Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @Neon_Ninja – I’m a horror fan, so when I look at your beautiful photos, all I can think of is Wrong Turn hahahahaha! Kinda scary with the bear, but at least it’s a black bear and not a brown one.
    @trooworld – Love the painting-that is too fun!!! And I promise not to tell your hubby his pic is floating around here :) So glad your migraine cleared up. I feel you on the unfashionable shoes. My ankle issues have me in custom orthotics and those will basically only fit in tennis shoes. So I mainly wear black Skechers. Sometimes I say “screw it” and wear something else. But boy do I pay for it later!
    @micaroo4 – I basically have given up on the No Junk Food Challenge. Not gonna lie or sugar-coat it…I’m like @19shmoo69 right now. Gotta get back in the right headspace.
    @askewcr – Happy Belated Birthday…but super sucks being sick :( Feel better soon!
    @tammymccrady6278 – Awesome loss! Nice job!
    @megnolia82 – Us tea freaks can easily go down a flavor rabbit hole :) I’m not a fan of green, but definitely like (need) high caffeine! Today I’m sipping on Ohio Tea Company’s Crème Brûleé. When you make a large batch of salsa or pico, do you share it with people? Or do you preserve it to save for later?
    @Katmary71 – Hope you had a good time with your dad! I hope everything is ok with your mom. Sounds pretty insensitive.
    @19shmoo69 – What berries is that a picture of? Oh…I see now @Cornanda is referring to coffee, so….yeah. That would be why I didn’t recognize it Hahahaha! Keep on hanging in there, buddy. Lots of us are struggling right now and are ready to give up. But we owe it to ourselves to keep on keeping on so we can feel better. Hugs! Very daring of you and your son to do the One Chip Challenge. So sad about that boy that just died doing it (although it hasn’t been confirmed that the capsaicin was the actual culprit). Be safe!
    @steffibabiie – Thank you! Your recipe looks so much easier than ones I’ve tried before :)
    @AmbersWay – Good luck with the MRI. Will be praying for you.
    @bethanie0825 – What a fun last-minute trip!
    My ideal vacation spot is easy for me…I’ve always wanted to visit the Laplands (Finland) and stay in a glass igloo under the Northern Lights with reindeer and moose wandering to and fro. How freaking gorgeous is this?!?

    So I’ve been doing pretty darn bad with the entire dieting thing and am so ready to just throw in the towel. Not sure what is going to motivate me. I’m just going to keep trying to make the best decisions I can, one meal/snack at a time. That’s really all I can do.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @broncobuddee I didn't see a response about changing my weigh in to Fridays, so here's Sunday again. Please let me know if it's ok to change. Thanks!

    PW: 203.4
    CW: 205.0
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited September 2023
    Weigh In Day: Tuesday
    PW: 92.5kg | 203.93lbs
    CW: 90.9kg | 200.4lbs
    Progress from SW: -4.75kg | -10.47lbs

    My Info:
    Working with a dietitian and my doctor to get healthy, feel great, and set a good example for my girls!
    Age: 37
    Height: 162.5cm | 5’4”
    Original Starting Weight on 28.08.23: 95.56kg | 210.8lbs
    September Starting Weight: 94.80kg | 209.0lbs
    Short Term Goal Weight: < 72.5kg | < 160lbs
    Daily Calorie Target: 1400-1600
    Macro Breakdown: 40f/30c/30p
    Diet: mostly Mediterranean; focus on whole foods; no alcohol; limit added sugars
    I meal prep and make most things from scratch, avoiding packaged and highly processed foods wherever possible.
    Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 (for now – hopefully back to ADF in the future)
    Workouts: cardio and/or body weight circuits 6x per week

    @ambersway I would eat it every night too if someone else did all the work 😅

    @trooworld Maldives, but Tahiti is probably more likely in the cards for us as it’s not too far away. Looks about the same too 😊

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Those glass igloos look amazing!
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    edited September 2023
    I don't want to brag but I defended myself from a pretty serious donut attack this morning at the grocery. :p It was tough, but I saw it through...then a candy bar somehow got stuck in my basket and I had to pay for it. I think the donuts had worse nutritional counts, so I managed to come out ahead. Very little ahead, but still. if5tm9c20t5v.jpg

    As an aside, when did candy bars get so expensive? And everything is "king-sized" these days. Harrumph.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 : LOL about the "Wrong Turn". I think about that every time I go out hiking. :# The Finland pic is just gorgeous.

    @steffibabiie : Thanks for the recipe! Now I need to get some quinoa.

    @trooworld : Hope you let us know how the personal shopper thing works out--I love the concept because I don't have a clue about colors and what looks nice. Sort of like "What Not Wear" for me, lol. Did I tell you that I like your "new" spooky art? So creative and I'm thinking about trying my own.

    @19shmoo69 : Didn't someone recently, um...expire...from doing that challenge? Hope you're feeling better now, because yikes. I wouldn't have made it, lol.

    @AmbersWay : Sending you prayers, thoughts, and virtual hugs for your MRI tomorrow and for great results, too.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @steffibabiie Yum I'm saving that dinner! I actually have everything for the tabboulah for a change, yay!

    @19Sshmoo69 Oh no I'll take your advice and not try it!

    @DrewsAnna Yum those pumpkin spice oats sound good, I may have to try that this year! Are the bagels the Skinnytaste ones with yogurt or a different recipe?

    @AnbersWay I'm praying the brain tumor is gone too! Oh no I know which one you're talking about, yikes good luck. Are you able to take an anti anxiety medication at all? That's what I used to always do. Nice I hope your husband heals on his own without needing to have any surgeries.

    @bethanie0825 That sounds like fun, I'm glad you got to do that last weekend!

    @trooworld I'm not sleeping much lately so four was the longest in a couple weeks.I remember in San Diego the humidity can be a pain and wear you out, I made the mistake of straightening my hair for my brother's graduation and ended up with an afro by the time the ceremony was over. I'm glad you still got to go!

    @865jessica Oh no the colonoscopy prep is no fun, yuck. Guess that will be like a detox after parties and cookouts right? Hope it goes well.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That would be an amazing vacation, wow! I think you're idea on just doing the best you can is smart. Sometimes dealing with trying to lose is too hard when everything else is stressful and if you “let” yourself maintain you may be less likely to overeat now, at least I've found it helps me a lot mentally to not be failing at one more thing if I'm not losing. Hey are you going to make a movie list for us again? I don't watch a lot of TV but I'll watch a few!

    @Neon_Ninja Great job resisting the donuts! I think they ARE usually more than a candy bar too.

    Hi friends, been drying herbs most of the day and harvesting seeds. I went to Petco and got Jasper a Feliway collar instead of replacing the diffuser but haven't put it on him yet. My neighbor gave me one so I canceled this month's AD of it and turns out it expired 10 years ago and sure enough, he started being mean to Asher last night to show he's alpha so now he gets a collar. My Dad was in the WORST mood when he came over last night so I texted my brother to have the kids hug him happy birthday and that got the grouch out of him. He was mad at phone calls all day interrupting him to wish him happy birthday and mouthed off about his sister calling who later posted on Facebook how much she enjoyed their annual birthday call which will make him feel bad (my grandpa used to call on birthdays too, for my Dad to be mad she interrupted him on his birthday to wish him well and hope he's having a great day was totally grumpy). He sent a nice email to let me know he had a great time later which I appreciated since he was complaining about everything we'd put together for his birthday to the point I told him if he wanted to not do anything I'd prefer that to him complaining all night. Did good for no junk today, I want to get the buy 1 fall coffee drink get 1 free at Starbucks Thursday so I gotta be good until then! My best friend is coming for my birthday at the end of the month so I'm excited about that.

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    @Neon_Ninja there was a teen that passed away hours after eating the chip. The cause has not been stated yet.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @865jessica Oh man, both in the same day, that's rough. Good luck with the prep and I hope they go well!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 LOL thanks! Yes, same here, I try to be fashionable sometimes and PAIN. I hope the new shoes workout. Wow, that's a gorgeous vacation spot! How magical. Okay girl, do not throw in the towel. You know how motivation works, right? Ebbs and flows, up and down and yours is just around the corner. Can you switch things up with a new way of eating or exercising? I hear you though. I haven't tracked in like 2 weeks, I gotta get back to it.

    @steffibabiie Congrats on the loss! Well, the Maldives look amazing!

    @Neon_Ninja Woo hoo! Way to tell those donuts who's boss! :D Oh I didn't realize I didn't tell about the personal shopper experience. Here it is: I had a great time! When I arrived, she took me to a special part of the store that had a big room outside her office. She had about 7 outfits arranged on display for me to try on. I would try them on and come out and say, "What do you think?" and she would either say yes or suggest something else. I ended up getting about 1/2-3/4 of the items because I really liked the line (it's a line called "On 34th" at Macy's), it's size inclusive and really stylish. Here's a pic of one of their skirts that I got after our appt, it wasn't available that day but I ordered it from the website. It's a sequin skirt. I wore it yesterday with a black shirt and platform Vans. Next time, I'll wear this hot pink cashmere sweater I have with it. I would 100% do a personal shopping appt again! I highly recommend it. You should totally do the spooky art yourself, it's so fun to do!

    @Katmary71 Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Yes, it's been very humid lately here. LOL about the afro. I get that as a curly hair girl myself. Too bad about your dad being grumpy. Way to go with the challenge!

    Hi all. I slept horribly on Monday night, got 4 1/2 hours of sleep, and I just can't function on that. I went to work but left early because I felt horribly. I came home yesterday and just slept for 2 hours. I felt better after waking up. Today, I'm good. Have a good day!

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Is it me or does it look like the baby turtle is flying?
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    Your goat pic for the day. Meet Jasper the G.O.A.T. goat of the farm. A goaticorn, if you will since he only has one horn. His mom Jane is the grey-colored one below.


    @trooworld : Glad you caught up with a little sleep at least. Hard to function well without it, that's for sure. I'm not sure you posted a picture, but nothing came through of the skirt. The personal shopper sounds fantastic--I'll look for something like it next time I go the city (our small town doesn't have anything more major than a Walmart :s )--glad you had a great time!

    @19shmoo69 : I thought the turtle was flying, too. Lol.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited September 2023
    @Neon_Ninja – Have you ever watched Attack of the Killer Donuts? It’s pretty funny! It’s free on Freevee, Plex, Tubi, etc…here’s the IMDB link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4480398/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_6_nm_2_q_killer%20donu
    @Katmary71 – I’m so glad you like my Halloween movie list. I’ll start working on it!
    @trooworld – Thank you for the card with your own artwork on it! I knew it as soon as I took it out of the envelope :) I’m going to put it in a little frame for my desk at work – I love it!
    @19shmoo69 – Yup…that turtle is definitely flying!
    I saw my therapist yesterday and he had me retake the depression assessment since I will have been seeing him for a year in October. He said it was close enough. He also said he was curious because he’s seeing something else in my behaviors but didn’t want to sway me as I took it. My depression is better than what I scored a year ago. He then tells me he wants to test me for ADHD and told me why. I did some research when I got home and it’s like a lightbulb came on. The majority of behaviors (all but 2) are 100% me. It makes sense, tho. It’s why my brain goes 100mph with everything I need/want to do, but end up not being able to do ANYthing. There’s so much more, but I don’t want to jump the gun. We’ll see what happens when I take the evaluation in 2 weeks. In the meantime, I’ll keep on keeping on. Thanks for listening!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I bet the turtle is a teen or mutated somehow.
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    edited September 2023
    @19shmoo69 the turtle is most definitely flying. It's probably a ninja too.

    @neon_ninja Jasper the Goaticorn is epic!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I have adhd, I wasn't diagnosed until around 22. I think a lot of women are diagnosed later as we're better at masking the symptoms or we don't display some of what society recognises as the trademark symptoms. Hopefully the assessment helps you get some answers and validation!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @trooworld I'm glad the sleep helped and you're feeling better today, go get em!

    @Neon_Ninja Oh my gosh that goat is too cute!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's interesting about your therapist and ADHD, I'm glad you're doing better than a year ago and whether you have ADHD or not I like your therapist trying to figure out ways to help you.

    @19shmoo69 Looks like a flying turtle to me!

    Hi friends! Been getting stuff done at home, did some stretch/strengthening in the morning then work and charity stuff. Not much else going on, did good with no junk today. Have an awesome Wednesday!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 37 of 52

    PW: 137.4
    CW: 138.1

    Congratulations Slims for your position on the Leaderboard for this week. I am enjoying all of the wishful vacation pictures and real-life home pictures too. The pups are too adorable, I noticed not too many cats were posted.

    It took me about 2 weeks to build my contest room, most of it was spent standing the room and hoping for inspiration. I titled my room "A little bit of this and a little bit of that." It was funny because my friend would tell me to go and build and each time, I built something different. I blame her for my inspiration.

    Another week under the radar, I see some of you are getting much closer to your goal weight. I can't wait for you to join the maintenance club. ♥
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 825 Member
    Good morning you wild and crazy cats 🙃 I come back after a couple days we’re here discussing mutant flying turtles hahahahaha.

    We have a silver lining coming up that I’m pretty excited about. My son is beginning some orthodontic work next week with a palatal expander. There’s a long list of foods he has to avoid so I told him I’ll give up everything he has to give up. Namely candy, pop, hard and crunchy snacks etc.

    Then my daughter and husband both said they are going to do the same thing! I’m really excited because it’s a situation that could be a crappy burden for my 8 year old to bear alone, but we’re going to tackle it as a family challenge. My husband and I drink a lot of Diet Coke (especially him) so this will be a great money saver as well as eliminating a lot of caffeine and aspartame we don’t need. Both kids are happy to give up trick or treating (my son chose not to go last year at 7!) but I always buy a lot of the boxed chocolate bars then gorge for weeks. So that’s a No No No!
    Also no stockings stuffed with candy for Christmas, and no mountains of Easter chocolate.

    My big problem is that a buy this stuff “for the family” but I save a stash to raid for weeks after each holiday. Basically from Halloween to Easter I find an excuse to have candy within arms reach at all times. (And my family is actually not too big on sweets so I end up finishing everything over time.)

    I can’t wait to begin. The orthodontic work (this is the start of a year plus with many different interventions on the horizon) is a wonderful excuse to get our butts in gear, save some money and clean up our habits.
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    edited September 2023
    NAME: Neon_Ninja
    WEIGH-IN DAY: Wednesday
    PW: 176.4
    CW: 175.2

    I was all over the place this week as far as eating. I think I'm getting stressed because my husband is getting stressed for our family visits coming up in late September and October. Mine first then his, lol. Ah, family. Gotta love' em, right? Right? :D

    @trooworld : Love the skirt! Not sure if it's the sequins or the shine, but it just makes me smile.

    @megnolia82 : That is super supportive of your family to give up what your boy needs to give up for his dental stuff. Honestly, it sounds like a win-win, to me. <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 : Thanks for the link! I'll have to hunt down the movie because it sounds like something I'd watch, lol. You had a breakthrough (not sure if the word is right) in therapy! So glad he had you re-take the assessment and then talked about the ADHD test. I could feel your emotions coming thru the page--hope it shows clarity and what you can do about it. Sending ya some good vibes! <3

    @19shmoo69 : Love the vid--it brought back memories. If you think about it, the TMNT's are so weird. I get that radiation turned them mutant, but I'm assuming they didn't talk when they were, um, regular turtles. So how did that occur? The they were so hip (for the time) and ate pizza. Hm, that radiation must have been some good stuff. :p:D

  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    @broncobuddee I didn't see a response about changing my weigh in to Fridays, so here's Sunday again. Please let me know if it's ok to change. Thanks!

    PW: 203.4
    CW: 205.0

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Sorry!! It did get changed. I just didn't follow through and let you know. Let me if you want me to use this for week two or wait for a new post from you on Friday.
This discussion has been closed.