Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JULY 2023



  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,018 Member
    @leonadixon - I'm so very sorry to hear about your Mom. Will be thinking of you.
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 221 Member
    Good Morning folks! 🤠

    Awesome job on the weight loss the week. We did great!

    @mkksemail I hope all went well with colonoscopy. I hate the prep for those.

    @sleepygirl79 sometimes having that stuff actually can help. I have had that happen to. I hope you were able to get to bed earlier the other night and felling ready now.

    @Katmary71 the flee market was a hit. I found the lasso rope I was looking for and hubby bought my a red wagon to use for my gardening. Also picked up some jalapenos and used them for poppers. They were delish! 😋
    I hate when I leave the water running. My pocket book doesn't like it much either.😂
    I am sorry about your hands. I have 2 bulging disc in my neck. When winter rolls around I have different symptoms every yr from arthritis inflammation. A few yrs back it cause 3 of my fingers to go numb I had to go for steroid injections in my neck every other month. It really did not help. I just gained weight from it.
    Congrats on your loss. Have you done the gummies. I find them helpful on night ghat my body is screaming at me.😂 It calms the pains and helps with getting a good night's sleep.

    @trooworld your dinner look so yummy😋 I grew my hair out after my mother passed away. It took almost 2 yrs.hf698r5bokc7.jpg

    @vegan4lyfe2012 them grandbabies are the sweeties looking little things😍 Being a grandma is the best thing in the world.

    @shaunair83 I am sorry to see you go from the group. We are friends on MFP so we can still stay in touch.

    @DrewsAnna Thank you! I am sorry you are having problems with your neighbor. It is hard when you have to deal with them on a daily basis. I hope you have heard from the courthouse by now. Hanging in there. Glad to see you are staying focus on eating somewhat better. Finding something to focus on helps with the stressing of life's encounters (of a third kind)😂😂 just had to add that.

    @micaroo4 I'm glad Earl is doing better. Sorry he has allergies/ asthma. It is crazy how animals can get that stuff. I wonder how wild animals deal with those symptoms 🤔

    @FushiaKat Congrats on the loss!

    @Brigit02 I am with you on going with the flow. I am taking it day by day. I am a believer stressing over it just make you gain more.

    @leonadixon I'm so sorry for your loss!

    WOW! Can't stay away from this group to long. Have to write a book to catch up.😂
    Not much has been going on the past few says just working around the house. Had one of my grandsons stay the night last night. He is 16 and got his first job working at Whataburger. I am so proud of him.
    Today I am canning for the first time. I am making dill and bread and butter pickles. If this is a success then I will try it out on other things.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 179 Member
    edited July 2023
    @leonadixon sorry to hear about your mom.

    Yesterday was a gong show in the calorie department for me. Too many temptations and not enough will power. Packed a better lunch today and if weather holds, I’m hoping to go for a run tonight. Headache is gone but still stiff in the shoulders. I carry heavy bags for work and think that’s not helping the shoulders. I do a lot of driving too so I have to remember proper posture then too.
    Anyway, it’s Friday!!!! Have a super weekend all!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 291 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 239
    CW: 238
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 234.8
    CW: 235.0

    +0.2 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    @leonadixon I'm so very sorry for the loss of your mother, Leona. My heart goes out to you. I hope to see you again in August. <3

    @Brigit02 HOW BEAUTIFUL! You made my day, I love that color!

    @txcritter69 Thanks! It was yummy. Oh man, I am in for a long ride, aren't I? But it was worth it, you look fabulous! I love that purplish/pink color. Yeah there are a lot of posts here lol. That's great your grandson got a job at 16, I was also young when I started working (Burger King, 15 yrs old). It set me up for a good work ethic! I hope your pickles come out well. Yum!

    @sleepygirl79 I'm glad your headache is gone. Enjoy your run!

    @davors19 Congrats on the loss!

    @micaroo4 In the nick of time! Woo hoo!

    Hi all. I am running behind today. I hope you have a great day, I'm okay.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,666 Member
    @sleepygirl79 If you can try this stretch, I’ve had strains/strains and whiplash then now all these herniated discs and just discovered this, the first few days after I started doing them it felt really weird but now that it’s been a week I have way better movement and less neck crunching, never knew the arm behind the back making such a huge difference! It was kinked up for so long I was uncomfortable at night for a few nights but my upper back and neck feels so much better despite all my disc issues. Never had this with the hand on low back in any of my years of PT. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hDY4fnEYz0w

    @DrewsAnna That’s pretty disgusting, I’m sorry you and your husband are dealing with that.

    @micaroo4 I’m so glad Earl is doing better, that’s a relief. Poor Earl, allergies stink, I hope he doesn’t have to be on medication for too long. Hopefully you’ll be able to narrow down some of the allergies so you can watch out for him.

    @trooworld My idea was to brew it myself but my “tea maker” hasn’t returned my text yet so it may be moot if she’s offended so I’m not sure if she wants to problem solve with me. Rockin that hat! I'd seriously see you walking around with that and like you just because of it. Are the dogs doing better these days?

    @leonadixon I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, prayers and love to you.

    @Brigit02 What a perfect dahlia, wow!

    @txcritter69 Oh jalapeno poppers sound awesome, I wish I’d seen this two days ago, one of the food bank farm volunteers had left a bunch of pale jalapeno peppers for us and I took some home and gave half to my friend yesterday. Are you going to grow in the wagon or use it? They’re so much help both at home and especially at the farm. I haven’t had good luck with injections either, I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with that. It’s crazy how awful winter is with pain issues. I tried gummies before but it’s been awhile, I tried going through a medical dispensary talking to a bud tender first and had trouble with all of it making my pain worse. If I’m brave enough to try again I’ll look for the gummies, I know her tea combo is low THC because I don’t feel stoned which I hate, it just makes me tired and helps my pain. I don’t know if that’s a CRPS thing or an allergy because my nerves and brain seem to over fire for 3 hours. I curl in a ball under my covers and wait for it to stop. Thanks for the recommendation! Oh I wish you lived here, I’ve harvested a ton of dill seeds from the farm, I’d swap you seeds for your recipe!

    Hi team! Feel like I’ve been away more than a day! I went to the greenhouse yesterday and a childhood friend came over for lunch then we went to the movies. I hadn’t gotten much sleep but it was a serious subject matter so I didn’t fall asleep at the theater and stayed under calories despite having popcorn. After she brought me home my neighbor who also volunteers at the farm texted saying she was bored and was it ok if she visited so I told her to go for it and opened some wine and we hung out. She’s a lawyer who mediates eviction disputes and was a sheriff at one point, she tells you straight up she’s on the spectrum and bad a social nuances and tends to overshare but would love to be friends. I really like her, she’s fun to volunteer with at the farm and hang out with. Today was collecting seeds at the farm, work, then just been resting. My medication increase and lack of sleep hit me hard today so after the store I’ve been taking it easy. This was super long sorry! We’re in a heat wave too, I’m headed outside to water. Have a great Saturday!

    No Zero Days- under calories, lots of water, and great workouts today.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 316 Member
    @txcritter69 I really like canning, my plum tree has a lot of fruit so I'll can up some more jam this year because I ran out. I'm also going to have a pretty good tomato harvest, so I'm going to make some stewed tomatoes and maybe some tomato sauce.

    @micaroo4 yea for making it in a nick of time.

    @leonadixon I'm so sorry about your mom. I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

    Hey y'all,

    Neighbor update, I called the court house on Thursday and found out that the anti-harassment order had been granted last Friday. I'm pretty sure he got served Wednesday or Thursday. The email was sent to an account that I thought had closed years ago. I don't know why though, I looked at the paperwork and I didn't give them that email. Anyway, between the no contact order and the fence, things have been a lot better.

    Yesterday, I sat around in the back yard with some friends and had a few white claw hard seltzers and a turkey cheeseburger on a multigrain sandwich thin roll and I drank all my water. So, I tried to be mindful, today though, I went out to dinner with my daughter, her friend, 5 of my grands and a niece and her daughter who is visiting from Minnesota. It was fun and I had half of my chicken curry. I got myself in trouble when I started tasting everyone's "Boba" tea. They were good. So, not to good, but not to bad either.

    Tomorrow is hubby's I.B.E.W. union picnic.That is always lots of fun. I'm going to try and be mindful, they always go all out for there workers.

    Y'all have a great day.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,155 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 121.6
    CW (Current Weight): 122.8

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    @Katmary71 Darn, that stinks that she hasn't returned your text. I hope she does. Oh I would definitely wear that hat just because lol. I love bright colors! Well, the dogs haven't fought in about 2 weeks BUT it's because we keep them physically separated. How? One of us has the leash of one dog and the other person has the other leash...yes, in the house! It's exhausting keeping them apart. But we have to do it. Thanks for asking. How fun to hang out with your childhood friend! My best friend has been my best friend since we were 8 years old. Nothing like knowing someone for that long! Sounds like you've been very social lately!

    @DrewsAnna I'm glad that things are better. Your backyard socializing sounds fun. I hope you have fun at the picnic today.

    @19shmoo69 HAHAHAHA! Thank you for that.

    @tammymccrady6278 Congrats on the loss!

    @Cornanda Are you still doing the mindfulness stuff?

    Hi all. My knee is really bothering me and I'm trying not to aggravate it worse because next Friday and Saturday Comic-Con Intl convention for us. I would be so bummed if I had to not go due to my knee. So, taking it easy for now. We dropped the puppers off at the kennel yesterday and will pick them up today at about 3 pm. It's been nice being without them and getting a break from being hypervigilant but I miss them and can't wait to see them.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,005 Member
    I don't know who need this today, but this was a good article someone on another board posted:

    8 At-Home, Self-Care Strategies That Can Help You Lose Weight
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,814 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    Pw 230
    Cw 230
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,388 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 211.6
    Todays Weight: 212
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 256.5
    CW: 262 :o

    Well all Will Power left me this week. I have been in a workshop since Sunday and they have fed us very well. My mind knew I didn't have to eat all this but we had crackers, candy, pasta, bbq, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken strips, potato salad, Publix subs, chips, sodas, cakes, coffee, wine, poppy seed chicken, black eyed peas, cornbread, sweet tea, fried chicken, rolls, chicken salad, fried green tomatoes, salad, squash casserole, lasagna, strawberry shortcake, and a whole lot more. And I am on my way now back to the group for a finale pool party with a cookout. Whew! And on top of that, we were in lecture settings every day, sitting listening...

    I have had a great time making 18 new friends in this workshop who's friendships I will cherish. :)

    I have a lot of work to do next week to get back on my road I was on. I can do this!! B)
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,192 Member
    The July Week 3 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Jul 16th. Please join us for a week-long spoiling session with Self-Care Bingo! I know we could all use a little of that! Hope to see you there. Here's your link:


    Jessica :blush:
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