Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,284 Member
    30 different plant foods per week means 4 different ones each day, plus 2 more during the week. You can eat the same plant again on a different day, but repeats don't count towards the 30. A different color counts, so red pepper and green pepper each count as one. It can be whole grains, nuts/seeds, fruit, or vegetables, as long as not highly processed. Count cauliflower, but not pizza with a cauliflower crust! Even tea, coffee, herbs and spices count, but only as 1/4.
    So Saturday I had spinach, avocado, strawberries, mango, and cashews. Sunday it was potatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and onions. Today will be carrots, chickpeas, red bell pepper, broccoli, almonds and black beans.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    Hi everyone! A big welcome to the new team members, and welcome back to the returning members, I am so glad you are here!

    I am one of your Mission Slimpossibles captains along with @broncobuddee. Our wonderful motivator is @Katmary71!

    Along with our weekly weigh-ins, we REALLY encourage our team members to participate in regular check-ins. It’s a great way to stay accountable to yourself and it allows the team to cheer you on and offer support as you need it. We are a community, and we are stronger together!

    If you have any changes to your weigh-in day or reported weights, be sure to tag @BroncoBuddee who handles all of that stuff. He also handles moving people to cheerleader status/or other status changes.

    Please share a little bit about you: your name, where you live, and what brought you to the Fat2Fit Challenge Group. Also share anything else you would like to, including any goals for the year. We are here to support and cheer you as you go through your weight loss adventure!

    Hi everyone. My name is Chris. I live in Southern California with my husband, cute one-eyed pirate pug named Daisy (7 yrs old) and pug pup name Violet who is 1 yr old. Up until my mid-20s, I was a healthy weight but then the mid-20s hit and along with that came medications that made me gain weight as well as poor lifestyle choices. I recently signed up for MFP Premium and I find it very useful.
    I have about 65 lbs to lose. For exercise, I mostly walk and talk with friends, as well as walk my dogs. I plan on going to water aerobics soon. We have a Tonal home gym but my husband uses it a lot more than I do. My hobbies: reading, making artwork, photography, tent camping (although we haven’t gone in a few years), and cooking.

    Now, it's your turn! Tell us about YOU!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @sleepygirl79 @askewcr @mareeya88 @broncobuddee @txcritter69 @tammymccrady6278 Way to get on the leaderboard!!! Congrats! A special shout out to @tammymccrady6278 who was in the green the whole month of July! Woo hoo!

    @maggybd Welcome to the team! Glad to have you. I'm glad you found something that works for you. I also recently got a CGM (I'm not diabetic either but am pre-diabetic).

    @Cornanda Exactly. Work will be very different. I saw a coworker over the weekend and he told me they are taking away one of my tasks (it happens to be one of my favorite tasks) because "I have too much to do now". I will be assigned new tasks and I also have to go into work 4 days a week vs 3 days a week. :( It sucks! I'm glad you aren't giving up. Hugs.

    @Katmary71 Yes! Flip is amazing. I had a great time at the murals, so much history and coolness. Yeah I really have to reign it in.

    @AmbersWay I'm glad your husband is improving.

    @DJill68 mareeya88 @megnolia82 Congrats on the losses!

    @micaroo4 I got my continuous glucose monitor by buying it off Facebook Marketplace. It was unopened, brand new, someone had gotten it for their pet. It came with one sensor (sensors need a prescription, too). I did get my doctor to prescribe the sensors by telling her diabetes runs in my family and I would like to keep an eye on my blood sugar levels. She was hesitant but did it.

    @sleepygirl79 How cool! That's good your pup enjoyed his paws in the water.

    Hi all. I did make it to Aqua Zumba yesterday morning, despite my anxiety. It had all the things I like about Zumba (the music, the movements) without the stuff I hate about it (my lack of coordination can be seen by all, the confusion). I had a smile on my face the whole time! I had so much fun. As you can see, it was a good workout (I didn't think water aerobics could be such a good workout). I plan on going back, I just have to decide to which class. I'm still working on the food: I went out for lunch yesterday with a friend and unfortunately, it was a really authentic Thai place. The only thing I recognized was pad thai so I got that. I had hoped for fresh spring rolls and chicken skewers but that wasn't on the menu. For dinner, I made tacos. It put me way over but I will try again today.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @broncobuddee Congrats on your 30 lbs down!

  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Praise'm Praise'm everyone,

    Sorry had an accident in June that put me out and then fell again just last week but still trying to lose all these pounds so not giving up. Just letting you know I am still around.
    -Glorious Gloria ❤️
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi all. My name is Tammy and I am 55. I have 2 adult children and 2 grandchildren. I have been struggling with weight most of my life and topped out at 260. I have been with this amazing group for awhile now and love all the motivation and energy. I love to work in my flowerbeds and read and crochet. Just depends on the time of year. Baking is a passion as well. I have a wonderful husband who treats me like a queen, a Great Dane named whiskie and a Havenese named Maggie I don’t always write anything but come on and read all the posts. I’m really going to try to post every day in August.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,147 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @sleepygirl79 Wow what a busy day! Yeah I’d let the hubby cook too!

    @micaroo4 Awesome start with whole foods! I wasn’t thinking of non veggie and fruits, you got this!

    @trooworld That’s wonderful Aqua Zumba went so well, love you smiling the whole time! Eating out is always so challenging, yep today’s a new day, just get back to it. Great burn for your exercise too, you rock!

    @broncobuddee Congratulations on 30lbs down!

    @gjaholy33 Glad to know you’re still here! I’m sorry to hear about the accident and fall and hope you recover fast.

    @tammymccrady6278 I’d love to see more posts from you in the upcoming month.

    @19shmoo69 What pepper is that, I remember your ghost peppers didn’t work out, is that a habanero? Very tall, I’m thinking looking at that I should’ve pinched my early flowers as my peppers didn’t get too tall with our weird weather. Great job! Will you make hot sauce or salsa with it?

    Hi friends! Last day of July, time for a fresh month to start. Still struggling with sleep but think I was so tired I couldn’t sleep which is pretty messed up. I got up at 2 and read, got up and worked out, then went out with a friend earlier to celebrate her 6 year cancer-free with ice cream. I came home with a small amount of candy from Sees that’s calling my name in the fridge but am going to try and moderate it instead of eating it all in one day.

    As far as goals I’m doing a three month cracking down challenge and lost 5lbs in a little over the last month so it’s actually helping and I’ll continue it.

    No Zero Days- great workout, good water
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 328 Member
    Hey y'all,

    Welcome to all the new people!!! This is a wonderful group.

    I'm baaaaack! My 6 day camping (glamping) trip was just what I needed. It felt good to get away from home and decompress a little, hang out with family, go buggy riding and eat a lot of good food. I saw some amazing scenery and we found an old abandoned cabin that people actually use in the winter if they get stuck in the snow. It had a wood stove, canned food and a few essential things that random people leave in the cabin all during the year. It was really cool. At times it seemed as though I was standing on top of the world. I will post some pictures very soon.

    I'm feeling better than I have been in a very long time.

    I'm going to try and get better at checking in.

    My goals for this month are very basic: weigh, measure and log all my food. Exercise for about 20-30 minutes 5 days a week.

    Y'all have a great evening.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Yes it a habanero, I plan to just eat them. It was the scotch bonnet that didn't grow. My two ghost pepper plants have peppers but they're still green. How do i save the seeds for next year?
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,026 Member
    Pop in:

    @trooworld - work is going to be very different for you- Poo on that. It would be nice if they let you have some input into what tasks you would like to keep. Glad aerobics went well for you!

    @19shmoo69 - I'm not a spice person. I know ghost peppers are hot. Why do they call them ghost peppers? Is it because the spice sneaks up on you and scares you? I could ask Google this, but I'd rather ask you because you might decide to reply with a British accent as you have in the past.

    I started a new workout program I found on line yesterday. We'll see how it goes. It feels good to try something new.

  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 237 Member
    Good Morning Folks!

    Welcome to all the new folks! This group is awesome!

    I'm Sandy 53 yrs old from Copperas Cove, Tx. I am married to a wonderful man for 27 yrs who beat colon cancer a year ago this month. We have to Children both married and 5 grandsons. We also have 2 fur babies Tigger the cat and Diesel the raptor. I pop in daily to keep up but don't post everyday. I am going to change that tis month. I need the accountability I need some one to check in with. My family is awesome but not helpful with my journey.

    Well here is to the month of August. As I stepped on the scale this morning I am disappointed in myself back up to 170.

    This month I have 6 goals:
    1.) WAKE UP HAPPY!
    2.) Get all my steps in every day.
    3.) Only eat out once a week.
    4.) Stop the snacking after 7pm.
    5.) Log food and water intake.
    6.) Check in daily with my goals.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • maggybd
    maggybd Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning, everyone,

    A lot of gardeners here. I planted a papaya tree a year ago, and after multiple adventures (two hurricanes that led to flooding and a hard frost that killed the top half) it finally has its first fruit. It is very exciting!

    I had a stressful day yesterday. I met up for lunch with my ex. I loved her a lot and we were together for 12 years. She broke up with me 14 years ago and I was absolutely devastated (and suicidal). We live in different states now and hadn't seen each other in 12 years. She was in town for a conference. It was interesting because I am completely over her, I am happily married and have absolutely no desire to be back together. But my body reacted strongly (I am prone to panic attacks). I think it was remembering the trauma from 14 years ago. The meeting went fine. I didn't eat anything all day because even the thought of food would make me nauseous, but when I finally came home, I binged. It wasn't too bad, 1900 calories of whole food (nuts, veggies, and meat), but enough that my weight is up a bit this morning. These mini-binges happen a lot (even when I haven't had a super stressful day. Things like lack of sleep, my child being bratty, or having a write a long report for work trigger them) and they slow down my weightloss a lot.

    My goal for August is to decrease the number of days I go over calories. I am going to try the following strategy: if I want to go over calories, I first need to take 1000 steps, post here, and do two household chores like do the dishes or fold the laundry. If after all that I need more food, I will eat it and repeat every 250 calories. I am hoping that most of the time this will break the binge. If you guys have other ideas, please let me know. Simply resolving I won't binge is not going to work for me. I am not good at keeping my resolutions when I am in a binge mood, but I will probably use these copying strategies if I know that if they don't work I can still eat.


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @gjaholy33 Good to hear from you. I'm sorry about your accident, I hope you are okay.

    @19shmoo69 SPICY! Like you! :D Those habaneros are looking good.

    @Katmary71 Thank you so much! Up at 2 am? Oh my dear, I'm so sorry you aren't sleeping well. Congrats on the 5 lbs down!

    @DrewsAnna I'm glad you had a good time. Can't wait to see the pics!

    @Cornanda Oh yes. Actually, I thought they were going to snag that task away from me but I talked to my manager yesterday and I told her I think I'll be okay without the "help" (taking over the task) but may need it in the future when I see how things shake out. She was cool with that, she's really laid back and I love her so I might be okay (besides the extra tasks). Tell us more about your new program, what does it entail?

    Hi all. I was above my calories by just 75 yesterday so I am getting closer to being under. Today may be the day! I am plodding through work, it is getting to be clearer what I'll have to take on additionally. Have a great day!

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    True story: at one point, I asked a coworker to start slapping food out of my hand if it was unhealthy. He never did it but I did ask lol.

  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Current Weight: 184.2
    Previous Weight: 186 (I think!)

    I’m camping with my granddaughter this weekend and haven’t had time to figure all this out again. I’m a returning member of the group but this 3-year old is keeping me really busy right now. I don’t see anyone else posting weights here, so if this isn’t the right place, let me know. I’ll come back to chat and introduce myself better when she’s not chattering non-stop. I’m not complaining. She’s the light of my life! See you again soon!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,284 Member
    Hello Slims!
    This is normally my day off, but it's end of month inventory day, so I went to work at 3:45am, and left at 10:00am. It's a beautiful day! Absolutely perfect weather! I'm so glad I wasn't stuck indoors all day.
    A few others have said it, but I'll say it too - I don't always post every day, but I do check in every day to read all the posts and keep up with everything. I'd love to stay and chat, but I want to get back outside and enjoy this day!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Well Ello @Cornanda I'm impressed by your encouragement towards my intellect. Not to side step any endeavors my knowledge is lacking towards the history of the Ghost Pepper. I did manage to accumulate information through an internet search. The outcome is because it sneaks up on you as you've said.
    Have a blessed day!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Hello my SlimPeeps! I have 3 children in their 20s – oldest is my son, Marcus (granddaughter Sophie), then my daughter Sydney (3 months pregnant), and my youngest daughter Hunter (grandson Byron). Gotta show off my Bubba Burrito and Sophie-Bear. They look so bored!

    I should be a single empty nester, but my youngest is having severe mental health issues so she and her hubby and my grandson have been staying with me so I can help her (baby is 8 weeks old now). I have an American Blue rabbit (her name is Kismet). I love to rubber stamp (I’m a Stampin’ Up demo) and make cards. I'm an active member of my church (Board member), and also love horror movies. I have worked in Community Development at my County for over 18 years. I have 45 pounds I’d like to lose. I’ve been in this group for quite a while now (around 2 years) and I appreciate all the friendships I’ve developed.

    Creating cards is one way that I keep my hands busy and snack-free. If you’d like me to send you a random card, just send me a friend request. After I accept the friend request, then we can private message so I can get your name and mailing address. (Permission previously received for this.) To my other peeps on here that have already allowed me to send cards to, thank you! August is National Peach Month in the U.S. Let me know if you want a peach themed card! (I will also send international...so if you love peaches, I'll make you one, too!)

    No Zero Days August Goals
    1. Log all food
    2. Check in here daily
    (Gotta keep the list short because I always try to overdo it and fail and beat myself up for it.)

    2023 Mantra: NO WISHES!
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