2023: Envision where you want to be: Focus on health, energy, vitality!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    It’s Thanksgiving week here in the US. We have eleven out of town family members coming to stay three nights between our house and my daughter’s. Lots of food planned and not much of it is considered “healthy” but moderation is the key. Also, I find that when I’m having to do most of the cooking then I’m not really hungry once it’s all ready. Hopefully I can get through this week without gaining more than a pound or two. I’m down about five pounds but haven’t logged it because I feel like it may be temporary. lol.

    My knee has really been bothering me for the past month or so. I’ve started doing the small physical therapy exercises that I started with years ago. It may be helping. I’m hoping to visit Vail’s “neck of the woods” next year. I really want to hike about three days of the Hadrian’s Wall trail then go to Scotland for a bit. I don’t want to put down the deposits if my knee isn’t going to cooperate.

    How is everyone doing with this colder weather?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, Suzy! It's a time of feasting and family, so don't be hard on yourself if you eat a bit more than usual. I find the same when cooking sometimes though, I'm kind of bored with the food by the time it's finished! Maybe a good thing! Very kind of you to host family and do so much cooking! Hope you have a lovely celebration.

    That's amazing that you're coming over my way! I have never done Hadrian's Wall myself (it was on my list, but now I don't think my hip will ever be up to it). I really hope your knee co-operates. Although there are some lovely sights in that part of the world... Scotland in particular. Would love to hear more about where you're going and what you're planning!

    I'm OK with the weather. It's colder but not really, really cold here at the moment. It's just a bit dark and miserable, with a lot of rain. I'm having to force myself to go out. I'm still not feeling at full capacity yet. Really hoping I feel better in the spring.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I could have SWORN i did a long post in the past few days.. but i dont see it so its possible i'm losing my mind... if you see a little grey thing bouncing around the floor send it back will ya ?

    Suzy.. omg.. 11 people lol.. i know it was spread out a bit with other family but still.. i hope you had a lovely celebration together.. its funny until I became an adult i never understood why my mom was never that hungry at holiday dinners.. we couldnt wait to tear into everything but she never ate a lot.. now i know why yes its exhausting when you're doing all the cooking and you have 0 appetite by the time its on the table!

    i hope the physio is working for you knee.. i have been trying to be much more diligent with my back physio doing the stretches.. i keep the yoga mat on the floor now full time.. in front of my tv in the living room.. nobody ever comes here and its just me so that way i am guilted into them every time i sit on the couch and see it laying beside it...

    WOWSA on the trip!! that would be amazing! I spent a month in England when i was 17 but i can barely remember it and of course, nowadays it would be a much different trip at this age.. way less partying and much more sightseeing! I've never been to Scotland either and my dad's side of the family are all from there so i really should have - i may have to get you to visit a few places on my behalf... rumour has it some distant relative owns a pub in Aberdeen .....look him up for me will ya?? LOLOL

    Our winter appears to have started the past few days.. no snow yet but the temps have dropped significantly to around -2C .. not full on cold but after such a lovely november of 13C my body is in shock lol.. it doesnt like it!

    I've been keeping pretty busy between the retiree group and my volunteer work.. unfortunately i have also been using that as an excuse for crappy eating... i know my blood sugar has skyrocketed and even tho i know that should have been a sign to smarten up .. nope .. the crap continued... plus i havent been exercising at all.. no pb just an occasional walk... today i had to pay the piper.. i had to do bloodwork last week and my doc called late today.. she has given me 2 weeks to get my blood sugars back down or its back on the meds.. in the back of my head i knew it was coming...i think some warped part of me thot well she's gonna put u back on them you might as well go whole hog and pig out now.. and i actually figured she would tell me today to start them back up.. but i have a 2 week reprieve and by god.. i am going to work my butt off getting them back down. i am so mad at myself.. i worked so hard to get off the meds.. i haven't gained any weight but i have been existing on pure crap so tomorrow morning the cycle breaks and i'm back to proper eating.. and moving every single day..

    i hate that it gets dark by 5pm now... i seriously believe the lack of daylight messes with us mentally and emotionally .. i actually put xmas lights up around my condo.. just strands from the dollar store twisted around a floor lamp stem and looped around a glass/iron table.. as well as a few battery operated candles.. but it brings a bit of cheer in the dark evenings...

    Tomorrow i have 28 of my retirees coming out for our first bowling event.. we try to do it once or twice a month over the winter its harder to find things to do indoors without crowding people and this is ideal as there is loads of space ... i did host a trivia afternoon at one of the community centres.. it was only $60 to rent the room for 2 hrs and i had 30 ppl so it only cost everyone $2 ... i spent weeks tho coming up with questions suitable to our generation lol.. and making up weird categories but it seemed to be a big hit so its another possible to repeat in january or february..

    We have our final event of the year on Dec 8th which is our christmas lunch together.. we decided to have it a bit early in the month as people tend to get pretty busy after that... i have plans to get together with 2 old friends on the 10th and the 13th .. so that will be nice and just hope the weather holds for the travel involved in those.. i am only doing 2 shifts a week at the red cross which has worked out well and i'll volunteer to work xmas day if they need someone as all my family is down east so the day doesnt really matter for me .. i'll make myself a nice xmas dinner christmas eve and then i can have lovely leftovers on christmas day with no work and no clean up.. my fav kind of meal LOL..

    SO that's me all caught up... if you're still awake any plans for you guys for the holidays?? Vail i do hope you find you are feeling better every day.......
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm sorry Snoozie, but I really laughed at you making the most of it when you thought you were going to back on meds anyway! I'm sure I would have done exactly the same! Good luck getting back to better eating.

    I don't know if I said I'm having some (more) expensive dental work at the moment. I lost a crown and it needs an implant. I had the tooth out yesterday and I've been so tired ... I was already tired after having a cold. So no, not quite getting better yet, But I think I'm struggling with the winter too, and that I'll be better in the spring.

    It's cold here just now. We have had snow and I think it's -5C tonight. In a few days I'm off on my trip to Hamburg and Helsinki and it's even colder over there. I didn't really think that through when I was planning it!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail.. i must be losing my mind.. i DO remember the extensive dental work, and after having gone thru some nightmare dental myself.. i cringe just reading about yours.. but NOWHERE do i remember seeing you going on a trip to HELSINKI and HAMBURG??? HOW did i miss that??? omg..... can you see me turning green with envy?? altho .. umm.. yes its likely to be colder there LOL... but still how fabulous!! Just layer up .. and layer.. and layer!!

    im so sorry you are still trying to recover from the cold and of course your earlier bout with covid... if possible use the few days before you go to just REST as much as possible.. which i know sounds ludicrous if you have to get ready for a trip.... is it a tour group ? how long? honestly im gonna go back thru the threads because i swear i don't remember hearing about this... can i come ?????????? altho its getting cold here and we had our first snow today.. not enuf to stay but .. not sure i want more cold right now lol.. but i truly hope you can get some rest and the the worst of the dental is now behind you.. im guessing the extraction site has to heal before the implant goes in... but then again these days maybe they put it in right away... either way i DO feel for you i had to have a similar treatment with several removed... so believe me when i say i feel for you!!! Sending gentle hugs
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I maybe didn't mention it! It has been a bit of a wild idea. The band I'm following have a festival in Hamburg, and it just so happens that this year I was able to get travel insurance, for a massive, massive premium because of my various health conditions, but I thought, I haven't been on a holiday abroad for years and years and maybe I'll just go for it to celebrate turning 60! You just never know what's going to happen healthwise, and I might not get another chance.

    So it's not a tour, just booked with another, younger fan, and we also know some other fans who are going. We are sharing a room, which I hate, ha ha! But Hamburg is quite expensive. We managed to get tickets to a warm up gig they are doing a couple of nights before, then a day seeing the sights, then the next day is the festival and we also managed to get tickets to the afterparty. We are staying in the red light district, apparently, as that's where the afterparty is!

    Then I fly back home and then hopefully off to Helsinki for another gig. I'm going on my own to that one, and have booked a nice hotel and also have a ticket for a meet and greet with the band. I've never been to Finland so this will be a first!

    This was all planned before I realised I was going to have to pay a fortune for a new boiler and dental work!

    Thank you for the empathy with the dental work! Yes, it has really taken it out of me. I wish I could rest up, but unfortunately I'm working up until the day before I fly out. Yes, it will take a while before I get the implant. I need to build up bone, apparently, and get my gums in really good condition. So will be a long drawn out process, and I also didn't realise that the implant is just like the tooth root: the tooth bit that you see is a separate crown and that doesn't go on until a few months after the implant. So I will continue to have a gappy smile for at least six months!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg Vail.. that's AMAZING!! I'M SO excited for you.. not only cause of the 2 trips but that you get to see your fav band plus with the meet and greets/backstage passes.. wowsa!! WHAT agreat way to celebrate your birthday!!

    and yes it never fails $$ wise.. you spend then something big breaks down and you think really??? But we all know that always happens so better we seize the moment and get to play anyway!!

    and yep on the dental... ugh.... i was wondering if you had to have a bone implant as i know the bone has to be strong enuf to take the screw ... i didnt realize tho the top had to wait til after the screw set in the bone but i guess that makes sense.. these days they have come so far with dental implants i see "mini" implants are now available whatever the hell those are.. but i was in a somewhat similar boat with the gaps for a while too.. different boat, different storm but i can at least empathize with you for sure! Im not gonna tell you how much THAT cost me cause im sure you already know the joy of that aspect of it on top of hte pain and the gaps.. ugh...

    I truly hope tho you have a fabulous amazing time!!! and i hear ya on the not being thrilled with sharing a room but really - who cares... its basically just so you have somewhere to crash between the partying anyway ... so have a wonderful time enjoy every minute and we wanna hear details when you get back!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    edited December 2023
    Well, I'm back now. What a trip! Hamburg and Helsinki were both beautiful. It was snowing in both cities, particularly Helsinki where it snowed the whole time I was there and was so cold that my phone battery kept shutting down! Unbelievably, I queued outside for hours to get to the front to see the band I like and did get front row at two of the venues, one of them a huge arena concert with thousands of people! I also stayed up till the early hours at the afterparty, dancing! I really loved both cities.

    I have lots of details to share, but don't really know where to start! It has been such an adventure! I got a hug from one of the band for my birthday! And also got a hug from somebody I recognised at one of the gigs as doing a podcast that I follow.

    I had a sauna in Finland, home of the sauna! And so many other things. Just amazing. I miss both places! Back home now and back at work tomorrow.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg Vail... it sounds like you had the adventure of a lifetime!! What a fab way to spend your birthday and getting the hugs total gifts!! Honestly im so impressed that you decided this was what you wanted to do and went for it!! I'll take any more details even if its in bits and pieces lol!! Truly it sounds almost magical and i'm so happy you had such an amazing time!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Wow! What a fantastic trip, Vail! It sounds like everything you were hoping for and then some. I’m so happy that you did this for yourself. I hope all the dental work went well before you went and gave you no problems.

    Snoozie, how is the senior group going? How was the Christmas gathering? I love the trivia idea but I’m a huge Jeopardy fan. lol. Did you meet up with your friends as well?

    How did your bloodwork go? Were you able to get your numbers down? I’ve been a total ostrich and have buried my head deep deep in the sand regarding my bloodwork. I was supposed to “change my ways” and redo my tests months ago. I’m just ignoring it knowing full well that it’s not going to get better by itself.

    Sorry I’ve been absent for so long. Thanksgiving and all our company went really well. It was very hectic with a lot going on but everyone pitched in and helped with cooking and cleaning. We played new card games and laughed and had a wonderful time. I’m so glad it was just three nights/two days! lol. Now Christmas is upon us! Our son and daughter in law are coming back to spend it with us. The day after they leave my nephew and his family are coming for a couple days. So, I actually had to decorate this year. Haha!

    I want to start the new year with a plan, with a strong motivation to actually make some progress towards my health goals. I’ve got to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m 62, getting older every day and NOT going into my senior years as healthy and strong as I NEED to be.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy i'm so glad your TG was lovely.. and now sounds like you will have a great Christmas surrounded by family!! Better health goals are also in my plan for the new year I just need to sit and for me, set some beginning goals ... but i plan to start a day or 2 before the new year.. too much pressure for me when its on Jan 1st lol haha.

    I wish you and Vail both a very Merry Christmas, and for all of us a happy and healthy New Year with lots of new adventures and opportunities!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Merry Christmas to you both and let’s hope for a happy healthy New Year!!

    Maybe for next year our topic can be something like:
    2024: a new year and a new start
    2024: one day at a time to better health
    ???? I’m open to anything.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    love the idea of tossing out topic ideas to start the new year Suzy.. i like both the ones you mentioned... just tossing in a couple more potentials

    Take Charge: Be HEALTHY, Be HAPPY

    A healthier you.. today

    It never gets easier, you just get stronger

    Do something today that your body will thank you tomorrow for.

    Wellness is a connection of paths: knowledge and action.

    Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Ooooooh….that last one resonates with me. I like it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i have to admit Suzy i liked that one too!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm having problems posting here so hope this gets through. Yes, that last one is great! We waste far too much energy beating ourselves up about the past, whether it's yesterday, last week or years ago. We need to start from where we are, without judgment.

    I kind of needed that thought, as I am fed up today about the weight I've gained in December, but what's done is done, and I can start right now to get things right again. But it also applies to other things ... I like the general outlook of not being bound by your circumstances in the way that you think you are.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I came across this little ditty today so thot i'd share as we're only a few days away from the New Year...

    As we approach the closing chapter of another year, it's the perfect moment to reflect on all the beautiful possibilities that lie ahead in the new year. And what better way to kick off 2024 than with some self-care—because your body & mind deserve it.

    I kinda like thinking of my goal for 2024 in getting healthier as "self care" rather than "weight loss" or "exercise" or whatever.. but thats just me lol but i thought i'd share it anyway cause i liked it ha

    so i think we all agree we like "Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start" as our motivator/daily reminder for 2024? if so we can make it our topic for next year's thread..

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail btw.. i loved this from your post.. "We waste far too much energy beating ourselves up about the past, whether it's yesterday, last week or years ago. We need to start from where we are, without judgment."

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I love the approach of our journey to good health being self care. I feel like I spend so much time and energy on caring for others so I think I struggle with self care. That will be a major goal/mission/approach for me in 2024.

    Vail, I hear your frustration in your comment about putting on weight in December. You have come so far and are doing so well. I know you’ll get back on track. We all will. We’ve got this!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Happy New Year Suzy & Vail!!

    I just realized you hit NY a few hours before us, Vail - so i started our new 2024 thread to make sure it was up before 2024 in England!! Here's the link to our new 2024 discussion
