WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,188 Member
    Week was a whirlwind, had a work event, therapy, and dinner with friends.
    I will be doing a lot of exercise this weekend to make progress towards my green week!
    Brad joined a curling league and had his first draw last night.. he had fun! It doesn't sound like the most active thing but he got a lot of steps and felt sore.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    So, not surprising, I couldn’t get the weekly 7 minute challenge done. I’m an excuse machine. There was more than a bit of watching baseball here as are beloved Phillies won their division and advance to league playoffs for a spot in the World Series. It’s good to be back in the area.

    I didn’t move my kids when they were in school, but I can tell you, moving when you are older and have all the stuff is NOT fun. Two moves in the last year and a half really did a number on me. But I’m settling. I don’t know why it is taking sooooo long to feel normal again. I did clean up my hutch today. 😂 Shoved so many things in there never unwrapped when we first moved in in May. Found a few things. Every little bit helps me settle in and feel like this is my house more.

    Went to a new primary dr this week in my new town. Like her so another thing checked off. I’m going to have my hip and back X-ray done to figure out what the pain is. Also going to a foot dr (well when I make an appointment) to find out what is going on with the foot pain. Another reason I am making excuses about exercise. Even though I KNOW exercise and dropping weights will certainly help with the pain somewhat.

    I have logged my food and water so far today. If I could only keep it up. I used to log religiously. Don’t know why I’m so stubborn lazy about it now. I need something fresh/novel to wake me up to do it.

    Great loss Kali and Kristi and all the great losers. Hope to join that team next week. At the drs I was 6 pounds more than my official weigh in this week. Wow!!

    Got to get moving. Have a great day.
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 106 Member
    PW: 149.9
    CW: 150.1

    Sun- 3600
    Mon: 7383
    Tue- 13358
    Wed - 14622
    Thur - 9326
    Fri - 13834
    Sat - 2000
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    The October Week 3 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Oct 15th. Please join us for the Acts of Kindness Challenge. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread starting tomorrow!
    Take care,
    Jessica :smile:
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday 13/10 weigh-in
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    @jugar Can you change my CW to 214 please? Got back on later and it was 214 so no red no green. Better for team and makes me happier.

    Thank you!!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    @jugar yes, I think the percent is really helpful for me, and thinking of the goal as "100%" as opposed to "losing 120+ lbs". The latter feels really daunting at times.

    @EvMakesChanges and @wishfuljune glad you are both feeling better!

    I had a lovely little movie night for myself last night - I watched Practical Magic for the first time and I loved it. Perfect for the season. And I got some candy corn but only had a handful after dinner. Now I am back from my real final kayak of the season, and sitting down to a late lunch with Mona Lisa Smile, which I have also never seen before.

    I did an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) workout last night in my challenge - I am pretty sore all over today but it feels good! I think I could start this challenge over again when it's done. I haven't gotten off track yet which is pretty unheard of for me and I definitely don't want to lose any muscle I might be building, since I am starting to feel a bit stronger. A stretch goal could be trying to repeat it through the end of the year. [I was about to rewrite that to say "until the holidays" but honestly I don't think my job will be busy around Christmas and I know my office goes remote the last 2 weeks of December so it should be very possible to keep up regular exercise - no chance if I start making excuses in October!]
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 420 Member

    Steps - 08-14
    Sunday - 5,049
    Monday - 5,466
    Tuesday - 7,425
    Wednesday - 2,521
    Thursday - 2,721
    Friday - 2,160
    Saturday - 6,097
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    So, not surprising, I couldn’t get the weekly 7 minute challenge done. I’m an excuse machine.

    Went to a new primary dr this week in my new town. Like her so another thing checked off. I’m going to have my hip and back X-ray done to figure out what the pain is. Also going to a foot dr (well when I make an appointment) to find out what is going on with the foot pain. Another reason I am making excuses about exercise. Even though I KNOW exercise and dropping weights will certainly help with the pain somewhat.

    I have logged my food and water so far today. If I could only keep it up. I used to log religiously. Don’t know why I’m so stubborn lazy about it now. I need something fresh/novel to wake me up to do it.

    The excuse machine. It is so real. Listen to some Dave van Ronk. He can really make those blues do their thing. It is hard. We have to get it - and can. We don't want to...

    So love this frustration - even though it is not a lot of fun to go through. Coming out the other side. Go for it.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Week was a whirlwind, had a work event, therapy, and dinner with friends.
    I will be doing a lot of exercise this weekend to make progress towards my green week!
    Brad joined a curling league and had his first draw last night.. he had fun!
    It doesn't sound like the most active thing but he got a lot of steps and felt sore.

    This is the thing. Today I rode 2 horses, after running around after them, and giving them carrots! The exercise did not feel like the most active thing, but so many muscles were used.

    I know I'm getting home on Monday with some catching up to do! I have been active, but not increasing strength and health. I have eaten more of the things that are not ideal, and done fewer of the strength-building things, but it is OK as long as it does not keep going on. Not looking forward to the travel time, but to the return to home and taking control again.

    I have been asked to serve in a consulting / investigative role at my former university, and not sure I'll take it or that I'm the right person for the role. A meeting on Monday morning will tell! After an overnight flight... hope I am coherent!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    Weigh in Day: Friday
    PW: 166.6
    CW: 167.3

    Sorry I'm a day late. I still haven't quite got my act together since getting back from vacation but I did weigh. I'm not happy with the results but it was probably much worse right after I got back. I'm back on track and hope to never see that number again.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Happy Sunday, Folks!


    PW - 184.2
    CW - 184.4

    Back later with stats.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Greetings again, Waistaways!

    Here are my step and exercise stats for the last 7 days:

    Sunday, 8th October - 1177
    Monday 9th - 4991 / 38 mins Fitness Blender FB30 Round 4 Day 13 - Lower Body HIIT Cardio & Upper Body Strength
    Tuesday 10th - 2623
    Wednesday 11th - 7383
    Thursday 12th - 4859 / 74 mins Yoga
    Friday 13th - 4689 / 38 mins FB30 R4 Day 14 - Core & Cardio Abs
    Saturday 14th - 2253 / 36 mins FB30 R4 Day 15 - Toning & HIIT Cardio Strength
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