Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good evening. Well, it seems everyone is sharing their final plans. I have prepaid (as much as possible) for my disposal. No funeral. No flowers. No memorial service, visitation or prayer service. Nada. They pick up my remains, prepare them, and then drive to the cemetery in NE Iowa where my family members are buried. I will get the last spot in the little group. Headstone is already set, just needs the final date. Just hoping they get it right. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I would think having the headstone as a place marker should help!

    I have finished reading the library books which need to go back tomorrow. And the envelope is sealed, addressed and ready to mail to my accountant. I have made some progress on making my next box of cards to send for donation. Did a bit of laundry today. Paid some bills. Glad to get a few things accomplished. I guess it will be very wet here for the next few days, so I need to dig out my umbrella, something I don’t normally use in the winter.

    Well friends, we have our plans in place whenever they are needed.

    Off to check the clothes in the dryer.

    Take care everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited February 2023
    Rainy day Monday. We have had some pretty heavy storms with more rain today. I am finally able to stay home and be by myself. I really feel I need some time to grieve alone. I will start trying to get things together for Goodwill since I know no one Babe's size. I really don't have the energy to sell his things even though some are quite nice. I have so much medical stuff that the hospital gave us I just don't think anyone will take it as the hospital said it would just throw it away if we didn't take it. This will be a hard day for me but it has to be done.
    I did go and place the funeral spray from me on his grave yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day.
    Because I am a practicing Catholic I do want a mass and in my religion our ashes have to be buried in a cemetery. When my sister died and was buried in a niche in the same cemetery as our parents and brother are buried and once separated I bought a niche in the same wall as she is to be near her.
    Babe did buy a burial spot for me as well but I no longer want to be put in the ground so I will not be next to him and his first wife. I think that will make his daughter happy. I am happy with my decision.

    Enough gloom and doom. Being with Charlie really helped me and I had a good time with her. I will be back to sitting to help them out when I can. We also made our reservations for the casino in March.
    Another friend turns 80. I have three celebrations coming up for my birthday, one next Sunday at Rob and Lisa's, Bryanna and I will celebrate our birthdays together. On the 9th, the day before my birthday my friends are taking me out and on the 12th Cheryl and Marisa are taking me to dinner. So many other people want to get together with me for lunch just because I don't think they want me to be alone.

    I was alone for ten years and did fine by myself and I will again but for right now I really miss Babe.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh Sandy you are such a strong woman. But we already knew that over the course of the last many years. I am so glad you have your grands to bring joy to your life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Your family and friends are all here to support you as well. Big hugs. Jeri
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    It remains cold but that’s because high pressure is in charge so that does give us dry weather which is a blessing after weeks of rain. My morning walk was lovely and George and Betty had fun zooming about. This afternoon I decided to create a small, raised bed for rhubarb plants and although I got sidetracked at one point, did manage to finish before it got too cold. My end of month energy bill was high but that’s not surprising because I refuse to be cold!

    Anne, I loved the story about the lady that’s making the most of whatever time she has left. What a bucket list, including flying in a Spitfire! More and more people our generation are choosing simple options that include a party before they die. Makes sense to be there to enjoy the fun!

    Sandy, I’m sure your one day at a time belief will get you through the next few weeks and having a few plans and goals is a good idea. You were incredibly strong and brave when you found yourself living alone before and dealing with the negative influence of Babe’s son so your family will be there for you again to ease the pain. ❤️

    The bonemeal story is funny Barbie and made me think that if my ashes are grazed by the livestock on the moors I might be recycled as manure!

    That’s a pretty blue collection Lin. I think that’s Denby bottom left, one of my favourites. A good job done to finish paperwork for your accountant. I wonder how you find time to read books along with all your card creating. I need to organise myself because I always loved reading but for some reason don’t do much now.

    George wants to go out for a garden break so I’ll finish here.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hello. What crazy rain and storms last night. I was awake often with the noise! We must have received a lot of rain as my backyard is somewhat flooded and the sump pump isn’t able to pump it very far away. Puddles everywhere! Now we have very strong wind.

    I stopped by the library to return those books and the wind was so strong I could barely get out of the car, the door kept blowing back on me!

    I feel very fortunate with my travels as I got to the post office to get the information sent off and I drove exactly where less than 10 minutes later, a police chase went that way pursuing a robber. He wouldn’t stop and rammed into a civilian SUV. Those people were taken to the hospital. Everything can change in a moment can’t it?

    Jackie, you did a great job in getting that raised bed completed. Congrats. I love those blue teapots as well. The person who posted that photo didn’t say what the manufacturing company might be. But I do love that particular blue color.

    Sandy, I hope you get a few things done today. Just enough to make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. If not, that’s okay, tomorrow is another day. Just take care of yourself.

    Anne, I can well believe that Jilly is a very wiggly work when it comes to trimming nails!

    Patsy, did you give up the idea of hiring people to clean your house given the dishonest folks who showed up at
    your home?

    I had a woman at the door the other day saying she was with a carpet cleaning company and they were in the neighborhood offering one room of free service to everyone. I looked outside and a car drove up with 3 women in it, no advertising or anything. And this woman had no business card and didn’t say what company she was with. I said no and she said all,of,your neighbors are doing this, it is free—-how could you refuse a free service? I said no again and closed the door. I think it was a scam. At best they would show up and con people into purchasing service for doing the rest of the house. Who knows.

    Life is confusing and full of very dishonest people.

    Well, need to go. It is crush the boxes afternoon. Recyclables and trash bins need to be filled and wheeled to the curb.

    Take care everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Gloomy out and chilly! Come on spring……we need you!

    As far as final remains….well! I decided not to die. I will hang around and haunt our house. Maybe just toss me in a plastic bag and toss me in the garden. My dad arranged for each lady that attended his service would be presented a rose as they left the funeral home. There was a card attached with a cute note and signed with dad’s signature. And it was a huge funeral. Several hundred people. Mom knew about this and also said it was typical of him. His funeral music was “As time goes by.” My dad was a handsome Irish lad with dark curly hair and beautiful robins egg blue eyes and devilishly adorable dimples. I can’t top that. But I think maybe he does hang around the family home still. Seriously.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited February 2023
    We had quite a freezing rain turning to snow storm overnight. Well 1st March arrives tomorrow and it will melt as we drift above freezing temperatures and into the plus 1, 2, 3s etc. The geraniums I rescued from Marks summer Mother’s Day basket have survived if looking a little moth eaten.

    Mark is into day 7 of Corvid and Mary Jo into day 3. Me and Bean have really missed them popping in. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the only person over here to avoid it. Says something for living the monkish life of a cave dwelling hermit ! but not much !

    All for now as the porridge (and banana) cool.

    Anne. ❤️🙃🐕‍🦺
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Anne, Every time I read about someone getting Covid, it renews my plan to stay away from people. We go to medical appointments where everyone wears a mask and almost nowhere else. Almost no one comes to our house and those who do are carefully screened and stay a distance away. My husband's health is too fragile for us to be self indulgent by mixing with other people.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It is a beautiful sunny day with temp going to 50 degrees F. I have to pick up a prescription and I am going to go to the DMV and see if I can be a walk in for my driving test. I do have an appointment next Wednesday at 8:30am but I have to be at Rob's by 11am to get Max off school bus and not sure how long it will take. So being a senior I am hoping they will take me today.

    Although hard, I did manage to get all of Babe's clothes out of the closet and folded on my guest bed.
    I will put them into bags by Friday when a guy Cheryl knows who works with the Vets will pick them up.
    It is very surreal to have his belongings removed as it makes it so real. I miss him every minute.

    I have so much support including you wonderful ladies and even Hospice calls to check on me and let's me talk about anything to find some comfort. As you all know I belong to Al Anon and my sponsor is my rock, she is there every step of the way. So as I always say One Day at a Time.

    Have a wonderful day ladies.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Had a cold but sunny day.

    Cleaned bathrooms and was not easy. This pneumonia really whips me! I gasp for air after just the least bit of effort. But it is getting a tiny bit better. Making black bean and fish enchilada casserole. I can serve it two nights! Yea! I can sit on kitchen stool and put the ingredients together.

    I have not given up the idea of finding assistance but I can’t get enough steam to begin the search again right now. I will do it next week.

    Sandy: glad you have the support you want and need. So many people in your shoes do not.

    Anne: so glad you didn’t catch Covid. It can be a killer at our age.

    Barbie: I understand your reluctance to have people in to possibly contaminate you and your husband. John feels the same way.

    Lin: staying busy and keeping up on everything! Good for you!
    Stay safe!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good evening. The premier card video is going very long this evening. I have it minimized in the corner.

    It wasn’t a particularly exciting day here. I made some soup, fussed about with my bank accounts and finally called to make certain I could visit my credit union tomorrow to open a new deposit instrument. Yippee! I was on hold quite a while but got it straightened out. Will we ever have enough folks to run businesses that have face to face interaction with people?

    I have finished my funds transfer and written my checks so I am ready to go tomorrow morning. And I will take a mask.

    And I have books to pick up at the library. Must remember.

    Still working on bits and bobs with these most recent cards but I will say they are finished soon and I will get them in the mail to the charity.

    Patsy, it takes a while to recover from pneumonia. Please take care. I talked to my friend this afternoon who is still struggling with bronchitis and sinus infection. She is also making progress, but incredibly slowly.

    Be good to yourselves my friends.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    One of those days yesterday but I won’t bore you with the details. Our weather looks to get worse next week so I ordered more logs and coal rather than go short. Delivery is normally Thursday but around 6pm George asked to go in the garden for a pee break and we were both scared by a commotion inside the gate that turned out to be an early arrival of fuel. Of course George then went into guard dog mode and when I was asked does he nip I thought it best to say he might because in the dark I wasn’t sure what he might do! I’ve been trying to pay online but apparently the site has crashed which makes me very nervous in case information I typed in before it froze could have gone anywhere! Three attempts failed and I was asked to change my password so hopefully my money is safe.
    I was talking to a friend on her mobile yesterday when her landline rang that turned out to be a lady from an organisation offering a package of who knows what for £1.50 and asked for her bank details. My friend is switched on to these scams so refused but there must be vulnerable people who give out these details.

    We haven’t walked yet because I decided to store the logs away in case we get a shower so George and Betty went back to bed! My morning is flying so I need to get us out.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    I was a bit cross with Mark yesterday. He’s on day 7 of Corvid and would you believe he’s on my drive shovelling snow! I didn’t go out of course but managed to convey to him through the window I was cross with him! I know Corvid leaves you feeling drained. Meanwhile my grandson Derek was over at Marks house with a pot of home made beef stew for his parents.

    I guess Mark was feeling housebound. Mary Jo hasn’t got the virus quite as bad and is feeling better after 4 days.

    Which brings us to PATSY. Patsy I caught pneumonia once and I honestly thought I was going to die trying to breathe. So what are you doing cleaning a bathroom girl! Like my drive it can wait! I caught pneumonia from a lovely friend, Muriel. She was terminally ill in hospital and I bent to kiss her forehead on leaving. She whipped round and kissed me back full on the mouth. She was gone overnight and I spent that Christmas Day in bed propped up and trying to breathe.

    So me and the little one had a fairly quiet day yesterday until Mark showed up to liven us up. Jilly barking because she wanted to be with him and me gesticulating, mouthing words and pulling faces at him through the window glass. Not much else one can do when one’s “baby” is 58!

    Anne. 🙃🐕‍🦺🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

    PS. JACKIE, we did it again, posted at the same time. Breakfast time for me, and lunch for you!
    PPS..And now I’ve found LIN before me as well. Anybody else out there! LOL
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I passed my driving and vision test so I am good for two more years of driving before the next test!! I do have to wear my distance glasses all the time from now on where as I was only using them for night driving. No big deal. I actually go to my eye doctor next week and feel I need new prescriptions for both reading and distance but I am not a fan of bifocals.
    I will be sitting for the two younger ones this afternoon while Rob takes Robby for an orthodontist appointment. He seems young to me but will find out the details when I get there.
    Cheryl and Marisa may come over tonight to watch Survivor together, it depends what time I get home from sitting.
    Tomorrow Cheryl's SIL is coming before my meeting to see if she wants any of Babe's shoes for her husband. Some are very expensive but I think out of style. She will also look at some of the clothes before the guy comes Friday to pick it all up.
    I also go for a heart scan tomorrow after my meeting, it is not required just a preventative test.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello. Got my errands accomplished today and then worked a bit on my St. Patrick’s Day cards. I found a horrible thing had happened, a specialized ink I used did not dry as expected and I had stacked the cards, the back of each has ink stains from the card under it. Oh well. I will see if I can remove any of it.

    Tomorrow I plan to make a list of the upcoming birthday cards needed for March and April. I put the first March card in the mail today. It’s a start.

    And I did remember to pick up my library books but I need to get some reading accomplished. I had 2 books left that are due in a few days and I don’t think they can be renewed. I am sure they will let me know.

    We had sunshine and fairly nice temperatures today. I enjoyed it as I ran my errands.

    Sandy, congrats on getting your renewal! You have many errands and tasks on your agenda. How did your car service go? No problems I hope. I agree with you, braces usually were not used until all the permanent teeth were in place. I remember lots of kids with braces in 7th and 8th grade. I am sure that has changed. Enjoying survivor?

    Anne, I hope Mark didn’t make himself more ill by the trip to work on the snow.

    Jackie, I guess a late delivery is better than no delivery but honestly, I don’t care for them. My deliveries are normally just little boxes but I never have any idea when they’ve landed unless it’s Amazon and I get a notification from Alexa. Then I venture out in the dark to find my prize. 😂 but when they the delivery may be as late as 10pm, I am not happy.

    Patsy, are you getting rest and leaving the cleaning for another day? A friend of mine has been ill for several weeks and she said today all she does is just a few things around the house and the rest of the time she is sleeping or taking it easy.

    Barbie, I hope all is well with you and Jake. I thought of you as I saw a Ninja cooking system on QVC a little while ago. Wow, those have changed! Versatile!

    Nothing else to add I guess.



    A Bauhaus teapot

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Hi, Thursday is about finished. I hope everyone is well. I have checked in several times and according to my iPad, no one has been here today. Very strange.

    Have been working on bits of paperwork today related to my accounts and I did get the birthday card list made.

    Wishing everyone well. Hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday Evening! :) Late in posting as I had a very busy day. At 10:00am Cheryl's SIL came, then I went to meeting and then Joe picked up all of Babe's stuff which is heartbreaking and then I went for a heart scan that showed I have plaque on some of my arteries and my score is a little high. I have to wait for my doctor to tell me what is next but hopefully it is just a pill and no kind of procedure. I can't handle any more stress at this time.

    We are expecting a big snow storm tomorrow but they have been wrong before. I have no plans to go anywhere tomorrow and only to Church on Saturday so it can snow as much as it wants.

    It is dinner time and I am am exhausted from all this running around.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello from a frustrated and cross Jackie. Getting into my banking App is impossible so I’ve continued to waste my time trying to pay bills, then at one point it was suggested I clear all cookies and clear out my iPad junk but that apparently included MFP log in! I gave up on both late last night but when I got up this morning I again tried my bank App then MFP but decided to stop getting wound up and instead take Linda out for coffee and lunch. It’s a bright day but cold and I have it on good authority that next week is going to be freezing so I won’t be going far. Hopefully I can get to my hairdresser on Wednesday for a cut and colour although I haven’t decided on the colour yet… probably pink in there somewhere! Today’s Lunch was delicious and before driving home we dropped into a garden centre but because of the forecast didn’t buy any Spring bedding plants. I did buy a couple of cucumber seedlings and will keep them in my garden room for now.

    Lin, that Bauhaus teapot is gorgeous and although I knew the name, couldn’t think why so looked it up and read a fascinating page about the artistic group. I think I should have been around in the late 20’s to early 30’s to experience the Art Deco movement first hand. Perhaps I was!!

    My hens have been fed their afternoon corn and a fire is glowing in my dining room so time to put the kettle on.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) So far no snow but I am staying in and in my pj's all day. I am doing laundry and then going to try to figure out my finances and see if I can afford to stay where I am or look for something new. The problem with something new is that rents are way out of line so I may think about buying something but not sure I want to do that at my age. I have plenty of time to figure this out and talk with my children for their advice. I really don't want to move in with any of them but time will tell.
    I have an appointment with a cardiologist the end of April as my doctor suggested. She increased my cholesterol pill to 20ml as a preventive.

    I am going to start sitting for the kiddos twice a week so Rob can go to his office downtown. He is stressed about me and his job so he needs a break from the kids. It will mean getting up at 6:30 but I did it for Lisa when I watched Robby as a baby so I can do it again. It will just be until school gets out and/or her parents return. Next year all the kids will be in school full time. Once I put the kids on the bus I will have the morning to myself.

    I better get the sheets on the bed before the next load is dry to be folded. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m sat here waiting for the snow to arrive. Promised all day but now the weather network says 6 o’clock evening storm.

    Well, I got an unexpected compliment yesterday. The delivery grocery man said “I have to tell you, we all like delivering to you because you are such a pleasant person all the time. Wow! I can only think the person he delivered to before me can’t have been very pleasant!

    JACKIE, I’m having trouble with online banking as well. It appears security is being beefed up at my bank because online fraud is so very prevalent. Terribly frustrating to try and get in these days.

    If I had the money I wouldn’t buy another house although having said that I’m terribly fortunate to live here. I couldn’t deal with all the things that can go wrong in a house like the roof blowing off or the fence in this case. Mind you if I was a millionaire I wouldn’t say no to Frogmore House in the UK now that Harry Windsor and his missus have been asked to leave. Which bedroom to sleep in though because it has 10. No I’m better off here with only two upstairs. A summer bedroom and a winter bedroom because Bean and I like a change of scenery.

    You will tell from the above that life is blessedly peaceful here with not much going on.
    So bye bye for now,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Cold here as well. And wet!

    Big excitement here. I have been feeling worse and worse. Called my doctor that I have little to no trust in. His office” witch “told me I could not talk to him and if I felt bad call an ambulance and go to ER! Damon insisted that he come and help me to the ER. Both Andrea and Damon came to ER with me. After many tests etc I was determined to be having a reaction to a new med I was given. a allergies are mysterious!

    John is as usual confused and upset. Now that things have settled down he is back to his old self. The dear old sweetheart is not good in a crisis. In fact he can made things a hundred times worse.

    We are back to cauliflower pizza night. And movie night. A wonderful tradition that MUST keep happening. Good for John and me!

    Stay safe and active and healthy,
    I missed chatting with the sneakers,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    No sleep for me last night, so I’m sat here with my eyes half shut. The reason: the storm came with howling winds and thunder bangs. I don’t know what it’s like outside because it is still dark but it is still snowing.
    Hey ho, winter is departing in a bad mood and I’m about to eat my porridge and ignoring him.
    One interesting thing, calm Lake Ontario became the North Sea with crashing waves.
    GOOD MORNING everyone.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Guess what the suns just come out! Alls right with the world.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Goodness Anne, no wonder my friends just up the road from you in London tell me they are fed up with their Winter. They were supposed to drive north today to friends, in order to dog sit Ozzy for a few days but because of the threatened storm, went yesterday. Sounds like that was a good idea! I rarely sleep well when gales are howling outside but hopefully you can snooze on your sofa today and catch up on sleep. It seems our threatened Beast from the East might not reach Cornwall but it’s certainly getting colder, just less chance of snow!
    Rumour has it the Sussex’s were advised their “cottage” was needed to house someone else within days of the book Spare coming out! No surprise after their complaints about its small rooms and low ceilings.

    Patsy, another scare! Thank goodness you went to the hospital because it seems your untrustworthy doctor has a useless receptionist. Thinking about that, perhaps the witch did you a massive favour! Please take care. A good sign is the return of cauliflower pizza night. Have you seen the YouTube videos of an Hilarious American called B. Dylan Hollis who looks into old cookery books for recipes then makes them in a huge mixing bowl while commentating on every Ingredient? His manic reactions to the weird and wonderful combinations make me laugh out loud! I wouldn’t be surprised if your pizza base is in there!

    Sandy, hopefully a decision to move doesn’t have to be made immediately. You do need time to draw breath and if your country’s economy is as volatile as mine, house prices and rents are all over the place from one day to the next so it’s impossible to make an informed decision. You will love taking care of the kiddos so I think it’s a grand idea. 💕

    Lin, that teapot is talking to me…. put the kettle on!!

    George and Betty weren’t in a hurry to walk so we didn’t go round the block until midday and then had a lovely stroll with both of them trotting at great speed until we turned to come home. Another day doing little else but since Linda yesterday recommended the online bank she uses, I am going to look seriously to change over. All I have to do is request the new bank deals with taking on the process then I sit back and wait to be told I’m now banking with them. Sounds almost too easy! 🫣

    The hens need their afternoon handful of corn then I will light the fire and put the kettle on.
    Out into the cold I go.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It's been a peaceful two days to myself and I am feeling less stressed. I have been doing some meditation on grief which I think is helping. Today is our family video call and then later Mass. Tomorrow Bryanna and I will celebrate our birthdays together at Rob and Lisa's. She will be bringing her boyfriend to introduce to them and I am sure they will be pleased. I like him very much.
    We never got the big snow storm in fact no snow at all. Today is a beautiful sunny day.

    Jackie, I do all my banking online but I use Chase Bank which is a pretty big bank. I never have any issues with them so I am happy. Yes, buying and renting is all over the place but will see how the market is later in the summer. Say hi to George and Betty for me, give them a big hug.

    Anne, sorry you didn't get any sleep, light your fireplace and take a nap.

    Patsy, sorry you had to take a trip to the ER but at least you know what caused your feeling so bad.
    Sometimes I wonder what happened to the doctors of years ago who were sympathetic and kind.
    Remember when they used to come to the house if you or your children were Ill?

    Lin, there were no surprises with my car, what they quoted was the true price and they said nothing else is wrong with the car. However, when I took it to be washed and got home I noticed my passenger side had all kind of little nicks which looked like pebbles had hit the car. I touched them up myself but not sure I will be happy so I might get an estimate to see how much to repaint the door. I won't go to the dealer for that, I have a great guy who is reasonable.

    Hello to everyone else, have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Thanks Sandy, big hugs dished out to the pooches along with their afternoon chewy treat!

    Here’s a photo I snapped yesterday of an interesting project being carried out in our area at the moment. Mining companies are searching for minerals that might sit just under the surface of the moors. I think lithium is the one they hope to find lots of as it’s used in electric car batteries. This scanning contraption is being dragged by a helicopter across our skies (very blue yesterday!) for hours on end and we are all hoping it doesn’t get dropped on someone’s home or head…. Never a dull moment!! 🙄

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Wee Jillys lunch. Chicken, a few peas, a little mashed potato, all covered in a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella cheese. Dessert, a few pieces of digestive biscuit.
    The sun is still shining and the snow is the heavy wet kind. I’m trying to persuade Mark who isn’t out of the Corvid woods yet to let it melt naturally. After all I ain’t going anywhere.
    How did you manage to dodge it SANDY.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello. The storm missed us as well. Fine with me. I am sure we are not out of the woods yet with winter weather. I did get in touch with my cousin and his wife who live in Texas. They had very strong winds and there were lots of areas without power. I heard the schools in their area closed so thought I would check in although what could I do to help them from here! They had some damage to bushes etc. but their power did not go out. Good news.

    I have finished a bit of laundry, am reading, finishing the St. Patrick’s Day cards and started to get out some materials to make the remaining birthday cards for March.

    Jackie, goodness sakes. Hunting for minerals from the sky. That device looks a bit like a gigantic metal detector in the sky! I doubt you folks who live in the area would be a bit pleased to have new mining operations as neighbors. There’s a continued brou-ha-ha in this state. Several companies want to build carbon pipelines through agricultural land and they want to use eminent domain and then take what they want. There are some people who believe this should be prevented. Our governor is all for expanding businesses in our state so is fine with running over the landowners. Feeling unhappy about this but right now my particular farm is not involved. Speaking of plants and spring, I received an e-mail today from the nursery not far from where I live. They are soliciting applications for several types of jobs. Both landscapers and retail workers. I would like to unpack and stack the new flats and pots and water things. I didn’t see a job for that.

    Anne, sorry you did get the storm. Hope you can catch up on your sleep. I empathize with you, high, noisy winds do not make it easy to get your rest.

    Sandy, I am glad there were no unpleasant surprises with your car’s service trip. Darn paint is so easily damaged. Hey, I didn’t know you had a guy to do car work! So glad you have gotten a bit of time for rest and reflection because it will be lots of celebration for you!!

    Patsy, I am glad they have figured out what was making you feel so unwell. Just so you do not feel picked on, there are very few doctors in our area who will speak to a patient on the phone if they have a question. The clinic I go to used to allow you to login a patient portal and pose a question to your doctor. He likely would not answer but his nurse would at some point. Now if you want your doctor to answer a question you are charged the regular amount for an in person appointment. I am not sure what they charge if the nurse types a response. Medical care has changed! I hope they have found a different medication for you to take. And most of all, I hope you are feeling better.

    Wishing everyone well. Many hugs.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m in shock. Maria’s house has been sold for 1 million and 800,000 dollars. So goodbye Maria. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,385 Member
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    I’m in shock. Maria’s house has been sold for 1 million and 800,000 dollars. So goodbye Maria. Anne.
