Downsizers Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • Bluebabykatz
    Bluebabykatz Posts: 28 Member

    Just wanted to say you are an encouragement. You've done an amazing job at losing so much weight in just a few months.
    Looking forward to continuing reading about your progress.

  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    RoblinB wrote: »
    JaysFan82 wrote: »

    Haha I'm hooked! Playing again next week.

    How great that you are trying new things! Thanks for the inspiration (although I don't think it can be pickleball for me...)

    I'm pretty much up for anything now days. It's so exciting.
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member

    Just wanted to say you are an encouragement. You've done an amazing job at losing so much weight in just a few months.
    Looking forward to continuing reading about your progress.


    Thank you so much my friend 🫶🏽 this group keeps me on the path!
  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    itladyee wrote: »

    @Slimmersixties ~ How was Tom Jones! I use to love watching him on TV.

    I'm from South Wales, same as Tom, listened to him all my life, this was the first time I've ever seen him ... a fantastic night!

  • Slimmersixties
    Slimmersixties Posts: 825 Member
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weigh in

    Sw 276lb

    Pw 187.5
    Cw 196.5

    A spectacular 9lb gain! Just goes to prove how easy it is to slip into bad ways. I've lost 60lb before and regained it all in 2 years. It's not going to be like that this time! That weight is coming right back off!
  • jimboden3
    jimboden3 Posts: 318 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Aug 4, 2023)
    PW: 243.5
    CW: 242.4
  • aneedlecraft
    aneedlecraft Posts: 181 Member
    Friday Check-in
    PW: 317
    CW: 323
    Hot & humid here, but continuing to plug away. I am working on establishing healthy habits into my daily routines before school starts back up.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    JaysFan82 wrote: »
    SW 388.6
    PW 217.6
    CW 215.8

    You really know how to show us how maintenance is done.
    whitfcan wrote: »

    SW: 166 lbs
    PW: 160 lbs
    CW: 157.2 lbs

    Hard work and dedication is the key. No shortcuts. Only consistency. <3

    Fantastic loss!
    NachDeezy wrote: »
    SW - 630
    PW - 529.6
    CW - 528.8

    Nice loss!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Slimmer sixties
    Friday weigh in

    Sw 276lb

    Pw 187.5
    Cw 196.5

    A spectacular 9lb gain! Just goes to prove how easy it is to slip into bad ways. I've lost 60lb before and regained it all in 2 years. It's not going to be like that this time! That weight is coming right back off!

    Has it cooled off any over there?
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Aug 4, 2023)
    PW: 243.5
    CW: 242.4

    Nice loss!
    Friday Check-in
    PW: 317
    CW: 323
    Hot & humid here, but continuing to plug away. I am working on establishing healthy habits into my daily routines before school starts back up.

    Those routines are so important. When does school start?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Steps: 4.302
    Log food: ✔️
    Exercise: 4/4

    Fighting a bad headache today. I am going to lay down to see if I can shake it.

    Happy FriYAY!
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,873 Member

    PW 232
    CW 231
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    PW 175.2
    CW 173.8
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    Step Challenge - Goal 8,500

    7/23 6,161
    7/24 8,506
    7/25 6,524
    7/26 5,773
    7/27 6,291
    7/28 5,985

    It seems you are posting the incorrect dates ... We are now in August of week 1 so I need 7/30- to 8/5

    Yes, I was just looking to update and was very confused! I will fix with today's post.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 213.8
    CW: 215.9

    Step Challenge - Goal 8,500

    7/30 6,972
    7/31 5,973
    8/1 6,291
    8/2 5,985
    8/3 5,420

    Ok, all caught up. Sorry about that....
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Weigh in
    Day: Friday
    PW 186.7
    CW 186.2
  • MyChoiceisaGoodLife
    MyChoiceisaGoodLife Posts: 54 Member
    Penny @MyChoiceisaGoodLife

    Friday weigh-in: 08/04/23

    CW: 159.2
    PW: 157.6

    I'm so embarrassed! No more bouncing. Overconfidence + foot injury + comfort eating = needed focus!
  • MuffinTopAssassin
    MuffinTopAssassin Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2023
    Username: MuffunTopAssassin
    PW: 198.5
    CW: 191.0

    Oooh 7 and a half pounds off!!! 😃 I do love a Week 1 loss, it’s a real boost !!(though I know it includes ‘water weight’)

    My pledge was to add weightlifting and yoga to my weekly gym routine, which I have.
    And by counting calories I realised my food portions had well and truly crept up.
    I’m feeling better in my body and looking forward to being much more ’bendier’ in yoga class as I progress. 😅

    I did a 22 mile bike ride yesterday and have a 40 miler tomorrow and today is gym and an indoor bbq (I live in England…it is the height of summer….typical! 🤨)

    I go on a cycling trip to Mallorca 18/9 and have a target be just round the corner from 181lbs by then (12 stone-something). If I’m somewhere near my target then I won’t stray too far at the All Inclusive Buffet because hopefully I’ll only have a few pounds to go to be in the 12’s and won’t want to go too far off course (and I’ll be in next months challenge with you guys so won’t want to let you down! 😊)

    I hope you’ve all had a Fab Week 1, I love reading your updates 💗🙂 xx
  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 289 Member
    PW: 195.1
    CW: 192.7
This discussion has been closed.