WaistAways Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday weigh-in

    PW 92.2 (this was just before we left, it wasn't a Friday so didn't log it but it was the last weigh-in before we left)

    CW 92.5
    I'll take it. I've gained overall in the last few weeks but today is a new day :-)
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 621 Member
    Friday Weigh In

    PW: 281
    CW: 278

    Hello friends! I did do a bit of a double take on the scale, since eating at the reunion wasnt super contained and we drank quite a bit. I also ended up taking home many leftovers so dinners this week have been pizza, sloppy joes, lemonade, and mac n cheese?? I did portion thingw out at least but not so healthy haha. However, I guess we were quite active from friday to sunday; walking, lake swimming, waterfall climbing, frisbee throwing.

    The weekend was so so fun. We were all very sad to leave. I wish I could rewind right now and go back to last Friday.

    Seeing lots of good things in the chat too. @ashleycarole86 love that you signed up again!! I am following your lead and going to sign up for a 6 week workout challenge starting Sept 25th with one of my fave trainers on instagram. Ive been watching from the sidelines so to speak for years since she does these challenges twice a year. No more watching!

    I think @lauren_989 asked about workout splits through the week - to add my 2 cents, I aim for 3-4 days of intentional movement a week right now, where 1 day is definitely strength, 1 day is all cardio, and the others are a mix. Kayaking is really both upper body strength and cardio. And I am still babying my foot so 1-2 walks a week, which might count as 1 cardio day. But this is also why I am signing up for the 6 week challenge mentioned above, I do want more strength incorporated.

    @YinxFed love that leggings pic!

    Raining and thundering to start this friday. Hope it clears up before tomorrow but if not, I've got plenty of errands to run instead of kayaking.
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    Weigh in Friday
    CW: 220.6
  • Antonia2050
    Antonia2050 Posts: 28 Member
    Aloha. Happy Friday

    Center: 213.2

    Slow and steady wins the race
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    Sorry again for the late weigh in. As much as I'm loving summer a little too much, will be nice to get the family in a schedule come September

    PW 168.8
    CW 170.0
  • wdalzell5401
    wdalzell5401 Posts: 28 Member
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 79kg
    CW: 77.9kg

    Ok, so a drop of 1.1kg this week. That's a big number for me and I'm happy. This past week I have focused on portion sizes by using a smaller dinner plate, and being careful around the afternoon witching hour (or more) when I'm feeling tired and have tended towards mindless snacking. Rather than grabbing random things from the pantry and grazing, I planned portioned snacks or went for a 30 minute nap, or one day I had an extra cup of coffee to keep me going through until dinner. I'm also getting back to more regular exercise with three walks this week. My knee is feeling stronger every day and I'm looking forward to starting back at golf next week ⛳

    Progress has continued on renovating my workspace post termite visitation. It is looking great and next week I will be able to clean and put in the finishing decoration touches - the fun stuff.

    Also next week, Monday to be exact, will be the last day of emptying my Dad's unit. I'm hiring a ute and with the help of my husband and son, the last of the unsaleable furniture and general rubbish will be taken to the dump.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Making good progress using intermittent fasting. I'm doing well with less food restrictions and just waiting until afternoon to start eating.
    Exercise is just physical activity from family fun. I'm planning to be in here more often once our family transitions back to school and work. The kids and my husband go back in a little over a week and I go back in two weeks. We are squeezing in some last minute fun. Yesterday we did a day trip. When we got to our destination it had a sign on the door saying they were closed today for employee appreciation day. Hmm...we ended up at a little small town fair and saw lots of animals. Next we drove over a small pass to a small town we have been wanting to explore. Found a great toy shop and a new restaurant to try. We took the back roads to the lake for a quick dip. The day ended at an ice cream shop we have been meaning to check out. It was a fun day and definitely sums up my summer. Care free, no plans and whatever happens, happens.
    I find IF to be an interesting practice - I do not think it works when you are at your maintenance level or close, but for people who have gotten used to it, it does. I love the idea - for me it was never an option due to weird reactions I got to fasting, but it really does the trick for a lot of people. Go for it! Brilliant results!
    Ok, so a drop of 1.1kg this week. That's a big number for me and I'm happy. This past week I have focused on portion sizes by using a smaller dinner plate, and being careful around the afternoon witching hour (or more) when I'm feeling tired and have tended towards mindless snacking. Rather than grabbing random things from the pantry and grazing, I planned portioned snacks or went for a 30 minute nap, or one day I had an extra cup of coffee to keep me going through until dinner. I'm also getting back to more regular exercise with three walks this week. My knee is feeling stronger every day and I'm looking forward to starting back at golf next week ⛳

    Progress has continued on renovating my workspace post termite visitation. It is looking great and next week I will be able to clean and put in the finishing decoration touches - the fun stuff.

    Also next week, Monday to be exact, will be the last day of emptying my Dad's unit. I'm hiring a ute and with the help of my husband and son, the last of the unsaleable furniture and general rubbish will be taken to the dump.
    This is a wonderful example of planning and self-care. Taking care of portions and tricky hours, while also taking the time to nap and to take just what is needed to avoid mindless snacking is great. Well done!
    Aloha. Happy Friday
    Center: 213.2
    Slow and steady wins the race

    Heck yeah! Green is green. We love the green numbers on the spreadsheet, no matter how small. Progress!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,583 Member
    PW: 193.8
    CW: 194

    Apologies! I had this all typed up yesterday and forgot.

    I weigh myself every day and my trend between last week and this week is on average 0.6lb less so I will mentally chalk it up to feeling slightly bloated this morning.

    I worked out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - all strength based workouts, and on Saturday I have a spin class for 45 minutes. This will be over 150 intentional exercise minutes which is great! I will plan on doing some yoga and stretching/mobility on Sunday.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning WaistAways!

    PW: 172.5
    CW: 171.2
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    CW 211.9

    BFF is visiting. Will catch up soon.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    edited August 2023
    Thursday weigh-in (weighing in late this week)
    Username ashleycarole86

    PW 206.2
    CW 209.8
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member

    Your work dinner experience sounds like mine for the retirement party. There was a pre-dinner cocktail hour and I didn't eat any of the passed appetizers but the meal was family style and indulgent as crap. My weight was so inflated afterwards.. between that and my TOM this was not a good week on the scale. I did ride the Peloton last night before we went to the trailer and plan to ride again tomorrow. I haven't been back to my usual quantity of rides that I did last year but I have been on more lately overall so I'm proud about that step.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    @jugar enjoy your company.. having your daughter out, what a treat <3

    Enjoy the Saturday folks. Walking will be my exercise today but I may fit in a quick upper body weight session.. we keep some light weights at the trailer for such an occasion :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    It's farmer's market day, and hopefully some good exercise. I have been spending way too much time sitting around talking since our visitors arrived! Today should be quiet though - one contingent is off to Québec City, another off to scout good fishing holes, and I'll go play with Jasper after the market. Have a good one, all!
  • IDebraK
    IDebraK Posts: 139 Member
    So definitely thought I was starving yesterday. I have no idea what all I ate. It's ok. We all have days like that.

    PW:133.4 (I think)
    CW: 134.8

    The wedding was beautiful! I'll post pictures when she gets them. I didn't take any. I just enjoyed the day and pretty much stayed with the grandbabies so the adults and newly weds could have their day.

    @Antonia2050 I planted a pineapple top a year ago. It's coming along strong. I hope mine produces fruit in a couple of years!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,196 Member
    The August Week 4 Group Challenge is open and ready to start on Sunday, Aug 20th. Hope you'll join me for the "Write Your Own Ticket" Challenge! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread!
    Jessica :blush:
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 419 Member
    edited August 2023

    Steps -13-19
    Sunday - 3,505
    Monday - 10,508
    Tuesday - 5,663
    Wednesday - 4,801
    Thursday -7,986
    Friday - 5,606
    Saturday - 4,974
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