Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning all before I settle down to baking a chicken pot pie on what looks like a rather gloomy, cool Sunday. Mikes coming over so I hope Bean gets a walk before the rain drops patter down, IF they patter down.

    The course sounds interesting JACKIE, although if truth be known there’s a good chance you know more about doggy first aid than anybody. Maybe George’s groomer missed her true calling as a vet? Hope it works for her and you might meet some interesting new folk. I’ll keep my fingers crossed about the cat flap!
    Actually a cat door would work for Jilly Bean, but there again maybe not with a wind from the north blowing it inwards in the winter. Brrrrrrr. Keep us posted on the saga of a departed PM cum MP. Present day politics everywhere beats fiction these days.

    Have a lovely day of rest all you lovely ladies.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    Happy Sunday! 💤💤💤 I was woken at 5:00am to the sound of Lisa yelling at one of the kids to not pick Obi up by his legs. They left for Florida shortly thereafter. I am waiting for Obi to get tired so I can take a nap while he naps in his crate. The two dogs constantly play together and I have to supervise to make sure Ewok doesn’t get too rough although Obi keeps biting him as puppies do.

    Today is Marisa’s party and the neighbor teenager is going to come puppy sit while I am gone. Ewok will go in his crate downstairs to make it easier on her.

    It’s going to be a long 8 days.

    Enjoy your Sunday Funday. I think Obi is ready for his nap.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    SANDY, I feel for you, I really do. I can only tell you what my somewhat unmotherly mother said to me when my boys were born. “You want kids Anne, YOU look after them” and she never did help out. No sign of her at their births. My MIL I really loved but she was ailing all the time I knew her. Of course all this early stuff helped enormously in later years when we had to fend for ourselves and I think it made me a better Mom who actually read stories to them in their early years and they enjoyed what I never had, birthday parties. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my mother very much but did envy other kids who tended to bully as they couldn’t understand why I wasn’t allowed to have friends over. I spent most of my free time at the Ks house next door when in favour. 9 kids in that messy household. Wonderful! My Dad was my life saver. Wonderful, wonderful, handsome easy going man who made me toys in those war years. Of course that didn’t help when it came to bullying because other kids weren’t so lucky. To each his own and SANDY I’m sure Lisa doesn’t realize just how lucky she is to have a MIL like you. God bless.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    Good evening. We did get some rain (maybe drizzle) overnight and now it is much cooler. The high today was around 70 degrees F.

    I did laundry, sorted through a few more things and waited for online church broadcast. Unfortunately, it never appeared. There was a note posted that said the video would be added later today. So far, that hasn’t happened.

    Otherwise, I made several meals and I have been die cutting little stars for my cards and have done some gluing and assembly. Some progress!

    I need to organize some clothes for tomorrow morning. A long trip to the dentist’s office with a long detour in place due to road work and I need to be there by 8am. I think I will set an alarm!

    I haven’t watched any news today and it feels quite nice.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    I thought this was sweet.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    And that’s my little Jilly LIN. Spitting image in her favourite relaxing mode.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    Happy Monday!😀 5:30 wake up call from Obi. He is on his second nap and I have had none yet. One accident today but my fault. He pooped outside but I thought he was finished and he wasn’t, Ewok interrupted him so he finished in house. Good thing he is a tiny
    Doing some laundry that was in laundry basket but I think I will try to lay down since Obi sleeps about two hours.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 168 Member
    Hello to all…happy Monday. Spent the weekend reading and standing outside with Lori checking her pool equipment, checking water level, thinking there is a leak. Spent this morning with her looking at pool water with Deb and Charlie.
    Sandy…you are a treasure.
    Lin, love the dainty tea pot. Also luv the poem. Although I tend to german Shepherd, white and pure as the driven snow. That was our pet when kids were growing up. Then, when I was helping my son in Georgia while he had custody of his two daughters, we had a Golden. When he passed, the dog I mean, we had black labs. So I like the larger, calmer dog breeds. Lori and I dont have a pet just now.
    Anne, how was your pot pie. They are so yummy although I have never made one myself. Its my understanding the fires are out of control. Sadly.
    Jackie, do you have a small dog for walks along the moors?
    Well I am trying a new DCI book today. Just took a fritatta out of the oven for lunch. So, picture me reading all afternoon. Debbie and Charlie did our Costco shopping this a.m. So, I will have to pull myself away from book to do my treadmill.
    Best wishes to all. Still no word from Patsy?
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hello everyone. There has been more cloud about today which is a relief because when the sun shines, it’s scorching. After a walk I got stuck into housework as a way of working off my temper at the crazy neighbour with her dogs that attacked when I returned home and was about to walk through the gate to my footpath. George turned to protect me and found himself caught up amongst 4 dogs until the woman managed to call them off and get them in her car. She then shouted at me as if it was all my fault but I was more concerned George might have been hurt because he was slow to move. Probably more shock than anything but I’m seriously considering carrying a walking stick with me whenever I go to my car!! I did go out to drive to the vet to collect Betty’s dietary biscuits later in the afternoon but all quiet. We’ve had no more rain so tonight I have been watering all my pots and the raised beds.

    Yesterday’s First Aid course was quite interesting but as the oldest person in the room I did think a lot of the advice and information came under the title Common Sense! I hadn’t realised Debbie had booked a woman who runs these courses as a business so had merchandise to sell but since I walk on the moors and see few people, didn’t see the point of carrying a special kit just in case someone’s dog cut itself or got stung by something! She was overrunning by quite a bit so worried George and Betty had already been left too long, I made my excuses and avoided the big sell and group photo! At least I now know how to administer CPR to any dog that stops breathing or that’s drowned. Must get the owner’s permission first! Anne, I got home finally to find George and Betty both indoors so no cat flap escape, thank goodness!

    That’s a sweet poem Lin and very true. A pretty tea set too although we are missing the all important cup and saucer!

    My dogs are both small Joy, in fact George isn’t much bigger than cat Brady while Betty is a typical round Pug!

    Sandy, I know from my experiences with Brady coming in after a night on the tiles that 5.30 is an awful time to get woken up because it’s impossible to get back into a deep sleep. Hopefully you are more rested now.

    I’ve loaded the washing machine for an overnight cycle and am just finishing a weak cup of tea before heading for my bed.
    Jackie 🥰

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 168 Member
    Jackie, your dogs are adorable.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hello friends. I did make it to my dental appointment with time to spare. It was a long appointment with x-rays (didn’t think I was due for any!). Lots of cleaning, examining and then my first ever fluoride treatment. Didn’t know I had to pick a flavor. This is to become a regular thing. All ‘older’ people are receiving the treatments at this dental practice.

    I picked up a few things at the grocery store and then headed home. I puttered around the house, got the trash ready to take to the curb. And I worked on the cards again. Still not finished. I keep running out of stars. 😀 I will cut more tomorrow.

    I need to try to look over my dehumidifier tomorrow. It doesn’t seem to be working properly. 🤞🏻 hope I can figure out some way to get it working better.

    The days seem to fly by. 🛩️🛩️

    Be safe everyone.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 168 Member
    Lin, nice teapot again.
    Just today I made appointment for teeth cleaning. I am long overdue, so guess xrays are in order.
    Thinking about how busy you always are. You should post a pic of the cards you make!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    Happy Tuesday! 😀. 5:45 wake up call today, at this rate I am going to become a morning person. Lol But look how cute they are!
    I did take a nap for the first hour of his nap and went to bed at 9:30 last night so rested. I was able to shower and eat a peaceful breakfast so a good day so far. He is now sleeping 3 hours.
    Obi plays two hours then sleeps two or three hours. Eats, plays, sleeps, not a bad life!
    Looks like rain today so I hope it doesn’t pour or storm while on potty calls.

    Nothing else exciting going on. I might make a quick run to Target at his next nap but just a quick pickup in the parking lot.
    Have a great day everyone!
    One Day at a Time
    Have a
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,709 Member
    An early visit to the moors this morning but as I got closer I could see mist and by the time I drove into the car park it was thick fog! Luckily I wore a cardigan over my top so kept warm while I walked on marked tracks so as not to get lost. I phoned Sheila once home and suggested I pick her up and we go hunting for comfortable garden recliners. We found a nice recliner but no cushions with a back so home again and I’ve been searching online for the right size…. Not easy!
    This afternoon I stayed indoors and chatted to my friend Pat on WhatsApp. Thunder rumbling around sent me out to collect dry washing off the rotary line but still no rain so in a short while I will water the veggie garden. I’ve decided not to cut the lawn because it is dry and damaged so best wait for it to recover.

    Cute pictures Sandy. One day I will snap George greeting a huge Malamute called Nuke that we often see on the moors. They look so funny together.

    Nothing else happening.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    Hello. I have no cute photos today. It was a laundry day, sorting through old things and yes, some card making.

    No rain and I will need to water my outdoor containers tomorrow morning. Darn.

    Must finish super and get ready for the weekly 7pm video. Tonight is a new product release so that will probably go on for an hour and a half. Kind of long!

    Be safe everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member

    Some Sandicast figurines of Siberian Huskies that I would like to sell.

    They are cute!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    Adorable Lin!❤️
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hello sneakers. Another hot day so out very early to walk; no fog this morning but a gentle breeze to make it bearable. After breakfast, coffee and a couple of catch up phone calls with Sheila and Linda I’m getting on with housework that didn’t happen as planned yesterday. I’ve promised to help Linda tomorrow because she wants to put guttering on a shed at the garden she uses and it’s the sort of job where a second pair of hands comes in very handy. She thinks it might rain at the weekend but everything in my garden has been watered anyway and I’ve noticed an expensive seed I bought of a blue Meconopsis poppy has developed a beautiful red flower!
    I will collect its seeds at the end of summer but who knows what colour will appear in 2024!

    On with the housework.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    GM. Obi woke up at 2am for potty and after whining for a while went back to sleep until 6. It is finally a nice day so will be spending time outside. Both dogs are napping and I plan on doing the same. The mosquito service is coming to spray the yard so dogs can’t be on it for 30 minutes. Hopefully they come while they are napping. Potty training is going okay but a couple of accidents. Can’t use a pee pad with Ewok, it just wouldn’t work.
    Have a great day. Still no word from Patsy?

    One Day at a Time