Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 522 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 31 of 52

    PW: 137.2
    CW: 138.0

    I'm still in range, but I am eating more fruit, fresh plums from our tree. And there are cherries in the market, I love rainier cherries. Stater Bro's had them for 1 week, I bought 3 bags and ate them all.
    I've gone back to eating the way I was before, he should really butt out, I'm in control. He should have faith in me that I know what I'm doing. "I'm keeping both hands on the wheel", a wise person said that about Maintenace. My shrink said that maybe he was just having a bad day and took it out on me, he gets 1 free pass.
    It's really hot here now and I'm staying in the house. Our electric bill was $600 last month.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,704 Member
    @DrewsAnna Welcome back! So glad you had a good time, sounds like a perfect camping trip! I’m so glad you’re feeling wonderful!
    @19shmoo69 Once the pepper is ripe and you’ve harvested just take the seeds out and put on a paper towel or sheet to dry out for at least a few days then put in a sandwich bag or seed envelope (you can buy them on Amazon for pretty cheap or use a regular envelope too). I put labels on EVERYTHING with date harvested or else I’ll forget. I don’t know if having multiple kinds of peppers in your yard may cause issues though because they can cross pollinate. That’s right, scotch bonnet not ghost pepper.

    @Cornanda Oh what kind of program is it? Go Lisa!

    @txcritter69 Congratulations to your husband on a year cancer free! Love your goals!

    @maggybd Congratulations on the papaya! Wow I’m glad you made it through the meeting but can see where that build-up and memories could trigger a binge. Great job on keeping it whole foods though, I think getting into ice cream or non-whole foods it would’ve been way more with the sugar. I think doing something physical is a great idea before allowing yourself to go over calories. Having a space of time in between is smart too since if you’re truly hungry after some time you still will be. I think this is where you know yourself best, think of your state of mind when you’re in binge mode. I ask myself if I’m really hungry or if it’s emotional and that helps sometimes, other times I’ll admit it’s emotional and really don’t care in the moment (usually in fight-or-flight from pain) but facing what I’m feeding (emotional or physical) can help.

    @trooworld Sounds like you’re doing good on not being over by much, I hope today is your under day too! It’s nice to be at a point where you don’t throw caution to the wind because you’re over so the hell with it. Calorie counting helps there in my case! Will you have to take on a lot of extra work with your job?

    @UTMom81 It is the right place to post weight. Have a great time with your granddaughter!

    @micaroo4 Enjoy the nice weather!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Look at those grandbabies, so precious! I’d love a peach card! I’m going to the peach festival in Folsom on Sunday to each everything peach plus pass out flyers for the salsa competition we’re doing to raise money for the charity.

    @FushiaKat I have this vision of you sitting at the table spitting cherry pits at your husband, lol. I think giving a pass is a good idea for the first offense, hopefully things will blow over but you really HAVE done amazing.

    Hi friends. Nothing big to report, worked out and started a bunch of fall crops at the greenhouse today (about 16 flats). My fence/shed/sprinkler damage from the fire is being repaired today and tomorrow, so far so good. Ate a little more after I closed my diary than I should’ve but feeling good about today. Still real flared up from helping with the charity so I’m planning to rest a lot this week.

    No Zero Days- under calories mostly healthy, good workout, good water.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,220 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi Slims!

    I've been wrapped up in my head. Trying to sort an itinerary to get to Istanbul for my daughter's civil marriage courthouse ceremony to get spice boy that she met last November and fell in love with over the winter and fall.

    She keeps saying it's not her wedding ceremony - that will be next summer, or the one after, depending on when their US marriage visa and green card for Murat is approved. That's when she'll invite all of both of their families, and friends, to a big wedding ceremony and celebration in Türkiye.

    But she WILL be legally wed after this civil ceremony!

    So, a few weeks ago, when hubby and I started looking for tix, we were finding prices that were around $2k - $2500 for both of us. So we started 'getting creative' and trying different combinations of multi-city airline tickets, and/or nested dual round-trip airline ticket itineraries.

    We finally decided on a very complicated 2-wk country-hopping European itinerary of: two nested round-trip airline ticket itineraries, plus one overnight bus trip, one two-leg add'l flight itinerary, and one two-leg overnight train trip, that has us in Istanbul four 4 nights; in 3 cities in 3 diff counties before Istanbul; in 4 cities, in 3 other different countries after Istanbul.

    Then, just before we were about to pull the trigger and book it - we checked the Boston - Istanbul airline tix prices one more time. Came up with an offer for around $1600 round-trip for both of us!

    Now we're paralyzed - don't know if we should book the simple itinerary of one city and one country for ~$1600 + 6 hotel nights. Or book the complicated, 2-week, 7 country itinerary for ~ $2800 + 12 hotel nights 😬.

    Simple itinerary is just Istanbul x 6.

    Complicated itinerary is:
    • Lisbon x 1
    • Marseille x 1
    • Munich x 1
    • Istanbul x 4
    • Vienna (or Athens, actually) x 1
    • Venice x 0, or x 1
    • Rome x 3, or x 2
    • Barcelona x 1
    • Home

    - mk 😬

  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    Hi all! Still here..kind of

    This months intro..

    Mom of 3, wife of a man who just had a horrific biking accident and we are home from the hospital now. Learning to handle his care and keep him comfy. Surgery to repair all the broken parts in his chest was to dangerous, so he will be on rest and praying they spontaneously (docs words) heal themselves. Lung is working after his thoracic tube was removed. We feel blessed.

    I’m back on my low/no carbs today. Tracking too. Will try to get my steps in while getting the house back in order.

    Will catch up later. That’s all I have.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @UTMom81 Welcome back! This is the write place to submit your weight. The only thing you are missing is your weigh-in day. I hope you are having fun camping, I love to camp!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Nice to "see" you! The babies are so cute and that's a great picture of all of you. I'm sorry Hunter is still having crisis-level struggles, I hope it gets better soon. Thank you for sending those lovely cards. YES, I would love a peach-themed card! I private messaged you a ton of easy vegan recipes, I saw on your feed you wanted some. :)

    @SatanLuciferJones Congrats on the loss!

    @FushiaKat I'm glad you are enjoying the fruit. I am, too! Wow, that's a big electric bill.

    @Katmary71 Thank you! Yes, I agree. I do have a lot of extra work with my job...I went from looking for stuff to keep me busy to being too busy. :( I hope you aren't overdoing it at the farm? Have a good day!

    @mkksemail Good luck with the plans. That trip sounds incredible! I would enjoy either trip.

    Hi all. I had a really good day yesterday, I was under most of my macros (cals were under by 103) and I drank LOTS of water! At work, I felt like Superwoman when I resisted the chocolate cake all afternoon. Instead, I ate an apple.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning!
    I slept in this morning so this will be my quick check in for yesterday.
    This month I have 6 goals:
    1.) WAKE UP HAPPY! I did have a great day mentally! Worked on some crafts, will
    finish them today.
    2.) Get all my steps (8,000) in every day. 11,495
    3.) Only eat out once a week. Cooked chicken fajitas
    4.) Stop the snacking after 7pm. This one will be a work in progress. I did have Ice
    cream around 9 pm but only ate about half of the pint. Saved some for another
    5.) Log food and water intake. Completed on MFP
    6.) Check in daily with my goals. ✔

    Have a wonderful day!

  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,220 Member
    ((((((((( @AmbersWay ))))))))) , good news on your husband! Prayers for the road ahead. I know it will be difficult, and not just for him. How are you? How are kids?

    Really happy to hear hubby is 'out of the danger Zone', and back home!!

    - mk 🙏🫶✨

    Troo, thx! I think hubby and I agree with you, either would do! We are leaning towards 'wanting' the busier trip, but still nervous a bit. Will decide tonight (assuming both options are still available, that is!). WTG, Superwoman!!!! Lol laughed at that, love it!! Yum, apples!

    txcritter, loving the positive attitude jumping out if your post! Congrats on the successes, and congrats too, on the progress on the more difficult hurdles for you!

    - mk :)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,704 Member
    @mkksemail Haha I get a kick out of your future-SIL’s nickname. Wow your trip sounds really exciting, how fun! Hm unless your daughter needs you to be there longer to help out I’d go for the complicated one, if you’ll be helping her arrange things you may need to focus more on that than traveling but I say go for it if you aren’t, that’s a lot to see and do for the price and you aren’t getting any younger!

    @AmbersWay Gentle hugs to you, wish we all lived by each other so we could help you out. That’s great news about his lung!

    @trooworld Woot woot did awesome yesterday, wtg! You deserve extra kudos on skipping the cake when your work load just got heavier too. How are the pups doing?

    @txcritter69 Awesome job on the goals!

    Hi everyone! I’ve tried to rest but one thing after another’s been coming up. I did light stretching and have to water the garden but aside of those no workouts, had some issues come up with the repairs and am really worn out. I miss having my marijuana tea at night! Kind of grumpy so I’ll leave it there. Have a great Thursday!
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,220 Member
    edited August 2023
    ty, @Katmary71 ! (Lol did I explain the nickname? Daughter met her intended in the Spice Bazaar - sometime around March we started calling him her Spice Boy 😂). ((((((((( hugs ))))))))) on the challenges. Good job you for doing gentle stretching in spite of! Hope it helped 🖤

    - mk :)

    PS - appreciate yours and troo's positivity on the complicated itinerary! Almost everyone I've asked says, "Don't Do It!". We are still .... inclined to pull the trigger tho. LOL. We'll decide tonight. Hopefully both options are still available !

    Edit: no, on helping daughter arrange things. There's almost nothing to arrange for the civil ceremony. We're hoping to host Murat and his parents for dinner, and she wants to do a traditional coffee betrothal ritual ahead of time, but that's it. Help with arrangements will be needed for the 'real' wedding celebration, next summer or the one after, after the marriage visa and green card is approved.
  • maggybd
    maggybd Posts: 48 Member
    @mkksemail , I personally would do the simple itinerary but I hate traveling. If it brings you joy, do the complicated one.

    @AmbersWay , I hope your husband continuous to improve.

    Yesterday was a weird day for me mostly because I got very little sleep. I don't do well on not enough sleep and it definitely affects how much I eat. Still, I should have a loss at my weigh in day tomorrow.

    I am completely out of keto. I guess my diet has been more low carb then keto. Almost every carb I eat is from non starchy vegetables but I do eat a lot of them. I will try to slow down on vegetable eating.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,055 Member
    @txcritter69 Great goals! What crafts are you working on?

    @mkksemail I can't wait to hear what you decide! Yeah, the apple surprisingly satisfied me!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! The pups haven't fought but we haven't given them the option lol. The other night, Violet slept in her crate all night (with protest) but last night, she did horribly. It is a work in progress and it will be a long-haul situation. It's too bad you can't make your own marijuana tea. Sorry you are grumpy, I hope you get to rest today. HUGS.

    Hi all. Pretty quiet in here lol. That darned cake was still in the breakroom yesterday, I just resisted and resisted! I was under my calories again yesterday. It really helps that I am not going to the cafe at work and I'm not drinking during the week even though my wine spritzer was around 100 cals, it adds up.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,200 Member
    @AmbersWay , healing is a long process. When he gets released from hospital, you will be a long time acting as his nurse. Get as many pointers from the nurses who do it every day. Helping an injured person out of bed or up from a chair requires some finesse, especially if he is larger than you. You have to figure out how you can get enough leverage, and not hurt the patient. Hugs and prayers continue for the both of you. I'm glad he's got that thorasic tube out.
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning!

    It has been pretty much BORING here on the homestead. Same thing day in and day out.
    Have a doc appt later today, been having bladder issue so I think it is time to see what is happening.

    Do any of you use sweeteners in place of sugar? If you do which do you prefer? I have givin up almost all sugar except for in my tea and when I need chocolate. Lol
    Looking to try and make my own version of Mr. Goodbar and Reeses.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I just love the pic of you add your grandbabies. Sending prayers your way for your daughter. Hopefully thing will level out for her.

    @trooworld I am sorry about all the layoffs. It hard to lose people that have been around for awhile.

    @DrewsAnna So glad you were able to get some reset time.

    @Katmary71 Glad thing are coming along with you fence.

    This month I have 6 goals: Aug 2.
    1.) WAKE UP HAPPY! Had a great day!
    2.) Get all my steps (8,000) in every day. 11,413
    3.) Only eat out once a week. Cooked pork chops
    4.) Stop the snacking after 7pm. Still a work in progress.
    5.) Log food and water intake. Completed on MFP
    6.) Check in daily with my goals. ✔

    Going to close out for now.

    Have a great day
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    @txcritter69 -It's nice to see you on here more often and I love your daily goals.

    @maggybd- have you tried your binge break strategy yet? I don't know if this would work- what if you distracted yourself from bingeing by doing something that you enjoy to take your mind off of it? Just a thought- might not be worth much.

    @trooworld- I'm glad your manager is good- that will help with whatever happens going forward. You are just ON FIRE this week with the tracking and eating and exercising. You are as hot as a ghost pepper. Go you! I'm going to start thinking of superman you when snacks tempt me

    @UTMom81 - fun with a three year old sounds very nice

    @micaroo4 - Beautiful days are meant to be enjoyed outdoors!

    @19shmoo69 - 'Ello! and thank you for answering my pepper question with your accent. I know it was a weird request

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Great to see you- your Grands are so beautiful! I've been praying for Hunter

    @FushiaKat - I like what your therapist said about DH- makes sense

    @mkksemail - Wow- your trip sounds exciting! Enjoy!

    @AmbersWay- Glad he's home, let the healing continue

    @Katmary71 - what is this now? Repair issues? Come on! I hope it will get sorted quickly. I pray for you too- with your pain issues an no special tea

    My new workout program is a HIIT- with a strength focus. I'm enjoying it- even though the instructor is a bit weird and says things like "Holy Bananas!" Been super sore this week. Weight is not budging, but I think my bod is just wondering what the heck is going on right now, so I won't get mad about it.

    Tomorrow is Friday! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,200 Member
    @txcritter69 - I use sugar or maple syrup when I make spiced chai. When I want a sweet treat, I have a square of very dark chocolate. But I'm doing 100 days of no sugar, which started on Monday. I'm not scrutinizing labels; I mostly eat whole foods anyway so I don't need to watch for sugar that closely.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Does anyone go troll the other groups? Asking for a friend.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,220 Member
    Not yet, but now I'm highly amused, thinking about it, @19shmoo69 😆🤭

    Does anyone do other challenges? I've tried a handful or so. Very fun!!

    - mk :)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,704 Member
    u did explain the nickname I just get a kick out of it. I guess if it was Spiceman it wouldn’t sound as bad but if I heard a woman at the grocery store call someone spice boy I’d probably be trying not to giggle as it sounds like an insult. I think their meeting like that is pretty romantic though! You know your trip sounds like The Amazing Race a bit! Whatever you do I can’t wait to hear about it and see photos. How does your daughter get along with his parents? I just finished reading about the coffee ceremony, very neat!

    @maggybd I hope you get better sleep, that definitely makes it harder to resist cravings. Are you planning to stick with keto?

    @trooworld Oh no I’m sorry to hear about Violet’s bad night. I’m glad they haven’t fought and hope you get to a more stable place with them soon so you don’t have to be on guard as much. Great job avoiding the café and resisting cake, you’re doing awesome!

    @txcritter69 I hope you get to the bottom of the bladder issue, that doesn’t sound fun. I do use some sweetener, mostly stevia (grow it then I have powdered) but not everyone likes the taste. I’ve used monkfruit and it tastes the closest to sugar without insulin spikes (in my case at least) but can cause digestive issues. I love honey and maple sugar too. I grew up on Diet Soda and actually prefer it to regular but don’t usually buy it anymore. Doing great on the goals!

    @Cornanda Thank you! Repair issues are from the fire that burned down my fence and burned the shed, it also affected the sprinkler system and electrical. It IS common when starting new exercise especially strength to hold onto weight at first but of course I can’t remember why aside of things being riled up, it was a common thing discussed in the forums here. Yay Friday!

    @micaroo4 Love the 100 days of no sugar! It’s great a short time into a break like that when things start tasting sweeter naturally. You got this!

    @19shmoo69 I only did once when I accidentally clicked on the wrong group at the start of the month and the anxiety from all the “new” members one after another making intros and thinking how I’d never remember this many people at once made my mistake a relief. I have friends in other groups here and they all really like them too so I’d imagine they’re similar.

    @mkksemail Do you mean like the ones for all the teams to do together? I have, they’re a lot of fun, Jessica is great at coming up with ideas and trying to include everyone. I love challenges as I get bored easy but am pretty limited right now. I’ve been at this since the start of 2019 so even if it’s new recipes it helps keeps things fresh.

    Hi team, only got a few hours sleep last night so I’m out of it. I went to lunch with a friend, we’d been planning to go for fish and chips but decided to eat something healthier and closer to home so we went to a café that has breakfast and lunch and I had a real good turkey sandwich and instead of fries had fruit. The new owners of it make teas and are getting that situated in there so I can’t wait to try them sometime. I just learned my fence is done so I’m headed outside to check everything out, the lot owner called and left a message to see if I was happy with it so I need to make sure the plumbing and electricity are working too. I sent another message to the tea maker and she finally responded so I may have smoothed that over thank goodness. This wait to see the surgeon is ridiculous! No workouts for now, I need to get my body calmed down for the salsa competition next week. Have an awesome Friday!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 292 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 239
    CW: 239
This discussion has been closed.