Downsizers Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,227 Member

    Which you find harder diet wise, weekdays or weekends? Why?

    I do not feel either one is harder .. since I am keto and I stay on plan :)
  • Learningmoments
    Learningmoments Posts: 747 Member
    MFP User Name -Learning Moments
    Commitment for Week -5k/day 50K/week
    Tracking Type - Miles or Steps: steps

    Sunday -10523
    Monday -12788
    Tuesday -3437
    Wednesday -10043
    Thursday -6415
    Friday -2483
    Saturday -3521
    Total:49210 :( So close.

    Commitment for Week -100 floors/wk
    Tracking Type - floors

    Sunday -6
    Monday -17
    Tuesday -6
    Wednesday -30
    Thursday -7
    Friday -3
    Saturday -12
    Total: 81
  • MyChoiceisaGoodLife
    Penny @MyChoiceisaGoodLife

    Friday weigh-in: 11/04/23 - A day late, my apologies!

    PW: 159.0
    CW: 160.0
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,663 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 How are you feeling?

    My Steps:
    10/29/23 18,701
    10/30/23 18,188
    10/31/23 17,498
    11/01/23 3,931
    11/02/23 23,105
    11/03/23 20,879
    11/04/23 20,609
    Total 122,911

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,663 Member
    edited November 2023
    Nov 5:
    👣 📝 🥗 Had a time yesterday - girls day at the casino. Didn't win (never do). I picked up subway on the way home - under my calorie goal, but the sodium in the sub always gets to me.
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,663 Member
    edited November 2023

    Which you find harder diet wise, weekdays or weekends? Why?

    Weekends are harder - only because that's when we get invited to events.
  • KarlysFreedom
    KarlysFreedom Posts: 59 Member

    Which you find harder diet wise, weekdays or weekends? Why?

    Neither since I live alone and don't go out much. Pretty much the same day in and day out routine.

  • KarlysFreedom
    KarlysFreedom Posts: 59 Member
    This week has been a struggle to lose any weight.

    My legs have started swelling again with fluid and whatever weight I would have lost from my eating habits is thwarted by the fluid I'm retaining.
    Which causes me to be in a continual plateau area, neither losing or gaining weight. Which I guess the not gaining is a good thing; but, I'm so tired of constantly retaining water.

    I take water pills and drink plenty of water during the day, and do certain exercises with my feet/legs that is supposed to help stop the fluid buildup. None of it seems to be working. Hopefully, I can get this situation taking care of soon and return to losing weight like I did in September.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,209 Member
    Step Challenge - Goal 8,500

    10/29 ~ 15,848
    10/30 ~ 12,093
    10/31 ~ 8,891
    11/1 ~ 13,375
    11/2 ~ 14,388
    11/3 ~ 12,689
    11/4 ~ 10,157
  • Heretochange88
    Heretochange88 Posts: 43 Member

    Which you find harder diet wise, weekdays or weekends? Why?

    Most days kinda roll into one for me. I work in retail (when I am actually working) but the days where i have more planning and routine (Tuesdays I have therapy so I usually stay out to study at a coffee shop and enjoy being out and Sunday I have church so my day is planned right up to like 7pm) I feel as though it's easier. The days where I am alone and more likely to think- that's where I find difficulty.
  • Heretochange88
    Heretochange88 Posts: 43 Member
    Mid-week check in

    Hi all, I just feel like I should check in a bit here, get some of my feelings out, etc. I am on my 4th week of the program (already!) and I am grateful to be down nearly 30lb since I started but I am really struggling with my weight loss slowing down. I know the number on the scales is not the be-all and end-all, but being the size that I am, and having so much to lose, my poor body is suffering every day I am this weight.

    There have been some NSVs- it's less painful to get out of bed, I can shower easier, I can do other "hygiene things" better (IYKYK lol) and I feel as though I have more energy.

    However, I am going through massive cravings sometimes. Certain foods that I can't have right now because of the program I'm on (I have committed to following it at least until February since it is a hospital-based program) and at some points in the day I am really going crazy! I have found a few recovery meetings for people who are food addicts and that's been super helpful. I am going to reach out to some local people too who are in these groups to try and find local support. Also, my left knee is giving me a major problem at times. I have to keep an eye on that. The last thing I need is to be completely immobile as it heals.

    I know slow and steady is good. I know that I didn't put all the weight on overnight and I shouldn't expect to lose it the same way (even though sometimes I feel like I just woke up fat one day!) but I am also wanting to see results. I hate how I look. I hate the person I am. I know my worth is not determined by the number on a scale or a clothing tag but I am missing out on so much joy. I avoid photographs, parties, or activities that would bring attention to me. And I am missing out.

    I have this couple at church right now who have been such an amazing support. They are only here until January- they live in Utah and they are in my hometown doing a mission with the church for a year. I love them so much, I feel as though they are the parents I never had growing up. But I avoid photos with them- memories that I want to cherish- because I am so big.

    I just needed to share my feelings around this. I am determined to get healthy and to be smaller. I can say that this is all about health all I want, but I know that's not the case... I don't want to wear 4x clothes. I don't want the first thing people notice about me is my size. I am already tall- so I am already noticeable!

    I'm so grateful for this group. I love the discussions and the honesty. I am glad I have somewhere to be accountable because the program I'm in doesn't discuss weight at all.

    Thanks for letting me be here- and thanks for letting me have a place to share <3
  • rwillems
    rwillems Posts: 209 Member
    Good Morning team!. I hope all of you US citizens made it through another “fall back” as we make our semi annual clock adjustment. (Yes, I realize that some states within the US have also scrapped concept of daylight savings time, realizing we no longer live in an 18th century largely agrarian society!). Anyway that’s my morning rant, now here are my numbers @lindamtuck2018:

    Member name: rwillems
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    PW: 281.6 lbs
    CW: 280.4 lbs. down 1.2 lbs.

    Please don’t take offense at my DST rant, I was just playing around.
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    edited November 2023
    PW: 215
    CW: 213.8

    Weekends are very tough for me to eat well or diet as we are either hosting or visiting.
  • Heretochange88
    Heretochange88 Posts: 43 Member
    rwillems wrote: »

    Please don’t take offense at my DST rant, I was just playing around.

    I'm only offended that you didn't include your Canadian neighbours, there! heehee

    I forgot all about the clock change and wondered why I naturally woke up at 7.30am instead of my usual 8.30am :p
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    NouveauRee wrote: »
    Too many Halloween treats this week. Didn’t buy any for home but it was all over work and I caved several times. Hopefully next week it will be gone for a bit before all the Thanksgiving treats make their appearance.

    PW 174.4
    CW 174.8

    Thankfully, in Canada, thanksgiving has already passed. We get a bit of a break between thanksgiving and Christmas treats.
    RoblinB wrote: »
    PW 174.5
    CW 173.3

    Awesome loss!
    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Friday (Nov 3, 2023)
    PW: 236.4
    CW: 241.1

    Apologies for being late - it's been a crazy week between work, birthday, Halloween and our youngest sons soccer team winning district championship - on to the state quarter finals! Weigh in day was a bit of a blip with the prior and post days being less so note to self - don't eat from the basket of free nacho chips the night before weigh-in!

    Nacho chips can definitely throw our weight loss off. Have a good week. Was it your birthday? Happy birthday if it was.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    Nov 5:
    👣 📝 🥗 Had a time yesterday - girls day at the casino. Didn't win (never do). I picked up subway on the way home - under my calorie goal, but the sodium in the sub always gets to me.

    Sounds like my trips to the casino. I am always a loser. I always stay overnight as we usually see a show when we go so lots of high sodium meals in restaurants. The main thing is the fun you have.
    This week has been a struggle to lose any weight.

    My legs have started swelling again with fluid and whatever weight I would have lost from my eating habits is thwarted by the fluid I'm retaining.
    Which causes me to be in a continual plateau area, neither losing or gaining weight. Which I guess the not gaining is a good thing; but, I'm so tired of constantly retaining water.

    I take water pills and drink plenty of water during the day, and do certain exercises with my feet/legs that is supposed to help stop the fluid buildup. None of it seems to be working. Hopefully, I can get this situation taking care of soon and return to losing weight like I did in September.

    Do compression stocking help. While I don’t get the swelling in my legs as bad as you do I know it’s painful so I really feel for you. Stick with the healthy eating and you will see a decrease in the weight eventually.

    Which you find harder diet wise, weekdays or weekends? Why?

    Most days kinda roll into one for me. I work in retail (when I am actually working) but the days where i have more planning and routine (Tuesdays I have therapy so I usually stay out to study at a coffee shop and enjoy being out and Sunday I have church so my day is planned right up to like 7pm) I feel as though it's easier. The days where I am alone and more likely to think- that's where I find difficulty.

    Hang in there. When you are frustrated with the pace of your loss, look at those NSV’s. You are doing fantastic. You were number one in weight loss for the month of October on our team, You placed in the top three for last week. It has taken me almost 4 years to lose what I have lost. I see people lose weight week after week and it can be frustrating for me. I think, “why can’t I be like that”. Bottom line is we all lose weight differently. We all have different struggles. I know we want the weight gone by yesterday but you are working hard and you will lose. I don’t know which group you are trying for food addicts but I have known a few people that have gone to over eaters anonymous and really found it helpful. Talking to others who have had the same struggle helps. I know seeking help for binge eating disorder is what changed my life when it came to weight loss. Sorry I rambled. .
    rwillems wrote: »
    Good Morning team!. I hope all of you US citizens made it through another “fall back” as we make our semi annual clock adjustment. (Yes, I realize that some states within the US have also scrapped concept of daylight savings time, realizing we no longer live in an 18th century largely agrarian society!). Anyway that’s my morning rant, now here are my numbers @lindamtuck2018:

    Member name: rwillems
    Weigh-in day: Sunday
    PW: 281.6 lbs
    CW: 280.4 lbs. down 1.2 lbs.

    Please don’t take offense at my DST rant, I was just playing around.

    No offence take but you did forget us up in Canada. Lol 😂 I think some provinces don’t do it. Congrats on the loss,
    abeks wrote: »
    PW: 215
    CW: 213.8

    Weekends are very tough for me to eat well or diet as we are either hosting or visiting.

    Fantastic loss!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,527 Member
    Steps: 4,549
    Exercise: ❌
    Rings: ✔️
    Physio: ❌

    Woke up feeling more energetic. Very thankful for this. Didn’t make it to the pool yesterday but I did a few small mini walks. I was already to the pool today. Was a shorter swim but I got there. Off to see my granddaughter and then tackle the laundry.

    Weekends are definitely harder especially Saturday. I blame part of it on my husband. I said to him yesterday, it feels like I eat for the sake of eating on Saturdays. It is something I am working on but it is not easy.

    Have a wonderful Saturday.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,227 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 How are you feeling?

    My Steps:
    10/29/23 18,701
    10/30/23 18,188
    10/31/23 17,498
    11/01/23 3,931
    11/02/23 23,105
    11/03/23 20,879
    11/04/23 20,609
    Total 122,911

    I am feeling much better ..thanks for asking ... now if my ankle/foot/leg would stop hurting then I would be a happy camper
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,227 Member
    edited November 2023

    Here is my friendly Sunday reminder of the people's steps I need for November Week 1... Please have your steps by no later than Tuesday Evening 11/7/ that I can post the results on Wednesday morning...Thanks for your cooperation :)

    @Hotspur11 10/29 - 11/4

This discussion has been closed.