Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    @steffibabiie I’m really not sure. Since it’s discontinued in Canada I’m not sure if it’s banned. I can look into it but I could also make a point to stop at a pharmacy on our drive to NYC for the cruise so all
    Hope is not lost! I have my emergency supply at the very least.
    The cruise is from New York (we can drive in about 8-9 hours) and stops in Miami, Nassau, Freeport and Carnival’s private island Half Moon Cay. We have some fun things planned. I’ll share more as we get closer, I’m sure!

    @Katmary71 yes! I actually have several beautiful dresses in the closet I want to take with me! It will take a lot of work but I have 100 days! Good motivation.

    @19shmoo69 no worries! I bet i know exactly what happened - the town I visited was full of Ontario license plates. So I bet the pharmacies are often sold out of the products we can’t find in Canada due to all the cross- border shoppers. Oh well. Lunch was really worth it lol ;)

    @Anna congratulations!!!
    @AmbersWay thank you 😊

    Here’s to a beautiful day for all of us!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @txcritter69 @steffibabiie Congrats on the losses!

    @Katmary71 Ugh it came back last night and is still here. :( Stuffed butternut squash, I do, I haven't tried these yet though:

    Twice Baked Butternut Squash - https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/twice-baked-butternut-squash/

    Loaded Butternut Squash "Cordon Bleu" - https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/281999/loaded-butternut-squash-cordon-bleu/

    Cheesy Millet-Stuffed Butternut Squash with Shiitakes, and Kale Pesto - https://bojongourmet.com/vegetarian-stuffed-butternut-squash-millet-mushrooms-kale-pesto/

    @Katmary71 Yeah that's lame that they can't even accomplish a fax. I hope this gets resolved soon, Kat. Sorry about your migraine I hope it's better today.

    @DrewsAnna That's an awesome accomplishment, congrats!

    @AmbersWay Ooh cool! That sounds exciting. Congrats on the loss even though it was the day after WI (I hate that!). I'm glad the little one is doing better and your husband is getting a better range of motion. I'm also glad your husband will listen to you now! :D

    Hi all. My headache came back last night and is still here. I think it's the beginning of a migraine so I will take some medication in a bit. We had a really good dinner last night, my husband made spinach avocado chicken burgers (no bun): https://unboundwellness.com/spinach-avocado-chicken-burgers/

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    @DrewsAnna Yay congratulations!

    @AmbersWay Thank you it finally made it, now the doctor has to see it and they'll make an appointment. One step closer! Haha sounds like you need a keychain with your husband's words from that night made for him so he doesn't forget once he's feeling a bit better. Hope you get in a workout today!

    @megnolia82 100 day goals for the win, I'm excited for you!

    @trooworld All three of those recipes look awesome, thank you! Hey have you tried the Korean Chicken in Rootitoot's cookbook? I was thinking of making it when my neighbor comes to dinner Thursday and haven't tried it yet, sounds real good though. Sprouts has their organic winter squash on sale so I may have to go get a bunch now. Darn headache I hope you're feeling better when you read this!

    Hi friends! Slow night hope everyone is doing well! I slept in a bit and got up, worked out, then finished off the garlic at the farm today. Did a little too much yesterday in the yard and am worn out but I made Skinnytaste's Giant Parmesan Turkey Meatball for lunch meals for the rest of the week. I'm going for an 85 cent Blizzard at DQ tomorrow for “dinner” then my neighbor's coming here Thursday. So not “junk” but I'm classifying my popcorn as junk since it's not healthy but it's in my calories. Have a great Wednesday friends! Another week flying by.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 521 Member
    edited September 2023
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 38 of 52

    PW: 138.1
    CW: 137.5

    Not much to report, the weather has cooled off some so I've been working in the yard. It's mess so it will take me a few weeks to clean it up.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 283 Member
    Ok I woke up at 192.8 today. My lowest since I started with you all. Why couldn’t this be on WI DAY??? 😂😂😂

    I am going lunch (Italian) with the gals on Saturday so that will likely kill my next weigh in. Ugh 😩

    @trooworld the recipes look amazing, especially the cordon bleu. Yum yum! I hope the migraine passes quickly. Hugs!

    A keychain? I am thinking a tattoo on his forehead at this point! We found out that he broke some right side ribs too, which explains some of his pains there. This man needs a tracker, bubble and voice recorder on repeat that I will listen to my wife!

    @Katmary71 I am so glad they got that fax done. How frustrating. That’s how I ended up with 12 hour days, I wouldn’t leave patients like that. It wasn’t necessarily my job but I’d make sure it was done. I miss that job. It was a small town in Florida and I was newly married. Good old days. I hope you’re feeling good today.

    @megnolia82 enjoy the cruise 🚢

  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    @AmbersWay wow! Congratulations :) what a fabulous milestone!! No worries, In no time you’ll blow right past that number on your weigh in day!

    Guys, I’m feeling so great right now, I need to share some NSSVs!

    First off, a caveat: when I’m on a good streak I tend to check in here a LOT more often. Or maybe it’s being committed to this group that puts me on a good streak! I apologize if my posts are insufferable. I just do so much better when I keep on top of the board. Sorry for over posting.

    - I felt the best today I have in MONTHS. I put on clothes and felt comfortable. I wasn’t bulging or squeezing. Amazing!!
    - I got out of bed and hardly noticed my plantar fasciitis. I know it’s directly tied to my weight so a few more pounds and hopefully it will disappear completely.

    That’s about it for now but those two things have made every morning miserable for the longest time.

    16 pounds down from my highest. My body is already thanking me.

    Have an incredible day today!
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 99 Member
    @megnolia82- I'm happy you are feeling so good and that's awesome your plantar fasciitis is doing better.

    Doing better this week. I walked 1.8 miles in my neighborhood which is the first time I went out to walk normally I do it at home on the treadmill. I've also been trying out different dance workouts to get in cardio and make it fun. I've notice muscle developing on my arms and I'm so happy. Even in high school when I was average size I didn't have this muscle tone. It's awesome to see the changes in my body. Its small changes but still it means what I'm doing is working.

    Got answers from GI doctor biopsies, MRI and bloodwork were good. No cancer or infection. Yay! He gave me two meds to take to get my digestive system working and I'm to continue on my healthy eating and exercise. Looking to repair my liver and prevent development of autoimmune disease which my bloodwork and family history shows I'm at high risk of developing. But still good news I can reverse and improve my health.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @Katmary71 No, I have not. I will have to look at it, that sounds good. My headache is better, thanks! I still haven't made the giant meatball, I need to! For me, the week is dragging by lol.

    @AmbersWay Oh gosh, hopefully that weight holds (or goes lower) until weigh-in day! Thanks, my headache is better!

    @megnolia82 You do not need to apologize for your posts, I love it! Those are AWESOME NSVs! Congrats. Have a great day!

    Hi all. Well, I took Violet (the youngest pug) out on a walk yesterday morning while my head was pounding. She got spooked by something and managed to wriggle out of her harness! I couldn't get her and she thought it was a game but eventually, I just started walking back towards our condo and she followed me. It was so stressful, I forgot all about my headache! My head is better now. Not much on for today: just going to work and doing household stuff.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    edited September 2023
    USER NAME: Neon_Ninja
    WEIGH-IN DAY: Wednesday
    PW: 175.2
    CW: 175.0

    Welp, it's not much of a loss this week, but in all fairness, I've been eating like it's my last days on earth. :D So, I'll take it. Worked at the farm today and got to lift hay bales--it's a good ST workout but I'm kind of bushed now. We drive to Ohio soon to see my mom; she's going to turn 100 years old on Monday! Maternal lines in the family go on forever, my grandmother was 102 when she passed. Mom is still doing pretty good. Her mobility is a little diminished and she uses a walker/wheelchair when she goes out.

    I'll check in later as I see I have a ton of news to catch up on here! Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you for the birthday and breakfast cards, I love them!

    @AmbersWay Congratulations on the great weigh-in! Thank you, sounds like you were a great help to your patients, I wish you'd trained the people I'm dealing with! That Italian lunch sounds like fun, I hope you have a great time.

    @megnolia82 I love your posts! I'm loving reading your wins, those are great NSVs! Keep being awesome!

    @965jessica I'm so happy you're seeing results, you earned those muscles! Yay on the results, that's great news! If you needed confirmation you're doing the right things for your health you definitely got it between all the medical and physical feedback, keep it up! Do you have a favorite dance instructor? I have a bunch saved if you ever want a playlist of mostly one-song dances just let me know.

    @trooworld Hey yes you DO need to make the Giant Parmesan Turkey Meatball! I'll let you know on the chicken, I'm making it tomorrow with rice and long beans. OMG that's so scary about Violet getting away, thank goodness she followed you. She scared the headache right out of you! It's terrifying when that happens, when Jasper got away from me the last time I took him out I was so traumatized I refuse to try again.

    @Neon_Ninja Happy birthday to your Mom, that should be a fun celebration! Lifting hay bales is a serious workout, wtg!

    Hi friends. Had a mellow day, I cleaned the house, worked out, caught up on work, and just got back from having a Blizzard with a friend. Dairy Queen has metal picnic tables which means I can't sit there long but my friend's not in the best mood so I don't feel bad for leaving after an hour. I'm having my neighbor over tomorrow then my best friend and her boyfriend are coming weekend after next so I'm trying to get the house as clean as I can now. Bow Wow Days is this weekend, it's an event thrown by the charity raising money and food for animal shelters. I'd told my oldest nephew about it in case he wanted to come help out to get volunteer hours for school and he just may do it which would be a lot of fun, I think he'd have a great time. I had a Blizzard so I had junk but otherwise it was a good day. Have a great Thursday!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 321 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 155.6
    CW 155.9

    I'm up 0.3 but I have changed almost my way of eating and just started exercising again yesterday. I've only been averaging about 7000-8000 steps and week so I'm sure my body is in shock and wants to know what the heck I'm doing it.
    Next week will be better.

    I did splurge and had some pizza. Before that I felt like someone through some sleep dust in my face and I fell asleep. LOL, that was after my walk.

    Tomorrow, I'll be back on track!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @Neon_Ninja The scale is going in the right direction, so celebrate that. That does sound like a good workout. Wow, 100, that's awesome.

    @Katmary71 Okay, I'm convinced lol, I put the giant meatball on my menu for next week. I'll let you know how I like it! Yes, it was super scary! She did lol. I don't blame you for not trying again. That's too bad about your friend being in a bad mood. I hope you have fun with your neighbor. Bow Wow Days sounds fun!

    @DrewsAnna Sounds like you are doing great.

    Hi all. I'm doing okay. Not much going on. Looking forward to the end of the day as this is my last day working in the office this week.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    How's everyone doing on the no junk challenge? We have 4 more days in the challenge!

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 99 Member
    @Katmary71- I don't have a favorite dance instructor just trying out different things to see what feels best for me. I would love to check out your playlist. Thanks
  • Neon_Ninja
    Neon_Ninja Posts: 53 Member
    @AmbersWay : Hope you had a good lunch. Italian sounds pretty divine. Congrats on the weight, too.

    @megnolia82 : YAY for those NSVs--you are rockin' it!

    @865jessica : Awesome job on the walk. So happy about your medical results, I can imaine it's a load off your mind when you got them back.

    @trooworld : Hope the headache stays away. I love the name of Violet--I once knew a horse named Violet and she was as sassy as your pug, lol. Glad your Violet stayed with you.

    @Katmary71 : Bow Wow Days sound pretty terrific and for a good cause, too. Not sure what is going on here, but our shelters are full, unfortunately.

    @DrewsAnna : Great job on exercising! Way to get back on track!

    @steffibabiie : I'm with you on the weekends, they are hard for me to "keep together". I love the idea of meal prepping and already do for breakfasts. You've given me inspiration to do it for the dinner meals and see what happens.

    Trying to get a few paintings/art-type things done today. Got the dog out for a 2-miler this morning and we'll probably do another 2 this evening. Have a good day, everyone!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    @DrewsAnna It sounds like you're figuring out what works best for you which is great!

    @trooworld You'd love Bow Wow Days, I wish you lived here! Nice so tomorrow's working from home? OK the hamburger in that junk food challenge pic looks very yummy!

    @Neon_Ninja Have a great time being creative today!

    Hi friends! Worked out then went to the greenhouse for a couple hours, had a nice scare with a baby frog hopping out of the trays then a bird got stuck in the greenhouse. I went to Sprouts (they have the best winter squash and it's on sale) and my brother's house so he could fill my tire. My neighbor and her granddog are coming over soon for dinner, the dog's about 5lbs so I need to make sure my cats don't push it around (she ran out with her when she came over a few days ago and Jasper had rushed up to the puppy). Have a great Friday!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    @865jessica Here you go! There's a lot of Fitness Marshall in there and people either like him or don't but if not check out the others. My favorites in trying different styles of dance were belly dancing and African dance.
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    Tormenting myself this morning. Pulled pork burgers (sandwiches?*) for dinner with slaw, so had to get everything going before I even break my fast today.

    *anything on a burger bun here in Australia is referred to as a burger. Fried chicken breast? Chicken burger. Pretty sure they were all "sandwiches" back home but I can't even remember now.

    KFC coleslaw was a favourite in my childhood. I make a copycat version now with diced apples and white wine vinegar for the sweetness without adding sugar. I made extra because there is no way this is going to last in the fridge all day until dinner 😂


    @neon_ninja I always have dinners planned out when I do my weekly shop, so dinners I'm usually pretty good to sticking to what's planned. I prep chia puddings for breakfast and salads for lunch though, so if I don't have them on weekends to grab easily I end up going for something else that's easy. (Like the pizza that was sitting front and center last weekend). 🙃 But I think you really can't go wrong with prepping it definitely helps keep on track! And makes it easier to log as well.
    Have fun with your art projects!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 821 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Amazing news - my lab tests came back today and the result is negative for C. difficile. So now I just have to focus on rebuilding my gut health. Again haha…

    After school tomorrow I’m dashing off to Lake Huron for an amazing women’s retreat. I’m
    So excited. I ended up cancelling all the food or drink related sessions I had signed up for (empanadas, Mexican and margitas, mixology.) to give my gut some time to heal.

    I hope you all have a good sleep!
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