Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good afternoon. We woke to cold temperatures and fog that froze to cold surfaces. I have seen some new snowflakes as well. I drove to the post office and mailed the card and a response from an auditor checking on my credit union. It is an annual thing and no problem as far as I am concerned. Let’s make sure the books are accurate! I have a stack of bills to tend to and some 1099s to review. All such fun things to do. 👀

    Anne, I am glad everyone has suggestions on how to handle the annoying calls. I do receive a number of calls from friends and acquaintances who are having problems and want to talk. But they aren’t usually telling me what is wrong with my life. Okay, one lady does that from time to time but I finally did get sharpish with her one time telling her I am content alone and have no compulsion to find people to be with each day (she does). Snap, end of that. Maybe you can find a good closing the door on that topic line to use. Otherwise, Barbie’s solution sounds like the best if you can do it. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, aha, love the new vanity. It looks like he did a very nice job on the changeover. Yes! A happy ending.

    Sandy, I wondered if you were going to order a new chair but aha, even better a new set of 4! I hope you like them when they are assembled and in place. And my missing package shows in their records that it was delivered to the wrong address and the name of the recipient was not mine. But we will see. I will file a complaint with my credit card company if the company doesn’t fix this. They chose FedEx to deliver to me, as far as ai am concerned they still owe me my merchandise. But I will take a refund if the item is no longer available. We will see!

    Barbie, it was kind of you to call someone almost every day who irritated you. Way to hold it at a distance. You helped to make the end of her days better. ❤️

    Be safe everyone. Need to scoot along.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers; we have sunshine and blue but chilly Skies. That’s okay! Like singer from the 60s, John Denver, used to sing….sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.

    Cleaning the dungeon and I had a fun creative idea. I watch movies and TV series all the time in the evening. As a funny family project, I think we all should have a funny Valentine project of a writing a screenplay about a missing mailed Valentine. We can tape record our thoughts and I will transcribe them. It can’t be any worse than most of the movies these days. And what a hoot!

    As you can see, I am in charge of entertainment for these family get togethers.

    Barbie, Anne and Etc….good ideas on toxic phone calls. I used to get phone calls. Now I rarely answer the phone unless it is family or some number I recognize. The toxic person in my life is the wife of our departed musician. She is like so many less self reflective people. She does that transference thing. She transfers her own issues onto me. Her problems with her family are the same with me and my family. So not true! I usually say something like, oh I am glad to hear you are well. I unfortunately have a project in the progress so I can’t chat. We are fine here. Must run! Stay well and safe!…..

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Very quiet day yesterday with Michael working and Mary Jo and Mark driving to a super restaurant in wine country. I once always went with them but the times they are a changing now I’ve got my little pal and I’m a bit doddery on the footsies.
    Loved all your comments and realize it’s really a case of live and let live.

    Things should liven up today with family popping in. Mike and I are having lasagne for lunch. He’s off on a week long training course starting Monday. He worked six full days last week to help with the course absence.

    Your friends son did a lovely job JACKIE.

    So must hop along (seeing it’s the year of the bunny.)
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    A grey, cold day but after a leisurely start I took the dogs on a hike across the moors. George raced about, loving the cold air and Betty had fun too. I stopped at the local farm shop for a couple of items, added a pack of ham and some Cornish blue cheese and we are now home while I sip coffee and think about making carrot and orange soup to use up some spares. I’ll never use that word again without thinking of the other spare and his Elizabeth Arden cream!

    I’ll pop in again later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    No Michael after all, he’s gone back to bed with a sore throat. I’ll cook the lasagna regardless and only eat a little bit, promise!

    What spare and his Elizabeth Arden Cream? JACKIE. Guess that bit of news didn’t reach us out here.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    You might wish you hadn’t asked Anne! This from a recent magazine article. 🥴

    If you somehow missed this internet-breaking news (... I'm jealous of your algorithm), allow me to explain. According to a passage in his new memoir, Spare, Prince Harry returned home from a trip to the Arctic with a frostbitten "todger"—which is British for "penis," apparently—and a friend suggested he use the Eight Hour Cream to treat it. He was already familiar with the product because his late mother, Princess Diana, used to use it on her lips (Queen Elizabeth and Kate Middleton are also reportedly fans). And after going off on a very uncomfortable Freudian tangent (he says the smell made him feel like this mother was "right there in the room" before he slathered the stuff on his nether regions, a sentiment that makes my skin crawl every time I read it), he revealed that it really did help with his situation. Go figure!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) We have had a little snow with more to follow so I hope it doesn't get too bad or I won't be driving to visit Babe. He had a bad day yesterday when they got him up to walk with a walker and I followed with a wheel chair. He got so dizzy he almost fell but I had the chair right by him and another tech jumped up to help the one helping Babe. He said everything went black so he was ready to pass out.
    It is so hard to treat him with this auto immune disease I am beginning to have doubts he will ever be able to come home. He also had a chest xray that showed he still has pneumonia so they put him on an antibiotic. It seems there is always something hindering his recovery.
    I am doing a couple of loads of laundry since I know his nephew is going to visit around noon so in no hurry.
    My son put together my new dining room chairs and I just love them.

    Jackie, you have to admit it is a little funny about Harry and the cream. It made me chuckle.
    Love your new vanity, he did a great job.

    Anne, sometimes quiet days are wonderful don't you think? I miss just staying home and doing nothing.

    Patsy, you are very creative and make fun things for your family.

    Lin, I do hope they find your package, it wasn't bought from EBay was it?

    I slept in again today and time is sure moving fast, time to eat some breakfast. Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Oh dear, poor Harry. I knew he had problems but didnt know his solution! Did he borrow his grannies or his sister in laws jar I wonder.?
    Well he was better off than that poor soul in the states who’s wife went after him with a carving knife!
    I’m glad I read that JACKIE, AFTER I’d eaten a quarter of the lasagne!
    It’s about to snow I believe which adds to the imagination.
    Just spotted you above me Sandy. Your new chairs are very nice.

    Just been on the phone with Mike who’s now got an upset stomach from eating Mexican he thinks which his bosses brought into work as a treat on Saturday. Hope he makes his course tomorrow. We predict the war in the Ukraine will soon be over and then the rebuilding begins AND where’s the money coming from for that with the world in recession! Russia will move now whilst the ground is still frozen. They won’t want to get bogged down with an April thaw. What a horrible mess.
    Anne (again.)
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    I’m watching a tv programme about how to live to 100 and the presenter is in a town in a beautiful area of Japan. Moving and keeping mobile is their secret according to one gentleman but also working in the fields well into their eighties. Lots of vegetables in the diet help us live a lot longer too and it all adds up to lower blood pressure and less risk of dementia.

    I see Buzz Aldrin just got married on his 93rd birthday!

    I’m afraid we in Britain have been saturated with Harry’s truth that actually isn’t true but certainly some stories are what we call TMI! It seems his mother pops up in all sorts of weird and wonderful situations but apparently sales of the Elizabeth Arden cream have skyrocketed since his book came out! 😆

    Your chairs look perfect with your table Sandy and comfortable so a great choice.
    It sounds as if it’s going to be a long haul for Babe to get himself home with you and hopefully clearing his pneumonia will be a start.

    Anne, I can’t see the man who insisted on the invasion losing face by retreating so something will have to happen to him first! Then there’s the war crimes to be dealt with and an insistence by the West that Russia pays for the damage they’ve inflicted on a sovereign country. Their Baltic and Scandinavian neighbours will never trust them again either and Europe needs to get some economic stability back so I fear it’s going to take years.

    Scrambled eggs this evening so much lighter than last night’s meal. I might even indulge in a yogurt pot!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Sadly JACKIE I think Ukraine will be defeated. If so this barbaric slaughter of young men on both sides and the poor civilian population will at least cease. I hope I’m wrong, but I expect things to really heat up soon before the spring thaw. Horrible. Again, hope I’m wrong.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    PS. I meant the Russians will really, really attack I think before their vehicles get stuck in melting ice and mud. I think that’s why Germany is reluctant to send tanks which could be captured and their secret technology revealed. All very sad. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! We have sun but high thin clouds. And it is quite chilly. Katie refused to chase the frisbee but just nosed around the bushes and trees. She must have smelled something very interesting.

    I am determined to lighten the load when it comes to all the stuff I have accumulated through the years. I am renewing my Poshmark catalog. John has a closet worth of costly clothes he will not wear any more. And so do I. So I will be trying to sell some of it through Poshmark. I will let my grandson have the proceeds and he will be in charge of mailing the packages.

    I have not read any of Harry’s book but that quote was disturbing. It shows him to be very needy and insecure. That admission of a sort of Oedipal compulsion is so sad. I just felt bad for that whole royal family. Highly visible people are just people. They have problems and issues just like everyone else in the world. I do like moisturizer creams and lotions however. I use them all. Whatever is on sale is my first choice!

    I will sneak off to my dungeon to work on the valentines soon. I an hanging little red hearts on my big house plants to make them into Valentine trees. Maybe a few pink hearts and gold ones also.
    I think the family will get a kick out of the Valentine tree.

    I have this urge to find and create all the smiles and happiness possible. I read Buzzes list of commandments for seniors almost every day. It is taped up in my dungeon for easy reference.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good evening. Some nice news today! A friend of mine got married. Second time for both of them. Her husband passed away but I am not sure, I think his wife died as well. Anyway, they’d known each other for a very long time and were friends. And she finally admitted they were dating. Wow! They had a ceremony right after the Sunday morning church service. She’s 71 and he’s 72. They sat in nice comfy chairs in the front of the church as they took their vows. She was so nervous, they had hands locked together the entire time but my friend was chewing gum most of the time as well. Even when it was time to kiss the bride (which went on quite a while). After they broke it up, she was chewing again. 😁😄😁 I hope they are happy.

    I did some online banking and it seems things change with each bank fairly regularly. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I did some stamping and reading and this evening, I will watch several programs on PBS.

    Thanks for getting me up to date on the latest story. He is an oddball. I think he should have been in therapy when he was very young. Just my opinion.

    Sandy, I love the new chairs! They match the decor very well. And no, I did not purchase on eBay. I ordered directly from the manufacturer.

    Anne, sorry to hear Michael is unwell. Since no one seems to care who is sick or well, he can probably attend the seminar.

    Jackie, while the world complains about egg prices on a daily basis, you seem to be enjoying eggs from time to time.

    Well, be safe everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    That teapot would go well with my two inherited antique tureens, soup bowls and dinner plates LIN.
    I think Mike will make it to the course today, he was on a diet of a slice of dry toast to get his tum better. He was pretty sure the problem was the restaurant take out Mexican food his boss brought in for the staffs lunch. Kind act, so a shame.

    We’ve had snow yesterday and overnight. Mary Jo sent me a lovely photo of a snow covered tree she photographed but I can’t get it to transfer to here.

    More later and hopefully better world wide news!
    Anne. ❤️
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It has been another cold day but we have enjoyed some sunshine. I took George and Betty to the highest point on the moors then slowly strolled back to the car park and after both dogs racing about, George in particular immediately went upstairs to lie on the spare bed! I’ve been trying to make contact with an electrician to wire up the fan heater and a wall socket but they are rare as hens’ teeth! A large batch of Carrot and orange soup was made and half frozen then I measured the roof space over my kitchen to calculate lengths of loft insulation required because I know the old layer is extremely thin.

    Last night I was on the edge of my seat watching the next episode of Happy Valley and am hoping the ending won’t be too traumatic!

    Lin, I have to admit the eggs I’m currently eating were bought at the supermarket because my girls aren’t laying, probably because I don’t heat their house, plus the days are still short of daylight. Apparently Harry did receive counselling when younger so another contradiction has slipped out!

    My kettle has boiled so a cup of tea to be made then I will settle under a fleece throw in front of the log burner I just lit and perhaps read rather than watch tv. Also sort a load for the washing machine to work on overnight because we are supposed to get a warmer day tomorrow and I do love to hang laundry outside for a couple of hours.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy Monday! ❤️ I at rehab and accomplished a lot today. Babe will have breathing treatment every day, he will get an inhaler at my request, they are going to try to get him off oxygen, he now has compression stockings and a binder for therapy. I have messaged his neurologist for suggestions for his dizziness. I explained to doctor salt and water are important for his immune disease. Now hopefully all this will work and he will get stronger. No hurry but maybe a little improvement at a time.

    Walmart order was delivered at noon. A half hour I get a test my order will be delayed two hours. What? After a couple of phone calls the guy tells me if I get a second order don’t worry I won’t be charged. I explain I am not home but that didn’t matter. I finally get an email my groceries were delivered at noon. Now I hope when I go home there are no groceries there.

    And how was your day?

    Did I tell you that Lisa’s mom called me yesterday while here and invited me to dinner at one of those places they cook in front of you. I jumped at the chance and had a really good time with Lisa’s parents, her brother and Lisa, Rob and kids. Her parents and brother leave Thursday, the brother to a new army base and her parents to Florida.

    My novel is done, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    I’ve been on the go and way too busy.

    The nasty sweet tooth has been calling my name as well so I thought I’d better start recording my meals again. LOL

    Sandy I am glad your life is getting a little more normal.

    Lin - I love your story about the wedding- that is so nice.

    You ladies were talking about eggs. I haven’t gone too far back in the conversation but friends of ours just came back from New Zealand. They changed the law about egg production, they have to be free run apparently. Many companies just stopped raising hens for eggs - couldn’t do it. Price of eggs sky rocketed.

    I am in the midst of a huge project. I am going thru my photos and sorting and organising and throwing away ones no one will want. I am doing an Ancestor Box, where I will put the best of the best. I also have to identify the people and even will write our family stories.

    I do genealogy and I want the important stuff to be saved by my kids. Not chucked because there is too much and they have no idea who the pictures are of.

    I am also going to give my daughters a lot of the photos of them. I’ll scan lots for me and maybe make a few books.

    Over the past year I done quite a bit of organising and sorting but lots more to do.

    I’ve bought a couple online courses from Linda Sattgast and they were 100% worth the price. Videos, pdfs etc.

    Well enough of that. Book Club tonight.

    Have a great day


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) I read every day but have little to report. Jake is healing slowly from Monday's surgery. Today's big adventures were a drive to the post office to mail knitted hats to the great granddaughters in Ohio and a long afternoon nap. Otherwise there was walking with Bessie and with my friend and alone and lots of riding the exercise bike and watching TV. Nobody called, nobody came over, and our meals were the same stuff we always eat.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello, we had a cold day with some sunshine but we started with heavy fog again early on. Tomorrow it may get a bit warmer but a cloudy day is expected.

    I was just leaving the house when my friend called so as I went from place to place, I talked to her from my Apple Watch. Her husband has finally been scheduled for his cancer surgery. She is very much on edge about the entire thing. The doctor said they want to keep him in the hospital since he takes a blood thinner and there would be a lot of cutting in a muscle. That may lead to severe bleeding after the surgery and they would like to have him close to medical personnel for a while. He of course does not want to do that if it is at all possible to go home. And her best friend died recently which has her very upset. So, I am not sure if I had anything helpful to offer but I tried.

    I made a deposit at the credit union, dropped off a book at the library and then drove out to Costco to fill up my SUV with the cheapest gas nearby. I hung up when I fueled up. OMG, my hands were frozen!

    And, I when I got home, I had an email saying my FedEx package had been delivered. Well, it was delivered but not at my house. Checked a bit more and it was delivered to a different house on my street. I know them so I walked down, found the package, rang the doorbell and no one answered so I went home with my booty. I left her a message on Facebook Messenger. FedEx resent the package from Fullerton CA to me. I like the little lamp and it seems to be in good shape.

    Jeri, wow, you have taken on an ambitious project. I hope your family appreciates all you are doing for them. I have a big stack of old photos of family ancestors, all unknown. It is sad. And by the way, California has passed a similar law regarding hens. No eggs can be sold in the state if the hens are caged. I hope you enjoyed book club.

    Sandy, wow, you got a lot of things settled and how lovely that you went to dinner at a place you like!

    Jackie, I hope to find some info on the latest episode of Happy Valley in the next few days.

    Anne, I hope you had a nice day. We didn’t have snow overnight but we did get an inch or more the previous evening. The snowblowers were out Sunday afternoon.

    Patsy, I feel like I always miss you on MFP. Sorry.

    When I tried to get here, I had to log in twice and had to reset my language preference as everything was in French. Odd things!

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Lin definitely do not read this if you think you might get to watch the Happy Valley series one day!

    Extremely heavy frost, too cold to hang washing outside for another hour so sipping coffee, waiting for the shower room to heat up!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Quickie. LIN. One of my utility bills changed to French as well.

    Very quiet here and I read todays bbc news. U.K news and also top stories. What!! Conclusion the world has lost its marbles. I think it’s time I stopped reading the news.

    Other than that, I don’t have much to clear out here, if anything. Emigration makes one give stuff away before embarking on a new life and once here I’ve been too broke to acquire anything useless. In fact I’m better off on the pension. The stuff I brought with me, Toby jugs etc, I love too much to chuck out. What the kids do when I’m gone is up to them as I can’t take them with me!

    Just made my grocery order out for tomorrow instead of the usual Thursday. That’s because it’s going to snow overnight on Wednesday and I’m at the docs on Friday. Ordered a milk chocolate bar, I think I need a bit of a comfort treat after reading the news, lol.

    Have a good day all you lovely folk.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello friends. Off to the library to pick up some books soon. Snow tomorrow I guess.

    I picked up some groceries this morning and later received my bags of softener salt shipped by Walmart. They don’t seem to have any stores here that stock the little 25 lb. Bags. There is total confusion on the other item I ordered. Several emails indicate the item shipped and will be delivered today, 2 other emails indicate they do not have the means to deliver the order and they are issuing a refund. I see trouble ahead with this order and charge.

    Anne, good idea to order ahead, they never seem to know how much snow will be deposited!

    Jackie, I haven’t clicked on that link but I well may do that later.

    Okay, need to run along and get my books and I have a stack of boxes to crush. They are piling up in my garage.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy Tuesday! At rehab. Babe had an episode with low oxygen so they did another X-ray and the pneumonia is back. He possibly has COPD as well so he is on an antibiotic for one week. He is on a special breathing treatment which increases his oxygen.
    I had a bad morning with texting his daughter and dil with an update. His daughter just doesn’t quit and wants him moved to a teaching hospital where they have all the doctors he needs. They are doing a good job here but she wants to be in charge. I am only sending short updates from now on. She will be here in two weeks and will probably try to take charge of everything. Very stressful.

    We are expecting snow tomorrow so I hope it isn’t much or I am staying home.
    Just not having a good day.
    Hope your day is better than mine.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Once again a cold day. High thin clouds keep us chilly and longing for sunshine.

    I understand Sandy’s frustration with Babes family. Everyone has the “best” idea on how to proceed. That is sort of happening here. We are trying to handle things as best we can, on our own. However, there are things that require a bit of assistance. Damon and daughter Andrea would like us to do it their way. Family members are wonderful and loving and mean well. They get busy and move on to the next event in their lives. That leaves the likes of us hanging in the wind. What to do? How to do it? This is a familiar story for most seniors at some point.

    The academy awards are coming up soon. It is such a huge spectacle of egos and drama and outrageous clothing. It is fun to look at the event. I am so old that I don’t know any of the actors anymore. We do love movies. John loves those with explosions and car chases. Yuck!

    The Valentine party is my fun event for February. I have decided I need an event of some kind at least once a month. March is Katie’s birthday, March 4th. I may give her a birthday party. No other dogs except Damon’s Miski is invited. Katie doesn’t share!

    I had a grumpy day yesterday. Couldn’t pull myself out of it. I think it was the relentless cold weather. Everything seemed dark and sad. Today I am better. Thank goodness! It was mainly a matter of counting my blessings. We all have them….almost everyone! I needed to read Buzz’s senior commandments once again.

    Today is a list of regular household tasks. I will do them to Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” and mentally conduct the orchestra. I love doing that as I make the bed and scrub the kitchen floor.
    Be sweet my dear sugar pies!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    Midnight and my battery is down to 8%. There was a beautiful sunrise this morning, pink and fluffy, then tonight a glorious sunset so the dry, cold continues. The ground was frozen on the morning walk but both dogs got very muddy after stepping on icy puddles that collapsed under them. Not deep, but thick, black gooey stuff,mso out came the baby bath when we got home and both were washed. I also managed to somehow clip Betty’s nails as she stood in the warm water which was definitely needed as one was curling into a pad. The laundry had hours in the sun and is airing overnight by the fire and I managed to start some tidying in my garden uncovering Snowdrops about to flower. What a happy find!

    I must get these snoring pooches to bed but first a quick trip outside. It’s about -5C and the stars are offering a brilliant light show! Nite, nite. 😴💤💤

    P.S. our free range eggs were very expensive when first introduced but prices came down rapidly once sales increased. There’s a shortage at the moment because Avian flu means free ranging is not allowed so of course the price has risen again!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    Well that was weird. PATSYs post kept repeating itself.
    We’ve just had breakfast and I must rush off to shower because the grocery man might come earlier than he usually does with snow starting in two hours.
    I’m really here because I was reading the posts and at the end of each Patsy kept popping up. Love reading Patsys post, don’t stop dear, but up to three repeats just now. I wonder what will happen when I click the reply button.
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained, here goes,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy Wednesday! We have our first substantial snowfall. It looks so pretty but I hope the roads are good for driving. I have a cleaning lady coming to give me an estimate at noon and then off to visit Babe. Rob and Lisa need me tonight to put Charlie to bed while they are with the boys at Cub Scouts.
    If the roads are bad Rob will pick me up and drive me home so they must be desperate. There must be something going on at Cub Scouts for them both to go maybe badges or pine wood derby, I didn't ask.

    I took this picture this morning because I thought it was pretty and I am using it as my background on my computer. b7rxbpfhnygv.jpg

    (sorry it is so huge)

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    That is a beautiful photo Sandy. I love it when fallen snow sticks to everything. Good that Rob will be your taxi cab if needed so you don’t have to drive in bad weather.

    Last night, When I let the dogs out in my garden for their last pee trip the sparking stars had disappeared and a freezing fog was hovering instead. This morning was cold and damp so I drove George and Betty to a local field that’s just big enough for us all to stretch our legs but we were barely through the gate when a gorgeous white Retriever pup ran to greet us. Her owner was there with a 2nd dog and of course we got talking and I heard how the previous night he had taken his wife to A&E because her back had locked. I assume our paramedics were on strike! Anyway, 10 minutes later he had moved the subject on to how difficult it is to speak to a GP because too many new houses are being built, a common theme these days, so noticing my pooches were sitting watching us in a forlorn way, I made my escape once we both agreed we must count our blessings!

    The electrician phoned as I was eating lunch to say he was just clearing up a job so could pop round to see what was needed here and half an hour later he was at my door. It took him less than 5 minutes to change the wall socket so stayed to install the fan heater in my shower room and play with the dogs.
    My chimney is smoking a lot today so I’ll be glad when the chimney sweep does his cleaning next Wednesday. I will then be halfway through my list of priority jobs.

    I can tell the weather affects all our lives one way or another and January is one of those months where it feels there’s still too long before Spring. That’s why I was thrilled to find Snowdrops yesterday but I bet they wish they were still sheltered under dead Crocosmia leaves!

    It’s 4.30pm but I haven’t read or heard any news yet and can recommend an ignorance is bliss approach Anne. My worrying about it or getting cross with our politicians (again!) won’t change a thing plus nothing surprises me anymore!

    That’s an amazing teapot Lin that’s left me wondering if there is a fable about a fox and a fish. Time to put the
    kettle on, then do a Google search!

    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited January 2023
    I’ve just read a fascinating article about that fox with its fish to do with the Romans’ persecution of the Jews during Emperor Hadrians’ rule and how a Rabbi Akiva told them a story to persuade them not to run and hide because home was where they would feel safest. The fox did his best to persuade the fish to leave the pool and live on dry land…. Bad idea!! Wonderful; there is always something new to learn!

    Now I’ll put the kettle on!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    We have snow lots of snow. My groceries arrived in the nick of time. After reading todays headlines I shall bury my head in the “snow” except to say poor old Europe, AGAIN, if my fears come to fruition . I don’t expect the world and it’s problems will affect me much but I fear for my two grandsons. What was that song? When will they ever learn?
    And that’s all from me on the problems of two countries who have the same background from now on JACKIE. I’d rather join you looking for the snowdrops.
