Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Super Christmas here. My sort of Christmas with Mark, Mary Jo, Michael, Derek, Bev, me, Jilly and giant puss Hobbes. Jilly doesn’t like dogs but likes Hobbes and they curl up together. The meal was wonderful. Baked ham, home made Wellington roll, mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, mashed squash and gravy. Dessert was trifle which I avoided and homemade Christmas pudding with butter sauce. Much merriment and cracker pulling. We stayed until almost midnight and seeing it was past my bedtime slept solidly for 9 hours. I’m awake but Jilly is still curled up in her bed fast asleep after a snack. She’s not used to late nights but refused to sleep whilst at the Ms being a very nosy little dog! We watched a murder mystery on their big tv but don’t ask me why he “did” it because unlike Jilly I kept nodding off! The perils of being old and decrepit.
    Happy Boxing Day when the church boxes are opened after the Christmas Day takings to give to the poor. Does that still happen JACKIE? I hope so.

    Anne - about to have a little port wine and settle down.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Still "nursing" Babe and I don't mean feeding. lol Trying to get all the paperwork they gave me read and will make doctor's appointments tomorrow. He starts home therapy next Monday which will give him time to unwind and try to get some strength.
    I had words with the rehab today because they added new pills and of course I didn't have them this morning. He was discharged on Christmas Day so of course the pharmacy wasn't open so how was I supposed to get them? I told her I have all his pills mailed since there are so many but she just said well you should have picked them up. I told her I would take care of it and I did by getting three days of emergency pills for the pharmacy until they arrive in the mail.
    I am a little cranky with all of this because I don't like nursing, never have, never will. I give nurses all the credit in the world in what they do but it's not for me.
    He is using the walker in the house which is a good thing and he is eating better, so I do feel he will get stronger everyday until he can ride the recumbent bike again.
    I received some wonderful gifts for Christmas and I am very grateful.
    This is my daughter and son in law with their new granddaughter Aloha.
    And this is me with the kiddos. Charlie didn't feel that good but gave it her all.

    One more holiday week with me eating everything in sight. Guess what my resolution will be? lol
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hello and goodnight! My battery is down to 10%… oops no, 9% already, so a very quick post.
    I’ve enjoyed a very quiet Christmas, walked, pottered and eaten far too much rich and sweet food. I’m working my way through boxes of chocolates, Christmas cake and my delicious pork medallion casserole and will be happy to eat salads for the next month!

    Sandy, when I was on holiday with my dear friend Pat, I was amazed how many prescription drugs she has to take since her stroke and the slow process to sort and swallow them all. I know I’m lucky not to require meds but was shocked at their impact on her time and concentration, and mine in a small way. We did laugh about it most days! That’s a gorgeous photo and I’m pleased to see they were allowed to touch Aloha!

    Anne, most churches have been sold for residential development and I don’t hear of much charitable work these days but our new King is quietly donating his own money to food banks and donations in memory of the late Queen have been offered to a charity helping people struggling to pay energy bills so it seems we are heading back to a feudal system! Perhaps we should shut down Westminster and let the King take control!

    Before I’m cut off, goodnight! 🥰
    Jackie 💤💤💤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been fussing with various projects today and ended up on the phone with several calls from friends for long conversations. And no, I did not make the calls! One friend was having problems with her phone and asked me questions. Unfortunately, for the most part, I was unable to help her as she has some type of Android phone. I know nothing!!

    It was an odd day with no mail, many businesses closed but also many open. So half a holiday? Haaaa. I need to get to the library tomorrow as I was unable to renew one of the books I have checked out and I have a book on hold to pick up. I would like to take a box to the post office but apparently they are expecting huge numbers of people doing returns. I guess we will see.

    Anne, your celebration sounds just phenomenal! What did you find in the crackers you pulled? Toys? Hats? Did you take home any leftovers? Will you have a New Year’s Day party as well? Glad you had so much fun.

    Sandy, loving those photos. Poor Charlie, she still looks very nice even though she was not feeling well, and I love her dress. I hope she is doing okay. Did anyone ever find any medication for her? And look at those happy grandparents with that tiny girl. ❤️❤️ This has been a trying time for you with all the errands and doctors appointments, and visits to Babe. I cannot believe they changed Babe’s medication when the pharmacies were closed and didn’t send any home with him when he was discharged. Growl! Boy, I hope you get some rest one of these days!

    Hello to everyone else, Patsy, Jackie, Diane, Barbie, and Jeri. I don’t see any other posts which is a bit odd but MFP s odd each day!

    Be safe everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Down to earth day for me in the lunch menu. I’ve just made carrot and onion soup. Cooling down a bit before putting in the food processor. Bit of yogurt and “Bobs your uncle”.

    What was in my cracker LIN? A paper crown, a bad joke, and a wee nutcracker soldier to hang on the tree I didn’t put up. Put it on Mary Jo’s tree instead.

    I read about our new Kings donations JACKIE. Refrigerators for food banks etc. He seems to me a caring soul. A feudal system seems almost a good idea when you read of all the havoc the worlds politicians are causing. Did you read another Russian tycoon has fallen out of a hotel window?

    On a lighter note I’m back to walking around the house for half hour. Plus all goodies in the house removed except for a bit of sherry to welcome 2023. Let’s pray it’s a better year for us all! We’ve had our share of disasters in 2022 haven’t we.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    This morning I managed to walk with George and Betty before the next rain storm arrived. I then spent nearly 3 hours on a WhatsApp chat with my friend Pat until my hand holding my phone froze! Both stoves have been lit and I’m now sitting with feet up watching hilarious YouTube videos. The funniest are reviews of the M and H Netflix series! I’m not eating much today as I’m not sure any room is left so a few cups of tea instead.

    Yes Anne, I read about the sausage tycoon in another one of those was he pushed or did he jump scenarios. The police report is something to behold too! At this rate, Mr. P will run out of Oligarchs to bump off soon! The Roman gold earring found in a Norfolk field is interesting and left me wondering how it ended up there. Have you watched the BBC series The Detectorists? Gentle British humour with an occasional poignant twist. Well worth watching if you can find it.

    Brady has perched on the tv stand in front of the screen. It’s his way of saying “Feed me” so I’d better do as I’m told!

    Hello to everyone else.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello friends. We had a bit of sunshine again today and it got up to around 32 degrees F. It should be nicer the next several days before rain and/or freezing rain. I did get to the post office to send my box of cards to the charity and I purchased a roll of stamps since the price is going up again soon. And I got to the library to return books and pick up one that was on hold. I have another low tire. And actually, the others are looking a bit low as well. 👀

    A very sweet lady at my church died overnight. She was taking chemo treatments and passed away in her house. Her friend found her as she was to take her to another treatment today. Everyone is very sad and quite surprised by this turn of events.

    I am paying bills, trying to check on another online account that seems odd. Is life turning into all suspicious and fraud when it comes to email and texts? I will try to call again tomorrow. No one is answering the phone in the company’s billing department.

    I ordered some groceries for delivery today since I didn’t want to drive again until I get the tire situation handled. I have my inflator out now and will work on tires tomorrow when it is warmer.

    Jackie, a friend of mine in Portland said it is raining and actually quite cold there. Her dog is less than thrilled to go for a walk. And she agrees! Perhaps dogs have some good judgment! I am acquainted with several ladies, artists, who live in Ukraine. One of them is ill and cannot seem to get over a respiratory problem. I wonder if lack of heat and warm food is adding significantly to her inability to recover? It cannot help. These people are phenomenal in their staying power in difficult circumstances.

    Anne, some lovely little treats in your crackers thanks for sharing with me. I made a tiny pot of soup yesterday. In fact just enough for one person, one meal. I need to whip up a larger pot of soup. I do have a batch of fresh lovely broccoli sprouts finished. I have been eating them quite quickly. It will soon be time to start more! Hello Jilly! Are you both all rested up now?

    Well, I think I will try to find some soup but my can opener is broken and the new one was not delivered today as had been promised. Weather delay.

    Be safe everyone. New Year’s Day will be here soon.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Back in ER since 3:00 now 7:00. Difficulty breathing and weak. Fell off of dining room chair and broke it. Came by ambulance. Will keep you posted once I know.
    One Day at a time.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Back in ER since 3:00 now 7:00. Difficulty breathing and weak. Fell off of dining room chair and broke it. Came by ambulance. Will keep you posted once I know.
    One Day at a time.

    Oh Sandy…..thanks for letting us know. I hope it is not serious. Hugs.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) I made chicken soup today, enough for four meals. We'll have soup for lunch tomorrow and put the other three jars in the freezer for the future.

    :) We live in a manufactured home park so the house is ours but the land is not. The park management takes care of the trees and checks them to get ahead of things if it looks like a tree is in danger of falling. Yesterday a tree was taken down in our yard and three others elsewhere. We were able to watch the whole tree cutting process. These trees are at least 100 feet tall, so it's quite a process.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have been dealing with a holiday storm. Power outages and torrential rain. It is now starting to wind down. What a Christmas this has been. Not what I planned but all in all we are fine and enjoyed just being together. In the semi-darkness.

    Oh my gosh! Sandy! Is it you who is in the ER? Babe? I am hoping who ever it is ….is healing and it isn’t serious. My thoughts and best wishes for you.

    An enormous fir tree fell in the storm right across our little road. It was huge! At least 3 ft. In diameter. Three neighbors with chainsaws attacked the tree and had it sawed into big chunks. A neighbor who is a cabinet maker was there with his garden tractor pulling one big round to fashion into something wonderful. He also turns bowls etc on the lathe.

    Our Christmas was seriously impacted by the storms. But we loved telling stories and jokes and eating pizza instead of our planned menu. I honestly don’t feel badly about the change in plans. We don’t have little children in the family, so it doesn’t create too much drama. John was in full fiddle, teasing me relentlessly. Damon was enjoying some Oregon wine, and some Oregon cheese. We get sentimental about home grown stuff.

    Daughter Andrea and grandson John were here as well. Damon set up a larger Ecco device called the Studio. Love this thing. Plays all the songs! Still need to learn more about it.

    I loved reading about everyone’s Christmas. It all sounded perfect.I did wish you one and all a Merry Christmas by the light of our fireplace and battery candles. Our Christmas candy served as dessert.

    I think I will continue the clearing out of cupboards and shelves in trying to decrease the unused and unneeded. Wish me luck. This is a hard time consuming job. It is easy to get lost in collections from the past.
    Much affection,

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Thinking of you Sandy. Did you fall? I don’t want to assume anything but please take care of yourself, rest whether it was you or Babe. ❤️
    Patsy, family support and love will see you through all dramas, even massive trees falling. I trust you will keep a piece to be created into a memory!
    I’m about to shower, rather late since it’s pouring with rain with gales and we have flood warnings so no point rushing to go anywhere!

    I will check in later to see you are all safe and well.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Oh SANDY, I’m thinking it’s probably Babe who is in ER. I’m so sorry, a very worrying Christmas for you! And PATSY, storm and tree falling, a memorable Christmas for you as well!!!
    Our Senior adventures continue!

    Down under in Australia my cousin fell over a carrier bag someone had placed on the floor of the mall. It didn’t stop her enjoying Christmas at her youngest daughters place though.

    Here, today it is like spring with the temperature at 2 degrees centigrade. The LR is flooded with sunshine making the Christmas decorations look tawdry. So I took them down! I’ve just had lunch of yesterdays leftover home made carrot, onion and tarragon soup. Followed by a medium baked potato with lashings of butter. I’m enjoying homemade soup so much I will make it much more frequently and it’s SO easy to make.

    Me and Jilly the Beano are now recovered from our late night outing. She slept most of yesterday and Michael says it’s because she’s so nosy and takes after her owner (what, ME!) and couldn’t join Hobbes in a nap in case she missed something. Cheeky hound, Mike I mean.

    I’ll stop twittering at this point because SANDY usually joins us at this time and we all want to know what’s happening and praying either she or Babe are recovered.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Sorry I didn't make myself clear, it was Babe I called 911 to take to the hospital.
    His breathing was bad and he felt so weak that when he tried to get up from the dining room chair he fell with the chair and broke it. He was fine and able to get up first getting on his knees. I asked him to let me call 911 since he was too weak to walk down the stairs and he let me which I knew he didn't feel well if he agreed. We got to the ER around 3pm and I got home at 2am. First we waited 4 hours after triage in the waiting room, then once in an ER cubby we waited until nearly 1:30am for a hospital room.
    He has fluid in his lungs, they are not sure if it was returning pneumonia or fluid from his heart so they gave him an antibiotic and Lasik for the fluid. He can't even stand up on his own so I hope they keep him this time until he is strong enough. He was only home two days from rehab and admitted he was out of breath Saturday and Sunday but thought it was from the exercises rehab made him do.
    I did tell them about the heart condition the neurologist found and feel bad I forgot to bring that paperwork with me the first time around. Hopefully, I can get the two cardiologists to talk so they can figure this out.

    Trying to catch up a little and still need to shower and get to hospital. Sorry I confused you, I am fine.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    <3Sandy and Babe sending healing thoughts your way
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Dear Sandy and Babe, sending healing thoughts as well. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandy, I hope the hospital finds answers for Babe and that he will become stronger. Hugs.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    What an awful time for you Sandy, I’m so sorry. Don’t apologise because I’m easily confused these days but knowing how busy you have been I was worried it had caught up with you! I do hope the hospital keep Babe in this time until he is able to live safely with you although as ever, I’m aware our health systems do differ. You must take care of yourself too. ❤️

    Patsy is locked out again but I’ve sent her the link to this page that I logged on to so hopefully it will work for her too. News is there are nasty storms in Oregon with high winds, rain and ice so that might be affecting Wi-Fi connections.

    Anne, I will probably follow your example and remove what few decorations are scattered about the place. Both George and Betty sleep more now the days are shorter and I’m less active and I can’t say I blame them!
    We did manage a walk between the rain showers but just locally. I took them into a tiny woodland just round the corner where I can let them off to sniff about in the fallen leaves and halfway through a young fox watched us before running away but luckily George and Betty didn’t notice it so no chasing!

    Barbie, those trees really are tall so probably best they are taken down if likely to fall. Entertaining to watch I bet!

    Lin, what’s going on in Ukraine breaks my heart and the resilience shown gets me tearful. Every awful piece of news has me thinking how dare he but will he ever be brought to justice? I doubt it. Our British Red Cross does its best to supply blankets and warm clothes for those without heating and I donate funds when I can.

    Bedtime! 😴

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello. Getting here has been difficult today. MFP posted an acknowledgment of people being unable to get to the community section of the site. They are working on it.

    So today my new problem to solve was the inability of any of my Apple devices to AirPrint to my old printer. I went online and found that many users are complaining of an inability to use AirPrint after updating to 16.2 IOS (I believe.). And yes, all my devices were on that particular version of the operating system.

    That took all of my afternoon. Trying all devices, trying moving off 5G, looking for any updates I might have missed. But my printer was stuck! I tried to reboot it but it just spun its wheels. I left it for quite a while and when I came back everything was flashing. I pushed the power button again and a plain screen of text came up saying to push the power button off and then on again. Like I hadn’t been trying that? Finally it did shut off and then powered back on. Booting up and its usual device check took quite a while. But ultimately once it got through all of that, I was able to make a connection again and wahoo! AirPrint was back!

    Now back to paying bills and printing a few things I wanted. I need to take my car out tomorrow and see what shape my tires are in now.

    I might get some salt for my water softener.

    Anyway, still foiling, finding the super year-end deals 😂🤣😂 and wishing I had some Christmas candy. Just because it is the season.

    Please take care everyone. Tomorrow is a fog and drizzle day but above freezing.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 185 Member
    Wishing you all a belated Christmas ! Inspite of the various weather problems for several of you I am glad you were able to make the best of the day. Just being with each other is what we all really enjoy doing after all.

    Sandy.....Sorry to hear about your 911 visit back to the ER with Babe. Hopefully they will finally get his meds all straightened out, so that he can start to rehab again. Thankfully you were able to enjoy the rest of your family with its festivities a few days before. I too was concerned that maybe you had had a fall, but glad you are ok. And that great grandbaby is so cute !! I see lots of pictures in your future.

    We have been having rain off and on, but it mainly has just been cold in the 40s during the day and low 30s at night. Another storm is due here tomorrow for 3 days of rain. We will take what we can get because in this state we always need rain. We have a lot of lakes that need water !!

    Our family Christmas was held at our daughters the day before Christmas. Like before it was a combined day with our daughters in laws and all of their extended family. 16 of us there. Our daughter just had a major remodel done to their house and now it has lots of room for all of us, plus the sit down dinner. Everyone brings something. This years buffet was delicious with so much food and choices as well. The best it has ever been. Between the white elephant drawings, the gift cards and $$ for the kids (13-19) everyone seemed pleased with their gifts. Our white elephant drawings gave us a small wood salad serving set and a small telescope brought back from a family members
    recent trip to Australia. Thankfully no rain that day, which really made for a great day.

    Our son and his family called us from Tennessee on Christmas Day. We had a nice visit with them and our granddaughters. It seemed just not right with them not with us. It has been 48 yrs he has been with us for the holiday. Glad they are adapting to their new environment and seem to be happy back there. Hopefully we will see them this next year some time, but definitely not on a major holiday.

    Thinking of all of you. Stay healthy and warm..... Happy New Years too !!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Thursday! :) I am going to my meeting today as I need a meeting. I will visit Babe later, I need to do a return of a coat I bought that is too small. He is about the same as far as breathing, although he said this morning it felt a little better. They did put a bigger oxygen mask on him for sleeping so I am sure that helped. He is still feeling weak and his blood pressure drops when he sits on the side of the bed so they still don't want him to get up or sit in a chair. A lot of this has to do with his autoimmune disease but they are handling it so I am staying out of it as long as they get him better and stronger.
    Cheryl brought us both a late lunch yesterday, homemade pot roast. Babe hates the hospital food so we give him a treat now and then.
    My daughter is still upset and has another week to go before coming home. My heart just hurts for her.
    She basically has to ask permission to hold the baby and she asked if she or her husband ever hurt me with their children and I said absolutely not, you let me smother them with kisses and hugs. They do sight seeing all day to stay out of the house per wished of their son and DIL so it is a long two weeks for them. She said next time they will only go if invited and only for a week. It is just so sad.

    Nice to hear from you Diane and it sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas filled with love and family.

    Thanks to all for your support and for listening to me. Enjoy your day, it is going to be 50 degrees F here today.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good afternoon. I cannot believe it! The temperature is 53 degrees F and the sun is out. Lots of melting today. This morning I returned a book to the library and made a stop at the grocery store. No annoying low tire light was on. Yes! But I found odd parts in the car near the power plug in. Surprise, they came from my tire inflator. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The case seemed a bit cracked but I finally got it back together. Now, will it work? We will see. I had a small order of household supplies to pick up at Target and I am doing a load of laundry this afternoon.

    I need to stamp sentiments in several birthday cards so I can put them in the mail tomorrow.

    Sandy, I hope Babe will be on the mend soon. Gosh, what a time he has had recently—-and you too in looking after him. I hope the meeting was a help. And I am sorry your daughter is having such a frustrating time on their visit. It would have been better for the new parents to ask them to wait perhaps?

    Diane, I hope the expected rain will be beneficial and not a flood! Your Christmas sounds like it was quite a gathering. Yipes, that many people would give me the willies. And I do hope your son and family schedule some sort of visit with you soon.

    Barbie, thanks for that photo by the way. I love those trees. It is a good thing that your community management keeps an eye on all of the trees. Lovely but I wouldn’t want one on my roof in a storm.

    Jackie, I heard from the lady in Ukraine who has been feeling terrible and she was well enough to get dressed and a friend took her to a place to eat that had hot food. She said she really enjoyed it. They do have power from time to time and she posts on Instagram but lately she hasn’t been posting any YouTube videos. I don’t know if they have power long enough to film and edit and upload. I don’t know how ordinary folks can provide enough resources for those who are suffering I wish some billionaires would give up a billion or two.

    Anne, has your weather turned for the better? I hope so. Hello to Jilly Bean.

    Patsy, I hope you return soon but I find I am still having issues getting to this page. The problem isn’t fixed for me luckily this page in Safari still connects. 🤞🏻 I hope you and John and all the family are feeling well.

    Off to the dryer!



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited December 2022
    That’s a gorgeous teapot Lin! Big enough for several cups I’d say!
    I imagine the internet connections in Ukraine are being disrupted every time there is a power cut so posting on YouTube could be problematic. I’m no expert on all things to do with social media but have seen centres are now set up in their towns and cities that are heated and have internet connection and Instagram would be quicker for keeping in touch. I think the billions frozen in Oligarchs accounts should be used to rebuild their bombed infrastructure!
    I’ve a small air compressor I keep in the boot of my car to pump up tyres but prefer to use the big ones that sit next to the petrol pumps in garages.

    Sandy, I was pleased to read Cheryl helped out bringing food to the hospital as I’m sure every little bit of support helps you to get through this stressful time. Your meeting was perfect timing too! ❤️

    Patsy, can at least read our posts which sounds similar to the problems Anne sometimes has. PATSY, out with the old and in with just a little bit of new!! I’m going to follow your example to declutter but try hard not to hover over items and reminisce. I small collection for the tip will expand in no time.

    Always lovely to read your posts Diane. Happy New Year to you too! 🥳🍾

    Are you with us Anne… not frozen in? I’ve seen amazing photos of the ice at Niagara Falls and Buffalo looked like a giant Christmas cake decoration.

    I took the pooches on to a lower section of moors but we nearly froze in an icy wind so only walked for about half an hour. I took them home, dried their wet tummies, then drove to town for one or two items. It was quite busy but I got what I needed and am now back and wondering if I should do housework or watch a BBC movie, Alice Through the Looking Glass…. Decisions, decisions!

    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰

    P.S the movie is making me laugh so it wins! 😄
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited December 2022
    Happy Friday! :) I am doing a couple of loads of laundry before heading to the hospital. I tried calling Babe this morning but he must be down for tests. They are doing a cat scan of his heart and an ultra sound of his kidney. They still haven't figured out if he has pneumonia or fluid from his heart. He is not producing enough urine even with lasix thus the ultra sound. The nurse told me that Wednesday night his oxygen levels went low so they put a mask on him to sleep and he said he sleep really good. He is still weak and my other concern is that his hands jerk for no reason and no one seems to care. Not sure if it from meds but it is something new. He did shake a lot but this is different.
    While in the ER the nurse taking care of him admitted that health care has gone way down since the pandemic and I agree with her. She said there were people in the waiting room that had an aneurysm and still had to wait hours to get into the ER rooms. There is not enough help and nurses are working 12 hour shifts and some have attitudes because of the long hours. I just hope they can find out what is wrong with him and get him cured and stronger even if he said he won't go back to rehab. He feels that made him sicker but I think he was already sick and they discharged him too soon from the hospital.
    More venting from me......sorry.
    I am going to go to the kiddos house tomorrow to celebrate NYE. We go early and have dinner, then find a kids countdown to midnight which of course is pre-recorded so you can watch at any time. They first have a dance party and then the countdown. They kids loves it last year so hope they do again.
    My friends also want to go for dinner to distract me and I will try to fit that in one day next week if possible.
    Next weekend is Max's 6th birthday and Joe's memorial, both which I want to attend so if Babe is home I think Cheryl will come and sit with him.

    I do hope 2023 is a better year, because I am happy to be rid of this one except for my wonderful 80th birthday celebration in Jamacia.

    Have a good day my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well our snow has all melted, it’s 11C or 55F and apart from rain feels almost springlike. Inspired me to clean the place, wash and iron.

    I managed to get to the mail box yesterday which was chocker block full of junk mail and two Christmas cards. Mary Jo took Bean for a longer walk but my faithful little dog kept turning round to check if I was following. I wasn’t, so it was rather a short walk. Meanwhile Mark had a listen to my answering machine because someone phoned and I couldn’t make out what she was saying. Mark had trouble as well. It turned out to be a call telling me to go for my booster shot. No thank you, I’ve still got nerve damage in my legs which causes pain, or perhaps worse, extreme itchiness.

    As you can see, nothing happening here, so I’ll wander off and put the emptied garbage bins in the garage.
    I still can only read you all on the laptop, and have to type a reply on the iPad. Weird.

    Thinking of you all though,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member

    A resident and his dog walk by homes covered in ice at the waterfront community of Crystal Beach in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, on Wednesday, after a massive snow storm that knocked out power in the area to thousands of residents. (Cole Burston/AFP via Getty Images)

    Wow just Wow!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    This was Patsy’s message when she emailed earlier. Suddenly realised I can copy and paste! 🙃

    I still seem to be locked out. Maybe it is the storms . At any rate I am fine. We are recovering from the storms, company, too much food, and a house full of dog hair and dirty towels, sheets and left overs.

    Thoughts are with Sandy and Babe. Hope things are improving. Thanks Jackie for the website address. I can’t post but I do get to see your posts. I am sure this will sort out soon. I will keep trying different ways.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    When it rains it pours now Babe has MRSA.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hey, hello! I got in!!!! Almost new year, 2023. Like everything in life, there will be good, bad and some out-right wonderful times ahead.

    We had a somewhat unfortunate disaster with our old freezer. One of us opened it to get something and when closing, we didn’t get it completely closed. Sadly things started leaking and defrosting. In a panic, I slammed the door shut and everything froze into a solid block of ice! Our wonderful son volunteered to defrost it while here for the holidays. He took everything (old freezer burned food etc) to the dump and the old freezer is now unplugged from the wall and awaiting a trip to the dump as well. It was a really sad waste. Especially during these times of such high food prices. I remember when we lived in Anchorage, Alaska, everyone would clean out their freezer and any wild meat or old salmon from ast year would be taken to the local zoo. It fed many predictor animal species that were native to the Arctic. It was a well loved local zoo. Well taken care of and every effort was made to offer good environments for the creatures. That said….I enjoy zoos but hate them for the obvious reasons.

    Damon packaged up a lot of food for our local homeless warming center. Oh my! You would not believe the numbers there now. We knew we could not eat all of these Christmas goodies. It is a very thoughtful thing that friends and family do. They give consumable gifts. We just have too much!

    John is doing well right now. His thinking is on track and he is walking around just fine. It is so wonderful to see that. Damon and Andrea also love seeing him back to himself however briefly that may be. He can be so devastatingly charming.

    Back to laundry, soup making and thinking about a New Years Eve dinner for John and me.
    I will also make a few “happy new year” calls. I would say I am lucky that the silliest things amuse me. In general I am never bored. Overwhelmed? Oh yes!🤪
    Here is a big hug and New Years smooch! Smack! Have an outrageous New Year, dearest sneakers.🥂
    Patsy☘️ John 😘& Katie🐕