Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited September 2023
    Such a crazy day! I wanted to make an exercise area in my office, so I was going to take down my mirror and move it - that's where it started. I took down the mirror, patched up and painted, but we painted like 5 years ago so it wasn't matching and ended up moving everything to paint the whole wall. With everything moved, I decided to reconfigure my layout and get even MORE workout space! (And better natural lighting for my zoom calls 😉)

    All this to say - I didn't get to tabbouleh today so I'll have the recipe tomorrow.

    Here's some before and afters!
    The workout area isn't finished, waiting on a purchase (last photo) to arrive so I know how high to hang the mirror that the bench/step/thing can tuck under neatly.





    @micaroo4 I've been doing the same watching added sugars as well as things sweetened with sugar substitutes, and it has made such a difference. Glad to see its doing the same for you! Good work cutting down, I think its one of the harder (food related) addictions to quit.
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 212 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 208.4
    CW 205.9

    @askewcr happy birthday to you! Hope you had a great day. Even though the Dr said u had Covid.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @865jessica I hope you feel better soon. Congrats on the great choice to not get fast food as a reward!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I also went to SDSU. It is pretty here. I love it! Yeah, migraines are the bain of my existence. :/ It's gone now though. Thanks re: my painting. I hope the steroids help and they get your medication issue straightened out soon.

    @micaroo4 I'm doing so-so with the challenge. It's definitely helping me work towards no junk but I've had challenging days. You are doing awesome.

    @steffibabiie Wow, how spontaneous! That's a cool fitness gadget you are getting.

    @askewcr Happy belated birthday! I'm sorry about the COVID.

    @tammymccrady6278 Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. My migraine is gone today. I was wiped out yesterday, I slept most of the day. No junk food in a few days now. Yay! I joined the YMCA and am going to the stretch class this morning. I wanted a pick-me-up so I scheduled time with a personal shopper at Macy's. It's a free service with no obligation to buy anything so I thought I'd see what she picks.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited September 2023
    Since several of you are showing pictures of vacation spots. Here's a pic of a dream vacation spot.770crai7dast.jpg
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    @19shmoo69 not vacation spots, where we live! (generally)
    Not that they're not great places for a vacation as well 😊
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 827 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 ah, my tea choices! That’s a rabbit hole :) I have a slight obsession and usually have 40-70 varieties in the tea cupboard.

    At the moment I’m going for one that’s easy on the gut with high caffeine. It’s called Gyokuro Yamashiro and is a Japanese green. Super delicate, and my favourite green.

    @askewcr happy birthday! I hope you feel
    Better soon!

    I had a good week at work, meds seem to have kicked in and I’m doing pretty well but being extremely careful with diet.

    I have 25 pounds of tomatoes to process today. Made a lot of sauce last weekend so maybe going to try salsa, pick de gallo and soup today.

    Have a good one folks!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,140 Member
    @steffibabiie my bad
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm not doing well on the no junk food. Plan on working towards getting my act together over the weekend and be fully back on track Monday.

    @trooworld - I love your painting so much!

    @19shmoo69 - Thanks for the smiles I got from your posts today.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,140 Member
    @Cornanda what exactly brought the smile? I may want to post it again.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,194 Member
    The new group challenge for Sep Week 2 is posted and ready to begin on Sunday, 9/10/23. Hope you'll join us for Back to Basics! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread! Have a great week!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    @micaroo4 I'm so glad the challenge is going great for you! I can tell a big difference in cravings too when I abstain from sugar and simple carbs. I'm off the wagon until Monday as Sunday's my Dad's birthday and we're going to the Old Spaghetti Factory followed by cake and ice cream but I feel lousy from all the carbs so I'm going to eat a healthy dinner tonight. Keep up the great work!

    @19shmoo69 Get it out of your system and recommit with me Monday, what do you say?

    @steffibabiie I love your space, that bench/stepper looks awesome!

    @askewcr Happy belated birthday! Oh no take good care of yourself, I hope you're feeling better soon. Can you do a late celebration?

    @trooworld Thank you! Have a great time at the Y! I'm real curious to hear how your Macy's experience goes!

    @865jessica Congratulations on the new low, that's exciting!

    @megnolia82 Yum that tea sounds amazing! Wow that's a lot of tomato processing but you'll definitely be happy you have it all done on the other side of it.

    @Cornanda I'm in the same boat, Monday we're both back on track, right? We got this!

    Hi friends, this place has been hoppin! I got one prescription straightened out, I'm not getting much sleep and am hoping that will change real soon. I don't feel too hot after eating bread and ice cream so I'm eating a healthy dinner and lunch tomorrow then will enjoy my Dad's birthday. I'm making my marijuana tea (it simmers for 45 minutes) and am having mad flashbacks to living in the UC Santa Cruz dorms right now, lol. Going to try a little stretching tonight, I'm super stiff and need to move a little without hurting myself. Have a great Saturday night and Sunday!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,140 Member
    @Katmary71 Monday reset it is. Tomorrow's weigh in is not going to be pretty.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hey y'all,

    It's been a busy last couple of days. So tonight, I decided to go out for mexican (my favorite) I tried to stay on my plan, but it didn't work out that well. I didn't bomb it as bad as I could have though. Tomorrow, I'll be right back on track.

    I never got to make my bagels yesterday, so that is one of the things I'm planning on doing tomorrow. I cleaned out my spice cabinet and I now have some of my oils and vinegars still laying out. Tomorrow, my main goal is to clean out the pantry and get all my vinegars and oils in one spot so I don't have to be looking for them all over the place anymore, lol.... I'm really trying to be organized.

    Well, I really have nothing else going on. Y'all have a great evening!!

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