2023: Envision where you want to be: Focus on health, energy, vitality!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    How is everyone?

    Gail, how’s the sugar level? Is low carb working for you?

    Vail, how’s the recovery going? I really hope you’re feeling back to normal now.

    Snoozie, how’s the stomach issue?

    We’re back from Colorado and it was a wonderful vacation. It really emphasized how out of shape I am though. Those altitudes are nothing to sneeze at! I didn’t get the headaches or nausea but would get out of breath so quickly! Gotta make some changes!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    so glad you had a great vacay Suzy!! i cant even imagine trying any kind of hike... im very out of shape and absolutely need to get that cardio going too...

    All good here.. seem to be busy all the time between the RC and the retirees group but enjoying it .... funny how you can kind of get used to being "on the go" a lot again.. shades of when i was working but at least i never have to get up at 4am for this stuff lol!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I am not used to being on the go again but I think that’s because I haven’t been this pulled in so many different directions before or at least that I can remember. My problem is that I can’t say no. I don’t want to let anyone down. Just found out that my son-in-law is going away for two nights for a golf outing. My daughter will have the four month old, the three year old, both dogs (one of which has to have shots twice a day) and they’re all sick with summer colds. Not the dogs, the people. Lol. So, I’m going to go stay with her. She starts back to work on Monday and is trying to get everything organized and be prepared. Just a really bad time for him to go away but I can’t say anything because I’m the mother in law.

    My niece from Texas is coming here soon to visit. She’s going to leave her three year old with me so she can have a few days away with a friend. Her parents won’t watch their granddaughter so Aunt Susie does it. What is wrong with people? Aaargh! It will be good to see them though.

    I’m really really hoping that once my daughter goes back to work that my schedule will lighten up. Maybe in November. Lol. Maybe then I can make myself a priority for just a little bit.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh Suzy, that's a bit much. I know you can't say anything, but maybe your son-in-law might have thought it's not great timing to go on a jolly! Would be different if it was a work trip that he couldn't avoid.

    And a three-year-old fulltime for a few days as well? That's a bit much to ask. I'd be tempted to say no. It'd be fine for a day or overnight, but that seems like too long. I suppose people don't think and don't realise that you don't have the same energy in your 60s as you did in your 30s!

    Glad you had a good vacation in Colarado though!

    I have recovered now, thank you! It took ages, I think about six weeks, until I was feeling more "normal". The past week I have been away a lot following Lord of the Lost on tour. That has been quite the adventure! I have met some lovely people and had the time of my life! I am so glad with the timing that the tour was just after I was feeling better, as for weeks I was thinking I'd have to miss it. I didn't do the whole thing but saw them in four separate cities and two countries! I have been the opposite of you, Suzy, just doing something completely for me, and it feels really good!

    Snoozie, Gail, how are things with you? We've all been a bit quiet these last weeks!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m so glad you’re feeling better and in time to see your favorite band on tour! That’s awesome! Good for you for putting yourself first for awhile. I’m going to get there. Soon.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail!! I was thrilled to read you recovered AND were able to have the time of your life with the concerts and band tour!! That's awesome! and two countries!! Truly happy for you especially since you went thru so much with your recovery.. doing the happy dance for you!!

    I haven't been around much - i've been quite busy with my retiree group... my area has grown to almost 40 ppl who want to come to every event we can think of LOL.. which is great on one hand as its getting a lot of people out and making friendships and just enjoying they now have other people to do things with.. for a lot of us who are older and on our own, that's a big win. My biggest prob now tho is finding venues that will take such a large crowd! We've been very lucky the past two weeks have had glorious sunshine and warm temps so we;ve been trying to do outdoor events as much as possible.. lots of patio get togethers, group walks and tomorrow i'm bringing them all to play 18 holes of mini golf then to a local pub patio for a brew and a bite..

    frankly im in no hurry to move things indoors as covid is on the rise here again.. so as long as the nice weather holds we will stay outdoors. Fortunately this time of year here the leaves all start to change colors and we live near an escarpment so group walks are quite popular to see the spectacular fall colors.. and since we have varied mobility levels in our group there are great places with lots of benches or picnic tables scattered, so everyone gets to go to most events.

    My Red Cross op just got extended to Dec 30th.. but they don't need as many of us so only doing a shift or 2 a week.. other than that, i don't have much else to report.. other than i really need to get my head out of my backside and smarten up with my eating.. not so much about weight management but my blood sugars have been running high again, completely my own fault and after getting off all the meds back in March, i'm afraid im going to end up back on them so that's my main focus right now.. going back to eating much better.. its scary how quickly good habits can get dropped - WHY isnt it as easy to drop BAD habits as it is good ones, huh? lol

    Suzy.. omg... you are a better woman than i .... hang in there woman!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Wow, Snoozie! Your group has really grown. You must be doing a great job as “cruise director!” Lol. Sounds like so much fun, too. The cooler weather will be a challenge with a group that large.

    I’m worried about your blood sugars going back up. You worked so hard to get off the meds. I know you can get back on track! You can do this!

    Sometimes I feel like if it wasn’t for bad habits then I’d have no habits at all. Every night, as I’m trying to fall asleep, I come up with a really healthy routine for the next day. I convince myself that I can make it a habit, that it will be so positive and empowering! Then I wake up late, skip the exercise and spend an hour watching tv while I eat my breakfast. Lol.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That size of group sounds quite unwieldy! Well done for managing to get it all organised!

    I suppose with the blood sugars at least you know what's up, and could do something about it. It would be more worrying if they were going up for no good reason. I so agree that it's easy to get out of the good habits. I've found the travelling and late nights (in fact one night with no sleep because I was sitting on a bus due to train strikes!) has really thrown me. I thought I'd just get back to healthy eating when I got home, but it feels such a chore going back to salads and veg and stuff.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Yes vail for sure.. i got another milder tummy bug a few weeks ago and my sugars shot up which can happen when you're sick.. but they havent come down again and my eating habits havent helped so i'm working hard getting back on track - its true tho that when you are super busy and not home, its far easier to let it go... so i just need to get back to making sure i start cooking again and making sure there are always veg and protein avail ... and get back to making sure i have enuf leftovers for a 2nd meal to give me time to make more hahaha.. as we know im lazy!

    It's our Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend.. i know you don't celebrate til November Suzy.. but its turkey day for us lol.. i wont be doing one as its just me, but im hoping to find a chicken on sale i can roast that up and have the carcass for soup to freeze as our gorgeous hit of late summer weather ended yesterday and fall is coming. On the plus side, the leaves here are at 100% color change and as we live on the edge of the Niagara escarpment i'll take a stroll today before the crowds hit on the weekend lol

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Hope you're having a lovely Thanksgiving! I love that you do a proper little celebratory meal!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Snoozie! I hope you found a good deal on a tasty chicken. Enjoy!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited October 2023
    My company left on Monday and I ended up sick on Wednesday. We visited my dad, he was sick. One of my guests was sick. I’ve been watching my grandson because he was sick with RSV (luckily a very mild case!). So it was just a matter of time before I got sick. It’s not Covid so there’s that! Thank goodness!

    We leave for our annual hiking trip on Monday for four days. I’m sure I’ll feel better by then.

    Y’all, my stomach is huge! My weight on the scale hasn’t changed much but my stomach has gotten so big! I’ve seriously got to change my habits back to healthier ones. I’ve just been eating and not exercising for so long that it has become my lifestyle. We went for a really nice easy-ish hike last week and it kicked my butt and now my knee hurts. This is ridiculous. I was hiking 10 mile strenuous trails just five years ago. What is wrong with me that I’ve let myself deteriorate like this? Ugh!!!

    How is everyone else doing? I hope you’re all enjoying the last days of good weather. Any healthy soup or stew ideas would be appreciated!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm sorry you've been sick, Suzy. There's so much going around. Hopefully one of those three day things, and you'll be better by Monday.

    I think it probably doesn't help with your lifestyle that you have been so busy with childcare and guests. It makes things so much more difficult, and of course you're making food for other people which you have to eat yourself.

    No last days of good weather here! We have had storms and flood warnings! I'm really feeling my arthritis at the moment and I don't know if that's due to the weather. And because I'm trying to exercise and get my strength back after covid.

    I have not been great eating-wise either. I lost so much weight with covid that I didn't push to lose more, and have been "maintaining". At least in my head I was maintaining, but I was actually gaining. Still not back up to where I was pre-covid, but I can really feel the extra - it's as if I lost muscle and gained fat! And I have been eating good food but also a lot of rubbish: I've had cakes, quiche, fish and chips, Hallowe'en sweets (yes, have been eating the candy I bought to give children at Hallowe'en), you name it. So trying to get back into the healthy eating. I have been watching/listening to the recent Tim Spector interview for inspiration.

    I haven't been making much soups or stews after living off salads for months, but yes, now is the time! I don't have many suggestions: what I'm planning on doing next is lentil soup with some added chicken. I have bought some frozen soffrito (chopped veg) which is incredibly lazy but it's quite cheap and means I have no excuse! I also have some diced frozen cooked chicken in the freezer. All for making things easy. I only have one cooking ring so if I'm not using the Ninja cooker or microwave it needs to be a one pot thing! I do have an Instant Pot but it's kind of big for one person. Last night I made sort of bolognese thing with lots of veg to have with courgette "pasta" which was quite nice: I have some left for today. Lentil soup is my go to and I usually use red lentils which are quick but I have a packet of pre-cooked black lentils which I'm going to make something with: that will be even quicker. Also going back to having porridge occasionally now that it's so cold - it's comforting!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member

    Oh, this is the video I mentioned. A follow-up to one I posted a while back. It's quite long but have been listening while doing other things and there's some things I'll take from it. I find it a bit motivating to listen to something like that. Then I get all fired up trying to eat 30 plants, then forget about it a week later, ha ha!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hiya! Sorry been MIA... been keeping busy which is good.. i did manage to get in both my flu and covid shots last week which, as cases of both are on the rise right now, i was happy to get em altho it was a fluke as i didnt have an appointment lol..

    Suzy i agree with Vail.. its pretty hard to take care of yourself when you're taking care of everyone else.. i hope things calm down a bit soon so you can really focus on just YOU.. we as women i think are often hard wired to put everyone else first.. and i would think especially when it comes to things like family and kids and grandkids.. but there comes a time when we just have to say .. im sorry you're on your own.. right now i need to take care of me. (and yes i realize that isnt always possible as i've been in that position before where no choice but to focus attention somewhere else.. so i will just hope you do get a break soon..

    I actually joined a facebook group called soup lovers LOL.. solely for the purpose of finding new soups to make! too funny !! i also bought a bag of frozen "soup vegetables"... for the speed because i figure i can make it quick and add in a few noodles or chicken or whatever and it will keep me from eating crap..
    well ok... in theory anyway! i havent found any on the site i want to try as yet, but i like i can search an ingredient and see what soups people have posted the recipe for if i have it on hand..

    Vail i can relate about the loss of muscle after covid... as you know after my big gut thing almost 2 yrs ago where i lost so much weight so fast because i just wasnt eating at all... i def had months even after i started to recover where i was so fatigued i would have to sit down while doing the dishes.. and my walking went from being able to walk fast for an hour, to barely being able to stroll for 20 min. I absOLUTELY need to do some strength training and exercise to get that muscle back and SOON...

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Back from our annual hiking trip which went very well and then I got sick again. I told my husband that our house is trying to kill me. I seem to get better when I leave and worse when I get home. Right now it has all culminated in a bad case of laryngitis. I’m not feeling awful but I can’t make a sound. Lol, my husband is whispering and I keep whispering that HE doesn’t have to whisper to me. I just want to be healthy again!!!

    I was feeling good for about three days when we got back and I started logging my food. I was feeling confident in my ability to stick with it and then I got sick again. So, I’ve just got to recapture that feeling and get my momentum back. I’ve been eating soup but it’s the canned and high calorie kind while I’ve been under the weather.

    I’m curious if y’all participate in this ridiculous daylight saving time process that the United States just won’t abandon. It’s dark so early now so no after dinner walks for us for awhile.

    How’s everything going?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh Suzy... i'm so sorry you got sick when you got back... i'm glad your hiking trip at least went well!
    Fingers crossed you have a quick recovery!

    Yes we have the stupid Daylight savings.. our clocks just went back Sunday so it's dark now here at 5pm... ugh....

    I havent been walking enough myself.. I run the group walks for the retirees but its only maybe once or twice a month as its dependent on the weather.. i did hear the weatherman say the last 2 weeks of November are supposed to be unusually warm so i won't have an excuse.. my eating has been horrible too if that's any consolation i don't honest to god know why .. or how to get back on track.. im suddenly craving carbs and not the good kind.. i totally have to get myself under control AND i have to start physically getting my act together..

    i can't believe we are almost half way thru november....
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Our clocks changed to too, although back to the "normal", Greenwich Mean Time. But just about everbody prefers British Summer Time!

    I hope you're feeling a bit better now, Suzy. So funny about your husband whispering too!

    I haven't been walking much either, because of my hip. It's such a delicate balance, getting exercise and avoiding the pain and mobility issues if I do too much! I'm still really struggling to get back to where I was before covid, fitness wise. I hope this isn't a permanent change. I do feel a bit sad about it because I was getting quite fit and strong earlier in the year, and now that's gone. It has given me hope that you have got better, Snoozie, even if it took you months to get there.

    My eating hasn't been great either. But at least I'm not piling on the weight. I am also craving carbs, and feeling fed up. I think maybe it's the winter. I do have a light therapy thing and should get it out again. And remember to take my vitamins.

    I went shopping today for healthy food, and the shop was out of the things I'd planned to get, specifically broccoli, cauliflower and berries. So I bought chocolate, crisps and bread rolls instead. I am my own worst enemy.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Sorry Vail, I laughed out loud at your last bit. Lol! They didn’t have broccoli, cauliflower and berries so OF COURSE the next logical choice was chocolate, crisps and bread rolls. That sounds like the way I shop. Too funny!

    It sounds like we’re all struggling a bit with our healthy eating choices. Winter definitely puts a damper on things for me. I’ve got to find some motivation somewhere.

    Still struggling with my voice and some congestion but I think it’s better.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I have to admit i too actually laughed at loud at the "they didnt have the veg so of course... hahahaha!