Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi. It’s been a busy day. After the doctor’s appointment, I had a number of errands to do. All completed with one exception. Nope, didn’t get gas for my car. I will need to do that soon. Crummy appointment this morning. Am now on high blood pressure watch. I must take my BP several times a week and keep a journal of them and forward the readings to him in 6 weeks. He wants me to take nasal steroids and he thinks I have sleep apnea. None of that was happy news. So time will tell what will happen.

    Jackie, wow, a nice day. What a treat! Glad Betty and George enjoyed the time outdoors.

    Sandy, I hope you are on the mend now. You poor dear, that cold sounds miserable. Glad you had someone to bring you meds and soup.

    Nothing else to offer. Kind of looking forward to finding more information about the new Hondas tomorrow.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Yesterday I would class as a crummy day over here as well. But first to say LIN welcome to the Blood Pressure Club. You sound like me busy jotting down readings. I was horrified at first but you do get used to the morning pill when one first gets up. It took ages for my doctor to find a pill I wasn’t allergic to. At the moment I am on a daily half pill. Anyway, I realize now that it’s best to be aware and not in denial which is my usual head in the sand way of dealing with things I don’t wish to know.

    PATSY, I was worried when you didn’t post but of course realize now you must be worried stiff about John. I think Alzheimer’s can be slowed down considerably when caught early. That goes for a stroke as well if he had a warning sign? That’s why my doctor Tim gave me quite a lecture when I was put on pills rather than be trusted with diet alone. I know you are extremely worried love, but maybe it was actually a good sign to catch things early?

    Yesterday was a day of rain here, and cold. The sort of cold that isnt extreme but creeps into one’s bones and makes them creak and crunch. No matter what one puts on, it still feels shivery. So that didn’t help when I read all the awful news in the world, everywhere it seems. Alas, the wonderful country I grew up in is no longer that wonderful place it seems, the terrible, terrible school shootings in the USA make my eyes fill with water when I think of the poor parents and even here in Toronto the once good, deranged people stabbing bystanders at random on our transit system. The latest a 16 year old boy sitting on a seat waiting for his bus home. His poor, poor distraught mother who heard the news and didn’t think for a moment it was her child murdered. He joins quite a few women who previously died. I think the police and the city councillors are at a loss how to deal with these random stranger attacks. Not sure but didn’t the mental hospitals get closed down?

    I had one glimmer of hope on such a miserable day. I haven’t written on the pound a week club because SANDY was in the middle of her recent trauma. BUT, I have tried very hard to keep to the diet and record daily all I eat on MFP. SO, big drum roll! I appear to have lost a little over 2lb on a half a pound a week diet. Jumped on the scales this morning.
    All is forgiven MFP on my recent Sneaker post losses. Your calorie count appears to work.

    So, in a better, or more normal frame of mind today I’m off to the shower to wash a little less of me. You are all constantly in my mind dear sneakers, I wish us all a beautiful peaceful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Might be turning the bend a little, still have a headache and a cough but both are getting better. I took a teaspoon of honey this morning and it seems to be working a little. I have no temp although my blood pressure is high. Blaming that on all the coughing I am doing. I haven't been this sick in years and I hope I never get sick again. I think Jackie might be right that I was just run down from all that has gone on in the last 4 months. Staying up until all hours at the casino didn't help either.
    This too shall pass.
    It's a nice sunny day here and temps are going to the 50's but I will be inside in my jammies.

    Anne, since you mentioned weighing yourself I jumped on the scale and I am down to my goal weight.
    Not the way I wanted to do it and once I feel better and start eating more again it will probably change.
    Good for you on recording you food it paid off and you should be proud of yourself.

    Lin, this is a nasty cold, if wasn't tested I would think it was Covid or at least the flu. I normally am pretty good about not catching a cold, but I guess it was my turn.

    Patsy, try not to anticipate what might not happen it will just drive you crazy. You and your kids are doing the best you can and will figure this all out. You are in my prayers and heart.

    Jackie, I think we are all ready for summer or at least spring. This weather is just too depressing.
    I am resting up and hoping to be well by the weekend at least I hope so.

    Hello to Barbie, Dianne and Jeri.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello friends, well that didn’t last long, the sunny mild weather I mean. Rain poured heavily until about 4pm so very little has been achieved. I did phone friends to find out if they know any more about Les being in hospital and apparently he contracted Covid while at an indoor bowling event. Although blind he is able to play when a friend stands with him and describes where the Jack is (ball they aim to get closest to) and because Les has played for over 60 years he knows weight and direction needed and often wins. It’s great exercise and a way of socialising, otherwise he is quite isolated during the day, but unfortunately Covid is still with us, even if mild for most. The rest of my day has been relaxing to get over a few aches from yesterday’s gardening and taking George and Betty out once the rain stopped. The pets have loved their lazy day too, especially George now that he can sleep on his fluffy bed in the spare bedroom while Brady and Betty snuggled by the fire!

    Patsy, your concern for John must be overwhelming because our brains are scary but if you met my friend Pat who suffered a stroke before lockdown you wouldn’t know. I’m aware she is slower towards the end of the day but several of what she calls symptoms, I’m beginning to deal with myself just from getting older. So much research is now being made into Alzheimers and how best to care for sufferers. Support organisations you can talk to if that turns out to be John’s diagnosis might be another option but as Sandy commented, you can go mad imagining the worst scenario. ❤️

    Sandy, I’m delighted to read you are staying in your Jim-jams today. Someone once said if you don’t look after yourself you can’t look after others. It could have been the Dalai Lama, Confucius or Socrates but there again it was probably a long forgotten celebrity!! 🤪

    Oh dear Lin, not the best news from your doctor and lots to think about but at least you are being monitored so a few adjustments will hopefully be all that’s required.

    Anyone would think we are all getting older but good news, Sandy and Anne both happy with readings from their weigh scales. I, on the other hand….!!

    Gosh, 6pm and I only just finished my afternoon cuppa. Clocks springing forward has completely thrown me. 🫤
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello. I made my trip to the dealership and then stopped for some vegan yogurt and frozen cherries.

    Well, I got to sit in an HRV and a CRV. They were both comfortable. There’s nothing to purchase on the lot, the cars that are ordered and are being shipped are all sold, the new order they just placed has only 3 cars left without a deposit (and none of these are built yet).

    Seems the best thing to do is decide exactly what I want, have them order it and place a deposit on it. It could arrive in 6 months or perhaps 9 months. The bad thing is the price is not locked in when you order, you pay MSRP in effect at the time it ships I guess. You can decide you do not want it, they don’t really care, they will sell it.

    So, time to decide what I want which is difficult because I really didn’t have much to look at. Should I toss a coin?

    Interesting facts for me today. The guy said all new cars are designed to draw on the battery all the time now. So you better get the vehicle out and drive it each week. The other thing was that cars in general are not designed to last more than 10 years.

    Jackie, at least you did get some information about Les. I hope he is recovering from that darn virus! It is better to know than to keep wondering. Brady and Betty look extremely comfortable. Glad everyone has their spot!

    Sandy, is that true? Coughing can increase your blood pressure? If so, I know by mine would be high sometimes. Stupid chronic cough! Staying in your jammies is a wonderful idea. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 feel better! I am sure you must have run yourself down over the past months. Must build yourself up again.

    Patsy, good old MFP did not show me your post yesterday. I am so incredibly sorry that John has more problems. Thankfully your family is standing with you. All best wishes.

    Anne, yes, I will write these downs but I think he will want me to come in every 3 months to have it checked on their machine. The numbers were fine this morning. 128/75 with heart rate of 69. I would be happy with those each day. His office adds on lots of points!! I hit my internal panic button whenever I start to drive over there.

    Well, time to work on some cards, cook something to eat and get ready for the live weekly broadcast on YouTube at 7pm.

    Wishing everyone well. We could all use good news. Hi Barbie, Diane, Jeri and all other Sneakers.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi LIN, my problem was I got good results on my home machine for BP, but it shot to high heaven a couple of hours later on the Doctors machine. This went on for ages with me scribbling the numbers daily. Doctor Tim finally said he wasn’t a great believer in “white coat syndrome” but after taking my machine to the office and it matching his figures there, he finally conceded it might be true. That’s what is probably happening to you as well. I really like Dr Tim as a person but have a true mistrust of doctors in general and avoid them like the plague.

    My Jilly is at the front window barking her head off but I can’t see anything outside.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Anne, I think we have the same issue! I have noticed my doctor asks many questions and clearly does not believe the responses. His visit notes were posted to my electronic file and I see phrases such as ‘patient denies’, ‘patient alleges’……hummmmm.

    Well, I would be glad to bring my little unit with me if needs must!

    111/69 today 👀 (patient alleges)

    Have a good day. I am home from finally getting to the gas station. Good to have my old beast full of fuel!


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Finally had a good night's sleep. I have to laugh though with all the OTC meds I am taking the thing that helps the most with my cough is a teaspoon of honey. The problem is it is full of calories so I already gained weight. I don't care though because it suppresses my cough. My blood pressure is usually higher at the doctor's office also. It is normal today so yes, I think too much coughing can raise your blood pressure. I am no doctor but I think I know my own body. (patient alleges)
    Another day of rest and doing nothing, it is becoming a bit boring but nice at the same time.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    Rain, rain and more rain, so much so we haven’t walked anywhere because George has slept all day and Betty hates the wet stuff. I’m not as tolerant as I used to be either and am getting fed up generally. When I went into my garden about 4 pm to feed the hens their afternoon snack I noticed the potato plants have grown another 4” in their sacks so added more compost then fiddled with the hosepipe I have fitted to my water collecting barrel to ensure it is feeding the container next to it that was only set up Monday but already is almost full. The search is on for a third just in case we suffer another drought in the summer!

    I tried to get fuel for my car on Monday but a tanker was blocking the forecourt each time I passed. Betty has her nail clipping appointment tomorrow morning so I will hopefully fill up in town.
    The tea set is beautiful Lin but a bit mean to only offer 3 biscuits!!

    I’ve purchased a chiming mantel clock online with some of the money Chrissie left for me. It should be with me next week and I will continue to search for a suitable garden seat.

    That’s my day as I see the rain is becoming torrential. I shall chop vegetables and a piece of cooked chicken ready for a stir fry…. Too much excitement in one day!!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Miserable day here. First pouring with rain and now mixed with snow flurries. Mark popped in to pick up an empty paint can to go and buy more matching. He still has to go to physio with his back but fewer sessions now because he finally has some relief after suffering for over three years. I personally think the time with Corvid finally allowed his back to heal a little. My personal opinion of course on health practitioners and doctors. again!!!!

    Watching the new “all creatures great and small” had me slightly watery eyed as I remembered the similar Christmas’s we had long ago. Not quite so many people in the old house of course but oh so similar in the decorations, relatives full of good humour, the mistletoe in the hall and the holly decorating the grandfather clock top and the Venetian wall clock, both now over at Marks house. Midnight carols at the Norman church and exactly the same Christmas dinner next day with cracker pulling. But….. here we are in 2023 with “hoity toity April” and Easter just around the corner.

    Sorry this is boring, but it’s very quiet here with the rain and snow and Jilly on her back next to me, and slightly “talking” in her sleep.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A mild sunny afternoon! Wow! Not sure how to take this. It might be a trick. Evil weather sneaking up on us as we bask in this heavenly spring like weather.

    I have long known that medicine is not an exact science. Most doctors actually know this but they are the ones that deny that fact. This thing with John is mysterious and scary. There are times when he is lucid and back to his old self. Then comes the times when he can’t remember words and has extreme exhaustion. There are other symptoms as well. We go to the doctors,, hospital for tests and each time some new thing is discovered. Never a real definitive answer. Meanwhile whatever this is, is not treated or even acknowledged. Stroke? Dementia? Alzheimer’s? Brain tumor? Reaction to meds?

    I am clearring out closet and chest of drawers. There are so many things that I will not ever wear ever again. They are taking up room and need to be either discarded or donated to Goodwill. Takes time but I will get it done.

    Anne: my dad and brother had back problems. They both had 2 back surgeries. You are right about it taking months to heal. They did eventually heal but had to be care thereafter.

    Lin: Damon is having the same car issues. He wants to buy a new car but none are available. His old Mitsubishi no longer has parts and he sold his BMW. That was just a money sink. The simplest repair or maintenance was crazy expensive.

    Sandy: great! You are on the mend! You are almost up and running. This was just a bend in the road. We all get them. They are just horribly uncomfortable.

    Jackie: we know about rain and being sick and tired of the wet and dark days. There are times when it is all I can do to keep from going out in the rain and yelling skyward. “Will you please just stop this for a day or so?” In truth there would be a lot of angry cuss words in there as well.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Patsy, so good to see you. I am sorry the doctors are not pinpointing what might be John’s problem(s). Very frustrating. Having a nice weather day is wonderful. I am hoping for some around here soon. Very cold again today. We are still in the target for severe weather in the next few days as temperatures rise and storms form.

    I wasted time looking at 2 other Honda dealerships. One has a car I would like to see. Would you believe you need to make an appointment to come and see this demo model?

    A friend called this afternoon. She was having phone problems and called to talk a while and to see if she had everything straightened out again. She did. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Jackie, too wet! But your potatoes are growing—fabulous. I hope you are able to get petrol tomorrow.

    Anne, I hope Mark’s back is healed. I didn’t know he was still doing therapy.

    Sandy, I did look around on the Internet and multiple sources did say heavy coughing could produce higher blood pressure. I had never really thought about it. Thanks for putting me in the know.

    Be safe everyone. And may we all have good health.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) We got the good weather--sunshine and 60 degrees. Jake cut the grass in the back yard and I did 30 minutes of gathering debris in the front yard. Slow and steady wins the race. We can do all this work a little bit at a time.

    <3 Barbie

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited March 2023
    This morning was Betty’s nail cutting appointment but first I walked them round the block. We bumped into a friend of my nice neighbours who has bought a property about half a mile along this route since meeting an American online and deciding on living for 6 months in each country. Probably both in their 60’s and seem well suited. Betty was very good as her nails were clipped, probably because she was fed lots of freshly cooked liver treats! Pugs nails are black, even the quick, so it’s frightening to cut them in case there’s a bleed but the nurse was very patient and Betty only squirmed when her back feet were held. My monthly pet insurance allows as many visits as needed so it was suggested we go back in about 6 weeks for another trim.
    A little shopping afterwards but I forgot to fill up my car so that will have to be another day.

    So Patsy, you have heard me across the thousands of miles, shouting at the sky? 😤 A few naughty words too! As I walked from my car to the entrance of a store this morning, the heavens opened and a lady walking from another direction laughed as her shoulders, hair and glasses became soaked in seconds so I must have looked exactly the same. We agreed we had never experienced such a wet month of March and we’re looking forward to April showers because they should at least be warmer!

    Oh dear Lin, your search for a new vehicle continues. Hopefully you will be in the right place at the right time one day soon to nab the one you want.

    I hope you are feeling more rested Sandy. Another day in Jim-jams!

    Anne, the BBC is showing a series called Race Across the World when couples compete to travel thousands of miles with very little money and no phone or transport. They set off from Vancouver on foot with a first goal in the Yukon where the scenery is stunning and the final destination is Halifax on the east coast so I’m guessing Canada will be a popular holiday destination next year!

    A letter has arrived from the mobile clinic that arranged my CT scan a couple of weeks ago to advise they have picked up a nodule on my lung but I do not currently have lung cancer. They will arrange for another scan in 3 months to check if there are any changes so once again I seem to be in the best hands for preventative treatment. It’s a reminder to get on and live life!

    It doesn’t look like it will be dry enough to be outside this afternoon so instead I will do a small DIY job that’s been looking at me for weeks.
    Happy Thursday
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Still have a slight nagging cough but otherwise feel good. Will continue to stay in until the weekend and then hope to return to Mass. I did throw on some sweats yesterday to have some groceries delivered. I stayed away from the guy who delivered and explained I had been tested and it is only a cold. I had to sign for my delivery so I gave him a wipe to clean his phone and hands.
    I am catching up on all the shows I have been wanting to watch which reminds me Call the Midwife is back and I am still loving that series.

    Jackie, sorry to hear about your nodule, but happy to hear it isn't cancer. I believe in preventive treatment as it is better to find things early and get them fixed. Waiting to see the cardiologist about my heart scan the end of April. Sorry about all your rain, we are expecting ours in the next week.

    Barbie, lucky you, I am patiently waiting for some warm weather and sunshine.

    Lin, I am sorry you are having such a hard time finding a car. When you find the right one you will know it and you will be happy you waited. I would still follow the doctor's advice on daily readings. I did that for a month and my blood pressure was high each reading thus the blood pressure pill. Don't take chances with a stroke or heart attack.

    Patsy, I do hope that you get some answers to John's problems soon to ease your mind. There were days when Babe got confused as well so I think it comes with age. As far as getting answers sometimes the doctors just don't know believe me I know and it is very frustrating. Hang in there and enjoy what you have together and don't worry about what might not happen.

    Anne, thanks for reminding me I want to watch “all creatures great and small”. I also had two discs removed from my back and a sciatica surgery to remover the nerve from my bone. Other than shrinking 2 1/2 inches I am fine except if I over do like Mark. My surgery was fairly easy as they did then all with
    microscopic surgery so no big incisions. Therapy is the key to any surgery as I am sure Mark knows and has done.

    Enjoy your day and thanks for always being here for me. Missing Babe but doing better.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hello, I have been busy with chores, washing clothes, cleaning, paying bills, addressing Easter cards, putting birthday cards in the mail, a long phone conversation, cooking, etc., etc., etc.

    It has warmed up and did get quite windy today as forecast. Tomorrow is expected to be a very rocky weather day. Hope things don’t turn out badly.

    Sandy, glad you are doing better. ❤️❤️ I have been watching “Call the Midwife” each Sunday evening so am caught up. Same with “All Creatures Great and Small” which often brings tears to my eyes. I don’t normally watch many shows that do that. But I do enjoy these.

    Jackie, I am glad your scan discovered this nodule early. I hope it does not turn into anything. Eons ago, I had an X-ray that found a nodule in my lung. After frightening me, it was evaluated and found to be an encapsulated nodule. No worries. No one has every brought it up again.

    Barbie, wonderful to hear you had some decent weather. Good job. Working bit by bit! 👍🏻👍🏻

    Anne, what are you watching or reading these days? How’s the Bean?

    Patsy, did you have good weather again today? Thinking of you. ❤️❤️

    Must get back to addressing envelopes.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member

    Nothing else to add at the moment except I love the teapot’s rose on its lid!
    Jackie 🫤
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited March 2023
    Morning all. The Ms rolled up and proceeded to paint the second coat on the basement LR and one bedroom walls. It looks lovely and airy. They then shocked me by saying they will continue and do ALL the rooms which means the second bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, the furnace come washroom and a room with no heating which contains a sink and I’ve always used as a cold room for storing vegetables and odds and ends like the window air conditioners and summer fans. All to be the same shade of paint throughout. It’s difficult to describe this colour but it’s very springlike and pretty. Sort of a very very pale grey but with the faintest hint of pale, pale green. Prettier than the description. Should (and does ) look great against the new dark wood staircase and eventually same colour flooring throughout). Michael asked me suspiciously WHY and I have no idea except my suspicions of course. The two Ms are reaching retirement age for a start and why not do it now whilst both are active. The basement is beginning to look much bigger now that left over building materials and empty paint cans are being removed as well.

    So of course LIN I don’t have much time for hobbies with all this activity going on. I do the simple stuff like wash the sheet dust covers on the Ercol sofa and chairs etc. The cleaner upper lady!
    So in the evening it’s mainly finding murder mysteries on the tv with me and Bean collapsed on the sofa. I’m watching “all creatures” and can get a bit watery eyed as I look at the beautiful scenery of those hills I once, years ago, explored. The lovely down to earth people as well. I’m happy here, but I’m so glad the brain is still full of memories.

    Enough of me. I’m hoping every one is feeling so much better with Aprils arrival tomorrow. I’m imagining the new wall colour downstairs with a jug full of daffodils on the coffee table! Meanwhile we’ve got flurries!

    Years ago in the old country JACKIE I took a Tubercolosis test at work and I had a shadow. This was followed by weeks of worry and especially by my dad. Then suddenly it had gone. Probably leftover symptoms from a cold I was blithely told. I’m praying that your nodule turns out to be a similar vanishing problem.

    Well must away and do something upstairs before the busy bees arrive again to spoil Beans and my once peaceful existence! Michael is safely tucked away at work avoiding all THIS work.

    I suspect the new people in Maria’s old house will arrive tomorrow to add to Jilly Beans excitement.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    JACKIE and her forecast just arrived above me. Take heart Jackie, it’s snowing outside here, BUT apparently temperatures SOAR on Monday and I guess will reach you a few days later.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Ladies I am now being scammed it would seem by some little toe rag pretending to be my phone company.
    Please take care. Three messages so far. The first arrived at 6am.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    We also have some nasty weather later today, our village even sent this warning.

    Happy Saturday! :) Has another good night of sleep, but still have a lingering cough. I feel much better though and find honey better than anything. Doing the laundry but that is about all. I do hope to get out tomorrow weather permitting.

    Anne, maybe the M's are thinking of moving in with you, would that be okay with you?

    Have a great Saturday.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 2023
    Happy Friday. We have the same warnings here Sandy. Early school dismissals, some events canceled and others hanging by a thread.

    Wishing everyone the best. 🤞🏻❤️🤞🏻

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    So far Lin and I are safe, more storms coming.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited April 2023
    April 1st!! Where did the first quarter of the year go? 🫣

    Thanks for letting us know Sandy. Those tornadoes look terrifying and I hope you both got some rest last night. ❤️

    Sunshine woke me this morning but before we got out for a walk the rain returned so although we got as far as the garden room, George and Betty are now snoozing while I catch up with emails and news. Once we have walked I will spend some time today tidying my greenhouse ready for tomato, peppers and cucumber seedlings that will need to be potted on and hopefully muck out the hen house.

    Time to get going but will return later to ensure everyone is safe. Take care!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited April 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) Caught up on more sleep today, getting lazy in my old age. Video call with family soon and later will be going to Mass in person.
    The storms were nerve racking last night, the sirens kept going off and I would stay in my bathroom.
    Was in contact with Lin to make sure we were both okay and thank God we are. Some terrible damage to some areas with high winds and tornados but we were lucky.
    Feeling pretty good and slight cough but not like before. I will now get on with my life. Even though I don't talk about him, I miss Babe every day and still can't believe I won't see him again.

    I hope all are well and trying to stay healthy. Have the best day ever.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello, yes, thankful to be safe. 5 counties were declared disaster areas in this state. All seemed calm and I finally went to sleep. Then the winds started up again and my house made scary noises for a few hours. I woke up to a coating of snow this morning. It has warmed up and the snow has melted already. ☀️☀️

    Any April Fool’s Day pranks? I got several emails that were full of silly things. 😄😄

    Here’s a different “rabbit, rabbit” greeting for the first of the month. I think these are very cute.


    Sandy, thanks for yesterday’s messages. It was good to keep in touch! I am glad you are pretty much recovered. ❤️ Enjoy your call with family and getting to church. Back in your groove. I know you are still hurting over your loss and I wish there was something I could say to help. Praying you will find some kind of peace in your own time.

    Jackie, oh, your activities seem so spring like. I guess spring weather will arrive here one of these days. I saw this illustration this morning and I thought of your lovely greenhouse. But I hope you don’t have any rabbits like the huge one in the illustration!


    I hope everyone is safe and doing well.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! We have sunshine again. It is breezy and a bit chilly but spring-like,

    My big news is that I think i may have found a good helper for housecleaning. She is perfect. Just enough complications that makes her my kind of person. First of all…she really doesn’t speak English. We have a few words we use and lots of hand waving and and demonstrations. And she must bring her 9 year old boy! He will play games on my iPad while his mom cleans. Complicated enough? John is falling down laughing. As I hired her, John is laughing and telling me that this is really my kind of house cleaner. No one can talk to each other and no one knows what the other needs! Perfect!

    The doctors adjusted John’s meds and it helped tremendously. Not sure what will happen long term but he is back to his same self today. Good day here!

    I am making chicken chili. Instead of cornbread I am making a sort of Mexican zucchini bread. It has cornmeal and spices and zucchini of course.

    These storms are so scary. I am so grateful everyone is safe. Lin and Sandy, I am sure you have plans when these crazy storms hit us. I guests no one has storm cellars any more.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello! A very happy and quickie from me.

    I’ve finally had a phone call from Maria and guess what, she isn’t living with her kids or her sister in another town, she’s bought a small bungalow here in our town! She couldn’t bear to live in the big house by herself after Tony died, which I can understand. Anyway, she was on her way to church but we will get together in the near future. I’ve warned her I’ve gone deaf in one ear from the shingles and half blind until I get permission to get the cataract surgery, and I’ve grown old and doddery but other than that I’m in the best of health! Lol. Of course I’m far too old for her, but I’m so very pleased to have heard from her because I have grown very fond of her in the 7 years I’ve known her. She thought I was ill because she’d only seen Mark when she’s been over. I told her he’s been over a lot because the house was being totally renovated, but unfortunately not me! She kindly said she liked my cozy little hundred year old house just as it was. Me as well, but I guess we must keep up with the times!!!

    All for now, it’s teatime. We had winds and rain yesterday and it’s still raining, but we’ve reached 11C.

    Happy April ladies. We will soon be tiptoeing through those TULIPS.

    Anne. 🌷🌷🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🌷🌷

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,898 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good morning friends! Things are picking up here in Cornwall too with no sign of rain. We’ve a cool northerly wind which is unheard of this time of year but then that’s nothing compared to others around the world. I’m going to test the terrain on the moors with George and Betty and then hopefully enjoy a busy day because I’ve spent too many days on my rear watching the rain so now my muscles are complaining loudly.

    Gosh Sandy and Lin, another nasty storm out of the way and I’m so relieved you are both safe. Life has become interesting with these precarious weather systems but it’s nothing we weren’t warned about years ago.
    The bunny napkins are adorable Lin and reminded me of Home Economics lessons at school when we were taught how to create such wonders. Of course that was an era when we women were expected to entertain on a grand scale even if we lived in a tiny middle class home. 😄😆
    I’m pleased you are shaking off that nasty bug Sandy. We never quite get over losing loved ones and I’m sure you will always miss Babe but your faith and loved ones will offer peace. ❤️

    Dear Patsy, I’ve laughed out loud while eating my porridge and reading your post. What a perfect, fun cleaning arrangement you’ve made and I can see you spending time with the 9 year old reading stories while performing with your puppets! Great news for John as well and just goes to show what scary cocktails of drugs doctors can ply us with.

    Anne, great news for you too with Maria making contact. She seems to have made a sensible decision to maintain her independence and how lovely to have a local friend you can hopefully meet up with. Age doesn’t come into it so long as you get on and Maria obviously doesn’t care. Who knows, there could be opportunities to get out of the house for coffee and cake while the renovators crack on!

    Time to get going. I think I will need to wrap up and also wear my wellies because Cornwall is saturated.
    Happy Sunday.
    Jackie 🥰🌤️☀️