Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Nasty day here but going to Mass and getting my ashes for Ash Wednesday then for a dental cleaning that I had cancelled twice. Might be meeting the attorney at the bank after Mass, waiting to hear from him. After dental cleaning I am bringing the spray from the funeral to the cemetery, it was at my house because I needed some of the roses to have jewelry made from them for me, Michele, Cheryl, Marisa and Rob.

    It will get easier.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I think I’m back! Yesterday went on in a sea of frustration although I did receive the phone call from the lung health group who, after lots of questions to only be answered yes or no, asked if they could book an appointment for me with a triage nurse who might wish to give a CT scan. That will be March 16th if our nurses are not back on strike by then! After that I took George and Betty to the moors for our walk…. very windy and cold! I made chicken casserole in my slow cooker and tried every now and then to get into the Sneakers page but only managed the Drop a Word page.
    My dog walking friend Heather phoned because we were hoping to meet in the car park today where her friend Sheila sometimes takes her with little Bella but she had a phone appointment booked with her oncologist to talk over her treatment. Her cancer has spread and although her first chemo went well, the 2nd was postponed then when she went back was told she was dehydrated so kept in for 5 days. She finally got home feeling dreadful after going in with no hint of sickness so now wants to cancel future appointments. It’s heartbreaking because she is the nicest person who has had a rough couple of years. Hopefully we will meet tomorrow.

    I’ve been busy today walking then driving to the next town to shop. Most of my groceries are taken up with fresh fruit, veggies and salad so was concerned that our news outlets report a shortage of tomatoes, lettuce and other salad items from Spain due to their bad weather but the Aldi store I frequent was well stocked.

    Luckily, we have enough local people earning a few pounds doing private residence cleaning so word of mouth generally works. For all that, I hesitate to believe any offers and apparently one of our latest scams is an email offering extra money from the government to help with high energy bills and, of course, they require bank details to make a deposit. They are the worst sort of beings, preying on the vulnerable so I’m afraid these days I am not polite or ladylike in my responses!

    On that note I can feel the air is cooling so I must set and light the fire.
    Stay safe everyone and enjoy each day as best you can.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Just waiting for an ice storm to intensify at supper time. Very chilly so Mikes fire is a blessing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. We have some ice accumulation now. We will see what happens over the next day. I think things are much better than forecast. Always a plus.

    Okay, I have spent a good portion of the day starting on rounding up info for my tax preparer. Have a draft compiled now but want to check each number once again. Then lots of photocopies, finding an appropriate envelope and then a trip to the post office. I hope to get this wrapped up in less than a week. My appointment is mid-March.

    Anne, I saw some photos that were said to have been taken yesterday in Ontario although the location wasn’t mentioned. Wow, what gorgeous snowflakes! Sorry to hear the ice has arrived in your area. Take care!

    Jackie, I am sorry Heather’s treatment has not gone well. I hope that things change for the better.

    Sandy, I hope you got to church for ashes today. Little by little you will get through everything required. I am glad you had family support and I hope they will continue to be there. Hugs.

    Barbie, how is Jake adapting to his iPhone? Are you tempted to convert from Android?

    Diane, I hope your blood pressure is coming down. Best wishes.

    Patsy, what dirty dogs! It is increasingly difficult to sort legitimate services from all the scams. I hope you find a legitimate house cleaning service.

    I hope everyone is safe at home.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Good morning. I’m sipping coffee after my bowl of porridge and catching up on emails. One is from my home insurer with an updated quote but I’m struggling to get on to their website to see what their offer is because it freezes. It doesn’t look great outside but since I haven’t heard to the contrary, I will take George and Betty up on the moors in an hour to see Heather, Sheila and Bella.

    Sandy, we posted at the same time yesterday. Keeping busy certainly helps but give yourself some Me time too won’t you. Even when you want everything to pause so you can take breath, the world keeps spinning and that can be exhausting. You are in my thoughts sweetheart. ❤️

    That’s a funny, appropriate teapot for your weather Lin. Stay off the ice! Anne too!

    I’m thinking of Patsy and John too of course. Look after yourselves. A bit of dust won’t hurt until you feel able to brush it away yourselves.

    Oh dear, I can see it’s raining so I’ll dig out my waterproofs.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well, the storm came and the storm went. Just waiting to see if my elderly grocery man can stagger through the ice and snow to the front door with my groceries and Jillys chicken. Marks got the flu and Mikes miles away so no one to clear a path. We live in interesting times, lol.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    I’m home after my trip to see Heather. Sheila took Bella and her own little dog for a walk while I sat in her car with my pooches talking with Heather. She is incredibly frail and I could tell after about half an hour she was tiring but at that point George, who had been sitting on my lap, slipped across on to the blanket on her knees and kissed her so we reminisced about the years we bumped into each other and her dear Duke, the German Shepherd she lost not so long ago. I will phone her next week to see if she feels up to a short visit from me because I’m afraid she won’t be with us much longer. When Sheila returned I took Betty and George on a short, cold, windy walk and cheerily, according to other walkers I met, we are to expect another Beast from the East weather pattern that will last well into March. 🥶

    Time for a toasted bagel then definitely light a fire. An electric convector heater is on but just looking at a flame warms me. Anne, that fire effect that was installed in your home was a great idea!

    Whoa, nearly lost this post as it flew sideways!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Lin, Jake is learning a lot about his iPhone. He has learned to go to Google or YouTube to find answers to his questions. There is nothing about his phone that makes me want to change from Android. I might be attracted to a bigger screen or stronger battery but I keep noticing features on my phone that iPhone doesn't have. I have exactly what I want.

    :) We have enough snow here this morning to be entertaining but not so much that I can't get to my doctor appointment this afternoon.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well the grocery delivery man DID make it to my front door but not my usual elderly chap. Young and nimble! Me and the young girl from Harry’s old house managed to yell a good morning so a good start with a new and unknown neighbour. Darren has appeared with the snow blower given to him by the absent Maria. Alls well that ends well. Well, Jill’s got a sore throat I expect from barking and defending us.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good Thursday Morning. I am going to my meeting today and then meeting my friends for dinner. They just want me to relax and spend time with them. I have mixed feelings about it but will welcome the break. I still have so much to do with his clothes and attorney and other legal stuff it is overwhelming.
    One Day at a Time.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Sandy, I am glad you are going to your meeting. ❤️❤️

    Please give yourself time to complete all the necessary tasks. My friend who recently died was in a nursing home and had few possessions and little money. However, another of my friends is the executor of her estate is chafing each and every day because settling the estate is not going fast enough. She wants it over right now. Courts and attorneys have never moved that fast.

    Breathe, be with people you love. If there is anyone who you’d trust to help clean out the clothing, ask.

    My dad died years ago but I received a bill from a collection agency last year for unpaid additional court costs. I talked to my attorney and she said, just pay them. The court will get them from you one way or another. So you do your best. Life is unpredictable.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    When my dad died and husband of friends, the advice is always the same from attorneys, including John’s nephew, an attorney in Colorado. Don’t make any huge changes for at least a year. Don’t relocate or sell your home or buy another place. Take time to evaluate and re-evaluate. My nephew who is also an attorney suggests even delaying removing personal items except or meds which can be given to various organizations for proper disposal. Various things might be treasured by others in the family as mementos. He suggests boxing up things in a few weeks and storing them for a few months, even at a storage facility if need be. “Never in haste so you don’t have regrets.” According to my nephew.

    I have bad news about John’s heart condition that has me terrified and so sad I can hardly breathe. We are having a family meeting to discuss issues and plans. Life looks a bit dark to me. John refuses to look at reality. Legally our doctor had to aprize John and me about his condition and real possibilities. If he doesn’t want to face things, it is okay and maybe he knows better than anyone how he feels. Medicine is not an exact science.

    John and I Have dealt with challenging things all our life. I will do all I can to make life worth living every minute of every day. We never know when the sand of time will stop. Maybe not for a long time.."maybe.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    PATSY, good advice. I couldn’t believe Maria left her lovely home the week Tony died and hasn’t been seen since. The advice we were given to stay in the same place for at least a year still holds true. I can understand why she moved away so swiftly after dealing with Tony’s deteriorating condition for five years but she was well liked here on the street and I really do miss her and us immediate neighbours would have kept an eye on her. Her two sons and families live in this town as well, but she’s moved to her sister in another town quite a ways away.

    Sometimes when you describe John and his refusal to face the doctors advice I feel you are describing me. When the good doctor goes on about strokes and kidney failure when he wants me to have blood tests etc I tell him “well I AM 87 and will leave this mortal coil anyway at some point”. He seems to have caved in and I’ve promised to at least carry on with the BP pills. I don’t have to see him again until the end of May. He actually is a lovely man and the first doctor I’ve known who actually LISTENS to my bleatings. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Not so long ago I only saw a doctor once in 18 years and that was for a broken wrist. Not surprisingly I was no longer on the lady’s list of patients and ended up in ER.

    Still snow covered here and minus 8C at the moment, but after tomorrow we have a long spell of just above freezing, so yes, Miss Spring is on the way.

    I wanted to get Jillys nails cut at the vets today but Michael now works Fridays. Maybe Mark will drive us there once he’s over the flu.

    By the way, I can’t actually see some of your posts on the day I post. Later, I’ll scroll back and find I’ve missed all sorts of stuff I should have replied to. So….apologies sent if I’ve missed out.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
    It’s Friday and after a long walk with George and Betty, then later a drive to the farm supplies store for the hens’ feed, I’m sitting in the garden room enjoying an apple and cinnamon Danish with my coffee so won’t be weighing myself in a hurry! A sign that my brain isn’t in sync with my body was when walking and doing my best to avoid a large muddy patch on the track. I walked along the bank to a dry spot, crossed then had to step up on to the bank the other side. Lifting my foot wasn’t a problem but my thigh muscles refused to take my weight and I had to crawl up, then do my best to avoid falling on my face as I tried a yoga push up. I was laughing all the while which didn’t help and luckily no one saw me!
    If it remains bright I will attempt to weed and prune a small flower bed after I have mucked out the hen house. The seeds I planted on trays in a propagator are beginning to show their little heads, except the blue Himalayan poppies that according to the pack, could take a couple of months!

    When my partner John passed away, I decided to return from Toronto to England but everyone advised to wait a year in case I changed my mind. I spent most of the year planning my return anyway but was glad I had paused because I didn’t ever doubt it was the right decision. Hasty decisions that can’t be reversed are never good.

    Patsy, such devastating news is often far worse for loved ones than the person with the diagnosis. If John’s approach is best for him and gives him even a tiny bit of peace, perhaps the family between you can deal with any legalities. My friends Chrissie, and now Heather, have been incredibly organised and philosophical about their lives being cut short but I’m not sure I could ever be so brave, probably why I’ve tied everything up already so reality doesn’t knock on my door!

    Mucking out time!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mark hasn’t got flu, he’s got Corvid and believe me there’s no one more careful than Mark. I hope Mary Jo doesn’t catch it as well. He says he feels dreadful.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! So sorry to hear Mark has covid, I hope he has a mild case and gets well soon. I had fun with my friends last night even though we all lost a little money. We have booked my birthday dinner and our trip to the casino in March for the other friend's 80th birthday. I am doing laundry and still figuring my finances as I will no longer get Babe's monthly check but in return will get his social security and pension. There is a little difference in the amount but hopefully I will make do. I lose my own social security so I won't have that cushion to rely on. He did leave me some money but no where near what he left his daughter and granddaughter which I already knew and I am fine with that.
    I am bringing my car in for a long overdo oil and check up. Bryanna will pick me up and take me back home to cut my hair. I am sitting for Charlie and Ewok tonight until Sunday while Rob and Lisa take the boys to an overnight indoor camp out with Cub Scouts.
    I still haven't found time to bring the floral piece to the cemetery but hopefully I can do it Monday. I did try to do it after my dental cleaning but went in a different entrance and it was getting dark and big puddles everywhere. I drove around forever thinking I wasn't every going to get out of the cemetery until I finally put it in my navigation to take me home.
    My mind is not as sharp as usual because too many things are in my head. I miss Babe so much and still haven't had time to grieve.

    Thanks for listening once again and Patsy just do the best you can do and let John make his own decisions about his health. It is best to talk about it together and with the kids so everyone knows his wishes. Just my opinion.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. I think I have finished my paperwork to send to my tax preparer. Plan to go to the post office on Monday to pay the appropriate postage (whatever that might be).

    I am working on cards a little bit and started reading a book that is due on Monday.

    Sandy, it is difficult to figure out all the financial issues one faces these days. I spend waaaay too much time on it myself. So wishing you well as you sort out your budget. Glad you had a good time with your friends last evening. Your birthday is just around the corner isn’t it? Will you go to the casino close to your actual birthday? Good for you, taking care of that granddaughter as the rest of the family does indoor camping. Which is interesting, I’d not heard of that.

    Anne, sorry your dear boy has Covid. I hope he is able to recover soon. Does everyone in the house have it by now?

    Jackie, oh my gosh, I hate it when my parts don’t work together properly. I cannot believe you laughed through it. And glad you were able to get going.

    Patsy, I am very sorry that things are not going well for John. I trust you are able to discuss things as a family so everyone is fully aware of what options John prefers.

    Very cold here by the way but it will warm up later in the weekend. And then thunderstorms. I am waiting to get my mail and will venture out and down the block when the ice melts.

    Nothing else interesting from here.

    Please be safe.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    A buzzy bee teapot to cheer us up and think of warmer days LIN. It’s so icy here with snow predicted I decided to not risk falling on the ice so didnt put the fortnightly garbage out, the blue box is weekly.
    So far, no one else has got the Corvid. Mark is in isolation for 12 days now. He thinks he got the lurgy when buying the car and he visited the dealership washroom.. Mike was coming over and he would have helped with the garbage, but I’m persuading him to stay safely home on his day off.
    So a good day to wash the sheets etc.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited February 2023
    A bracing walk this morning! The puddles on the moor were covered in a thin layer of ice and even with wearing a thick woolly hat I had to cup a hand over my ear that faced the wind. Never mind, it was dry and bright and both pooches are now snoozing in the garden room while I potter about. It seemed odd yesterday evening to hear the song thrush singing when it was so cold and house sparrows are busy looking for a new Spring home. I guess no one warned them the Beast from the East is heading in our direction!

    That teapot is adorable Lin and reminds me I need to check if the bees in my old hive have survived the Winter.

    I was going to ask if anyone owns a Microsoft Surface laptop as I’m contemplating buying one. My battery is down to 3% so will pop back later. International rugby this afternoon, England v Wales and that’s always feisty!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Update. Mary Jo has now got Corvid. Mark says it’s like having a very bad sinus cold with a severe headache. Etc. horrible, ANNE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    When you are feeling a little sad and your 8 year old grandson hugs you and says I am sorry about Babe and John your heart melts. And then add to that your 4 year old granddaughter says to you this is the best sleepover ever grandma since we are sleeping together and watching movies. ( watching her while mom and dad take the boys to a Cub Scout indoor camp out for the weekend.) I am grateful. ❤️

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Grand children are the greatest. My Derek left his parents Mark and Mary Jo a care package on their doorstep,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! It is a sunny but chilly day. We don’t have a beast from the east but we have wet , dark and cold for days on end. Maybe we need to name it so we can call it bad names from time to time.

    I do relate to the blessing of grandchildren. I have one grown grandson who has stepped in to help John and me. He is disabled and so incredibly shy. But he decided to be our assistant! He can’t do everything but he helps as much as he can. He can’t hug or look us the eye. He has huge emotional issues. This sweet, very intelligent guy has a complicated condition.
    And Katie is terrified of him. Every family has issues and none of us get off Scott free! But we all have good friends and or family.

    I am trying to decide how to react to John’s serious condition and what would allow him the most comfort and peace. So far he likes the idea of totally ignoring the whole thing. Press on as if things were as usual. I am trying to do that but at times a cold overwhelming anxiety grips me. Deep breaths and gentle exercise!!!!

    I am going cut John’s hair and give him a shave while he listens-watches basketball. We both need a trim. Also Katie needs a brushing and a snip of the hair around her eyes. So we all need a trip to Patsy’s hair salon, (patsy’s dungeon)
    Still thinking positive,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    PATSY, great attitude. I like the old saying, “Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you”. Will think of you all in Patsy’s dungeon as Mike and I TRY to cut Jillys nails. Mike doesn’t hold out much hope of success. She’s so small, but wriggles like an eel.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Another lovely day but very cold. My walk was a Sunday stroll round the quiet village when the only people we saw were on horseback. A few flower seeds need to be planted into trays and that I can do in the greenhouse before watching another rugby match.
    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    PS. JACKIE. Did you see on BBC today the piece about the terminally ill lady hating funerals and having a party with her friends instead? That’s more or less the instructions I’ve given my lads and DIL. My remaining two friends over here are in senior care homes so a party wouldn’t work, but the family CAN go to their favourite restaurant at a winery in the Niagara region. I hate funerals as well with a passion and any gatherings in my family at home always ended in a good belly laugh as we fondly remembered our sometimes naughty beloved ones.
    I hasten to add I’m NOT in any rush to leave just yet, but the subject came up and I firmly told my lot, NO funeral please.

    ANNE. About to make carrot soup to have with a no meat pizza. I have to get serious about dieting. Aaagh!
    We crossed again so you probably won’t read this, lol.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hi Anne, rugby about to start so cuppa brewed after some seed planting. I’ll look for the article during half-time. I’ve left instructions with my Will to spend some of my money on a party and keep everything light. I’ve enjoyed a full and varied life so will have no regrets but like you, I’m hopeful to keep going for some time! My ashes will be tossed in the wind on the top of the moors so anyone who upset me needs to stay away rather than risk an eyeful!!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday!😄 I took Charlie to Chuck E Cheese a kids pizza place that has games to play yesterday and she loved it. We watched the live version Piniocio for movie night in bed. The rest of the family should be home sometime this morning. I am hoping to go to Mass and the cemetery.
    Since I am getting cremated I only want my ashes at a Mass and after the Mass I want a big luncheon and everyone to party. My kids can bring my ashes to my niche in the cemetery the next day. Simple.
    Uh oh they are on the way home I better jump in shower.
    One Day at a Time.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Jake and I have specified that we want no service, event, or other memorial after we're gone. We'll be picked up by MEDCURE for medical research and then cremated. Our ashes will be used in planting something. If someone wants to honor us they can do so by being kind to others.

    :) A great story about ashes comes from a friend who wanted her husband's ashes put with the planting of new items in her back yard. She had an especially big tree planted by a young man from the landscaping company and as he was putting dirt back in the hole she poured in some of her husband's ashes. The young man asked her if it was bone meal. She said "yes, sort of".

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    BARBIE that’s a lovely story of your friend and her husbands ashes. I can’t think of a better way for me to be disposed of. I love trees and the birds that sit in them. And daffodils can be planted under a tree as well. Love daffodils! Thanks for sharing.

    Jilly had her nails/claws lightly trimmed by me and Michael. She panted a bit but otherwise was as good as gold. We will do a little more next week and try to keep them in better shape. Best of all though she saved me $50 which the vet is now charging for all four feet. That’s $200 a year because her nails grow at an alarming rate.

    Almost supper time, see ya’all,