of chips for lunch.

    Wonderful news about Babe SANDY. Do you think he will be home with you before Christmas? Doesn’t sound like it but he should be well fed with lots of people around and you will be able to visit your family without worrying about the lad.

    Oh LIN I wish you could be free of those miserable sinuses.

    JACKIE, with Jilly Bean being half Pomeranian, (Prussian) a love of cold weather seems to be in her genes just like George. She had three walks with Michael.

    And that’s all from up here, enjoy the day everyone,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    WE are still wet and chilly here, no snow, thank goodness. Both John and and I are feeling wobbly these days. We are doing okay but it takes us forever to get anything done.

    I opted for canned soup, multigrain Chips and clementine oranges for dinner. I was clearing a cabinet to make room for more storage upstairs instead of downstairs. A big load for goodwill. Lots of rarely used small appliances…crockpot, rice cooker, etc. sign of the times. I used to cook more adventurously. I gave that up without a tear…believe me! But still need to do some cooking for dearest John.

    Our grandson whizzed around with the vacuum. At the earliest opportunity I want to find a regular house cleaner. Maybe only once a month but someone who can do deep cleaning! I do barely on surface cleaning. Not what I like doing nor am I good at it.

    I am giving John mainly DVDs to watch for Christmas. Things he likes but are not my personal faves…like crime movies with lots of car chases and explosions. That and a pair of good leather slippers. He walks around barefooted. With Katie and her stick collection you can never count on where she has been chewing recently. I have stepped on blackberry vines that she hide in a corner. Aaaaaaargh!

    Sandy, that new great grand baby is a beauty! As newborn as she is, she already shows us how lovely she is and will be!

    Diane: I wish I could have put up our big tree but I was lucky just to get any decor up and that would have been a disaster! I love all the glitter and lights and old family decorations. Enjoy it all my friend. It is the sweetness of life!

    Lin; I know your cards are treasured by your friends. You put your heart in very card. We need a Lin card art gallery show!

    Anne: are you baking your famous mincemeat pies again? I remember your photos of beautiful tarts and I know your family enjoyed the tradional treat.

    Jackie: oh I love Bristol cream sherry and Irish cream sherry. I see you in front of your little log fire, sherry in hand and a kitty on your toes, a chubby Betty across your lap and George minding the fire. What a beautiful peaceful Christmas scene. Lovely music on the stereo or watching a concert on the TV.

    Barbie: I remember you said you didn’t celebrate holidays. I think I remember you saying that everyday should be a celebration of life. I really like that philosophy. I think you follow that very well. Words from the wise!
    Getting prescriptions, making Mexican casserole for dinner, brushing .Katie, giving John a trim also.
    The day if full!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    When I let George and Betty into the garden last night for a last pee everything was covered in snow so I thought I might struggle to get George to come in but the cold soon drove him in. This morning we have about an inch of snow that doesn’t seem to be melting so we won’t be walking. The hens are fine and I’ve poured warm water on their frozen dispenser as well as scatter pellets and seed on the ground. The new roof is a great success as it keeps them dry and cosy.
    I’ve lit the fire in the dining room and will now make my favourite broccoli and Stilton soup.

    Patsy, my kitchen cupboards contain a variety of electrical items that have become redundant but sadly our charity shops won’t accept anything with a plug. There is a separate skip at the local tip and we are told someone occasionally checks everything and finds a home for useable items so perhaps I’ll follow your example. I have definitely slowed as I’ve got older but like to think there’s rarely any rush,whatever I’m up to! M going set up my dining table for a George groom later because it’s chilly in my garden room. I could heat it but prefer to conserve energy for the main house. His groomer is due a visit Friday but think that will depend if this weather has delayed her schedule.

    Anne, “Thumped” is a perfect description of poor Croatia’s defeat. France v Morocco tonight and I’ll be cheering Morocco! I’m glad I managed a long walk yesterday as it seems both my pooches are accepting the lack of walk today. Dear Jilly must have loved her adventures with Mike! It’s only 1C at the moment and will drop to freezing again in a couple of hours.

    Lin, I do hope you are feeling a lot better today. Do let us know. ❤️

    Sandy, enjoy your son and DIL’s visit.

    Jackie ❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hi, alive, crawling about trying to do the few things that must be done. Horrible sinuses. Such a headache, my eyes keep watering. I am trying to inhale some steam once in a while.

    Sorry to be so brief.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member


    Jackie ❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Miserable day here weather wise, raining and snow coming later. I am not going to visit Babe in rehab today as I am sitting for a couple of hours this afternoon and his therapy is scheduled that I wouldn't have time. My son and DIL are taking me out for dinner later and I am grateful.
    I just talked to Babe and he is miserable. He said he didn't sleep at all and had a bad dizzy spell at 6 this morning. He said therapy was awful because of his dizziness. He is having a bad day and I wonder if it is because I told him I wasn't coming today. His granddaughter might visit him later this afternoon so maybe that will cheer him up. I hate that I feel guilty not visiting but I have so much to do.
    Maybe this will be a test to see if he really belongs in a nursing home instead of me being a caretaker.
    At least he is in the right place for now where they can monitor him daily. One day at a time.

    Have a good day my friends and Lin, I hope you feel better soon.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’ve just cleaned my horse brasses and brass candlesticks ready for the bearded blokes visit. Mind you I got an early Christmas present today which has to be assembled. I’ve been bemoaning my loss of a lovely English fireplace just lately, I really miss that coziness. Anyway Mike tolled up with a fake electric fire which has to be put together. He’s very naughty but he says it’s pay back time for all I’ve done for him and he heard me wishing I had a real fireplace the other day. That’s why I’ve been cleaning the brasses. So everything sparkles in the firelight glow. Mike is no handyman as you will all realize so I have to wait for Mark to be in the mood!

    Jackie, Jackie, Jackie the two teams I dislike the most are in the World Cup final. No mention here of who as I’m trying to be nice for Christmas! That’s another reason for vigorously cleaning the brasses as I watched everyone writhing on the ground. The players will have our arthritis one day I guess.

    Poor Babe is so unhappy and I can’t say I blame him. What a dilemma SANDY.

    LIN, poor Lin. I have to admit I only had sinus problems once but remember and I so wish I had a magic wand to make you better. Praying you will be well for the season to be jolly.

    Mince pie baking next week PATSY. Christmas and new year wouldn’t be the same without sweet mince pies with a bit of whipped cream on them. “Merry Months” we called them OOP North. Mary Jo’s Christmas puddings are waiting for their next steam. We are getting there!

    Are you knitting BARBIE?

    Well all from me,


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I know Anne! I changed channels once I realised the result wasn’t going to change but the final will be entertaining because both teams play dirty so it will be who can drip up who the most, or at least pretend! Love the sound of your fireplace. I warm up as soon as I see a flame and know you will feel cosy with yours. The only brasses here at the moment are the brass monkeys! 😁

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    I did not have to sit today after all so I did go see Babe to cheer him up. He is fine except for being tired and dizzy. They will give him a sleeping pill tonight and hopefully he will get a good night's sleep.
    John and Laurie arrived when I got home and we are soon going out to dinner.

    Have a good evening.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold here and a damp cold at that., sweater and jacket and hat and gloves! Slick deck and roads as well. Staying inside.

    In reading about Sandy and Babe,I feel so bad for Babe. In less than two years he lost his home, his dog, his son and his health is deteriorating and now the prospect of losing yet another home with Sandy! Sending best wishes for you both, Sandy and Babe. I sincerely hope Babe fient have to live out the rest of his life in a nursing home. It will make life short, depressing and sad for every one in his family.

    The flower centerpieces came today. I always feel so great to see this beautiful floral arrrangment. Since John started having trouble lifting things, we stopped setting up the tree. I miss it terribly but the flowers are a great substitute. I avoid anything requiring a ladder.

    When Damon comes he will help me with Katie’s grooming. She will let him lift her on the grooming table. One of her protests methods is to turn into a 70 lb. Limp lump. Hard and heavy to lift.

    Oh Anne, what a wonderful thing! An electric fireplace. You will love it, I know. We even love our little glowing dish heater. Katie considers it hers. She is always in front of it.

    I think we are sort of ready for Christmas. Ours is a minimal holiday. But we are small family. Full of heart and love and lots of good music and good food.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,167 Member
    :) Another lovely morning with a fire in the wood stove. Bessie and I have been out in the freezing weather for a short walk and will be going out again in a few minutes when my friend gets here. The only time Bessie barks is with joy when our friend arrives. I leave the door to the mud room unlocked so she can walk right in. The rest of the day will be filled with a meeting on Zoom, lunch, bike riding and knitting while watch Jeopardy, reading, and listening to my latest audio book ( they are about to find out who got murdered and who buried him in the big tree filled with cement), supper, more bike, knitting, and tv and a walk around the neighborhood to see the holiday lights. Early to bed and early to rise makes the dog happy and helps me keep up my average of 15,000 steps a day.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Still freezing so another slow start. By 11am it was about 1C so I took George and Betty out to my car and very slowly eased it across the ice in front of my garage. I had a short conversation with a neighbour I’ve had a long standing issue with after her dog bit me and then threatened to do the same a couple of days ago. I had switched my iPhone to video when I realised the dog was charging towards me but my hero George intervened and leapt In front of him. A long story that only got worse so when I saw her this morning I kept calm in an effort to ease tensions but didn’t get far before all sorts of accusations about my dogs making lots of noise in the middle of the night and how she finds them running about in the parking area and brings them back to my garden!! I can only assume she is taking strong medication of some sort and hallucinating! 😁
    After that bizarre conversation I drove to the top of the moor and we walked for half an hour in the snow, then into town to pick up supplies from the vet and a few groceries at the local store, including a pasty. Not quite as delicious as those I buy at the post office!
    The sun is shining so some snow has melted but I can already sense a drop in temperature so will light the stoves.
    Last day of those Netflix episodes today then hopefully we can all move on and talk about something else. I did watch a fascinating observation from a body language group who pointed out how background music influences how one feels about what is being seen and said. I fear by the time every news channel and paper has dissected it, I’ll think I might as well have watched it myself! 🫣

    Happy Thursday.
    Stay warm and safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE, I’ve just read the head line “it was terrifying when my brother yelled at me”. I’m surprised the brother didn’t deck him!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! Another chilly and possible snowy day. I am not going to my meeting today because John and Laurie are here. I will probably go visit Babe in between therapies if possible. I have to go to post office and make dinner before we go to the light show at Botanical Gardens tonight. Lisa and the kids are going along with her parents, I think Rob has to be at Cub Scouts since he is a leader.

    Jackie, that lady sounds like she has problems of her own. I hope George didn't get hurt protecting you, did you get it on video? She does sound like she is hallucinating about George and Betty when it is her dog who is running around unleashed. I will probably watch the Netflix series knowing that not all is true. I always liked Harry's independence but not at the expense of his grandmother.

    Barbie, you amaze me with 15,000 steps, I am lucky if I get in 5000 a day. I haven't had time to ride my bike with Babe in rehab but I am managing to keep my weight under control. We will be walking tonight at the light show so that should help a little.

    Patsy, yes, Babe has been through a lot this year but he is determined to get stronger and get back home. They work him hard and that is good except for his dizziness. We will see how he is doing in another week or two.

    Lin, I do hope you are feeling better today. Sinus headaches are as bad as migraines.

    Anne, your fireplace sounds wonderful, I love any type of fireplace, they are just so cozy.

    Time to eat and get moving while I have a free day. Enjoy yours.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello friends. I am here. I have been inhaling steam and that has helped. Yes!

    So I was on the phone several times today for protracted conversations. Interesting. 🤔

    We had light snow all day and apparently it will continue tomorrow. Then dropping temperatures because it is winter!

    At least I feel well enough to get back to teapots!

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Snowy day but not to heavy. The light show was wonderful and managed over 7000 steps. Today I will visit Babe for a short time in between therapies and then we are going to Rob's since Rob couldn't go last night and they want to see him. They leave tomorrow so I will be able to spend more time with Babe except the kids have a Christmas recital tomorrow night.
    The social worker called me yesterday and said the rehab doctor said Babe will probably be released December 26 the day after Christmas. She said if we wanted we could probably have him home for Christmas but Babe said he wants to stay until the 26th. I think it is because he doesn't want to go anywhere for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, but I will talk to him about it today. I do not want to give up my Christmas Eve or Christmas morning that we have been doing for years. I know that is selfish but I can visit with him all day Christmas if he wants to stay there.

    Lin, glad you are feeling a little better and continue to do so.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello. Quite chilly, windy and overcast here today. The roads are slippery as the roads were not cleaned and cars turned the nice snow into ice as it froze overnight.

    So several more issues to deal with here. My Fitbit watch strap broke and I thought fine, I have a spare, no problem. Yes, I had a spare but apparently the little catch that holds the straps in place in each side of the device is wearing out. Only one is holding consistently now so my Fitbit is falling off unexpectedly. New device require I am afraid. I tried with a prior model to glue the strap in place. Yep, that didn’t work. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    And now water is seeping out of the bottom of my washing machine again. The repair guy fixed it in the summer of 2021 but getting a part took more than 6 weeks. Remember my moaning? I am going to have him out to make sure it is not something different. Maybe it can be easily fixed. If not, I will be purchasing a new washer. And of course everyone says you should get a set, should I go against the grain and keep my old dryer? 🤦🏼‍♀️ I started looking at washers online and most everything at a well-known store is out of stock. Several that looked interesting are supposedly going to be in stock mid-January. We will see. They will be coming out next Tuesday afternoon.

    Sandy, I am surprised Babe will be discharged so soon. He must be doing well if they believe he can get up 14 steps. That can be a lot, especially after a respiratory infection. As far as the holidays, maybe he just doesn’t want to go to your regular events. But those recovery places are grim over the holidays as I remember it. Low staffing for sure. So no one to help quickly if something comes up. What if you told him that you were going to your regular Christmas celebrations? Would that just reinforce his decision to stay in place? Best wishes in sorting this out.

    Jackie, I see Dan Baker is posting again as he and his wife are traveling back to their home. A week’s worth of paperwork to take care of? Yikes, I hope they stay safe. Changing gears, your neighbor is a nuisance. I hope you can avoid her. She gives me the willies from here!

    Anne, is Michael enjoying his time off? And what is up for your holiday celebration?’ We have a lot of cold air coming apparently, I hope you do not!

    Barbie, excellent routine and very good daily step count. I wonder if I could give up my Fitbit and just rely on my Apple Watch? I am considering it. What type of step counter are you using?

    Patsy, when will your lift be installed? I never heard how the appointment with the company that sells them went. Well I hope. Enjoy the gorgeous flowers. They don’t last long.

    Well, time to make some lunch and need to put away a few tons of my card making supplies. 😅😂😅

    Be safe everyone.


    Some holiday teapots


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello everyone. Yesterday was an awful day weather wise but not as bad as for some. That dreadful snow storm that was to the west of us finally reached us but whilst most of the province got snow, we just got freezing rain, tons of it. It rained the entire day but this morning it had warmed up and all the frozen stuff has disappeared. No snow shovelling! Needless to say I didn’t poke my nose outside but Mark and Mary Jo popped in for a while.

    Mark hurt his back even more helping Michael carry the huge box containing the fire and fireplace inside yesterday. Bad enough to spend the rest of the day in bed. Mary Jo absolutely refuses to let him assemble it as she wants him well enough for Christmas and fixing the basement. Michael says he will come over tomorrow to try and assemble it. If you don’t hear from me you will know I’ve been cooked like the turkey when I switched it on. However, I’ve suggested Mark just sits with the Bean and instructs Michael.

    Mike, Jilly Bean and I have been invited over for Christmas dinner but I can’t have the trifle because it was too rich for my delicate stomach. However I am allowed the Christmas pud and sauce! I think the cream, lashings of it on the trifle last year did me in. . Uncomfy night to say the least. Let’s face it, I’m a pig and ate too much. Like I’ve said before, MJ is a VERY good cook.

    Just to put your mind at rest SANDY my mom LOVED being in her nursing home at Christmas. It was a family business and the cook was the grandad who had been a ships cook and boy did he know how to cook. His son and daughter ran the business with their son and daughter with numerous dogs in tow. They spent Christmas Day at the home and gave the old folks a wonderful day with even a glass of sherry with their dinner. Maybe it will be the same for Babe. The home is an old Victorian house and only has 16 elders living there at a time. When I travelled from Canada each year to be with my mother these dear people put me up for nothing and in return I helped out a bit folding laundry and entertaining the more active residents, she was a very lucky lady, my Mom. And I was very lucky as well knowing she was in good hands.

    And that’s about it from me. Oh LIN, my washer and drier don’t match. Mind you my furniture doesn’t either. Coordinated in colours but two armchairs don’t match each other OR the sofa. You probably noticed in early photos. I like a mish mash.

    Anne about to put the kettle on.