Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) Not much time as I am picking Michele up from hospital and taking her to the airport at 10am. She is postponing her trip back but not sure when. I am hoping to not spend the nights at the hospital anymore. Babe is able to push the call button if he needs anything and I am exhausted.
    I need to sleep in my own bed and get some rest every night. Bryanna came and buzzed his hair yesterday so he looks much better. He continues to improve every day but they still need to get his oxygen down before sending him to rehab. He is still too weak to stand up so it will be a long recovery.
    I really need to start getting back to my own life and attend my meeting, help Rob with the kiddos and enjoy some time with friends. I know that sounds selfish but it is what keeps me going.

    I better eat and get ready before time slips away. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m watching a British tv series named SS-GB. I missed the beginning but managed to find an explanation on Wikipedia. Appears its based on a novel about the allies losing WW2. Did you watch JACKIE and any comments?
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Drat, the post I typed this morning has disappeared! I wonder where it went. We walked in sunshine on thick frost across the top of the moors and only met one other dog walker, Ian who continues to deal with mental health issues that leave his cup half empty. Worked in the garden this afternoon until clouds drifted over and the temperature plummeted so by the time I had taken drying laundry in to hang on the airier and built a fire it was time for a cup of tea before cooking pan fried fish with steamed veggies. I know I mentioned many other things in my AWOL post but never mind, I’ve moved on!

    Anne, for some reason I missed that drama and having looked on Wikipedia myself am sure I would have been interested in watching it. I’m trying to remember what was going on in my life in 2017!

    Time for bed! Coffee and cake with Linda in the morning at the cafe next to a local reservoir.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. I got back to the post office to mail my local Valentines. Later I took a Valentine and a little treat over to my neighbors. They bring me a treat once in a while so it seemed it was beyond time for me to return the favor. We have snow coming overnight. Oh my, winter returns.

    I worked a bit on Easter cards this afternoon, talked to a friend about how her grandson was doing in the rehab hospital. She sent me a short video this afternoon and with the help of two people, he was slowly walking down the hall. I think he is doing a tiny bit better. Apparently he will be returning to the state in March as they won’t keep him much longer.

    Jackie, sorry your post evaporated. It is something that happens here. I couldn’t get to this page for a while today. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Enjoy coffee and cake with Linda tomorrow. It sounds lovely. Is it warm enough to sit outdoors? Are your sniffles better? I heard a bit about the end of Happy Valley but hope to hear a more complete report. She made it through. Wahoo! End of dishy boy, okay too.

    Anne, I looked up that show and I see I can pay to watch it on Amazon or I can subscribe to the Starz channel and watch it for free. It doesn’t sound like my kind of show however.

    Sandy, I can well imagine you are very tired and it is difficult to sleep at a hospital. Sincere wishes that you can get back to sleeping at home and doing some of your regular things.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold today! Some sun and lots of clouds.

    Damon had to get back as soon as we returned from the doctor appt and a quick lunch. The appt was so upsetting I can’t tell how upset I am. John has congestive heart failure. I am ,
    Learning all,I can about it. It is to be a process to get the right meds and plan of action. Sorry if I sound so down but this is pretty scary stuff. Damon and Andrea both were at the doctor appt. We were all supporting John and they were very supportive of me. Even the doc was sweet to both John and I. He is usually very friendly to me and sort of friendly to John. I think he understands how hard it is for John to admit to a frailty.

    Sandy: it sounds like you still have issues with Babe and his family. When someone is desperately sick, they need love and care. I sure did! John really felt the love and support of our family as we deal with this heart condition. It is good that his daughter came and his grand daughter comes to visit frequently. I sense you are doing your best but part of your heart just isn’t ready to help nurse him back to health. It must be hard for all concerned. God Bless you all, especially poor sick Babe.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    Oh well I might as well add my bit. First though my heart goes out to PATSY and John and also of course to SANDYs Babe.
    Then of course to the horrific news from Syria and Turkey. Those poor, poor people. More damage done in a day than a year of bombing in the Ukraine. We had a 3.8 earthquake on the same day. It ran from Buffalo, USA to Niagara Falls and to Hamilton. I know we are on a fault line but that quake was barely felt and no damage. We are blessed.

    I have to go to the docs today and my BP is always high - white coat syndrome? Anyway I just couldn’t sleep last night because of a very traumatic and frightening event in my past. Couldn’t turn my mind off and stupid though it sounds unlikely to happen again as the now old person who caused this event lives many miles away. I’ve never told the boys. Anyway, after Jilly’s morning bedtime cuddle I decided to take a BP reading out of curiosity. Sky high!!! I mean, really high. I honestly think I have some form of PTSD. Weird, because I so enjoy life normally and yet these thoughts come creeping in at bedtime. Anyone else have this and if so how to turn the mind off! Sorry, TMI.

    JACKIE, I think you would have liked SS-GB. Rather scary about a British resistance group. I’ve only seen the one episode so far but it was enough to get me hooked onto a “what might have been” scenario. I’m not sure you would like it LIN. The episode I watched was on Buffalo public television.

    Well I better go and shower for my early doctors visit. Just like the schoolboy dragging his feet to school as Shakespeare put it.

    We all need spring for sure and daffodils tossing their beautiful heads in the breeze.

    As the old song said about life in the old cotton mills, better times are coming soon, Nell gets paid on Friday.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
    I had an interesting start to my day when a man walking round the block in the same direction as me and the pooches stopped to chat to the dogs but when I said ‘ enjoy your walk’ as he set off again he then gave me a long description of why he was walking. All to do with treelines and the recording of information about where they are because they are apparently on the move due to global warming. As you can imagine, it was a bit early in the morning to understand but tree lines are visible demarcations where trees stop growing, all to do with environment! Well, who’d have thought it? 🫤
    On my way to collect Linda I found the end of her street was closed and a big hole being dug so phoned her to explain she would have to walk a little way to meet me, then on to the coffee shop for beautiful home made cake and lots of coffee. The sun had appeared and we sat in the window enjoying the warmth! She is driving to London at the weekend to stay with her SIL and hopefully put some support in place to ease the pressure from the DIL. Next week we will meet up for a seed swap but she already had an envelope of large blue Agapanthus seeds for me.

    Patsy, I can understand your fear about John’s condition but I’m sure you will find the best way to put a strategy into place to control it at its current stage. My heart goes out to you but you have lots of loving support to wrap yourself in…. grab it with both hands and hold on tight. ❤️

    Anne, my friend’s stroke when staying with me a few years ago followed a long day of her upsetting herself going over her disastrous marriage and pushing her blood pressure sky high. Easier said than done not to think of past horrors especially in the middle of the night but Pat is certainly aware now to slow everything down if she feels her heart rate increasing. I hope your appointment goes well and that white coat syndrome keeps away.
    Nell getting paid on Friday made me laugh!

    Lin, the emotional ending in Happy Valley did seem the better option and I almost felt sorry for Tommy. A few loose ends were left but that’s life sometimes.
    Sniffles and headache still with me but I’ve learnt to ignore them!

    Sandy, I haven’t liked to ask why you had to spend your nights at the hospital with Babe, perhaps because we wouldn’t be allowed in English hospitals unless it was a child or baby. When you agreed to Babe moving in, you weren’t anticipating such an impact on the life you’d made for yourself so it is understandable you are emotionally exhausted. Perhaps a few nights in your own bed are called for!

    Time to light fires and make a cuppa. The temperature outside has plummeted again!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    GM. Going to meeting and then to hospital.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well good news from this end of the world. The doctor thinks “yes I have white coat syndrome.” So….no change in medication, my very wee pee result was negative and I don’t have to go again for three months. He is.very perceptive because he asked if I had any worries and if I have he is always there to listen. I won’t take him up on the offer but I was quite touched by it.

    The lady to see him before me was a very tottery 98 year old and he said her next door neighbour was 99. So I am still a spring chicken in comparison.

    Very good advice JACKIE, thank you and best wishes to Pat. Next time I get the wide awakes I’ll do something productive like make a cup of tea.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny morning but cloudy afternoon. Spring is on the way. Daffodils are at least 6 inches high and showing a bit of color. Yea!

    I made an appt. With a cardiologist for John and hope our regular doctor doesn’t get upset. I don’t feel too confident in his treatment plan. If he gets upset…so be it. I want expert care not the B team. Damon and Andrea are very much on board with this decision.

    We have changed so much lately our lifestyle has been turned upside down. I knew it needed to happen because I could feel change was needed.I think we are going down a better track.

    Anne: emotions are a real part of life. I learned that years ago when in college studying to be a therapist.. I opted for art because my interest was certainly in that area. I am a very emotional person. Like you, I tend to relive both good and bad events. I think we all do that. You are an intelligent person and I sense you analyze things rather throughly.

    Sandy: I hope I didn’t overstep when trying to understand your exhausting and busy schedule. I know you are being pushed and pulled in all directions. Changes in life are hard and you have endured many changes currently. I meant no criticism because I know this has been a rocky and often scary journey for you, sending good thoughts and high hopes.

    Lin: I am a bit late on my valentines. I hope I get them finished. My Valentine party got put aside. I am involved in dr appts and heart meds! Not nearly as much fun but very important .

    Jackie: in our part of the world, we are looking at sea levels and dying marine life regarding environmental decline. Heartbreaking! We have seen 4 dead whales wash up on our local beaches in the last month. John is happily embracing vegetarian meals now. Better for his heart as well.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. The snow missed us today! Yippee! Just some flakes and rain. Other parts of the state did get snow and some schools were closed. I spoke with several friends, watched a live YouTube, and pretty much the rest of the day and evening has been devoted to working on Easter cards. Tomorrow will be more of the same.

    Patsy, I hope an appointment with a cardiologist will be helpful. Best wishes to everyone in your family. Changes are often quite upsetting.

    Anne, congratulations on your good news. 👍🏻❤️👍🏻

    Jackie, ah, a seed swap. Now that sounds jolly. Of course, sitting in a sunny spot with delicious treats doesn’t sound bad either!

    Sandy, I am glad you got to your meeting today. A bit of your normal schedule. Great! I hope everything went well today.

    Hello Barbie, Diane, and Jeri!

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Ooh, that’s a gorgeous teapot Lin!
    A chilly start to my morning but more laundry hanging out to dry and a long walk over the moors when I did my best to keep up a steady pace. Of course George took a couple of different trails but I knew he would find me easily now the bracken has died back, leaving open countryside. Few walkers up there and certainly no one I knew. A delivery of a new rug was put off until Monday but then at 7 am rescheduled for this afternoon so thankfully I hadn’t changed my plans for the afternoon. Some washing up to be sorted then I’ll wrap up in a warm fleece and head for my garden.

    Wishing everyone a safe and warm day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Babe is being moved back to the skilled nursing rehab facility this morning. It is a beautiful sunny day so hope all goes well. I will be leaving shortly to go to hospital.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Good morning or afternoon as the case might be. I’m washing and having an onslaught cleaning the house in time for the weekend, but why am I bothering because Mark was talking of coming over and sanding down the downstairs walls!

    Just wanted to say PATSY that you are so right about me over analyzing things. I don’t know about the intelligent bit though because if I WAS intelligent I’d pack it in! Maybe you should have been a therapist after all seeing you recognized my unfortunate trait and just from reading my scribbles!
    Good idea about the cardiologist and I’m so impressed as well with your lovely son and daughter. Our children have turned out to be marvellous now that we are starting to need them. Mark accompanies me to doctor Tim’s and Mary Jo drives us there and carries on to do a few groceries before returning to drive me home. She picked me up some fish for my lunch as well.
    SANDY, light at the end of the tunnel hopefully. Hang in there.

    Coffee finished and I will toddle off to cook pasta and veggies for todays lunch.

    ANNE. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Good evening. I spoke with several different friends today. I hadn’t been in touch with either of them for some time so there were 2 long conversations today. It was quite nice even though I didn’t get much accomplished. That’s okay.

    Anne, Mark may be sanding this weekend? I hope you didn’t bother to do much cleaning in anticipation of that event. I hope you have a good weekend.

    Sandy, wahoo, good news! I hope Babe is settled in now and that you are at home—sleeping in your own bed.

    Jackie, did your laundry dry naturally today or did you have to move it back indoors and hang it up to finish drying? And how are you liking your new rug?

    Again, hoping everyone well.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    We are home after another long walk and I’m enjoying a porridge late breakfast and mug of coffee. The window cleaner arrived just after lunch yesterday and within an hour a mist rolled in, followed by rain so yes Lin, the washing is still hanging on my airier in the dining room after a night in front of a glowing fire. Considering the rug was relatively cheap it is looking smart and the colours perfectly match those already in the room. Betty is a bit thrown with the fireside rug being moved into my snug but she’s found a spot under a dining chair that I think will be her new favourite!

    Oh dear, the battery is low so I will have to plug in and return later. On top of the moors I watched as a thick sea mist rolled inland and It’s now grey outside so a good time for housework. I will check back later in the day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) Babe is in rehab but still weak and has lost 14 pounds do to being on pureed food which he hates. I will bring him a milkshake today. Hopefully they can get him stronger with some therapy but his dizziness is a big factor.

    Enjoy your day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good ending. Another day of working on Easter cards (making a bit of progress) and watching the news again. I cannot believe another unknown object has been shot down. Three in a week??!!

    I hope everyone is well. I don’t see posts for today. Argh!

    Back tomorrow.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
    Brrr, I’m sure it’s not supposed to be as cold as it feels! It’s gone 10am but we haven’t walked yet. Betty has eaten breakfast and Dentastix while George took his stick back upstairs to the spare room so I’m going to take them round the block later. It’s definitely not a day for gardening so having hoovered and dusted downstairs yesterday, I will disturb George and carry on with housework upstairs today.

    That’s another cute teapot Lin that looks Nordic with its little houses, fir trees and shooting stars! If we learnt one thing with the shooting down of the cylindrical UFO’s it’s that any friendly visitors from afar won’t be welcomed warmly!

    I struggled to do much online yesterday and although I thought MFP had issues, came to the conclusion it could have been my iPad. When I do take the pooches out I will leave it to upload any new updates so if I disappear we’ll all know why! 🫣

    A cheery Diana Ross is singing Ain’t no mountain high enough on the radio. 🎵🎶🎶🎵🎶

    Happy Sunday everyone. Hang in there Sandy. ❤️
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good morning everyone. I didn’t appear yesterday partly because there really wasn’t anything going on and partly because the old tum wasn’t at its sparkling best. The doctor wanted me to take some powder to make sure nothing was lurking in my bladder. I’m convinced there was nothing but even the pharmacist said when I remarked I didn’t need it that the doctor was just making sure I was on the right track. TMI but the bathroom was certainly on the right track!

    Mike is coming over today but I’ll make sure I’m better before having him over.

    Did a lot of reading yesterday. For instance - Balloons hovering above us. I can’t imagine they are spying on our defence bases because any outsiders can get that info from satellites. They are not manned so the airforce boys are having a lot of practice shooting them down. Maybe just the Russians or Chinese having a bit of fun?

    TV. Oh my goodness. Yesterdays offering was Bonanza! My dad has been gone 53 years and he used to watch it! Gary Coopers fishing trip! I think Mr. Cooper hasn’t been with us either for a long time and in the meantime there is a shortage of fish! Soccer, Bournemouth and some other lesser known team playing them. You will gather why I am finding balloons more interesting!

    So - the porridge will have cooled down by now and I hope you all have a more interesting day.

    ANNE. 🌷🌷🌷🪐🌷🌷🌷
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I went to Mass yesterday so having a leisurely morning. Will be visiting Babe after lunch and be home in time for the Super Bowl as I am in a few pools.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Babe back in hospital. Admitted to ICU because of breathing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023

    Sandy, oh no! Horrible that Babe had to go back to the hospital. He cannot seem to stay stabilized out of the hospital setting. 😢❤️

    Anne, I hope you had a good day and visit with Mike.

    Jackie, another cold day for you. Argh. Did you get a little walk? I did some dusting today and ended up coughing and coughing. Aching lungs. Ouch. Oh, did you see Dan posted that they are going to travel to Scotland?

    I watched online church, worked on Easter cards again and then, my gosh, watched Puppy Bowl and flipped to the news—another object shot from the skies. Soon we will call it our daily shoot down. Right?

    Be safe everyone. Texting with friends now.



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Babe back in hospital. Admitted to ICU because of breathing.

    Oh dear, so sorry. Big hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Babe still on Bipap breathing machine but numbers are going up and he is alert, so all good signs.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Oh SANDY dreadful time for you two. So very sorry you are going through this with poor Babe.

    I thought we were in for a quiet day yesterday, but no. Mike didn’t show up LIN because he decided I had Corvid from the doctors office and he couldn’t catch it for a third time with his job being so busy, I explained every living soul at the doctors was up to their eyebrows in masks and disinfectant liquid. Of course I haven’t got the dreaded lurgy. No matter, Mark and Mary Jo turned up instead. Mark did a temporary prop up job on the fence while the weather was remarkably warm and me and MJ took Bean for a long walk. BUT the main reason they came was to show me an electric car they had ordered on Thursday and received on Saturday. Mary Jo is very keen on saving the environment that’s why they chose electric. Me too for that matter.

    Well, time to move the butt. I noticed some folk think the balloons are sent by aliens. THAT would stop all the fighting wouldn’t it!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    <3Sandy hugs to you and Babe💖🌻🌞🙂
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    MFP page just went crazy for no apparent reason and lost my post! I’ll just say I’m so sorry Sandy, this is a horrible rollercoaster ride for you and Babe right now. Thinking of you! ❤️

    I can’t repeat everything except it’s been a freezing day and even with fires lit and a throw over my knees I can’t get warm. My feet are like blocks of ice and both dogs are curled up either side of me so they are feeling the same. It’s supposed to be milder tomorrow but I won’t hold my breath!

    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hello friends.

    Sandy, I have been thinking of you and wondering if Babe is doing better this afternoon. Hugs and best wishes.

    Jackie, ugh, a cold day. I understand the frozen feet issue in cold weather. We are having a break of warmer weather again today. Almost 60 degrees F. Dan posted a few photos on Instagram. Yes, he is wearing a kilt. 🙃

    Anne, gosh, sorry that Mike thought you had Covid. I don’t really understand that. Nice that you visited with Mark and M.J. I imagine Jilly was thrilled!

    I have been quite busy today with laundry and a number of accounts that needed to be updated, annual payments in some of them and had to sign up for access to a legal software app so my attorney/tax accountant can share documents, bills, etc. securely. I hope I wrote down the correct password!

    Well, today is Galentine’s Day according to many people. The day before Valentine’s Day for gal pals to wish each other well. ❤️❤️

    Be safe my friends.

